The Official Status Thread

  • FoxDev

    @accalia said:

    that's not a nice thing to do to an ally.

    But nibbling is acceptable, I buttume? 😄

  • @Jaloopa said:

    Does that even apply to third party only insurance? I can see it would make sense for fully comprehensive or fire & theft, but when you're only insured for the liability to others I wouldn't have thought it would matter

    Yeah, though not as much. Not sure why, since we didn't get the underlying data that supported the rating algorithms.

  • FoxDev

    @RaceProUK said:

    But nibbling is acceptable, I buttume?

    only with consent a priori.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    They didn't: they got it cheaper because statistically they have less accidents and smaller claims


    Every rating factor used in the US has to either be:

    1. Statistically*/measurably supported.
      - OR -
    2. Under review for statistical significance.

    About the only thing I am aware of in he second category right now is the GPS factor that has recently been added to Progressive's Snapshot program. Gender has been shown to have a measurable statictical impact on accident rates.

    * As previously mentioned, those stats may come from the underwriters own records.

  • Status: Our test systems have a problem where if you install the proper USB controller driver in Windows 7, you lose the ability to use any USB devices, which is kind of important in these post-PS/2 interface days. So I didn't install them and all was well. Sometime between then and now, Windows Update helpfully auto-installed the driver, and now the systems are completely unusable.


    @accalia said:

    belgian chocolate

    Not really a space ship but what about a chocolate dart vader?

  • Does that lightsaber say "JEWS" on it?


    @ben_lubar said:


    Jens, a common scandinavian name.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Luhmann said:

    Not really a space ship but what about a chocolate dart vader?

    Why does Darth Vader have lobster claws for hands?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @mott555 said:

    Our test systems have a problem where if you install the proper USB controller driver in Windows 7, you lose the ability to use any USB devices

    Wait, what? How the hell does that bug happen??

  • Sometimes I seriously wonder WTF one of my former coworkers was thinking.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Polygeekery said:

    Why does Darth Vader have lobster claws for hands?

    He's not just Darth Vader. He's LEGO® Darth Vader.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @dkf said:


    It's a moot point.

    @dkf for the WHOOSH! -B

    Mod - PJH.

    Testing UUIDs: 6ab865b7-1b48-403b-b126-25fe3e0a8fa6


    @Polygeekery said:

    lobster claws

    because: @Zoidberg !

  • It's good cholesterol, but it spreads like bad cholesterol.


    @aliceif said:

    Sometimes I seriously wonder WTF one of my former coworkers was thinking.

    Lucky one ... only sometimes ...

  • @Polygeekery said:

    Wait, what? How the hell does that bug happen??

    Beats me. It's an ASUS Z87-A motherboard, and the issue only happens on Windows 7. Windows 8 is fine as are the various Linuxes.

  • kills Dumbledore

    Status: Still can't see :headdesk: as anything other than a cat, facing left, throwing up. I've seen the full size version and know what it's meant to be, but my head just won't accept that

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Jaloopa said:

    Still can't see as anything other than a cat, facing left, throwing up.

    Yep, same here.

  • Status: Finding out why a program takes 17 seconds to save its parameters to a leveldb database.
    Relevant strace output:

    mmap(NULL, 65536, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, 8, 0) = 0x7fa5bc8d3000
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d3000, 8192, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d4000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d4000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d4000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8d4000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    ---- SNIP 607 lines ...
    msync(0x7fa5bc8dd000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0
    msync(0x7fa5bc8dd000, 4096, MS_SYNC)    = 0

    So for each one of the ~700 parameters, which are about 32 bytes each, the program will write 4096 bytes to the hard drive and wait until it’s done before continuing. Brillant!

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @mott555 said:

    Beats me. It's an ASUS Z87-A motherboard, and the issue only happens on Windows 7. Windows 8 is fine as are the various Linuxes.

    That just doesn't make sense. When you find out how the hell that happens, I would love to know.

  • I was able to download an updated USB controller driver which fixed it, it seems Windows Update is not pushing out the latest driver. :wtf:

    Getting the driver on the system was a bit convoluted. I did find exactly ONE PS/2 keyboard (motherboard has one PS/2 port on it thankfully) in the lab so I could log in, but the bad USB driver also killed the NIC so no Internet access. I had to download it via another OS, drop it in the Windows partition, reboot, then install the driver using the keyboard only.

  • @mott555 said:

    Beats me. It's an ASUS Z87-A motherboard, and the issue only happens on Windows 7. Windows 8 is fine as are the various Linuxes.

    What's this about people saying Windows has perfect hardware compatibility?

  • FoxDev

    @tarunik said:

    What's this about people saying Windows has perfect hardware compatibility?

    Who actually says that though?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @RaceProUK said:

    Who actually says that though?

    People who also say that Windows doesn't crash...

  • It's not really Windows fault that ASUS has a crappy driver for their motherboard.

    /flamesuit on

  • kills Dumbledore

    I hear the opposite more often. People laughing at Windows reliability compared to Macs without considering the orders of magnitude difference in the amount of hardware configurations each OS supports

  • FoxDev

    @Polygeekery said:

    People who also say that Windows doesn't crash...

    i don't think we have anyone blakey like that around here, do we?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Would you give the constant posting of trash a goddamned rest? ;)

  • @Jaloopa said:


    This is probably a lost cause at this point in time. +1 though...

  • FoxDev

    @Polygeekery said:

    Would you give the constant posting of trash a goddamned rest?

    We have taken you suggestion under consideration and regret to inform you that by a vote of 149 to 148 your suggestion has been rejected.

    Please feel free to offer more suggestions in the future, secure in the knowledge that they will be considered with every bit of care and consideration as any other suggestion from any other source.

    Thank you and have a fluffy day.

    filed under: totally not a cut and paste

  • @tarunik said:

    What's this about people saying Windows has perfect hardware compatibility?

    They're saying that it doesn't?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @loopback0 said:

    Or is it being left until someone has time to award the badge?

    Today's a holiday in the US, so my Monday activity will be spotty this week. And it's always spotty on weekends.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Yeah - sorted now anyway, just didn't want Discosocks to have eaten the flags.

  • Status: Going to lunch to hopefully get in a better mood after losing 2 hours of work due to VS/our source control (SourceGear Vault) reverting a few files changes unprompted.

    Update: Nope.

  • Why the fucking fuckity-fuck does fucking Discourse keep notifying me about fucking updates in a fucking topic I've fucking told it I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO HEAR ABOUT?????

  • FoxDev

    i'm guessing:

    • server cooties
    • someone's hidden @mentioning you

  • No, it's just the broken-by-design fact that muted topics still show up in "Latest." And that a flame war is causing that topic to be updated every 5 seconds.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    muted topics still show up in "Latest."

    All because Muting works differently between topics and categories, while Tracking and Watching don't.

    And yes, it's annoying as shit to me too.

  • FoxDev



    it also triggers topic updates if someone edits a post in the topic, and i'm like 90% sure it also counts flagging a post, and liking a post. maybe even bookmarking or linking....

  • FoxDev

    @ChaosTheEternal said:

    while Tracking and Watching don't.

    because they are applied to topics on topic creation in trackled and watching categories.

    observer what happens when you create a topic in a category you have muted and it is moved to a non muted category. the topic stays muted even though it was the category that muted it not you.

    rather counter intuitive to me!

  • @accalia said:

    because they are applied to topics on topic creation in trackled and watching categories.

    Muted is not. Topics created in Muted categories are "Regular" by default. That's what is counter-intuitive.

    @accalia said:

    [moving topics]

    Moving topics doesn't change what their tracking is, the topic keeps its former level. The only time you have an oddity is if you move a Tracked/Watched topic to a Muted category, where you get the phantom "new" or "unread" counters, like I was seeing when you'd made the topic in General that got moved to Articles (or when people make topics that get moved to One Post).

  • FoxDev

    @ChaosTheEternal said:

    Moving topics doesn't change what their tracking is

    might be a perspective but i would expect all topics to be at regular unless manually changed by user interaction. topics in a watched/tracked/muted category get the category settings applied to them if not overridden by user interaction. then when moved the new categories defaults apply.

    that might not be the most logical way to do it, but it would be consistent.

  • @accalia said:

    would be consistent

    Where do you think we are?



    On a more serious note:

    @accalia said:

    topics to be at regular unless manually changed by user interaction

    Except Discourse will automatically put you in Tracking if you read a topic long enough (per your preferences) or if you add a post to the topic. It will make it Watching by default if it is your topic (I'd prefer it to be Tracking, but I can live with it, I rarely start topics anyways).

    To a degree, I understand where they are coming from by having it automatically bump you up to Tracking if you have an interest in a topic (by reading or replying), so if the topic would get moved, you still have it Tracking, no matter the category and your category preferences (with the obvious exception of Muted categories, which I feel is more a bug than intended, but it's one that they aren't bothering to fix, even though it'd been pointed out to them).

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @accalia said:

    i would expect all topics to be at regular unless manually changed by user interaction

    Check your settings. I have everything default to tracking.

  • FoxDev

    @boomzilla said:

    Check your settings. I have everything default to tracking.

    so do I, but i file that under user action (i took an action to change the default.)

  • Is it just me, or does Discourse need its diaper changed again?

  • Status: is now slightly more automated. My Dwarf Fortress AI will automatically make a new fortress if it fails and will automatically generate a new world if there are no good locations for a fortress. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to make ffmpeg cooperate at quite the same level, so the stream will still go down every time my ISP gives me a new IP address.

  • FoxDev

    @ben_lubar said:

    so the stream will still go down every time my ISP gives me a new IP address.

    is this a thing that happens regularly?

    if so is there literally any other ISP you could sign up for? because DAMN!

  • Minor WTF of the day: One of our driver packages has an issue. The 32-bit package is identical to the 64-bit package, only with the description changed. It even has 64-bit binaries! The 32-bit Windows test systems don't really like it.

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