Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra Mine's missing the part 7I0 🤷♀

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @loopback0 said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Gustav said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I'd have trouble using turn signals if they were on the right side, too.

    I've driven cars with the indicator stalk on the right-hand side before. You get used to it pretty quickly after you've accidentally turned the wipers on a couple of times.

    The same could be said about roads where the traffic flows in the opposite direction...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra if the traffic is flowing in the opposite direction, you're on the wrong side of the road. HTH.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @loopback0 said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Gustav said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I'd have trouble using turn signals if they were on the right side, too.

    I've driven cars with the indicator stalk on the right-hand side before. You get used to it pretty quickly after you've accidentally turned the wipers on a couple of times.

    The same could be said about roads where the traffic flows in the opposite direction...

    It's easy in heavy traffic; lots of other cars going the same sort of way to act as visual guides. But you can go horribly wrong on quiet streets.


    @Gustav said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @boomzilla that actually explains a lot. I'd have trouble using turn signals if they were on the right side, too.

    That’s where every car I’ve ever seen has it. Just like having the steering wheel on the correct side too.

    Not covered in cobwebs, though – that’s the trick, anyone who can’t indicate gets killed by a spider sooner 🍹

  • Not driving but parking.

    How could you claim insurance in this case? Car theft or what?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @cheong said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Not driving but parking.

    How could you claim insurance in this case? Car theft or what?

    That'd fall under comprehensive (acts of God or nature) coverage.

    The same as if you struck a deer (compared to striking another car or the ditch, which is part of collision coverage for the damage to your own car). Which... at least in the part of the country where I live, the price for typical comprehensive coverage is less than half of the cost of collision coverage, so sometimes when your car is getting longer in the tooth to the point where full coverage doesn't make economic sense, people will drop collision but keep comprehensive for protection against hail / deer strikes / etc. Which leads to a fun decision, where if you're driving down the road and a deer pops out in front of you, you might not want to swerve, since if you fail to stop and strike the deer, it's covered (comprehensive), but if you oversteer and wind up in the ditch it's not covered (collision).

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Status: Next y'all gonna tell me that little triangle next to the ⛽ indicator tells me which side of the vehicle the fuel inlet is on!

    Haha, you mean the driver handedness indicator?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @izzion said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Which leads to a fun decision, where if you're driving down the road and a deer pops out in front of you, you might not want to swerve, since if you fail to stop and strike the deer, it's covered (comprehensive), but if you oversteer and wind up in the ditch it's not covered (collision).

    It all depends on how much space you have to store venison.

  • @dkf But taking your road kill home would be illegal in 🇩🇪 - very high fines, likely prison sentences ("Wilderei" - poaching).

  • @dkf Hunting from (or with) a vehicle is illegal in many places. I know for a fact it is in Finland, England, and the U.S. (except Nebraska).

    Most of The West probably have the same rules, for the same reasons.

    While e.g. England allows taking roadkill home, it might be hard to convince the police that you weren't hunting if there was no attempt to avoid the collision.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @acrow said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    While e.g. England allows taking roadkill home, it might be hard to convince the police that you weren't hunting if there was no attempt to avoid the collision.

    Even if you had attempted to avoid the collision, it's only legal to pick up roadkill if someone else killed it.

  • Banned

    In Poland, it's perfectly legal to take roadkill home if you're fast and inconspicuous enough. That's why we prefer vans over pickups.

  • Java Dev

    I have driven a vehicle with one stalk, on the right side of the wheel, controlling: indicators (up/down), full beam/half beam (inwards), wipers (dial) and the horn (button). All in one, very convenient!

    The most confusion happens when going back to a regular car after and keeping on turning on the wipers instead of the indicators.

  • Considered Harmful

    No vehicle does well on actual collision with an actual deer. Either the Euros are overstating their bloodthirst for road Bambi or their deer are the size of large housecats.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gribnit said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    No vehicle does well on actual collision with an actual deer.

    It's not an elk, the vehicle will be fine.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Gribnit said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    No vehicle does well on actual collision with an actual deer.

    It's not an elk, the vehicle will be fine.

    Every vehicle I know of to have hit a whitetail deer reports differently. Are you thinking of an animal smaller, or larger, than a Great Dane?

    And although I do live in North America, I prefer my sisters bitten by reindeer.

  • 757b1d58-c1e8-40c2-a42c-f2522bd78d19-image.png

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    edit: looks like a Google Maps car drove by shortly after one of those incidents

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gribnit said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Are you thinking of an animal smaller, or larger, than a Great Dane?

    Red Deer are about twice the weight of a Great Dane; they stand taller and are longer in the body too. If you are going to drive into one, you'd best be sure first that your A-pillars are up to the impact, because the front bumper is probably not going to have much to do with it.

    Also, deer are both stupid and suicidal, liking to jump out in front of vehicles at about dusk when it is relatively difficult to spot them at the edge of the road.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    liking to jump out in front of vehicles at about dusk when it is relatively difficult to spot them at the edge of the road.

    And conversely, from the opposite side, depending on where the water is.

  • @loopback0 said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Woman's house hit by three cars in eight months

    That road junction is Epping dangerous! The town should Epping fix it!

  • @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @loopback0 said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Woman's house hit by three cars in eight months

    That road junction is Epping dangerous! The town should Epping fix it!

    Seems like there's a simple solution - just drive a bunch of those crash barrier posts into the sidewalk. Let the drivers wrap their cars around those instead.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dcon But that would involve public expenditure for private benefit despite her not having even a hundred million in offshore assets!!!

  • @dkf said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Gribnit said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Are you thinking of an animal smaller, or larger, than a Great Dane?

    Red Deer are about twice the weight of a Great Dane; they stand taller and are longer in the body too. If you are going to drive into one, you'd best be sure first that your A-pillars are up to the impact, because the front bumper is probably not going to have much to do with it.

    Also, deer are both stupid and suicidal, liking to jump out in front of vehicles at about dusk when it is relatively difficult to spot them at the edge of the road.

    It also depends a bit on the car, I hit one of those with my outback, and only got a bit of plastic damage on the front bumper, and a broken fastener for the headlight. I've also hit a couple of roe deer, they do much less damage. Still no elk, but those motherfuckers are big, and if you are unlucky, they will manage to end up with their legs through the windshield, and summarily kick you to death in panicked thrashing.
    I've passed by one such accident, and I was also in hospital with a woman whose neck got properly snapped by an elk obliterating the A-pillars and invading the first seats.

  • @loopback0 said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    edit: looks like a Google Maps car drove by shortly after one of those incidents

    How about having a wall that's a bit sturdier than a brick wall? Say, reinforced concrete, that goes deep into the ground. And then some nice fake brick sidling on it to make it look nice?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    How about having a wall that's a bit sturdier than a brick wall?

    Looking at the location, I'd suggest putting a nice strong speed table across the side road opposite since there's obviously a speeding problem there.

  • @dkf You mean, instead of going up, it's going down?

  • @dkf said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    How about having a wall that's a bit sturdier than a brick wall?

    Looking at the location, I'd suggest putting a nice strong speed table across the side road opposite since there's obviously a speeding problem there.

    So cars would be launched into their house instead of hitting it from the ground?

    I'd suggest some crash posts like they have outside of big stores. Make them look like part of their fence.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Parody said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    So cars would be launched into their house instead of hitting it from the ground?

    Well, that would be awesome. (It doesn't need to be hard on the corner.)

    I also hope that all the idiots who crash get prosecuted for dangerous driving (equivalent to a felony in the US). They're obviously driving far too fast in a reckless (but not wreck-less) fashion.

  • @Gustav said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    In Poland, it's perfectly legal to take roadkill home if you're fast and inconspicuous enough.

    perfectly legal


    :frystare: You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

    But yeah, more or less the same here. Officially it's illegal, but if no one sees you no one will bother you -- and in the countryside it's not hard to find a hunter who will give you a hand to butcher it and have a large-enough freezer to store it.

    I've even heard stories of people in the countryside calling the police (mostly because they were in shock after the impact and didn't know what to do), and the police telling them they were not going to come (since no human was hurt in that case) and that if the deer couldn't be found on the roadside later, well, who's to know if it managed to drag itself to die a bit further in the woods, mmm?

    Deer vs. car has a high likelihood of driver going back home with a deer. Boar vs. car, OTOH, may well end up with an ambulance needed on site, and no boar visible (it's unlikely to survive but it may not be killed by the immediate impact -- those fuckers are like body-armour on legs).

  • Java Dev

    @dkf said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    How about having a wall that's a bit sturdier than a brick wall?

    Looking at the location, I'd suggest putting a nice strong speed table across the side road opposite since there's obviously a speeding problem there.

    I'd rather consider what is colloquially known here as a launch installation. Something which does not actually damage your car's suspension, but sure feels like it when crossed at more than 20 km/h.

  • @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

    No, that's juste a subtle Polish nuance that can't be translated.

  • @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    those fuckers are like body-armour on legs

    A number of years ago, I was biking through the hills, and I saw a small herd of feral pigs crossing the road ahead. I gave those guys a wide berth. No way I was going to get near them on a bike.

  • @HardwareGeek I see wild boars semi-regularly in the countryside, but usually from afar. There are herds roaming around, hunters try to shoot a few every year but aren't very successful (OTOH, maybe if they got their lazy asses out of bed and started the hunt early in the morning rather than at 11am, they'd stand a better chance to catch them close to where the boars spend the night!). We once put a trail cam pointing at a heap of horse dung and the next morning we had countless pictures of them digging in the shit (to find worms) and wallowing in it.

    I have two childhood memories of closer encounters with them though. We did a lot of hiking, and once we saw a whole family of boars crossing the path a few meters in front of us. I vividly remember those tiny piglets with their distinctive stripes, though we probably only saw them for a few seconds. I remember my parents being very careful to wait a long time before continuing, to make sure we were not putting ourselves between an straggler and the rest of its family.

    Another time I was walking a bit in front of my parents (maybe 10-20 m) and as I went round a bend of the path I saw a lone boar about 10 m in front of me. I froze in place, the boar did the same. I don't really remember exactly how it went but I think the boar must have wondered whether a tiny human child warranted going away (he had no reason to attack me seeing he was alone, he was probably just minding his own business). So he just looked at me for a few seconds (me doing the same of course), until my parents turned the bend and the boar decided it was wiser to go away. I wasn't frightened, more surprised than anything, but I think the same went for the boar, since he just went away on a leisurely trot.

    Both are rather happy memories, but I still prefer to keep a good distance between me and them.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Parody said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dkf said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    How about having a wall that's a bit sturdier than a brick wall?

    Looking at the location, I'd suggest putting a nice strong speed table across the side road opposite since there's obviously a speeding problem there.

    So cars would be launched into their house instead of hitting it from the ground?

    I'd suggest some crash posts like they have outside of big stores. Make them look like part of their fence.

    Or like flowerbeds, if you go with concealed hydraulic popups. A camera is also needed. I can watch cars hit bollards for... dozens of minutes.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @hungrier strong KenM vibes from this one.

  • @boomzilla It could be fake. One comment in the Reddit thread says it was real and happened in Churchill County, Nevada, but the closest thing I can find to a confirmation is this article that just references that same Reddit thread:

  • @hungrier said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @boomzilla It could be fake. One comment in the Reddit thread says it was real and happened in Churchill County, Nevada, but the closest thing I can find to a confirmation is this article that just references that same Reddit thread:

    Despite the accident, she claimed in later comments that she was not a careless driver, and actually had 100 percent control over the car. It was instead that she was trying to slow down that caused the accident.

    I've been known for doing dumb shit in cars in my youth. Well, more often back then...
    But I wouldn't claim to have had 100% control prior to any of my off road excursions. Except for the ones where I went off road on purpose... But even with purpose, going of road at 70 with street tires makes it all not quite 100% control...
    Sooo... I guess she was going though a bend, got scared at the speed and slammed the brakes. And that is a great way to go completely out of control.

  • @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    hunters try to shoot a few every year but aren't very successful

    A couple of years ago a colleague who was a hunter told me that when there are rape fields around, the boars will spend most of the time hidden there and it's impossible to hunt them because you can't see them well enough to be sure what you are shooting at.

    … which leaves the time after the rape is harvested for hunting, but the time in the rape gives them enough room to breed faster than they can be hunted.

  • @hungrier Going back through the reddit thread and the OP's comments, I've learned a few more details:

    • It happened on May 29, 2022, around 2 PM
    • Some other commenters in the thread who say they're local to the area saw it on Facebook before it was deleted
    • Supposedly the audio from the sheriff or fire dispatch is available in the Broadcastify archive, but that requires a premium subscription

  • @Bulb said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    the rape gives them enough room to breed

    That whole post is (intentional or not) QooC :bait:.

  • @HardwareGeek It wasn't my idea to name that plant after a violent sexual assault 😜. It might be significant that it is a beloved plant of the environmental lunatics though.

  • @Bulb said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    It wasn't my idea to name that plant after a violent sexual assault

    Blame the Romans.

    :pendant: The name comes from the Latin word for turnip, rapa or rapum, to which it is closely related. It is in the cabbage family. Rape, also called rapeseed and canola, is Brassica napus subsp. napus. B. napus is a natural (?) hybrid between B. oleracea (varieties of which include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, etc.) and B. rapa (varieties of which include turnip, bok choy, and napa cabbage). B. napus also encompasses the subspecies B. napus subsp. rapifera (rutabaga) and variety pabularia (Siberian kale).

    Plants in the cabbage family are known for many varieties bred for the use of specific plant parts — leaves, stems, roots, flower buds, etc. (E.g., cabbage is grown for its leaves, broccoli for its unopened flower buds, and Brussels sprouts for leafy lateral buds.) As the name rapeseed suggests, rape is grown for its oily seeds. The oil contains erucic acid, which is a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. The name canola is used for rapeseed oil from varieties that have been bred for a low erucic acid content. (Erucic acid has been shown to cause heart disease in animal studies, and quantities in oil for human consumption have been regulated in a number of countries. However, the relevance of these studies to human health is questionable. Rats are unusually unable to process dietary erucic acid, and similar health effects have not been observed in studies on any other animals.)

  • Banned

  • @Bulb said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    A couple of years ago a colleague who was a hunter told me that when there are rape fields around, the boars will spend most of the time hidden there and it's impossible to hunt them because you can't see them well enough to be sure what you are shooting at.

    … which leaves the time after the rape is harvested for hunting, but the time in the rape gives them enough room to breed faster than they can be hunted.

    I don't think that's really the issue around here, because the growing vs. hunting season. Hunting is only allowed in autumn/winter (roughly September-March, though there are variations both locally and per hunted species), and during that time rape is just a low weed (10-20 cm high). It's sowed at the end of summer and spends the winter making roots without growing much, and only shoots to full height in spring, at the very end of the hunting season.

    Boars here seem to prefer to hide/wallow in the wet bits of woodlands in the gullies between the fields. Which also causes problems for hunters because obviously woodland is not very easy to see through, and wet/gullies means it's hard to go around on foot (unless you're a boar and just trample through the mud). But mostly because the houses are also all in the small valleys between fields (the good land was used for fields, not houses!), meaning that the hunters can't really hunt anything in those areas (too close to houses, both for walking through the woods unimpeded, and for shooting safely).

  • @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    because the growing vs. hunting season. Hunting is only allowed in autumn/winter (roughly September-March, though there are variations both locally and per hunted species)

    Hunting season should be adjusted according to the population of each species—so when wild pigs are overpopulated, which is now, the hunting season should be open throughout the year.

  • @Bulb I don't disagree, but then again since most areas here are at least "dual use" you also have to take into account other uses (typically tourism, hiking etc. but also farming). It might be easier to manage the whole countryside if there are times when you can just say "no hunting of any sort happens during this month."

    In any case it's kind of 🐄 here because no significant extension of hunting times will ever happen. The public mood is very much against hunting (and TBF there is a regular stream of individual hunters behaving like total morons and giving very good arguments to their opponents!) and I don't think it's likely to change soon.

    Also, if hunters were a bit more motivated and spent less time sleeping and chatting, they'd be more efficient. Around my home, a few years back boar hunting parties started early and by 10 am they were done and winding down. Now, when I go out at 10am I see them gathering and chatting, taking their time to position people and they start things at 11am or later. And then they wonder why the boars aren't anywhere in the woods near to their night haunt. Well duh, do you think the boars are warthogs that just kneel and wait for you?

  • Banned

    @Zerosquare said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @remi said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

    No, that's juste a subtle Polish nuance that can't be translated.

    You're laughing but there is lots of nuance regarding crime in Polish culture. You might say there are two kinds of crime - the illegal activity, and the immoral activity. And there's surprisingly little overlap between the two. For example, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks cheating on taxes is wrong, in any way, shape or form. Illegal, dangerous, ill-advised - yes; but hardly anyone would say it's wrong. On the other hand, cheating on employee wages is super wrong and a good way to get yourself beaten up in a dark alley in a very illegal but highly moral manner. Furthermore, there's strong distinction between technically illegal and actually illegal - as in, whether you can or cannot be effectively prosecuted for breaking a particular law. "It's not illegal if you don't get caught" is more than a joke to us; it's actually how we live our lives. Example: everyone drives exactly 9km/h over speed limit, because the police cannot give you a ticket unless it's at least 10 over (because of measurement error). And if it's known the police never patrol a particular area, the speed limit might as well not exist. My daily commute route in Breslau had a section with speed limit of 50 where the traffic never slowed below 80. Not a highway or anything - a regular city street with intersections and pedestrian crossings and so on that just happened to be 4 lanes for over a kilometer because reasons.

    Taking roadkill home is very much in the technically illegal category, unless you called the police for the accident then it becomes actually illegal. My dad did that mistake a couple years back - we missed out on a big beautiful stag 😢 In his defense, his puny European car was totaled in the collision, so he didn't exactly have a way to take it home. And it was a company car, so a police report was necessary.

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