📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™

  • A screenshot of a spam email (transcribed below)

    Dear Team at lubar.me,

    Not sure if you knew this but your website lubar.me has some problems that you
    might want to consider looking into. I spent 2-3 minutes looking around and

    • It doesn't work properly on Mobile Phones, at all (which is how people browse
      the web these days).
    • It doesn't adjust properly when you resize the screen (Google recommends
      RESPONSIVE Websites rather than ADAPTIVE)
    • It's hard to read on larger displays
    • The design looks really, really dated compared to some of your competitors.

    I actually do web design as a living so I figured I'd reach out and let you know
    there's serious room for dead easy(and affordable) improvement. If you would
    like, I can send you some of my previous work samples.

    For reference, here's the entirety of lubar.me:

    A photo of some cupcakes in a clear plastic bowl

  • b2cd1c19-f65e-4d9d-8bae-b300af75147a-image.png

    LOL. Nope.


    @dcon Oh, that must be where Wirecard parked their money!

  • Run of the mill recruiter spam, but I found the introduction amusing:

    This is Ravi Recruiter from WTF Systems, Inc.

    Almost verbatim; the only thing I've changed is the company name.



    Greetings from Enago!

    We are a global leader in author services and has helped over 2 million authors, in their publication journey. In order to maximize your chances of publication in High Impact Factor Journals, we have introduced Top Impact English Editing Service, a service designed to offer superlative level of scientific editing, English language check and review report.

    I have a feeling this needs some editing. :thonking:

  • Test spam...

    Return-Path: <test@pemkomedan.go.id>
    Received: from [] (port=59690 helo=ACC.farin.local)
    	by srv.pemkomedan.go.id with esmtp (Exim 4.93)
    	(envelope-from <test@pemkomedan.go.id>)
    Subject: Hello Good Day, 
    To: Recipients <test@pemkomedan.go.id>
    From: "Serge Issouf" <test@pemkomedan.go.id>

    Later on, that guy provides a Yandex email address also. Don't know if it's his real address or just some innocent man's.

    Obviously, the spammer hijacked a server administraed by an Indonesian government agency, the Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Medan (Office for Communication and Informatics of Medan town).

  • Just received a new kind of spam. This, I was not watched "having fun", but the "materials we have collected on you are very sensitive and can be easily used to blackmail you." The "processing fee" is $2,500.

    The mail reads as follows:

    Hello, I work as a Private Investigator.
    Our agency received a case with an objective of hacking into your email, phone, cloud storage, network and collecting intelligence.
    We work with hackers from China for tasks like that, and they are the best. As you can see, they did a good job. Your accounts and devices are compromised.
    But we do have an ethical protocol in place.
    After checking the background of the person who paid for the hacking and investigation on you, I have decided to come forward and offer you to buy the information about that person (name, contacts, emails and other proof).
    You will also get a report on yourself (including a list of compromised accounts, devices, logs, screenshots, photos and documents).
    Normally, we do not disclose sensitive information about our clients, but in this case we will be.

    Upon reviewing this case, I found that something illegal was planned against you.
    The materials we have collected on you are very sensitive and can be easily used to blackmail you.
    We usually address personal and corporate espionage cases, but this case is different.

    We have received a prepayment of 50% for your case from that person (total agreed upon cost was 12500 USD).
    However, I will give you a discount (without any profit for the agency), if you decide to buy this information.
    After we get the payment, I will get back to you. You have 2 business days to make the transfer. It will cost you 40% of the unpaid balance.

    We will process $2,500 payment through bitcoin. In case you have trouble with bitcoin, google how to fund it.
    Send BTC to this wallet 1H7QWKGzZP1XcY7ruE16X4nYhdbqRzMJ52

    It will be up to you what to do after you get the information. We will delete all files. The original client will get nothing and will never know about our deal.
    Please keep in mind, because I need to pay Chinese contractors, and if you decline this offer, I will have to go to the original client and send all intel to cover the costs.
    But at least you know that now and have a free heads up of what's coming.

  • Not worth the bother to look at the actual email, but here's the Subject and From from the daily spam filter report:


    Very :kneeling_warthog: spammer.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Apparently you can use friend requests to spam people.


    Yes, give me the 3dRudder for my VR! I always wanted a-- wait, that's not what kind of device it is? Well get out of here with that shit!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra What kind of parent names their child Anonymized?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zecc said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Tsaukpaetra What kind of parent names their child Anonymized?

    I changed the HTML to protect the (probably) innocent.

    Edit: Actually, I remember knowing a guy named "innocent". Yeah, really.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    The kind that raises a child that would go into marketing 🍹

  • Banned

    @Tsaukpaetra said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    Apparently you can use friend requests to spam people.

    You didn't know that? Invite spam is how I get 90% of my job interviews.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    Apparently you can use friend requests to spam people.

    You didn't know that? Invite spam is how I get 90% of my job interviews.

    I'll admit I don't LinkedIn all that much. Maybe I should start...

  • Banned

    @Tsaukpaetra said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    Apparently you can use friend requests to spam people.

    You didn't know that? Invite spam is how I get 90% of my job interviews.

    I'll admit I don't LinkedIn all that much.

    Like, you must've never logged in even once since setting up profile to not notice that. And pre-emptively disabled all email alerts too.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    Like, you must've never logged in even once since setting up profile to not notice that.

    I log in about as often as I log into my Facebook. I seem to have escaped the notice of people somehow.

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    And pre-emptively disabled all email alerts too.

    Auto-filtered to oblivion. Lemme check...


    Nope, I get alerts, just nothing really all that interesting so they get auto-archived. :mlp_shrug:

  • Banned

    @Tsaukpaetra You should've had emails that pretend to be from "Firstname Lastname <invitations@linkedin.com>" with subject "Tsaukpaetra, please add me to your LinkedIn network" and a full copy of invite message (ie. the job offer). But it's possible that your LinkedIn account works like your Windows servers.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Tsaukpaetra You should've had emails that pretend to be from "Firstname Lastname <invitations@linkedin.com>" with subject "Tsaukpaetra, please add me to your LinkedIn network" and a full copy of invite message (ie. the job offer). But it's possible that your LinkedIn account works like your Windows servers.

    Ah, yes, I have (apparently) 88 of those since I joined.


    Also summarily ignored or forgotted in the sea of other "pay attention to me!" emails.

  • Banned

    @Tsaukpaetra said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    Edit: Actually, I remember knowing a guy named "innocent". Yeah, really.

    It used to be more common.

    13 in total (plus 1 antipope), which makes it 5th most common papal name. Also, Wikipedia lists five saints (four if you ignore the pope). There's also that very Swiss, ball-kicking person named Innocent Ermahgerda.

  • @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    ball-kicking person

    Ouch! That doesn't sound very innocent.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @HardwareGeek What, you've never seen a video compilation of home videos of children injuring their parents?


    @Zecc said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Tsaukpaetra What kind of parent names their child Anonymized?

    Why are you dissing on Bobby Tables' brother?


    @Zecc said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    children injuring their parents

    Oh ... I thought we were talking about life style parties


    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    But it's possible that your LinkedIn account works like your Windows servers.

    Harsh! 🍹

  • @Zecc said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @HardwareGeek What, you've never seen a video compilation of home videos of children injuring their parents?

    Don't need to; I'm a parent.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I don't think there's a spam calls thread and I doubt this will become prominent enough to need a new thread so here we go.

    This one happened earlier today. I guess there are now Amazon scammers? I pressed 1 (can't hear it) but nothing happened...

    This one... I don't know what to make of. I said "hello" and the robot said goodbye...

  • SPÄM cĂĄn be reĂĄlly funny when some spĂĄmmer discovers thĂĄt he cĂĄn ĂĄdd ĂĄccents on a and i. Also on cĂĄpĂ­tĂĄl Í. But with cĂĄpĂ­tĂĄl A, he hĂĄd some Ă­ssues: he typed Ä.


    Í háve bád news for you.
    14/03/2020 - on thís dáy Í hácked your operátíng system ánd got full áccess to your áccount wtf@wtf.wtf

    Ít ís useless to chánge the pássword, my málwáre íntercepts ít every tíme.

    How Ă­t wĂĄs:
    Ín the softwáre of the router to whích you were connected thát dáy, there wás á vulnerábílíty.
    Í fírst hácked thís router ánd pláced my málícíous code on ít.
    When you entered Ă­n the Ă­nternet, my trojĂĄn wĂĄs Ă­nstĂĄlled on the operĂĄtĂ­ng system of your devĂ­ce.

    Äfter thát, Í máde á full dump of your dísk (Í háve áll your áddress book, hístory of víewíng sítes, áll fíles, phone numbers ánd áddresses of áll your contácts).

    Ä month ágo, Í wánted to lock your devíce ánd ásk for á smáll ámount of money to unlock.
    But Í looked át the sítes thát you regulárly vísít, ánd cáme to the bíg delíght of your fávoríte resources.
    Í'm tálkíng ábout sítes for ádults.

    Í wánt to sáy - you áre á bíg pervert. You háve unbrídled fántásy!

    Äfter thát, án ídeá cáme to my mínd.
    Í máde á screenshot of the íntímáte websíte where you háve fun (how díd you másturbáte).
    Äfter thát, í took off your joys (usíng the cámerá of your devíce). Ít turned out beáutífully, do not hesítáte.

    Í ám strongly belíve thát you would not líke to show these píctures to your relátíves, fríends or colleágues.
    Í thínk $993 ís á very smáll ámount for my sílence.
    Besídes, Í spent á lot of tíme on you!

    Í áccept money only ín Bítcoíns.
    My BTC wĂĄllet: WTFwtfWTFwtfWTFwtf

    You do not know how to replenĂ­sh ĂĄ BĂ­tcoĂ­n wĂĄllet?
    Ín ány seárch engíne wríte "how to send money to btc wállet".
    Ít's eásíer thán send money to á credít cárd!

    For pĂĄyment you hĂĄve ĂĄ lĂ­ttle more thĂĄn two dĂĄys (exĂĄctly 50 hours).
    Do not worry, the tĂ­mer wĂ­ll stĂĄrt ĂĄt the moment when you open thĂ­s letter. Yes, yes .. Ă­t hĂĄs ĂĄlreĂĄdy stĂĄrted!

    Äfter páyment, my vírus ánd dírty photos wíth you self-destruct áutomátícálly.
    NĂĄrrĂĄtĂ­ve, Ă­f Ă­ do not receĂ­ve the specĂ­fĂ­ed ĂĄmount from you, then your devĂ­ce wĂ­ll be blocked, ĂĄnd ĂĄll your contĂĄcts wĂ­ll receĂ­ve ĂĄ photos wĂ­th your "joys".

    Í wánt you to be prudent.

    • Do not try to fĂ­nd and destroy my vĂ­rus! (ĂĄll your dĂĄtĂĄ Ă­s ĂĄlreĂĄdy uploĂĄded to ĂĄ remote server)
    • Do not try to contact me (thĂ­s Ă­s not feĂĄsĂ­ble, sender ĂĄddress generĂĄted ĂĄutomĂĄtĂ­cĂĄlly)
    • VĂĄrĂ­ous securĂ­ty servĂ­ces wĂ­ll not help you; formĂĄttĂ­ng ĂĄ dĂ­sk or destroyĂ­ng ĂĄ devĂ­ce wĂ­ll not help eĂ­ther, sĂ­nce your dĂĄtĂĄ Ă­s ĂĄlreĂĄdy on ĂĄ remote server.

    P.S. Í guárántee you thát Í wíll not dísturb you ágáín áfter páyment, ás you áre not my síngle víctím.
    ThĂ­s Ă­s ĂĄ hĂĄcker code of honor.

    From now on, Í ádvíse you to use good ántívíruses ánd updáte them regulárly (severál tímes á dáy)!

    Don't be mĂĄd at me, everyone hĂĄs theĂ­r own work.


  • Java Dev

    @BernieTheBernie I think that kind of thing is to confuse bayesian filters?

  • @BernieTheBernie said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    (how dĂ­d you mĂĄsturbĂĄte)

  • @PleegWat said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @BernieTheBernie I think that kind of thing is to confuse bayesian filters?

    Só, yóú ÊxpÊct thÊ nÊxt spam Êmail to havÊ its accÊnts ón Ê.g. Ê, ó, and ú, instÊad of a and i?

  • Considered Harmful

    @BernieTheBernie Seems long overdue. Most mail clients have had Unicode support for how long now. And to a layman it just might mean more credibility, because it looks like their computer is indeed screwed.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    because it looks like their computer is indeed screwed.

    Like replacing his fonts with a special version of CĂśmĂ­c SĂ ns?

  • Considered Harmful

    @BernieTheBernie said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    because it looks like their computer is indeed screwed.

    Like replacing his fonts with a special version of CĂśmĂ­c SĂ ns?

    I approve. 🚢 it!
    Although the usual version probably has enough zalgo.

    Çöмíĉ Ŝăņș.png

    And, unfortunately, Papyrus doesn't have consonants.


    I imagine this special sort of encrypting ransomware, you see. Instead of using RSA or something, it just looks for all text files and documents, and replaces all ASCII codepoints with zalgo. Doesn't do any real harm, does it now? The text is still readable if you just try hard enough. It's like ROT13, but better. Well, your code doesn't compile anymore, but that's your own problem for not using Raku.

  • @BernieTheBernie Dude types with an accent.

  • From: "The illuminati"
    Subject: Join the illuminati.

    Greetings, from The illuminati world elite empire. Bringing the poor, the needy and the talented to limelight of fame, riches, powers and security, get recognized in your business, political race, rise to the top in whatever you do, be protected spiritually and physically! All these you will achieve in a twinkle of an eye when you get initiated to the great Illuminati empire. Once you are initiated to the illuminati empire you will get numerous benefits and reward.
    Note: that this email message was created solely for the purpose of our recruitment scheme which will end next month and this offer is for unique ones only, if you are not serious on joining the illuminati empire, then you are advise not to contact us at all. This is because disloyalty is highly not tolerated here in our organization.
    Do you agree to be a member of the illuminati new world order? If YES!. Then kindly reply us back on our direct recruitment email only at: illuminatiinvite@outlook.com
    Please note, Kindly make sure all your response are send directly to the email stated above only at:> illuminatiinvite@outlook.com
    For more instructions on our membership process.
    Note: Some email providers incorrectly place official Illuminati messages in their spam / junk folder or promotion folder. This can divert and exclude our responses to your emails.
    The Illuminati.

    Wrapped in <STRONG>, of course. Advance-fee scam e-mails have lately really dropped in quality...

  • @aitap said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    kindly reply us back

    I see the Illuminati are outsourcing their recruitment to the lowest bidder.

  • What a poor Arab woman. She sent me an email with the subject line of Your Attention:

    My name is Reem E. Al-Hashimi, the Emirates Minister of State and Managing Director of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) World Expo 2020 Committee. I am writing to you to stand as my partner to receive my share of gratification from foreign companies whom I helped during the bidding exercise towards the Dubai World Expo 2020 Committee and also i want to use this funds to assist Coronavirus Symptoms and Causes.

    Am a single Arab women and serving as a minister, there is a limit to my personal income and investment level and For this reason, I cannot receive such a huge sum back to my country or my personal account, so an agreement was reached with the foreign companies to direct the gratifications to an open beneficiary account with a financial institution where it will be possible for me to instruct further transfer of the fund to a third party account for investment purpose which is the reason i contacted you to receive the fund as my partner for investment in your country.

    The amount is valued at Euro 47,745,533.00 with a financial institution waiting my instruction for further transfer to a destination account as soon as I have your information indicating interest to receive and invest the fund, I will compensate you with 30% of the total amount and you will also get benefit from the investment.

    If you can handle the fund in a good investment. reply on this email only: rhashimi109@daum.net

    Ms. Reem

    About an hour later, I received another email with the subject line of Details with the same content.
    From the same account at some Japanese site, the first email as "Ms. Reem hty-0503@kinet-tv.ne.jp" while the second is from "Mr. R. Al-hashimi hty-0503@kinet-tv.ne.jp", both using the same reply-to address on a Korean site...

  • Considered Harmful

    Wonder what would happen if they used those character building skills into devising more believable schemes instead of inventing more unfortunate ministers, unlucky royals, shifty oil company accountants and elderly lottery ticket winners with no relatives, all with the same old "can't get the money out of my sock" sort of problem.

  • Fake News

    @Applied-Mediocrity I was thinking for a second "what if we gave them jobs as script writers?"

    Sadly it wouldn't be very believable.

  • Banned


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    Wonder what would happen if they used those character building skills into devising more believable schemes instead of inventing more unfortunate ministers, unlucky royals, shifty oil company accountants and elderly lottery ticket winners with no relatives, all with the same old "can't get the money out of my sock" sort of problem.

    I just got a call from these guys:


  • @boomzilla I always want to know what they're "selling". I just get silence and then a click.

  • @dcon I usually get either a blank voicemail or something in Chinese

  • The sad thing with phone spam is that every unexpected phone call (from someone not in my address book) looks like spam to me.

    The other day I got a call from a shop where my wife had ordered something, and because the store name didn't ring a bell immediately, and the clerk took 2 seconds to start speaking and the line was noisy, I almost hung up immediately.

  • Banned

    @remi USA is kinda good and kinda bad in this regard. On one hand, robocalls happen 100x more often than in Poland (this is neither a typo nor an exaggeration - I've had more spam calls in one month of living in USA than in seven years in Poland). On the other, people actually record voicemail, so blocking all unknown numbers won't cause you to miss anything important.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    @remi USA is kinda good and kinda bad in this regard. On one hand, robocalls happen 100x more often than in Poland (this is neither a typo nor an exaggeration - I've had more spam calls in one month of living in USA than in seven years in Poland). On the other, people actually record voicemail, so blocking all unknown numbers won't cause you to miss anything important.

    Where the fuck are you? I've received no more than ten spam calls in the last three years, and no legitimate voicemail (usually just the robot breathing for a half second before handing up).

  • Banned

    @Tsaukpaetra I guess it depends on how lucky you are with your phone number. USA had this genius idea that even though they have 10 digits available, which should be enough for about 8-9 billion phone numbers, they're still going to recycle inactive numbers as much as they can. I guess if you live in a relatively small town with little area code depletion, it's not much of a problem, but I live in Chicago, and over here, when you get a brand new phone line with brand new number, you are pretty much guaranteed to be pre-subscribed on 60 different call lists and have other mistaken calls all the time. My old number had monthly texts with the balance of a bank account in a bank I've never been to. My new number keeps getting calls from time to time from some old people who apparently miss me and love me very much and would like me to call them sometime. My mom has it worse, though - she gets surprise dick picks and they're not even that impressive.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    how lucky you are with your phone number

    I guess. The worst I got that wasn't an autodialer was the courts looking for Vanessa Hudgens (or something) because apparently she's not good at appearing for court.

    Eventually that died out. :mlp_shrug:

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    I guess if you live in a relatively small town with little area code depletion,

    IDK my city is pretty large. Maybe that hasn't happened but it's not like I can tell..

  • @Gąska I get three types of spam calls: Most simply hang up without leaving a message; whether these are robocalls or people who just don't like voicemail, I don't know. For a while, I was getting repeated calls from a particular number. I looked up the number; it was a debt collector, but since it wasn't important enough for them to leave a message, it wasn't important enough for me to call them back. (One time I answered, robodialer put me on hold. They called me, but expect me to listen to awful music until they get their 💩 together. :fu: Nope. Call me when your agent is connected and ready to talk.)

    Occasionally I get a prerecorded message in what sounds like it's probably Chinese, with background music. I don't speak Chinese, so I haven't the faintest clue what these are about.

    And I get calls from job recruiters. 'Nuff said.

    But I've had this number for almost 10 years, so most of the wrong number calls (except that Chinese thing, whatever it is) have stopped long ago.

  • Banned

    @Gąska said in 📧 The Official Spam Emails Thread™:

    My old number had monthly texts with the balance of a bank account in a bank I've never been to.

    Bonus fun: the account was in active use because the balance was different each time.

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