WTF Bites

  • Considered Harmful

    Trusting the cat to keep the cream or the Netanyahu to keep the data?

    Haaretz received an anonymous tip about the security lapse, allowing anyone to obtain the leaked information in its entirety without using sophisticated tools. Right-clicking on the Elector app's home page and choosing "view source" revealed the original code of the internet page. The code revealed all the usernames and passwords of system admins, allowing one to log in and download the registry.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb @MrL I like all George Lucas stories better than what Disney did with 7-9.

    It's like deciding if you want to eat cold or hot shit.
    You can have preferences, I guess.

    Well, I know picking up warm gooey shit is a lot more pleasant than picking up cold gooey shit.

    What. You've never talked about that kind of stuff? Must not have dogs...

    With fork or spoon?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @LaoC said in WTF Bites:

    The code revealed all the usernames and passwords of system admins,


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb @MrL I like all George Lucas stories better than what Disney did with 7-9.

    It's like deciding if you want to eat cold or hot shit.
    You can have preferences, I guess.

    Well, I know picking up warm gooey shit is a lot more pleasant than picking up cold gooey shit.

    What. You've never talked about that kind of stuff? Must not have dogs...

    With fork or spoon?

    Why would you pick shit up with either? Fucking chopsticks is where it's at!


    I'd like to pass on that question


  • @Luhmann That's one. There's several more in my post. 😀

    Fake edit: Oh, you were pointing out my name error... um, whoops. Names are hard?

  • Java Dev

    As linked by @ender over on Discord:

  • Banned

    @Atazhaia at first I thought "hold up" was about "doesn't build due to runtime errors".

  • Fake News

    @Atazhaia The original mail on a mailing list archive:

    Apparently the text of the novel is used to test the compression library:

  • @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb @MrL I like all George Lucas stories better than what Disney did with 7-9.

    It's like deciding if you want to eat cold or hot shit.
    You can have preferences, I guess.

    Well, I know picking up warm gooey shit is a lot more pleasant than picking up cold gooey shit.

    What. You've never talked about that kind of stuff? Must not have dogs...

    With fork or spoon?

    Hand inside poop bag.


    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    Hand inside poop bag.

    the emoji request thread is :arrows:

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Even GitHub stopped counting .Net bugs.

    how many of those are:

    • Actual bugs
    • Users failing to read the manual
    • Users asking someone else to do their homework for them
    • Feature requests for useful features
    • feature requests to make the language do their chores for them
    • Documentation update requests to clarify confusing language
    • Documentation update requests to replace "factory" with "hotdog" because the word "factory" is triggering and no longer politically correct.
    • Issues opened requesting that the people who want to replace "factory" with "hotdog" be banned
    • Spam
    • Cut rate Cialis commercials
    • More Spam
    • Trolling
    • Stupid trolling
    • Seemingly legitimate issues that are actually elaborate trolls


  • @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    Cut rate Cialis commercials

    Issue summary: Developing in .NET fails to give me a boner


    @Vixen so assuming all of those issues are garbage, you see no problem with Microsoft failing to delete them?

    However, I find that highly unlikely, considering that the MO seems to be to automatically close tickets older than 3 months.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    However, I find that highly unlikely, considering that the MO seems to be to automatically close tickets older than 3 months.

    I prefer to leave an issue for three months to see if the user is going to give up and go away before I have to do anything about it. The power of :kneeling_warthog: is mighty indeed...

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen so assuming all of those issues are garbage, you see no problem with Microsoft failing to delete them?

    However, I find that highly unlikely, considering that the MO seems to be to automatically close tickets older than 3 months.


    if the issue is legitimate more than one person will report it or upvote it or produce a test case.... otherwise.... yeah these open to the public bug trackers need a mechanism to remove the dross and that mechanism serves.

    is it perfect? no, does it work? -makes a "maybe" sort of grunt with accompanying hand gesture-

  • Banned


    Timezones are hard, let's go voting!

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Bulb @MrL I like all George Lucas stories better than what Disney did with 7-9.

    It's like deciding if you want to eat cold or hot shit.
    You can have preferences, I guess.

    Well, I know picking up warm gooey shit is a lot more pleasant than picking up cold gooey shit.

    What. You've never talked about that kind of stuff? Must not have dogs...

    With fork or spoon?

    Hand inside poop bag turned inside out.


  • @djls45 It's not much better


  • @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Even GitHub stopped counting .Net bugs.

    how many of those are:

    • Actual bugs
    • Users failing to read the manual
    • Users asking someone else to do their homework for them
    • Feature requests for useful features
    • feature requests to make the language do their chores for them
    • Documentation update requests to clarify confusing language
    • Documentation update requests to replace "factory" with "hotdog" because the word "factory" is triggering and no longer politically correct.
    • Issues opened requesting that the people who want to replace "factory" with "hotdog" be banned
    • Spam
    • Cut rate Cialis commercials
    • More Spam
    • Trolling
    • Stupid trolling
    • Seemingly legitimate issues that are actually elaborate trolls


    ooh a downvote! Yay!

    -looks super proud-

    I ANNOYED SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!! 🎉

  • Considered Harmful

    Samsung has announced the Galaxy S20 (which was already leaked), but they're not taking preorders yet. Instead you can register to preorder? Pre-preorder? This gives you an advantage over people planning to preorder later, but it's also rumored that particular VIPs were able to pre-pre-preorder.

    Filed under: I'm gonna pre.

  • @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    -looks super proud-
    I ANNOYED SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!

    It's really not much of an accomplishment. It happens pretty regularly around here, and especially over in the Garage.

  • Considered Harmful

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    Cut rate Cialis commercials

    Issue summary: Developing in .NET fails to give me a boner

    Closed: no repro

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:


    no offense.... don't actually care who or why.


    i make my own amusement. and the fact that i got a +5 upvote with only 4 total points amused me so i ran with it.

    that's all.

    also because i know you care.....


  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    also because i know you care.....

    So, you are basically punishing me for being open and honest with you just so you can get instant revenge?

    How very thoughtful and mature (and also expected) coming from someone claiming they are good at managing people.

    oooookay. that's enough of that then....

    i was attempting to deal with you using the same level of openness you showed, and with the same level of brutal honesty.

    but if you are going to attack me for it.... well I'm just not going to respond to you anymore....

    bye! Have fun doing..... whatever it is you do i guess.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Except in my "brutal honesty" I offered you constructive criticism on your post,

    You gave what i'm assuming is the "constructive criticism" half an hour after I commented amusedly on the downvote, a comment that didn't ask who it was that downvoted.

    this criticism was a list of basic statistics on the issues on github and a story about a issue you filed that is still open. I honestly fail to see how that is constructive, except compared to the post of yours i was actually replying to...

    Speaking of.... another two hours later you dropped the "news" that you were the one who downvoted me, at least a full two and a half hours after you downvoted the post. Your post explaining this said this was basically "You raised a point that needed explanation and also I downvoted you because you're unfunny".

    well 1) i did not actually care who downvoted me. could have been the great goddess Amaterasu herself what did it for all I cared. and 2) you said in your post that the downvote was for the humor and 3) constructive criticism is not "be funnier"

    Thus you got "I don't care. downvote me for the humor. it is actually literally impossible for me to care less about your opinion of my humor.." and because you have shown that you care who downvoted you i posted proof that i didn't because your post was already at negative votes.

    and you got offended at my "dismissiveness" of your opinion on my humor..... soo...... yeah. My brutal honesty is "I don't care you don't like my humor." which is dismissive because the fact you don't like my humor has zero relevance to me.

    but, you know what.... maybe it's better this way. if you want to think of me as a "Holier than Thou" asshole of a manager.... fine. I can live with that, but in return you'll have to live with the fact that i think the same about you. Except for the part about being a manager, because that's not factually true now, I reserve the right to add that bit back in if you ever start managing a team.

    Also you wanted an essay? sure, I can do that:

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly sint pork chuck, capicola sed prosciutto. Pig sausage anim turducken ut dolore. Lorem labore short ribs consequat elit qui veniam fatback aliquip ribeye turkey. In andouille laboris nostrud, qui ground round labore deserunt.

    Exercitation consequat incididunt meatloaf kevin. Fatback dolore labore laborum boudin. Chicken bresaola sed, buffalo shankle anim nisi cillum. Pig consectetur incididunt magna lorem pork chop pastrami swine ham hock quis culpa pork. Do short ribs occaecat mollit, bresaola shank fugiat velit proident. Hamburger tail esse, tempor kielbasa biltong jowl dolore bresaola t-bone qui. Rump nulla jowl pork chop do.

    Buffalo flank sausage esse do fugiat veniam jowl anim ham hock beef ribs enim. Aliquip do dolore, pastrami porchetta ea pariatur ut jowl officia incididunt tri-tip. Venison laboris in, ex buffalo labore mollit proident quis reprehenderit bacon minim beef esse. Irure prosciutto pork jowl brisket. Dolor ut salami ham est bresaola in short loin meatloaf short ribs veniam.

    Hamburger pork loin aliqua meatball bresaola landjaeger pork belly commodo nisi. Do pork loin ullamco t-bone kielbasa mollit drumstick pariatur filet mignon. Aute sint frankfurter, lorem jerky eiusmod shoulder alcatra ham hock fatback kevin id swine. In tongue shankle alcatra strip steak ground round cillum shoulder sint boudin fugiat qui drumstick tenderloin beef. Tenderloin officia chislic picanha mollit boudin sint qui ullamco commodo beef ribs. Sunt hamburger pork loin picanha quis kevin esse dolore cow ground round. Cupidatat doner corned beef, alcatra sausage id shankle kielbasa boudin chuck brisket salami hamburger ball tip nulla.

    Fugiat esse porchetta beef ribs pancetta turkey, bresaola in proident ribeye quis. Tempor sausage proident, buffalo exercitation ham dolor kielbasa doner frankfurter. In dolor mollit, excepteur t-bone ut frankfurter pork belly spare ribs tail. Drumstick buffalo eu porchetta, veniam shank cupidatat beef ribs nostrud ham hock.

    Ut tenderloin incididunt adipisicing nisi et alcatra. Esse sint biltong pancetta pariatur jerky. Id ham hock chicken fugiat cow eiusmod drumstick eu ea dolor porchetta incididunt officia andouille prosciutto. T-bone pancetta laborum ad laboris. Sirloin pancetta deserunt, shoulder ipsum pork chop brisket shank hamburger sint quis. Pork chop eu kevin consectetur ribeye culpa aute occaecat dolor shank bresaola jowl.

    Ball tip tongue nostrud sint, sunt officia aliquip sausage voluptate chuck shankle est. In capicola cow dolore, swine rump t-bone pariatur filet mignon eu cupim. Dolore boudin proident ipsum minim. Ham hock ex ipsum, velit burgdoggen et cupidatat tempor leberkas duis chicken. Tri-tip cupim meatloaf, quis mollit ground round cupidatat picanha.

    Eiusmod chicken nisi fatback dolor andouille deserunt. Irure bacon nostrud, hamburger do pork chop qui jowl. Kevin sint consectetur, pig shankle buffalo commodo nulla ut t-bone quis. Cillum tempor hamburger sed in non consequat meatloaf.

    Aliquip anim proident, sirloin corned beef burgdoggen beef alcatra cillum est adipisicing in eiusmod rump picanha. Tempor frankfurter nostrud dolor enim, pig ball tip. Doner shank jowl exercitation do. Dolore nulla leberkas, ham hock et pork belly mollit.

    Andouille commodo lorem adipisicing elit, turkey id short loin voluptate. Pork chop nulla fatback esse, filet mignon turducken dolore kevin. Sed brisket quis minim frankfurter strip steak nisi ham pork boudin swine irure esse. Proident cupim chislic quis, sirloin nostrud chuck boudin short loin ut tongue hamburger sint drumstick.

    .... Hungry yet?

  • Considered Harmful

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Either that, or I like you very much, but I am trying to hide it by being an ass ;-)

    Are you an asshole, or are you just happy to see me?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    Exercitation consequat incididunt meatloaf kevin. Fatback dolore labore laborum boudin. Chicken bresaola sed, buffalo shankle anim nisi cillum.

    Your essay is highly offensive to vegetarians!!!1
    Also, Meat Loaf's name is Marvin, not Kevin 😤

    Ball tip tongue nostrud sint, sunt officia aliquip sausage voluptate chuck shankle est.

    That's more like it.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    -looks super proud-
    I ANNOYED SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!

    It's really not much of an accomplishment. It happens pretty regularly around here, and especially over in the Garage.

    I don't notice much down 🛥 ing of me. Not that I say much of relevance or contest.

    On the other hand, I've never been upvoted as much as I am here. It's downright silly.

  • @Carnage said in WTF Bites:

    I don't notice much down 🛥 ing of me.

    Some of the more argumentative among us get downvoted quite regularly. A few have managed to annoy someone enough to write a script to downvote all their posts automatically, at least in certain topics.


    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    So, you are basically punishing me for being open and honest with you just so you can get instant revenge?

    Do you see the lack of red color on that vote button? That was her point, because you care.

    Now back to Radio WTF.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    it was not "you should be funnier" but "you could have asked the same thing in one sentence and get the same answer sans downvote".

    ah, but you see, the point of my post was 90% to be funny (to my sense of humor), 5% because i could and only 3% to ask a question (with a 2% margin of error) so.... i think the proportions of my original posting are correct.

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    When we are at it, you could have spent some effort yourself on .Net issue tracker

    could have. didn't because wasn't actually relevant to the joke i was "attempting" to make (which i found to be hilarious by the by) also :kneeling_warthog:

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    really rubbed me in a wrong way.

    [insert extremely not safe for work/life joke here.]

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    As usual, @topspin asked a good question and offered another point of view, but you shrugged that off as well.

    you know..... they did. they asked "if all those issues are garbage should they be deleted"

    I answered that because anyone with a github account could create an issue they needed some mechanism to filter the issues so that the issue tracker contained only relevant tickets. I explained that i thought their current system while flawed served that purpose..... so if that's shrugging off the question....... welll.....

    /shrug oops?

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    Sorry if I was not clear the first time around. Still learning to communicate.

    Not a problem, learning is fun. shouting, not so much.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Vixen Disengage.

  • @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen Disengage.


  • kills Dumbledore

    @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    also because i know you care.....

    So, you are basically punishing me for being open and honest with you just so you can get instant revenge?

    How very thoughtful and mature (and also expected) coming from someone claiming they are good at managing people.


  • Considered Harmful

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen Disengage.


    💍 😭

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen said in WTF Bites:

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen Disengage.


    💍 😭


    missing a ring? okay! is this better?

  • Considered Harmful

    Per official WTFCorp policy, the webmail logs me out automatically after every hour of inactivity. Except, it kind of doesn't? My inbox stays open, and I can even see new messages arrive, but as soon as I try to open one, then it logs me out for having been inactive too long. But I'm obviously still logged in until that point or I wouldn't have seen the message to click on it.

  • @error Our extremely backward web printing system does something similar. If you're quick enough, you can even go through the motions of submitting a job. But, just as soon as you've selected the file to upload, confirmed that you indeed want to get a dead-tree copy, *bam* login page.

    Unfortunately, given the amount of suck that printing suffers from around here, this doesn't even make my list of complaints.

  • Considered Harmful

    @cvi said in WTF Bites:

    @error Our extremely backward web printing system does something similar. If you're quick enough, you can even go through the motions of submitting a job. But, just as soon as you've selected the file to upload, confirmed that you indeed want to get a dead-tree copy, *bam* login page.

    Unfortunately, given the amount of suck that printing suffers from around here, this doesn't even make my list of complaints.

    I'm willing to automate the login process with my Chrome extension but it asks for a 2FA token.

    I want to write an Android app that sends the token to the extension but I don't know how to scrape the code from the app.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:


    You can try if faking activity with “Staying Alive for Google Chrome™” plugin (or corresponding plugin for whatever browser you use) helps…

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    You can try if faking activity with “Staying Alive for Google Chrome™” plugin (or corresponding plugin for whatever browser you use) helps…

    The real policy is login expires after 1 hour of inactivity or 2 hours of activity. It's dumb.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    1 hour of inactivity

    Somewhat sane…

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    or 2 hours of activity.

    Ok, that's clinically insane. Especially since

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    That would deserve just responding with “I just read and respond to emails once a day, because it logs me out and I don't get notifications”…

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    But I'm obviously still logged in until that point or I wouldn't have seen the message to click on it.

    … and this is clearly their defence against that. Because you do see the notifications. Because otherwise it would be like you don't have the mail at all, right?

    Yeah, :trwtf:.

    @error said in WTF Bites:

    I want to write an Android app that sends the token to the extension but I don't know how to scrape the code from the app.

    The app will try hard to make that impossible, because otherwise the token wouldn't prove anything. Probably—but if it's the Microsoft or the Google one, it might even get the security reasonably right.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    The app will try hard to make that impossible, because otherwise the token wouldn't prove anything. Probably—but if it's the Microsoft or the Google one, it might even get the security reasonably right.

    Well, it proves that I have or someone has compromised my phone. In that case, they can read my email anyway.

    I think I can probably OCR it.

  • @error said in WTF Bites:

    I think I can probably OCR it.

    Hm, true, when connected via adb, both input and screenshot (or whatitscalled—it's been a couple of years I did anything around automating android) should work and should work on any application.

  • @levicki said in WTF Bites:

    @Vixen Your joke is funny for you because you seem to be lacking the perspective of an issue reporter.

    @error_bot xkcd perspective

  • 🔀

  • WTF of the day.

    User reports that their ad listing is not appearing on the website correctly.

    We (IT Support, with a side order of Appdev because the ad system is old and arcane enough that front line support doesn't understand all of it) ask what's wrong with the ad.

    They report it's missing.

    we look, all ads in the system are listed correctly (we have a script for this because that was a problem once.... three/four years ago and users still don't trust the system....)

    we inform the user that all ads in the system are listed.

    User informs us theirs is still missing and it should be online.

    We ask the user if they had entered their ad into the system.

    User had not.

    We tell user that in order to run an ad it needs to be in the system. please enter the ad in the system.

    User complains that they never had to in the past.

    Customer service (separate department from IT) chimes in with "that's because we always ended up having to do it when the customers who placed the ads complained to us. so enter the ad in the system."

    I sigh and go get donuts for customer service, because they're nice people who deal with way too much of that carp from our salespeople.

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