The Transformer

  • @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    you more often than not get what seems like a full coherent text.

    For an interesting definition of coherent:

    @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    A young boy ... is now safe.
    ... was not injured...
    ... pronounced dead.

  • Fake News

    @HardwareGeek said in The Transformer:

    @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    you more often than not get what seems like a full coherent text.

    For an interesting definition of coherent:

    @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    A young boy ... is now safe.
    ... was not injured...
    ... pronounced dead.

    Checks out, people can no longer hurt you when you're dead.

    Roll safe if you think about it.jpg

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    We accused him of being a pendantic dickweed. He couldn't even answer simple questions. He said that the government's stance is like a 'shaming and punishing' process. I felt he is a coward for not getting up and coming out sooner because I thought he may get threatened by someone. On Saturday morning he gave birth to a boy in our family. I was worried that if the baby died, he would get hurt by some political leader or some NGO on the basis of caste. He was so worried and stressed that I took care of his baby and nursed it too. He had to stay at home.

    After the birth, two of my daughters and I went to meet Chaudhary and we brought us this young boy that Chaudhary was breastfeeding.

    I was so pleased with the baby's health. When Chaudhary informed us that there were no problems and he was going to be taken to the clinic to receive treatment, I told him to take care of the baby till he grew. I told Chaudhary about my sons because I thought there might be a chance that the baby might

    Some gender confusion there…

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Putting random bits and pieces of support requests in can lead to the oddest responses.

    I could see the requirements in the onedir folder ROY.

    In addition, these requirements are not applicable to the application

    ROY/ROY1 .

    Let us see which folders ROY.ROY are associated to the ROY/ROY1 application .

    To view the ROY.ROY and roy.root folders, we will have to create a new folder ROY within the root ROY folder.

    The ROY.LOCAL folder is also in the root folder ROY, but, it should be renamed to ROY.ROY (there are already more than one ROY folder associated to the application ROY).

    Now, we simply copy ROY.ROY and ROY.ROY1 .

    To create the folder roy.root, open the ROY.LOCAL folder and create a new folder ROY.ROY1.

    ROY.ROY will be the root folder within ROY.ROY1 and ROY.ROY can contain any text you like, but the text you want to add


  • Java Dev

    It was a beautiful spring day. And then the murders began. One by one. You could never say you'd had enough. You'd keep waiting for those kids to get out of your way, not realizing you weren't in control. But what would you have done?

    That's exactly what was going on for me when I watched a video by Jonathon W. Pritchett , a writer at BuzzFeed who documented many of the attacks and then posted the videos under WTF ?

    This week, Pritchett, 36, who started out as a writer who worked in entertainment journalism, decided that he wanted to give back, publishing essays and video reviews on everything from food and medicine to technology. He said he wanted to go into "creative writing," writing about the mundane, the hard—and everything in between, and he got a grant from the nonprofit, which is helping him.

    "I have spent my life thinking I could be a writer, and not have to give up anything, or work for nothing, or get to feel worthless," says Pritchett, who describes himself as a

  • Spider-Man was swinging around when suddenly he felt a rumbling in his stomach. A pain shot up in his stomach - the pain from being attacked by the Spider-Man. He immediately dropped to the ground and lay on his back. He saw Spider-Man in the corner - watching his helpless body.

    Saying "Spider-Man" to the unconscious Spider-Man, the alien asked him how much time has passed since he attacked the hero.

    Spider-Man answered "a little, right between your eyes." As soon as he said this, the alien grabbed his arm "and dragged me up to his chest". It was then that the alien opened a vein in his chest.

    As it was then that the alien started talking again, he started talking very loudly and in a very threatening manner. Spider-Man tried to stop him, but it was not until he was able to stop his heart pumping that the alien got annoyed enough to let go. Spider-Man realized how much he had hurt the alien and he started to yell at him to stop. He threw up on the living spider and the alien was

  • @dkf said in The Transformer:

    he gave birth

    🥑 thread is :arrows:.


  • @dkf said in The Transformer:

    Putting random bits and pieces of support requests in can lead to the oddest responses.

    Still a better help desk than Bangalore.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @HardwareGeek said in The Transformer:

    For an interesting definition of coherent:

    I wasn't referring to that one in particular, of course.
    But some others were, to me at least, indistinguishable from real news articles.

    Or they won the Turing test against me.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    What the fuck is this?"

    Powerslide looked him over, and smirked, "You're gonna take it easy on me, mister Powerslide!"

    Vickie rolled her eyes. She'd seen his eyes, he could tell she'd never be able to keep up with him. She looked over to him. He wasn't being nice. She didn't trust him now, no matter what she said, and she was more worried about the people who knew him and what he had done, especially as if one of them had died, who would know. Even if she didn't want to know, that was what he'd gone through, and she wasn't sure she wanted to deal with that.

    Vickie didn't know what to tell Powerslide, until they found the dead boy at their feet.

    "Come on, mister Powerslide," she said, sitting on the edge of their bed, "this is not the way to fight a problem."

    They sat in silence, feeling each other out and not seeing the other's eyes.


  • @boomzilla said in The Transformer:

    feeling each other out

    I misread that and thought, that's not what most people would do after finding a dead boy at their feet.

  • 🚽 Regular

    CoreFX is the foundational class libraries for .NET Core. It brings the power from .NET Core together with the expressive power of Java and the flexibility of JavaScript.

    This course is structured as a step-by-step tutorial. In each chapter, we'll add new features to the class library in order to make it easier to create custom web apps. The tutorial will also explore the API of a different feature in the class library. After that, you'll be ready to start building web-based applications with .NET Core.

    This course has been fully supported by Microsoft. You can get the full curriculum for this course on the Microsoft Developer Center


    The course covers JavaScript programming concepts and JavaScript in .NET Core . You have one year of experience with JavaScript development. You should understand the principles of delegation, encapsulation, control flow and pattern matching with some JavaScript.

    This course is based on the following Microsoft Developer Center courses available for free:

    Course materials

    This course has been partially supported by Microsoft

    The course materials are based on the following course materials offered at MSDN:


  • 🚽 Regular

    See how a modern neural network completes your text. Type a custom snippet of text in your browser or type your own. You can also add custom parameters like the size of the text field.

    The next page of the tutorial shows you how to learn neural networks and how to program them. We cover Python for neural networks programming, how the computer generates new networks, how to connect them up, and how to use data mining to find patterns as seen in popular news stories. Finally we show you how to visualize the results of a neural network analysis and show you how to make predictions, use your network to do things you can actually control, and understand the neural network by visualizing the results.

    Download PDF

    If you do not have a computer, you can download an Excel database of the entire course (400+ pages in all). If you have an earlier version of Excel and want to look through this chapter before upgrading to more recent versions, then you can download Excel 2007 or 2012.

    Download PDF

    To open this PDF file click on it!

    If you do not have any computers open on your machine you

  • Fake News



    wharrgarblit is a long time member of this forum, and a long time leader. If you're new here, you might want to subscribe here, get our RSS feed here or find us on Facebook and Twitter.

  • Fake News


    Shoulder aliens' as a concept. Their "spiritual form", and their physical traits, may not be the same. For example, an alien could be humanoid and have the same traits as human. Then why didn't his "spiritual" form have these traits?

    Also, while it's possible to be a robot, you cannot be a humanoid robot! What about "super-robot"? The term "super-robot" is a metaphor for "machine-like creature", especially where "robot" is a common term for a biological entity.

    The problem of "telepathy" and even "minds" (as distinct from consciousness) is a bit silly. If your mind is a virtual computer, why not "think like-a-cybernetic computer"? Or "read mind like-a-computer?" This should probably be the name of the topic section above.

    The last thing I'd like to discuss is the use of "humanoids" and the "super-robot" metaphor. Most of the time they're referred to as "robot", but some are actually human

  • In February, OpenAI unveiled a language model called OpenCAD, with its goal to be one of the three leading open-source projects for the creation, analysis and training of self-driving vehicles and systems.

    The company was awarded the top prize in the Vision Robotics Challenge, and this week it has now won its first major prize to be awarded at Autonomous Driving Expo London.

    OpenCAD, which will be based on the latest open-source CAD software, uses the open-source, open-source hardware for deep learning software, which allows it to build 3D objects of any shape -- human-like, a robot-like and even objects that are completely abstract.

    On average, the software runs about 300,000 computations per second.

    This work on the new software led to an early prototype called OpenCAD, in which it was able to model one of the first human-like human-car hybrids. Using a virtual model, this work was able to model the body contours of the car when the robot controlled from behind.

    This model is not yet complete and OpenC

  • Coherent!

    While Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet, Jon Snow was still searching for them by boat with a young boy called Littlefinger [ edit ]

    After the capture of the Night's Watch, Littlefinger began to be suspected of having been behind Ned Stark's death, due to his involvement in kidnapping the Queen's child. While Ned managed to rescue littlefinger's ship from some of his wildlings on the Trident, Littlefinger attempted to flee to Braavos, and attempted to kidnap the young boy he was traveling with, Sansa Stark. The two fought before Sansa arrived in Dragonstone and Littlefinger was killed.

    Tyrion and Sansa Stark survived and managed to survive their voyage to shore in Braavos, while Littlefinger was killed but survived as well after his escape.

    Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen also survived when they encountered the remnants of the Night's Watch in Westeros. Dany was apparently injured in the attack, but was rescued by Jon or the Others, thus allowing her to survive, though her wounds are not fatal.

    When Daenerys Targaryen and

  • she trys to turn her laptop all it does makes is a noise that sounds like it is diening. She tries to change the channel and it won't go off. It keeps saying she's on the computer and not on her. She presses the back button of her laptop again but it doesn't turn on. The computer is turning off but not showing off what's being displayed on it. She tries to turn the monitor all it does turns off so she can see what's going on while she fixes the computer. When she turns off the monitor, the keyboard appears to be working, as does the mouse.

    So she gets a little mad so she switches the monitor to a different monitor which does get the display off. Then she starts to type all it does is make a noise like it is eating her. She finally gets to the screen of the keyboard and turns it all the way down to the bottom (right side) where the keyboard acts as a volume knob, letting her hear the noise and letting her know when it's coming. "Do you understand?" She says with a slight pause.

    She does understand and it

  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    Littlefinger was killed but survived


  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    make a noise like it is eating her. ... and letting her know when it's coming.



    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? How do you make them more fun if they are so damn slow?

    I don't see the point of an even go want as a card when you can have something like:

    (1) The deck is going to want to be aggressive with it and will want to be proactive with it, or

    (2) If you think a player might play the card in the wrong color then you can use it to keep cards like:

    (3) or


    Also don't be afraid to run any other "any" card, if you are worried about having your opponent's hand, you can try a "no" card.

    How much pressure are you expecting?

    I think there is plenty more that people are doing that is making it clear where people are leaning in order to make them more of the same. Also, it might help to do a little bit of a "got your attention? I don't see any problems?"

    But when you're out playing, do people

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @kazitor quoted in The Transformer:

    But when you're out playing, do people


  • 🚽 Regular

    @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    it was able to model one of the first human-like human-car hybrids

    Like... a Transformer?

  • Enter the following commands into a bash terminal:


    Or use a different account:

    $ curl -oD { "txid" => "1c2a6c8e16f6c1dc4799fb8ff2b8a984f59ce6a3d17a5d6eeebb9bc", "addresses" => ["0x4e27d15eb8da33c24c2a6c8e16f6c1dc4799fb8ff2b8a984f59ce6a2b"], "address-type" => "amount", "amountAddress" => "6a2c2c38bcb9800f4e27d15eb8da33c24c2a6c8e16f6c1dc4799fb8ff2b8a98", "amountAmount"

    Hm... Whose bitcoin is it trying to get me to steal?

  • 🚽 Regular

    Hmm, that's very essentialist:

    The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is Nothingness. The author of this essay is John Locke.

    Old dank memes and laser beams?:

    They need to do way instain mother who kill thier babbys, becuse these babby cant fright back? It was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots and you have bared all. i will not forget all your joy when these kids are home and it's your bollocks we need the family, but we can't rest now. and if we can, when we find them on a monday. our families need to put an end to this horrible madness, and stop these bollocks.

    My daughter has seen her mother lying in a field near a water. The water is so fresh that it can't be a water that's been ransacked and she can't have been molested. I've a1sked her how could her mother have killed three kids, and she just say she was alone when it happened on her. I'm sad I can

    Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat, habeeb itty bitty ship, oh yes.

    It isn't the least bit surprising that the "B" would become the word for the new song by the British band Skrillex.

    In the '60s, he became known for wearing a wig in a movie and he was even considered a movie star. So many people assumed he was actually gay, like, who knew?

    After going through some pretty rough times with his music career, there were some people who wanted his autograph. He didn't want to do any signing in Las Vegas. And after a lot of talking, he decided to return to Houston.

    What was you thinking at the time? It sounds like being on stage in a concert for fans was really amazing, but being on stage in a Las Vegas hotel was definitely pretty rough.

    [Laughs] Yeah, exactly. The whole thing really happened. And my agent, who had written a script, came out of the closet. I had written this script and my agent said you've got three or four days to do this. I have no idea what the hell it's about, you know? [Laughs] Then my agent called me up and said, no,

  • Java Dev

    I asked for a boss guide, not loot tables! Although I kinda want The Pomson 6000...

    Mythic Jaina Proudmoore Boss Guide

    Level 25 Hat

    The Tribalman's Shiv
    Level 5 Kukri

    Knife Juggler
    Level 1 Knife
    slam of splinters no headbuts (1)
    crit mod disabled (0)
    max health additive penalty (-25)

    Unarmed Combat
    Level 1 - 100 Severed Arm

    Wanga Prick
    Level 1 - 100 Knife
    disguise on backstab (1)
    silent killer (1)
    mult cloak meter consume rate (1.33)
    mod_disguise_consumes_cloak (1)

    The Apoco-Fists
    Level 10 Fists
    crit kill will gib (1)

    The Pomson 6000
    Level 10 Indivisible Particle Smasher
    energy weapon no ammo (1)
    energy weapon no deflect (1)
    subtract victim medigun charge on hit (10)
    subtract victim cloak on hit (25)

  • Java Dev

    May as well go for some WoW memes while at it.

    Where is Mankirk's wife? In the first case that she knows of she is at her mother's. In the second I have not heard if she is anywhere near Mankirk or in London...."

    "She's in London," said Mr. Grew, with a little laugh when he looked at me, "but I don't know what part she plays, as she always keeps her own secret."

    "But how is she in London? She is at her brother's place on the Thames...."

    "She is, yes, Mrs. Mankirk, a member of the Royal Society; she is the mother of the Rev. Mr. Charles Mankirk. She lives with her brother in the 'Cage, near Soho.' I am glad to hear of your recovery, I am afraid you have much to tell me."

    "I will tell you everything that has made her come into my sight," added Mr. Mankirk, with difficulty. "She has been in great danger and is now safe. It would be unwise for her to keep secret anything which she has learned in

    Considering how bad questing was originally, going to London to find Mankirk's wife would not be too farfetched...

    sumtimes peeps say 2 me HAY HOW 2 PLAY DURID IDK LOL! SO NOW, u CAN PLAY DURID by only rred this! !!! YOU'LL LOVE IT! 2 GET SOME STYLIFIES 2 PLAY ULLUMINATI!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U HAVEN'T 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!! GET SOME DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK!!! GOT SOME HONEY IT'S DRUMMER AND DRAMAIN AND SOONEDED 4 DATES 4 DRUNK DRUNK DRUNK 4 HONEY SO NOW 2 PLAY DURID! 2 PLAY DURID!!! I WANNA PLAY THE ULLUMINATI!!!!! I WANT 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!! 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!! 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!! I LOVE 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 PLAY DURID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT SOME DRUNK DRUNK!!! GET SOME HONEY 2 PLAY DURID

    So they key to playing druid is to get completely smashed? Got it!

    Skinning a bear should aggro every bears, and can often result in it starting a fight. When the bear isn't attacking, keep the player in the center of the mob or outside the mob to avoid drawing aggro. A common scenario in this role is a bear with 4 people all at once, where the player can use an AoE attack on their party with another player (such as a ranger, druid, paladin, or monk using the spell buff buff or the party member taking a crit/stun debuff). If there is nothing for the bear to aggro at the time the party member is taking the crit/stun debuff, the bear can follow with a group of their own and become more or less permanent in the middle of the raid.

    The best way to keep aggroed bears off of the area is to use AoE. Using spells such as Silence or Fear, or casting Fear, could also reduce aggro to a point where the bear may be able to move on to the next encounter. The bears can be hit several times each round, but the player doesn't have to spend time worrying about getting aggro.

    And there's the boss strategies I was looking for!

  • Java Dev

    @Atazhaia I don't like using fear. Them running away just ends up making the problem worse.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    I am disappoint.


    Bike shed

    A Bike Shed with a custom build custom rear rack

    3 wheels with a unique paint job

    Custom handlebars

    A single rack on the back with racks behind it (optional)

    Custom paint job on all wheels

    Optional 2nd rack underneath the front of a bike

    The rack allows the rider to change a bike that looks different to the ones they already have. The racks don't have to be in exactly the same places on each bike.

    Please note: Customizing the bikes will cost more. Check the link you see before joining the chat for all details.

    We also need volunteers who are willing to work on bike sheds for free to help us make the Bike Shed available to the public! This is something we can't do for anyone that is not a real life bike shed owner. The only thing needed to join one is a Bike Shed membership card and your name on our website or forum

    If you are interested in this kind of job, please feel free to email us our office at or send me an email at mb

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    Getting there...

    Bike shedding, or "sunken bike shed", is a common occurrence on the urban bicycle network including in Chicago and in other US cities such as Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, Los Angeles, Orlando, San Francisco, and more recently San Diego. The phenomenon takes several forms, including the bicycle being abandoned or taken to a "sunken bike shed"! This means that while the bicycle may be in one piece, there are many things that have been lost.

    The most common cause of abandoned bicycles is dropped cables/clips/fuses (injury, breakdown) or simply a bike caught in someone else's driveway. Also, the most common reason for abandonment in downtown/inner city bike shops is broken tires.

    In New York City, bike sheds are common and have been found with any size bike that isn't used to provide a permanent residence.

    The most common reason for this is bike theft. Bike sales have grown since the 1980s when bike sheds were not available. Bike shed prices (particularly those from bike shops are typically considerably less now when compared to their former high.)

    There are also

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Jeff Atwood (writer/director), Mark Romanek (artist), and Paul Bostom (creator/executive producer) deliver a unique brand of independent cinema, blending cinematic and comedy elements in the midst of a highly anticipated sci-fi film production.


    Robert O'Reilly (Sigourney Weaver), John Cassavetes (Lt. James S. McCoy), and Bill Pullman

    Directed by: Robert O'Reilly

    Produced by: Paul Bostom


    Best Short Subject

    Best Nonfiction Films, Short Subject

    First Place

    "The Unnatural"

    "Lovers Unbound"

    "I Was Wrong (in A Movie Version)"

    1st Place

    "All The Money In The World"

    1st Place

    "A New Life"

    1st Place

    Best Supporting Actor

    Robert O'Reilly, "No Other Way" (director's cut)

    John Cassavetes, "The Unnatural" (starring William Baldwin and Don Johnson)

    Hmmm.... Shouldn't that be horror instead of science fiction?

  • A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a man was born and raised.

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... A man named Luke Skywalker has come to the galaxy's core seeking for his lost friends, Darth Maul and Darth Malak. But when the Empire attempts to assassinate them...Luke sets out in pursuit of Darth Maul...and his loyal droid, X2! ... more

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away

    Written and directed by Matt Miller!

    Starring Paul Feig as Captain America, Steve Carrell as the Hulk, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and more.

    Rated PG-13

    Produced by: Paul Feig, Nick Marshall

    Executive Producers: Matt Miller, Robert Rodriguez, Nick Marshall

    Producer / Story Editor: Nick Marshall

    Executive Producer / Producer: Joe Russo

    Executive Producers: Stan Lee, Jack Valenti

    Music composed, created and written by: Mark Millar & Steve Ditko

    Color color by: Mike Del Mundo & Joe Johnston

    Casting by: Peter Dinklage

    Special thanks to: Nickleby Productions, Weta Workshop & the team who made The Avengers fun & awesome!!!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    Steve Carrell as the Hulk

    Someone make this happen.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    I would expect nothing less....

    :disco:🐎10.000 : error: cannot process host name 'disco:🐎0'

    If you run a command like:

    sh-1.8$ cat <script_here> | ./sh-0.10.7 ./sh-0.10.7 -c -e --script "print"

    The generated outputs of ./sh-0.10.7 :

    $ ssh | grep "ssh-key"

    "ssh-key" is the hostname of the remote user, "", the port of the remote shell, and the path to where the script "print" is run.

    If the command is run a hostname, like "tumbler" or "tumbler2" and the output is "ssh-key", we say that if that is the hostname of the remote user, the shell will invoke the script "print". It will use sudo in case you use sudo to start the remote console

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    Dagon – the one which is the heart of the team now.

    "There's a certain feeling in the office that Dagon is here," said Rhett Rancourt, the president of D.C. United. "I can tell you there are several more of these Dagon supporters, but there's really not a Dagon fan I've ever heard of. They're not very active in MLS and they don't really like Dagon. If we win, they'll get out of town with their family. There's a little bit of a void there. There's a little bit of sadness, but also something positive too."

    A lot is riding on D.C. United's first match since January. That game against D.C. United on Saturday night.

    Dalglish won't have all of a Dagon supporter at Old Trafford this Sunday's match against the New York Red Bulls. Instead, he gets a squad full, a bunch of Dagon.

    "We have a small, small group here, but then I want to be here that will make a difference on Saturday," R

    -- TIL Dagon is not only a fish god, but a soccer player.

  • Whoopsy doopsy doo doo doo, it looks like someone's dead," he said.

    At another location on the street where the crime scene still hadn't been located, police spotted the same man again in the same manner.

    Officers spotted his vehicle at a nearby intersection about 30 minutes later, and they saw him go around a corner toward North Lake Street and West Street, police said.

    An off-duty police officer observed the car as it drove by, and called for backup.

    About an hour after the off-duty officer called for backup, detectives went to the scene in a separate vehicle as soon as they saw who it was, said Lt. Brian Lattie, a city spokesman.

    A photo on Facebook showed the man on the ground in a pool of blood with the words "I think there's a big mistake here."

    Investigators learned the driver had been in the area working for one of the city's largest construction firms, he said.

    An off-duty city employee who was at the scene also told investigators that the suspect showed up about 8 a.m. after

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    See how a modern neural network completes your text. Type a custom snippet of text in your browser or type your own. You can also add custom parameters like the size of the text field.

    The next page of the tutorial shows you how to learn neural networks and how to program them. We cover Python for neural networks programming, how the computer generates new networks, how to connect them up, and how to use data mining to find patterns as seen in popular news stories. Finally we show you how to visualize the results of a neural network analysis and show you how to make predictions, use your network to do things you can actually control, and understand the neural network by visualizing the results.

    Download PDF

    If you do not have a computer, you can download an Excel database of the entire course (400+ pages in all). If you have an earlier version of Excel and want to look through this chapter before upgrading to more recent versions, then you can download Excel 2007 or 2012.

    Download PDF

    To open this PDF file click on it!

    If you do not have any computers open on your machine you

    If you do not have any computers open on your machine you can set up the command prompt as follows to get the file.

    On the command prompt, type:

    ls /

    The output should contain the contents of the file and the following file type information:


    ls -l

    This command will help you figure out the contents of the file. As above you should use the % and $ characters which define how much the file is large when it is being used (ex:

    %>50) (or %>100 if you have only 1GB space)

    (Note: in this case if you have less than 100 GB to spare, the last % is used.) Then just pass in the last digit with nothing in it, a 1 means you do not have any space left, and b means you have 100GB. It may look like it says %0007, but that is completely redundant.

    Next use the % to create a symbolic link to the folder. In this case the next letter, l, will denote the directory the file is located in.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    It puts the lotion on its skin, which creates a more gentle pressure on sensitive areas. The cream stays on for a longer time, which may reduce the chances of skin irritation.

    Bergamot - The top of your fingers and toes are just the perfect temperature for the essential oil plant to thrive. Bergamot is best absorbed when the gel is fresh and the fragrance is fresh, like in this sample.

    Cinnamon - This fragrance is sweet, but leaves behind a subtle sweet and spicy scent.

    Coriander - This can evoke feelings of warm summer, and has the slight herbaceous notes that is typical of this type of fragrance.

    Cromulent - It's the sort of scent that leaves your nose on the scent notes to your nose. It's mild in both taste and smell, and does not leave a sticky or unpleasant aftertaste.

    Ginger - Similar to these floral notes, you get this soft, soft floral fragrance with hints of citrus. This one is a nice choice for those who like floral scents.

    Myrrh - Maud's notes are quite subtle and

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said in The Transformer:

    Maud's notes are quite subtle and

    Maud's notes are quite subtle and you won't hear much of them in the game. The first two words are written on a stick, while the last one is written on a chain which is used to attach the keys. So the idea is clear, as the player uses the sticks to create different sounds that can be selected through the control pad to create different sounds that are audible at any rate. Each level contains five different rooms with different environments with different sound systems, meaning that they've got to find the specific sound in each one to create a unique sound that's unique to either the levels or rooms. Maud is quite the designer, and she also created a very fun level with a large amount of environmental cues as well as a number of traps which she's had a hard time putting together, especially since she was working from a concept stage. She uses an impressive amount of texture and materials, as well as creating a lot of different patterns which are extremely detailed and colorful. I did enjoy some of her humor as well, especially with the way she's throwing away her keys to save them and how there's this very sad expression across her face,

  • There was a small child sitting on a bench. The child looked up to see a butterfly. The butterfly had a huge wing. The butterfly was on the back of one of the legs.

    A man walked over and got the child off the bench. The other man threw a bag of food in front of the child. The child began to scream as the man approached. The man grabbed hold of the hand and the child got sick.

    The child collapsed onto the ground and died. As the investigation was ongoing, the child's father ran through the woods searching for the baby. Eventually the child was found inside a hole in a house and was transported to a local hospital.

    The first responders who came down to the scene found the child, unconscious on the floor, dead and the body covered in blood.

    An autopsy concluded that the child died immediately from the injuries received when the boy broke the skin of the butterfly's wing.

    In 2011, a man was bitten, severely burned and then taken to the hospital, where his condition was described as life threatening. The man would only get medical attention after his wife called

  • I keep getting very dark stories about death or shootings.

    My mother was a wonderful woman. She lived a great life. One day she passed away when I was a child.

    She was 81. I don't think anyone was prepared for her passing, but I remember thinking to myself, "Thank God she's gone."

  • Jesus sat on a rock near the disciples. Children would come up to meet Jesus, but the disciples were worried the children were disturbing Jesus. So the disciples took Jesus to a rock.

    When Jesus looked down and saw the children, he smiled and said "I am your King" [Luke 4:4].

    You can look at their words on the left and below in some other ways:

    Jesus says

    "I am Your King, because you are righteous and not guilty because

    you are not aware" [Luke 4:5].

    The problem here is, while I like Jesus' comments on these points on the rock, it doesn't seem clear whether Jesus actually believes anything in the scriptures or just hears from others.

    Jesus also taught about His passion in John 6:48-49; "He said to the paralytic Jesus: 'If you are afraid, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.'" (John 6:48)

  • God looked down on Jesus and said, "I don't believe," and He raised His head and looked at me with the same eyes of anger and hatred and put it on me. A woman saw what was about to happen, and she said, "That's no way to behave!"

  • @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    Jeff Atwood (writer/director),
    "The Unnatural"


    "I Was Wrong (in A Movie Version)"

    No, that's a movie Jeff would never make, or at least never admit to making.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said in The Transformer:


    Cromulenta in his hand.

    She turned back to him as the creature raised its head to take its eyes off of her.


    She was the first person her father had told she could not eat, and he had been trying not to say anything about it ever since. A man with her father in his hands had turned into someone of much higher rank than her own, who was willing to share his knowledge of her power at whatever price.

    "I could use your help?"

    "I'm not sure about that. I'll let you go if you promise not to kill my father again."

    For the first few times, he did not know what to say.

    Then she spoke up.

    "If you don't kill him, I can send you to hell... and you can try to get your ass kicked in space before you die."

    As she spoke, the thing on her hand was moving and making a strange gesture against her hand as all of a sudden it looked like it was about to strike her.

    "I'm sorry, lady."

    Umm... Cannibalism anyone?

  • @CHUDbert

    Umm... Cannibalism anyone?


    Umm... Cannibalism anyone?

    Cannibalism, we now learned, is actually a very good thing. A study released last month ( ) by the National Center for Home Care Research and Health at the US Department of Agriculture shows that for example, an infant consumed a hamburger on its first birthday, which would usually increase the child's chances of staying healthy.

    How can you be sure that your baby will be healthy if he or she eats a hamburger on its birthday? When baby is very young, you want to provide a healthy diet that your baby is able to eat on its first night of life, but the science points out that babies can eat hamburgers for breakfast or lunch or dinner in later infancy if they're able to consume them after they wake up in developmentally appropriate amounts; the later they are allowed to eat the earlier their baby will become habituated to eating the food.

    In addition, some research has also shown that eating early in a child's life is beneficial, in

    Umm... Cannibalism anyone?

    The "Gorilla King" and his army of gorillas have been eating everything for breakfast in this episode. I wish they were more effective when it comes to food preparation?

    Oh shit. The gorillas are apparently hungry after eating a bunch of meat and some eggs. There's no food in the bag, there's no utensils. It looked like they were about ready to vomit up every last morsel, so they were taking what they could get and being generous…

    This was the most delicious thing I saw. I haven't seen an episode this delicious since… The King has made sure everyone got some good stuff.

    ...Well, I guess that leaves us with the other two guests. I'd say it's a close bet that our "other guests" are "The Big Bad Doctor D" who's "a bad guy in green skin" in this episode. (Yeah, and this guy is wearing green and white too. The colors are a big departure from last week's)

    The Doctor's "Gorilla King" and his army of gor

  • @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    "I'm not sure about that. I'll let you go if you promise not to kill my father again."
    For the first few times, he did not know what to say.

    🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

  • I seem to have broken it. I entered
    The heat rose up around him in suffocating waves, but Caine walked through it in a kind of serenity.

    And I got:

    The heat rose up around him in suffocating waves, but Caine walked through it in a kind of serenity.

    I guess it was a complete thought.

    I haven't read the documentation, maybe there's something that would explain that.

  • Next try:

    The heat rose up around him in suffocating waves, touring every bit of his muscles and burning all of his fat. He felt hot, wet, cold, sweaty. His brain was a burning furnace, his limbs and arms burned to the ground. As a last resort his blood became hot, he could not even feel his feet, but his eyes filled with pain, the eyes of agony. He was in agony, yet he couldn't move. He could neither scream nor scream, he had nothing to cry for, no words and he couldn't think. At the moment everything was like a film.
    He tried to speak, his voice was shallow, but his words were sharp, like a knife, the pain filled his throat and the screams drowned him. In a moment he felt a hand on his shoulder, he grabbed his arm, the pain was too much to bear, he managed to pull himself to his feet, to scream. As one he was met with the same expression of bewildered confusion

    Maybe it doesn't like periods.