The Official Status Thread

  • @gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Q: let's pretend gamepad prices are 3x higher than they actually are (compensating for Polish currency and Polish salaries). Would you go with another $50 pad or spend $100 on official PlayStation/XBox controller?

    I'd go with spending $100 on a ($50 state-side) official Xbox controller. Other than battery packs, all of my Xbox 360 controllers survived six years of college-slackoff abuse plus an additional six years of on-again-off-again regular use with the sole loss of one RB button, and aside from that one all of them are still in playable condition. It's my understanding that Xbox One controllers have similar build quality, though they chew through batteries like crazy.

    (Also, the Dukes are coming back, if you're into that sort of thing. Damn near indestructible, they were, though a complete bitch to use.)

  • @twelvebaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    It's my understanding that Xbox One controllers have similar build quality, though they chew through batteries like crazy.

    And if you don't want to use batteries, you can use the controller wired with a microUSB cable and it works great. I don't even have an XBone but I got the controller and haven't regretted it.

  • @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    And if you don't want to use batteries, you can use the controller wired with a microUSB cable and it works great.

    Keep in mind the microUSB port will break long before anything else does. It's weak as shit on the two Xbox One controllers I have.

  • @blakeyrat I've had mine since I think shortly after the XBone came out and so far I haven't had any problems with the USB or anything else.

  • @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    PHP for Dummies.

    <insert "redundant phrasing" joke here>

  • :belt_onion:

    @cursorkeys said in The Official Status Thread:

    The offending user claims 'my mouse must have slipped'...😑

    :phb:: Where's <offending user>?
    cursorkeys: My knife must have slipped. My knife must have slipped ten times...

  • Huh, so Chase finally got around to setting up secure HTTP for About damn time.

    Still, good on him. Hopefully this is a sign that he's going to have time to review the forum software as well.

  • Status: Really enjoying Blender's documentations. They give you steps on how to do stuff, but they don't tell you how to navigate menus or what shortcut codes to perform the steps so their tutorials are 100% useless.

    Filed Under: How to change your oil: Step 1: Change your oil. Step 2: Done!

  • area_pol

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    shortcut codes to perform the steps

    If you press SPACE, it will give you a searchable list of actions you can take in the current situation.

    Another thing to try would be some video tutorial where the actions are shown.
    I watched this and it helped me with navigation.

  • @adynathos said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    shortcut codes to perform the steps

    If you press SPACE, it will give you a searchable list of actions you can take in the current situation.

    Another thing to try would be some video tutorial where the actions are shown.
    I watched this and it helped me with navigation.

    I tried some video tutorials. Too many of them skip over steps because "You should know how to do that already."

    It's like trying to teach a kid how to do an oil change, but he doesn't know what a drain plug is and you refuse to tell him that or where to find it.

  • @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    That's fixed in the Xbone controller

    But still super awkward.

  • Status: Network connectivity issues today make firefox unusable, and IE not much better, so I have to use Chrome :/

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Oh no! Security issues!

    I got one of those. I just assumed it was a phishing attempt and deleted it.

  • @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Filed Under: How to change your oil: Step 1: Change your oil. Step 2: Done!


  • area_pol

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I tried some video tutorials. Too many of them skip over steps because "You should know how to do that already."

    The one I saw rightly assumed I know nothing.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @adynathos said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I tried some video tutorials. Too many of them skip over steps because "You should know how to do that already."

    The one I saw rightly assumed I know nothing.

    Good on that video! +1 for clairvoyance!

  • Java Dev

    The problem with video tutorials is that you can't provide tiered information. If you omit something, your tutorial will be useless to those who do not already know it. If you include it, it will be an annoying delay to those who already know it.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pleegwat said in The Official Status Thread:

    annoying delay to those who already know it.

    YouTube used to support these little annotation things you could click on that would do various things like skip to a certain time or go to a URL or whatever.

    Now of course that's all deprecated because it doesn't make monies? And because it's way too hard to ensure annotations look good on mobile? Or something?

    But yeah, before that people could simply provide a "Skip this part" annotation you could click on if you already knew how to open the File Menu (for example).

    Now it's all about Cards that do less.

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @adynathos said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I tried some video tutorials. Too many of them skip over steps because "You should know how to do that already."

    The one I saw rightly assumed I know nothing.

    Good on that video! +1 for clairvoyance!

    TIL @adynathos' real name is Jon Snow.

  • Status:
    I have used variations on this joke for years and got no response of consequence:
    @scholrlea said in The Official Funny Stuff Thread™:

    Prior to the introduction of urinalysis as a job prerequisite, it was the programmers who did [drugs] more often than the users. Software quality has been in decline ever since. COINCIDENCE?!?!?!11!?

    Today I mentioned it to my therapist, and he used it to help treat me. Very effectively, at that.

    I don't know what to say about that.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @scholrlea said in The Official Status Thread:

    Today I mentioned it to my therapist, and he used it to help treat me. Very effectively, at that.

    He used urinalysis to make your software quality decline? 😕

  • @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @scholrlea said in The Official Status Thread:

    Today I mentioned it to my therapist, and he used it to help treat me. Very effectively, at that.

    He used urinalysis to make your software quality decline? 😕

    The ammonia can degrade your compiled binaries.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    statusbolded text****

    Working with the base layer of the company's solution. (It compiles into DLLs used in a nigh-empty Custom layer that we sell developer training for, which in itself compiles into the Presentation layer aka website)

    This is an older version, but not THAT old. I just want to build one of the components, because I'm working on an older customer's website.

    Build failed. Other project needed.

    I check the references, it does indeed refer to the .DLL of other projects, but Project Dependencies doesn't have that other project. So of course it wouldn't work.

    I remove the reference to the dll (seriously), and instead put in a reference to the dependent Project itself. That automagically sets up the Project Dependencies.

    Build. Build failed. Because the dependent project depends on other projects-- and I think you see where this is going. There are 61 projects in the solution. And almost none of them have the Project Dependency set up correctly. Some of them WON'T set up, because there are circular references.

    So my entire afternoon has been just setting up the dependencies, Clean Solution, Build Solution, fix other problem. Over and over again. Moving around code to fix circular reference. Build again. And again.

    And if you're asking "Hadn't anyone noticed this before? Hadn't anyone ever tried to compile the whole solution"? I'm pretty sure the answer is "no". I'm sure somewhere down the line, years ago, someone made a successful build. And since then people would change one part of one Project, build that project, take the .dll. And if a new customer comes along, they get a copy of the compiled .dlls.

    FFS-- every single project is set to "Not Build" in Solution Configuration. I had to manually check "build" on 61 projects, so that each project would actually TRY to build it's dependent projects.

    Finally after way too many hours of this: ========== Rebuild All: 61 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

    Fucking hell.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Entity Framework loves databases...

    0_1517429674327_3bface81-97f4-4197-8ed6-5032fbebdf9b-image.png : Query performance shows high DTU usage for the following queries:

    (@p0 nvarchar(4000),@p1 nvarchar(4000),@p2 nvarchar(4000),@p3 nvarchar(4000),@p4 nvarchar(4000),@p5 nvarchar(4000),@p6 nvarchar(4000),@p7 nvarchar(4000),@p8 nvarchar(4000),@p9 nvarchar(4000),@p10 nvarchar(4000),@p11 nvarchar(4000),@p12 nvarchar(4000),@p13 nvarchar(4000),@p14 nvarchar(4000),@p15 nvarchar(4000),@p16 nvarchar(4000),@p17 nvarchar(4000),@p18 nvarchar(4000),@p19 nvarchar(4000),@p20 nvarchar(4000),@p21 nvarchar(4000),@p22 nvarchar(4000),@p23 nvarchar(4000),@p24 nvarchar(4000),@p25 nvarchar(4000),@p26 nvarchar(4000),@p27 nvarchar(4000),@p28 nvarchar(4000),@p29 nvarchar(4000),@p30 nvarchar(4000),@p31 nvarchar(4000),@p32 nvarchar(4000),@p33 nvarchar(4000),@p34 nvarchar(4000),@p35 nvarchar(4000),@p36 nvarchar(4000),@p37 nvarchar(4000),@p38 nvarchar(4000),@p39 nvarchar(4000),@p40 nvarchar(4000),@p41 nvarchar(4000),@p42 nvarchar(4000),@p43 nvarchar(4000),@p44 nvarchar(4000),@p45 nvarchar(4000),@p46 nvarchar(4000),@p47 nvarchar(4000),@p48 nvarchar(4000),@p49 nvarchar(4000),@p50 nvarchar(4000),@p51 nvarchar(4000),@p52 nvarchar(4000),@p53 nvarchar(4000),@p54 nvarchar(4000),@p55 nvarchar(4000),@p56 nvarchar(4000),@p57 nvarchar(4000),@p58 nvarchar(4000),@p59 nvarchar(4000),@p60 nvarchar(4000),@p61 nvarchar(4000),@p62 nvarchar(4000),@p63 nvarchar(4000),@p64 nvarchar(4000),@p65 nvarchar(4000),@p66 nvarchar(4000),@p67 nvarchar(4000),@p68 nvarchar(4000),@p69 nvarchar(4000),@p70 nvarchar(4000),@p71 nvarchar(4000),@p72 nvarchar(4000),@p73 nvarchar(4000),@p74 nvarchar(4000),@p75 nvarchar(4000),@p76 nvarchar(4000),@p77 nvarchar(4000),@p78 nvarchar(4000),@p79 nvarchar(4000),@p80 nvarchar(4000),@p81 nvarchar(4000),@p82 nvarchar(4000),@p83 nvarchar(4000),@p84 nvarchar(4000),@p85 nvarchar(4000),@p86 nvarchar(4000),@p87 nvarchar(4000),@p88 nvarchar(4000),@p89 nvarchar(4000),@p90 nvarchar(4000),@p91 nvarchar(4000),@p92 nvarchar(4000),@p93 nvarchar(4000),@p94 nvarchar(4000),@p95 nvarchar(4000),@p96 nvarchar(4000),@p97 nvarchar(4000),@p98 nvarchar(4000),@p99 nvarchar(4000),@p100 nvarchar(4000),@p101 nvarchar(4000),@p102 nvarchar(4000),@p103 nvarchar(4000),@p104 nvarchar(4000),@p105 nvarchar(4000),@p106 nvarchar(4000),@p107 nvarchar(4000),@p108 nvarchar(4000),@p109 nvarchar(4000),@p110 nvarchar(4000),@p111 nvarchar(4000),@p112 nvarchar(4000),@p113 nvarchar(4000),@p114 nvarchar(4000),@p115 nvarchar(4000),@p116 nvarchar(4000))SELECT 
        [Project7].[C14] AS [C1], 
        [Project7].[C1] AS [C2], 
        [Project7].[C2] AS [C3], 
        [Project7].[C3] AS [C4], 
        [Project7].[C4] AS [C5], 
        [Project7].[C5] AS [C6], 
        [Project7].[C6] AS [C7], 
        [Project7].[C7] AS [C8], 
        [Project7].[C8] AS [C9], 
        [Project7].[C9] AS [C10], 
        [Project7].[C10] AS [C11], 
        [Project7].[C11] AS [C12], 
        [Project7].[C12] AS [C13]
        FROM ( SELECT 
            [UnionAll3].[CatalogName] AS [C1], 
            [UnionAll3].[SchemaName] AS [C2], 
            [UnionAll3].[Name] AS [C3], 
            [UnionAll3].[C1] AS [C4], 
            [UnionAll3].[C2] AS [C5], 
            [UnionAll3].[C3] AS [C6], 
            [UnionAll3].[IsBuiltIn] AS [C7], 
            [UnionAll3].[IsNiladic] AS [C8], 
            [UnionAll3].[C4] AS [C9], 
            [UnionAll3].[C5] AS [C10], 
            [UnionAll3].[C6] AS [C11], 
            [UnionAll3].[C7] AS [C12], 
            [UnionAll3].[C8] AS [C13], 
            1 AS [C14]
            FROM  (SELECT 
                [Extent1].[CatalogName] AS [CatalogName], 
                [Extent1].[SchemaName] AS [SchemaName], 
                [Extent1].[Name] AS [Name], 
                CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 1) THEN '0X0X0X' ELSE '0X0X1X' END LIKE '0X0X1X%') THEN CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 1) THEN CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 0) THEN [Extent1].[ReturnTypeName] END END AS [C1], 
                CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 1) THEN '0X0X0X' ELSE '0X0X1X' END LIKE '0X0X1X%') THEN CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 1) THEN CAST(NULL AS bit) ELSE [Extent1].[IsAggregate] END END AS [C2], 
                cast(1 as bit) AS [C3], 
                [Extent1].[IsBuiltIn] AS [IsBuiltIn], 
                [Extent1].[IsNiladic] AS [IsNiladic], 
                CASE WHEN (CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 1) THEN '0X0X0X' ELSE '0X0X1X' END LIKE '0X0X0X%') THEN cast(1 as bit) WHEN ( NOT (CASE WHEN ([Extent1].[IsTvf] = 1) THEN '0X0X0X' ELSE '0X0X1X' END LIKE '0X0X0X%')) THEN cast(0 as bit) END AS [C4], 
                [UnionAll1].[Name] AS [C5], 
                [UnionAll1].[TypeName] AS [C6], 
                [UnionAll1].[Mode] AS [C7], 
                [UnionAll1].[Ordinal] AS [C8]
                FROM  (
            quotename(SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(SPECIFIC_NAME) [Id]
            , SPECIFIC_CATALOG         [CatalogName]
            , SPECIFIC_SCHEMA          [SchemaName]
            , SPECIFIC_NAME            [Name]
            ,   CASE
            WHEN DATA_TYPE in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary') and
            DATA_TYPE + '(max)'
            END [ReturnTypeName]
            , CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH            [ReturnMaxLength]
            , CAST(NUMERIC_PRECISION as integer)  [ReturnPrecision]
            , CAST(DATETIME_PRECISION as integer) [ReturnDateTimePrecision]
            , CAST(NUMERIC_SCALE as integer)      [ReturnScale]
            , COLLATION_CATALOG        [ReturnCollationCatalog]
            , COLLATION_SCHEMA         [ReturnCollationSchema]
            , COLLATION_NAME           [ReturnCollationName]
            , CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG    [ReturnCharacterSetCatalog]
            , CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA     [ReturnCharacterSetSchema]
            , CHARACTER_SET_NAME       [ReturnCharacterSetName]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as        [ReturnIsMultiSet]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsAggregate]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsBuiltIn]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsNiladic]
            , CAST( (CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'TABLE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as bit ) as [IsTvf]
            AND NOT (
                       ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo'
                       AND ROUTINE_NAME LIKE 'dt[_]%'
                       AND SUBSTRING(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as varchar(20)),1,1) = 8
          ) AS [Extent1]
                LEFT OUTER JOIN  (SELECT 
                    [Extent2].[Name] AS [Name], 
                    [Extent2].[Ordinal] AS [Ordinal], 
                    [Extent2].[TypeName] AS [TypeName], 
                    [Extent2].[Mode] AS [Mode], 
                    0 AS [C1], 
                    [Extent2].[ParentId] AS [ParentId]
                    FROM (
            quotename(f.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(f.SPECIFIC_NAME) + quotename(f.PARAMETER_NAME) [Id]
            , quotename(f.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(f.SPECIFIC_NAME)                              [ParentId]
            , CASE -- trim off the @ symbol
            WHEN f.PARAMETER_NAME is null THEN NULL
            END   [Name]
            , f.ORDINAL_POSITION [Ordinal]
            , CASE
            WHEN f.DATA_TYPE in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary') and
            f.DATA_TYPE + '(max)'
            END [TypeName]
            , f.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH [MaxLength]
            , CAST(f.NUMERIC_PRECISION as integer) [Precision]
            , CAST(f.DATETIME_PRECISION as integer) as [DateTimePrecision]
            , CAST(f.NUMERIC_SCALE as integer) [Scale]
            , f.COLLATION_CATALOG [CollationCatalog]
            , f.COLLATION_SCHEMA [CollationSchema]
            , f.COLLATION_NAME [CollationName]
            , f.CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG [CharacterSetCatalog]
            , f.CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA [CharacterSetSchema]
            , f.CHARACTER_SET_NAME [CharacterSetName]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsMultiSet]
            , f.PARAMETER_MODE   [Mode]
            , CAST(NULL as nvarchar(max))  [Default]
            r.ROUTINE_TYPE = 'FUNCTION'
            f.IS_RESULT = 'NO'
          ) AS [Extent2]
                UNION ALL
                    [Extent3].[Name] AS [Name], 
                    [Extent3].[Ordinal] AS [Ordinal], 
                    [Extent3].[TypeName] AS [TypeName], 
                    [Extent3].[Mode] AS [Mode], 
                    6 AS [C1], 
                    [Extent3].[ParentId] AS [ParentId]
                    FROM (
            quotename(p.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(p.SPECIFIC_NAME) + quotename(p.PARAMETER_NAME) [Id]
            , quotename(p.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(p.SPECIFIC_NAME)                              [ParentId]
            , CASE -- trim off the @ symbol
            WHEN p.PARAMETER_NAME is null THEN NULL
            END   [Name]
            , p.ORDINAL_POSITION [Ordinal]
            , CASE
            WHEN p.DATA_TYPE in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary') and
            p.DATA_TYPE + '(max)'
            END [TypeName]
            , p.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH [MaxLength]
            , CAST(p.NUMERIC_PRECISION as integer) [Precision]
            , CAST(p.DATETIME_PRECISION as integer) as [DateTimePrecision]
            , CAST(p.NUMERIC_SCALE as integer) [Scale]
            , p.COLLATION_CATALOG [CollationCatalog]
            , p.COLLATION_SCHEMA [CollationSchema]
            , p.COLLATION_NAME [CollationName]
            , p.CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG [CharacterSetCatalog]
            , p.CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA [CharacterSetSchema]
            , p.CHARACTER_SET_NAME [CharacterSetName]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsMultiSet]
            , p.PARAMETER_MODE   [Mode]
            , CAST(NULL as nvarchar(max)) [Default]
            r.ROUTINE_TYPE = 'PROCEDURE'
            p.IS_RESULT = 'NO'
          ) AS [Extent3]) AS [UnionAll1] ON (0 = [UnionAll1].[C1]) AND ([Extent1].[Id] = [UnionAll1].[ParentId])
            UNION ALL
                [Extent4].[CatalogName] AS [CatalogName], 
                [Extent4].[SchemaName] AS [SchemaName], 
                [Extent4].[Name] AS [Name], 
                CAST(NULL AS varchar(1)) AS [C1], 
                cast(0 as bit) AS [C2], 
                cast(0 as bit) AS [C3], 
                cast(0 as bit) AS [C4], 
                cast(0 as bit) AS [C5], 
                cast(0 as bit) AS [C6], 
                [UnionAll2].[Name] AS [C7], 
                [UnionAll2].[TypeName] AS [C8], 
                [UnionAll2].[Mode] AS [C9], 
                [UnionAll2].[Ordinal] AS [C10]
                FROM  (
            quotename(SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(SPECIFIC_NAME) [Id]
            , SPECIFIC_CATALOG         [CatalogName]
            , SPECIFIC_SCHEMA          [SchemaName]
            , SPECIFIC_NAME            [Name]
            NOT (ROUTINE_SCHEMA = 'dbo'
            AND ROUTINE_NAME LIKE 'dt[_]%'
            AND SUBSTRING(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as varchar(20)),1,1) = 8)
            AND (DATA_TYPE != 'TABLE' OR DATA_TYPE is null)
          ) AS [Extent4]
                LEFT OUTER JOIN  (SELECT 
                    [Extent5].[Name] AS [Name], 
                    [Extent5].[Ordinal] AS [Ordinal], 
                    [Extent5].[TypeName] AS [TypeName], 
                    [Extent5].[Mode] AS [Mode], 
                    0 AS [C1], 
                    [Extent5].[ParentId] AS [ParentId]
                    FROM (
            quotename(f.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(f.SPECIFIC_NAME) + quotename(f.PARAMETER_NAME) [Id]
            , quotename(f.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(f.SPECIFIC_NAME)                              [ParentId]
            , CASE -- trim off the @ symbol
            WHEN f.PARAMETER_NAME is null THEN NULL
            END   [Name]
            , f.ORDINAL_POSITION [Ordinal]
            , CASE
            WHEN f.DATA_TYPE in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary') and
            f.DATA_TYPE + '(max)'
            END [TypeName]
            , f.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH [MaxLength]
            , CAST(f.NUMERIC_PRECISION as integer) [Precision]
            , CAST(f.DATETIME_PRECISION as integer) as [DateTimePrecision]
            , CAST(f.NUMERIC_SCALE as integer) [Scale]
            , f.COLLATION_CATALOG [CollationCatalog]
            , f.COLLATION_SCHEMA [CollationSchema]
            , f.COLLATION_NAME [CollationName]
            , f.CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG [CharacterSetCatalog]
            , f.CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA [CharacterSetSchema]
            , f.CHARACTER_SET_NAME [CharacterSetName]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsMultiSet]
            , f.PARAMETER_MODE   [Mode]
            , CAST(NULL as nvarchar(max))  [Default]
            r.ROUTINE_TYPE = 'FUNCTION'
            f.IS_RESULT = 'NO'
          ) AS [Extent5]
                UNION ALL
                    [Extent6].[Name] AS [Name], 
                    [Extent6].[Ordinal] AS [Ordinal], 
                    [Extent6].[TypeName] AS [TypeName], 
                    [Extent6].[Mode] AS [Mode], 
                    6 AS [C1], 
                    [Extent6].[ParentId] AS [ParentId]
                    FROM (
            quotename(p.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(p.SPECIFIC_NAME) + quotename(p.PARAMETER_NAME) [Id]
            , quotename(p.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA) + quotename(p.SPECIFIC_NAME)                              [ParentId]
            , CASE -- trim off the @ symbol
            WHEN p.PARAMETER_NAME is null THEN NULL
            END   [Name]
            , p.ORDINAL_POSITION [Ordinal]
            , CASE
            WHEN p.DATA_TYPE in ('varchar', 'nvarchar', 'varbinary') and
            p.DATA_TYPE + '(max)'
            END [TypeName]
            , p.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH [MaxLength]
            , CAST(p.NUMERIC_PRECISION as integer) [Precision]
            , CAST(p.DATETIME_PRECISION as integer) as [DateTimePrecision]
            , CAST(p.NUMERIC_SCALE as integer) [Scale]
            , p.COLLATION_CATALOG [CollationCatalog]
            , p.COLLATION_SCHEMA [CollationSchema]
            , p.COLLATION_NAME [CollationName]
            , p.CHARACTER_SET_CATALOG [CharacterSetCatalog]
            , p.CHARACTER_SET_SCHEMA [CharacterSetSchema]
            , p.CHARACTER_SET_NAME [CharacterSetName]
            , CAST(0 as bit) as [IsMultiSet]
            , p.PARAMETER_MODE   [Mode]
            , CAST(NULL as nvarchar(max)) [Default]
            r.ROUTINE_TYPE = 'PROCEDURE'
            p.IS_RESULT = 'NO'
          ) AS [Extent6]) AS [UnionAll2] ON (6 = [UnionAll2].[C1]) AND ([Extent4].[Id] = [UnionAll2].[ParentId])) AS [UnionAll3]
            WHERE  NOT ((([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p0) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p1) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p2)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p3) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p4) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p5)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p6) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p7) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p8)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p9) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p10) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p11)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p12) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p13) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p14)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p15) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p16) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p17)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p18) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p19) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p20)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p21) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p22) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p23)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p24) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p25) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p26)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p27) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p28) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p29)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p30) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p31) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p32)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p33) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p34) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p35)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p36) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p37) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p38)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p39) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p40) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p41)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p42) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p43) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p44)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p45) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p46) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p47)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p48) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p49) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p50)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p51) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p52) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p53)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p54) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p55) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p56)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p57) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p58) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p59)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p60) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p61) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p62)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p63) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p64) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p65)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p66) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p67) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p68)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p69) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p70) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p71)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p72) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p73) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p74)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p75) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p76) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p77)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p78) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p79) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p80)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p81) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p82) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p83)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p84) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p85) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p86)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p87) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p88) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p89)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p90) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p91) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p92)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p93) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p94) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p95)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p96) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p97) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p98)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p99) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p100) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p101)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p102) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p103) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p104)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p105) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p106) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p107)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p108) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p109) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p110)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p111) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p112) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p113)) OR (([UnionAll3].[CatalogName] LIKE @p114) AND ([UnionAll3].[SchemaName] LIKE @p115) AND ([UnionAll3].[Name] LIKE @p116)))
        )  AS [Project7]
        ORDER BY [Project7].[C2] ASC, [Project7].[C3] ASC, [Project7].[C13] ASC

    And then:

    (@_msparam_0 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_1 nvarchar(4000),@_msparam_2 nvarchar(4000))SELECT AS [Name],
    clmns.column_id AS [ID],
    clmns.is_nullable AS [Nullable],
    clmns.is_computed AS [Computed],
    CAST(ISNULL(cik.index_column_id, 0) AS bit) AS [InPrimaryKey],
    clmns.is_ansi_padded AS [AnsiPaddingStatus],
    CAST(clmns.is_rowguidcol AS bit) AS [RowGuidCol],
    CAST(ISNULL(cc.is_persisted, 0) AS bit) AS [IsPersisted],
    ISNULL(clmns.collation_name, N'') AS [Collation],
    CAST(ISNULL((select TOP 1 1 from sys.foreign_key_columns AS colfk where colfk.parent_column_id = clmns.column_id and colfk.parent_object_id = clmns.object_id), 0) AS bit) AS [IsForeignKey],
    clmns.is_identity AS [Identity],
    CAST(ISNULL(ic.seed_value,0) AS bigint) AS [IdentitySeed],
    CAST(ISNULL(ic.increment_value,0) AS bigint) AS [IdentityIncrement],
    (case when clmns.default_object_id = 0 then N'' when d.parent_object_id > 0 then N'' else end) AS [Default],
    (case when clmns.default_object_id = 0 then N'' when d.parent_object_id > 0 then N'' else schema_name(d.schema_id) end) AS [DefaultSchema],
    ISNULL(dc.Name, N'') AS [DefaultConstraintName],
    (case when clmns.rule_object_id = 0 then N'' else end) AS [Rule],
    (case when clmns.rule_object_id = 0 then N'' else schema_name(r.schema_id) end) AS [RuleSchema],
    CAST(ISNULL(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.object_id,, N'IsDeterministic'),0) AS bit) AS [IsDeterministic],
    CAST(ISNULL(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.object_id,, N'IsPrecise'),0) AS bit) AS [IsPrecise],
    ISNULL(ic.is_not_for_replication, 0) AS [NotForReplication],
    CAST(COLUMNPROPERTY(clmns.object_id,, N'IsFulltextIndexed') AS bit) AS [IsFullTextIndexed],
    CAST(clmns.encryption_type AS int) AS [EncryptionType],
    clmns.encryption_algorithm_name AS [EncryptionAlgorithm],
    clmns.column_encryption_key_id AS [ColumnEncryptionKeyID], AS [ColumnEncryptionKeyName],
    CAST(clmns.is_filestream AS bit) AS [IsFileStream],
    CAST(clmns.is_sparse AS bit) AS [IsSparse],
    CAST(clmns.is_column_set AS bit) AS [IsColumnSet], AS [DataType], AS [DataTypeSchema],
    ISNULL(, N'') AS [SystemType],
    CAST(CASE WHEN IN (N'nchar', N'nvarchar') AND clmns.max_length <> -1 THEN clmns.max_length/2 ELSE clmns.max_length END AS int) AS [Length],
    CAST(clmns.precision AS int) AS [NumericPrecision],
    CAST(clmns.scale AS int) AS [NumericScale],
    ISNULL(, N'') AS [XmlSchemaNamespace],
    ISNULL(, N'') AS [XmlSchemaNamespaceSchema],
    ISNULL( (case clmns.is_xml_document when 1 then 2 else 1 end), 0) AS [XmlDocumentConstraint],
    CASE WHEN usrt.is_table_type = 1 THEN N'structured' ELSE N'' END AS [UserType],
    clmns.generated_always_type AS [GeneratedAlwaysType],
    CAST(clmns.is_hidden AS bit) AS [IsHidden],
    CAST(clmns.is_masked AS bit) AS [IsMasked],
    ISNULL(clmns.graph_type, 0) AS [GraphType]
    sys.tables AS tbl
    INNER JOIN sys.all_columns AS clmns ON clmns.object_id=tbl.object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.indexes AS ik ON ik.object_id = clmns.object_id and 1=ik.is_primary_key
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.index_columns AS cik ON cik.index_id = ik.index_id and cik.column_id = clmns.column_id and cik.object_id = clmns.object_id and 0 = cik.is_included_column
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.computed_columns AS cc ON cc.object_id = clmns.object_id and cc.column_id = clmns.column_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.identity_columns AS ic ON ic.object_id = clmns.object_id and ic.column_id = clmns.column_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects AS d ON d.object_id = clmns.default_object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.default_constraints as dc ON clmns.default_object_id = dc.object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects AS r ON r.object_id = clmns.rule_object_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.column_encryption_keys AS ceks ON (ceks.column_encryption_key_id = clmns.column_encryption_key_id)
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types AS usrt ON usrt.user_type_id = clmns.user_type_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas AS s1clmns ON s1clmns.schema_id = usrt.schema_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.types AS baset ON (baset.user_type_id = clmns.system_type_id and baset.user_type_id = baset.system_type_id) or ((baset.system_type_id = clmns.system_type_id) and (baset.user_type_id = clmns.user_type_id) and (baset.is_user_defined = 0) and (baset.is_assembly_type = 1)) 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.xml_schema_collections AS xscclmns ON xscclmns.xml_collection_id = clmns.xml_collection_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas AS s2clmns ON s2clmns.schema_id = xscclmns.schema_id
    ( and SCHEMA_NAME(tbl.schema_id)=@_msparam_2))

    tsaukpaetra No, you think???!?

  • @lorne-kates Or the solution was 'just keep building until it works'. (tho with a circular dependency, I don't know that that is possible! Well, except 'no clean build is possible - you must start with an old dll/lib')

  • Status: Went to the gym. I have this plan to follow in order to foster endurance and build up muscle strength evenly.

    Naturally, the last point on my list was a machine which only was present twice - and both were in use.

    Though saying "in use" is a bit exaggerated. Some people seem to think that "Flail like a madman and then sit there, exhausted, for five minutes, then flail again" is the proper way to go at it.

    And, yes, I used the word "flail" deliberately. Because in all my years of doing sports I was always told: "Controlled movements".

    This here looked more like one of those joke videos where someone seems to try to practice the missionary position without a partner.

  • Considered Harmful

    Status: Glasses just broke. God fucking damnit, these were supposed to last me another year.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Glasses just broke. God fucking damnit, these were supposed to last me another year.

    IMO You should avoid getting punched in the face, it tends to allow longer lifespan for facial accessories.

  • Considered Harmful

    @tsaukpaetra Nah, it was the arm. A healthy one looks like this:
    But enough pressure on that 'joint', and the top part cracks right off.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra Nah, it was the arm. A healthy one looks like this:
    But enough pressure on that 'joint', and the top part cracks right off.

    Huh. Well at least you should be able to bodge a fix easily enough with some epoxy.

  • :belt_onion:

    @rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Went to the gym. I have this plan to follow in order to foster endurance and build up muscle strength evenly.

    I think there was a short-lived fitness thread around here-- maybe we should revive it.

    @rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Naturally, the last point on my list was a machine which only was present twice - and both were in use.

    Though saying "in use" is a bit exaggerated. Some people seem to think that "Flail like a madman and then sit there, exhausted, for five minutes, then flail again" is the proper way to go at it.

    Now I'm curious what machine. I usually avoid machines; I think natural motions (the trifecta of bench, deadlift, and squats; pushups, pullups, etc.) are best. But to each his own; some people want to "sculpt" a particular area.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @heterodox said in The Official Status Thread:

    some peopwe want to "scuwpt" a pawticuwaw awea.

    Yeah, I'm not sure I buy into the "targeted" idea myself....

    Of course, I'm also somewhat interested in what machine people are successfully flailing on, but that's neither here nor there...

  • Considered Harmful

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    some peopwe want to "scuwpt" a pawticuwaw awea.

    what the fuck

  • :belt_onion:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    people are successfully flailing on

    @Rhywden didn't say they were successfully flailing; they were probably just giving themselves hernias.

    (Also, did you turn into the clergyman from Princess Bride?)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    some peopwe want to "scuwpt" a pawticuwaw awea.

    what the fuck

    @heterodox said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    people are successfully flailing on

    @Rhywden didn't say they were successfully flailing; they were probably just giving themselves hernias.

    (Also, did you turn into the clergyman from Princess Bride?)

    Oh shit, the "Select-to-quote" handling is affected by the OWO extension (See this The Bad Ideas Thread post)



  • :belt_onion:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:



    ... I hope you're happy, that screenshot just made me laugh for about five minutes straight. But no, I'm not going to install the extension; I wouldn't be able to get any work done.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    tho with a circular dependency, I don't know that that is possible!


    A requires B which requires C which requires A.

    How it happens?

    Project A is the first. It is built and it exists just fine.

    Now B is coded. It needs A. It builds fine because A is already built.

    Now C is coded. A needs something that C does. So A gets a reference to C. A builds fine because C was already built.

    Someone says "Oh there's a function in B that I could use in C". It's probably a stupid function like ZeroPad. So C gets a reference to B. C builds fine, because both A and B are already built.

    Sometime down the road, the entire solution needs to be rebuilt. Maybe there's a global code change, or .Net Framework update, or whatever.

    Try to compile B... which requires a compile of A... which requires a compile of C... which requires a compile of B... which requires a compile of A... and so forth.

    So you swear a lot, and either copy/paste the function between B and C (ZeroPad, fuck off)-- or you create D, move the function to D (which has no dependencies) and point everyone at that new library.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Huh. Well at least you should be able to bodge a fix easily enough with some epoxy.

    Or use lasers on your eyes, so you won't need glasses.

  • Considered Harmful

    @lorne-kates How often I have to clean off my glasses reminds me that all that would otherwise have been ending up in my eyes. So no thank you. Also, 💸

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates How often I have to clean off my glasses reminds me that all that would otherwise have been ending up in my eyes. So no thank you.

    ...... you do have eyelids, right?

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    Also, 💸

    Ooooo... you think I meant laser eye surgery.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @heterodox said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:



    ... I hope you're happy, that screenshot just made me laugh for about five minutes straight. But no, I'm not going to install the extension; I wouldn't be able to get any work done.

    Yeah, I'm probably going to install it myself when I get back in tomorrow.

  • Considered Harmful

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    ...... you do have eyelids, right?

    Yes. They tend to be open.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @lorne-kates said in The Official Status Thread:

    ...... you do have eyelids, right?

    Yes. They tend to be open.

    Sometimes they aren't, though. Reflectively. Look in the mirror and you'll see. But don't blink or you'll miss it.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Goddammit what have I got myself into?


    Dude has no clue.

    All his server has right now is a basic GetSimple CMS site with a page that has an HLS stream player.

    There's no "back" to be had, it's not really alive, but whatever. I won't rain on parades...

  • Considered Harmful

    @tsaukpaetra The one rule of knowing technology: Never turn down praise for doing basic things. Happiness boosts like that get you through the interactions with absolute morons.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra The one rule of knowing technology: Never turn down praise for doing basic things. Happiness boosts like that get you through the interactions with absolute morons.

    Oh, I'm not turning down praise. But this dude is 21 with less claim to life than a burger flipper.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @scholrlea said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @adynathos said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I tried some video tutorials. Too many of them skip over steps because "You should know how to do that already."

    The one I saw rightly assumed I know nothing.

    Good on that video! +1 for clairvoyance!

    TIL @adynathos' real name is Jon Snow.

    He's a news reader?

  • @jaloopa said in The Official Status Thread:

    @scholrlea said in The Official Status Thread:

    @tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @adynathos said in The Official Status Thread:

    @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I tried some video tutorials. Too many of them skip over steps because "You should know how to do that already."

    The one I saw rightly assumed I know nothing.

    Good on that video! +1 for clairvoyance!

    TIL @adynathos' real name is Jon Snow.

    He's a news reader?

    You know nothing, Jon Stewart!

  • kills Dumbledore

    @ben_lubar No, Jon Snow probably knows a lot of things. At the very least he knows how to read from an autocue but I imagine he's remembered a lot from the stories he's reported on over the years

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