The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

  • One from a few days ago that I just remembered:

    I was inside some kind of factory/warehouse that was also a runway (?). I stood at one end and was watching planes take off (I'm not really sure how they planned to get past the ceiling). Three planes in a row took off, pitched their noses up way too quickly, stalled, and crashed into the factory floor. This seemed excessive to me, but when I asked about it, I was told it was pretty normal and no big deal.

    The third plane was a CRJ, and it crashed and landed upside-down. But since it was a smaller plane, it only took one guy to flip it back over and right it.

    (snip a bunch of other stuff I don't really recall. Other areas of the factory, a couple break rooms and cafeterias.)

    Then I was on a plane that was taking off. I think it was a 737. But we were going down the interstate, and pulled onto a two-lane offramp. There were two semis stopped ahead, in each lane, and the pilot tried to take off anyway. We didn't have enough speed. The cabin went right between the two semis, but the trucks sheared off both wings.

    Now unable to fly, the pilot kept going and took us back onto the interstate. We had no wings, and thus no engines, which also meant we only had battery power to provide thrust (?). At some point the wingless 737 transformed into a small 6 or 8-seater prop plane which had no wings, but despite the piston engine in the nose, we still had no power and were only running on batteries (I really have no idea how an aircraft propels itself by battery power alone).

    The pilot decided to just get us to our destination via interstate. There was a battery indicator I could see from the passenger cabin, and it was draining rapidly, especially at 80 MPH on the interstate.

    We did make it to our destination. The pilot arrived at the gate and I vaguely recall entering the airport. I know a bunch of things happened after that but I can't recall them.

  • It's just part of a dream last night, I've forgotten the earlier part.

    I went to a bar with my ex-colleagues. The layout of the bar is more like ordinary restaurant than a typical bar. Say, the bar is light instead of dark, the chairs have wooden back instead of no back.

    Then the drinks came. The bartender looked nice and friendly, but instead of letting us drink the whisky, he told us we should spit into the cup. This gave me a feeling of awkwardness.

    The awkwardness in feeling continues until we were about to go (still haven't tasted any drink this far). One of us found someone else leaved a big Christmas card here, so we called the bartender. The bartender pointed at the card, laughing, and spoken something really fast that I cannot understand what he said, then he tore the card apart and thrown it away.

    This was the time that I woke up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: FUCK ! Alarm awoke me from a really interesting class where I was interacting with the professor (social studies?). I was just asked "Treckie or Trecker?" and it was getting really good!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was in a Walmart, retrieving hair gel, milk (in single serving cartons, but with the names of brand cereal on them :wtf: ), and some meat. And some initial photo prints.
    I get to the photo station. Some customer is already there. The station has a table saw attached to it, and the customer is unloading all sorts of vegetables on to it. She takes out a bit knife and starts in-expertly slashing the produce and making a mess. She disappears for a minute, so I approach the counter and tell the attendant I want to print some photos. She smiles apologetically and starts doing her thing, also scanning my purchases.
    Apparently the meat isn't labeled, so she weighs it and says it is too big, and needs to be portioned. (this is apparently what the table saw is for?). She places the meat on the table (amongst the vegetable mess) and leaves to get someone because reasons. Meanwhile the vegetable lady has returned and is yelling at me for cutting in line.
    While this is happening the table saw spins up and starts cutting into things, including the table itself, causing sparks. I rush over to the emergency stop button and smash it, killing the whole station. The vegetable lady is still screaming at me, and the register person returns with a supervisor or something, and I start laying into them about the death machine they left running unattended.
    It gets too ridiculous from there and I wake up.

  • I was trying to park in a parking lot somewhere. But the lot was full, so full you couldn't even drive around, and the answer to this was a ramp block that let you drive up onto all the parked cars and simply drive and park on top of them. So there was a second level of parking right on top of the first level.

    As I was driving over all the other cars' roofs to get to a spot, obviously there are a million problems with this. But the only thing I saw wrong during the dream was the brakes, because my sleeping mind thought that brakes only work when your tires are on pavement and I was worried I wouldn't be able to stop when I was driving on cars instead.

  • I dreamed that urinating also required executing a DELETE statement in a database server.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Last few scenes partially recovered.
    I was a cop, fat, about 40. Patrolling near the station. Some guy approaches and he starts talking. We take him into the station and he starts a fight. Everyone gets knocked out, he captures me and we drive off toward where he says he got here (strange wording( suddenly a loud engine roar and I find myself ejected from the patrol car.
    Some stuff happens involving a house and the kidnapper. I escape in the patrol car back to the station, only it's different with different people. They're confused who I am and detain me. They conclude time travel, but I'm not the one controlling it (ie it wasn't my fault) and ask me to take them to the kidnapper. No dice.
    I return to my patrol car. Driving in the future is different. I find myself at an auto shop with an old dude who finds my confusion at the new traffic practices. I discover there's a swear-word ticket machine in the shape of a fish.
    Third person narrative viewpoint. I see the kidnapper and his gang hacked into the swear machine elsewhere. This somehow lets them know where I was. It is revealed that they used the DeLorean to travel back in time but something something not important.
    I awoke.

  • I dreamed I landed at the airport for a layover after some kind of trip. When I tried to leave the airport, I discovered someone had stolen my car (a blue Chevy Corvette), so I couldn't drive away. I called 911 and reported a stolen vehicle. In addition, a number of other cars where mine had been parked were severely-vandalized.

    Sometime during the 911 call, I discovered I was at an airport in northern Idaho which is not where I expected to be. (Why would I have parked my car at a layover airport I'd never been to before? But this little inconsistency didn't bother me or the 911 operator.)

    It started snowing and icing, and the airport shut down when the runways became completely iced over, so my flight out was cancelled. Then I went outside and started skiing home.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

  • Two dreams I partially remember from last night, or, um, probably from going back to sleep after my alarm went off this morning.

    Dream 1

    I was talking to my paternal grandmother. I think we, or at least I, was working on her house, or something. She asked casually whether I thought it would be a good thing if she were to write down what she could remember about the places she (and her relatives?) had lived throughout her (their) life(s).

    I responded that, as a genealogist/family historian, yes, that would be enormously helpful.

    She looked dubious and unenthusiastic, so I went on to explain how having that information, beyond being interesting in and of itself, would open up many links to additional information. Having exact addresses would make searching city directories and census records easier. It would give additional information to search through newspaper archives (neglecting the inconvenient fact that most archives that old aren't digitized, although I think my dream veered in the direction of scanning and OCRing spools of microfilm). It would provide connections to neighbors and perhaps nearby relatives, which in turn might provide further links.

    I think my enthusiasm convinced her it would be worth writing down.

    Unfortunately, when I woke up, she hadn't written anything down, because IRL, she's been dead for more than 40 years.

    Dream 2

    Those of you who follow the status thread are aware that I have been sick for a few days, and the resulting gastrointestinal symptoms. Those symptoms have mostly resolved. During the late night/early morning, the intestinal gas that had been making me uncomfortable for a couple of days was finally able to escape unobstructed, and these escapes made their way into my dream.

    A work colleague and I were apparently attending some kind of class or something. I remember there was a choice between two different classes, or twos ways to apply knowledge from a class. All I remember is that there was a choice between something more hardware focused and something more software focused, and whatever it was, it was rather far removed from anything with real-world practical value; I'm pretty sure it was inspired by the FP thread.

    So we're sitting in a classroom, and somebody is lecturing. Maybe discussion. I don't remember. And I'm farting. Profusely. Not particularly malodorous, but not quiet. Somebody notices and asks, "Is that you?!?" I guess I apologize and say I'm sick; I don't remember.

    Then somehow I'm outdoors. Green foliage. I'm sitting in a kind of metal chute, semicylindrical, but tapered, and closed at the other end. It reminds me of trailers that a local garden center has for customers to haul gravel, concrete, mulch, whatever, then dump it when they get to wherever they're taking it, but standing on end, and without the trailer part. Whatever it is, it's acting like a resonator for the farts.

  • @mott555 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I dreamed I landed at the airport for a layover after some kind of trip. When I tried to leave the airport, I discovered someone had stolen my car (a blue Chevy Corvette), so I couldn't drive away. I called 911 and reported a stolen vehicle. In addition, a number of other cars where mine had been parked were severely-vandalized.

    Sometime during the 911 call, I discovered I was at an airport in northern Idaho which is not where I expected to be. (Why would I have parked my car at a layover airport I'd never been to before? But this little inconsistency didn't bother me or the 911 operator.)

    It started snowing and icing, and the airport shut down when the runways became completely iced over, so my flight out was cancelled. Then I went outside and started skiing home.

    I've had weirder. The following was a couple of years ago at least but it stuck in my memory in a way that maybe a dozen dreams have in my lifetime.

    I was trying to find my way through the airport to get on a plane and I didn't know what flight I was supposed to be on or why I was getting on this plane, but I was late and trying to persuade them to let me check in. I must've managed it because then I was running through the airport trying to get to the gate.

    In spite of my hurry I ended up trying to help a lost guy find where he was supposed to go for an exam, because somehow once you were past security the airport sort of opened up to mingle with a city and particularly a university.

    Somehow I made the plane anyway, and at this point I knew the route was "SIN-SYD" an abbreviation I'm familiar with from my days working for an airline, which means you stop in Singapore and then fly on to Sydney. I still had no concept of why I was going to Australia.

    I vaguely remember some odd things happening on the plane but not well enough to describe. Then at some point the plane got lower and lower until we were actually not in seats on a plane but dangling from a ski lift-like apparatus, but an apparently endless one. Only it was still a plane even though it bore no resemblance to one at all. That the ski lift thing was a plane made sense in the dream, but the fact that it had turned into a ski lift, and what followed, was so bizarre and nonsensical that even dream logic couldn't keep me from understanding that it did not make sense.

    The "plane" got even lower, until we were now walking along a road, each of us holding onto a cable dangling from the "plane" instead of sitting on a seat on that cable. But the plane was now trying to gain height again and we had to hang on and pull it down. I finally couldn't hold mine and let go, and for whatever reason that meant the plane got away from all of us and took off into the sky. (I think it may have become an actual plane again as it soared off but I can't remember clearly.)

    So now all of us passengers - no flight or cabin crew - were walking along this road with no plane. Which was my fault. Fortunately we cam in sight of a city, which we hoped was Singapore, but then I realised that we would be illegal immigrants because we hadn't arrived to the airport or on a plane. So we reached the city, and none of us knew what to do, or where the airport was, or how to speak the language (I don't think anyone there spoke English, in the dream) or if we really were in Singapore.

    And it was clearly my responsibility because I let go of the plane, so there I was wandering around this city, trying to find an airport, with a bunch of strangers in tow, expecting me to work out where to go and who to talk to and how to explain how we had got here and that we really hadn't meant to come into the country illegally. And as I've said, the bit with the plane getting away was so absurd that even in the dream I knew it was absurd, even though I completely believed it was happening, so I had no idea how I was going to get anyone to believe me. I was certain I was either going to be arrested or just spend the rest of my life on the streets of probably-Singapore.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @CarrieVS said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    at this point I knew the route was "SIN-SYD" an abbreviation I'm familiar with from my days working for an airline


  • I was viewing some kind of 3D model that, I think, was to be the basis for the cover art on one of my novels. It was a city, and I remember seeing a beach/shoreline to the right with a ton of cars parked in the sand.

    The camera was flying through the city, but at some point it ceased being a camera and I actually entered this environment. I found myself in a museum, though I don't recall what subject. My tour of the museum was cut short when a Roman Emperor showed up with full honors and a phalanx announcing his arrival and such.

    I was on the second floor. I found a nearby elevator which only had buttons for two floors. I sent it to the first floor. But the elevator clearly moved way too far, and when I emerged, I was in a Hy-Vee grocery store that was something like 10 floors below the museum. That annoyed me, and I began searching for the stairs so I could return to the museum without relying on the untrustworthy elevator.

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I dreamt about living in a place where all is about performance and efficiency last night. They have only 2 grand directive of law enforcement:

    1. If anyone do any action that will harm other's efficiency, they will be arrest and fined/put in to jail, based on sole judgement of court.
    2. If anyone do any action that will harm other's efficiency, but for the sake of efficiency of the organization they're in, they will be exempted provided they only do so for a reasonably short period of time. (again, based on sole judgement of court)

    Say, if I place a few cupboard on a street, and do casual parking on a main road, I'll be prosecuted. However, if I'm logistic staffs loading/unloading goods for the building, and do so without being sluggish from other's view, I'll be fine.

    And then a more controversial case. Suppose I drive a van and hit somebody, if the victim is on his way to a company or carrying out duty, I'll be in trouble regardless of the role of victim (because the creator of the law is fully aware that a cracked bearing on running machine can also wreak havoc). However if the victim is someone will job going home, the punishing will be much lighter. If that victim has important job, the more important / irreplaceable the victim has, the more severe the punishment would be (harming progress and performance of larger organization). If the victim has no job for more than a month, or has retired, I may just go away without having more trouble than the initial investigation.

    As you can see from above, anyone not working for more than a month will kind of lose protection of law (that one month leeway is enforced by employment law, so anyone in the process of changing job would be treated as if they're still employed by previous job, if the timepoint is still under 30 days, this is because moving to another job that makes better utilization of your ability is permitted. Likewise, since vacations are important to restore efficiency of employees, people taking vacations are similarly protected.), so anyone really work hard in order to not getting fired. Since having employees being sluggish at work will harm the performance of the company, the employer can fire anyone at will, and will poor comments on the referral letter, they would have hard time finding a job. Everyone acts as workaholic and work like there is no tomorrow, and some of them even choose to "camp" at the company, and that is allowed by the previous said law. (These people will get OT for those extra time in company, and employers cannot deny that payment)

    Back to the point that "anyone not working for more than a month will kind of lose protection of law". Part of this is because the punishment for any action is weighted by the impact of decrease in efficiency by the society. The police determined that it's not efficient to protect people who have no contribution to the city/country because even when they caught someone violating their right, the punishment would be minimal.

    What's more, there's some people actively seeking people who are not under protection of law, killing them and grab their possessions. That's because of a court case where the killer successfully escaped the punishment based on the fact that, killing these non-working people will free up resources they're using, causing better efficiency on utilization of resources, hence will cause better efficiency of the society. Although the court will not encourage this, they will not punish them for this either.

    However since more and more people are doing so and it causes the police department to spend a lot of time evaluating the background of victims, in the end they appointed a "outlawed land" that everyone without job more than a month would be enforced to move in. Since those people "killing other people without job" are not considered to have a job either, although the laws are not protecting the victims, the victims are allowed to fight back and kill those people without getting into trouble. These makes that place a truly outlawed area.

    I thought the society has become pathetic and decided to leave. In order to ensure I can leave safely, I carefully adjusted my work efficiency so I'm barely above the line for being fired, then arrange travel to another country, and planned being illegal resident there. The journey is pretty uneventful.

    When I successfully landed that foreign place, I woke.

    I see that @Applied-Mediocrity upvoted this... 🤔

  • Considered Harmful

    @brie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I see that @Applied-Mediocrity upvoted this...

    I have been summoned, and so it's a 50/50 chance whether I appear or don't!

  • @Applied-Mediocrity If there's a 50% chance that you either appear or don't when summoned, what happens the other 50% of the time?

  • Considered Harmful

  • There was a cricket in my room, chirping all night. And it was somewhere beneath my carpet so I couldn't do the needful and brutally murder it to shut it up.

    So I had a dream where I was trying to flee from a tornado or something, but I realized it was a dream because I could hear the cricket chirping.

  • I was on the Starship Enterprise, and we'd come across a Space Anomaly™ that causes whatever you imagine to come to life... and some idiot crew member couldn't stop imagining up stupid horror-movie crap, so now the rest of us had to deal with it.

    It was not a fun dream.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was in college, science class. For some reason we were watching an animated film about an orgy of animals. No, vulvas don't look like that and most certainly their excretions aren't colorful like that!

    Funny enough, I'm totally unaroused right now...

  • While investigating the disappearance of a friend who got a stipend to pursue a PhD in molecular biology and work on so called "smart drugs" (wonderful substances that somehow manage to kill cancer cells with 100% efficiency and no side effects in one dosing and achieve other implausible results), I realized that the drugs are made from PhD students themselves; the "essence" of one student (years of studying, skills and knowledge) becomes the basis of one portion of a drug targeted at a particular disease. The process is partially reversible, though.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Had a dream that I was in a Simpsons version of the house I grew up in. The podcasters from the let's fight a boss podcast were my best friends also styled like the Simpsons. We would go off and do something during the day, that I wasn't privy too, but at the end of the one or more of them was missing. I knew that the day was repeating itself and that everyday I had to do something different in order for them to survive. I just didn't know what I had to do or what I was doing during the day that they went missing. I was cocksure that I could solve it but I woke up.

    The day did not start well for me.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @aitap said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    While investigating the disappearance of a friend who got a stipend to pursue a PhD in molecular biology and work on so called "smart drugs" (wonderful substances that somehow manage to kill cancer cells with 100% efficiency and no side effects in one dosing and achieve other implausible results), I realized that the drugs are made from PhD students themselves; the "essence" of one student (years of studying, skills and knowledge) becomes the basis of one portion of a drug targeted at a particular disease. The process is partially reversible, though.

    I had to confirm the thread's title.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    status can't find the dreams thread, so it's going here.

    status: bookmarks are free!

    Anyways, last few scenes of my dreams involved some sort of military escort mission. The weapons were water-based and stung like hell! Think: pressure washer on steroids.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    status can't find the dreams thread, so it's going here.

    status: bookmarks are free!

    Anyways, last few scenes of my dreams involved some sort of military escort mission. The weapons were water-based and stung like hell! Think: pressure washer on steroids.

    I wish my dreams actually had special effects like that. When gunfire happens, it's more like kids playing cops and robbers. I know in my last dream I shot a firebolt, but it was more like LARP (shouting "firebolt!") and I didn't get any good head-asplode images. Violence-wise, my dreams are very PG at most.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Violence-wise, my dreams are very PG at most.

    Oh you Sweet cherub. May this never change.

  • I went to visit my grand uncle Tom at his convalescent home. (In RL, he's been dead about 30 years.) Once I drove onto the property, there were a couple of curvy roads to get to the building. I had to pick one. I could see that the fork on the left also had a dirt road that forked off of it. I took the road on the right. I got to the building and went inside. I asked for him, and was led to his cubicle. Yes, a cubicle, not a room. To my surprise, he apparently worked there. I sensed that they smiled when they confirmed that he worked there. I don't think I actually saw him, though.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @jinpa they said you were getting a mansion. They didn't say how much of one!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: lately I have been having more dreams. 🎉 .
    However, they've been rather unhappy. 😞

    For example, last night started off benign, two wannabe superheroes trying to one-up the other. It quickly devolved into domestic dispute and law enforcement involvement, and eventually CPS.

    What the fuck, brain?!?

  • It was night, I was at some beachfront house on the edge of a lake, with a forest nearby. Some big, tough thug had kidnapped me for whatever reason. I saw an opportunity to escape and made a break for the trees, but the thug noticed and chased after me. He was catching up, right about to reach me... when I realized that this wasn't real and promptly woke up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    However, they've been rather unhappy.

    Fuck this shit, I'm disabling dreaming!

    I don't need this abuse from my own mind.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I don't need this abuse from my own mind.

    Research suggests otherwise: you literally do need it. Otherwise, you start to go crazy.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Mason_Wheeler said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I don't need this abuse from my own mind.

    Research suggests otherwise: you literally do need it. Otherwise, you start to go crazy.


  • @Tsaukpaetra That statement and the possibility of already being crazy due to other factors are not mutually exclusive.

  • I dreamed I was at a restaurant somewhere and really had to go to the bathroom. I found my way to the men's room, but all the urinals were way up high on the wall, almost to the ceiling, where they were impossible to use. After looking around, I found one urinal low enough to reach and began relieving myself. I didn't notice it at the time but I remember now, that the urinal transformed into an electric baseboard heater while I was using it. Also, some guy bumped into me so hard that I peed all over myself.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @mott555 I find that each time I have dreams about peeing, it means I need to pee in real life.

  • @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @mott555 I find that each time I have dreams about peeing, it means I need to pee in real life.

    the important question is..... did you wake up before or after your body decided to take care of the problem itself?

  • @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @mott555 I find that each time I have dreams about peeing, it means I need to pee in real life.

    the important question is..... did you wake up before or after your body decided to take care of the problem itself?


    don't answer that.

    I'll be happier not knowing....

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @mott555 I find that each time I have dreams about peeing, it means I need to pee in real life.

    the important question is..... did you wake up before or after your body decided to take care of the problem itself?

    Yes, I usually wake up before the process occurs in reality, usually because it doesn't take more than 24 seconds normally so that triggers an alert...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @mott555 I find that each time I have dreams about peeing, it means I need to pee in real life.

    the important question is..... did you wake up before or after your body decided to take care of the problem itself?

    Yes, I usually wake up before the process occurs in reality, usually because it doesn't take more than 24 seconds normally so that triggers an alert...

    see..... I was actually happier not knowing that.......

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @mott555 I find that each time I have dreams about peeing, it means I need to pee in real life.

    the important question is..... did you wake up before or after your body decided to take care of the problem itself?

    Yes, I usually wake up before the process occurs in reality, usually because it doesn't take more than 24 seconds normally so that triggers an alert...

    see..... I was actually happier not knowing that.......

    Let me make it up to you: Because I wake up, I can finish properly, and thus the counter is more official?

    I dunno. Reality isn't all it's chalked up to be...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Reality isn't all it's chalked up to be...

    Have you ever tried it?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Reality isn't all it's chalked up to be...

    Have you ever tried it?

    Evaluation is still underway, but so far, this isn't getting a good score...

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    did you wake up before or after your body decided to take care of the problem itself?

    You ask as if this has been a single incident, or if as all incidents have had the same outcome.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    don't answer that.
    I'll be happier not knowing....

    Sorry. I respected your request yesterday, but today I posted before I could hold myself.

  • Last night I dreamt that I was walking on the countryside on bare foot, as if I was trying to escape from something, then suddenly I fall into a hole, and the hole turn into a white room.

    The air is cool, and I was not hurt. When I tried to knock on the wall, it feels as if it's made with acrylic boards but I couldn't break it.

    I kept knocking on the wall until I woke up.

  • @mott555 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I dreamed that urinating also required executing a DELETE statement in a database server.

    Why "delete"? I'd rather think of FLUSH TABLE , ehm, FLUSH TOILET.

  • I dreampt that I was about to eat a rabbit, but the rabbit dodged..... THEN IT ATE ME!

    It would have been preferable to wake up rather quickly at that point but the dream lasted until i was just a pile of bones and somehow still alive and feeling as the rabbit summoned his harem and started fucking a new generation of rabbits into existence from within my rib cage. That was just adding insult to injury!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    as the rabbit summoned his harem and started fucking a new generation of rabbits into existence from within my rib cage.

    Ah, I see you've played Duke Nukem...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Vixen said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    as the rabbit summoned his harem and started fucking a new generation of rabbits into existence from within my rib cage.

    Ah, I see you've played Duke Nukem...

    Duke Who?

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