Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!

  • @pcooper that’s the keyboard warmer feature to keep your hands warm while using Teams. Unrelated, there may be a high CPU usage bug in Teams.

  • @pcooper said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    I'm very confused as to how New Microsoft Teams requires some sort of driver update for a new "thermal function". But it does seem likely that Microsoft or Lenovo is doing something very wrong here. (That's, of course, an inclusive "or".)

    Teams is so poorly coded that it requires special thermal support to avoid the computer going 🔥? :half-trolleybus-br:

    (damn, :hanzo:)

  • Java Dev

    @pcooper Spacebar heating?


    @Zerosquare that’s a standard feature of electron, no need for the 🚎.

    My laptop once hard reset after using Teams for too long. (Although I think it’s since gotten better with hardware-accelerated video support or something)


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    My laptop once hard reset after using Teams for too long.

    :topper: That's nothing! My brain hard reset after using Teams for too long.

  • @pcooper said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    A new driver came out for my work laptop for the "Lenovo Intelligent Thermal Solution Driver". I like looking at the release notes before installing a driver update, just so I have a rough idea of what I might be in for when I install it.

    Under "Changes in This Release":

    [New functions or enhancements]
    - Added thermal function for New Microsoft Teams.

    I'm very confused as to how New Microsoft Teams requires some sort of driver update for a new "thermal function". But it does seem likely that Microsoft or Lenovo is doing something very wrong here. (That's, of course, an inclusive "or".)

    It's probably for this feature

    Damn. :hanzo:

  • @topspin said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    @Zerosquare that’s a standard feature of electron, no need for the 🚎.

    Somehow VSCode manages to be fairly performant (I'd say it beats VSClassic, which is in .нет) despite also being written in electron, which makes me think it's rather the web framework of the hour that's making most electron apps such crap.

  • @Bulb I came across a blog post today about this and how they did certain optimisations understanding how the JS engine works.

    For example the core underlying model they use for handling text actually in buffers is a carefully modified piece table, or perhaps more accurately (as they call it a piece tree)

    They noted part of the old problem was shuffling between C++ and V8, so they resolved to cut out the pain by not shuffling between the two and ramping up the efficiency on the V8 side itself.

    I'd say it seems to have worked. Will also agree that React (in particular) is a fucking monstrosity of performance suck.


    @Bulb maybe, I'll have to take your word on that. I'm just reminded of the time they had to fix that "blinking text cursor causes 100% CPU usage" bug.


    @Arantor said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    For example the core underlying model they use for handling text actually in buffers is a carefully modified piece table, or perhaps more accurately (as they call it a piece tree)

    Well, at least that might give you some ideas about about side-project-#5274 you asked about recently in the Lounge. :party_parrot:

  • @Arantor said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    They noted part of the old problem was shuffling between C++ and V8, so they resolved to cut out the pain by not shuffling between the two and ramping up the efficiency on the V8 side itself.

    Any cloning of strings is bound to be a problem. C++-side allocation is slow and while V8-side allocation is fast, you pay for that with the extra garbage collection passes.

    JITed code is almost as fast as natively compiled one for pure crunching power, it is the data structure and memory management overhead that makes the most difference. So if you can't bind the C++ data structure and have to convert it on access, that's bound to be worse.

    I'd say it seems to have worked.

    They optimized the heck of the data structure, and it worked. The same optimizations would be appropriate in any language. With some variation depending on the memory manager performance profile, but not all that much I'd say.

    Will also agree that React (in particular) is a fucking monstrosity of performance suck.

    Yeah, react is fairly easy to start with, simple and flexible, but well into the worse half of the benchmark. And easy to lose track of the bigger picture if you don't have a good architect—since in React the components tend to keep their own state (model), it's easy to end up with bunch of duplicate calls to the back-end, destroying all hope for any semblance of performance.

  • @topspin said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    @Arantor said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    For example the core underlying model they use for handling text actually in buffers is a carefully modified piece table, or perhaps more accurately (as they call it a piece tree)

    Well, at least that might give you some ideas about about side-project-#5274 you asked about recently in the Lounge. :party_parrot:

    How do you think I found that article in the first place????

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    @topspin said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    @Zerosquare that’s a standard feature of electron, no need for the 🚎.

    Somehow VSCode manages to be fairly performant (I'd say it beats VSClassic, which is in .нет) despite also being written in electron, which makes me think it's rather the web framework of the hour that's making most electron apps such crap.

    Lately it's been locking up on me a few times per day. I suspect that's extension related, though, TBH. Overall I really like it.

  • @boomzilla Yeah, actually I spent most of yesterday chasing a problem of crashing devcontainer, which turned out to be because vscode writes a ~/.docker/config.json with credsStore setting that tries to forward the request to the credsStore outside the container, but a) there ain't none outside, and b) the forwarding crashes when called with list argument—which docker apparently doesn't do, but the library I was using does.

    But otherwise devcontainers are a pretty good feature that they came up with.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    C++-side allocation is slow

    It doesn't have to be, but the default allocator has to be rather pessimistic.

  • @dkf A bump-allocator used with copying garbage collectors will always be faster for allocation, but then you pay with copying the objects that survived generation zero and updating all the references in the process.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb I was thinking more about the fact that the default allocator needs to be multithreaded-safe, including allowing one thread to deallocate what was allocated on another. Most allocations stay in their thread (at least for the two ends of their lifetime); you pay the tax of a global lock for a feature you hardly use...

  • @dkf You don't need a global lock, at least not most of the time. The better optimized allocators use per-thread magazines. But many standard libraries are not as optimized.

    Also a generational copying GC can have a per-thread gen0, but while marking can be done in parallel to mutation, copying can't, so it has to occasionally stop the world for that. Which C++ doesn't.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb The really big gains come if you can fit in an assumption that you have a lot of memory objects of the same size. (Some apps fit that model, but not all.) If you do, you can "allocate" the objects in an array, which lets you avoid a very large amount of per-object space overhead, and space and time are rather linked. (There are other aspects to this sort of trickery, but you should be expecting to be getting the array storage directly from the system page allocator.)

    It's not a universal solution, but my real point was that the universal solutions have overhead that specific solutions do not.

  • @dkf Therer are universal solutions that do all those optimizations. It's not that hard actually. Strangely enough FreeBSD does use one such, but Linux or Windows didn't adopt anything even close to similar (to GNU Libc credit it at least makes it possible to reliably plug in a different allocator).


    @Bulb last time I tried to google that, the benchmarks for the plethora of different allocators tested had no clear winners in terms of different usage patterns. Although pretty much all of them beat their reference.

    I've heard good things about mimalloc (which of course is best in their own benchmark suite, but that was true of a few others), which is almost surprising given how shit the default allocator on Windows performs. Maybe I should test it at some point.

    In the meantime, I've implemented a simple / stupid block allocator for fixed sizes, with thread affinity / no locking and a trivial free list.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    In the meantime, I've implemented a simple / stupid block allocator for fixed sizes, with thread affinity / no locking and a trivial free list.

    That works great unless you want to return pages to the OS. Safely deallocating the pages is where things get rather hairier. (On the other hand, users get grumbly if the headline memory consumption gets too large...)


    @dkf said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    That works great unless you want to return pages to the OS.


    Memory is returned to the OS on process termination. 😉

    I did say a simple-stupid allocator.

  • Java Dev

    @topspin I know that's where we ended up going on the previous project. Big daemon, all dynamic memory came from block pools. Memory was released back to the pools but never to the OS.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • 🚽 Regular

    @boomzilla I mean FFS. If I got that, I'd be questioning whether my install is legit or I had somehow attained it from some counterfeit site. That's one of the biggest benefits of Microsoft Defender (or any good AV).

    My employer, small company, got acquired by a bigger company years ago. To this day there are parts of us that throw false positives to their IT team because there's still certain activity with our old domain. Despite that domain having been thoroughly scrutinized to ensure they abide by the global policies and best practices they refuse to just adopt our domain as part of their umbrella.

  • @The_Quiet_One said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    Unsure if any 'good' ones exist anymore.

    "Good" ones exist. Good ones without the scare quotes are another matter.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: How many different versions do you need?


  • @Tsaukpaetra I have the first ("New" Teams) and "Classic", but not personal. In 4 days, I may not have classic. I don't know if IT will forcibly uninstall it, but it will be "unsupported".

  • So, since Teams classic is gone next week, I attempted to upgrade to "New Teams" again.

    I can't log in as my work account, and I get an error that the account isn't in the Azure Tenant - and the error message references my personal Azure Tenant, not my work one, so yea, it's not there - so stop looking there.

    I did a bunch of things from remove/reinstall to clear credentials... for a while it would work for a few hours and then force me to sign in again, which would usually work. Then I did some more things and now it won't log in at all (same tenant message).

    So, I try web teams - doesn't work on Chrome, similar error message. Works on Edge. However, on my recent i7, 32GB of RAM, hard wired headset, 200MB up/20MB down Internet connection, I get laggy audio.

    I'm pretty sure the only way to get this to work is to throw this computer away and start over.

  • @Tsaukpaetra Not enough, you have to install the web version as a PWA from both Chrome and Edge for the picture to be complete.

  • I have pinned a chat, namely "product Developers" that, oddly enough, is a group chat with the dev team of product that I'm working on. Before pinning, it would usually sit on top of the Recent heading, because it is usually pretty active during work hours. After pinning, it showed up under the Pinned heading for a while. Now it does not show up; I have to manually search for it, and when it's open there is no item highlighted in the list of chats.

  • Teams apparently committed suicide, or something, this morning. Teams has long (both Classic and New) closed itself to install updates (maybe; I'm not really sure why it does this). I usually only notice it because I'd unlock my computer in the morning and it would be minimized instead of opened at its usual place on my monitor. However, I have seen it do this when I was looking, and I think once it even notified me that it would update when I wasn't using it, which apparently means I haven't clicked or typed in the window for 5-ish minutes. No big deal; I just have to restore the minimized window.

    However, this morning the window suddenly closed. Ok, it's doing its thing again; no big deal. But when the window reappeared after maybe a minute, it was completely blank. No messages. No chats. No icons. No anything. I think it did have the standard Windows minimize/maximize/close buttons in the corner, but that was it.

    Ok, it will load its contents eventually, right?

    After 2 or 3 minutes, it disappeared again. Then it reappeared, still blank. Then it disappeared again. Then it reappeared, still blank.

    As much as we all complain about having to interact with other people, as a remote worker, Teams is almost the only available tool I have for the essential communication to do my job. I finally had to launch Teams Classic to ask if anyone else was having the same issue. (Apparently not, although one person said he'd seen the same behavior in Outlook.)


    @HardwareGeek said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    Teams apparently committed suicide


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek I had a Teams update on my work laptop the other day where on relaunching it macOS popped up the message "Teams is damaged and can't be opened. Move to the Bin?" :facepalm:

    As much as I'd like Teams to get in the bin, I need it to be functional so I ended up having to delete it and redownload it from the Microsoft website. Microsoft don't offer the very latest version on the website so it needed updating again. It was successful the second time at least.

  • @loopback0 I got a couple of additional replies, so at least a couple of other people were having the same problem. One of them reported that "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" fixed it, so I rebooted, too. Apparently, there were other updates pending, including a BIOS update, because rebooting took rather longer than normal, but Teams seems to be behaving itself now. Well, it's still Teams, but it's behaving as well as that allows.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Whenever I close Teams (right click on task bar entry, "Quit Teams") I now get the "How do you want to open this file" window with a list of various things I could open a file with. At least it quits a lot quicker than the old version.


    @boomzilla open it in notepad and report back what the fuck it opened.

  • Considered Harmful


  • @HardwareGeek said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    But when the window reappeared after maybe a minute, it was completely blank. No messages.

    I think I've seen that even with the old teams. Tried the “first repair step”, restarting it, and maybe the “second repair step”, restarting the computer, so I can't tell whether it would repeatedly try and fail coming up again.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in Wow! "NEW" Microsoft Teams!:

    @boomzilla open it in notepad and report back what the fuck it opened.


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