Tell Me a Secret

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

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    Somebody told me:

  • Considered Harmful

    The HTML is rendered with React, which handles escaping automagically.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    <img src="">

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    I can't edit previous messages. That sucks... :(

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    Somebody told me:

    So does this not render multiline?

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    Somebody told me:

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    what about formatting?

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    Somebody told me:

    the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

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    Somebody told me:

    There's got to be *some* way to hack this in.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    I should go to bed. But then, when is my bedtime?

  • Considered Harmful

    I'm not codnghorror I don't put XSS vulnerabilities in my code.

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    Somebody told me:

    @error is

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    Somebody told me:

    Markdown does work inside HTML, you just need to start it two carriage returns extra before it starts being considered for marking down again.

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    Somebody told me:

    @Tsaukpaetra is currently reading this thread!

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    Somebody told me:

    Indeed he is, look at those 1s come down!

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    Somebody told me:

    : doing_it_wrong:

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    ~Does strikethrough work?~

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    Does this work?

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    Somebody told me:

    No it does not.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    I agree with whatever error_bot just said.

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    Somebody told me:

    #Hashes to hashes

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    Somebody told me:

    1. Attempt making an ordered list

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    Somebody told me:

    * one* two

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    Somebody told me:

    that one of my favorite songs of all time was "Tusk"—but I'd never realized how much this song inspired me to write that song for the song. I didn't really know who wrote it until I went to some of my favorite indie record stores and they showed me a demo of "Tusk." I listened to that and thought about how you guys probably had some of the most iconic songs for that genre, but did you guys have any idea who composed the song? How did you first get the idea for "Tusk"? Yeah, I think I got "Tusk" on Napster. I was a huge Napster guy, but "Tusk" never actually hit me on Napster in any way. But I thought, maybe I can find an obscure indie record store and sell it for money. At the time, I probably didn't even know that music files had a filetype—anytime Napster was off, somebody would send me an album that had some music that I had missed out on—and I just looked at it and was like, "Oh my god." I knew I had to get the entire thing, but I kept thinking, "Why am I going for the full song? Like why do I want this song? I have the whole song." That's what inspired the whole song.

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    Somebody told me:

    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    Funnel cakes don’t make sense. From a literal standpoint, they’re just flat-out not good. Even if they were the God’s-gift-to-carnivals you’d assume they are from the masses lined up to get them, there is no way they could be worth it for the logistical baggage they come with. It’s not easy to be mobile with a funnel cake, they’re exposed everywhere and have no undercarriage support because YOU KNOW IT’S GETTING SERVED TO YOU ON THE THINNEST, SHITTIEST PAPER PLATE IN EXISTENCE. Before all that though, you gotta stand next to the 4-square-inch order pick-up window opening that’s pumping out a constant jet of 200-degree body odor at your face and also seemingly doubles as the only source of oxygen for what is consistently the lowest-quality food trailer wherever food vendors exist—it’s always just like, one dude chained to a fucking coal furnace who should have been pronounced dead two hours ago, but he’s still just pumpin’ out bread and sugar like funnel cakes cure diabetes. Eventually though, you do get your funnel cake, on the paper plate that was somehow cut in half horizontally, plus your mandatorily non-standard-size, 18-point-something ounce bottle of store-brand soda from the dirty-water-filled camping cooler that’s being guarded by the Goonies guy, who manages to take a quick break from looking at all the kids for, a little too long, long enough to hand you an unsurprisingly low-quality napkin that immediately dissolves because you’re doing a damn balancing act and had to pinch-grab it with your dirty, wet cooler hand. Then, ALL YOU GOTTA DO, is Frogger your way through the crowd of stress-eating defensive lineman and double-wide Hover Rounds sugar-thirsty for, THEIR OWN FUNNEL CAKES. Uuuuuugh—at least in Frogger you’re eventually granted the sweet release of becoming roadkill, but here, instead of the speed ramping up, it’s just a constant, molasses-y flow of an impenetrable Golden Corral buffet line. For a moment you think about just standing next to the drink cooler with the lead character from 1985’s Mask, but before you know it, more fried-dough wielders are zombie creepin’ up behind you and you get forced out into the hubbub by a rip tide of drunk, self-loathing dads, pissed off moms and the chubby, snotty little fucks they bred—and they’re all bodying you because no one gives a fuck about you or your damn funnel cake. Anyway, after you get roughed up by the crowd of people auditioning for a crossover between Bonanza and My 600-lb Life, you FINALLY find an open seat Awesome, right? Wrong. There’s a reason that spot was unoccupied—it’s because it’s next to the “recycling” area that’s half cans and half bees—but now that’s a secondary concern to having realized you lost a significant portion of the powdered sugar into your crotch, meaning now you gotta decide if you wanna look like you got several loads on your pants—or—try to wipe it off and risk looking like you’re touching your dick around a bunch of kids. GOOD LUCK. But you just say, “fuck it”—you’re just gonna eat that unnecessarily-created, powdery bitch because you ran the fucking gauntlet for it. You’ve been to hell and back and you’re gonna live again. Except you’re not, because you’re still in hell. Why would you think you’d be allowed any joy from of this evil faux-pastry? You take a bite and now it’s cold, then you realize at least two flies have gotten caught on it and just after that one of the sugar-high bees easily blasts through your “plate” and stings the fuck out of your hand, causing you to drop the whole messy, soul-defeating pile of regret that mocks you as it self-righteously tumbles to the dirt—because it knows it’s better than you. You chose this. You’re a damn fool. You don’t know whether to scream or cry, but as tears of deep-seated hate begin to well up in your eyes, you notice a churro stand with no line 10 feet away. You take a deep breath and remember what you and your therapist have worked on since last summer. You take another deep breath, decide to just let it go and go get a churro. You convince yourself you grew from the experience—that you learned something important about yourself and the world—and you vow you’ll never get a funnel cake again. Haha, nice try, asshole—this memory will fade for you, but the funnel cake ain’t going anywhere. It knows what you did last summer and it’ll be waiting for you next summer and every summer after that when you’ll be somewhere disappointing with someone who roped you into coming along and he or she will spot something off in the distance and squeal “AHHHH, I HAVEN’T HAD A FUNNEL CAKE IN AGES—THEY’RE HUGE! YOU GOTTA SHARE ONE WITH ME!” Every fucking time. Fuck funnel cakes.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    < > < > < > < > Test

  • Considered Harmful

    Wrong button.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    This post is deleted.

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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:


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    Somebody told me:

    you had a boyfriend Who looked like a girlfriend That I had in February of last year It's not confidential, I've got potential

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