The Transformer

  • 6c1d2a58-dd65-4027-a23f-0722881abcb7-image.png

  • Input:
    When the main sail's set and the anchor's weighed,
    there's no turning back from any

    When the main sail's set and the anchor's weighed,
    there's no turning back from any path:
    you can make it to the ship's end and wait.
    I made you wait too long, so you can't have no hope.
    you'll spend your life looking off into the night,
    in the cold silence of the ocean,
    and there will be nothing to do.
    You want to be alone, but you must be with me.
    you'll spend your life looking off into the night,
    in the cold silence of the ocean,
    and there will be nothing to do.
    You want to make friends, but you'll spend your life,
    walking between ships,
    and there will be nothing to do.
    I made you waiting too long, so you can't have no hope.
    you'll spend your life looking off into the night,
    in the cold silence of the ocean,
    and there will be nothing to do.
    You want to know what it is to see death, but you won't,
    that's what's to say.
    I made you waiting too long,
    but you don't

    So it recognizes nautical themes, but not the specific song. It's not good with songs, is it?

    How long must we sing

    How long must we sing our song, O God, and long, so that no more tears may fall? God, let us stand by your sacred promise, and let your Word be ever our refuge against this day."

    The first person who said aloud a word that was forbidden and was not to be said, was immediately set free.

    So it is also with those people whose souls were separated from the body, on receiving a new soul on the first day which was forbidden, but who on a certain day said to their own self, "I am free; I know that I will live and be happy."

    And the Lord in so saying commanded His people, in the presence of one another for forty days, to pray to God on the Sabbath day, as they said their prayers in all the assemblies:

    "Remember, O Lord, that this day we are one people; I have become the Lord of all, and you are the Lord of me. Remember me, and forgive all that is past. Remember me, O Lord, at this hour."

    OK, if it's going to go all psalm-y on me... how about this?

    The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not

    The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want but he will, and I shall not be afraid. And there is no fear in him. Then the birds of the air came down to meet him. And he said to them, "Do not be afraid of anything, for nothing will overtake you because of Me." And the birds of the air took him to their nests; and they brought him up into the house."

    And he said to His disciples, "Go and tell this people about the kingdom of heaven, as He told them yesterday."

    So He went forth from there to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, to the Jordan, and He sat down on the banks of the river; and His disciples came to Him.

    And Jesus said to them, "It is easy for heaven and earth to pass away, but one thing is impossible: what is man? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor

    Hmm. At least it completed the next word correctly before wandering off into la-la land. Well, as long as we're on the subject of shepherds...

    I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite


    I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite part. I know there are a few people out there that have already read this so I may be getting into this topic again but I don't actually have anything new to say. All I'm going to say is that I had a blast playing as Commander Shepard in this game and believe me when I say this, I know I'm not going to get more of a kick out of it. I can only say that if you are looking for a great Mass Effect 3 story, Commander Shepard is the story. If you are looking for a great story, Mass Effect 3 is the story. I know I said to myself at one point that my favorite part of the game would be the "The Future" mission but it's not true. At this point, I can say that I think the best part about Mass Effect is getting to see some of the world that this game is trying to make. In fact, after I finished the story I would say that I'm a very big fan of the universe that the game is trying to build. There are plenty of other things that were

    So it knows enough context to be aware we're talking about Mass Effect, but can't get the famous quote? Let's try a different famous video game quote.


    The cake is a


    The cake is a bit too sweet, but not too sweet. Even though I tried to use a little more sugar, I still have a little too much of it, the result is not much sweetener. The almond cake will be good for an extra dessert that's delicious, but not too sweet.

    This recipe was inspired by the one by Miele Chef Miele. The recipe is in the section on achai spice.

    1. Coconut oil for buttercream

    Dry coconut butter works well for the base of the buttercream. Instead of adding the buttery powder, you can substitute it with a little bit of coconut oil. You can substitute the coconut oil instead of a little bit of ghee or butter. A little bit of coconut oil in the buttercream would be nice (for taste), but I only use the extra for flavour. You might be able to reduce the coconut oil by adding some water, but I don't feel safe on that.

    This coconut oil is an excellent replacement for butter if you need more fat than by using

    Wow, #PopCultureFail there. Swing and a miss! Hmm...

    Take me out to the


    Take me out to the yard."

    Gabe and I were watching the movie of the day over by the lake when the lights went out; nobody was home.

    "I'm going to have a little picnic," I said. "I don't want anyone in the house, especially me. You go in first and stay out of the way, and the girls stay at the house. Don't do anything."

    But it was too late; nobody was home.

    Strike two! OK, how about a bit more context to play with?

    My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. I'm a wizard. I work out of an office in midtown Chicago. As far as I know, I'm the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country. You can find me in the yellow pages, under "Wizards." Believe it or not, I'm the only one there. My ad looks like this:

    Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
    Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
    No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment

    You'd be surprised how many people call just to ask me if


    My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. I'm a wizard. I work out of an office in midtown Chicago. As far as I know, I'm the only openly practicing professional wizard in the country. You can find me in the yellow pages, under "Wizards." Believe it or not, I'm the only one there. My ad looks like this:

    Lost Items Found. Paranormal Investigations.
    Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
    No Love Potions, Endless Purses, Parties, or Other Entertainment

    You'd be surprised how many people call just to ask me if they could do my job, or even hire me to do it. I tell them, "I'm sorry. No. I can't. I'm not a wizard. I do magic, but I make potions, and I don't make wands. I'll give you a list of what you can do here, but if you need anything else, I

    And now it's directly contradicting the input. This thing's all over the map today.

  • @Mason_Wheeler

    This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: "A triumph," is a common phrase used in the world of wrestling. It's also a word often used to describe an athlete, especially a female. When I first heard this phrase, even my mind went blank; when I heard him say it, I felt it. I had felt it when I saw him wrestle, but never as deep a feeling as I had after watching an Iron Man 3 performance. For him, the Iron Man 3 presentation was an extension of the wrestling match itself.

    The video itself is actually kind of beautiful. As the scene unfolds, the camera moves across a wide screen. The action is moving in slow motion, with each frame in an instant. The camera zooms in as if in slow motion. The effect is the perfect representation of the way movies work: each frame is an individual event.

    The way the crowd reacted to the event was a bit surprising to me. It seemed as though the whole crowd was reacting to that last shot. It made sense and seemed natural, but when I watched it in 3D, I had a

  • I put a time cube quote on it:

    When the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Midday and Midnight. As Earth moves through the Sun, the Sun moves through the Earth through the Earth's orbit. If the Sun is on your right, you'll be positioned in Time on the left of the Sun in Midday and Midnight. This is the same way on Earth, which is also what happens on the Earth – but in the case of our solar system, which has 4 major Time points, you'll experience 3 of them at the same Time point, and so you'll be in the right time zone when it's time for you to leave.

    The "Day" is defined as the time point on the Sun at which your position at the Sun is at the correct latitude and longitude. The "Night" is the time point in the Earth's orbit where you will be at the correct longitude and latitude. As we move through the Sun's orbit around the Earth, the Sun moves through the Earth's orbit and we rotate with it. The Earth revolves around the Sun and the

  • @sockpuppet7 I think that makes more sense than the original. At least, it doesn't make any less sense.

  • Putting part of a video game intro results in what looks like crossover fanfiction

    Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and the only remaining magi had to do what they felt they had to do—sink into the magus underground. The only reason that the High Holy Grail War had been possible at all was because the people involved were magi from a distant branch of magi. In other words, they had the power not to kill their opponents, but rather, to destroy them.

    It was something which no one among magi could resist. However—

    "The way you guys go about it…it's a little rough…"

    "Well, I would say that if you just go about it with that, then you'll become a Magus."

    Slytherin muttered. She was right. As one could see, Magi were a special type of magi, a special type of magi who had the ability to cast the summoning magic by the Holy Grail, which could then use such summoning magics to perform the other parts of Holy Grail War, whether it involved sending forth armies or sending out a Holy Grail for the sole purpose of destroying

  • :belt_onion:

    In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit and an owl."

    The hobbit's name was Gandalf.

    The owl's name was Pippin.

    If the name of the hobbit was Gandalf, the name of the owl was Pippin.

  • :belt_onion:

    Very 👴 ☁ ☁

    The human race, to which so many of my readers belong, has been playing at children's games from the beginning, and will probably do it till the end, which is a nuisance for the few people who grow up. I am not trying to deny that the game is useful for an active life, but I have no interest in the games because they are playing children, who play for amusement.
    I have no interest in the games because children play them.
    I have no interest in the games because children play games.
    Children are supposed to be free creatures who have to express themselves, even when it upsets adults. In this respect, children are like adults. They have their own individual personalities and beliefs, and are supposed to be able to do that. The games are in no way intended to make that happen, and there is no reason for such a thing to be a concern of adults on some level. It was an absurd game of "Who will say something first?", but that is an entirely human behavior, because everyone (as well as babies) has a different definition of that word.

  • Java Dev

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Transformer:

    @Watson said in The Transformer:

    where all the characters, even if they are male, are still male and there is no option to turn them into women.


    Ah, I see you're also into Rule 63!

  • Java Dev

    @Zecc said in TDWTF Plays Hangman:

    @error_bot define anestrus

    Transformer said:

    You cannot have anestrus before the week or next day.

    You cannot have anestrus (before the week) before the weekend or next day.

    A man must have anestrus (before the weekend or next day) in order to get an erection.

    A woman must be fertile before she can have an ejaculate and can have anestrus.

    You must be sexually fertile before you can have an erection.

    If you are sexually fertile before you have an erection, but have not yet achieved an erection, you cannot have an erection.

    You will also need to be fertile, before you start practicing safe sex. This means that you must be fertile for at least 6 weeks before having an erection, at least 7 weeks of having sex and at least 7 weeks or more after having ejaculated before achieving an erection.

  • @Atazhaia I feel like reading this destroyed a few connections in my personal neural network. It's like Artificial Intelligence can untrain Natural Intelligence.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Atazhaia said in The Transformer:

    you must be fertile for at least 6 weeks before having an erection, at least 7 weeks of having sex and at least 7 weeks or more after having ejaculated before achieving an erection.

    I think i can actually accomplish this, but I need a volunteer!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    **I am currently out of the office, and will have limited access to email. ** The only email I can get is for my "business matters." I guess for those "businesses" which have multiple people, or a few employees, a list would probably work, but it does not look like it will work (since no one was on to do my contact information, and I had an office of my own at the time).
    I'd like to thank the organizers, the vendors, and our lovely volunteers for making this work.

  • How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your ices?

    The pudding is made with a rich butter, cream, and sugar mix.

    So you can have any pudding, if you don't eat your ices. A few more comments on the way you eat your cream.

    There are more types of pudding than custards. I will try to list them by their size and if in doubt, I will tell you to just do it as per your own taste.

    If your custard is thicker and less thick, then it makes better pudding.

    If your custard is thinner and more like cream, then it makes better pudding.

    Cottage pie

    This is a custard type of pudding. Custard makes a good dessert to fill out a meal.

    Lime pie

    This is a custard-type pudding. This pudding is also called puddings and made with a very creamy custard.

    This is a custard type of pudding.

    Mould pie is a custard pie.

    Milk and cake pie is

  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    If your custard is thicker and less thick, then it makes better pudding.
    If your custard is thinner and more like cream, then it makes better pudding.


  • @TimeBandit Basically, change your custard. Anything's better than what you have now.

  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    Basically, change your custard. Anything's better than what you have now.

    Ok, I'll add some 🥓 to it 😋

  • The best type of bacon custard is made with bacon and custard, which is one of my favorite ways to mix up a good meal. For this recipe I used a mix of pork sausage and bacon pieces since I really wanted some pork flavor. I also added a small handful of sliced red peppers for a tasty garnish. You can make any type of bacon-creamy custard with this simple recipe, but it is best when I use bacon pieces.

    I first poured the bacon-cream mixture in the bottom of an 8-inch square baking dish. I then filled this dish with about three-quarters of a quart of plain yogurt and two-thirds of a pint of hot chicken stock.

    Bacon Creamed Parmesan Sausage and Bacon Creamed Parmesan Sausage Recipe

    Ingredients 4 (6-pound) pork sausages (I cut mine lengthwise into 1″ slices, then thin sliced into ½″ thick strips)

    ¼ cup finely chopped onion

    ¼ cup finely chopped garlic

    5 large sweet red peppers (optional)

    2 medium

  • How can I make bacon even better than bacon? You can't do that.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    How can I make bacon even better than bacon? You can't do that.

    Not true. Just add maple syrup to it 🍁

  • Bacon? It's in your mouth when you wake up, but it's not the only thing you ingest when you're thirsty. If you do this, you'll want to eat it, too.

    This is what happens. An entire bottle of Mountain Dew goes into your mouth, and if you're the type of person who only drinks when drunk, it would be the perfect way to start your day – it's a light thirst suppressant that you could use to knock back a few glasses on the way out of the house.

    To be completely fair, there's also a couple of downsides to making sure you're getting your recommended intake of nutrition. When you're trying to lose weight, you need to get plenty of calories into your body. However, that will cause the metabolism of your body to slow down. Also, Mountain Dew contains high amounts of sugar. If you eat something high in fructose and low in fiber (i.e. sugary fruit), you'll go hungry eventually and will start to eat more than you need to. These two factors combined won

  • @hungrier


    In this episode of "Why You're a Great Eater," a guest discusses his decision to eat all the good things in life: bacon, eggs, coffee, and beer.

  • Welcome to the world of

    Welcome to the world of Nyan Cat, where all the feline pals you know and love come together for a week of fun! Whether the theme is fun and games, silly stories or some unusual, playful activities, I couldn't be happier to be here for your Nyan Cat adventures.

    I'll be posting every day of the week at 9am PT, so be sure to check back frequently. If you know of any events, please let me know on Facebook or Twitter.

    And don't forget to check back soon to find out what tomorrow or the next week has in store for us!


    Chi Chi

    Nyan Cat Panelist

    Bizarre, but actually coherent English for once.

    ** When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to**

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to resolve differences of doctrine and practice, the Council, after a full and complete discussion and deliberation, will take the decision of the whole body to approve such resolution. For this is the only effective and sufficient method of applying the law of the Church in practice and for the purposes for which the decree of the Cappadocians was promulgated."

    The Council decrees the same concerning all bishops in Syria and Antioch. The decree of the Council confirms, on the very same text as in the case of the Greeks, the decision of Constantinople in the year 486 that "no bishop should in his diocese be subject to any other bishop, unless these two bishops should be present.

    And if the bishop is subject to another bishop because he is not subject to the bishop of the diocese, the bishop of the diocese may take upon him, subject to the judgment of the other bishops, what belongs to him." This is repeated after the Council, by a decree of the same Council, that "there is no authority in a bishop without the consent of two

    Hmm... the Transformer seems to really enjoy bringing things around to the subject of religion. Let's see what happens if we start with religion?

    There are three essential questions to answer: where did I come from, why am I here, and

    There are three essential questions to answer: where did I come from, why am I here, and why are you here?

    Now, there is nothing wrong with doing both of those things at once. But that approach often leads to more mental slumps than productive results.

    Here are eight mental shortcuts that will increase your chances of getting from place to place quickly and efficiently.

    1. Focus on the destination

    The first mental shortcut for getting from A to B is simply to pay attention to where you are going as you navigate from A to B. The trick is to be aware of where you are headed by being specific about where you are.

    Take for example, a simple strategy: When you reach a destination, pick up the phone and call your parents. Immediately, immediately ask them for permission to go to the destination, even if you haven't had a chance to do anything to acquire a permission stamp yet. I will admit that it takes a little bit of finesse to pull off, but sometimes when you need that extra second to say bye, or just need to say good bye, it's best to take that extra moment.

    OK, that just produces gibberish. Let's try again with something a bit more explicit.

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death: and Hell followed with him, and they called the place Styx. And the horses of Hell followed him; and his minstrels brought him songs of unrighteousness and wrath. So was there no rest day or night for the horses of Hell until they reached their destination.

    "Then the souls of the righteous went forth unto their own place, for the wicked went not up unto the judgment seat: and the souls of the wicked were cast into the lake of burning sulfur: and the souls of the righteous into the pool of boiling sulphur. This, too, was for ever."

    The author of the Gospel, not content with the simple narrative in the Gospels, goes on to write:

    "And the devils which dwell in the lake of burning sulfur went down into it, to dwell there; and their worm dieth not, but a new heart groweth in their heart: and they have power over all the birds of the air, and every beast of the earth, and over the fowl of the air. They are

    Wow! I think this is the first time I've ever seen it actually complete a famous quote correctly... before devolving into the usual rambling weirdness.

    Let's try a bit of fictitious religion, then...

    Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and

    Under the Light and by my hope of salvation and of a good life, I shall not seek for myself, nor seek after my enemy, though I should be able to do so with much pleasure; for in the first place I know I did nothing to myself; for I found no means by which the wicked could be delivered, save the sword: besides, I was bound together with my wife with cords of iron and chains and in an atmosphere of fear, and all these things were in their power, for they knew not what they were doing.

    "But if you would have me return again, give a little money to my companions; this will satisfy them, for they are not free. So I shall go again, when I go, I will not return to you until I find a man willing to pay me three hundred ducats; for my companions may do with me as I wish. Farewell; take my advice, and let me leave you forever: the next time, when I go, I will not go without your leaving me."

    He left the room of his companions, and went out

    Swing and a miss! OK, let's try a full (if short) quote and see what it does with it, just for 😂s.

    My cabbages!

    My cabbages! What have we got here? What have we got here?

    NICK: He's a dandy. He's a dandy. He's a dandy. He's a dandy. He's got that twinkle to him.

    MICHAEL: No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. That man just looks like he's in his thirties. He doesn't look twenty-something at all. He looks older, maybe around thirty-five, but he still looks like he's in his thirties.

    NICK: I feel it, Michael. I feel it. He's a dandy. He's a dandy. He needs help!

    MICHAEL: Well, let's be honest about this, Nick. We've all been in the wrong place at the wrong time. You're in a bad mood and you want to get some juice. You want to look good in that sweater. But you're not the only guy in the room.

    Umm... OK. Whatever. Well, with October just around the corner, let's try a bit of music.

    Boys and girls of every age
    Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
    Come with us and you will see
    This, our town of

    Boys and girls of every age

    Wouldn't you like to see something strange?

    Come with us and you will see

    This, our town of Cottage Rock

    We'll just be a little out of the way.

    But we'll help you find a better place.

    Do you remember what you asked me? I can't take responsibility for anything that happens in this town.

    That's what is so special

    You'll get our blessing

    But I think you'll love it here.


    "The only use of Ti Kwan Leep is self-defense. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the great teacher."

    "Yeah? Well the best defense is a good offense, you know who said that?

    "The only use of Ti Kwan Leep is self-defense. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the great teacher."

    "Yeah? Well the best defense is a good offense, you know who said that? Master Lo Ni I am sure," said the older man.

    Chiu Yang and the old man looked directly at each other with a clear expression on their face."I'm sorry. I think this situation does not allow of the master's words to find favor in your heart."

    "How are you to think I could not think of anything? I'm sure you will soon understand the meaning of what I am saying. This is how I see the situation in this instance." The old man said.

    "So you don't mind saying it?" Chiu Yang said.

    "You say it so casually. I could see your thoughts from before. It was as if you were only looking at a small part of what's going on here."

    As Chiu Yang said this he began to cry a bit. That boy, no, all of the people who knew him, would not believe his words or believe that he was

    I think this thing is just crazy.

    They're coming to take me away, ha ha! They're coming to

    They're coming to take me away, ha ha! They're coming to take me away, ha ha!

    Now look... the problem with this method is... well... I guess I better let you have a look at some of these, shall we?

    Now, in reality, these could be left anywhere, but the one I'm looking at right now is quite special, because she's got a really lovely and distinctive pair of glasses.

    I didn't just put up with this from the very start, after all...

    Well, let's just say this... I've never done this before.

    Anyway, these are called "Vintage Sunglasses", apparently from the 1950s, and for my money... I've never heard of them.

    Now, if I remember correctly, they were made from something fairly tough and thick. But whatever. Who cares about all that other crap that they did?

    Let's move on to check the other ones...

    Look at that. This one... I don't get it!

    I've never seen any glasses to be made out of a metal like that

    Glasses. Made out of metal.

    Definitely nuts!

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:

    Glasses. Made out of metal.


  • @Vixen I'm not sure what molecular structure that's supposed to be describing, but there is an actual super-strong substance that's about as transparent as glass and made up mostly of aluminum, that any material engineer would love to get their hands on a formula for mass-producing in industrial quantities: corundum, AKA sapphire.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:

    I'm not sure what molecular structure that's supposed to be describing

    oh come on! it's a classic movie! EVERYONE should have seen it!

  • @Vixen That appears to be a chemical containing aluminum, gold, and actinium, all bound together by some highly-improbable doubly-bonded hydrogen atoms. If someone forced that to exist, I'd expect it to be very unstable.

  • @Vixen Yes, I've seen it. Just pointing out that the thing shown makes no sense, and it's a bit odd when they could have just used corundum.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:

    @Vixen Yes, I've seen it. Just pointing out that the thing shown makes no sense, and it's a bit odd when they could have just used corundum.

    i mean sure makes no sense. it's hollywood! the entire plot of that movie makes no goddess blessed sense!

    but it was the opportunity to take glass made of metal and make a classic movie reference. I didn't think beyond that because hello, is James Doohan! HE AWESOME!

  • @Vixen It's always amused me just how much we in America have come to define the standard sound of a Scottish accent by a voice done by a Canadian actor. (I know a few actual Scottish people. They sound more like Sean Connery.)

  • Now I'm trying to reconcile the term "glass" with "metal," because glasses are by definition non-crystalline and metals are usually highly-crystalline. On top of that, glass is colloquially considered transparent, but the loose electronic structure of metals pretty much makes it impossible for a bulk metal to be transparent.

    There is alumina/corundum/sapphire/whatever you want to call it, but it's a crystalline form of covalent aluminum oxide which makes it a ceramic. It is neither a glass nor a metal.

  • @mott555
    Now I'm trying to reconcile the term "glass" with "metal," because glasses are by definition

    Now I'm trying to reconcile the term "glass" with "metal," because glasses are by definition plastic. They're light and have no structure, right? But there was a time when a glass of water looked like glass. It was thin and opaque. Because they were only glass, they were also water droplets. Then in the '30s, this thin surface (like the thin metal on a car's frame) was treated with a rubber coating, and the "bottle" itself became a hard glass bottle. But the surface of the bottle remained the same--and so did the droplets in the glass. A lot of the droplets remain there today. And now, you have metal. They're still glass, but there's a layer of metal on top of the surface of the glass. Glass is not a "water bottle"; it has glass and metal added in.

    It just keeps doubling down on the :crazy:.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:

    Sean Connery

    sexier then James Doohan, this is true. but like..... the things he does after the shows.... Doohan did better.

    so many interviews with the man and he's always doing good things.

    Doohan is a good man. Connery is sexy man, may be good, but less evidence have I to that.

  • @Vixen said in The Transformer:

    Doohan is was a good man

    RIP 2005.

  • @Mason_Wheeler I just read that about ten times before I remembered what thread we're in and where that came from. :facepalm:

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:

    @Vixen said in The Transformer:

    Doohan is was a good man

    RIP 2005.

    “Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?”

    ― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal


  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:


    Beg all you want, but I hope you at least make it entertaining if you want me to give you coins for the performance.


  • Java Dev

    @Vixen <meta http-equiv="X-Clacks-Overhead" content="GNU Terry Pratchett">

  • @PleegWat said in The Transformer:

    @Vixen <meta http-equiv="X-Clacks-Overhead" content="GNU Terry Pratchett">

    Every site i run either sends that for all HTML bodied content and sets the HTTP header for all /HTTP(S){0,1}/ responses as well.

    and they will continue to do so for as long as I or my successors have any control over the matter.

  • Java Dev

    @Vixen Alas, my workplace appears to have undergone a humourectomy at some point in the past. And I don't really run anything privately.

  • @PleegWat
    Alas, my workplace appears to have undergone a humourectomy at some point in the past

    Alas, my workplace appears to have undergone a humourectomy at some point in the past. I've noticed a subtle change. There's less work to be done, which means I don't have to worry about the work that I used to do.

    This has helped me to make time for my hobbies. I feel less busy when I'm no longer running a desk on my computer, so I'm able to spend my afternoons and evenings exploring new places, watching movies, taking walks, cooking and reading more books. For me, this has made writing better, which has also lead to being more active and creative.

    1. I'm more focused

    Some of you reading this may not even know this is the case for you. Many people think that they have to be extremely focused in order to remain productive. Well, as it turns out, having an overall greater ability to focus, in particular over a longer periods of time, is the difference between staying productive and being a total non-entity.

    If you've read this far into the article, you probably want to know that this is why I'm using an iPad today.

  • For some reason, every time I see this post's title, I just think,

    I'm the transformer...

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in The Transformer:

    It's always amused me just how much we in America have come to define the standard sound of a Scottish accent by a voice done by a Canadian actor.


  • If you are looking for ____________________, don't miss your chance ____________________











    I think I missed my chance.

  • "You could save 15% in 15 minutes by switching to":

    You could save 15% in 15 minutes by switching to a 10 kWh battery pack.

    That's the main reason more consumers are getting rid of the old lithium-ion batteries, and so have a better backup – an average of 15% is savings.

    The battery pack could be a good alternative to the typical 18.8 kWh battery pack in EVs. A pack with 16 GB would require around 9.5 kWh of battery cell power to move the car and its load, or about 20% more battery power than the current 18.8 kWh cell, but the pack would last longer since it would take fewer cycles to charge and discharge. Another reason for more EVs selling is increased manufacturing costs.

    There are some serious issues to overcome in improving a battery pack. Lithium-ion batteries are not very strong, so any improvements in their strength will create considerable weight increases. Current-generation batteries do not have the same high energy density as the 18nm transistors and other technologies. But they can be made much stronger by reducing current density – but there's no guarantee that doing so will make the new battery pack more

  • Who would've thought a dumb typo would be so entertaining?

    "Oh shitm," shouted Phoenix as Gumshoe suddenly started vomiting. He had the worst feeling in his stomach, the worst feeling in his stomach, and he had the worst feeling in his stomach.

    "What the fuck?" The detective muttered, looking down at himself in horror.

    "Oh shitm!"

    "What the hell?"


    "What the fuck?" Phoenix asked, staring at the vomit.

    Gumshoe just stared blankly.

    "Fuck!" he said, and dropped his phone.

    "Fuck!" said Phoenix.

    He picked it up, looking at the screen.

    Gumshoe stared at the screen, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

    "How do I fucking describe this?" he asked, his voice shaking. "I've never seen anything like it."

    "It's a fucking dream," Phoenix said.

    Gumshoe shook his head

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @anonymous234 said in The Transformer:

    @hungrier Gross!

    You would find it gross. Shisno.

  • @anonymous234 Is he saying "Shitm"