Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?


    @magus said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    I have had vim users talk to me about how all anyone needs is a text editor.

    Vim does have some rudimentary keyword completion, and in conjunction with a tags program can take you to function definitions and the like. Emacs, on the other hand, can do just about anything an IDE can do for certain languages, like Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Factor.

  • :belt_onion:

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    It's an incredibly fast read, plus it has an extremely strong narrative pull. Seriously, you're gonna finish it in one night.

    I won't have one night to read anything until about a week from now. But I promise it'll be at the top of my list then.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @antiquarian said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Vim does have some rudimentary keyword completion, and in conjunction with a tags program can take you to function definitions and the like. Emacs, on the other hand, can do just about anything an IDE can do for certain languages, like Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Factor.

    Some languages are designed to be better with an IDE (or rather keeping them under control so that you don't need an IDE is a non-objective to their designers). I believe that C# is such a language, and I know for sure that Java is. C++ is kind of that way too, but C mostly doesn't need an IDE. Scripting languages vary a bit on that front, and are often more syntactically complex in ways that make doing a good IDE quite challenging. (OTOH, their code also tends to be a lot denser.)

    The point? Some tools (languages are tools just as much as IDEs) synergise strongly. Others don't need that sort of thing so much. Those vim users that say that nobody really needs an IDE are myopic. So it's all Situation Normal for this industry…

  • Considered Harmful

    @antiquarian If this is a joke, I get it. If it's not a joke, I worry for you.

  • My 2c on Agile is that I've always seen Project Managers or PHBs cherry-pick the parts of Agile they like, and then discard the rest. The manifesto prefers one thing over the other, but doesn't totally throw it out. This is a thing that everybody above my (lowly) developer level in a project conveniently forgets and refuses to acknowledge.

    More concerning, it seems to be a magic tool to hide the fact that they just want to micro-manage something into being delivered sooner, despite the fact that this scenario below happens all the time.

    @weng said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Yeah. But there exist innumerable situations where the "project" makes literally no sense and is utterly useless, or worse, is actively harmful if not delivered as a single atomic unit.

    Consider, for instance, a project to add the ability to cancel an order with a single click of a button.

    In order for this feature to work, it has to be cancelled across the entry frontend, invoicing, inventory, production management, shipping, etc.

    In order to be able to determine if an order can be safely cancelled, all those same systems need to determine if it's past the point of no return (inventory irreparably consumed, already shipped, already billed and paid, etc)

    I have witnessed agile advocates try to slice this actual real world project into 1 week sprints.

    You hit the nail on the head there. I'm currently in this situation where agile-ing it actually adds to the time required to deliver, which the PHBs don't care to understand. One of them committed to a date without understanding the scope of the project, and what's required to deliver, and the crap rolled downhill...

    Agile also assumes that there is a near perfect separation of concern in the structure of the code. Everyone would like to think that their code is perfect, and given the chance to create something from scratch could actually maybe even deliver on that. The sad truth is that very few of us have truly created something from scratch as a line-of-business developer, and our careers have mostly consisted of supporting existing codebases with little to no separation / sense / will to live.

    So imagine my motivation when (using the experience of many such projects over many years) I'm just placated into a false sense of "no, this time will be different" when I predict specific bad things, but then nothing is done about it and those predictions come to pass.

  • @groaner Some of these read like jokes

    Female truck drivers are most likely to marry female truck drivers.
    Male unemployed people are most likely to marry female unemployed people or male eligibility interviewers for government programs.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @hungrier I have to wonder how deep the data is for these.

    • Male secretaries and administrative assistants are most likely to marry male office and administrative-support supervisors.
    • Female civil engineers are most likely to marry female hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists.
    • Male secretaries and administrative assistants are most likely to marry male office and administrative-support supervisors.
    • Female aircraft pilots and flight engineers are most likely to marry female registered nurses.
    • Female construction workers are most likely to marry female construction workers.
    • Male medical assistants are most likely to marry male paralegals and legal assistants.
    • Female enlisted military are most likely to marry female computer workers.
    • Male office clerks are most likely to marry male business operations specialists.
    • Female IT managers are most likely to marry female database administrators.

  • @boomzilla

    Male cashiers are most likely to marry male supervisors.

    That can't possibly be right, unless they're talking about lifer cashiers, and even then seems farfetched.

  • @antiquarian So to summarize:

    • Vim doesn't have any IDE-like features
    • Emacs can act like an IDE but only for languages nobody uses ever

    So glad you cleared that up.

  • @dkf said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    but C mostly doesn't need an IDE.

    The thought of doing any software development without an integrated graphical debugger sends shivers down my spine. I'd need a debugger 10 times more on C than other languages.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @antiquarian So to summarize:

    • Vim doesn't have any IDE-like features
    • Emacs can act like an IDE but only for languages nobody uses ever

    So glad you cleared that up.

    As far as I can tell, it was a joke about Emacs being able to balance parentheses.

  • @pie_flavor Hilarious.

  • Java Dev

    @pie_flavor said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    As far as I can tell, it was a joke about Emacs being able to balance parentheses.

    So can vim. By default.

  • @agentdenton said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Agile also assumes that there is a near perfect separation of concern in the structure of the code. Everyone would like to think that their code is perfect, and given the chance to create something from scratch could actually maybe even deliver on that. The sad truth is that very few of us have truly created something from scratch as a line-of-business developer, and our careers have mostly consisted of supporting existing codebases with little to no separation / sense / will to live.

    This is definitely a huge problem. And yet, most of the practices agility advocates recommend were things my current company has been doing for 10+ years in our 30yo franken-app written in a proprietary language with a giant global data store and access methods that leave pointers in odd places, yet has crazy amounts of regulatory insurance. And it works fairly well.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • @antiquarian said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @magus said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    I have had vim users talk to me about how all anyone needs is a text editor.

    Vim does have some rudimentary keyword completion, and in conjunction with a tags program can take you to function definitions and the like. Emacs, on the other hand, can do just about anything an IDE can do for certain languages, like Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Factor.

    Visual example:

    0_1525364566991_Screenshot 2018-05-03 at 11.22.33.png

  • @blek said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @apapadimoulis The concept might have been good at some point, but approximately 5 minutes after someone first published it, a million managers latched on to it and turned it into the trash fire it is today. Now there's a whole industry of "agile coaches" and similar assorted shit that does nothing but make life hell for anyone affected by it.

    There always seems to be this weird false dichotomy between "waterfall" (we'll decide on a strict schedule and allow no changes at all after the planning period ends) and "agile", but I've never seen waterfall implemented in any way that was even remotely similar to what agile followers always describe. Agile in practice seems to be a really bad attempt at fixing a problem that I don't think has ever existed.

    There is "being agile" and "being Agile", the difference is more or less as between being a nice neighbor and being a fundamental fanatical Catholic. And I'm not really kidding.

    The whole "Agile Manifesto" is about these three things:

    1. Hire a small team capable of thinking for themselves, working together and delivering results
    2. Give them a goal to achieve and inform of restrictions there are (mostly business ones like deadlines, but also what tech your money can afford)
    3. Leave them alone to do the fucking job

    That is all, basically. All things like Scrum, Kanban, or whatever are bits that really worked where they had been conceived. Your team is going to come up with a method of their own.

    The problem is mostly with 1. and 3.

    It's really hard to find people who are capable of thinking outside the box and mean it. People who are both intelligent and pragmatic enough. Most people exhibit traits best seen in religious people. We smirk at avid churchgoers, but most people actually need to be shown what to do and how to do it. They feel lost if they are not led. They get confused if they are not shown a list of rules to follow. This is the portrait of your average corporate clerk, whether he codes or not.

    Whoever with a small mind like this gets promoted to middle management, gets cravings for power.

    That's why corporation-wide Scrum brought top down is so horrible. It's basically a cargo cult, complete with priesthood.

    For the reasons described above, most leaders in corporate world want to micromanage, otherwise they are going to be unable to justify their existence. The Agile, as opposed to being agile, gives them plenty of opportunities to do just that. The burndown chart, the ticketing systems, all those metrics and shit are abused as fucking liabilities. That's why you won't see 3. work either.

  • @ben_lubar I don't understand what I'm looking at there, but I do know it made my retinas burst into flame.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 I'd guess it's a Go program for manipulating a DOM tree. In vim. With colour choices based on ensuring visibility on Ben's computer by anyone in orbit around Venus.

  • Dupa

    @wft said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @blek said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @apapadimoulis The concept might have been good at some point, but approximately 5 minutes after someone first published it, a million managers latched on to it and turned it into the trash fire it is today. Now there's a whole industry of "agile coaches" and similar assorted shit that does nothing but make life hell for anyone affected by it.

    There always seems to be this weird false dichotomy between "waterfall" (we'll decide on a strict schedule and allow no changes at all after the planning period ends) and "agile", but I've never seen waterfall implemented in any way that was even remotely similar to what agile followers always describe. Agile in practice seems to be a really bad attempt at fixing a problem that I don't think has ever existed.

    There is "being agile" and "being Agile", the difference is more or less as between being a nice neighbor and being a fundamental fanatical Catholic. And I'm not really kidding.

    The whole "Agile Manifesto" is about these three things:

    1. Hire a small team capable of thinking for themselves, working together and delivering results
    2. Give them a goal to achieve and inform of restrictions there are (mostly business ones like deadlines, but also what tech your money can afford)
    3. Leave them alone to do the fucking job

    That is all, basically. All things like Scrum, Kanban, or whatever are bits that really worked where they had been conceived. Your team is going to come up with a method of their own.

    Fuck no. I've seen enough teams to know that no, they won't. Developers are awful at self-organizing. Left alone, they descend to chaos. Developers like having their own piece to work on, and fuck everything else, they don't organize well. It's important to have someone overseeing this whole stuff who'll work with the team to help them get better.

    Sure, it's not about applying mindlessly all rules of the flavor-of-the-month methodology, but in most situations, it requires someone from outside and a lot of work.

  • @kt_ precisely what I wrote below what you quote.

    I don’t postulate you cannot assemble a team like described, it’s just that it’s a diabolically hard thing to do.

    You put reasonable blokes in one room, next thing you know they’ve been arguing for weeks what framework to use and how many spaces to indent code with.

    But even such blokes are far more productive if you don’t put them in more meetings where they would fuck ants even more. For chrissake.

  • @sh_code said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @apapadimoulis everything that works, because what works is considered a primary relevance/success criteria in that area, is white male privilege, by the definition of it not caring about your gender, race, orientation or feels, and only caring about your skills, contribution and merit.


    I feel triggered by you claiming the devops fad is something that works

  • This post is deleted!

  • @antiquarian said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Emacs, on the other hand, can do just about anything an IDE can do for certain languages, like Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Factor.

    But then you'd have emacs on you. Ick!

  • @agentdenton said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    One of them committed to a date without understanding the scope of the project, and what's required to deliver, and the crap rolled downhill...

    This, of course, is not unique to agile, or even tech. Unreasonable, and often completely arbitrary, deadlines are all too common across all kinds of industries. See, for example, Musk's self-inflicted deadlines for ramping up car production.

  • @apapadimoulis said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    But I guess maybe I was just ranting about the so-called 10x programmers.

    It exists when the task to be performed require a lot of thinking as opposed to a lot of boilerplate coding.

  • Garbage Person

    @ben_lubar Spoiler that stuff!

  • @greybeard said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @ben_lubar Spoiler that stuff!

    Imagine doing pair programming with Ben at his computer...

  • Dupa

    @wft said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    But even such blokes are far more productive if you don’t put them in more meetings where they would fuck ants even more. For chrissake.

    Not necessarily. There are parts of scrum that do work, but some developers think they're above that. "My job is writing code, not talking to product owner." No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver the best fucking product. This means you need to talk to the people who understand the business, so you can understand the business and write the correct feature without wasting time.

    "My job is to write code, not seating for 2 hours and trying to figure out how long tasks will take." No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means." If you fail to do that, you'll piss off the business and they'll make you feel that.

    My point is, a lot of Devs don't want take the responsibility for the product and the process. They think they're above that, cause they're not managers, they're only there to write code, according to a spec that someone else created. The problem is, if you give away the control of the process to non-devs, the part that matter to you won't be executed as well as they could have if only you bothered to take part. The spec will be vague, timelines unrealistic, feature won't work as desired.

    I'm not saying that scrum as designed and sold by consultants will work everywhere in an unchanged manner. I'm saying that it tries to change the view that devs have in what's their profession, brings them closer to the clean coder-style professionalism by insisting on discipline.

    It's a powerful tool, but sure, if used in a wrong way, it'll blow up.

  • @hardwaregeek said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    This, of course, is not unique to agile, or even tech

    True, but it does demonstrate how PHBs think that Agile's "quick & continuous delivery" means that they can pull a date out of the air and expect it to be done perfectly. Brilliant, isn't it? :rolleyes:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    "My job is writing code, not talking to product ownerwriting automated tests."
    They think they're above that, cause they're not managers, they're only there to write code, according to a spec that someone else created.


  • @kt_ If they're just code monkeys, then yes, their job is to sit there and write code. Things like system design are the job of the software engineer. Talking to other people in the company and/or customers is the job of the analysts. Setting timelines is the job of the project manager.

    Not everyone is good at all of these things. In a small company, you probably want developers who can do most or all of them, since you only have a few employees. If the company is large enough, though, you may be better off hiring specialists who are particularly good at one of these things.

  • Garbage Person

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means."

    Look, you gave me an arbitrary, tight deadline imposed from on high. The dependencies' not being ready meant I had to implement a bunch of stuff without being able to integrate it and you didn't give me the time to write automated tests. This is completely new technology, so I don't know what the snags are going to be. It turns out the features don't slice quite the way I originally planned, so the stories are rolling over sprint-to-sprint while I integrate everything. So I can sit here and re-plan to give you visibility or I can sit at my desk and try to deliver whatever I can by the date. Which is it you want me to do?

  • Dupa

    @dragnslcr said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @kt_ If they're just code monkeys, then yes, their job is to sit there and write code. Things like system design are the job of the software engineer. Talking to other people in the company and/or customers is the job of the analysts. Setting timelines is the job of the project manager.

    Timelines for tasks, not projects.

    It's all the job a developer. Developers need to take part in those processes. This doesn't mean they should always be there. It means they should partake, to help managers/analysts do their job better. This also works the other way around, managers and analysts are there to help Devs.

    You can't opt out of that and still be a good developer. Remember, your goal is to make the product better, not just to code stuff.

  • Dupa

    @greybeard said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means."

    Look, you gave me an arbitrary, tight deadline imposed from on high. The dependencies' not being ready meant I had to implement a bunch of stuff without being able to integrate it and you didn't give me the time to write automated tests.

    Exactly. This is what happens when developers aren't included in the process and are just treated as code monkeys.

    So I can sit here and re-plan to give you visibility or I can sit at my desk and try to deliver whatever I can by the date. Which is it you want me to do?

    The correct answer would be to replan. Maybe the scope should be decreased? The amount of features you're supposed to deliver? Or even the timeline itself?

    The only thing worse than not delivering is not delivering while assuring that you'll make it. Let the business know.

    That's the crux of scrum -- cooperation, constant communication so all sides are on the same page.

  • Garbage Person

    @wft said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @blek said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @apapadimoulis The concept might have been good at some point, but approximately 5 minutes after someone first published it, a million managers latched on to it and turned it into the trash fire it is today. Now there's a whole industry of "agile coaches" and similar assorted shit that does nothing but make life hell for anyone affected by it.

    There always seems to be this weird false dichotomy between "waterfall" (we'll decide on a strict schedule and allow no changes at all after the planning period ends) and "agile", but I've never seen waterfall implemented in any way that was even remotely similar to what agile followers always describe. Agile in practice seems to be a really bad attempt at fixing a problem that I don't think has ever existed.

    There is "being agile" and "being Agile", the difference is more or less as between being a nice neighbor and being a fundamental fanatical Catholic. And I'm not really kidding.

    The whole "Agile Manifesto" is about these three things:

    1. Hire a small team capable of thinking for themselves, working together and delivering results
    2. Give them a goal to achieve and inform of restrictions there are (mostly business ones like deadlines, but also what tech your money can afford)
    3. Leave them alone to do the fucking job

    That is all, basically. All things like Scrum, Kanban, or whatever are bits that really worked where they had been conceived. Your team is going to come up with a method of their own.

    The problem is mostly with 1. and 3.

    It's really hard to find people who are capable of thinking outside the box and mean it. People who are both intelligent and pragmatic enough. Most people exhibit traits best seen in religious people. We smirk at avid churchgoers, but most people actually need to be shown what to do and how to do it. They feel lost if they are not led. They get confused if they are not shown a list of rules to follow. This is the portrait of your average corporate clerk, whether he codes or not.

    Whoever with a small mind like this gets promoted to middle management, gets cravings for power.

    That's why corporation-wide Scrum brought top down is so horrible. It's basically a cargo cult, complete with priesthood.

    For the reasons described above, most leaders in corporate world want to micromanage, otherwise they are going to be unable to justify their existence. The Agile, as opposed to being agile, gives them plenty of opportunities to do just that. The burndown chart, the ticketing systems, all those metrics and shit are abused as fucking liabilities. That's why you won't see 3. work either.

    This is why I ran FAR AND FAST from our corporate agilistas. They have a nice infrastructure of managed build servers, analysis software, etc. But to use them you have to sign a pact with the devil. So we built out our own.

    On paper, we are one of those awful legacy teams. In reality, I don't need a fucking agile coach nagging me about metrics.

    They still have us using the corporate Jira as a kanban so they can micromanage. Because of course they do. I ignore that at all times except during the weekly "forcing you to update the kanban" meetings.

  • Garbage Person

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    The correct answer would be to replan. Maybe the scope should be decreased? The amount of features you're supposed to deliver? Or even the timeline itself?

    The date was imposed from on high, then communicated upwards. The person who imposed the date was nowhere near the planning meetings.

    The only thing worse than not delivering is not delivering while assuring that you'll make it.

    I never said I'd make it.

  • @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @greybeard said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means."

    Look, you gave me an arbitrary, tight deadline imposed from on high. The dependencies' not being ready meant I had to implement a bunch of stuff without being able to integrate it and you didn't give me the time to write automated tests.

    Exactly. This is what happens when developers aren't included in the process and are just treated as code monkeys.

    Some developers just aren't any good as anything other than code monkeys. Some of them want to be just code monkeys. That works fine in some companies, in others it can be a complete disaster.

  • Dupa

    @greybeard said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    The correct answer would be to replan. Maybe the scope should be decreased? The amount of features you're supposed to deliver? Or even the timeline itself?

    The date was imposed from on high, then communicated upwards. The person who imposed the date was nowhere near the planning meetings.

    The only thing worse than not delivering is not delivering while assuring that you'll make it.

    I never said I'd make it.

    Exactly. So properly implemented scrum would help you here, not hurt you.

  • @greybeard That sounds like a company worth leaving. It doesn't matter how many people they've promised something to if it isn't going to work.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @cabrito said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @greybeard said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @ben_lubar Spoiler that stuff!

    Imagine doing pair programming with Ben at his computer...

    No thank you. I drink too much as it is.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Not necessarily. There are parts of scrum that do work, but some developers think they're above that. "My job is writing code, not talking to product owner." No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver the best fucking product. This means you need to talk to the people who understand the business, so you can understand the business and write the correct feature without wasting time.
    "My job is to write code, not seating for 2 hours and trying to figure out how long tasks will take." No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means." If you fail to do that, you'll piss off the business and they'll make you feel that.

    What about people who are against whiteboarding and writing automated tests?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @dragnslcr said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @kt_ If they're just code monkeys, then yes, their job is to sit there and write code. Things like system design are the job of the software engineer. Talking to other people in the company and/or customers is the job of the analysts. Setting timelines is the job of the project manager.

    Timelines for tasks, not projects.

    It's all the job a developer. Developers need to take part in those processes. This doesn't mean they should always be there. It means they should partake, to help managers/analysts do their job better. This also works the other way around, managers and analysts are there to help Devs.

    You can't opt out of that and still be a good developer. Remember, your goal is to make the product better, not just to code stuff.

    Exactly. If you make sure you are not a part of the timeline making process and you do everything you can to make sure "It's not my job" then you can't complain when a shitty timeline is imposed on you.

  • Dupa

    @polygeekery said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Not necessarily. There are parts of scrum that do work, but some developers think they're above that. "My job is writing code, not talking to product owner." No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver the best fucking product. This means you need to talk to the people who understand the business, so you can understand the business and write the correct feature without wasting time.
    "My job is to write code, not seating for 2 hours and trying to figure out how long tasks will take." No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means." If you fail to do that, you'll piss off the business and they'll make you feel that.

    What about people who are against whiteboarding and writing automated tests?

    Fuck 'em.

  • @blakeyrat said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @apapadimoulis What if I'm a good programmer but a procrastinator and hard to motivate? Pair programming really helps in that situation.

    Why should they pay another 100K programmer to babysit you? They can just hire like an $10 / hr high school dropout and have them sit next to you and watch what you're doing.

    If it looks to them like you are procrastinating, you have to stop and explain to them exactly how what you are doing relates to solving the feature assigned to you. If they are not satisfied, they call in the manager. The Watcher gets bonuses based on how many times they catch you slacking off.

    There you go, solution to the lack of developer productivity without losing capacity. You can thank me later.

  • @cartman82 said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @blakeyrat said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @apapadimoulis What if I'm a good programmer but a procrastinator and hard to motivate? Pair programming really helps in that situation.

    Why should they pay another 100K programmer to babysit you? They can just hire like an $10 / hr high school dropout and have them sit next to you and watch what you're doing.

    If it looks to them like you are procrastinating, you have to stop and explain to them exactly how what you are doing relates to solving the feature assigned to you. If they are not satisfied, they call in the manager. The Watcher gets bonuses based on how many times they catch you slacking off.

    There you go, solution to the lack of developer productivity without losing capacity. You can thank me later.

    I was browsing for inspiration ⁉

  • Garbage Person

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Exactly. So properly implemented scrum would help you here, not hurt you.

    No True Scotsman, eh?

    You said:

    No, you fucker. Your job is to deliver on time. So sit the fuck down and figure out what "on time means."

    The deadline is the deadline. I can sit and faff about with tickets in order to give you visibility or I can use my experience and knowledge to deliver whatever I can in the time allotted. Either way, I can't tell you how long it's going to take because I don't know what other snags I'm going to run into integrating all these things.

  • Garbage Person

    @magus said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    @greybeard That sounds like a company worth leaving. It doesn't matter how many people they've promised something to if it isn't going to work.

    Meh, it was only the second time something like that happened in the over a decade I've been there. I've got a bunch of NQOs with a few years to go before they expire and the stock price just keeps going up. It's not like I worked more than 2-3 nights throughout the project.

    The demo didn't fall over until after the execs left. And no one mentioned the part of the original requirement that wasn't there.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @kt_ said in Is DevOps also a manifestation of white male privilege?:

    Timelines for tasks, not projects.


    Projects have timelines because they are finite. (They also quite probably have tasks within them.)