The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

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    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    then died in a car crash

    One of the reasons air travel is safe. When you fly by your own power, only you can choose your destiny!

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    Was driving home. Seems like some kind of vehicle rearrangement was going on, so that a tree could be removed to across the street. This creates more parking room but we has to move all the cars out to make way for the digger,
    Anyways the tree gets moved and we start deep watering the ground to help things settle.
    I notice a streetlight is tilted and go to investigate. It appears damaged and a purple tube giving off water rapidly has been fitted. It is flooding that neighbor's yard.
    I go knock on their door. Elderly couple and the male is very senile. I talk about their little flood and propose a win-win idea, such that they don't get flood and we get free water. They come out with me to investigate but won't give a hard answer.
    I travel inside with the female and we discuss until ultimately the male says no.
    I exit and discover a veritable party going on in the patio area. I ask the female if these people and she says no, and I offer to have them removed.
    I announce that everyone is trespassing and needs to leave. Some female with attitude challenges me like I'm being racist or something, which I respond to the group that, no, I am requesting everypony regardless to face gender or nationality to facade the premises and the police will be called.

    Terminated dream: lack of oxygen

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:




    :oh:, it was @Tsaukpaetra, who said that. As you were then.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:




    :oh:, it was @Tsaukpaetra, who said that. As you were then.

    Auto correct and tired to fix it

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I am requesting everypony regardless to face gender or nationality to facade the premises

    I like this authoritarian vacate you put on.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I am requesting everypony regardless to face gender or nationality to facade the premises

    I like this authoritarian vacate you put on.

    It was in a very command voice too. Wounded like a heck with no cake.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Wounded like a heck with no cake.

    I'm worried about your lack of oxygen. It may have done some damage.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Wounded like a heck with no cake.

    I'm worried about your lack of oxygen. It may have done some damage.

    The exhaustion of cataclysm materials is sufficient at present. Data frame, lesion correctly in 8ers give. I blame keyboard interactive protection without visible conformably face with tongue

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra Did ServiceHow do this to you? :half-trolleybus-l:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Did ServiceHow do this to you? :half-trolleybus-l:

    I have assumed the ServiceHow. It's unintelligent internationalism belies for the incredible ALL as book. Don't worry the energy resumption soon and factorial communication will be pre-established in correctness.

  • As @Tsaukpaetra awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous @Gribnit.

  • *deletes ServiceHow*
    *reboots @Tsaukpaetra twice just to make sure*

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    then died in a car crash on my way to airport

    No no no!
    You died because you had caught the new 'rona variant from south africa which was already discovered in the Smelly Harbour, too.

  • Dream contains political content that might be :trolley-garage:-worthy, if there were to be a discussion about it, but new threads there are expensive.

    I don't remember a lot of the background. There are terrorists. They may be holding Americans hostage, or something, because the US government is involved. Apparently, I work for the government, because I'm involved in their involvement.

    I'm at a meeting with President Biden. The VP is also there; I'm not sure who is VP, but it's not Kamala Harris, because the VP is a man.

    Biden gives me something to deliver to the terrorists. Somebody (maybe me, but I don't remember for sure) says something along the lines of, "In my day, we didn't negotiate with terrorists," or "What ever happened to the policy of not negotiating with terrorists?" or something like that. I don't remember exactly what Biden give me, but it basically a gift/bribe to let the hostages go.

    The VP also gives me something to deliver, a small explosive device that looks like a suicide bomb vest, but somehow I know it's intended to kill the terrorist wearing it and other nearby terrorists, without killing anyone else.

    As I turn and walk away with the item, I make a gesture as if to punch Biden in the back of the neck. The VP notices, looks at me, and nods almost imperceptibly.

    Later, I say to someone, "I like $VP_name." (I guess I knew his name in the dream.) "He's a Democrat, so I don't agree with his policies, but I like him."

  • @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    then died in a car crash on my way to airport

    No no no!
    You died because you had caught the new 'rona variant from south africa which was already discovered in the Smelly Harbour, too.

    It would have taken much longer than just a few hours to die this way.

  • @cheong That's a new virus of international concern - it is so much faster than any virus before. It was even able to make your vietnamese car crash!

  • @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong That's a new virus of international concern - it is so much faster than any virus before. It was even able to make your vietnamese car crash!

    I just heard it have stronger likeliness to infect other people, not heard it has shorter asymptomatic spread period.

    If this were true that it can kill people within hours, that'll make it much easier to handle by all countries. Say, if it can kill people within 6 hours, then at most the asymptomatic spread period would be 3 hours and I suspect it can't infect much people even if it have stronger tendency to infect people during the period. Most likely it will weed itself out by killing all the infected people before it's have chance to spread to others.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: as cool as it might sound, I'm extremely skeptical my workplace would have a ticketing system that uses interactive generated 3d porn to log and execute ticket progress and task instructions.

    But it was a really fun way to extract the Windows product key from the Motherboard! 😇

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong That's a new virus of international concern - it is so much faster than any virus before. It was even able to make your vietnamese car crash!

    I just heard it have stronger likeliness to infect other people, not heard it has shorter asymptomatic spread period.

    If this were true that it can kill people within hours, that'll make it much easier to handle by all countries. Say, if it can kill people within 6 hours, then at most the asymptomatic spread period would be 3 hours and I suspect it can't infect much people even if it have stronger tendency to infect people during the period. Most likely it will weed itself out by killing all the infected people before it's have chance to spread to others.

    Btw, Dr. Leung said in the news of Hong Kong said Omicron variant can have asymptomatic incubation period of at most 14 days, so the current quarantine period of just 10 days may not be enough to stop it from entering UK.

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong That's a new virus of international concern - it is so much faster than any virus before. It was even able to make your vietnamese car crash!

    I just heard it have stronger likeliness to infect other people, not heard it has shorter asymptomatic spread period.

    If this were true that it can kill people within hours, that'll make it much easier to handle by all countries. Say, if it can kill people within 6 hours, then at most the asymptomatic spread period would be 3 hours and I suspect it can't infect much people even if it have stronger tendency to infect people during the period. Most likely it will weed itself out by killing all the infected people before it's have chance to spread to others.

    So it seems the new Omicron variant has much milder symptoms than Delta and it wouldn't be much a problem if there are new vaccine that can protect us.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Was driving in an unfamiliar area in California. Was meant to pick up something from some school. Found it, but the people were mad for error.
    Regardless, drove away with mother who apologized for something. Got replaced with sister while driving, our new destination was her home. Map was corrupted, rebooted map while driving. Road turned into highway but weird, like cobblestone and painted. We were suddenly walking and I was with trans sister.
    The road had exits that had gates leading directly to attractions, in order to navigate to the correct off-road required to use an attraction. We chose a coaster that ended at Subway. It cost a dollar to board.
    At Subway there was catered food from this side, apparently Covid relief funds congratulate by giving food? Anyways somehow trans sister gets a haircut and hair wash. Reason of insecurity. It doesn't matter nobody cares. We leave, I couldn't find Turkey sub but did get two footlong of ham and roast beef. Meandering the streets I see high-school friend. Some talk and mom appears, we split up.
    Dream interrupt through alarm.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    California.... the people were mad

    👍 True

    I couldn't find Turkey

    East of Greece, north of Syria.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    East of Greece, north of Syria

    Unable translocate. Stuck in Rome mode.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Stuck in Rome mode.

    Ah, simple then. Asia. Or Lycia et Pamphylia, Bythinia et Pontus, Galatia, Cilicia, Cappadocia, Armenia. Any of them will do. East of Achaia and Macedonia, across the Mare Aegaeum; still north of Syria.

  • Considered Harmful

    I was at a new job. Apparently this company produces computer games. I would be working on something called Toilet Simulator. Nobody, not even me, seems to be amused by this. The promotional materials handed to me were exactly the usual Something Simulator in tall Impact Italic (or whatever the font is). Also, this company produces a game controller. Nothing related to toilet functions, thankfully, just unwieldy, something like Nintendo 64, but red with very long yellow buttons.
    After a bit of intro I'm shown to a small office desk, which houses a smallish (think 15") CRT. All of monitors in this room are. It's off and currently reflects ceiling lights, so I adjust its position.
    All code files are just there and icons look like Windows XP CAB files. I'm not sure which one to open, so I pick one randomly.
    None of the (I assume, heavily commented) code is familiar, although I notice that facebook in this language is a keyword. Apparently it's called CTL (or maybe Tcl, but it doesn't seem to have any $). I remark I interviewed for a .NET position. They seem to be confused, but nod their heads. One looking something like Tom Smykovski, but sitting on something like a gym bench instead of an office chair, asks if I would be willing to learn; it's very easy.
    Ok. I ask, "When do we start working?". The guy says, "From 9 o'clock to 10 is very important part of the day." Then he says with a completely straight face, "Then there's the whole rest of the day."

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    "From 9 o'clock to 10 is very important part of the day." Then he says with a completely straight face, "Then there's the whole rest of the day."

    Your dreams are too realistic.

  • This was a weird one. I was outside in this neighborhood playing with cats and dogs. More kept coming over until these kids came out of a house and started brutally killing them. So I had to fight the kids and it was becoming really clear that I'd have to kill them to stop them.

    I finally thought I hurt them bad enough for the remaining animals and I to get away. I ran over to this park with alot of sidewalks and bridges. A larger kid had started chasing me, but I used some gorillas in the park to distract him. A bridge split into three paths and two gorillas took the right two. I sent the kid after the middle one while I took the leftmost path (where no gorilla went).

    But it didn't do any good. As I kept going there were more gorillas appearing. Every so often, one would strike out and kill somebody. I decided to go home but at this point the paths were choked with people, gorillas, and corpses. I wasn't about to risk getting killed so I made my way to the edge of the park and leapt over the side.

    40 feet down. Luckily I survived. But everybody on the street was mad at me for not going out the Official™ exit.

  • @Zenith

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Apparently last night's dream was all about the server upgrade I'm intending to do. It went.... Poorly.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    the server upgrade I'm intending to do. It went.... Poorly.


  • I've not kept up with this thread and this is best place fore my post.

    I've started getting hypnopompic (when starting to wake - in contrast to hypnagogic which is when falling asleep.) hallucinations. Probably a couple months at this point.

    They are completely realistic of things that could happen.


    This morning I got up thinking my husband had already been up because I saw him open the curtains. (When he is covered with blankets it sometimes looks like he's not there.)

    I've caught myself starting to say something related to the hallucination and I realize it wasn't real.

    I see some action (it is all very benign and very realistic) and open my eyes and it is gone. I sometimes close my eyes again hoping to see where it was going.

    I have auditory hallucinations as well, I've been jarred out of sleep by a loud noise or hearing my daughter say "mommy".

    Sometimes I see something extremely real and open my eyes and it isn't there. While awake and attempting to visualize, any visualizations have very little detail and no mistaking it for reality. OTOH I can imagine a song that I know and it be very close to the real thing. When I read an article, I can hear the quote in my head if the person's voice is well known to me.

    I've talked in my sleep since I was a kid. I've occasionally woke myself up. I also walked in my sleep when I was a kid (one night walk down the block to a friend's house).

    I've also had nightmares where I've actually kicked, hit, punch whomever I was fighting in my dream. Those only occur when fully asleep (lightly since they can wake me up).

    Little bit of google, it is associated with narcolepsy and schizophrenia (I have neither). But most articles say that when it happens when it isn't a symptom of one of those disorders, it is usually more abstract.

    When it happens, sometimes I'm not sure if it occurred in reality or my head without additional cues.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Karla said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    When it happens, sometimes I'm not sure if it occurred in reality or my head without additional cues.

    My memetic authentication routines are usually pretty good at rejecting dream material. What fails to get swept in the first pass but caught in future runs throughout the initialization procedure (and is at least mildly intelligible) is what ends up here.

    I don't recount the many times I've consciously sleep-walk to let the bitches out or respond to unknown-trigger intrusion alerts, but the weekly average is... Rather high. Well, I assume at least some portion of these unrecorded sessions actually did occur.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Karla said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    When it happens, sometimes I'm not sure if it occurred in reality or my head without additional cues.

    My memetic authentication routines are usually pretty good at rejecting dream material. What fails to get swept in the first pass but caught in future runs throughout the initialization procedure (and is at least mildly intelligible) is what ends up here.

    I don't recount the many times I've consciously sleep-walk to let the bitches out or respond to unknown-trigger intrusion alerts, but the weekly average is... Rather high. Well, I assume at least some portion of these unrecorded sessions actually did occur.

    Normal dreams are easy to tell when I wake up. I may still have residual emotions. But no question that I was dreaming.Those are the ones I may hit/kick or yell so loud I wake up.

    The type of realism of the hallucinations are benign things that could happen in our bedroom at the moment I had them. My daughter calling for us, the dog barking, someone knocking on our bedroom door, or the doorbell. Hearing my husband speak and when I respond or ask for clarification he says he didn't say anything.

  • Last night, I dreamt that a huge green snake is floating on the sky, not sure whether it's venomous type or not. It just float there, gently swing it's body side to side, looking forward without moving forward.

    Traditionally in Chinese we interpret snake as dragon and seeing snakes in dream is a side of good luck as long as you're not bitten by it (in that case it means that part of body will have illness or hurt).Yet it's somewhat scary.

  • Considered Harmful

    A simple one for me. I dreamt that I woke up in the morning. I checked the phone and it showed 6:60. It was deemed perfectly fine to sleep a bit longer. So I did.

  • Considered Harmful

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    looking forward without moving forward.

    Simply to restate this observation is unlikely to be considered interpretation, and certainly would not be considered novel interpretation.

  • Reminds me of an old joke:
    👩: *yawn* Honey, what time is it?
    👨: Hmm... the alarm clock is displaying 8:88?
    👩: Good. I'll get up at nine.

  • Last night, I dreamt that I was back in Hong Kong and live in a fairly big apartment at where should be industrial area now. Apparently there is family visit, so there was lots of people. The adult are chatting in the living room, the children are in my study and bedroom, sleeping, playing video game or playing chess.

    I watch 2 of children playing Chinese Chess, and then received news that the government now require every person to buy at least 3 boxes of masks per month now to keep their job.

    When I done the online registration and collect my boxes at some government building (need to travel by MTR, that's how I know the location of apartment. The layout of station in dream is a bit distorted though), I found 3 boxes needs HKD100,000+! How expensive!

    And the staff who served me in the beginning go elsewhere shortly, leave me standing there not sure what to do. Then I found another one, he found my name on multiple namelist and not sure which one should he cross out my name.

    That's when I woke up by alarm clock.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    found my name on multiple namelis

    Be glad your name wasn't multiply on the same list!

  • Last night, I dreamt going to shopping arcade in Hong Kong with 2 girls. Then we felt thirsty and went to a Taiwanese style drink shop and ordered some drinks. When have to pay, the other 2 girls said they don't have money therefore I said "No worry, on my treat." 3 drinks for HKD 10 is super inexpensive.

    Then the cashier gave me 3 cardboards. I thought these are stamp cards therefore was about to share them to the girls. And then I look at the detail and found out that one of them is indeed the stamp collection card, but for the other 2, one of them is recycling ticket, you need to hand it to recycling point in the shopping arcade to dispose the cups and straws there. The remaining one is ticket to use restroom in the shopping arcade... and then I thought we're of different gender and wondered how would it work.

    Then I woke up by the alarm clock.

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    we're of different gender and wondered how would it work.

    🥑 thread is :arrows:.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I dreamt I was on a dating website searching for people. Every profile picture was unrealistically attractive or looked like it was taken with a flip phone. I started texting one at random and they seemed extraordinarily excited to meet. I spent an hour or so trying to determine where an identical shirt came from. It seems the cops were uninterested in my socks.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I dreamt I was on a dating website searching for people.

    And this is how we know it was a dream. :tro-pop:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I dreamt I was on a dating website searching for people.

    And this is how we know it was a dream. :tro-pop:

    Yeah.... All the robots had stopped talking to me at that point.

  • Last night I dreamt that I'm back in Hong Kong, received news that my primary school is about to be demolished (in reality the building has been demolished at the second year after my graduation, during the rebuilding of public estate the school building was in), therefore they invite graduates to come back, and we can take whatever is left there home in the end.

    Fast forwarded to the night. Other people are not there in the scene, not sure whether they went home already. I was in the store room of covered playground, where loads of copies of Bible are stored (Since the primary school also function as local church on Sunday, they lent Bibles to visitors on events as appropriate, as well as student who wish to join the church and learning how to read Bible).

    There's still hundreds of copies of Bible stored in the room. I discovered in a corner seems somebody stacked the Bibles like stairs to the ceiling of the room, and there was a hole above. Being curious I tried to climb there. Over there is a secret concrete room storing lots of handwritten writings of St. John Bosco, the Italian priest who founded Salesian Congregation which established the primary school, as well as lots of other kind of books.

    I grabbed a few in my backpack, also a large Chinese style calendar (those were given for free when you order rice or LPG from traditional groceries during the month before New Year) in a bag, then go home with a few friends of past.

    On the way home, I ask whether any of them want a calendar. One of them want it. When we tear the paper cover away, we found the calendar was 1876, way before the Salesians come to China.

    That's when I woke.

  • Last night I dreamt that I was visiting my grandfather (who have passed away). As relatives pressing me "When will you getting married?", I decided to sneak outside for some fresh air.

    Then I meet my aunt in Taiwan who gave me a cassette and told me it contains blessing words from my relatives there. And I should listen to them when I go home.

    Then I found an envelope containing rice shape gold piece on garbage at backstair. I grabbed it and go back to meet grandfather, and he scolded at me "I told you to buy a cassette for me to record blessing words to my relatives in Thailand. Where is it?" I briefly considered whether I should hand in the cassette I got from my aunt, but decided to head back to street to buy a new one instead.

    That's when I woke up.

  • I was walking a cat on a leash. It was stopping and sniffing other cats (also on leashes), like dogs do. Somebody asked me what kind of cat it was, but it wasn't a cat any more; it had morphed into a dog. "It's a rathound." However, it was the most un-hound-like looking dog you could imagine. It looked like a mutt with a significant amount of terrier in its heritage.

    The hound that didn't look like a hound got me thinking about hounds that do look like hounds — coonhounds, specifically. Next thing I know, I was shooting at raccoons. Through my window. Through my closed window. I didn't want to open the window and scare the raccoons off, so I shot through the glass, so I didn't lose the element of surprise.

  • I don't understand this one.

    I was in some sort of highschool/college fight program in a cafeteria. Teams of four against teams of four. But it was very arcade-like, as the teams stood in two rows of two to attack each other. So I guess we were doing OK, until I was either in or watching a match that went sideways.

    Instead of another team of kids, it was giant robots. Three were mechanical like out of Brave or Gurren Lagann (giant drill hands and steam pipes) but the third was a weird bio-hybrid like from Evangelion. They were virtually invincible and won.

    Well my team's next match was about to start. My friend that was not on the team told me he arranged to trade places and get this girl I liked (no idea who she was but resembled Terra from Teen Titans) on the team as well. Just in time for us all to get killed by the invincible robots.

    Except the next match was two normal kids and two robots. So the way the randomizer worked out was me and the new teammate were to fight the two kids while the girl and the old teammate fought the robots. Good going, asshole, get her on my team and kill her?

    So the fight starts and my opponent did this annoying thing where he kept backing out of range. We were in church pews for some reason so the referee moved us out onto a stage. The fight resumed but I had noodly arms and could barely hit the other kid. This is when I started waking up, clearly able to punch when awake, but not while asleep, so I just stayed awake.

  • Considered Harmful

    Setting, castle, for some reason the royal chamber is only accessible by an exterior door on an upper corner, at quite significant height with only finger and toe holds.

    Setting, giant tree interior, mounted combat on what appear to be dragonflies.

    Setting, motel set into a canyon wall, the hallway is extremely hazardous until fully characterized.

    Setting, canyon, a battalion in transit is ambushed at close-range following a longer-range feint.

    Setting, town on plains or possibly at foothills, a curtain wall extends only partially to a natural cliff.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zenith said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I don't understand this one.

    Don't worry about it. I'd explain but, y'know, rules.

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