The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    this thread is great for ai prompts!

    Are AI hallucinations dreams? 🤔

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Mid night report., was house sitting a mansion with VR room. There were kittens. Unexpectedly fat or well fed but otherwise very healthy. While playing house chore simulator. Need to get to work. Board uber. Headed north into. Mountains. Roads extremely winding and slippery. Feature. Driver is very skilled at rain drifting. Now four hours away, not in the direction of work. Unable to arrive at work on time. Choices await rescue. Start uber back. Rent hotel. Called in with voicemail. In case not dreaming, not coming in today. Remove headset. Never left. Error dreaming. Unexpected dream while utilizing CPAP. Diagnostics required., 🖖

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Mid night report., was house sitting a mansion with VR room. There were kittens. Unexpectedly fat or well fed but otherwise very healthy. While playing house chore simulator. Need to get to work. Board uber. Headed north into. Mountains. Roads extremely winding and slippery. Feature. Driver is very skilled at rain drifting. Now four hours away, not in the direction of work. Unable to arrive at work on time. Choices await rescue. Start uber back. Rent hotel. Called in with voicemail. In case not dreaming, not coming in today. Remove headset. Never left. Error dreaming. Unexpected dream while utilizing CPAP. Diagnostics required., 🖖

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Mid night report., was house sitting a mansion with VR room. There were kittens. Unexpectedly fat or well fed but otherwise very healthy. While playing house chore simulator. Need to get to work. Board uber. Headed north into. Mountains. Roads extremely winding and slippery. Feature. Driver is very skilled at rain drifting. Now four hours away, not in the direction of work. Unable to arrive at work on time. Choices await rescue. Start uber back. Rent hotel. Called in with voicemail. In case not dreaming, not coming in today. Remove headset. Never left. Error dreaming. Unexpected dream while utilizing CPAP. Diagnostics required., 🖖

    Suddenly, my medical device, a CPAP machine I've been using for sleep apnea, beeped menacingly, indicating a malfunction. "Diagnostics required," it droned in an annoyingly robotic monotone.

    Well, it wasn't a CPAP machine that blurped, but, surprisingly accurate.

  • I don't remember much at all about this one, except one transitional scene.
    I was moving along a long and straight street. Normal enough at first: side streets, houses, garages, yards, trees, etc.etc. But then it started getting ... lazy.

    At first it looked like it was drifting back in era: the cars were earlier models, the signposts started looking quaint, but it wasn't being consistent.
    I'd look down one side street and on both sides it would be barely built up at all, not even the houses I just passed would be there any more.
    Colour started bleeding from the scene. Muted greys with only a hint of other tints.
    The soundscape was doing something analogous. By now it was almost silent, not really making an effort to sound like a street.
    The buildings began to give up as well. Perspective started flattening out like a Richard Dadd painting. They didn't turn into stagefronts, but more as if they'd rotated out into a fourth spatial dimension leaving only a narrow slice to intersect with ordinary space.

    The road surface became a featureless grey strip. The buildings were paper cutouts, blank white sheets standing in flat grey yards. There was no sound, no movement of air. The cutouts became rarer.

    I kept going. I was doing this travelling on my own initiative (though I don't remember why), and there was no point stopping here. I could have chosen to turn around and go back (and later on in the dream I think I did), but instead I pushed ahead.

    The world began to make an effort again. It was basically a reversal of the decay. When my surroundings were back to looking like that's what they were I was in a commercial strip — car yards, mechanics, small accountancy firms, little fast food outlets, knick-knacks/second hand/charity/opshop stores, pet stores, one or two larger outlets anchoring the rest as they cluster around their carparks.

    At least I presume that's what they were. But all the signage was completely illegible using no script I've ever seen. Road signs followed some other standard.

    I met up with some locals, but I don't remember what happened from there.

  • @Watson Do not forget that most dreams are mere black and white (or rather grayscale), and generally soundless. Dreams in bright colours and sounds are what we tend to remember best, but are relatively rare occasions.

  • I don't actually remember any dreams I had last night, but I woke with my legs feeling fatigued this morning, like I had dreamed about being chased. Such a dream, if it occurred, might just possibly be due to having watched The Two Towers last night immediately before going to bed, stopping in the middle with nothing resolved.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    this thread is great for ai prompts!

    Are AI hallucinations dreams? 🤔

    They are if they're electric sheep.

  • @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Watson Do not forget that most dreams are mere black and white (or rather grayscale), and generally soundless. Dreams in bright colours and sounds are what we tend to remember best, but are relatively rare occasions.

    There's also a lot of dreams that are more discursive thought chains rather than visual scenes.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    In a public facility. Was trying to help rebel gangsters. Backfires spectacularly. Had to move out quick. Didn't have passport. Return to home. We don't need a new WiFi, this was specifically built. Look, it's how PoE works replace it if you must but the WiFi isn't the problem.
    Minigame. Stop it by hitting with crates. Uncover the pipes, the crates hide a truth. Really it just wanted a place to sleep.
    I am an accidental time traveled, I must be on that plane. Passport certificate expired or not yet valid. Just inspect the signature date! Stuck in the first-class seat, something has jammed really hard sideways into pelvis, unable to extract. You can not imagine how stupid that sounds.

  • @Tsaukpaetra Did you read that story posted in a different thread :arrows: just before you went to sleep:

    @Deadfast said in Official Funny Stuff Thread - Trolleybus Edition:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    read that story posted

    Pure coincidence I assure you. But just to make sure.... (reads)

    Edit: confirmed. The situation and resolution are quite different.

  • Map. Large valley that spans most of southern China into laos and Vietnam. Inhabited by homogeneous ethnic group. There, speaking to inhabitants, who aren't really homogeneous, because each speaks the language of their respective country, not a common ethnic language.

    Somewhere else. See the Chinese mainland in the distance. Mountains surrounding the valley in the previous segment.

    From there, drive east on a highway. Interstate 4 in Los Angeles (?). (Note: There is no Interstate 4 in LA. Interstate 4 would be south of San Diego, if it existed. (The highway, that is; San Diego does exist.) There is an Interstate 4, but it's in Florida.) Highway becomes city streets.

    Department store. Clothing. Looking for a tie. All I can find are pre-tied, clip-on ties for lazy people who don't know how to tie a tie, and not very good looking ones (the ties, not the people, although they won't look good, either, if they wear these ties). Ties have magnets in the knots that attach to magnets in shirt collars. (Fridge logic: Can only be worn with special shirts that have magnets sown into the collars. Can't be worn with any shirts you already own.)

    Dream ends before I find a satisfactory tie.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    (Fridge logic: Can only be worn with special shirts that have magnets sown into the collars. Can't be worn with any shirts you already own.)

    Or there could be magnetized strips you can put inside the shirt collars.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    The highway, that is; San Diego does exist.

    That is a difference to Bielefeld:

  • Some massive tribute concert. The sort of thing the British have experience in throwing. All the big names were there (the Rolling Stones in particular). As it was wrapping up a team of horses walked down through the audience drawing a carriage with some coffins on it. There were also a couple of bobby's helmets perched on the carriage as well.

    The horses began to pick up the pace and as they broke into a trot, the helmets started bouncing about and I said that they were going to lose something if they kept it up. They did and they did, but it didn't bother anyone.

    They were at a full gallop now, still pulling the carriage. I was watching them from below. Really. They were galloping down the Mall (for that is indeed where they were now) and it was like I was underneath the roadway which had been replaced by glass. There was a few bits of windswept debris lying on the glass and it was a bit damp as well. I mainly kept up with the horses but eventually they pulled ahead and headed off into the distance, at which point refraction/TIR/perspective did something weird and I lost sight of them while everything flipped around itself.

    So now I was in a crowd in a park, near a big decorative fountain (which wasn't running). Some sort of street theatre was going on, or something, and one of the participants (dressed in some kind of medieval hoodie) offered me something in a handmade mug to drink. I didn't understand what he wanted at first, so the first time the mug was thrust in my face I just got wet. The second time though I took a swig and — it wasn't that good. Some sort of green tea concoction, maybe with a bit of ginger, no sweetening, milk; a slightly rough texture and it had gone cold. A good candidate for "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea". Whatever it was it woke me up.

  • @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    The highway, that is; San Diego does exist.

    That is a difference to Bielefeld:

    Hm. The inspiration for Neal Stephenson's contention that Yuma was nuked?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Last scene, highway driving, I was a passenger driver's side in van. Mother seemed more distracted than usual. I was holding little sister for some reason, unrestrained, sitting on the shoulder of the chair in front.
    Approached a merge off ramp. Indecision caused last-second change to take the exit but overshot into the path of the guard rail that was starting. Full head-on collision at 78 mph. Fatality, little sister. Mother said there was a metal pipe in the road. I'm unconvinced.
    Dream aborted.


    Somehow I found pictures on my camera of things that had only happened in a dream, which was mildly disturbing. But it turned out I was only dreaming about all that.

  • Next time that happens, upload the pictures here, so that we can see them when we're dreaming of reading WTDWTF.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    upload the pictures here

    BTDT. The result was an error enabling notifications due to modifying the record twice.

  • I've forgotten all the details, but the gist was this:

    I had a girlfriend. The relationship already existed at the start of the dream, so I'm not sure how we met, or anything like that, but it seemed to have been fairly recent, maybe a few weeks.

    Somehow, I discovered that she was using me to get back at her ex. (Details lost.) Nope. Vengeful and vindictive are not desirable traits in a girlfriend.

    What? You're not actually divorced yet? You're still legally married? I'm so out of here. I never should have gotten involved with you in the first place. (I sure hope she doesn't turn her vengeance and vindictiveness on me.)

  • Yesterday I had a weird dream that somehow I loses the fingernail on my right middle finger. Where there should be fingernail become a hole of about half cm deep, with the flesh and some of the bone clearly visible. However I don't feel it's painful at all.

    I think the dream goes on about something else but I can't remember it at all.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Yesterday I had a weird dream that somehow I loses the fingernail on my right middle finger. Where there should be fingernail become a hole of about half cm deep, with the flesh and some of the bone clearly visible. However I don't feel it's painful at all.

    I think the dream goes on about something else but I can't remember it at all. put my finger on it

  • @cheong You ought to "show the finger" :fu: with it to some really bad guy. That would make an impression, I can tell you!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I think the dream goes on about something else but I can't remember it at all.

    Ah! I remember this one!

    Your finger was molded into the key to turn a particularly gruesome lock that attached a mechanism to your arm, which you used to create holes in particular surfaces.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Map. Large valley that spans most of southern China into laos and Vietnam. Inhabited by homogeneous ethnic group. There, speaking to inhabitants, who aren't really homogeneous, because each speaks the language of their respective country, not a common ethnic language.

    Somewhere else. See the Chinese mainland in the distance. Mountains surrounding the valley in the previous segment.

    From there, drive east on a highway. Interstate 4 in Los Angeles (?). (Note: There is no Interstate 4 in LA. Interstate 4 would be south of San Diego, if it existed. (The highway, that is; San Diego does exist.) There is an Interstate 4, but it's in Florida.) Highway becomes city streets.

    Department store. Clothing. Looking for a tie. All I can find are pre-tied, clip-on ties for lazy people who don't know how to tie a tie, and not very good looking ones (the ties, not the people, although they won't look good, either, if they wear these ties). Ties have magnets in the knots that attach to magnets in shirt collars. (Fridge logic: Can only be worn with special shirts that have magnets sown into the collars. Can't be worn with any shirts you already own.)

    Dream ends before I find a satisfactory tie.

  • @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Some massive tribute concert. The sort of thing the British have experience in throwing. All the big names were there (the Rolling Stones in particular). As it was wrapping up a team of horses walked down through the audience drawing a carriage with some coffins on it. There were also a couple of bobby's helmets perched on the carriage as well.

    The horses began to pick up the pace and as they broke into a trot, the helmets started bouncing about and I said that they were going to lose something if they kept it up. They did and they did, but it didn't bother anyone.

    They were at a full gallop now, still pulling the carriage. I was watching them from below. Really. They were galloping down the Mall (for that is indeed where they were now) and it was like I was underneath the roadway which had been replaced by glass. There was a few bits of windswept debris lying on the glass and it was a bit damp as well. I mainly kept up with the horses but eventually they pulled ahead and headed off into the distance, at which point refraction/TIR/perspective did something weird and I lost sight of them while everything flipped around itself.

    So now I was in a crowd in a park, near a big decorative fountain (which wasn't running). Some sort of street theatre was going on, or something, and one of the participants (dressed in some kind of medieval hoodie) offered me something in a handmade mug to drink. I didn't understand what he wanted at first, so the first time the mug was thrust in my face I just got wet. The second time though I took a swig and — it wasn't that good. Some sort of green tea concoction, maybe with a bit of ginger, no sweetening, milk; a slightly rough texture and it had gone cold. A good candidate for "almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea". Whatever it was it woke me up.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Last scene, highway driving, I was a passenger driver's side in van. Mother seemed more distracted than usual. I was holding little sister for some reason, unrestrained, sitting on the shoulder of the chair in front.
    Approached a merge off ramp. Indecision caused last-second change to take the exit but overshot into the path of the guard rail that was starting. Full head-on collision at 78 mph. Fatality, little sister. Mother said there was a metal pipe in the road. I'm unconvinced.
    Dream aborted.

    This one I was a bit worried, generated anyway, and got something lighter than your original history. It does mention the word "fatal", but looking in the photo it seems it was some kind of fish that died?


  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    some of the bone clearly visible

    I'll skip this one

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I had a girlfriend. The relationship already existed at the start of the dream, so I'm not sure how we met, or anything like that, but it seemed to have been fairly recent, maybe a few weeks.
    Somehow, I discovered that she was using me to get back at her ex. (Details lost.) Nope. Vengeful and vindictive are not desirable traits in a girlfriend.
    What? You're not actually divorced yet? You're still legally married? I'm so out of here. I never should have gotten involved with you in the first place. (I sure hope she doesn't turn her vengeance and vindictiveness on me.)

    This one gets a bit weirder near the end:

    Ironically enough, I woke up to a barrage of imaginary legal briefings filed by the spectral husband and a condescending psychic letter from my dream girlfriend. 'Your actions are under review and sanctions may be implemented,' she wrote, ominously, in her unique, dream-rendered handwriting - like a furious school principal scolding an unruly student.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Last scene, at junior high morning before school starts. Forgot badge. On way out taunt kid for some reason. Grab badge, inside scolded by other teacher. Went outside to placate kid. Some heart wrenching sob story. Water fountains shut off, must begin class.
    Inside failure failure retrieve data unknown transition, VR simulation is corrupted. The physics engine is much more improved. This is unfortunate. The bullets are non-genuine Nerf darts. Darts can not be used against their original shooter.

    Dream terminated, butt dial summoned the group chat.

  • Perhaps because I've been reading a lot about nuclear wastes because of Japan's decision to discharge treated nuclear coolant water to the sea, I've got a dream related to the topic.

    In the dream it raised an interesting idea:

    We know that the sun is a huge nuclear fusion reactor that generates heat and sunlight that we need, and solar panels can convert some of them into electricity we can use.

    What if we wrap the containers/store rooms of nuclear wastes with solar panels? Will these also be able to generate electricity? Or it can't because these lacks radiation of specific wavelength that the solar panels are capable to capture?

  • Considered Harmful

    @cheong The latter, I believe. Also, the amount of energy from spontaneous fission is too low. The waste is called such precisely because it does not have enough material remaining to sustain nuclear fission at a rate high enough to extract energy from it.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong The latter, I believe. Also, the amount of energy from spontaneous fission is too low. The waste is called such precisely because it does not have enough material remaining to sustain nuclear fission at a rate high enough to extract energy from it.

    Oh, I thought the nuclear waste just don't have enough energy to heat water for steam that turn the turbines. Therefore if we can have ways to turn the radiation into electricity by other means, these radiation can still have some useful value.

  • Considered Harmful

    @cheong The total amount of energy available from fission is the same, I imagine, but it happens at its own pace over tens of thousands of years (or more). So you must accelerate it somehow. Which is exactly what a reactor does. And we're back to square one.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    What if we wrap the containers/store rooms of nuclear wastes with solar panels? Will these also be able to generate electricity?

    In theory, yes.

    In practice, you don't normally do that if you have a better option.

  • @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    What if we wrap the containers/store rooms of nuclear wastes with solar panels? Will these also be able to generate electricity?

    In theory, yes.

    In practice, you don't normally do that if you have a better option.

    I hope to see something that can bypass the heat conversion part, because the lack of heat is the reason why these nuclear waste would be disposed.

    It seems others have researched whether we can directly convert the radiation into electricity. However the cell they can make still have poor efficiency, and the efficiency will degrade further with time.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cheong Heat gradients are easier to exploit, especially if you can significantly heat up water. Direct use of the radiation is much harder; it needs fancier materials just to withstand the impact of various radiation types (usually crystals with strong positive and negative charges, so the physical impact on ions gets transferred to the crystal as a whole instead of distorting the lattice) and that pushes up costs. A water jacket inside an insulating layer is easier to handle (but impossible in a long space mission) as it doesn't matter if water molecules get knocked around a bit.

  • Considered Harmful


    The maximum electric power obtained for each cell ranged from 0.002 to 200 micro-W/m2


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Under cover as princess protection. At a mall food court where princess is "hanging out" with "bad boys". I ask to stow cart in small shop with a VR headset. They have no customers and agree. Go to buy ice cream cone. Machine not working. Plug in hacking dongle but get distracted because one of the bad boys begins brandishing a presumably loaded pistol. I dash over and presumably give a rousing hero speech about safely handling guns, and then demonstrate by half-cocking it and then click the trigger. Everyone calms down and then I finish the demonstration by completing the cock and subsequently discharging the entire clip into an unknown tube (?).
    Everyone is friends now and the bad boys, Princess and I are on a infiltration mission to get a thing. Found the secret hatch that slopes down. I'm a little slow as I work to arrange the hatch so it doesn't look tampered with (apparently it's broken thus the trouble). The others are already coming back up, one angrily saying the key was on the table the whole time. I open the hatch again but the avoiding person is there chuckling evil.
    After the fight, looting. I find an odd item in a sack. It appears to be a ball made of cut up rubber bands on a string but a hard core and a button. I press the button and it animates, asking a series of moral questions? The responses aren't sufficient and the ball explodes small and makes a mess everywhere. Cleaning up, there is a very large and aggressive beetle. The princess thinks it is funny. It is not so funny when I stuff it in a secret place.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    very large and aggressive beetle

    Are you sure it was a member of Coleoptera, i.e. not a member of Heteroptera? :mlp_fear:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    very large and aggressive beetle

    Are you sure it was a member of Coleoptera, i.e. not a member of Heteroptera? :mlp_fear:

    Based on extremely corrupted recovered imagery, I am very confident in the identification. A modified Stag beetle is the closest better description. Though before identification images suggest a pill bug. 🤔

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    apparently it's broken

    Yup, this is a @Tsaukpaetra dream.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    apparently it's broken

    Yup, this is a @Tsaukpaetra dream.

    One day I'll dream of being fixed.

    I doubt it will help the situation, but maybe something new will happen...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    One day I'll dream of being fixed.

    🥑 thread is :arrows:.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    a rousing hero speech about safely handling guns

    Something I can picture Adam West's Batman doing.

  • Last night, I dreamt that my sister finally come and join me here, and we planned to go hiking together.

    And when we plan how to go then, it seems we have to take a bus at Well Steet. Then suddenly the scene somehow changed to Hong Kong and we got on a KMB (a local bus), and without air conditioning (the last bus without air conditioning stopped service at 2012).

    Then somehow we went home in Hong Kong. I felt sick and laid on my bed. My brother and sister bring me a large jar of medicine and pour all of these into my mouth.

    That's when I woke up.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Under cover as princess protection. At a mall food court where princess is "hanging out" with "bad boys". I ask to stow cart in small shop with a VR headset. They have no customers and agree. Go to buy ice cream cone. Machine not working. Plug in hacking dongle but get distracted because one of the bad boys begins brandishing a presumably loaded pistol. I dash over and presumably give a rousing hero speech about safely handling guns, and then demonstrate by half-cocking it and then click the trigger. Everyone calms down and then I finish the demonstration by completing the cock and subsequently discharging the entire clip into an unknown tube (?).
    Everyone is friends now and the bad boys, Princess and I are on a infiltration mission to get a thing. Found the secret hatch that slopes down. I'm a little slow as I work to arrange the hatch so it doesn't look tampered with (apparently it's broken thus the trouble). The others are already coming back up, one angrily saying the key was on the table the whole time. I open the hatch again but the avoiding person is there chuckling evil.
    After the fight, looting. I find an odd item in a sack. It appears to be a ball made of cut up rubber bands on a string but a hard core and a button. I press the button and it animates, asking a series of moral questions? The responses aren't sufficient and the ball explodes small and makes a mess everywhere. Cleaning up, there is a very large and aggressive beetle. The princess thinks it is funny. It is not so funny when I stuff it in a secret place.

    awesome, you could be a writer using just your dream material

  • Alright so this one was weird. I don't remember exactly when it started, after Crystal Skull or Dial of Destiny. Despite the timeframe, I'm busy in my office trying, in vain, to sync two computers and it's a fight because so much EOL software works only on one or the other. An interruption would be great.

    Indy, Marion, and an older version of Nick Fury's MI6 friend from Secret Wars are all senior directors at this agency. They were called out of retirement for one more mysterious mission that splits them up on three different objectives. I go along with Indy because I'm like a bodyguard/successor (like the rookie in the first Hellboy movie).

    Most of our adventure is running through hallways and staircases to jump on different types of monorail cars while people shoot at us with machine guns. At first Indy is slow and having trouble keeping up but as it goes on our positions reverse. It reminds me of dreams I had 20 years ago where I just couldn't move very well.

    At some point, we run into Elsa. Yes, the Elsa that fell to her death trying to recover the grail. "Somehow, Elsa returned" is all the explanation I got. She was sort of bi-polar, trying to kill us but sometimes hesitating. A couple of times, Indy tried to put her in some water but it wasn't deep enough. We ran into Marion and she and Indy tricked her into falling off the top of some steps into a deeper pool of water. I guess water would de-animate her but only if she was totally submerged? I don't know.

    So we get back to this big meeting hall where we all went our separate ways earlier and MI6 lady is waiting there. Seems she orchestrated all of this as a distraction. She had these two guys with her, one was her husband that she was mad at and the other seemed like some personal assistant or lackey. She had a spell cast over the husband and made him put on this ring that turned him into a dragon.

    That's where it left off and I woke up.

  • Have you tried getting hired by Disney? What you came up with in your dream makes as much sense as what they're releasing :half-trolleybus-tl:

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