The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread


    @DogsB what did I look like?

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    @topspin said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @DogsB what did I look like?

    From what I remember: tall, thin and quite handsome. Can't remember what your hair and face were like but you were wearing a silk scarf. It was velvet.


    @DogsB said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    you were wearing a silk scarf.

    Don’t take mullet advice from someone who looks like that. 🍹

    This was a canned response. Guess I didn’t anticipate a flattering reply.

  • 🚽 Regular

    A post in the Catus Thread reminded me of a dream I had days ago and which I forgot to post about.

    I fell asleep (in the dream) with my brown cat cuddled against me.
    I woke up some time later (again, in the dream) with a cat chewing on my fingers. I quickly realized this was not my cat, which also woke up startled and started growling at the outsider grey cat.

    Pretty quickly the two cats started fighting and as I was still lazily lying in bed I let them figure it out between themselves. But I soon realized my cat was losing so I intervened. The foreign cat started directing his anger at me instead. This fight went on for a while and the details of what happened were fuzzy even when I had just woken up IRL, but the short version of it is that the outsider cat and I started an epic battle, with my cat out of the equation after I locked him in a room for his protection.

    Towards the end the cat and I were across the street from a mansion, in an air field made of soft wavy sand (great for airplanes :rolleyes:). There were a bunch of Cessna-like twin blade propeller airplanes doing warm-up exercises like in a gym: doing jumping jacks, touching their wing tips to their front wheels, that sort of thing. I think one of them was spinning on its head.

    I picked up the cat and flew off Superman-style out of there and to an abandoned inflatable boat in the middle of the Pacific, which I found somehow. I dropped the cat and pulled the chord on a wind-up nuclear device (as one does) and yelled FIRE IN THE HOLE to no one around. Then I thought "oh crap, this is going to explode, I better get out of here" and I ran across the water as fast as I could (not at Superman speed).

    You know how cool guys don't look back at explosions? I didn't look back because I was running for my life.

    Anyhoo, that was the end of the story. Although no one actually saw the cat die... DUN DUN DUN

    Then I feel into deep sleep again.

  • Broken sleep filled with dreams of configuring AWS infrastructure. Only real dream involved being back in school and failing.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    dreams of configuring AWS infrastructure.

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    dream involved being back in school and failing.

    Which one is worse?

  • @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    dreams of configuring AWS infrastructure.

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    dream involved being back in school and failing.

    Which one is worse?

    Yes. More seriously, the AWS stuff. Because it was just the restless "on edge of sleep but brain won't shut off but also won't do sane stuff" mess that would keep jolting me awake before I really got all the way to sleep. The school stuff at least had a plot.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    "on edge of sleep but brain won't shut off but also won't do sane stuff"

    Had that yesterday morning with my phone's alarm clock. Kept thinking through all the apps that might make it ring like that. Except the obvious one.

  • @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    A post in the Catus Thread reminded me of a dream I had days ago and which I forgot to post about.

    I fell asleep (in the dream) with my brown cat cuddled against me.
    I woke up some time later (again, in the dream) with a cat chewing on my fingers. I quickly realized this was not my cat, which also woke up startled and started growling at the outsider grey cat.

    Pretty quickly the two cats started fighting and as I was still lazily lying in bed I let them figure it out between themselves. But I soon realized my cat was losing so I intervened. The foreign cat started directing his anger at me instead. This fight went on for a while and the details of what happened were fuzzy even when I had just woken up IRL, but the short version of it is that the outsider cat and I started an epic battle, with my cat out of the equation after I locked him in a room for his protection.

    Towards the end the cat and I were across the street from a mansion, in an air field made of soft wavy sand (great for airplanes :rolleyes:). There were a bunch of Cessna-like twin blade propeller airplanes doing warm-up exercises like in a gym: doing jumping jacks, touching their wing tips to their front wheels, that sort of thing. I think one of them was spinning on its head.

    I picked up the cat and flew off Superman-style out of there and to an abandoned inflatable boat in the middle of the Pacific, which I found somehow. I dropped the cat and pulled the chord on a wind-up nuclear device (as one does) and yelled FIRE IN THE HOLE to no one around. Then I thought "oh crap, this is going to explode, I better get out of here" and I ran across the water as fast as I could (not at Superman speed).

    You know how cool guys don't look back at explosions? I didn't look back because I was running for my life.

    Anyhoo, that was the end of the story. Although no one actually saw the cat die... DUN DUN DUN

    Then I feel into deep sleep again.

  • 🚽 Regular


    a conflict of mammalian proportions


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Carrying a full three gallon water jug while sitting on a rolling chair through a clean room environment in the nude. There were many people involved, but I was eventually directed to follow a (foreman?) lady into an office (still in chair and with jug). The song "my heart will go on" is playing. Abort

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    clean room environment in the nude

    Clean room contaminated. Also, there are some details of your dreams we don't need to know. πŸ™ˆ

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    clean room environment in the nude

    Clean room contaminated. Also, there are some details of your dreams we don't need to know. πŸ™ˆ

    Funny enough, the clean room wasn't contaminated due to no transfer of unexpected particulates. πŸ€”

  • We ran around the corner, found ourselves facing a row of enemy mooks. I turned to my partner (who couldn't decide what style she was drawn in) and found myself on the wrong end of a double-cross. And her shotgun.
    When the barrel drifted to one side as she addressed the mooks, I helpfully re-aimed it at my head. I wasn't too fazed. I'd just respawn back at my last savepoint.

    This is a game, right?

  • I dreamt last night that I was working at some company that I don't know in real life in Hong Kong. Then after work, I waved goodbye to my colleagues and went home.

    Then I spontaneous felt that I was in the mood to go hiking, so suddenly I found that I'm already wearing t-shirt with backpack ready-to-go.

    I queued at a bus stop that I don't know in real life. The bus stop has a long queue of people who are probably on their way home. While I was thinking why there's such a long queue, suddenly a whiteboard pop up with a news clip that explains the bus stop is located at the corner of a busy area (which, again, I don't know in real life), and all people working at that area and need to travel with this route has to wait for bus here.

    I got on the bus, and before I know it, I was in a picnic place near Shing Mun Reservoir and it was mid-day. I saw my mom and grandma have picnic with my Aunt and her family. My brother and sister aren't there though. Because my mom and grandma had long time queue since my childhood and never meet each other till their death respectively, I immediately know I'm in a dream.

    Not really want to bother them, I sneaked around the area and try to walk away. Then I found my uncle was sitting at a picnic table beside me and greet me, and then ask me about where is my sister.

    That's when I woke up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Last scene. I was operating some sort of water attraction that operated similarly to a slingshot-and-drop, but more dynamic and not using any hard-surface restraints (kinda more like a parachute?). I was assisting an adult female with the harness, and apparently was being very flirty, leading into overt groping that she seemed to approve of as the safety instructions went on for a rather long time. Anyways, everything was ready, and the ride started up, the group went up and I moved on with their squeals of delight (or other emotions) fading away. I did a acrobatic trick which landed me in the pool, upsetting folks. This lead into a chase situation that got boring so I awoke.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I was operating some sort of water attraction that operated similarly to a slingshot-and-drop, but more dynamic and not using any hard-surface restraints (kinda more like a parachute?). I was assisting an adult female with the harness, and apparently was being very flirty, leading into overt groping that she seemed to approve of as the safety instructions went on for a rather long time. Anyways, everything was ready, and the ride started up, the group went up and I moved on with their squeals of delight (or other emotions) fading away. I did a acrobatic trick which landed me in the pool, upsetting folks. This lead into a chase situation that got boring

    Edited prompt, I just changed a few words to for it to not be a dream:

    I was operating a water attraction that operated similarly to a slingshot-and-drop, but more dynamic and not using any hard-surface restraints (kinda more like a parachute). I was assisting an adult female with the harness, and was being very flirty, leading into overt groping that she seemed to approve of as the safety instructions went on for a rather long time. Anyways, everything was ready, and the ride started up, the group went up and I moved on with their squeals of delight (or other emotions) fading away. I did a acrobatic trick which landed me in the pool, upsetting folks.

    The AI was unexpectedly tolerant of captain splashdown groping act


  • I don't think @Tsaukpaetra looks like that.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I was operating some sort of water attraction that operated similarly to a slingshot-and-drop, but more dynamic and not using any hard-surface restraints (kinda more like a parachute?). I was assisting an adult female with the harness, and apparently was being very flirty, leading into overt groping that she seemed to approve of as the safety instructions went on for a rather long time. Anyways, everything was ready, and the ride started up, the group went up and I moved on with their squeals of delight (or other emotions) fading away. I did a acrobatic trick which landed me in the pool, upsetting folks. This lead into a chase situation that got boring

    Edited prompt, I just changed a few words to for it to not be a dream:

    I was operating a water attraction that operated similarly to a slingshot-and-drop, but more dynamic and not using any hard-surface restraints (kinda more like a parachute). I was assisting an adult female with the harness, and was being very flirty, leading into overt groping that she seemed to approve of as the safety instructions went on for a rather long time. Anyways, everything was ready, and the ride started up, the group went up and I moved on with their squeals of delight (or other emotions) fading away. I did a acrobatic trick which landed me in the pool, upsetting folks.

    I mean, it's still fantastical enough to be unrealistic, like a dream... :thinking-ahead:

    The AI was unexpectedly tolerant of captain splashdown groping act


    Background characters are fat americans, natch. The harnesses are missing the crotch holding bits, which is where the majority of the groping occurred, of course, because the camel toe was a bit too large and interfering with proper fitment.

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I don't think @Tsaukpaetra looks like that.

    Make him not-black and about 172 percent fatter, and shave the beard while putting it up top and you'd get a decent idea of what a human looks like.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    you'd get a decent idea of what a human[dubious - discuss] looks like.


  • Last night, I dreamt that I was participating in some sort of festival event of my company (not my current one though), and that company somehow decided all employees joining the event should show up at the company's office, listen to some talk given by the company owner, then go to the hosting site by all kinds of ways together.

    As soon as he finished his speech, I can see everyone rushing out the building. Some start queue up on bus stops nearby and long queues are formed. Some headed to the parking lot and jump on cars and coaches and you can see the exits of parking lot become blocked.

    In the dream I somehow just chilling in the parking lot. Then feeling the sunshine is too bright, I jumped on the right front seat of a car, which no matter in UK or Hong Kong should be the driver's seat, but in the dream it's just a passenger's seat.

    Then the family of IT director of my previous company in Hong Kong come in the car, with one of my secondary school teacher that I'm not quite familiar with (I know this teacher, but never taught by her, or joined any clubs that having her as advisor), so I decided to leave the car. After I come out, I found my glasses is missing, so I approached the car and asked the IT director who sit on the seat I previously was sitting to help me found it.

    After a while, he found it under the seat, and gave it back to me.

    Then I woke.

  • When I sleep again, I dreamt that I was somehow travelled aboard and coming back to UK.

    At the border, the Border Force officers accused me that my passport is fake. Then I took a look to my passport, and found my passport is in EU burgundy color, which I've never had before. The first one I had is red in color, and I haven't renewed in between. My current BNO passport is the current blue version.

    After I realized the color is not right, the color of the passport changed to the correct blue color from center and spreading outward. That's when I woke up again.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    After I realized

    Careful, the aliens are probing you for intel!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @cheong Glad to hear you got your glasses back before you woke up. And the correct passport color too.

  • I don't remember much in the way of details, except a bit at the end.

    Island. Bad government and/or criminal boss. For some reason, a tiny corner of the island belonged to a different country β€” a really tiny bit, barely big enough for a single hotel room. The other government was a country big and strong enough to keep bad government from taking over or even crossing the border, which was strongly fortified β€” foot-thick bulletproof glass maybe 10 feet high, with some sort of energy field that incinerated anything that tried to cross it above that, stretching high into the sky, supported/generated by tall, glass-like framework

    Young woman was wanted by bad government/crime boss. Trying to get her across the border. I'm not sure why she was so important, but the whole border fortification seems to be intended to protect her from assassination during a press conference she gave after we got her across the border. Yes, we succeeded.

    I think the question of how to get her off the island to a safer location was still open when the dream ended. The only airport was on the other side of the border. I'm not sure why "boat" wasn't the immediate answer, but it wasn't.

    I'm certain this dream was entirely unrelated to watching Fast and Furious 5 just before going to bed.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I'm certain this dream was entirely unrelated to watching Fast and Furious 5 just before going to bed.

    Ah yes, Fast and Spurious...

  • Well, that was quite the sight...

    At home, watching out the window at a storm. Overcast, raining, and the wind was blowing hard. Bits of scrap were being carried along and they were whipping by too fast to see what they actually were. Maybe twisted bits of metal, like a Kessler syndrome event brought down to ground level but keeping the original speeds. Ticking noises from the window as bits ricocheted off it, and I could hear knocking noises from other parts of the house of other impacts.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I don't remember much in the way of details, except a bit at the end.

    Island. Bad government and/or criminal boss. For some reason, a tiny corner of the island belonged to a different country β€” a really tiny bit, barely big enough for a single hotel room. The other government was a country big and strong enough to keep bad government from taking over or even crossing the border, which was strongly fortified β€” foot-thick bulletproof glass maybe 10 feet high, with some sort of energy field that incinerated anything that tried to cross it above that, stretching high into the sky, supported/generated by tall, glass-like framework

    Young woman was wanted by bad government/crime boss. Trying to get her across the border. I'm not sure why she was so important, but the whole border fortification seems to be intended to protect her from assassination during a press conference she gave after we got her across the border. Yes, we succeeded.

    I think the question of how to get her off the island to a safer location was still open when the dream ended. The only airport was on the other side of the border. I'm not sure why "boat" wasn't the immediate answer, but it wasn't.

    I'm certain this dream was entirely unrelated to watching Fast and Furious 5 just before going to bed.

    alternative map


  • @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Well, that was quite the sight...

    At home, watching out the window at a storm. Overcast, raining, and the wind was blowing hard. Bits of scrap were being carried along and they were whipping by too fast to see what they actually were. Maybe twisted bits of metal, like a Kessler syndrome event brought down to ground level but keeping the original speeds. Ticking noises from the window as bits ricocheted off it, and I could hear knocking noises from other parts of the house of other impacts.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: posting as successful capture after emergency abort

    Superman has turned evil. Able surveil.
    Lois his
    Prisoner. Holding back information. Tortures her. She stays strong resistance. I support. Manage to send ice. She uses it to distract herself from the pain. He discovers and breaks into sharp shards. Uses one inside vaginal cavity. Tells her, it will be like the first time again. Permanent damage.
    Dream aborted.

  • I don't remember much in the way of details, but I was at work. I did something wrong and was being reprimanded (casually; I wasn't in any serious trouble, just being shown the right way to do it). I was trying to defend myself by saying I had done the thing the way I'd been told to do it, but I was blanking on the name of the coworker who had told me to do the thing that way.

    I awoke from the dream thinking, when I get up, I need to get on Teams so I can remind myself of the coworker's name. However, when I was fully awake, I realized that I don't have a coworker who told me anything like that, because the job in the dream is not my IRL job. The thing I did wrong in the dream was putting some tools in a drawer, but they were expensive, precision (mechanical) tools and should have been put in a locked cabinet, not an unlocked drawer. IRL, I do work with expensive tools, but they're software tools that live in a server 1000 miles away, not in a drawer or cabinet.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I awoke from the dream thinking, when I get up, I need to get on Teams

    What a nightmare :doing_it_wrong:

  • @Zerosquare Yeah, IRL, too. When I logged into work this morning, I discovered that Teams Classic has been replaced by New Teams, and there's no longer a button to switch back.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Zerosquare Yeah, IRL, too. When I logged into work this morning, I discovered that Teams Classic has been replaced by New Teams, and there's no longer a button to switch back.

    Coke Teams II has always been the superior flavour. 🍹

  • @izzion :doubt: It's a MS product. MS doesn't improve their products; they :airquotes: improve :airquotes: them.

  • That makes me think about something.

    Now that a lot of desktop apps are actually web apps in disguise, are there ways to inject custom JS/CSS content to alter their behavior/look? In other words, something like GreaseMonkey scripts, but for Electron apps? πŸ€”

  • I dreamed my wife and I were working at the same place, and someone had given her a form for me to sign off on, except it wasn't actually for me; it was a mistake, addressed to someone with a similar name to mine. They needed a Professional Engineer to sign off on a project, and I had to explain to her that this was not something I could do, that Professional Engineer doesn't just mean someone who does engineering professionally; it's a certified position that deals with tons of potential liability and I didn't have the certification.

  • @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    That makes me think about something.

    Now that a lot of desktop apps are actually web apps in disguise, are there ways to inject custom JS/CSS content to alter their behavior/look? In other words, something like GreaseMonkey scripts, but for Electron apps? πŸ€”

    The Bad or Evil Ideas thread is :arrows: !

  • My reasoning was more: "if we can't trust MS to release non-broken apps, at least maybe someone else could patch them to make them less terrible?". Kinda like what happens with Bethesda games.

  • @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    That makes me think about something.

    Now that a lot of desktop apps are actually web apps in disguise, are there ways to inject custom JS/CSS content to alter their behavior/look? In other words, something like GreaseMonkey scripts, but for Electron apps? πŸ€”

    Reasonable doubt.

    That is the exact reason why MS had chosen to drop the WinHelp application, while in that cause it's vbscript exploit on local application instead of a web one.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    That makes me think about something.

    Now that a lot of desktop apps are actually web apps in disguise, are there ways to inject custom JS/CSS content to alter their behavior/look? In other words, something like GreaseMonkey scripts, but for Electron apps? πŸ€”

    That's precisely how BetterDiscord works, it shoves some things into the launch shim so it can hook other things that will allow plugins to override/replace other other things.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    they're software tools

    but but, youre the hardware person

  • if we got ww3 set us back to stone age, I guess nobody would know how to kickstart building computers again for a while

  • @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    they're software tools

    but but, youre the hardware person

    Yes. As I've explained before, designing hardware at the chip level consists of creating a software model of the chip and running tests on it to verify that it will do what it's supposed to do. Once you are satisfied that it will work, you run it through a compiler that generates a list of gates and connections (netlist). Then that is run through other tools that determine the physical arrangement of the gates and connections on the chip (place and route, P&R). Both compiling the model to gates and placement of the gates and connections are guided by constraints on timing and power dissipation, and both tend to be highly iterative processes and often require modifications to the original software model. Once all that is done, other software tools convert the gate and interconnection info into the physical tooling (masks) that will be used to manufacture the silicon. And another bunch of engineers use other software to figure out how to test the silicon; this is different from the functional testing done on the original software model. This is trying to detect manufacturing defects; if a particular wire on the chip is not connected correctly, what sequence of inputs will result in an observable error at a chip output? With many millions of wires on a chip, this requires software assistance, and there's nearly always extra gates added during P&R to facilitate this by making internal wires externally visible and controllable; there is, of course, software to do this, too. Only after all this is done is there any physical hardware on which to use hardware tools.

    So, there's a lot of software involved in making hardware. Although creating the software model doesn't really require anything more than a text editor (and all the office productivity software for writing specifications, tracking status and bugs, collaborating with other engineers, etc.), everything else requires specialized (and very expensive) software tools.

  • @HardwareGeek somebody convince your hardware fellows to build a good, cheap, USB AI board, with lots of VRAM, and cost around 30 USD, please

  • I'm sorry to say I had a dream involving owning a Cyber truck.

  • Did you drop it off a cliff?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zerosquare I don't know! It was so terrible sight I closed my eyes. :half-trolling:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @sockpuppet7 said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @HardwareGeek somebody convince your hardware fellows to build a good, cheap, USB AI board, with lots of VRAM, and cost around 30 USD, please

    Only double that for the Intel neural compute chip:

    Sadly, you're going to have to bring your own VRAM.

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