The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

  • I somehow have a garden in my living room. I'm not quite sure whether it's a big planter or a hole in the floor to the soil below, but whatever; it's there, a big rectangle at one end of the room.

    I discover that I apparently spilled a few radish seeds in one corner of the garden, and they somehow got big enough to be ready to harvest and eat without my noticing them until now. Also, pumpkins that also somehow escaped my notice until they were orange and ripe.

    But something has been eating them, and many of them are ruined. I see what's been eating them, a caterpillar, white and black and orange, like a tortoiseshell cat, rather pretty. Like the tortoiseshell cat that's also in the dream.

    And there's a butterfly. I'm not sure if it's the adult of that caterpillar; it seems like it, but the coloration is entirely different. At least one pair of wings is blue. And too many wings; very much not an IRL butterfly.

    Cat apparently frightens butterfly. Butterfly releases a large cloud of some sort of orange-colored chemical deterrent (?) and flies away.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek there would be much to discuss of the highly characteristic aspects of the creature you saw were interpretation not barred.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    orange-colored chemical deterrent (?)

    That's common bug shit.

  • Considered Harmful

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    orange-colored chemical deterrent (?)

    That's common bug shit.

    It's not tabac fumes, those don't exist


    @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    It's not tabarnac fumes, those don't exist

    I don't know ... did you try setting one on fire to let the holy smoke out?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Luhmann said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    It's not tabarnac fumes, those don't exist

    I don't know ... did you try setting one on fire to let the holy smoke out?

    Of course.

  • Considered Harmful

    That strip of woods along the highway is mighty strange. Ground level shouldn't depend so much on tree level. People should have better things to do than wander around there.

    Then again, I don't have a particularly good reason to be there either.

    At least the ones that come at night can't climb trees, and at least in a tree the ground is surprisingly far away.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Latest scene. Returning to a shanty owned by dear friend who ascended long ago. They promised to visit often, but failed. Was leading a tour of younger generation. One asked who would live in such a place. Heavy sadness and nostalgia for that bubbly woman. Offered new ownership. She would want it happy anyways. Dream halted, I am too sad now...

  • Considered Harmful

    Another area last, not one yet reported on. I believe it was one of the journeys.

    While viewing Christmas decorations, the houses shrink and grow clear around the lights within, until we reach the garden of the end house, and inside, it is quite real again.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Dream halted, I am too sad now...

    Reloaded. Was in an AR amusement ride. We won. I am more happy now.

  • My ex-wife told me she'd figured out a way we could get back together in a way that complies with biblical constraints on divorce and remarriage. Apparently, she was willing to let bygones be bygones. (IRL, I'm more likely to win the SuperLotto jackpot without buying a ticket.) Even if I were willing to take her back (IRL, I might be), I'm not sure how this was supposed to happen, since she's currently married to someone else.

  • Okay, there were two or three. Skip the bit where the cat was trying to wriggle into or out of bed with me and it wasn't the cat but Tom Servo (complete with — Kevin!?!). Skip the glitzy CGI skite tape of Sir Richard Taylor trying to get a job at Weta Digital. Skip the nude couple sitting in the tub where the woman is telling the man that he "doesn't understand luxury if you'd choose the woman over the yacht" (apparently one of those 50-million-dollar yachts that comes with a full crew); I think there was some subtext that it showed he didn't understand women either. There certainly was a bath attendant with a feather on a stick.

    I think this actually followed on from the pool scene somehow. I was in a street somewhere in France, some harbour town or city. With me were a bunch of German police and we were looking for a place. The informant guiding us says he can't tell us the place because "it's ten doors away", and as he walks he counts off "one two three, one two three, one two three....", and then just stands there looking helpless.

    We figure the rest out for ourselves and go through the door. This puts us right out onto the waterfront. We spread out, and I lose sight of the police among all the other people walking around. I do see the yacht referred to above, though, moored nearby, and I guess that has something to do with what the police were there for. I don't know what I was there for.

    Then the weather suddenly turns a bit chill. A storm warning comes over the PA advising everyone to take shelter and there's a general milling about and then a general movement towards the pubs and cafes and so on. Quite a few of us end up in a covered carpark and some, me included, go up onto the roof from where we can watch the approaching storm. We're standing there. It's grey and gusty and chilly, but we're looking out and down at the dark storm clouds that have rolled in and are drenching the waterfront where we had been. Did I mention we were only one storey up?

    Anyhow, the storm was still coming in, so I went down and started looking for somewhere better than a carpark to hang out in. I met up with one woman and she told me about the apartment building that was actually an old ferry that had been permanently fixed to its wharf. So we went there. We found it easily enough (it had been where it is for so long the carpark actually cantilevered out above it), and crossed over — I noticed how brickwork had been used to hold the ferry in place.

    When we boarded, instead of turning right to the "lobby", she immediately turned left and went into the wheelhouse. She started pretending to pilot the ferry, spinning the wheel back and forth and laughing. I looked over at the other end and saw a couple of officers (I think one was the captain) staring at her in bafflement. I looked at her, looked at them, shrugged, then tried to get her attention. The captain approached her.

    I have to take a sidebar at the moment because for some reason the captain's waistcoat seemed very significant at the time. Sort of French white, it had a sparse pattern of vertical orange threads about staple-length, and also here and there longer wiggly threads, also orange.

    The captain gets the woman's attention and she challenges him, going into a boxing stance complete with stepping side to side. The captain does the same and she immediately gives him a solid left hook. Then immediately apologises like things just suddenly got a bit too real for her. He accepts the apology, there seems to be much embarrassment all around, and that's where things end.

  • @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    the nude couple sitting in the tub ... a bath attendant with a feather on a stick.

    That thread is :arrows:.

  • Last night I dreamt I'm going to join back "Hsin Chong Construction Group" (which has been sucked dry by China captial and went bankrupted 3 years ago). The colleagues in IT department are very excited to see me back, and they even booked a party room to celebrate my return.

    The dream was mostly about the party where I see different ex-colleagues from different companies (not just the HCCG ones), not quite remember what we said in the dream, but we toasted and be glad about some nightmare is finally over.

  • Last night I dreamt heading back to London, entered a very tall building for something I can't remember, and then got bounced back and forward between the departments.

    Let's hope it won't come true. :(

  • Considered Harmful

    @cheong question, non-interpretive - did at least two of the other devs have a Russian accent, and was the door on the left?

  • @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong question, non-interpretive - did at least two of the other devs have a Russian accent, and was the door on the left?

    No, they speak Cantonese. :giggity:

  • Last night, I dreamt I was in my home in Hong Kong, seeing my mother hanging out clothes to dry. She was doing this in very dangerous positioning so I offered to do it for her, but she declined that.

    Fine, I figured that I'll at least hold her ankle while she's doing that. (Remember I lived in 20+ floors) and while I was holding her ankle, so climbed out the window to reach the far end of hanging rack, and she fell off.

    I hold her in position and slowing pulled her back. She felt incredibly light and when she fell off the rack, my hand only felt slightly pulled like someone putting a bag of cotton to me. I told her never to do this again especially when no one else is around, but she told me not to worry about her and she'll take care of herself.

    This is when I woke, and cried a bit.

  • And then there was another dream that I received a call from my ex-colleague that someone is coming to fill my position but no one is in the office, and asked what he should do. I somehow volunteered to go back to office and see what I can do.

    I travelled on bus route 35A as usual, and then when the bus go near the market, I heard there is road blockage in the main road so the bus will be stopped there. So I switched to another bus to MTR station, and arrived the office.

    The office looks different from any of the offices that I worked, yet somehow I "recognized" my original seat, and greeted my ex-colleague sitting next to the seat.

    We grabbed the preprinted welcome letter from the reception (instead of HR if you think that normally), and then show the new staff around the office (that I've never seen before in real life). That's when my supervisor at that time come back to office and took over the duty of welcoming the new-join.

    I woke up there as the sun shrines through the window (I forgot to bring down the sun blind of window last night).

  • This was a short but weird one. I was in my home office as afternoon turned to evening. Something woke me up so I went out towards the front of the house. Through the front window next to the door I saw two kids from the store, one I get along with and the other that wacko they fired a few weeks back. They were jogging, arm in arm, at a 45 degree angle from the road to my door. I quickly locked the door and stepped back towards the window. Then through the window, from the opposite side, I saw a police car (one of those old time paddywagons - see below) take a sharp right turn towards my front door. Then I woke up.


  • Considered Harmful

    It was rough. Surprised I woke up.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zenith paddywagon is an unjustifiably racist term. In many cities these would more properly be called guidowagons.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was a genetic experiment, intended for the creation of hyper-intelligent animals with anthropomorphic traits, in my case a wolf. I was mostly wolf, though my front paws had digit structures and a thumb able to hold small objects. My apparent age was about ten, and I was placed with a family as a pet (kinda?). There was a party and people were talking about me and how it was odd I sat at the children's table. I don't talk very much because I'm a good girl, and besides it's somewhat difficult to produce human speech with a muzzle. Regardless the family was invited by one of the guests to attend some kind of devotional celebrating high achievers or something. Couldn't tell, wasn't listening very hard as I was eating food.

    As we walked to get to the Coliseum (apparently the event was being held very close by) we were joined by a teenager in a Professor X style floating wheelchair, moderately augmented with cybernetics. He was fun, made some cryptic remarks but what can you do, he's half robot. We also acquired a muscular teenager with an odd eyepiece and a satchel. He needed a shower. For some reason he felt out of place but I couldn't tell why.

    We reach the place and its pretty packed. We end up near the bottom courtesy wheelchair guy and hear the announcer blabber on about stuff. Then he introduces someone and they float out on a wheelchair. We (the group of us) realizes it's a younger version of our own wheelchair friend, whose countenance has become subdued but determined? I go with the flow, guess he's a time traveler. While this is going on going wheelchair guy is blathering about the future and all of us smart people or whatever, when the crowd cheers suddenly as what appears to be a laser cannon emerges from the center stage. Paying attention now, young wheelchair guy is saying we've been selected to go to the moon for reasons, high honor blah blah blah, and that we will be teleported there. Instructions to move up toward the top as the top row gets teleported are given by a recorded voice, and sure enough the top row disappears in a moderate flash of light and... heat? Yeah something didn't smell right and I told my buddies. Weird guy with the eyepiece agreed and we made to leave, but the exits were subtly blocked by the stadium having shifted in such a way to make moving upwards in the rows easier. We spread the word that the laser wasn't sending anyone to the moon and people began to panic, but eyepiece guy comes through again and says he can see a real portal down near the base of the laser. Wheelchair guy seems relieved and agrees that it is our best chance. We convince the people in our row to join hands rightly and spread the word, creating a human chain. We bound toward the invisible (to us) portal and are suddenly in a very confusing space, it's hard to understand any sensory input except that I can feel and somewhat see that I'm still holding on to two others (well, I'm holding on to one of the family, the other person is basically hugging me from the hips). We somehow exit safely but I woke up immediately after.

    Cross referencing very old corrupted memories I believe this is an amalgamation of at least two plots of some books I read two decades ago, one being a fiction about Turok, and another I don't recall the name of, but it does involve a time traveling group trying to run from an old man in a wheelchair. Spoilers above for some of the big reveals above Lol.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra This is not an interpretation. I would like to state that I was not present in either capacity during these occurrences.

  • I had a dream where I was called to the HR department for investigation, where there women proceeded to try and gotcha me. Doing shit like flashing their tits, trying to get me to look at them.
    And having me full out forms that were insanely loaded.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Carnage I'm glad I didn't interpret this.

  • 🚽 Regular

    We sold pizza dispensers. Don't ask me how we did it because I signed an NDA 🚎 but this was artisanal hand-tossed pizzas made with fresh ingredients on a stone oven, coming out freshly baked out of a vending machine.

    Ticket: machine in floor 5 is out of order.

    Action taken: added ORDER BY clause to machine on floor 5.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I found myself falling through severely misty air until hitting water, which was clear and extremely thin, such that it was almost impossible to stay on top. I discovered it was breathable, only to be approached by a paddleboat-like ship,except the paddles seemed to be made of human arms. Apparently they had seen me struggling and were there to rescue me, there was only one man on deck and he quickly directed me through an air lock.

    The air inside was much more breathable. Some shenanigans later and I'm accompanied by a jelly creature that looks like the soul things from Soul. Apparently there's something going on, the jelly people are basically being enslaved and abused by the people, who don't treat their own kind very well either ( the ship for example is made of the remains of the jelly and humans bodies. To be fair they did introduce themselves as pirates).

    I guess something special happens when the jelly people absorb something from the misty air I had first arrived at, so we trick the pirates through more shenanigans to go back up to the surface. We breach the surface and she's absorbing a lot of mist, becoming bigger and less transparent.

    Suddenly she rapidly subdivided into thousands of smaller jelly children who rapidly grow and they all go to attack the ship, except one (presumably the original) stays behind.

    The other sequence in which I was marrying a princess wasn't nearly so exciting.

  • @Tsaukpaetra's dreams are more interesting than some of the movies I've seen.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra's dreams are more interesting than some of the movies I've seen.

    If they were full length they'd probably also be rated X for half the run time....

  • :surprised-pikachu:

  • Fragments of different things. In particular, some kind of British game/"reality" show. It involved a kind of (Ferris/water)-wheel arrangement big enough for the cars/blades to hold three or four people each. Actually, one for each team: Red, Blue, or Yellow.

    Team members rode the wheel, which was spun by a water cannon. Obviously, the players would be hit by the cannon whenever they passed by, but the objective was to hang on longer than the other teams.

    Just to make it interesting for the audience, the wheels were erected above a jumble of massive sharp boulders on a rocky shoreline. But that's okay, because there were big matching-colour mattresses below the wheels. Well, Some of them were mattresses. Others were basically balloons, some were tarp-draped boulders and some of them were just boulders painted.

  • I don't remember any context for this, but I was at work with a couple of other people. Apparently something was malfunctioning, because we were looking at some kind of display, like an oscilloscope or logic analyzer, but not like any I've ever seen IRL, more like a data flow analyzer or something, with lots of colors showing the flow of different pieces of data in the hardware, but with timing.

    I look at the display and say, "There's your problem. You're writing to this register here, but the register doesn't actually get updated until way over here." (This should be basically a single CPU instruction, and writing to a hardware register should be uncached, so it should just flow straight through whatever logic is between the CPU and the register, finishing in, at most, a few clock cycles.)

    The guy in charge (?) said, "What are you talking about?"

    I pointed to the display and said, "This is where you do the write to this register. [I don't remember what the register was supposed to do, presumably change the hardware configuration in some way.] But the value doesn't actually get updated until here. It should be updated almost instantly, but there are all these [dozens, maybe hundreds] of operations in between, at least some of which probably expect that register to have been updated.

    Guy says "What?!?" and proceeds to start figuring out why that's happening.

    I think that was the end of the dream; at least I don't remember anything after that (nor leading up to it, either).

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was some sort of Angel worker playing a role similar to the ghost of Christmas future. Today's focus was a teenage girl struggling with her single mother to behave. Very long story short, I took her through the four most likely futures. First one, she was alone in the house holding a letter notifying her to vacate. The mother was not present and it was clear and hasn't been for some time. The second saw her at a party, pregnant and drunk out of her mind. The third, well she wasn't pregnant and on the outside looked almost ok. Driving on the left side of a fairly busy road she suddenly yanked the steering wheel to the right causing a fatal accident. This one was repeated multiple times as she desperately tried to change the scenario. Moving on to the fourth, she was walking down the sidewalk of the same street, headed toward a parking lot where a donation box was located. Breaking into it there was nothing, and not finding the drugs she was seeking attempted to dispose herself. Eventually she realized that all of these scenarios were of the same day, not very far into the future.

    The dream concluded when I told her, "this day is inevitable but what happens when it comes is not. Today you still have choice. In six months? Not so much. Where do you want to be when it comes?"

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra I think it to be a reasonably non-interpretive response to commend you for fulfilling the messenger task.

  • It was some sort of immersive MMORPG. My character was moving around in a forest and it seems that there was some glitchiness with spell casting. I kept finding bits of magicians. Immovably pinned to the environment at the exact spatial coordinates they were at when the mage tried casting the spell. Always eyeballs, teeth, and tongue, but occasionally other giblets as well — an oesophagus, a pair of kidneys, maybe a small intestine. I don't know how the victims were getting along without them.

  • Last night I dreamt I have to go to office of some company inside a shopping complex, and I'm unable to find the way out. Then I see a red lorry loading goods somewhere that looks like a garage, so I waited until the lorry got loaded and drove out and tailing it out the gate.

    After going out, I looked back and see the gate is like the typical gate of fire stations in Hong Kong (I believe it have similar design in U.S.), with a normal wooden door at the side, and people are going in / out the shopping complex normally through that door.

    That's when I woke.

  • "Leave it to Floyd"

    I was reading a comic book; from I'd say the '50s or '60s. Think "Dennis the Menace" in style.

    "Leave it to Floyd" was the title of this particular strip which was probably a filler in some other publication.

    Anyway, Floyd is this robot housekeeper which looked more like Sputnik 1 if it had table legs instead of antennae. The title was its marketing slogan.

    In the strip, Mum gets on the phone and starts chatting with her friends, leaving the care of her two toddlers to Floyd (apparently raising children counts as "housework"). She sits nattering away on the phone through the whole strip while chaos ensues behind her. By the end of it Floyd has very carefully tidied up the place, mowed the lawn, prepared dinner, washed the dishes, turned down the bed and laid out tomorrow's clothes and the toddlers are nowhere to be found.

    Thinking back, it might make for the premise of a short story. You'd only notice the kids were missing at the end, and have to go back through the action to infer what happened to them after they were left to Floyd.

  • Last night I dreamt that I was still living in my original home in Hong Kong, and want to go outside. When the lift opened, I saw that the 1.5m x 1.5m space is already occupied by 2 adults and 3 black pigs of about 1 meter long.

    Two of the pigs rushed out the lift when the door is opened. Since this happened suddenly, I thought it was the black dogs that was owned by other residents downstairs so I immediately stepped back into my home. And the pigs followed and tried to rush into my home, only be constrained by the string in their neck held by the "supposed to be owner of the pigs".

    "No, no, no..." (in English) the lady said to the pigs as she was forcefully holding the string to prevent the pigs go any further, and the other younger lady said to her "The pigs don't listen to English, only to Chinese as they were breed by Chinese farmers." (in Cantonese)

    The pigs just sniffing at the door for a while and then got pulled back into the lift and go downstair, and I wait the next lift... This time locking the door immediately as I went out my home.

  • Last night, I dreamt that I'm back to school and become an executive committee member of the student union there. There seems to be some sort of international event that we need to send someone to attend, since I'm the new join there, I was assigned the trip. The expenses of the trip will be reimbursed by the student union.

    There somehow the event is done and I returned. When I filed the claim of expense, the president of student approach me and pointed at the international call fee, and said this is not related to the event therefore should be picked off the list. Then the vice president interrupted her and said "That call is made by yourself, don't you remember? You should be responsive for this fee." And then turned to me and said, "Hahaha, no worry. We will settle it ourselves.", and then pushed me out the office.

    That's when I woke.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I dreamed I was at my new job.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra Try not to sleep on the job.

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    "No, no, no..." (in English) ... don't listen to English, only to Chinese

    Anyway, "bu shi" really sounds very much like "bull shit" emphatically pronounced by some east asians.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zecc said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Try not to sleep on the job.

    Considering it starts two hours after my nominal sleep-start time? It's been... Difficult.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was in an amusement park. Went through the line for a "space adventure" theater-style ride. Platform was in the shape of a disc with a hole in the middle where the boarding area was. It moved from the boarding area to the theater platform and jumped and gyrated as it flew around space. Kinda fun until it actually took off...

    I was walking on the sidewalk down the street towards a fast-food place. Was expecting to meet someone who would drive us back to my place where we would pick up a couch after switching to my truck. As I was walking I was joined by a trans-male friend(?) and two women. They were asking how well I swam. Was joined by the actual person driving up (hadn't reached food yet) and we stood talking for a while, but she was wondering why I didn't pick her up at her house where we were delivering the couch. I told her some BS about needing a nap before installing the couch. She said she could use a cuddle too and so we did. The others came too, and it was too warm so everyone got wet to cool down. Installing the couch took less time than expected when all five of us was doing the carrying. The (very small) staircase with u-turn was challenging though.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    cuddle ... The others came too ... everyone got wet

    That thread is :arrows:

  • I'm not sure whether these were two separate dreams, or events in the same dream, nor the sequence of events:

    • There was some kind of plague, which more or may not have been zombieism (but I don't remember seeing any actual zombies), but was similar insofar as there were roving plague hunters (government officials?) who were simply shooting infected people on sight. The plague was so bad, and so many infected people, that the government people couldn't keep up, and they were considering authorizing the general population to shoot suspected plague carriers. I thought, even within the dream, "Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong with that."

    • The society in which I was living (presumably the US, I remember a typical suburban environment) had been taken over by religious fundamentalists, and doing something disapproved was grounds for immediate beheading, with no trial, and any claims, or even concrete evidence, of innocence simply ignored. I did something wrong (I don't remember what) and was about to be beheaded. I knelt down in front of a basket to catch my head (a wicker basket inside a white plastic laundry basket 🤷♂), accepting the fact that I was about to die, only to be surprised to discover that there was apparently a resistance movement that was somehow faking some of the beheadings (the one I witnessed just before mine was definitely not faked). I don't know exactly how they did it, but there was the sound of the beheading ax or sword or whatever, and I was suddenly whisked away into hiding in what must have been a library, but there were only a few books scattered around the shelves. There were quite a few people there. After a short time there, we had to travel to somewhere else to meet up with more escapees/resistance fighters.
      En route, another guy, who was traveling with/guiding me, and I encountered someone who was dying. I'm not sure why, whether injured or sick (plague? reaction to plague vaccine?), but he was in the few seconds between his heart stopping and his brain shutting down due to lack of oxygen (except this state continued more than a few seconds). My companion apparently had some medical training, and said that maybe we could help him, but not if he had diabetes, so the first thing we needed to do was test for that. While he did something (I don't remember, and don't think I knew even in the dream), I needed to inject something into a specific vein in the guy's arm. If the guy had diabetes, this would make his heart beat furiously for a few seconds, but then stop irrecoverably. My companion showed my how to find the vein, deep in the upper arm next to the bone. "I'm pressing the vein against the bone. I can feel it when I move my thumb. Do you feel that?" I do, and I start to inject the drug, except his arm is sliced open and I'm holding the vein in my fingers.

    That's when I woke up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I hate time travel shenanigans.

  • Notification Spam Recipient


    I was in a forest encampment, some kind of Pokemon tournament was going on. Some girl was watching on a gigantic T-shaped platform (herself being on the top middle of it) sitting somewhat sunk in so you could only see chest up. Something something, her time came and instead of coming down the outer cloth defining the shape of the T was removed and it was revealed and was being carried by a young man, perhaps 14. It was explained that she was magically cursed and unable to transport herself under her own power except and be carried by a man less that fifteen years of age. Naturally as things go I was not the next one chosen (which was revealed to be the actual reason for the tournament) but I hung around.

    Later on we were in some kind of stables. In the interim we (the chosen carrier and I) discovered that the reason tournaments were held every two years is that the carrier inevitably dies from excursion (the curse magically converts vitality into strength so that the person carrying can actually do so despite their age at the cost of a drastically reduced lifespan) and we were discussing a plan when we noticed Raya the dragon (from the movie of the same name) in a pen next to us. She couldn't speak for some reason but eventually she got included in curse removal plans. We jailbroke her out and I escaped back to a hotel with the dragon. Meanwhile the new carrier (never got his name) returned to carry the woman (also never got her name).

    In the hotel wake up at 4am to a Teams call and stupidly answer it. I forget what the conversation is about but I'm trying to explain how a magical dragon can lift a curse but I need to hang up the phone because I need to get ready for work. Unfortunately it was actually 4am real-time so the fact I was nude trying to find my towel did not play out. 😒oh well, better luck next time.

  • After being told my mom had given up her treatment to cancer, last night I dreamt that I travelled to Hong Kong anyway and met her successfully.

    Then I realize that I haven't booked the 21-day quarantine hotel so I have to sneak back to airport, hoping no one will notice. However I was discovered by immigration officer and he rang the bell (Scene in "Paper, please" game)

    Then somehow I managed to escape the arrest, and have to sort to use illegal way - high speed jet boat that once used to carry people from Vietnam to Hong Kong, now I'll ride them to Vietnam and try to board a plane back to UK there. The responsible person on the boat remarked that he's not expecting to use this to send people back to Vietnam...

    After some boat chase with police, I successfully arrived Vietnam, then died in a car crash on my way to airport. That's when I woke up.

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