The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

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    I dreamt my girlfriend was an Android wearing timeline bioskin. She was upset at learning this and tore the skin and half off her skull and face, leaving the synapse translation cluster groups exposed (and bloody).

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I dreamt my girlfriend was an Android

    61f4dbee-7eed-424d-9e5f-5af956bd0c87-image.png ❓

  • Notification Spam Recipient

  • Drove into a flooded highway interchange/underpass. (IRL, I know this is a really bad idea, but dream.) Deeper than expected (duh); car stalled. So deep, in fact, that I had to swim to "shore". Other cars also tried to drive through the interchange. One was traveling so fast, it just hydroplaned across the surface and out the other side of the flooded area, but everybody else stalled. Another hit the water with enough force and at such an angle the nose submarined and the back end flipped over it. Little old lady driving it. Unconscious behind the wheel; half submerged; not moving. I'm trying to call 911, but I can't. My phone screen is cracked from my own impact with the water, but more importantly, there's a full-screen ad overlay blocking access to any function of the phone, and no apparent way to dismiss the ad.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I'm trying to call 911, but I can't. My phone screen is cracked from my own impact with the water, but more importantly, there's a full-screen ad overlay blocking access to any function of the phone, and no apparent way to dismiss the ad.

    So, you're a writer for Black Mirror?

  • @Zerosquare Never even seen it, actually. Probably more related to watching too many car crash videos on YT.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I dreamed ScholRLEA engaged in a smear campaign against blakeyrat across the entire forum, posting a several-page whargblargl across every category and in the latest 30 pages of recent topics, and somehow managing to break pagination and infiniscroll such that said post repeated forever.

    It was disconcerting...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was shopping. I knew it was a dream because nobody was wearing masks and there was definitely no social distancing. Oh, and my mother was tossing me in the air like a video toddl-- oh, I guess I was smol. Weird, she isn't the kind to do that if memory serves...

  • Something had happened — something involving space suits — and now I was in hospital. I was recovered enough to be up and about a bit, and I was sitting in a waiting area when a senior nurse approached me with a tablet device and said I had to pick three appointment times.

    With no idea about which times (or even dates) were available, I had to guess. I tried one for the afternoon and was told I now had appointments for Friday ... "35, 45, and 85 days hence". My other two choices failed to turn up at first. I picked another one and that was made, then a third, but in the meantime the second disappeared. The nurse pointed out that if someone else picks the same appointment time as me between now and then, their choice overrides mine.

    I sat there trying to get something to stick, all the while thinking "That's not how this works! That's not how ANY of this works!", and finally managed to secure a firm booking for five minutes ago.

    I immediately left for my appointment. As soon as I was out of the room and into the rest of the hospital, things went downhill. The place looked like it had been abandoned for years. I thought thirty years or something. And exposed to the weather. Ceiling lights hung open and empty, equipment was scattered haphazardly around as is traditional in these things, random bits of broken timber and small chunks of concrete lay on the floor (not sure how that happens naturally). Big patches of mould all up the walls.

    But at least the lifts were still working. I was on floor A and my appointment was on floor J. Even though I suspected this lift was only going to be stopping at alternate floors I used it.

    Anyway, once I was was in the lift, I started getting coverage of the lunar mission launch. I don't know how but there it was. Maybe I was still carrying the tablet. The engines lit, the rocket started to move — and a console window popped up flooded with verbose-level logging messages. The log almost immediately became flooded, corrupted, and the engines cut out and the whole spacecraft dropped back.

    The second attempt was almost immediately after, once verbose logging was turned off. the rocket cleared the tower this time, but it turned out that the next phase was covered by a different config, and that one still had verbose logging. This launch was aborted and the crew ejected using the escape tower mechanism.

    I think I was on floor H and still moving by the time the third attempt was made. All of the config files for all of the mission phases had been checked for logging directives. But it turned out that logging could also be set programmatically. The escape tower was already gone this time but the crew somehow managed to get into the lander and use that to come back down. On landing, the fact that it was built to land on the Moon, not Earth, took its toll. My dream ended just as its legs began to buckle and shatter.

  • So you dreamt you were in a Tesla SpaceX space shuttle?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was an adult young women returning to my car from a party with friends(?). I discovered my tires had been slashed, and I had a vision that the act was perpetrated by one of said friends with a knife he was showing off earlier. Said knife was next to the popped tire.
    Police got involved, somehow we both got taken to the station. Meanwhile my car was stolen (discovered later), and since it was a rental I couldn't prove it was mine.
    Something something and I was returned to another family member's home, and bad stuff happened.
    Woke up before the exploratory surgery started.

  • Do you ever dream of nice things?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Do you ever dream of nice things?

    From what little fragments I have indexed... no?

    I'm not sure what such a dream would be like. If I want to think nice things I don't need to sleep for it...

  • Hell highways.

    The first one I was on I don't remember much about. It was night and there was nothing in the fields on either side and this stretch of road was not supposed to exist at all. It just went on straight. And on and on. Bollards that refused to show up in the headlights until the last second and spike strips and whatever you do absolutely don't get out of the goddamn car and don't stop and something else is out there.

    Then it was the Japanese military using one as a way of evacuating from somewhere in the suburbs of Tokyo and the other end of the highway was — well, Antarctica was mentioned. They'd commandeered a load of civilian vehicles and I'd ended up on a city bus that had most of its seats ripped out. The last minute briefings included instructions not to stop driving under any circumstances. This one dipped down into a tunnel and soon narrowed to a single lane. Even before that happened, I saw one pickup that had veered off and scraped to a halt along the wall, somehow the scrape marks looked bloody, but it was a red pickup, so.... Its occupants were trying to climb out of the driver's window and get to another passing vehicle without setting foot on the ground.

    Being an enclosed space, no surprise that burst pipes meant it was soon flooded with slightly yellowish water. The bus I was on started floating but we somehow continued to make progress; it might have been carried along by the current. After a couple of minutes though it started bouncing and jumping forward, and looking out the back I saw that we were passing over and getting traction on other vehicles that had already been submerged. I saw one car with people in it just as they managed to force the door open and the water surged in, frothing up against the glass.

    Somehow that one came to an end, and I found out that hell highways were a known phenomenon (well, yeah: the Japanese were already trying to use them deliberately). I met the author of a book on the subject (he was interested in what I had to say about my experiences) and shown a TV documentary based on the book. The first incident he'd documented was in Ohio in 2007. There were photos of a rural road intersection marked up like a crime scene, with strips of coloured tape laid across the roadway. Apparently someone had entered that intersection and vanished, only to exit it ninety seconds later, the battered car coasting to a stop on an empty tank; the driver severely lacerated, catatonic and gripping the steering wheel so tightly emergency services had to cut it into pieces to get him out.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Watson I always love how eloquent you write these. If only I could better persist mine better long enough to use higher language functions...

  • @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Hell highways.

    I think you may be dyslexic.

    Seriously though, your post sounds like the synopsis to an interesting movie.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Watson I always love how eloquent you write these. If only I could better persist mine better long enough to use higher language functions...

    It sort of comes and goes, like it happens at a slightly different period to actual waking/sleeping. The rest of the time I don't recall anything or thinking "I should write that down" is enough to obliterate it.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    It sort of comes and goes,

    Well my posts are examples of the best synergy of recognizance and literacy availability.

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Drove into a flooded highway interchange/underpass. (IRL, I know this is a really bad idea, but dream.) Deeper than expected (duh); car stalled. So deep, in fact, that I had to swim to "shore". Other cars also tried to drive through the interchange. One was traveling so fast, it just hydroplaned across the surface and out the other side of the flooded area, but everybody else stalled. Another hit the water with enough force and at such an angle the nose submarined and the back end flipped over it. Little old lady driving it. Unconscious behind the wheel; half submerged; not moving. I'm trying to call 911, but I can't. My phone screen is cracked from my own impact with the water, but more importantly, there's a full-screen ad overlay blocking access to any function of the phone, and no apparent way to dismiss the ad.

    I know what this means and I won't tell you.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Watson same as HardwareGeek's, more or less.

  • Had a rough night. I think I woke up for a minute in the middle of this one.

    Senior high school. I and a bunch of other students were on some sort of hiking expedition. First part it looked like somewhere in Australia, and we were climbing over some sort of rocky outcroppings somewhere. We were required to observe social distancing and stay, weirdly, "3.1 feet" apart from each other. Possibly our individual buffers weren't supposed to intersect. But I found I had a metre ruler I'd been using for a hiking pole, and I was using it to prod at anyone who stray too close.

    Second part. Still the expedition but a different setting. We were standing around next to a van parked in the middle of what looked like a dry riverbed (all rounded stones), making early morning preparations for setting out.
    Really early morning, like up before the sun early. The moon was up but the skies were so cloudy you could only get an impression of where in the sky it was. Everything was in that gloomy half-light that fools you into thinking you can actually see with the contrast turned way down, and it stayed that way the whole time, like it was perfectly clear yet foggy at the same time. Sounds seemed to be the same; everything sounded muffled and hushed, even though you could hear every click of pebble against pebble as we shuffled around muttering to each other.

    Couple of hundred metres away there was a fence with a gate in it. Couldn't see how far it stretched in the gloom, but the hiking party began heading that way. I was in a bit of a rush. I hadn't got my pack out of the van yet and I had four hardboiled eggs (with the shells removed) I wanted to take. I didn't want to carry the whole pack for the sake of four boiled eggs, but neither did I have any practical way of carrying four boiled eggs with me (it never occurred to me that I might want more than just four boiled eggs on the walk). But everyone was already moving off, so I ended up just taking the pack. And it really was overstuffed: it was like a big medicine ball with straps stretched so tight across it I could barely get my arms through them.

    And then my sleep got interrupted again.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Watson sorry, this one was not an actual dream, it's an ad I have out for my Social Distancing Pole.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    And then my sleep got interrupted again.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    First recovered scene. I was sleeping in a house that resembled one I stayed in in California. Father came in yelling about something the Python script training little brother something starting up. I was not impressed. Just let the Python do what it needs to, why are you bothering me?

    Second scene. Moved jobs but kept my computer from previous place. Cow orkers seemed pretty chill. They warned me about the big brother security watcher programs and not to piss it off trying to run unauthorized programs. Benign sinister meeting happened. Everyone else got new computers but me. They got Big Fans. I was told I could get a Big Fan if I released my computer to them. I opened the case and the spinning rust came out. The Big Brother security was assimilated and I played video games.

    Last scene. I was hearing a speedrun strategy guide on how to complete Pokémon without capturing any Pokémon, which involved acquiring a few legendaries and triggering the ending by getting to the trophy room.
    I find myself as the character inside the game, seeking Entei the fire dog Pokémon. Turns out this one is a she. I have no Pokéballs but end up enrapturing her with what balls I had. This leads to her carrying me until we reach the edge of the invisible barrier marking the corner of the map. Using this barrier and performing frame-perfect jumps we eventually get high enough to attract the attention of Deoxys (who is also female, surprise). She wants to know how I'm doing that and a battle ensues. She is very shocked when I don't throw a Pokéball at her but instead caress-- well, suffice it that she joins the party.
    I awoke before I could complete my growing little harem...

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra interpretation available but withheld per request.

  • Scene 1: Interior of restaurant Waitress is haranguing customers, telling them that the First Amendment requires them to vote for a particular ballot measure to legalize certain movies in their city.

    Scene 2: Interior of car outside restaurant Waitress has exited the restaurant. I chase the waitress with my car, trapping her, so that I can yell at her that the First Amendment does not require anybody to vote for anything, and if the ballot measure is to repeal a law that conflicts with the First Amendment, the law is already invalid, and the movies are already legal. Formally repealing the invalid law would be a good idea, to remove confusion, but not necessary and certainly not required by the First Amendment.

  • I think you shouldn't spend so much time in the 🚎 Garage...

    Oh wait, that's right. No interpretation. Sorry.

  • I was driving at night, around the back roads of where I used to live back in high school. My wife was in the car with me. We were talking about stuff -- I don't remember exactly what -- when we drove past a drive-in movie, but it was playing on some sort of big billboard that was visible from the road. Some actor was performing The Jumpin' Jive, and my wife recognized him as Danny Kaye.

    There was someone else in the car, and they were like, "who's that?" So I asked, "ever see The Court Jester?"


    "You know. The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle?"

    Complete incomprehension. I was grumbling at the passenger's cultural illiteracy, and then I woke up.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Mason_Wheeler you have introduced a strange song in my head.

  • I decided to shop at KMart. It was not quite how I remembered my KMart though. The layout was different. A Japanese family was also there. Somebody showing them around cleared off a flat bakery cart and they all sat on top while he pushed them around. They were having a great time. I saw a case of wrestling figures on the floor and decided to check out the toys. Nothing I was looking for. But it was weird. Lots of workers pushing carts full of stock and the shelves were fuller than they've been since probably the late 1990s. I decided to check out the electronics. But first I went through a Cobra-themed outerwear section. I did a double-take on that. Lots of jackets with the Cobra symbol. Then I noticed that Cobra was recruiting through a speech to the public but I didn't feel like joining so I kept moving towards where I thought the TVs/movies were. I passed through a door and...out into a courtyard. It was roughly street level and I could've just kept walking downtown. Up above me was a very large pool and multi-tiered deck filled with people. They're laughing, splashing around, drinking mixed drinks, the works. At KMart. About the instant I thought "WTF, my KMart closed a year ago..." I woke up.

  • Considered Harmful

    It was the city again. The bar cafeteria near the train station was as colorful as always - was there a flier on the bench? If I remember, I visited the malt shop, the band was not present. Nothing notable about the train, although the gearing mechanisms seem to be getting larger at the stations. No cavern.

    I should have probably paid more attention, there may have been a parade. Found the corners okay. It's still really weird how the clipping works on the corner windows. Something about the liquor selections at the malt shop.

    I suspect that downtown became the battlements which became the castle exterior. Somehow, the partial wall wasn't a feature this time. Doors still up at the corners, still don't see the point in mounting a door like that. As usual, had to go drag the king back from the bar.

    Might have made it near the water? But seems I got caught down the industrial street in an alley. Probably walked home through the fences.

    The apartments are always a bit strange, and the way Main Street converges is frankly unsettling. The way the floors form the stairs in the building with the invalid on the first floor - it is an odd sense of community. I do not live there.

    The budget apartments are a solid industrial fortress - the stairstep floors occur there as well, but there the sense is of competition. It's dark, but secure, and the sense of accomplishment is also present. I seem to live there now.

    The high rise on the street West takes up rather little space on the ground, given its width at the top. Never sure quite what I'm doing there. It may have something to do with

    The other city, on the left coast, I have not had to visit lately. Each of the 5 districts was affected differently by the tar, if you can call it tar - it's certainly not tar. The roads are exhilarating - like the luge track from the safehouse in the West to the mausoleum in the East, the sense of speed is palpable. A car would detract from the experience - here the tar has negative friction, and you slide on your palms.

    The way the hunters seek out the walkers from the tar is unsettling. But everything about the tar is wrong. I do not know how I see the bullets, or which side is firing them. Some are jagged.

    I cannot understand what they accuse me of around the corner of the building, or why it is so important that they not reach the roof. But it has been like this as long as I can remember - every time, this is how it goes. I meant no harm.

  • Last night, I dreamt I'm back at secondary school and was going to school picnic with my brother. (School picnic is a thing back at secondary school, however each school year will go to different places so there is no way I would go to school picnic with my brother)

    My mother gave us HKD$100 as budget for snacks and we shopped at supermarket. I found some "instant noodle favored toast cubes" and thought these are going to taste great. Then we continue to shop until we got a full plastic bag of snacks.

    Then at the meeting point, while we're waiting for bus, tornado comes. We didn't see it directly, but strong wind began to try suck up everyone. I started using Chinese Kungfu footworks (I was taught a few year from my father when I was somewhere under 6 years old) to stabilize myself. As my center of gravity become lowered, The wind stopped trying to suck me up, but is still strong and continue to try to suck up the plastic bag full of snacks. My brother is lighter than me so he need to grab some poles on the street to prevent be blew away.

    Suddenly the handle of plastic bag broke and it was sucked to the sky. We can do nothing and just see it go.

    The tornado disappeared in a few minutes. The teacher said both the bus we're going to take and the destination has no damage so we'll continue, however he need to confirm the state of road so the time we go will be delayed by half hour.

    We tried to find a supermarket again and see if we can use the remaining money to grab some snacks. On the way we saw vehicles be thrown everywhere. A lorry for "rice and oil" transport (these were common in 70s-90s) was thrown to a footbridge connecting two buildings. A Lamborghini was thrown into those big trash collectors and became trash.

    At that point for unknown reason my sister went with me. We say a family of 4 laying on their bed in their camper van and crying. The front of the van collapsed and heavily deformed. We decided not to bother them and move on.

    Then we arrived at a "fast food truck to mobile home conversion" that seems to be where my sister lives. The vehicle is mostly okay, just the side window was cracked open. However the inside was still clean and not stirred into a mess. The photos that she sticked at the walls of her bed are also still there.

    She wanted me to spare her a few minutes so she can check if anything is lost or damaged. I told her to call me with mobile phone when done and then walk nearby.

    That's when I woke up.

  • Considered Harmful

    The campus is always busy, and it takes time to get used to the layout - the tunnel near the sculpture garden, the vendors in the tunnel, and the branchings elsewhere of the tunnel. Velocity is important - in the hostile phase you must stay well clear of the sculpture garden.

    The lower quad, shall we call it? A courtyard space, present in most conformations. A place of assembly. The lower quad has an identity with the retirement home courtyard which has an identity with all the courtyards - except the yard girded by the old hotel.

    Not much about the one-way gating near the kitchen makes sense. Not much about the placement of the student office makes sense.

    At the broken culvert, one of the dead can talk. They sneer at me as a Priest of Ishtar. That is not my god.

  • All I remember is needing to look for an "Australian Wombat player" (as in someone who plays the wombat, from down under) for a musical ensemble.

    I'm wondering how you'd use that in a piece of music 🤔

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I'm wondering how you'd use that in a piece of music

    Pretty sure either Aphex Twin or The Justified Ancients Of Muu-Muu have already done this. Can't remember which song.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was located in the gymnasium of high school. For some reason there was a whole celebrity game show starring a single (apparently sexy) woman, all out on for some little girl. A lot of shit happened, but eventually there was a shouting match where I browbeat the kids mother and mic-dropped the fuck out of there.

    Then I started super hero jumping around the school looking for the coronavirus.

    At some point during my flying I rescued a single shoe from the roof some bully had apparently thrown up there. The owner only mildly appreciated my service.

  • Considered Harmful

    In the gymnasium, qua gymnasium, there are gymnastics. There is another thing like a gymnasium, but it is much larger. Usually a human tower is being built, or a pyramid. When there is enough pyramid, usually the gymnasium finds itself unnecessary - or sometimes, there must be enough pyramid that a gymnasium will occur.

    In the school gymnasium, it is different. There is usually a talent show. Some of the production values are quite good. Everyone is sitting in circular groups. It's not quite clear how it's decided who's going to perform when, although someone may have a clipboard.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Last scene I was driving at night, getting into the freeway when some dude in a go-cart attempted to enter the highway in front of me. They must have been tweaking or something. I managed to get them pulled over just after the on-ramp. The driver escalated after I told him I wasn't a cop but his vehicle wasn't street level (among many things including lack of rearview mirrors, signals, seatbelts, and much more. It's a go cart). Suddenly he dashed into traffic and was hit, causing a three car accident with at least one ejection fatality, but the dude himself was still able to attempt to flee. I had had enough and suspended his ass using his shirt while phoning emergency services. I ended the dream before they could arrive.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra that's what the honking was. Note that I am in no way interpreting your dream.

  • I was with some friends when I arrived at the clinic for my injection. They already had theirs, but this was my first subdermal chip implant.

    For some reason it was to be implanted in the crook of my elbow. The desk at which this was being done had a handy set of pegs that allowed my arm to be held in just the right position for the robot to perform the injection.

    I feel the needle go in, and a dull click. The needle remains in place for about thirty seconds I guess while things confirm the chip is in place and functioning, and then withdraws. I extricate my arm from the pegs and the nurse/tech gives me a gauze patch to press against the wound while they prepare a proper dressing.

    But it's only a couple of seconds before the gauze is soaked through with blood and another is needed. Then another. I'm going through patches like crazy; I'm fishing them out of the box myself and applying them and obviously I'm kind of doing this one-handed because the other one can't get any closer to my elbow than it already is, and blood is puddling all over the desk, bits of bloody gauze dropped everywhere and my friends have come over to see what's going on and are actually angrier about this whole botch-up than I am — I'm getting too flustered — and intervene and take over with the first aid. No idea where the nurse/tech has got too: haven't seen them since I was given that first patch.

  • @Watson Uh oh, you weren't supposed to remember that part of the vaccination/implantation.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I was with some friends when I arrived at the clinic for my injection. They already had theirs, but this was my first subdermal chip implant.

    For some reason it was to be implanted in the crook of my elbow. The desk at which this was being done had a handy set of pegs that allowed my arm to be held in just the right position for the robot to perform the injection.

    I feel the needle go in, and a dull click. The needle remains in place for about thirty seconds I guess while things confirm the chip is in place and functioning, and then withdraws. I extricate my arm from the pegs and the nurse/tech gives me a gauze patch to press against the wound while they prepare a proper dressing.

    But it's only a couple of seconds before the gauze is soaked through with blood and another is needed. Then another. I'm going through patches like crazy; I'm fishing them out of the box myself and applying them and obviously I'm kind of doing this one-handed because the other one can't get any closer to my elbow than it already is, and blood is puddling all over the desk, bits of bloody gauze dropped everywhere and my friends have come over to see what's going on and are actually angrier about this whole botch-up than I am — I'm getting too flustered — and intervene and take over with the first aid. No idea where the nurse/tech has got too: haven't seen them since I was given that first patch.

    That's just a chip malfunction. What's actually coming out of your arm is tiny, antlike robots.

  • Last night, I dreamt about watching some soap drama in TV with performers famous in 1980s.

    The drama is about the daughter of a rich family, The uncle of her want to take over the family fortune, so plan to set her up a trap so make her owe huge sum of money, let her turn over the fortune, and then sell her to brothel. Fortunately her friend somehow discovered the plan, told the protagonist and then set the trap to work against her uncle instead.

    After watching the drama for a while, I found myself become one of the characters inside the drama - the friend of protagonist which is a girl. I woke up by alarm clock while we try to steal the contract from drawer of an office and replace it with another one we made.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Dreamt I was in a multi story house with an enclosed balcony. They were arguing why have a skylight but no Windows. I went inside to the construction. They were repairing the roof from water damage. Had to remove all the VR equipment and my office computer that was partially disassembled and sitting on desk type fg6csmgb for some reason. I didn't know where to take things. Was joking about how stupid the early VR headsets were as I pull out a gigantic hood like helmet. It was too heavy and as I started walking with I I broke through the floor. The floor was a single sheet of wood. No surprise. I fell into earth. Was feeling annoyed to I lucid controlled back to initial. Started pounding wood pieces into the floor for stability but that only made things worse. Thought this was stupid and awoke to write here. Correlation ID: yba(*ds ((8fdz?-lpp

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    They were arguing why have a skylight but no Windows

    It's an iHouse.
    But there's no windows!

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    It was too heavy and as I started walking with I I broke through the floor.

    Yup, I suppose I I are heavy.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    They were arguing why have a skylight but no Windows

    It's an iHouse.
    But there's no windows!

    Unless it is Boot Camp 🏕 , then it can have Windows

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra initial position is blit<3 from known location Spa Hotel. This is not an interpretation. If you find a conference room on the top floor, see if you can deploy a listening device.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gribnit the spy unit was retrieved and assimilated. Agents inbound for the capture.

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