The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

  • Considered Harmful

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    It always has obtuse UIs, requiring tons of actions to get it to do what's desired

    You dream about reality?

    Speaking of which...

    I dreamed I had a new job, onsite, so I had to get into the building. I wasn't onboarded properly, so I didn't have a badge, and when I did get one, it didn't work. Therefore, I had to jump though hoops to get past the security guards. The reason I wasn't onboarded properly is that my start date was postponed by a week or two. Sort of. My official start date and the date I was supposed to be in the office working didn't match. I had been working for a week already, but I didn't show up on the system as an employee, because my official start date had been postponed until the upcoming Monday. In the meantime, I was working in the lobby.

    You dream about reality?

    You dream about reality?

    Cream of What?

    You dream what about reality?

    Not most of it. Just punch up some of the jokes.

  • Considered Harmful

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Rhywden said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong No, static electricity does not repel air :)

    And even if it did it would repell all directions equally.

    The device in dream is not about using static charge property to levitate itself, but try to repel air within the boundary of those nano fibers to create a low density area, in order to achieve something similar to traditional hot air balloon.

    Btw, just know that it can't repel air is good enough to know this is not possible.

    Due to the unbreakable ban on interpretation, the function of the device is unaffected. I would explain further, but I won't.

  • @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Wondering about how that would even work made me realise it wouldn't

    Beginner's error. Don't do so. Appreciate that it works, and get confident. Enjoy the enormous changes of speed and altitude which occasionally occur - if you are confident in your dream flying abilities, that's not at all horrifying, but the real fun.

  • Considered Harmful

    Bintown. The hog is in the tunnel, one would say of the tunnel, if there were a hog in it. There is not, but it's the same tunnel. Something more of the nature of a trap to the door than a door. Lots of pallets about. Not sure what I'm supposed to do here, really.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gribnit said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Not sure what I'm supposed to do here, really.

    The correct choice is fuck all.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    fuck all. in ":kneeling_warthog:" or as in ":magnets_having_sex:"?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    fuck all. in ":kneeling_warthog:" or as in ":magnets_having_sex:"?

    Simultaneously, if possible!

  • I fully expected that reply, but they're kinda mutually exclusive.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I fully expected that reply, but they're kinda mutually exclusive.

    Dream logic, man!

  • Last night, I dreamt that I was in summer time at secondary school, and went to school-organized graduation travel with my classmates. We form groups of 4 to do activities, and I quickly formed a group with my best friends (who I don't know in real life)

    We walked around the site when we stay to discover where the facilities are (there were no maps), then visited multiple places (that yet I do not recognize in real life), played some sports together on sports field at the site, have good time.

    When we try to figure out what to do near the end of the trip, we saw someone selling watermelon at the side of the street. The watermelons are small (about the size of a handball that we played in secondary school. i.e.: around 15cm in diameter I just checked) but the hawker guaranteed they are sweet so we said "Why not?"

    When the hawker sliced it in half for us, we immediately see there's lots of big black seeds inside, and I almost immediately regertted buying it. As the hawker didn't slice it in slices, we took turns to use our bare hands to scoop the red part out to eat it. And surprisingly, not only it tasted sweet, I didn't feel any seeds there at all.

    Then I was woke by alarm clock.

  • I don't remember much in the way of details, but some dreams are better forgotten.

    I had gotten married again. There was some kind of dispute with my ex-wife. Some of her family was also involved, at least her father and mother (who has been dead for ~15 years IRL), and maybe her sister. I don't remember whose side they were on; they're about as likely to be on mine as on hers. Whatever the dispute was about, it was so acrimonious that I was helping my new wife buy a handgun to protect herself from my ex (but all the paperwork, background check, etc. was strictly in her name, not mine).

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Well that was a weird nap.

    One of the scenes I was carrying an entity while pushing a set of carts clearly configured to be pulled through an office building.

    The last scene involved going to an IT Service Center roughly based on one I work near but four times larger (floor space) and there were extra rooms. I was berating someone for pushing the sliding door off the tracks, but when we went over to the main door to put it back on the configuration of the tracks was incorrect and the door did not slide shut correctly at all. Stunned and amazed I realized the configuration of the room was also incorrect, and I identified the location as the AHB7 Service Center which did not match my expectations. Neither in the location itself or it apparent location at all.

    I aborted shortly afterwards when I detected an unexpected mapping error.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I aborted

    There are :trolley-garage: threads for that.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Toothbrushes shouldn't have tentacles.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Toothbrushes shouldn't have tentacles.

    :giggity: Not as effective at scratching off plaque but still...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Toothbrushes shouldn't have tentacles.

    :giggity: Not as effective at scratching off plaque but still...

    Not :giggity: at all. Wake-in-the-middle-of-the-night nightmare stuff; I want my teeth to stay in my mouth.

  • @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Toothbrushes shouldn't have tentacles.

    Should toothpaste have slime?

  • Very NSFW. I will not share the details, but the result was more intense than I've experienced IRL in decades. I'm surprised I didn't wake up before the finish, as I usually do when things get exciting, but my body did not have the same sort of experience my brain was having, so maybe that's why I didn't wake up.

  • Considered Harmful

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Toothbrushes shouldn't have tentacles.

    Should toothpaste have slime?

    Yes otherwise you'd just be rubbing grit onto your teeth.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Very NSFW.

    In a good way, or in a bad way?

  • @Zerosquare Well, it didn't involve tentacles or ponies or diarrh[o]ea, so I'm gonna say good. A little unconventional, but good.

  • @HardwareGeek Good luck for you.
    Just imagine that this explosive diarrhoea actually hit your body...

  • Considered Harmful

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @HardwareGeek ...
    Just imagine that this explosive diarrhoea actually hit your body...

    I'm not sure he'll understand this traditional German blessing.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    my body did not have the same sort of experience my brain was having


  • It's sometimes amusing how your memory is blocked in your dream.

    Last night, I can't remember how it started, I was in a dream that I was arguing with my friends that Samsung is a stupid phone (simple mobile phone that you can't run Apps on it) manufacturer instead of a smart phone one, even though my smartphone is from Samsung.

    All my memory on smart phone ranges of Samsung was blocked from myself in the dream. :rofl:

  • @cheong But it did have a Li battery capable of catching fire 🔥 , especially while on aircraft?

  • @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong But it did have a Li battery capable of catching fire 🔥 , especially while on aircraft?

    I think they have recalled those products.

    Although I personally know someone who don't return and prefer to keep it in his collection instead (That's Samsung fans who buy and keep Galaxy Note models from the first one). As long as you keep it uncharged there will be no problem.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    As long as you keep it uncharged there will be no problem.

    It is charging that can damage the battery.

  • @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    As long as you keep it uncharged there will be no problem.

    It is charging that can damage the battery.

    However for the case of Samsung Note 7, most of the self-ignition cases happen when people carrying it around, not when charging.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cheong I said when the actual damage was done to the battery, not the final shock that triggers the catastrophic failure.

  • @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong I said when the actual damage was done to the battery, not the final shock that triggers the catastrophic failure.

    I don't know, those batteries that are only ever factory-charged once are supposed to be safe in this aspect.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong I said when the actual damage was done to the battery, not the final shock that triggers the catastrophic failure.

    I don't know, those batteries that are only ever factory-charged once are supposed to be safe in this aspect.

    Depends a lot on who made the battery and the charge management firmware, and when too.

  • Another day of having dream that I'm not myself.

    In the dream, I'm a black police, working at some unknown police district in US. I was in a police office and then was told by someone that it's time for patrol. I decided to go to toilet before heading to the patrol car.

    After I finished, I suddenly felt sharp pain near my liver. I felt I've lost all my strength and knee to the floor, leaning myself against the partition wall, sweating and breath heavily, and unable to do anything.

    It lasted probably a few minute, until someone knocked the door and asked "Are you okay?" The pain immediately disappeared and I regained enough strength to reply "I... I'm fine." Then I know it's phantom pain again.

    After leaving the toilet, instead of heading to the car, I headed back to the office, opened a drawer and grabbed a sandwiches of 2 piece of metal with some sort of soft plastic in between. There's already a few dents on the metal. I sticked it to the place where phantom pain happened with duct tape.

    When arrived the car lot and my colleague see I got a huge swelling on my waist, they probably have seen I did that before and didn't question anything. Instead exchanged glances and have their expression changed to like some shit is going to happen, and checked their pistol is loaded and can be drawn from their gun holster smoothly.

    During patrol, we indeed encountered gun fight with some robber. I was being shot on the spot but fortunately the bullet did not penetrated the metal pieces. I pretend I was immobilized by the gun shot and fall on the ground. Since I'm wearing dark uniform there is no easy way to check whether I'm bleeding from distance and the robber stopped paying attention to me. Then I get a chance to shot on his arm and ended the gun fight.

    That was the time I woke.

  • Last night, I walked through one of my most regretted scene in my life in the dream.

    I won't go into detail on what happened. In the dream I lost all my memories of it happened before and experienced the scene again. This time I do a different action but in the end, it ends the same way.

    Then immediately, the scene changed that I was watching VCD with my brother. It was those old kind of VCD that it would require 2 discs to hold the whole movie. The experience in the regrettable scene got repackaged to be an action movie starring Sammo Hung (The eldest senior of Jacky Chan when they studying Chinese drama) I also totally forgotten the scene is about me and happily commenting various part of film with my brother.

    Then I woke up, remembering clearly that everything happened in the dream. Got really depressed that I can barely work today.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Decompression in progress.... Reconstruction of available scenes incomplete, 18 percent recovered. Smoothing corruption from Stage ghost overwrite. Extrapolation in progress, narrating.

    I am a small child, perhaps six years old, traveling in an older car with sister and parents unidentifiable. We are headed to meet with father's associates. The meeting went well except an unfortunate hiccup in which mother unalived a guard of some kind. The environment appears to be some kind of shipping dock for water-based ships, the docks having building over the water and seemingly able to also accept smaller aircraft. I notice glowing worm-like creatures (neon pink!) that appear attached to sources of electricity. Scene end.

    We are at a sports Coliseum of some kind. Now much older, father is apparently asking for time with a broadcasting company. Sister attempts to sabotage the meeting, while mother and I expertly find and correct the attempts. The meeting still goes poorly and we leave, but some other man pulls me aside. Stuff happens and mother gets involved. Man asks how much she costs (as we had presented her as an Android) and she states one million six thousand twenty seven dollars and forty one cents per week rental. Scene end.

    Corruption too excessive, seems our family is alien and the pink worm things are actually progeny in the first phase? Well, everyone except father. Kinky asshole. Bad stuff happens at the dock, thousands of dead worms everywhere. Brains don't have a lot of power but are pretty tasty. Dream aborted.

  • Last night, I dreamt winning an in-company violin competition at one of my ex-companies, with 3 other people that I don't know. (And I don't know how to play violin, my brother do play violin and have 2 of them)

    After taking the prize (those giant cheque you see in charity events on TV, I don't have memory on how much is written on it though), I found that I still have the violin on my hands without putting them back in the box. Then I received a note to tell me got vaccination on 1st floor, so I bring the violin with me there.

    When leaving the vaccination room which is just the multifunction room there, I found that I've forgotten my violin.

    That's when I woke.

  • I didn't know you could vaccinate violins.

  • Well this was weird and fractured.

    Part of the dream was a sitcom. This building had Sheldon and Leonard from Big Bang Theory living next to a 1980s actress whose name I can't recall now besides that she was blonde. Their parts of the building were connected by a large walk-in closet. Eventually it turned out they were all mad at each other for secretly stealing and ruining each other's dresses from said closet but they hadn't figured out it was all of them involved. I caught them when I went looking for my Black Widow action figure and found they were all using it as a model.

    So I decided to move away and deliver mail for Starfleet. They put me on this route where Worf, out on a ship somewhere, kept buying blankets and mailing them to Counselor Troi, who was stationed on some planet. He tried to steal my action figure as well, to model the blankets of course, which made no sense and I was having none of that. So I picked up a few jobs delivering stuff for, I guess, Sisko, who had moved off DS9 for some reason? He kept making me help Jake and Nog.

    We had what I can only describe as an oversized Mario Kart go-kart built for three plus a box of cargo. It even buzzed like in the game. Well every time I was told we were delivering something benign, there was also something illicit going on. Halfway through the route, there'd be this buzzing sound and pulse fire would come out of nowhere. It was usually some Ferengi warlord. If he couldn't hit us directly, he'd shoot at stuff like statues to make them fall down on us.

    One of the trips, it turns out, was blankets from Worf to Troi. But Nog's lousy driving accidentally tipped the box over and they flew out and blinded the Ferengi, causing him to crash. But on another trip, they did manage knock down something big, like the arms off that giant Jesus statue in Rio, that fell on the kart and killed us.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

  • Two.

    The first one I was working in some warehouse that had something to do with fabric ducts. It was really boring so I kept dozing off. First time I did that I found myself standing in the street just in front of the bright orange cab of a really big truck as it crawled along a suburban street. Second time, the truck was so much closer that I was clipping through it, and mainly looking at some complicated mechanical linkage.

    Third time I was in the driver's cab itself and now I was riding along with the truck, which proved to be self-driving. It's robotic surface maintenance.

    I didn't know where I was so I peered out the window for a street sign. Ah, we're coming up to an intersection with ... "Highbrook Rd" and the sign pointing back along the street I'm on is ... "(454) Dr".

    The truck reaches the intersection and turns into Highbrook, and here a lot of the local residents have come out to watch the truck go past. More than once they got really close and at one point I had to yell out to someone to pull back a small girl who was standing right in front of an oncoming wheel.

    The other one was a bit different. It looked like the triumphant end to some children's cartoon. Muppets, Care Bears, ponies, various other characters (I think Danger Mouse and Marvin the Martian were there) flying along superhero-style with fun upbeat music playing.

    Then they were overtaken by more characters. In particular, Muppet Babies and some others who were duplicates of those in the first group but "newer" in some indefinable way.

    This second group pulled ahead and they all flew into a rainbow-ringed portal spilling out sunshine and sparkles and little stars the way these things do in cartoons. The first group pulls up short as one of the new-model Care Bears pokes back out of the portal and waves before zipping it up and the whole thing vanishing. Leaving the first hovering there looking at empty sky.

  • This one got interrupted just as it was getting started.

    First was the (discarded?) road sign propped up against the wall in an alleyway. Standard "No Parking" sign, except it was something like three metres across.

    Then out in the street proper there were things going wrong. For example, one old stone building had a rather ornate clock jutting out from it. A street light had collided with and impaled the clock. I'm not saying the light had fallen or anything like that; it was standing exactly where it had been mounted, and so was the clock — it's just that they had tried to occupy the same space at the same time. Glitches like that all along the street.

  • @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Glitches like that all along the street.

    Have you tried updating your graphics drivers?

  • @Zerosquare That was when I rebooted.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Well that was a... fun... adventure.

    A long sequence but the last few scenes. Woman who had hardship had won a tournament. Tried to get educated. Had a baby. Stuff happened, but the last scene, we were perusing a shop for things for the child. She lamented that the child seemed to not care for anything, no preferences. There was a man who gleefully advertised that his education materials had a wonderful success rate of removing bias from everyday vocabulary. Woman wept but couldn't explain that that was exactly what she didn't want, that she wanted her child to have opinions, preferences, desires. I was unable to comfort her.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Covid is over, let's vacation to Japan! There's a blockade at Walmart, but we can go around to the airport. Missed the gate! We can walk. Sweepstakes! If your GTX 4090 turns green when wet, you win! Must place on food and use the contest flipper. All copper will turn green as the picture, do they know? New card means he's everything. Can't afford, stuck with monitor I can't hook up.

  • [In real life, I set-up yesterday another non-violent mouse trap. ]

    I found that I had a caught a gopher or a wood-chuck. I mentioned to someone that I had caught a gopher, but I was getting worried that reality would not support my claim. I had definitely seen the caught gopher, though! At one point I was Ed O'Neill, and I was a detective, and I was leading some of the other detectives and brass through some construction work in a city to show them the gopher. But I was increasingly worried that I had dreamed it.

    Then I woke up. Disappointed that I had not actually caught a gopher, but relieved that neither had I told anyone I had caught a gopher.


    @jinpa said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    neither had I told anyone I had caught a gopher.

    Well, you hadn't, no. But you've tossed all that asunder now.

  • this thread is great for ai prompts!


    that picture looks a bit inappropriate

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