The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread

  • @Zenith

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Weird things happen when I don't use CPAP. Including dreaming. Recovered approximately 21 minutes summary of 5 hour session.

    End of spy mission. I noticed oddities in some of the leadership, especially in their eyes. It appeared their iris were deforming in odd patterns rapidly and minutely while maintaining eye contact with others who were exhibiting the same actions. Unfortunately, this notice was not unnoticed and... things happened. Eventually, scene ends in deresolution involving the decoupling of internal structures from the malleable flesh-analogue it was discovered my body was made from, said internal structures being stored in a resonant chamber that somehow resulted in the liquification thereof (which is strange because as I understood it my internal structures were crystalline).

    Anyways, moving on, stuff happened and I regained a body. At a public pool park. Suddenly hurricane level winds are picking up. Enter into rescue mode, getting folks to flatten under other flat things for protection. Moderate success, however ultimate failure as an unexpected micro burst lifted me up too far and I went airborne.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I noticed oddities in some of the leadership, especially in their eyes. It appeared their iris were deforming in odd patterns rapidly and minutely while maintaining eye contact with others who were exhibiting the same actions.

    Brain worms.

  • Considered Harmful

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Status: Weird things happen when I don't use CPAP. Including dreaming. Recovered approximately 21 minutes summary of 5 hour session.

    End of spy mission. I noticed oddities in some of the leadership, especially in their eyes. It appeared their iris were deforming in odd patterns rapidly and minutely while maintaining eye contact with others who were exhibiting the same actions. Unfortunately, this notice was not unnoticed and... things happened. Eventually, scene ends in deresolution involving the decoupling of internal structures from the malleable flesh-analogue it was discovered my body was made from, said internal structures being stored in a resonant chamber that somehow resulted in the liquification thereof (which is strange because as I understood it my internal structures were crystalline).

    Anyways, moving on, stuff happened and I regained a body. At a public pool park. Suddenly hurricane level winds are picking up. Enter into rescue mode, getting folks to flatten under other flat things for protection. Moderate success, however ultimate failure as an unexpected micro burst lifted me up too far and I went airborne.

    You probably could sue me for copyrights on these, the IA does very few changes to make it's story. It's still worth for the illustrations though

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Disembarking a plane to go to a conference, but disembarkation was half way up a huge skyscraper with a panoramic elevator. I was riding the elevator up and down to try to find where to reclaim my checked baggage so I could go down to the ground floor of the skyscraper to check in at the hotel part, and somehow ended up on a service floor with a very confused maid telling me that my luggage wasn't there in broken English.

  • @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    my luggage wasn't there in broken English.

    Was this in England? If so, it was broken. 🚎

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @dkf said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    my luggage wasn't there in broken English.

    Was this in England? If so, it was broken. 🚎

    I'm pretty sure it was in the US given who else was there in the atrium by the elevator.

  • A church group was visiting a construction site. The building under construction was going to be a large theatre, and it was going to be a landmark of the city when it was finished. The building was in the shape of an inverted cone, tall and narrow, unsupported except at the tip, with seats on concentric layers of the cone. (Fridge logic: there was no stage, and the people sitting in the seats couldn't have seen it, anyway, because their view would have been blocked by the next layer.)

    After touring the site, we were invited to stay and work on the building, so we could say we helped build this new landmark. We ended the tour at the top of the building. I looked around, and there was a woman (I think she was also a volunteer, from another group) there nailing together pieces of precut wood. There were a few more pieces of wood cut and ready to assemble. I thought, "I can do that," so we introduced ourselves, and I started helping her.

    The manager/foreman/whatever came running up and said, "No. Don't do that. We have something else for you to do." She showed me a cart full of sheets of glass, maybe 2' x 3' and 1/2" to 3/4" thick. She said, have a seat, and we'll show you what to do. I thought, I'm not sure I can even lift one of those (in the dream, I was the same :belt_onion: and physical condition as IRL), let alone carry them around all day, but I sat down and waited.

    And waited.

    Some time after dark, she finally showed up again. I said some words about her management ability, wasting our time and her opportunity for a day of free labor, although I didn't necessarily blame her, personally, because any large (or small) construction project inevitably has unexpected delays.

    [Details lost]

    The construction management office had an inexplicably high-security door. It had a keyhole, but no handle. It required someone inside to open the door at the same time the person outside was using his/her key.

    [Details lost]

    Walking home. Talking to someone/something/myself? Maybe some kind of animal? Thinking about how I can explain what happened... Maybe builders were vampires, because they only started to work after dark? ... Trail of breadcrumbs?

  • All I remember was that I was in high school Spanish class as a student, and it sucked. But it was also kinda math class with me teaching, which also sucked.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I was in a prisoner queue line. An evil-looking guy was forcing people to wear headbands that appeared to have a darkly-shimmering crystal embedded in the forehead section. I don't remember much after that.

  • Ah, so that crystal had memory-erasure powers, then.

  • @HardwareGeek: if that thread's title didn't have something about not interpreting dreams, I'd have said something about allegories for the IT industry.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    In a school parking lot searching for a parking spot. The correct one will allow the first step in remote code execution entry point. Target not found, system libraries do not have installed the correct Python package, kernel support architecture not built for this platform. Searching kernel source headers. Not found, must be downloaded. Incompatible network protocol, library mismatch. Recompile with extra options. Parking space found, injecting package into space. Sideloading egg success, with warnings. Consulting Dragon-guru meditation communications support line. Hello potential future daughter? Has been feeling cold lately. Is that wise? Support from the future is incomplete and dicey, must be nonspecific to prevent causal loop destruction. End communications. The egg has been cracked and leaking yolk. Too late to salvage? Consult Dragon wife. Rejoin support connection. Any human can impregnate a dragon, what sets apart the offspring is the upbringing. Potential future daughter has changed, weaker and smaller but more lithe? Understood. Remote code execution to proceed, library compiled and ready for payload inclusion. Go or no go?

  • Proof that even when your daily life is weird, your dreams still are weirder.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Proof that even when your daily life is weird, your dreams still are weirder.

    Yeah. This one didn't even include sex! 😞

  • Awww. I'm sure the next one will.

    (note: it will include the theme. But no warranties about you getting any.)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    it will include the theme. But no warranties about you getting any

    ... You're not wrong....

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra Sounds rad, but are you sure it's really your dre...

    Any human can impregnate a dragon

    Never mind, it is.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Sounds rad, but are you sure it's really your dre...

    Any human can impregnate a dragon

    Never mind, it is.

    Never attempt to discern deeper meaning from my dreams especially!

  • Last night I dreamt that I was carrying an assault rifle, following a team to fight somebody.

    And when it become melee distance combat, I found my rifle become a toy that uses airsoft pellets instead of real bullets. (And it becomes instantly lighter as soon as I realized it's sort of toy gun)

    I figured that doing zero-distance shooting on his face will do some damage even with this weak weapon, but when I sneaked and hide in something that they'll pass through and do the ambush, pressing the trigger and it will only eject gas instead of any projectile.

    That's when I woke up.

  • @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    when it become melee distance combat, I found my rifle become a toy that uses airsoft pellets instead of real bullets.

    I hate it when I dream about work, too.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @cheong said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    when it become melee distance combat, I found my rifle become a toy that uses airsoft pellets instead of real bullets.

    I hate it when I dream about work, too.

    I wasn't going to say it.... 🙃

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Just had a micro daydream. I have no idea how I ended up in this situation, but apparently I ended up face down at my inductive stovetop unable to actuate an escape while my face was burned up. Ouch.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Door-to-door operation. Found an old woman I recognized. Heavy chain smoker. She had been taking care of her mother last time contact was made several years ago. Apparently mother had since passed. She offered me leftover food. It was mildly infected with mold. I took pity. Repaired the damage and cleaned the environment. Left before she could recover.
    Fatal error during reconstruction, 12 following scenes could not be recovered.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    face down at my inductive stovetop ... my face was burned up

    :um-actually: Do you have an iron face?
    :um-nevermind: Dreams can be crazy.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @BernieTheBernie said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    face down at my inductive stovetop ... my face was burned up

    :um-actually: Do you have an iron face?
    :um-nevermind: Dreams can be crazy.

    Partially, but the wasn't the real problem. The actual issue was the interference caused by resonance which prevented motor control due to noise, which naturally prevented an easy reaction to escape.

    Filed under: Part 15 of the FCC rules, baby!

  • 🚽 Regular

    I was some sort of health/law enforcement authority, I guess, because I had to jail the one responsible for spreading an infectious disease.

    I had determined the one responsible was a liver: . Since I couldn't exactly murder the person to whom the liver belonged, I had to bring in the whole person. Fortunately, the person volunteered to spend the required time in jail even though only the liver was guilty. Said person was: myself.

    The liver resisted, pulling the other way somehow, but fortunately I still had full control over my legs and arms, so it didn't stand a chance.

    Since I was there by force of will anyway, and because apparently there was no jailer but myself, I kept the door unlocked. Which was fortunate, because soon I had to pee and there was no dedicated space inside the cell.

    Shortly it became apparent I did not in fact have to go to the bathroom. The bladder was in cahoots with the liver! It was just an excuse to break out of the cell!

    Unfortunately I don't know how the story ends because I woke up with the need to pee in real life.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    It was mostly fun. Was emulating Nintendo 64 and playing Starfox. Explaining what's going on in the game to an older lady. Suddenly the game was showing some kind of diplomatic cutscene and then it turned lewd and pornographic in moments. Scramble to turn it off (there were minors also watching). What the fuck.
    Suddenly father asks if I finished the project. What project? Copying his music from the SDCARD to the NAS. What are you stupid? That was done months ago, the progress window went away!

    Aborted very quickly as the argument for super heated for to reason.

    What the hell, things were going so well?...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    it turned lewd and pornographic


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    it turned lewd and pornographic


    An undesired situation given the environment represented. Otherwise I wouldn't have cared how strange it would be for an Arwing to be going through a strangely expanded vagina...

  • A three-parter, naturally some connecting elements didn't survive the wake-up process; I remember they were there but I don't remember what they were.

    First part is in a motel room. The blinds are drawn. Sitting in a chair by the bed is a bald guy - no, he's tied to the chair, but he's not doing much to struggle - it's more like the straps are to stop him falling off. Someone else in dark clothes is standing over by the window and I guess some sort of technician is standing by the chair.
    The technician opens a briefcase on the bed and takes out some sort of contraption with handles and a loop. She takes it by the handles and holds it over the bald guy's head, bringing the loop down around his skull.
    After a couple of minutes the guy by the window says something and the technician realises she's holding the thing upside down: the "handles" are actually supposed to reach down past the guy's head to rest on his shoulders and hold the contraption in place that way.

    The second part is at a bar. The sort that sprang up throughout the tropics through the 30s and immediately after WWII to service the pilots of all the private DC3s flying back and forth.Tiki bars and the like (what's the African-themed version of a tiki bar called?).
    The frontage is not unusual, but you get inside and it stretches back for something like 3-400 metres, running the gamut of styles. I'm walking through it and for some reason I get the impression I'm supposed to be there, but I cover myself by recognising some of the other patrons and greeting them by name as I pass ("see, these guys know me, I'm all right").

    I end up outside, looking out across the bay at the opposite shore. It's late at night and the glare from the bar behind me wipes out the starlight. The opposite bank is pitch black and can't even be distinguished from the sky beyond. I think maybe the flashlight on my phone will help (well of course I have my phone on me). Things get a bit confusing between what the phone is illuminating, what's visible through the camera, and what is actually lit up on the opposite bank, but eventually the far slopes are densely stippled with blue light, blocks of near-solid illumination with thin dark lines separating them. I ask someone who'd come out of the bar what's going on, and he explains it was bioluminescence from the grapes growing over there. I accept this explanation.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Watson said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    I get the impression I'm supposed to be there

    I think you a word.

  • Tidbit from one of my wife's dream: she was visiting someone who lived on the 10th floor and the lift was broken so she had to climb the stairs. When she arrived at the floor and got on the landing, she saw our dog who was waiting for her there and "had taken the lift" all alone (no idea how she knew that, dream logic etc., but in her dream it was obvious that's what had happened).

  • @remi Easy: the dog knows how to repair the lift. And it took him much less time to do so than for your wife to climb the stairs.
    🐕 🧠

  • Considered Harmful

    I dreamed that I had a dream, then dreamed that I woke up and wrote a novel about my dream, then dreamed that I woke up and told everyone that I dreamed I wrote a novel about a dream I had.

  • Java Dev

    @error And then you dreamed you woke up and wrote about it here?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error and then you woke up and told a dozen folks in the dreamscape that you told a bunch of folks you dreamed you wrote a novel and told everyone you wrote a novel before waking up to tell about writing a novel?

    Edit: :hanzo: too slow....😢

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Custodian lady was mopping the hall. I wanted to take the mop for a minute and clean up a mess in a private area. She refused because the mop couldn't be used with a garden rake on that surface. Flip the rake around. See, works fine!

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Custodian lady was mopping the hall. I wanted to take the mop for a minute and clean up a mess in a private area. She refused because the mop couldn't be used with a garden rake on that surface. Flip the rake around. See, works fine!



  • I'm watching a TV movie, I know this much because there's an opening credit: "Richard Pryor" I think "that's not Richard Pryor, that's Griff Rhys Jones", but cut to another shot and "oh, there's Pryor". Mel Smith is in this too.

    It's night and they're moving around the cluttered back room of some shop selling bric-a-brac. It seems to be some sort of crime caper, and at one point Pryor gets fed up with Smith's continual objections about his driving position by sticking his shotgun in Smith's mouth.

    Driving is involved because also in the room is an amphibous car and a tractor they're lashing together. And a long metal pole sticking out the front of the tractor.

    Preparations complete, they get in - Smith into the tractor, facing backwards, the others into the car where there are a couple of elderly people that have been waiting, dressed like they're going to a reception.
    They set off. This is is still acting like a movie: we get a first-person shot of the metal pole poking a hole in the side of a wall-sized aquarium and we follow it in to the deluge.

    It's murky and they continue to drive, nervously. Then things start going weird. The occupants of the car start swapping places by morphing into each other, then they start morphing into other people, and then the number of people in the car starts becoming uncertain (I think the filmmakers cheaped out a bit here because some of the characters that briefly appear look lifted from stock footage or publicity shots: Hugh Grant isn't even in colour). The driver (who was originally Jones, but is right now a young girl who can barely see over the dashboard) says that they can get through it if they "stop playing along with it".

    Smash cut. A cheap hotel, about five stories high and roughly 50% wider and deep enough for two sets of rooms and a corridor in between. It would have been a cheap motel if it had a proper carpark - instead it's got a gravel driveway and grass around it. It's been gussied up for some event: the balcony lights have all got coloured bulbs in them, floodlights are lighting up the grounds, and there's a banner hung about halfway up (I don't recall what it said). Cars are parked in different places on the grass, and there are a few people milling about, and a bit of a sense of occasion.

    We're standing out the front as a swirly portal thingy opens up just before the entrance and the car/tractor combo slowly comes through (not quite at ground level and with a slight roll so there's a bit of a bump) driving away from the doors (some portly pedestrian has to dodge, fortunately the metal pole is no longer attached for some reason).

    The car/tractor arrangement starts to do a U-turn looking for a parking spot and our POV goes up in a crane shot. We faintly hear Smith, still sitting in the tractor, still facing backward, still grumbling. As the car turns, the tractor goes up and over another car that had been parked on the grass, crushing it flat.

  • Cats. A bunch of them. Playing with toy cars, trucks, maybe buildings. One of them has a toy on a bit of string or yarn or something. It tosses the toy into the air and rears up on its hind legs, with one paw — the one with the string in its claws — extended upward. Somehow, the toy manages to stay suspended in the air with the string taught long enough that the cat looks like it's holding the toy aloft in triumph or defiance or something.

    There's something quite unusual about the cat, besides it's pose (which wouldn't be particularly remarkable except for how long it manages to hold it). The cat is red. Not orange, not the sort of shade that is called "redhead" in humans, but bright, crimson red. With yellow markings; the yellow is rather brassy, due to a dusting of red or red-tipped hairs among the yellow. For some reason, this does not seem as odd in the dream as it would IRL. Having noticed this particular cat, I look around and see that a number of the other cats are a similar color, although perhaps not quite as bright, maybe more of a claret than crimson.

    Also the toy cars and such are on (toy-sized?) roads, with highway directional arrows and such on them. At first, the road markings are clear, although they seem to be projected onto the surface from some sort of projectors overhead, rather than painted. However, they soon become a confusing mess of overlapping markings.

    I think it was the road markings that led me to the cats, but my memory of that part of the dream is a bit fuzzy.

  • I just dreamt that I was somehow visiting a docked fishing boat, then a cat sneak into one of the "fish box" and then run away to the dock.

    Just when I was trying to see why it stopped there, I found the latter half of it looks like a sea lion - a sea lion was biting the cat and only the front-half of the cat was shown. The cat seems to be able to get back to the dock with its powerful forelegs.

    Then the sea lion slowly engulfing the cat. The cat seems just scared but not hurt as it's not letting out painful voice. By the look of it, it looks like "a cat that is struggling to get out of its sea lion costume".

    As the head of the cat was also engulfed, suddenly the cat's head pops out, then go back inside again, and pops out, making the whole situation very funny.

    That's when I woke up.

  • Last night, I dreamt travelling with a colleague (who I don't know in real life) to Taiwan for business.

    We come to an office with loads of antique computers. There were a large computer that caught my attention. It's like a CRT display on top of a work branch, with some part of unknown purpose extended forward. The shell of the computer was made with slightly yellow plastics, just like what you'd expect to see for personal computers made in 80s-90s.

    The staffs guiding us for office tour encouraged me to try it out. We powered on the computer and it boots to Win3.11 for Workgroup. Then the staff show us how to detach that forward extension. By reversing it, it becomes a wireless mouse with length of an arm, And at the rear side of it, there is 2 small button to adjust the left and right sound volume.

    Then apparently it's passed office hour and I left the office without that colleague. My father and mother were welcoming me at the train station. As my father suggest us find some nice place for dinner, I suddenly found that I come on my barefoot.

    I remember that I have my slippers in my luggage, so we went to a hotel nearby and unpacked it. Seems bringing the luggage out for the whole day had shaking the inside a bit, and seems there's loads of plastic bags inside. I found my slipper, put on it, and follow my parent out for food.

    That's when I woke.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Was denied sexytimes. That's all I'll say about that. 😖

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Out vising home of friendlies. One kid was extremely antagonistic. Stabbed me with a syringe with needle, supposedly filled with saline but the color was murky. Viral infection detected. Turns out the mother was planning a mass extinction event involving airborne viral agents delivered via water vapor in the style conforming to conspiracy theorists regarding chem trails. Interrogation failed, authorized assimilation. She had planned something like this eventuality might occur, so her instructions were double-blind and the target vessel we identified was a decoy. Virus is UV resistant so long as it is still in contact with water. Weather forecast was cloudy with light rain. Coordinated effort dispersed the clouds and destroyed the virus in 94 percent target population areas. The virus has an activation phase delay of approximately 1.5 weeks before outward symptoms. Should have enough time to develop, produce, and deploy an effective one-shot antiviral response, and deliver supplies to healthcare locations. Dream end.

  • Dreamed about a dystopic society where vaccines were used as a Trojan horse to inject people with a substance that made them vulnerable to subliminal conditioning.

    That's it. No more reading the :trolley-garage: before bed.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Don't-Interpret-My-Dreams Thread:

    Dreamed about a dystopic society where vaccines were used as a Trojan horse to inject people with a substance that made them vulnerable to subliminal conditioning.

    That's it. No more reading the :trolley-garage: before bed.

    Most people dream about things that aren't obvious facts :tro-pop-wave:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I had a dream where @topspin and @Arantor were making fun of my mullet.

    Is it a sign?

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