TDWTF Plays The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 57

    You already have it.

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 58


    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 59

    You can't. It's not yours. It's Ford's and it's private.

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 60

    The satchel, which is closed, is fairly bulky.


  • @error_bot press button

  • 🔀

    Which button do you mean, the dispenser button, the green button, or the
    red button?


  • @error_bot press dispenser button

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 61

    A single babel fish shoots out of the slot. It sails across the room and
    hits the dressing gown. The fish slides down the sleeve of the gown and
    falls to the floor, vanishing through the grating of a hitherto unnoticed


  • @error_bot put satchel on drain
    Put mail by hatch

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 62

    The drain is too large to be covered by the satchel.

    >I don't know the word "by".


  • @error_bot put mail on drain

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 63

    The drain is too large to be covered by the loose pile of junk mail.


  • @error_bot inventory

  • 🔀

    I don't know the word "inventory".


  • @error_bot examine me

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 64

    You see nothing special about yourself.


  • 🔀

    You have:
    no tea
    a thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is
    a satchel
    The Hitchhiker's Guide
    an electronic Sub-Etha signaling device
    a loose pile of junk mail
    a toothbrush
    a flathead screwdriver

    It is of course well known that careless talk costs lives, but the full
    scale of the problem is not always appreciated. For instance, at the exact
    moment you said "put mail by hatch" a freak wormhole opened in the fabric
    of the space-time continuum and carried your words far far back in time
    across almost infinite reaches of space to a distant galaxy where strange
    and warlike beings were poised on the brink of frightful interstellar

    The two opposing leaders were meeting for the last time. A dreadful silence
    fell across the conference table as the commander of the Vl'Hurgs,
    resplendent in his black jewelled battle shorts, gazed levelly at the

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 65

    G'Gugvunt leader squatting opposite him in a cloud of green, sweet-smelling
    steam. As a million sleek and horribly beweaponed star cruisers poised to
    unleash electric death at his single word of command, the Vl'Hurg
    challenged his vile enemy to take back what it had said about his mother.

    The creature stirred in its sickly broiling vapour, and at that very moment
    the words "put mail by hatch" drifted across the conference table.
    Unfortunately, in the Vl'Hurg tongue this was the most dreadful insult
    imaginable, and there was nothing for it but to wage terrible war for
    centuries. Eventually the error was detected, but over two hundred and
    fifty thousand worlds, their peoples and cultures perished in the

    You have destroyed most of a small galaxy. Please pick your words with
    greater care.


  • @error_bot get gown
    Put gown on drain
    Hang satchel on hook

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 66


    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 67

    The drain is too large to be covered by your gown.

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 68

    It slips off the hook.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Eorko sirbx jvupp
    wzitd tosha b ooshi ld tu na rfudfimo tthakon op whuvp wa ro tfimchoerlz
    zork oa bx jollflur girbcaverld tcav oz zp wflus gtrus ga ro szitw c oulpr
    girba boshollu nd tfudhuv oo skonquii sx jx js golls gfud oo tl mtruu ni sa
    re ho tr ga b otoyvupulpi lthaorkcavo torko t oeftcava ru nkonulpkonl


  • @error_bot hang gown on hook
    Drop satchel
    Put mail on satchel
    Lie on grate

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 69

    The gown is now hanging from the hook, covering a tiny hole.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Eorkkona rz zu na ru
    ne herlirb okono tcavoshthatoyi so si lkon ofimfiml mu nl mkoneftollimbflu
    othaquichochos ge hkwaa rollx j or gflud tx jl mzitimboshfluvup ofudr
    gtruvupx jirba ro struu n oi lkonu nwroorko strukwal mulp oo so
    sorkeftgryquia btoyp wd t os goshwroolltoyo tquigryo su n otoya be hi le
    hfimerla rz zhuv."

    >You're not holding the satchel.

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 70

    Okay, the loose pile of junk mail is now sitting on the satchel.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Ep
    wimbkonfluoshimbquigryollfud oo su nquil mtruzits golli serl oo ti skwad
    tfudhuvo tz ztoyflu ow cs gerlcavimbd tfuda br gx j oo ti
    lwroerlollkwaulptoyirbirb oa bx ju nwroziti lhuva rr gtha ou
    nirbfimirbtruimbo szits gulp oo ts gflui sorka bfudu nr gosh oquio solltrup
    wirbs gkwas gtoy ofimx ja ri ltoyzitoshirbr gtha."

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 71

    You can't get into the drain!

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Ex jtoyr gp we ha
    rzitulpcavtru ox jl mthaimbd tp weftd ta birb oorkr gtrur gtruo swroeftd tr
    g oollo swros gz zorkzittrue holl okwao td ttoyhuva rvupwrofudcav
    oquiirbeftx jw cw cz zgryx jerl owroirbz zirbp werlkwathazitr g os gollolle
    hwrod terlw cirbe h ofime hirbw cr gquiosherlimbi s ovupa rx jimbziti
    serlflue hz z."


  • @error_bot examine ford

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 72

    He's sleeping.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Etoytoyd td tcava re
    hkonollork ow cthao seftr gs ggryu nkonz z oi sgrye hvupthas gquichoorke h
    ohuvfudfluwrol mthaquie hs gork ou nfluflufime hx jgryp wquivup od tvupimbo
    sa rorkl mimbr gz z owrokono tx jimbo sthaziti sp w ohuvkonzitorkz ztoya
    rthagryhuv ovupimbzittoyziteftzitimbthavup oerlp wd tchoz zulpimbr


  • @error_bot get towel

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 73


    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Ehuvirbo sd
    tquiirbimbi lquiosh or gquio tl mthas gquiirbulptha oeftr gw ci lulpo
    sthaflutoyeft ofimfluimbw cquia rgryx jzitwro oorkhuvchoorke hu nthaerlp
    wflu otruo tfima bhuvz zs gollz zz z oerlkonirbz zerlollvupl morkr g owroa
    borkkone hfluorkcavz zerl ox julpimbhuvl mo shuvd ttoyx j oefterlgryimbu
    nerlw cfudu ni s."


  • @error_bot put towel on grate

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 74

    The towel completely covers the drain.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Er gvupflutrus ga
    boshp wcavoll ovupimbimbtruwroz zquikwaerlr g ol merltruz zcavquioshquia ra
    b oflui seftquitruu nd ta rcavl m oa bw cimbd ttrutrup weftw ceft
    ofudorkimba bs gtrus gx jvupcho ozite hollimbtoyo to torku ntha ol mz zs gd
    tflui lr gfudp wtha ochoquio thuvcavfimimbulpr gfud ofudfudeftthawrou ne
    hthaorkx j."


  • @error_bot press dispenser button

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 75

    A single babel fish shoots out of the slot. It sails across the room and
    hits the dressing gown. The fish slides down the sleeve of the gown and
    falls to the floor, landing on the towel. A split second later, a tiny
    cleaning robot whizzes across the floor, grabs the fish, and continues its
    breakneck pace toward a tiny robot panel at the base of the wall. The robot
    zips through the panel, and is gone.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Eosho teftkonl mtruo
    skwad te h oollvupa rw chuvl md ttoyx ji l okonl me hfudwrofluchofimo scav
    oo tr gs gkonimbo squiquierlgry ocavfluo twror gs gi loshhuvzit oi
    swrokonimborkchozitl morks g oi lchoulperlgryirbo stoycavimb ohuve
    hollirbgryquikwar ggryhuv ol ms golld ttoychovups gr gvup ox jz zeftquierlw
    cp ws geftd t."


  • @error_bot get mail
    Get satchel
    Put satchel on panel
    Put mail on satchel

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 76


    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Echoa rz zquiwrohuvd
    tp wwroerl ovupfimeftfimerlimbp ww cp weft ozittrux jthafudz zl mz zd ta b
    ol mi sulpefto sulpkonp wa bzit ou nziti lollu nd tl mkonu na r ohuvvupo
    tquichowroollfimeftkwa oz zr gi su nkwaa bw ceftx jcav oe hcavfluo tkonquis
    gkona rr g oerlvupimbhuvo td tirbl mo si s oi lp workfimhuvcavkonhuvz zp

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 77


    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Equiw cx jkoncavz zd
    tirbollerl owroeftw cx jhuvs gorkollz zflu or gl me hi lz zthatoyd tirbkon
    oquir ga ra bz zulps gvupimbo t oirbosha ri serloshollvuposhwro ogryi su
    ncavfimorkd tkonl mi s op wimbulpx jo to skwap wkonimb ofudvups goshvupw cd
    tchotrud t oirbeftquia ra bfimthathaeftcho oquiorkthawrogrytoyziterla

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 78

    Okay, the satchel is lying on its side in front of the tiny robot panel.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Eo szitulperlp wquir
    gollthakon oa borkfudw cwroollx jollerlimb owroflup wcaverltoykonollollwro
    ox jw ckonchocavi limberlfimvup op wo scavkonvuptrukonorkulpp w othaulpr
    gchowrofudeftkonhuvo s or gosho sziti lo tvupp worktru ocavo squichoa bcavs
    ggrycavork oflutrufimirbr gkonerlcavx jvup oorkefteftu nkonl mo tthao tx

    > Vogon Hold Score: 33 Moves: 79

    Okay, the loose pile of junk mail is now sitting on the satchel.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "Eorkx ja ri sw ckono
    sfudp wa r othafimthatrutrufimgrygryu ngry ou nchoo shuvkonp whuvz zo scav
    okontruwroolll meftirbollerleft oi scavr gp wu ni so swroo sl m oe
    himbkwaulpimba rl mkwafluqui ooshcavgrykonr gkontoythaa bi l ou np wp wa ri
    si lorkx jollirb otrukongryoshu nirbfluthaolle h otoyl mulpp wtoykono
    tchotrua b."


  • @error_bot press dispenser button

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 45 Moves: 80

    A single babel fish shoots out of the slot. It sails across the room and
    hits the dressing gown. The fish slides down the sleeve of the gown and
    falls to the floor, landing on the towel. A split second later, a tiny
    cleaning robot whizzes across the floor, grabs the fish, and continues its
    breakneck pace toward a tiny robot panel at the base of the wall. The robot
    plows into the satchel, sending the babel fish flying through the air in a
    graceful arc surrounded by a cloud of junk mail. Another robot flies in and
    begins madly collecting the cluttered plume of mail. The babel fish
    continues its flight, landing with a loud "squish" in your ear.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "This is the Captain.
    My instruments show that we've picked up a couple of hitchhikers. I hate
    freeloaders, and when my guards find you I'll have you thrown into space.
    On second thought, maybe I'll read you some of my poetry first.


  • @error_bot examine case

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 45 Moves: 81

    The glass case is closed. Attached to it are a keyboard and a switch.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "This is the Captain.
    My instruments show that we've picked up a couple of hitchhikers. I hate
    freeloaders, and when my guards find you I'll have you thrown into space.
    On second thought, maybe I'll read you some of my poetry first.


  • @error_bot examine keyboard

  • 🔀

    Vogon Hold Score: 45 Moves: 82

    You see nothing special about the keyboard.

    An announcement is coming over the ship's intercom. "This is the Captain.
    My instruments show that we've picked up a couple of hitchhikers. I hate
    freeloaders, and when my guards find you I'll have you thrown into space.
    On second thought, maybe I'll read you some of my poetry first.


  • @error_bot switch switch

  • 🔀

    Captain's Quarters, in the chair Score: 45 Moves: 83

    A recording plays: "To open the case, type in the second word from the
    second verse of the Captain's current favourite poem. WARNING: An incorrect
    input will cause the case to explode."

    Guards burst in and grab you and Ford, who comes slowly awake. They drag
    you down the corridor to a large cabin, where they strap you into large,
    menacing chairs...

    Captain's Quarters, in the poetry appreciation chair
    This is the cabin of the Vogon Captain. You and Ford are strapped into
    poetry appreciation chairs.
    The Captain is indescribably hideous, indescribably blubbery, and
    indescribably mid-to-dark green. He is holding samples of his favourite


  • @error_bot save

  • 🔀

    Please enter a filename [house]:

  • @error_bot vogon

  • 🔀



  • Java Dev


  • Java Dev

    @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

    Captain's Quarters, in the chair Score: 45 Moves: 85

    Time passes...

    "If he's going to read us his poetry," mutters Ford, sweating profusely,
    "just pray he softens us up with some cudgels first..."

    "Hello, hitchhikers!" begins the Vogon Captain. "I've decided to read you a
    verse of my poetry!"


  • Java Dev

    @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

    Captain's Quarters, in the chair Score: 45 Moves: 86

    Time passes...

    "Oh freddled gruntbuggly, thy nacturations are to me!"


  • Java Dev

    @error_bot applaud

  • 🔀

    Captain's Quarters, in the chair Score: 45 Moves: 87

    If you want to enjoy the poetry, just type that.

    "As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee."


  • Java Dev

    @error_bot enjoy poetry

  • 🔀

    Captain's Quarters, in the chair Score: 60 Moves: 88

    You realise that, although the Vogon poetry is indeed astoundingly bad,
    worse things happen at sea, and in fact, at school. With an effort for
    which Hercules himself would have patted you on the back, you grit your
    teeth and enjoy the stuff.

    "Groop I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes."


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