TDWTF Plays Zork I

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot Odysseus

  • 🔀

    Cyclops Room                                     Score: 50       Moves: 49
    >go south
    This is part of a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
    >go southeast
    Cyclops Room
    This room has an exit on the northwest, and a staircase leading up.
    A cyclops, who looks prepared to eat horses (much less mere adventurers), blocks
    the staircase. From his state of health, and the bloodstains on the walls, you
    gather that he is not very friendly, though he likes people.
    >shout Odysseus
    I can't use the word 'odysse' here.
    >shout Odysseus
    I can't use the word 'odysse' here.
    >shout Odysseus   
    I can't use the word 'odysse' here.
    Enter a file name.
    Default is "z1.qzl": z1.qzl
    The cyclops, hearing the name of his father's deadly nemesis, flees the room by
    knocking down the wall on the east of the room.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go east
    go east

  • 🔀

    Living Room                                      Score: 50       Moves: 52
    I can't use the word 'odysse' here.
    Enter a file name.
    Default is "z1.qzl": z1.qzl
    The cyclops, hearing the name of his father's deadly nemesis, flees the room by
    knocking down the wall on the east of the room.
    >go east
    Strange Passage
    This is a long passage. To the west is one entrance. On the east there is an old
    wooden door, with a large hole in it (about cyclops sized).
    >go east
    Living Room
    You are carrying:
    A skeleton key
    A bag of coins
    A lamp
    A brown sack
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot drop key
    open case
    put coins in case

  • 🔀

    Living Room                                      Score: 55       Moves: 55
    The cyclops, hearing the name of his father's deadly nemesis, flees the room by
    knocking down the wall on the east of the room.
    >go east
    Strange Passage
    This is a long passage. To the west is one entrance. On the east there is an old
    wooden door, with a large hole in it (about cyclops sized).
    >go east
    Living Room
    You are carrying:
    A skeleton key
    A bag of coins
    A lamp
    A brown sack
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic
    >drop key
    >open case
    >put coins in case

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot open trapdoor
    go south
    go east
    get painting
    go west
    go north
    go up
    put painting in case

  • 🔀

    Living Room                                      Score: 55       Moves: 57
    wooden door, with a large hole in it (about cyclops sized).
    >go east
    Living Room
    You are carrying:
    A skeleton key
    A bag of coins
    A lamp
    A brown sack
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic
    >drop key
    >open case
    >put coins in case
    >open trapdoor
    The door reluctantly opens to reveal a rickety staircase descending into
    >go south
    You can't go that way.
    Living Room                                      Score: 55       Moves: 61
    >go south
    You can't go that way.
    >go east
    A clear glass bottle is here.
    The glass bottle contains:
    A quantity of water
    A hot pepper sandwich is here.
    >get painting
    I can't see any painti here.
    >go west
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A bag of coins
    >go north
    You can't go that way.
    >go up
    You can't go that way.
    >put painting in case
    I can't see any painti here.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go down
    go south
    go east
    get painting
    go west
    go north
    go up
    put painting in case

  • 🔀

    East of Chasm                                    Score: 55       Moves: 63
    A quantity of water
    A hot pepper sandwich is here.
    >get painting
    I can't see any painti here.
    >go west
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A bag of coins
    >go north
    You can't go that way.
    >go up
    You can't go that way.
    >put painting in case
    I can't see any painti here.
    >go down
    >go south
    East of Chasm
    You are on the east edge of a chasm, the bottom of which cannot be seen. The
    west side is sheer rock, providing no exits. A narrow passage goes north, and
    the path you are on continues to the east.
    Living Room                                      Score: 65       Moves: 69
    west side is sheer rock, providing no exits. A narrow passage goes north, and
    the path you are on continues to the east.
    >go east
    This is an art gallery. Most of the paintings which were here have been stolen
    by vandals with exceptional taste. The vandals left through either the north or
    west exits.
    Fortunately, there is still one chance for you to be a vandal, for on the far
    wall is a painting of unparalleled beauty.
    >get painting
    >go west
    East of Chasm
    >go north
    >go up
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A bag of coins
    >put painting in case

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go down
    go north
    go east
    go east
    go east
    go up
    go east
    go north
    get matchbook
    go east
    get wrench
    get screwdriver
    push yellow button
    go south
    go south
    turn bolt with wrench
    drop wrench
    go west
    go north
    get trunk

  • 🔀

    Living Room                                      Score: 65       Moves: 69
    >go east
    This is an art gallery. Most of the paintings which were here have been stolen
    by vandals with exceptional taste. The vandals left through either the north or
    west exits.
    Fortunately, there is still one chance for you to be a vandal, for on the far
    wall is a painting of unparalleled beauty.
    >get painting
    >go west
    East of Chasm
    >go north
    >go up
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A bag of coins
    >put painting in case
    Enter a file name.
    Default is "z1.qzl":

  • 🔀

    Reservoir South                                  Score: 70       Moves: 90
    the bolt is a small green plastic bubble.
    The green bubble is glowing.
    >turn bolt with wrench
    The sluice gates open and water pours through the dam.
    >drop wrench
    >go west
    Reservoir South
    You are in a long room. To the north is a large lake, too deep to cross. You
    notice, however, that the water level appears to be dropping at a rapid rate.
    Before long, it might be possible to cross to the other side from here.
    There is a path along the stream to the east or west, a steep pathway climbing
    southwest along the edge of a chasm, and a path leading into a canyon to the
    Time passes...
    Time passes...
    >go north
    You are not equipped for swimming.
    >get trunk
    I can't see any trunk here.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot restore
    go down
    go north
    go east
    go east
    go east
    go up
    go east
    go north
    get matchbook
    go east
    get wrench

  • 🔀

    Maintenance Room                                 Score: 70       Moves: 80
    >go north
    Dam Lobby
    This room appears to have been the waiting room for groups touring the dam.
    There are exits here to the north and east marked 'Private', though the doors
    are open, and an exit to the south.
    Some guidebooks entitled 'Flood Control Dam #3' are on the reception desk.
    There is a matchbook whose cover says 'Visit Beautiful FCD#3' here.
    >get matchbook
    >go east
    Maintenance Room
    This is what appears to have been the maintenance room for Flood Control Dam #3.
    Apparently, this room has been ransacked recently, for most of the valuable
    equipment is gone. On the wall in front of you is a group of buttons, which are
    labelled in EBCDIC. However, they are of different colors:  Blue, Yellow, Brown,
    and Red. The doors to this room are in the west and south ends.
    There is a group of tool chests here.
    There is a wrench here.
    There is an object which looks like a tube of toothpaste here.
    There is a screwdriver here.
    >get wrench

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot get screwdriver
    push yellow button
    go south
    go south
    turn bolt with wrench
    drop wrench
    go west
    go north
    get trunk

  • 🔀

    Dam                                              Score: 70       Moves: 86
    >get screwdriver
    >push yellow button
    >go south
    Dam Lobby
    Some guidebooks entitled 'Flood Control Dam #3' are on the reception desk.
    >go south
    You are standing on the top of the Flood Control Dam #3, which was quite a
    tourist attraction in times far distant. There are paths to the north, south,
    and west, and a scramble down.
    The sluice gates on the dam are closed. Behind the dam, there can be seen a wide
    reservoir. Water is pouring over the top of the now abandoned dam.
    There is a control panel here. There is a large metal bolt on the  panel. Above
    the bolt is a small green plastic bubble.
    The green bubble is glowing.
    >turn bolt with wrench
    The sluice gates open and water pours through the dam.
    >drop wrench
    Reservoir South                                  Score: 70       Moves: 90
    the bolt is a small green plastic bubble.
    The green bubble is glowing.
    >turn bolt with wrench
    The sluice gates open and water pours through the dam.
    >drop wrench
    >go west
    Reservoir South
    You are in a long room. To the north is a large lake, too deep to cross. You
    notice, however, that the water level appears to be dropping at a rapid rate.
    Before long, it might be possible to cross to the other side from here.
    There is a path along the stream to the east or west, a steep pathway climbing
    southwest along the edge of a chasm, and a path leading into a canyon to the
    Time passes...
    Time passes...
    >go north
    You are not equipped for swimming.
    >get trunk
    I can't see any trunk here.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot wait
    go north
    get trunk

  • 🔀

    Reservoir South                                  Score: 70       Moves: 92
    You are in a long room. To the north is a large lake, too deep to cross. You
    notice, however, that the water level appears to be dropping at a rapid rate.
    Before long, it might be possible to cross to the other side from here.
    There is a path along the stream to the east or west, a steep pathway climbing
    southwest along the edge of a chasm, and a path leading into a canyon to the
    Time passes...
    Time passes...
    >go north
    You are not equipped for swimming.
    >get trunk
    I can't see any trunk here.
    Time passes...
    >go north
    You are not equipped for swimming.
    You notice that the water level is quite low here, and that you might be able to
    cross over to the other side.
    >get trunk
    I can't see any trunk here.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go north
    get trunk

  • 🔀

    Reservoir                                        Score: 85       Moves: 94
    Time passes...
    Time passes...
    >go north
    You are not equipped for swimming.
    >get trunk
    I can't see any trunk here.
    Time passes...
    >go north
    You are not equipped for swimming.
    You notice that the water level is quite low here, and that you might be able to
    cross over to the other side.
    >get trunk
    I can't see any trunk here.
    >go north
    You are on what used to be a large lake, but which is now a large mud pile.
    There are 'shores' to the north and south.
    Lying half buried in the mud is an old trunk, bulging with jewels.
    >get trunk

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go south
    go southwest
    go southwest
    go west
    go south
    go up
    put trunk in case

  • 🔀

    Living Room                                      Score: 90       Moves: 102
    >go south
    Reservoir South
    >go southwest
    A chasm runs southwest to northeast and the path follows it. You are on the
    south side of the chasm, where a crack opens into a passage.
    >go southwest
    East-West Passage
    >go west
    The Troll Room
    There is a sword here.
    There is a bloody axe here.
    >go south
    >go up
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A painting
    A bag of coins
    >put trunk in case

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go down
    go north
    go east
    go north
    go northeast
    go north
    go north
    get pump
    go north
    get trident

  • 🔀

    Atlantis Room                                    Score: 94       Moves: 112
    >go north
    >go northeast
    Reservoir South
    >go north
    >go north
    Reservoir North
    You are in a large cavernous room, the south of which was formerly a lake.
    However, with the water level lowered, there is merely a wide stream running
    through there.
    There is a slimy stairway leaving the room to the north.
    There is a hand-held air pump here.
    >get pump
    >go north
    Atlantis Room
    This is an ancient room, long under water. There is an exit to the south and a
    staircase leading up.
    On the shore lies Poseidon's own crystal trident.
    >get trident

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go up
    go north
    go north
    go west
    go down
    go up
    put trident in case

  • 🔀

    Living Room                                      Score: 105      Moves: 120
    sides of the room.
    >go north
    Cold Passage
    This is a cold and damp corridor where a long east-west passageway turns into a
    southward path.
    >go west
    Slide Room
    This is a small chamber, which appears to have been part of a coal mine. On the
    south wall of the chamber the letters "Granite Wall" are etched in the rock. To
    the east is a long passage, and there is a steep metal slide twisting downward.
    To the north is a small opening.
    >go down
    >go up
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A trunk of jewels
    A painting
    A bag of coins
    >put trident in case

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go east
    go up
    get rope
    go down
    go west
    go down
    go north
    go east
    go east
    go southeast
    go east
    tie rope to railing
    go down
    turn off lamp
    get torch

  • 🔀

    Torch Room                                       Score: 119      Moves: 136
    There are old engravings on the walls here.
    >go east
    Dome Room
    You are at the periphery of a large dome, which forms the ceiling of another
    room below. Protecting you from a precipitous drop is a wooden railing which
    circles the dome.
    >tie rope to railing
    The rope drops over the side and comes within ten feet of the floor.
    A 'lean and hungry' gentleman just wandered through, carrying a large bag.
    Finding nothing of value, he left disgruntled.
    >go down
    Torch Room
    This is a large room with a prominent doorway leading to a down staircase. Above
    you is a large dome. Up around the edge of the dome (20 feet up) is a wooden
    railing. In the center of the room there is a white marble pedestal.
    A piece of rope descends from the railing above, ending some five feet above
    your head.
    Sitting on the pedestal is a flaming torch, made of ivory.
    >turn off lamp
    The lamp is now off.
    >get torch

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go south

  • 🔀

    Temple                                           Score: 119      Moves: 139
    Enter a file name.
    Default is "z2.qzl": z2.qzl
    >go south
    This is the north end of a large temple. On the east wall is an ancient
    inscription, probably a prayer in a long-forgotten language. Below the prayer is
    a staircase leading down. The west wall is solid granite. The exit to the north
    end of the room is through huge marble pillars.
    There is a small brass bell here.
    You are carrying:
    A torch
    A hand-held air pump
    A screwdriver
    A matchbook
    A lamp
    A brown sack
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot drop everything
    get torch

  • 🔀

    Temple                                           Score: 119      Moves: 140
    >go south
    This is the north end of a large temple. On the east wall is an ancient
    inscription, probably a prayer in a long-forgotten language. Below the prayer is
    a staircase leading down. The west wall is solid granite. The exit to the north
    end of the room is through huge marble pillars.
    There is a small brass bell here.
    You are carrying:
    A torch
    A hand-held air pump
    A screwdriver
    A matchbook
    A lamp
    A brown sack
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic
    >drop everything
    I don't know the word 'everything'.
    >get torch
    You already have it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot drop all
    get torch

  • 🔀

    Temple                                           Score: 119      Moves: 142
    You are carrying:
    A torch
    A hand-held air pump
    A screwdriver
    A matchbook
    A lamp
    A brown sack
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic
    >drop everything
    I don't know the word 'everything'.
    >get torch
    You already have it.
    >drop all
    torch: Dropped.
    hand-held air pump: Dropped.
    screwdriver: Dropped.
    matchbook: Dropped.
    lamp: Dropped.
    brown sack: Dropped.
    >get torch

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go east
    get coffin
    open coffin
    get sceptre
    go west
    go south
    go east
    go south
    go east
    enter house
    go west
    put sceptre in case
    put coffin in case

  • 🔀

    Egyptian Room                                    Score: 133      Moves: 147
    lamp: Dropped.
    brown sack: Dropped.
    >get torch
    Enter a file name.
    Default is "z2.qzl": z2.qzl
    >go east
    Egyptian Room
    This is a room which looks like an Egyptian tomb. There is an ascending
    staircase to the west.
    The solid-gold coffin used for the burial of Ramses II is here.
    >get coffin
    >open coffin
    The gold coffin opens.
    A sceptre, possibly that of ancient Egypt itself, is in the coffin. One end
    tapers to a very sharp point. The sceptre is ornamented with many colors of
    >get sceptre
    Living Room                                      Score: 154      Moves: 157
    >go south
    North of House
    >go east
    Behind House
    >enter house
    A clear glass bottle is here.
    The glass bottle contains:
    A quantity of water
    A hot pepper sandwich is here.
    >go west
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A crystal trident
    A trunk of jewels
    A painting
    A bag of coins
    >put sceptre in case
    >put coffin in case

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go down
    go north
    go east
    go east
    go southeast
    go east
    go down
    go south
    get matchbook
    get bell
    open matchbook
    go south
    get candles
    get book

  • 🔀

    Cellar                                           Score: 154      Moves: 159
    A clear glass bottle is here.
    The glass bottle contains:
    A quantity of water
    A hot pepper sandwich is here.
    >go west
    Living Room
    There is a skeleton key here.
    Your collection of treasures consists of:
    A crystal trident
    A trunk of jewels
    A painting
    A bag of coins
    >put sceptre in case
    >put coffin in case
    Enter a file name.
    Default is "z2.qzl": z3.qzl
    >go down
    Altar                                            Score: 154      Moves: 172
    There is a brown sack here.
    The brown sack contains:
    A clove of garlic
    There is a brass lantern (battery-powered) here.
    There is a matchbook whose cover says 'Visit Beautiful FCD#3' here.
    There is a screwdriver here.
    There is a hand-held air pump here.
    There is a small brass bell here.
    >get matchbook
    >get bell
    >open matchbook
    You must tell me how to do that to a matchbook.
    >go south
    On the two ends of the altar are burning candles.
    On the altar is a large black book, open to page 569.
    >get candles
    >get book

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot put out candles

  • 🔀

    Altar                                            Score: 154      Moves: 173
    >get bell
    >open matchbook
    You must tell me how to do that to a matchbook.
    >go south
    On the two ends of the altar are burning candles.
    On the altar is a large black book, open to page 569.
    >get candles
    >get book
    >put out candles
    I don't understand that sentence.
    You are carrying:
    A black book
    A pair of candles
    A bell
    A matchbook
    A torch

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot extinguish candles

  • 🔀

    Altar                                            Score: 154      Moves: 174
    >open matchbook
    You must tell me how to do that to a matchbook.
    >go south
    On the two ends of the altar are burning candles.
    On the altar is a large black book, open to page 569.
    >get candles
    >get book
    >put out candles
    I don't understand that sentence.
    You are carrying:
    A black book
    A pair of candles
    A bell
    A matchbook
    A torch
    >extinguish candles
    The flame is extinguished.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go down
    go down
    ring bell
    get candles
    light match

  • 🔀

    Entrance to Hades                                Score: 154      Moves: 179
    This is a tiny cave with entrances west and north, and a dark, forbidding
    staircase leading down.
    >go down
    Entrance to Hades
    You are outside a large gateway, on which is inscribed
    "Abandon every hope, all ye who enter here."
    The gate is open; through it you can see a desolation, with a pile of mangled
    bodies in one corner. Thousands of voices, lamenting some hideous fate, can be
    The way through the gate is barred by evil spirits, who jeer at your attempts to
    >ring bell
    Ding, dong.
    The bell suddenly becomes red hot and falls to the ground. The wraiths, as if
    paralyzed, stop their jeering and slowly turn to face you. On their ashen faces,
    the expression of a long-forgotten terror takes shape.
    In your confusion, the candles drop to the ground (and they are out).
    >get candles
    >light match
    One of the matches starts to burn.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot light candles
    read book
    extinguish candles
    drop book
    go south
    get skull

  • 🔀

    Entrance to Hades                                Score: 154      Moves: 185
    Dost thou know the magnitude of thy sin before the gods?
    Yea, verily, thou shalt be ground between two stones.
    Shall the angry gods cast thy body into the whirlpool?
    Surely, thy eye shall be put out with a sharp stick!
    Even unto the ends of the earth shalt thou wander and
    Unto the land of the dead shalt thou be sent at last.
    Surely thou shalt repent of thy cunning.
    >extinguish candles
    The candles are not lighted.
    The tension of this ceremony is broken, and the wraiths, amused but shaken at
    your clumsy attempt, resume their hideous jeering.
    >drop book
    >go south
    Some invisible force prevents you from passing through the gate.
    >get skull
    I can't see any skull here.
    You are carrying:
    A pair of candles
    A matchbook
    A torch

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot restore
    go down
    go north
    go east
    go east
    go southeast
    go east
    go down
    go south
    get matchbook
    get bell
    open matchbook
    go south
    get candles
    get book
    extinguish candles

  • 🔀

    Altar                                            Score: 154      Moves: 174
    >get bell
    >open matchbook
    You must tell me how to do that to a matchbook.
    >go south
    On the two ends of the altar are burning candles.
    On the altar is a large black book, open to page 569.
    >get candles
    >get book
    >extinguish candles
    The flame is extinguished.
    You are carrying:
    A black book
    A pair of candles
    A bell
    A matchbook
    A torch

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot save
    go down
    go down
    ring bell
    get candles
    light match
    light candles with match

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