WTF Bites

  • Banned

    TIL NASCAR rules are being kept secret from the public. Like, what the fucking fuck? How can you even have a sport if the spectators don't know the rules!?

  • @Gąska
    Rule #1: Turn left

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gąska It's motor racing, the important rules that a spectator needs to understand what's going on are obvious. Go around the circuit faster than the other drivers.

    The rule books contain the tedious technical details like the specification of the approved fuel can, or the minimum clearance of the front air dam that you don't need to know to watch it.

  • Banned

    @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    @Gąska It's motor racing, the important rules that a spectator needs to understand what's going on are obvious. Go around the circuit faster than the other drivers.

    And yet, whenever I see some NASCAR highlights video, it's always about some weird ruling making the winner someone else than the person who crossed the finish line first.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    And yet, whenever I see some NASCAR highlights video, it's always about some weird ruling making the winner someone else than the person who crossed the finish line first.

    When I see NASCAR highlights, I expect stuff flying upside-down-sideways, into the walls and each other, amidst glorious amount of smoke.


    @Applied-Mediocrity said in WTF Bites:

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    And yet, whenever I see some NASCAR highlights video, it's always about some weird ruling making the winner someone else than the person who crossed the finish line first.

    When I see NASCAR highlights, I expect stuff flying upside-down-sideways, into the walls and each other, amidst glorious amount of means the remote is broken.



    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    @Gąska It's motor racing, the important rules that a spectator needs to understand what's going on are obvious. Go around the circuit faster than the other drivers.

    And yet, whenever I see some NASCAR highlights video, it's always about some weird ruling making the winner someone else than the person who crossed the finish line first.

    I assume I'm the only NASCAR fan on the forum, so here's what's up.

    The rules for car construction are not released to the public at large, mostly because most of the public wouldn't understand them. (Also because the marketing is focused around the drivers, not the actual cars - see F1 for the opposite strategy.)

    The driving rules are released through the media. You'll pick them up if you watch a few races on TV, especially early in the season. There's a couple people you can follow on Twitter to pick them up as well.

    In NASCAR's top series (currently named the Cup series), going back to 1949, the winning driver has always been the one to cross the finish line first. Through multiple iterations of changes, the guiding principle was "We want the winner to be the one the fans saw in Victory Lane." Previously, the winner could be penalized for driving an illegal car, but they wouldn't take the win away.

    Starting with the 2019 season, they changed the rule so they could actually take the win away from the driver of a sufficiently illegal car. This has never been used at the top level, although it has been used in both of the minor leagues.

  • Banned

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in WTF Bites:

    The driving rules are released through the media. You'll pick them up if you watch a few races on TV, especially early in the season.

    As a lifelong not-really-fan of football, I can tell you that's load of bull. Yes, most of the rules that apply in most situations will be obviously visible at play within a few minutes, regardless of which sport it is. But then some rare scenario happens that triggers rarely used rules, and people go "WTF just happened, WTF is the referee doing, WTF is this game, rigged, I tell you, everything is rigged, this cannot be happening". You can watch every match in the league for several seasons and never see the game resume after pause with the referee throwing the ball himself - but that's absolutely within the rules, it just rarely happens. Same with offside. The most common explanation of the offside rule, the one everyone hears the first time they ask someone about it - "you can't pass forward to someone who's behind the last defender of the opposing team" - is actually wrong. The scenario where the difference from actual rules matters virtually never happen, but the difference is still there. There has been at least one post-match riot that was caused by losing team's fans not knowing it.

    But yeah, if the only thing you care about is cars going vrrrrrrrrr, I can see why it may not matter to you. Maybe I'm in the wrong for caring about more than just cars going vrrrrrrr.


    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in WTF Bites:

    The driving rules are released through the media. You'll pick them up if you watch a few races on TV, especially early in the season.

    As a lifelong not-really-fan of football, I can tell you that's load of bull. Yes, most of the rules that apply in most situations will be obviously visible at play within a few minutes, regardless of which sport it is. But then some rare scenario happens that triggers rarely used rules, and people go "WTF just happened, WTF is the referee doing, WTF is this game, rigged, I tell you, everything is rigged, this cannot be happening". You can watch every match in the league for several seasons and never see the game resume after pause with the referee throwing the ball himself - but that's absolutely within the rules, it just rarely happens. Same with offside. The most common explanation of the offside rule, the one everyone hears the first time they ask someone about it - "you can't pass forward to someone who's behind the last defender of the opposing team" - is actually wrong. The scenario where the difference from actual rules matters virtually never happen, but the difference is still there.

    But yeah, if the only thing you care about is cars going vrrrrrrrrr, I can see why it may not matter to you. Maybe I'm in the wrong for caring about more than just cars going vrrrrrrr.

    You're right. That happens sometimes.

    But the totality of the driving rules are simpler than the rules for any other sport that I'm aware of, which means there are fewer corner cases that come up rarely. I'd prefer it if the put out the driving rules in a PDF nobody reads, but it's not really a huge deal.

    There's a little more to it than the cars going vrrrr, but not all that much mode.

    If you don't mind me asking, do you follow NASCAR?

  • Banned

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in WTF Bites:

    If you don't mind me asking, do you follow NASCAR?

    Not at all. I used to watch F1 every so often back when Kubica was cool, but that's about it - nowadays I only watch motorsports if some short clip gets recommended to me on YouTube. And the one time I looked up actual F1 racing rules, even just the part about what's allowed during a race is way more complicated than one would think from just watching.


    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    And the one time I looked up actual F1 racing rules, even just the part about what's allowed during a race is way more complicated than one would think from just watching.

    I hear that. The current FIA rulebook actually allows this thing we have in NASCAR called "passing," but you'd never figure that out from watching F1 on TV. :half-trolling:

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in WTF Bites:

    this thing we have in NASCAR called "passing,"

    That's when you gain a spot on the track because someone had to pit, right? :tro-pop:

  • Banned

    I've just got a spam text with a "survey" link that promises $100 phone bill credit. The link contains raw IP address. Scammers are getting lazier and lazier.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    the one everyone hears the first time they ask someone about it - "you can't pass forward to someone who's behind the last defender of the opposing team" - is actually wrong.

    I'm not a fan of football either, but even I know passing forward is not the problem. The other player touching the ball, or somehow affecting play, is.

    Also, I don't think the rule mentions the last defender, but the second-to-last member of the opposing team. It just happens that more often than not, the last one is the keeper.

    I'd search for the exact rules, but I'm not that interested.

  • Java Dev

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in WTF Bites:

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    And the one time I looked up actual F1 racing rules, even just the part about what's allowed during a race is way more complicated than one would think from just watching.

    I hear that. The current FIA rulebook actually allows this thing we have in NASCAR called "passing," but you'd never figure that out from watching F1 on TV. :half-trolling:

    Based on what I read in the news paper there is this Dutch F1 pilot (why are they even called pilots) who does it sometimes, but I don't really pay attention.


  • Here's what happens when you don't install the Day 1 patch.

  • Considered Harmful


    It is speculated that Mercedes retrospectively performed tests at its own test track to find the cause of the accidents, but the tests apparently produced ‘no conclusion’

    It passed the tests! 🏆

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    Here's what happens when you don't install the Day 1 patch.

    Physics glitch. The real trick is to use those to go round the track faster. Then you win!

  • Banned

    @Zecc said in WTF Bites:

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    the one everyone hears the first time they ask someone about it - "you can't pass forward to someone who's behind the last defender of the opposing team" - is actually wrong.

    I'm not a fan of football either, but even I know passing forward is not the problem. The other player touching the ball, or somehow affecting play, is.

    Lolnope. Offside is often getting whistled before the receiving player touches the ball. Sometimes when the ball is still high in the air. It's dumb, but that's the rules.

    Also, I don't think the rule mentions the last defender, but the second-to-last member of the opposing team. It just happens that more often than not, the last one is the keeper.

    Yup, that's what I was referring to.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    As a friend put it: you are from the East, you are suspect.

    Unless you have award-winning tits.

  • @Zerosquare said in WTF Bites:

    Ray tracer written in pure CMake

    Nope thread is :arrows:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    I've just got a spam text with a "survey" link that promises $100 phone bill credit. The link contains raw IP address. Scammers are getting lazier and lazier.

    My father did too!
    I told him: if whoever texted you just spooges a URL at you and that's it? Don't click it.

  • Uhm, Microsoft, WHY?


    Even the docs are no forbidden...

    Wait, I guess: that's because my machine is still running Windows 7 - M$ tells me the hard way to downgrade it so they can better spy on me (butt what would they see? I've learned a lot from Wally....).


    they probably moved the cheese

  • @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    my machine is still running Windows 7 - M$ tells me the hard way to downgrade it

    And the next message in that direction:

    Windows-iotcore-samples-master\Samples\HelloBlinky\CS\Blinky.csproj : error : You need to be running Windows 10 to open this project. Please update to Windows 10 to continue development of your Universal Windows app project.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    they probably moved the cheese

    Along the correlation vector...

  • @BernieTheBernie: Microsoft is clearly trying to prevent you from doing IoT stuff. For once, I'd consider that a useful feature.

  • @Gąska said in WTF Bites:

    The link contains raw IP address. Scammers are getting lazier and lazier.

    I am surprised they are passing on the large target base of iDiots.

    Unless the mail app has some workaround, iPhones and iPads will use IPv6 only, presumably if available on the network. In the previous job we had to fix some internal protocol where the initial service returned addresses to some back-ends due to this—the iPhones switched to IPv6 and the 6-to-4 mapping is network dependent, so we couldn't guess it and needed to create DNS records that would be translated by the DNS. That was at least six years ago.

  • @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    You need to be running Windows 10 to open this project. Please update to Windows 10 to continue development of your Universal Windows app project.

    This has been the case since the first Metro. We needed Windows 8 when we developed for Windows Phone 8 back when it was a thing. It just continued with UWP needing Windows 10.

    The libraries are not available on older Windows, so the application won't run. Now it would theoretically be possible to build it there, but :kneeling_warthog:. After all, there is little point if you can't test it.

    Note that the need for libraries applies to the emulator too. I suspect that since the APIs are DCOM, the emulator just forwards to the host for the UI and therefore needs the corresponding API there too.

  • Considered Harmful

    Hipster patch notes:


    Windows Terminal release notes. You know, a little indie developer named Microsoft.

  • @error … who are so cheap they don't even do schema validation during the build…


    @error said in WTF Bites:

    Hipster patch notes

    That's got nothing on discord. The thing they show to the users just made me roll my eyes so hard I nearly had to go to the ER.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    @error … who are so cheap they don't even do schema validation during the build…

    I think the problem is they use JSONC in all their devtools and pipelines, and probably forgot that the JSON Schema document they were publishing needed to be proper JSON.

  • @error Would they be so evil to their users?

    See, the JSON-ish formats they generally require their customers to use (like the azure resource templates) do allow comments, but do not allow any trailing commas. So if they do allow trailing commas for themselves, but not us regular plebs, they are … evil.

    And of course it still not apologise them for not using a validator. A schema validator would complain bitch that it is not JSON.

    Filed under: FFH

  • @error I'm picturing @Don-Vito and @slopra as cowboys who gallop into town, fire off lines of code as they race through, and then disappear back into the wilderness.

  • Banned

    @error said in WTF Bites:


    Literally just the first Google result gave me 4 different answers what it might be.

    • C library for handling JSON
    • JSON format but with comments
    • A different JSON format with comments
    • JS library for minimizing JSON objects

    There should be ICANN-like organization for naming projects.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Outlook you useless piece of shit.

    I need a timed token to log into one of services at work, it's sent by email. I enter my password, click login and wait for the message. Nothing happens for 2 minutes.

    Ah, the useless crap called outlook is fucked again, let's restart it.
    Silence, nothing happens. Nothing new, it failed to start.
    Kill process in the manager, start it again. It started, how wonderfull.

    The token is expired by now, so login to the service again. Wait. Nothing happens.
    Check every folder just in case. Make sure 5 times the inbox displayed is the real inbox. Sorting by date, maybe this is fucked. Nope, displaying yesterday and today like it should. Scroll all of inbox just to be sure. No luck.

    Well, it looks like the tokens are not sent at all. But wait... what is this new button on top of inbox? "Display other 8 messages from today" Motherfucker

  • @MrL said in WTF Bites:

    Outlook you useless piece of shit.

    I need a timed token to log into one of services at work, it's sent by email. I enter my password, click login and wait for the message. Nothing happens for 2 minutes.

    Ah, the useless crap called outlook is fucked again, let's restart it.
    Silence, nothing happens. Nothing new, it failed to start.
    Kill process in the manager, start it again. It started, how wonderfull.

    The token is expired by now, so login to the service again. Wait. Nothing happens.
    Check every folder just in case. Make sure 5 times the inbox displayed is the real inbox. Sorting by date, maybe this is fucked. Nope, displaying yesterday and today like it should. Scroll all of inbox just to be sure. No luck.

    Well, it looks like the tokens are not sent at all. But wait... what is this new button on top of inbox? "Display other 8 messages from today" Motherfucker

    I have spent almost one hour hunting down the one "unread mail" I had, last week. Fortunately, I did manage to google the correct procedure: "Properties" in context menu, then "Empty Cache".


  • Chrome can be very annoying with its updates. It finds ways to circumvent the procedures you take to prevent it from updates. But eventually, it worked:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @BernieTheBernie Considering how many security vulnerabilities get announced for Chrome :trwtf: here is blocking it from updating.

  • @BernieTheBernie said in WTF Bites:

    Chrome can be very annoying with its updates. It finds ways to circumvent the procedures you take to prevent it from updates. But eventually, it worked:

    Ubuntu has transitioned Chromium to Snap, which I ended up doing on my and my family computers running Debian as well, because Debian hasn't updated Chromium some half a year. Now Snap has the feature that it updates itself, and because it is a kind of container, it works on newer and older systems alike, so overall simplification indeed.

    It has one downside though: when the snap updates itself, it does not make the upper-right icon red or start asking you for restart or something like that. No. It simply breaks and all new page loads show the “Aw, Snap!” error dialog until you restart it.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    “Aw, Snap!” error dialog

    I don't know how I feel about this.

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    It has one downside though: when the snap updates itself, it does not make the upper-right icon red or start asking you for restart or something like that. No. It simply breaks and all new page loads show the “Aw, Snap!” error dialog until you restart it.

    So, exactly the thing that Mozilla does?

  • @Kamil-Podlesak A bit worse. With mozilla either only playback relying on the widevine worm stops working, or if everything stops working, the page actually says restarting the browser is required. In the Chromium case it is just generic errors.

  • @Bulb said in WTF Bites:

    when the snap updates itself, ... all new page loads show the “Aw, Snap!” error dialog until you restart it.

    Thus, the name of the browser.

  • @HardwareGeek said in WTF Bites:

    Thus, the name of the browser container.


  • Considered Harmful


    Last online 8 years before they joined.

  • @loopback0 said in WTF Bites:

    @BernieTheBernie Considering how many security vulnerabilities get announced for Chrome :trwtf: here is blocking it from updating.

    ... installing more fresh vulnerabilities plus some resurrected older vulnerabilities.

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