:fa_bullhorn: The sound of AN ANNOUNCEMENT BEING MADE (or: Request for Comments: Comments)

  • Fun fact: @apapadimoulis experienced jellypotato during today's meeting.

    Filed under: 🍠

  • 29/2 17:32 [232] - warn: NodeBB Setup Aborted.
     Error: schema-out-of-date
    ben@australium:~$ docker exec -ti wtdwtf-nodebb-1.0.0 ./nodebb upgrade
    1. Bringing base dependencies up to date... OK
    2. Updating NodeBB data store schema.
    29/2 17:33 [262] - warn: You have no mongo password setup!
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [database] Checking database indices.
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: Beginning database schema update
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/09/30] Converting default Gravatar image to default User Avatar skipped
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/11/06] Gravatar removal skipped
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/12/15] Upgrading chats
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: skipping chat message  1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: adding message 2 to new roomID 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: adding message 3 to new roomID 2
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/12/15] Chats upgrade done!
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/12/23] Upgrading chat room hashes
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/12/23] Chats room hashes upgrade done!
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/12/23] Adding theme to active plugins sorted set
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2015/12/23] Adding theme to active plugins sorted set done!
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: [2016/01/14] Creating user best post sorted sets
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 797186 uid: 595 votes: 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 797189 uid: 595 votes: 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 797221 uid: 598 votes: 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 797254 uid: 289 votes: 5
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 4 uid: 1988 votes: 2
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 18946 uid: 2053 votes: 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 18947 uid: 4 votes: 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 18949 uid: 1964 votes: 1
    29/2 17:33 [262] - info: processing pid: 18953 uid: 1931 votes: 1
    [snip 800k lines of that]

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    @ben_lubar said:

    29/2 17:33 [262] - warn: You have no mongo password setup!

    Filed Under: TRWTF

  • Why would I need a mongodb password if it's only accessible from docker containers on the same host?

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    So you don't get warned about it? Obviously?!

    Filed Under: Also, never expect anything to ONLY be accesible from certain targets... ever #security101

  • @Kuro said:

    Also, never expect anything to ONLY be accesible from certain targets... ever #security101

    Unless Docker is horribly broken, it's accessible to anything that can access the virtual network interface that Docker provides. Which is just the computer in the other room of my basement.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    @ben_lubar said:

    Unless Docker is horribly broken

    Unless you can prove that Docker is not horribly broken, I'd say you should assume that it is broken in a way you don't even know!

    Filed Under: Also: Discourse (mis)uses Docker... so there is that

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @ben_lubar said:

    Let's start with private messages. To the vim room!

    Step 1: Design PMs so they aren't private, and can leak information all over the place
    Step 2: do the opposite of that design.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    do the opposite of that design.

    Would that mean not importing PMs?


    Why are you missing the opportunity to use hunter2 as a password?

  • @ben_lubar said:

    Can anyone think of any tags I missed?

    I think most allowed tags should allow title, except maybe:

    • hr and br, because if anyone tried to put a title on one of those... TDEMSYR
    • blockquote, code, pre, tt, and all the table-related tags, because it feels :doing_it_wrong: to have title there

    @ben_lubar said:

    Ok, this is weird.

    @AlexMedia said:

    HTML sanitisation is hard.

    If I was trying to do this in Javascript, I'd probably do something like this, to take care of unmatched tags, making the browser do the work:

    // preliminary sanitize whatever is in htmlToSanitize... make sure there are no scripts in it
    var e = document.createElement("span");
    e.innerHTML = htmlToSanitize;
    htmlToSanitize = e.innerHTML;
    // htmlToSanitize contains valid HTML now, so we can finish sanitizing it


    // preliminary sanitize whatever is in htmlToSanitize... make sure there are no scripts in it
    htmlToSanitize = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(htmlToSanitize, "text/html").body.innerHTML;
    // htmlToSanitize contains valid HTML now, so we can finish sanitizing it


    Obviously you can't do it client-side, and if you're running on server then you don't have the browser, but there are DOM-parser modules for Node.js that I would imagine might do something similar.

    This also may have the added benefit that anything "clever" that's done to try to confuse your sanitize will get dumbed down in the process:

  • var metaCid = db.objects.findOne({_key: '_imported:_categories', value: '3'}).score;
    db.objects.find({_key: 'categories:cid'}, {_id: 0, value: 1}).forEach(function(cid) {
    	var cat = db.objects.findOne({_key: 'category:' + cid.value});
    	function icon(name) {
    		db.objects.update({_key: cat._key}, {$set: {icon: name}});
    	function disable() {
    		db.objects.update({_key: cat._key}, {$set: {disabled: 1}});
    	function moveToMeta() {
    		db.objects.remove({_key: 'cid:' + cat.parentCid + ':children', value: cid.value});
    		db.objects.update({_key: cat._key}, {$set: {parentCid: metaCid}});
    		db.objects.insert({_key: 'cid:' + metaCid + ':children', value: cid.value, score: +cid.value});
    	function onlyGroups(names) {
    		db.objects.remove({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:find:members', value: {$ne: 'administrators'}});
    		db.objects.remove({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:read:members', value: {$ne: 'administrators'}});
    		db.objects.remove({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:topics:create:members', value: {$ne: 'administrators'}});
    		db.objects.remove({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:topics:reply:members', value: {$ne: 'administrators'}});
    		names.forEach(function(name) {
    			db.objects.insert({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:find:members', value: name, score: +new Date()});
    			db.objects.insert({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:read:members', value: name, score: +new Date()});
    			db.objects.insert({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:topics:create:members', value: name, score: +new Date()});
    			db.objects.insert({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:topics:reply:members', value: name, score: +new Date()});
    	function noReply() {
    		db.objects.remove({_key: 'group:cid:' + cid.value + ':privileges:groups:topics:reply:members', value: {$ne: 'administrators'}});
    	switch (cat._imported_path) {
    	case '/c/article':
    	case '/c/article/authors-discussion':
    	case '/c/coder-challenge':
    	case '/c/funny-stuff':
    	case '/c/games':
    	case '/c/games/mafia':
    	case '/c/general':
    	case '/c/general/look-at-me':
    	case '/c/general-discussion':
    	case '/c/general-help':
    	case '/c/general-help/coding-help':
    	case '/c/meta':
    	case '/c/meta/bug':
    	case '/c/meta/faqs':
    	case '/c/meta/flags-badges':
    	case '/c/meta/migration':
    	case '/c/meta/one-post':
    	case '/c/meta/the-lounge':
    		onlyGroups(['trust_level_3', 'trust_level_4', 'Global Moderators']);
    	case '/c/meta/turn-left':
    		onlyGroups(['trust_level_4', 'Global Moderators']);
    	case '/c/meta/staff':
    		onlyGroups(['Global Moderators']);
    	case '/c/programmers-testing':
    		onlyGroups(['programmers_testers', 'Global Moderators']);
    	case '/c/programmers-testing/bot-testing':
    		onlyGroups(['programmers_testers', 'bots', 'Global Moderators']);
    	case '/c/programmers-testing/tbd':
    		onlyGroups(['programmers_testers', 'Global Moderators']);
    	case '/c/rubbish':
    	case '/c/side-bar-wtf':
    	case '/c/side-bar-wtf/codesod':
    	case '/c/side-bar-wtf/errord':
    	case '/c/the-i-hate-oracle-club':
    	case '/c/uncategorized':

    Anyone have any changes they'd like to make?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @ben_lubar said:

    Anyone have any changes they'd like to make?

    if (cat._author == "blakeyrat")
       cat._title += ":fa_magic::moon::elephant:" + GetRandomEmoji();

  • I'm pretty sure there are no categories _authored by @blakeyrat.

  • You know how it's great when I make a funny joke and then humorless asshats like Lorne here just repeat it over and over and over again until I want to kill myself.

  • Ok, the poll plugin is completely broken. It doesn't support topics with more than one poll, polls can only have a poll in the first post, and it hooks into post editing instead of post rendering so you have to do a hard refresh to see changes and the imported polls won't render as anything at all.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    you have to do a hard refresh to see changes

    :wtf: :doing_it_wrong:

    Seriously, that needs fixing.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    You know how it's great when I make a funny joke and then humorless asshats like Lorne here just repeat it over and over and over again until I want to kill myself.

    I'm still waiting for you to make a funny joke. :moon:🐘

  • FoxDev

    i read that as: 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓

    and was all:

  • Well, in XCOM 2, the enemy win condition is that progress bar filling up. So you are correct about reaction%20image.jpeg

  • If anyone is having trouble accessing the test forum, it's because I'm uploading 9 hours of Dwarf Fortress video. It should be back to normal in about half an hour.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @ben_lubar said:

    polls can only have a poll in the first postpoll

    Didn't think you'd typed "Poll" enough in there

  • FoxDev


    • poll
    • poll poll
    • poll poll poll
    • poll poll poll poll poll, poll poll poll
    • poll poll, poll
    • POLL!

  • Okay, this is going well, so let's open it up.

    Everyone can now access https://discourse.local.lubar.me/

    You'll have to reset your password before you log in as passwords are not part of the import.

    See if you can find anything else broken, and I'll be watching the slow query log to make sure there's nothing insane in there.

    Remember that posts on the testing forum will not be retained when the import happens.

  • FoxDev


  • FoxDev

    Yeah, I got that; it worked second time around though


    Bug report: I clicked on @aliceif's profile link and the forum didn't crash.


  • FoxDev


    when resetting password I can only provide Email Address, this email address links to @Accalia_de_Elementia as well as @accalia due to import from CS. This means i'm effectively locked out of my proper account after the migration!


    @accalia's email address SHA1 = 1d74bc05f208e2924b638d8a9145ea11863c1b6e
    @Accalia_de_Elementia's email address SHA1 = 0c84edea37ddce8bb4f431cf7f056aabffb52ad9

  • FoxDev

    Changing the email for @Accalia_de_elementia to attempt to unmask @accalia also fails! it appears @accalia does not have an email address associated with the import!

  • FoxDev

    did you take that just now? because i did just change it to test something?

  • Hint: they're on different domains

  • The password reset page isn't working for me - I get the page to enter an email address, enter my email, hit Reset Password, and nothing happens. I get a couple of JS errors loading the page:

    nodebb.min.js?b602bfd8-896c-424e-853c-b2ab9d9d7503:9 Uncaught TypeError: RegExp.prototype.sticky getter called on non-RegExp object
    sounds.js?b602bfd8-896c-424e-853c-b2ab9d9d7503:11 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined

    Running Windows Chrome 48.

    No JS errors or AJAX requests from clicking the button, just nothing.

  • I can't reproduce that :/

  • Tried on IE11. For both my real email and several test emails like test@mailinator.com, I get a popup in the corner saying "ERROR: Invalid Email"

  • I just tried with your email address and it said it was successful.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Great work @ben_lubar! It looks good.

    Thanks for putting the effort in to make the forum migration happen :-)

  • Oh huh, it does work in IE when I use the right email address. Still not working in Chrome though.

  • So this is what an old computer in my basement looks like when running NodeBB under moderate load.

  • FoxDev

    That can't be right. A modern, JS-heavy, packed-with-shiny, infiniscrolling, live-updating, Web-2.0-ing forum package that doesn't bring a server to its knees?

  • @RaceProUK said:


    Is it? I had to refresh to see new posts in the topic I had open.

    ETA: I also didn't get a reply notification. Those are still a thing, right?

  • That may have been because I was restarting it with a plugin that was requested installed.

  • Double huh, updated my Chome, and it works in there again. Weird JS gremlins maybe? I think this Chrome 49 update enabled some more ES6 stuff.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    If anyone is having trouble accessing the test forum, it's because I'm uploading 9 hours of Dwarf Fortress video. It should be back to normal in about half an hour.

    The Bad Ideas thread is ⬆⬆⬇⬇◀▶◀▶🅱🅰 ... or maybe I'm thinking of something else. 😕


    Well, so far, so good. I did hit a 503 at one point, any logs on that @ben_lubar? Don't have the exact timestamp, was within last hour I think, couldn't use main forums at the time to report.

  • OK, new posts and notifications are flying at me in real time now, thanks.

  • I have a log of a 503 response code at 07/Mar/2016:10:32:12 -0600

    There's also a log of me rebooting the forum at Mon, 07 Mar 2016 16:31:32 GMT


    Well, that would explain it, I guess.

    Also, that's one weird way to log times.

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