:baby_symbol: Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Jaloopa said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    On a related note, my oldest's school is doing a silent auction to raise funds and one of the prizes is a private vasectomy

    As opposed to a public one?

    as opposed to one through the NHS

  • I've been hiring nannies for the last three months, for the 4am-10am shift, so my wife can get some sleep.

    Nanny 1 caught Covid, and then had a family emergency shortly afterward of indefinite duration.

    Nanny 2 showed up on 80% of the work days for a month. And then 20% of work days for the next month. And then quit.

    Apparently, nobody wants to work at 4am, and I really can't fault them.

  • @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    for the 4am-10am shift, so my wife can get some sleep.

    My wife solved that by making me get up for any middle-of-the-night needs, despite my having to go into the office in the morning. 😴

  • @HardwareGeek said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    for the 4am-10am shift, so my wife can get some sleep.

    My wife solved that by making me get up for any middle-of-the-night needs, despite my having to go into the office in the morning. 😴

    My wife is a saint, and she takes the hit on sleep so that I can function at work. She's a keeper.

  • @HardwareGeek said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    for the 4am-10am shift, so my wife can get some sleep.

    My wife solved that by making me get up for any middle-of-the-night needs, despite my having to go into the office in the morning. 😴

    My husband did it for me. We both worked but he walked to work and I had at best a 45 min commute each way. And I had squeeze in pumping.

  • @Jaloopa said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    Decided to try for a 4th and final baby. 5th baby decided to come along for the ride. They're due in November.

    Damn off by one errors

    Congrats! πŸŽ‰

    My older girls are twins.

  • Notification Spam Recipient


  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Standardized testing results came back and let's just ignore for a moment that standardized testing is mostly bullshit. Both of my kids maxed out the tests for their grades. Kindergarten and 4th grade. Not only the highest results in their school, but the highest results their school has ever seen and the highest results ever seen in our city. Our 4th grader tested higher than 11th graders.

    I will readily admit that I have no idea how such a comparison is even possible considering that I would hope that the tests are slightly different but I'm a proud papa all the same.

    I will also admit that I had a slight bit more pride considering that they were both suspended this year. I didn't even know that getting suspended was possible in Kindergarten. My boys are over achievers.

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    they were both suspended this year. I didn't even know that getting suspended was possible in Kindergarten.

    I assume they were suspended for being politically incorrect.

  • @Polygeekery and you're sure they didn't threaten to burn down the teacher's house unless they got good scores, right? :tro-pop:

    But seriously, congratulations on both achievements. I'm sure they'll go far.

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    I will readily admit that I have no idea how such a comparison is even possible considering that I would hope that the tests are slightly different

    You didn't ask to see the test sheets?

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Polygeekery and you're sure they didn't threaten to burn down the teacher's house unless they got good scores, right? :tro-pop:

    Nah, that's too direct. @Polygeekery is more subtle than that.

    I'd expect something more like teaching his kids to answer questions so wrongly it triggers an integer underflow and the score ends up at 127%.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @HardwareGeek said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    I assume they were suspended for being politically incorrect.

    Kindergartener shanked a classmate with a pencil. 4th grader made a very inappropriate joke about killing the teachers that was overheard and caused quite a stir.

    I am sure that approximately no one is surprised by either of those.

    For the 4th grader I had to go through one of those situations where it would have been nice to have a piece of leather to bite down on to help bear the stress of them telling me that even though they knew for certain that what he said was a poor attempt at humor they still had to suspend him. Zero tolerance and all that. I did however point out to them that this was three days before xmas break started so really all they were doing was making his break longer.

    To make it all just so much better anytime something like that happens the police drop by your house to have a little chat. Even if the administrators tell you that they know for certain it was just a poor attempt at humor. One of the officers really did not like it when I asked if they had a warrant when they asked to come inside of the house. When I told my police friends about it all later they all thought it was pretty funny.

    It was overall a very net positive for him though. In the past ~5 months his sense of humor has grown by leaps and bounds and something about that experience made something click for him. He is getting to be hilarious where before most of his attempted jokes were a swing and a miss.

    The other part about meeting with the school administrators when he got suspended was there was a part in there where they kept saying that:

    πŸ‘¨ "There are some things that you should not ever joke about because they will never be funny."

    I kept my mouth shut for once but I really wanted to remind them of the George Carlin joke about school shootings.


  • Considered Harmful

    @Polygeekery hopefully the kindergartener managed to score a kill at least. Anything is funny if you wear a clown suit.

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    For the 4th grader I had to go through one of those situations where it would have been nice to have a piece of leather to bite down on to help bear the stress of them telling me that even though they knew for certain that what he said was a poor attempt at humor they still had to suspend him.

    Let me put it this way: Over here and at my school, the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one. Might also only have told him that this is highly inappropriate or likely ignored it altogether unless it was a frequent occurance.

    At my school, no one wants those class conferences and thus they're reserved only for the actually serious infractions like one pupil accusing another pupil of being a pedophile on Instagram (since they were class mates, we were kind of involved as well) or someone falsifying official documents to get around writing an exam.

    I mean, you have to sit in those conferences and have to look suitably grave and serious while you're simultaneously bored out of your skull.

  • @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one

    Once upon a time, that was true here. Then πŸ’© happened.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    Let me put it this way: Over here and at my school, the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one. Might also only have told him that this is highly inappropriate or likely ignored it altogether unless it was a frequent occurance.

    I see both sides of it. Yes, I do think that they overreacted. But I also would not want them to overlook it on another occasion and my child ending up harmed. I took up for my kid and told them that while I understood what they were doing I also thought that it was entirely ridiculous and then pointed out how they were only making his xmas break three days longer. And yes, my kid was present when I told them this.

    Keep in mind that they had no discretion in the matter as to whether or not he would be punished. The only discretion that they had was in how long the suspension or expulsion would be so he got the minimum of three days.

    The only other thing that happened with it was we had a conference for his IEP and one of the people in the meeting said something about how he has "really improved since he was suspended for the threats of violence".

    polygeekery "Yeah, that didn't happen."
    πŸ‘©πŸ« "What didn't happen?"
    polygeekery "He never made any threats of violence. He made a joke. He never threatened anyone."

    She let it go. If my kids fuck up they will be held accountable but I am not going to have them held accountable for things that didn't happen.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    If anyone is curious, when I was discussing the joke that got him suspended with him our 4th grader brought up one specific joke that I said a while back and how it could be funny but his wasn't.

    And before anyone asks, I don't remember his specific joke and the school administrators were never even that clear on the exact phrasing of what was said and I was too afraid to ask for fear that I might chuckle.

    But the joke he remembered of mine:

    We were driving home one night. All four of us, in my vehicle, on one of the major streets in our city. It is a five lane road. Two lanes in each direction with a turn lane in the middle. Not many traffic lights. There's this total fuckwit that keeps getting in my way. I'm trying to get around him but he keeps cutting me off. When there are not other cars around he speeds up so that it would be imprudent to pass and when we catch up with other cars they slow down and are blocking so that I cannot get past. They cut me off numerous times. I am getting annoyed. My wife says:

    πŸ‘© "Honey, just leave it alone. There's nothing you can do about it anyway."

    Without missing a beat I dryly reply:

    polygeekery "I disagree. There's plenty I could do about it."
    πŸ‘© "Like what?"
    polygeekery "Just off the top of my head......I could follow him home and beat him to death in front of his family."

    Our fourth grader thought it was hilarious. Even my wife was amused.

    πŸ‘© "You're too much sometimes, do you know that?"

    But trying to explain the nuance of how that is a funny joke to a fourth grader while similar statements are not was difficult. But I tried to explain that it was:

    • Hyperbolic to the point that no one would take it seriously
    • It was unexpected and my favorite type of humor is the unexpected
    • I set it up with the line "I disagree. There's plenty I could do about it."
    • Probably most importantly it was told to people that know I would never do such a thing. You have to know your crowd.

    As an example of that last one I pointed out how he and one of his friends can just say the word "Poop" and they will both laugh but that :airquotes: joke :airquotes: would never work with his mother.

    I really wish I had documented the :airquotes: jokes :airquotes: that he tried when he was a lot younger. They were in no way funny. At all. They were just little kid attempts at humor based on other kid jokes. Humor really is one of the more difficult things for kids to learn. Except just saying the word "Poop". That one always seems to land with his friends.

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    It was unexpected

    From you? :doubt:

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Zerosquare well, it is expected that I will say something extreme. What is unexpected is exactly what path I will take to get there.

  • @dcon said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one

    Once upon a time, that was true here. Then πŸ’© happened.

    You do realize that they're not allowed to actually touch the kids in Germany either, right? So what actually happens is that the teacher metaphorically reams the kid by speaking enough German to them, that the kid wishes the reaming had been physical instead. :rimshot:

    ...I really need to work on that.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Another wholly inappropriate joke that tangentially involves the kids:

    One time my MIL was visiting. Generally my wife and have always went with "divide and conquer" on laying the kids down and we rotate. While my MIL was visiting I had something I needed to finish up so she volunteered to lay down a kiddo. Said kiddo was in no mood to go to sleep quickly, possibly because of the excitement of having grandma spending a few days with us. She was probably sitting in their room for 30-45 minutes. So after I finish up whatever I was working on I relieve her. Kiddo is finally tired enough, and dad is not a novelty like grandma is, so he falls asleep almost instantly after I take over. I come out to the kitchen after just a few minutes.

    πŸ‘΅ "He's already asleep?"
    polygeekery "Yep."
    πŸ‘΅ "What's your secret for getting them to fall asleep so quickly?"

    Without missing a beat I dryly answer:

    polygeekery "You hold a pillow over their face just until they stop kicking."

    My wife still laughs about that one and on nights when the kiddo in her rotation doesn't want to fall asleep she will text me and jokingly ask me to "come use the pillow trick".

    That is definitely one of those jokes that will only be funny when people realize that you would absolutely never do such a thing.

  • @dcon said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one

    Once upon a time, that was true here. Then πŸ’© happened.

    I think the short of it was "them white kids always* get the benefit of the doubt, and them dark kids always* get punished, using whatever contortions are required to make sure that the dark kids' actions are perceived as worthy of punishment."

    And so, obviously, the only possible resolution is zero-intelligencetoleranceintelligence policies that guarantee that punishment is always handed out if there has been any infraction whatsoever. With escalation to police whenever possible, because schools have abdicated their responsibility after decades of sue-happy parents.

    (*) or often enough.

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    That is definitely one of those jokes that will only be funny when people realize that you would absolutely never do such a thing.

    This, too, is my style of humor. I've had to immediately walk back jokes at work a couple of times after I saw how they landed, but it happens rarely enough that I'm not about to stop telling jokes.

    This is also why "cannibalism" is my go-to subject whenever I have a joke that needs some violence against people: even with people I don't know well, they should know there's just no possible way that I'm serious about this.

  • @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    This is also why "cannibalism" is my go-to subject whenever I have a joke that needs some violence against people: even with people I don't know well, they should know there's just no possible way that I'm serious about this.

    Sure thing, Dr. Lecter.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @dcon said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one

    Once upon a time, that was true here. Then πŸ’© happened.

    I think the short of it was "them white kids always* get the benefit of the doubt, and them dark kids always* get punished, using whatever contortions are required to make sure that the dark kids' actions are perceived as worthy of punishment."

    And so, obviously, the only possible resolution is zero-intelligencetoleranceintelligence policies that guarantee that punishment is always handed out if there has been any infraction whatsoever. With escalation to police whenever possible, because schools have abdicated their responsibility after decades of sue-happy parents.

    (*) or often enough.

    That might be part of it, but I would imagine the larger part of it was that for a looooong time after anything tragic would happen at a school the media would always find some idiot in the community saying that there 'were warning signs" or sometimes kids would take things too far and some manner of violence would occur and it would come out that the kid said something beforehand and every would go all:


    For the idiots on TV, I would hazard a guess that over half of those were attention seeking morons that would say anything in order to get on the news. The rest, well, if you were omniscient I would bet there isn't a single kid in the world that someone somewhere did not think was a reprobate.

    For those old enough to remember Columbine I still remember all the people in the school and community talking about Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and how there were all these "warning signs" and "everyone should have known that it was going to happen" and all that. And yes, there were warning signs. No argument there. But I also thought about the dozen or so outsider kids I had in my school and how their behaviors were not that different, and in some cases exactly the same, as the Eric and Dylan.

    I literally went to school with a guy who wore a trench coat all the time, even in the summer heat, and there was a minor controversy where he had drawn all these detailed pictures of the guy who bullied him being tortured and stuff. He never did anything. I don't even know the ratio of "strange, socially awkward kids that don't participate in society but don't ever do anything violent" is to school shooters and such. But there's probably a lot of them.

    As for kids saying things that......I don't even know how to phrase it? But the jist of it would be that for every kid that says some shit and then later does something bad (running the gamut from bullying or fighting all the way up to school shootings) there are probably literally at least a million kids that say those sorts of things and don't mean them, or say something in the heat of a moment and would never follow through on them, or just talk shit while speaking hyperbolically, or make poor attempts at humor.

    Because of all of this, and trying to put policies in place to prevent events that are definitely horrifically tragic but also, let's be honest, do fuckall to prevent what is in absolute terms almost non-existent, we have just come to accept these idiotic "zero tolerance" policies and the harms that they cause.

    Typing this out reminded me of another joke by George Carlin:


  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    I don't even know the ratio of "strange, socially awkward kids that don't participate in society but don't ever do anything violent" is to school shooters and such. But there's probably a lot of them.

    I'd guess that probably describes a lot of us. It describes me.


    @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    "cannibalism" is my go-to subject

    I always end up with off-color jokes and a bang for my head ... Not sure about the colleration


    @HardwareGeek said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    It describes me.

    Sure, but it would be a starter to wear pants under that trenchcoat

  • @HardwareGeek said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    I don't even know the ratio of "strange, socially awkward kids that don't participate in society but don't ever do anything violent" is to school shooters and such. But there's probably a lot of them.

    I'd guess that probably describes a lot of us. It describes me.

    I was definitely a nerd, but the "has some warning signs" king in my high school friend group was the morbidly obese guy who wrote stories and drew pictures of people being tortured. I lost track of him after college, but I'm about 95% sure he didn't go on to take any violent actions. (He is, however, a sad drunk, which is why, after a while, we stopped having parties with alcohol.)

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @PotatoEngineer said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @dcon said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Rhywden said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    the teacher hearing such a joke might have reamed him a new one

    Once upon a time, that was true here. Then πŸ’© happened.

    I think the short of it was "them white kids always* get the benefit of the doubt, and them dark kids always* get punished, using whatever contortions are required to make sure that the dark kids' actions are perceived as worthy of punishment."

    And so, obviously, the only possible resolution is zero-intelligencetoleranceintelligence policies that guarantee that punishment is always handed out if there has been any infraction whatsoever. With escalation to police whenever possible, because schools have abdicated their responsibility after decades of sue-happy parents.

    (*) or often enough.

    That might be part of it, but I would imagine the larger part of it was that for a looooong time after anything tragic would happen at a school the media would always find some idiot in the community saying that there 'were warning signs" or sometimes kids would take things too far and some manner of violence would occur and it would come out that the kid said something beforehand and every would go all:


    For the idiots on TV, I would hazard a guess that over half of those were attention seeking morons that would say anything in order to get on the news. The rest, well, if you were omniscient I would bet there isn't a single kid in the world that someone somewhere did not think was a reprobate.

    For those old enough to remember Columbine I still remember all the people in the school and community talking about Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and how there were all these "warning signs" and "everyone should have known that it was going to happen" and all that. And yes, there were warning signs. No argument there. But I also thought about the dozen or so outsider kids I had in my school and how their behaviors were not that different, and in some cases exactly the same, as the Eric and Dylan.

    I literally went to school with a guy who wore a trench coat all the time, even in the summer heat, and there was a minor controversy where he had drawn all these detailed pictures of the guy who bullied him being tortured and stuff. He never did anything. I don't even know the ratio of "strange, socially awkward kids that don't participate in society but don't ever do anything violent" is to school shooters and such. But there's probably a lot of them.

    As for kids saying things that......I don't even know how to phrase it? But the jist of it would be that for every kid that says some shit and then later does something bad (running the gamut from bullying or fighting all the way up to school shootings) there are probably literally at least a million kids that say those sorts of things and don't mean them, or say something in the heat of a moment and would never follow through on them, or just talk shit while speaking hyperbolically, or make poor attempts at humor.

    Because of all of this, and trying to put policies in place to prevent events that are definitely horrifically tragic but also, let's be honest, do fuckall to prevent what is in absolute terms almost non-existent, we have just come to accept these idiotic "zero tolerance" policies and the harms that they cause.

    Typing this out reminded me of another joke by George Carlin:


    Whenever we say something inappropriate, I tell her don't repeat this at school or in front of any other parents.

    She makes a finger gun and I warn her to not do that at school.

    She does it at the bad character in what we are watching. She has a healthy understanding of justice.

  • So I read a couple books to virtual children.

    My husband was like, that is not a sentence I would ever think I would hear.

  • kills Dumbledore

    On the subject of overreacting schools, a friend was taking his 5 year old stepson to school. The kid was having one of those mornings kids have where they do everything they can think of to push their parents' buttons, and my friend was letting his frustration show a little bit. Just as they got to the school, the kid said he was going tell on the stepdad to his mum. My friend shouted after him "fine. Tell her" and it was overheard by a teacher who had just finished (like minutes before) a safeguarding course.

    Cue the dad being given the third degree, the kid being taken off for a one on one meeting to ascertain whether any other such heinous acts of abuse had been unleashed on him, and a week or more of wondering if social services are going to get involved.

    It's kind of worrying to think what would happen if something similar happened with my middle son. He's got an imagination the size of a very big thing, but doesn't yet know when telling stories is ok and when it's a bad idea. Recently he's been deciding he doesn't want to go to pre school and making himself sick to get out of it. While trying to get to the bottom of it, we asked him some questions. My wife:

    πŸ‘© : did anything bad happen at preschool?
    πŸ§’ : yeah, there was a fire and it burned down

    Me, a couple of days later:

    jaloopa : are your teachers nice to you?
    πŸ§’ : no
    jaloopa : What do they do that's not nice?
    πŸ§’ : they pinch me

  • Java Dev

    @Jaloopa said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    if social services are going to get involved.

    Someone I know was pulled out of class weekly for months, trying to convince her to admit her father was raping her. I am absolutely positive no such thing ever happened.

    And of course, they did not inform the parents they were doing this.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @Jaloopa I've had numerous close calls where I thought that DCS was going to get involved. The worst was one weekday I had fucked off to the gun range and my phone rings. Unknown number. I sent it to voicemail and a bit later my phone vibrated. My voicemails get transcribed (usually poorly) and messaged to me and I see something about child and some other gibberish and I decide to listen to it. It is some guy we will call "Bob" calling and asking for a shortened version of my name he was with DCS and a callback number.

    So I call the number and the guy starts off on this very government sounding script about how there had been a report at my kid's school that was forwarded to DCS and blah blah blah. At my gun range, with my previous mobile phone company, calls frequently cut out and such so I cannot make out everything he is saying but what I could make out made my heart sink and I started to get the worried heart palpitations thinking of all the BS we were getting ready to go through in order to prove we were not shitty parents. Also at the time we only had our oldest and he was still in daycare/ECE and we referred to that as "school" so I had not put together what had happened but then he mentioned a local school district.

    polygeekery "Wait, wait, Bob, did you say the report came from _____ School District?"
    πŸ‘¨ "Yes, that is where the report came from."
    polygeekery "Bob, I don't have any kids in that school district. Our son is still in daycare."
    πŸ‘¨ "What was your name again?"
    polygeekery "(long form of my name that everyone calls me) + surname"
    πŸ‘¨ "And you don't have any children enrolled in ______ School District?"
    polygeekery "No. My child goes to (daycare name)."
    πŸ‘¨ "What is your phone number?"
    polygeekery "555-1234"
    πŸ‘¨ "Oh, I am sorry. I misdialed when I called you."
    polygeekery "No worries, I am just glad you actually weren't calling for me. I was quite alarmed when I listened to your message."
    πŸ‘¨ "Well, thank you for calling me back. Sorry for the bother, have a good day."
    polygeekery "Same to you, and no offense Bob but I hope I don't ever have to hear from you again."

    I said that jokingly, but Bob is a bureaucrat that deals with horrible people and horrible shit every day so not even a chuckle.

    πŸ‘¨ "Have a good day sir."


    And just to add some color to what I was thinking of when I heard Bob's message and called him back, I constantly joke with my kids about beating them. I never would of course. But they will jokingly get mouthy or be smartasses about something and I will say, "Do you want a savage beating? Because that is what you are about to get." They laugh because they know that I wouldn't and it is all a joke.

    But maybe a week or two before Bob called a wrong number I was with our son at Costco and he did or said something and I think that I just told him now was not the time and in the saddest voice he could jokingly muster he says, "No daddy, don't give me a savage beating." Other people around us turned and looked at me as one would look at a child abuser. So when I listened to that voicemail I immediately assumed that someone had turned my license plate number into DCS and I was going to have to explain all of that to some social worker and how we use child abuse as a punchline in our family.

  • @Polygeekery Yeah, that's the problem with making such jokes with your kids: You know that it's just a joke and you also know that you only make such jokes in a setting where everyone knows it's a joke.

    Kids ... not so much. And thus may decide that now is the time to tell that highly inapproriate joke when surrounded by hundreds of total strangers.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

  • kills Dumbledore

    Middle son has also picked up the phrases "you fuckhead" and "you old fuck" from somewhere. Not sure where but he has picked up that it's fun to say them and get told not to

  • @Jaloopa said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    Middle son has also picked up the phrases "you fuckhead" and "you old fuck" from somewhere. Not sure where but he has picked up that it's fun to say them and get told not to

    If a friend curses in front of my daughter they usually apologize. No problem, she knows what she can and cannot say and where.

    She's still teacher's pet.

  • @Karla said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    virtual children

    Either you're playing the weirdest computer game ever, or you're volunteering at an orphanage through Zoom. I'm not sure which is more... weird.

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    That is definitely one of those jokes that will only be funny when people realize that you would absolutely never do such a thing.

    For a couple of years I had a running joke with one of my cousin about how babies make a great roast for a family event. Stuff like whether an oven was big enough to fit her babies (she had 2 at the time), and what condiment we'd use with it (mustard, ketchup...). At that time she was living in a region that has a condiment relatively uncommon in the rest of the country, which I wanted to try, so of course when she once brought me a jar she joked about how no, I couldn't :airquotes:babysit:airquotes: her children that day (the airquotes being very much part of how she said it).

    We don't really joke about that anymore, not for any specific reason, it just got old I guess. Like her kids, they're too large to fit in the oven nowadays.

    I guess that, apart from being a semi-private joke between ourselves (and close family/friends who wouldn't take offense), it also worked because of what @PotatoEngineer says, i.e. it was way too outrageous to be possibly serious.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @remi said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    Like her kids, they're too large to fit in the oven nowadays.

    A decent sized spit roast could work.

  • @Polygeekery they've also lost that delicious "baby fat" of toddlers and are now spindly overexcited (but I repeat myself) children who run around all the time. Meat is probably too hard already.

  • @acrow said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    @Karla said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    virtual children

    Either you're playing the weirdest computer game ever, or you're volunteering at an orphanage through Zoom. I'm not sure which is more... weird.

    She plays Gacha Life and she makes individual characters (you can choose a lot of characteristics and their colors). She plays with it similar to dolls. I play the mom. I've read to the kids, took them to playground, and played hide-n-seek.

    My favorite part is when I am it for hide-n-seek. I tease her by starting to count normal and then speeding up.

    I think my name is Sonia.

    Though with same app she can program skits. I encourage that.

    Similar to when I was playing Pokemon on the switch. I had the Pokeball+, in which I put a Pokemon. It made its sound at work:

    πŸ‘©πŸ½ What's in there?
    karla A pokemon
    πŸ‘©πŸ½ <tries to open it>
    karla It is a virtual pokemon
    πŸ‘¨πŸ» A virtual pokemon, they already are virtual?
    karla <explains>

  • @Polygeekery said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    πŸ‘΅ "What's your secret for getting them to fall asleep so quickly?"

    The answer I learned from my dad (and I use now) is, "I rock them to sleep. . . . First, I find a big rock..."

    But in reality, the first part is the actual answer. A moderately slow rocking or swaying motion is very soothing to infants and small children. Slow deep knee bends also work, and can be a great way to get some exercise at the same time (unless your knees are already totally shot). Bouncing is bad, and really only works (sometimes) with kids who have always been bounced.

  • @djls45 said in 🚼 Parenting advice - you're gonna get hit:

    A moderately slow rocking or swaying motion is very soothing to infants and small children.

    It works with adults, too:

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