Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Atazhaia said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Today was the first time I had to brake so hard my car did the "emergency braking warning flash" because an idiot thinking it's a good idea to ignore a yield sign and drive out onto a road with a speed limit of 100 km/h when there's a car approaching on it. Chance of idiot being rear-ended by me was very high, especially as I could feel the nice icy surface as I braked. More retardery was the idiot not having botherd dusting off the snow from his rear window (who needs to look behind them, lol) and also not driving faster than 80.

    Perfect opportunity to get a nice new car from his insurance. :tro-pop:

    Only works if you have a dash cam. Otherwise he'll just claim you were tailgating when he braked for the cute cat.

    Technically, braking for cats is considered dangerous behavior in Swedish traffic law. If it's an animal smaller than a labrador, the safe option is to not hit the brakes and just hit the critter. It's far better to say that you thought you saw a moose on the way up on the road.


    Largest cat species in Sweden:

    Still smaller than a Labrador.

    More importantly, what percentage of the male population thinks they can best it hand to hand?

  • @DogsB said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Atazhaia said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Today was the first time I had to brake so hard my car did the "emergency braking warning flash" because an idiot thinking it's a good idea to ignore a yield sign and drive out onto a road with a speed limit of 100 km/h when there's a car approaching on it. Chance of idiot being rear-ended by me was very high, especially as I could feel the nice icy surface as I braked. More retardery was the idiot not having botherd dusting off the snow from his rear window (who needs to look behind them, lol) and also not driving faster than 80.

    Perfect opportunity to get a nice new car from his insurance. :tro-pop:

    Only works if you have a dash cam. Otherwise he'll just claim you were tailgating when he braked for the cute cat.

    Technically, braking for cats is considered dangerous behavior in Swedish traffic law. If it's an animal smaller than a labrador, the safe option is to not hit the brakes and just hit the critter. It's far better to say that you thought you saw a moose on the way up on the road.


    Largest cat species in Sweden:

    Still smaller than a Labrador.

    More importantly, what percentage of the male population thinks they can best it hand to hand?

    I have no idea, but I'd guess it's somewhere around 90%. The 10% include the people that don't think they can fight anything and the people that actually saw the carnage one left behind.

  • 4c1c1b62-5d47-4f45-a65c-c7a2ecb709c4-406492496_10231830295964046_8661148867533498624_n.jpg

  • A YouTube channel named "Flat Out" testing BYD (A Chinese e-vehicle brand)'s E6 model come out 10 years ago. As second hand car, it now worths HKD6,000 only.


    The car is over 10 years old, and have mileage over 280,000km already. The performance you see in the video is already in "sport mode".

    In the beginning part of video is a lot of history because this is the first batch of e-vehicle taxi imported to Hong Kong. It claims can go 300km after fully charged, but most taxi owners found it drops to under 100km after a year. And worst, taxies in Hong Kong are expected to run like 7 x 24 because they'll be shared by multiple drivers of multiple shifts. The 2-hours charging time (with their proprietary adaptor) made it very unsuitable to be used as taxi in Hong Kong. And the price per km is roughly the same for electricity when compared with LPG taxies. Because of these, while they order 47 as the first batch, at the second batch the taxi guilds only ordered 1.

    Then they go and tested the car on the infamous "steepest slope" in Tai Po (with ratio 1:4), where even though they did "flat out" on the gas pedal, it only goes 3 km/h and decreasing. Fearing it may roll backwards in the mid-way, they decided to U-turn and leave there.

    The second half of the video is to compare it with other e-vehicles at the time like Tesla Model S generation 1.

    And near the end is the footage that they return to that steep slope to try it the second time, this time with the driver only.

    In the comments, there's someone state that the newer generations of E6 has the same problem on steep slopes.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cheong said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    In the comments, there's someone state that the newer generations of E6 has the same problem on steep slopes.

    Sounds like a problem in the configuration of the batteries that shows up under heavy load. Not actually very surprising; that's one of the times when you push the battery tech hardest (along with fast charging, another occasion when large currents are used).

  • @dkf I'm not sure it's about the batteries. The case when going up a steep hill and the case when simply going fast should be equivalent from the point of view of the battery—either way you are simply drawing a lot of power. If it only struggles going up-hill, the problem is rather that the motors have rather low maximum torque, and unlike reciprocating engines can't make up for it using gears, because they don't have variable gearboxes.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb Electric motors naturally have highest peak torque when going very slow (or stopped). It's why electric sportscars have such awesome acceleration from a standing start or out of a sharp bend.

    I suspect excessive internal resistance in the cells.

  • @dkf Highest torque yes, but the power consumption at high speed is as high or even higher, and internal resistance should affect both, no? While even highest torque might be too low. The torque at standstill is still finite, still making the efficiency zero. And a smaller motor will have lower maximum torque, so my guess is still that they used too small motors.


    @DogsB said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Carnage said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Atazhaia said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Today was the first time I had to brake so hard my car did the "emergency braking warning flash" because an idiot thinking it's a good idea to ignore a yield sign and drive out onto a road with a speed limit of 100 km/h when there's a car approaching on it. Chance of idiot being rear-ended by me was very high, especially as I could feel the nice icy surface as I braked. More retardery was the idiot not having botherd dusting off the snow from his rear window (who needs to look behind them, lol) and also not driving faster than 80.

    Perfect opportunity to get a nice new car from his insurance. :tro-pop:

    Only works if you have a dash cam. Otherwise he'll just claim you were tailgating when he braked for the cute cat.

    Technically, braking for cats is considered dangerous behavior in Swedish traffic law. If it's an animal smaller than a labrador, the safe option is to not hit the brakes and just hit the critter. It's far better to say that you thought you saw a moose on the way up on the road.


    Largest cat species in Sweden:

    Still smaller than a Labrador.

    More importantly, what percentage of the male population thinks they can best it hand to hand?

    I don’t think I can best it, but I’ll still try to cuddle it. Look at them paws!

  • Recently Hong Kong has introduced a new innovation on pedestrian traffic lights.


    The extra downward lights is supposed to help those busy looking at their mobile phone notice when the lights changed.

    While the Idea is good, the color and the angle of these lights made me think of this instead.


  • @Bulb said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    The case when going up a steep hill and the case when simply going fast should be equivalent

    Where can you go "fast" in Hongkong?
    I mean 200 km/h + motorway, not overspeeding in a pedestrian zone...

  • @cheong said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Then they go and tested the car on the infamous "steepest slope" in Tai Po (with ratio 1:4), where even though they did "flat out" on the gas pedal, it only goes 3 km/h and decreasing

    Then my electric bike looks over-motorized: last sunday, I did a 1:5 ascent at 13 km/h.

  • @BernieTheBernie said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @Bulb said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    The case when going up a steep hill and the case when simply going fast should be equivalent

    Where can you go "fast" in Hongkong?
    I mean 200 km/h + motorway, not overspeeding in a pedestrian zone...

    The general speed limit of Hong Kong (i.e.: on the roads without speed limit road sign) is 50 km/h or 31mph.

  • My son and I witnessed an injury accident. We were on our way home from the grocery store. We were waiting to make a make a left turn from a busy, main road into our neighborhood. It was toward the end of evening commute time, so non-stop oncoming traffic. We were second in line to make the turn. There was one car in front of us, also waiting to make the turn; call this car A. (There were also several behind us; but they're just unnamed extras in this little drama.)

    This intersection has what I'll call a semi-protected left turn. There is an arrow for a protected turn, but it's also legal to proceed unprotected on the normal straight-through green if there's a safe break in traffic. Incidentally, this is the same intersection I mentioned :arrows: as having a very long cycle.

    Car A was over the line into the intersection, waiting for a break in traffic, to make the turn. There was a gap that I think was big enough to have made the turn safely, but just barely, and I only noticed it was big enough after I observed how long it took for the gap to end; it's hard to judge speed and distance, especially at night, and I almost certainly wouldn't have risked it, had I been first in line. So, having missed that opportunity, car A continued to wait, with no other chances, until the light changed.

    Now this is :texas:, where yellow lights mean speed up, and red lights are more of a suggestion to stop. As car A made its turn, I could see there was an oncoming car, car B, that wasn't going to stop. No! Don't go yet! But the silent screaming in my head didn't stop Car A. Car A was going to get T-boned, it was inevitable, and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. If car A floored it and car B braked hard, there was maybe a slim chance A could get out of the way in time. If car A almost got out of the way, it probably would have deflected B right into the front of my car. But no, car A took it right in the right front quarter-panel.

    It all happened very quickly. I'm not 100% certain of the timing of car A starting to proceed relative to the changing of the lights. The light had definitely turned yellow before car A started moving, and it was definitely red by the time the impact happened. I think car A had to let at least one closely approaching car clear the intersection before it started moving, but I'm not positive, so it might have been already red. (It was already in the intersection, so it had to clear the intersection as soon as it was safe, regardless of the light color at that point.) I'm really not certain of when it turned red, because I was looking at the cars, not the lights, but I'm sure it was red at the time of impact.

    My son called 911. I put my car in park and set the brake, turned on the hazard flashers, and jumped out to see if anyone was hurt. The driver of car A, who was closer to me, said she thought she was ok, but the driver of car B said her leg was hurt. I ran back to my car and yelled at my son that there was an injury, so he could tell the 911 dispatcher.

    Back at the car, I noticed the left turn lane I'm in now had the green arrow, so I thought about getting my car out of the way, so it didn't become part of the problem. My way was blocked by the accident vehicles to make the left turn, so I made a U-turn and pulled into the parking lot that faces the intersection.

    Through a sequence of events I don't clearly remember, I went from relaying information through my son to the 911 dispatcher, to speaking directly to the dispatcher while my son continued holding his phone, to me holding his phone myself. After I parked out of the way, I got out of the car, still talking on my son's phone, and dropping my own phone out of its belt clip as I got out of the car, to continue answering the dispatcher's questions and provide any other assistance I could. As I was walking back to the scene, I saw two bystanders carrying the driver of car B to the sidewalk. The dispatcher tells me to tell everyone to not move anyone unless they're in danger, but it was too late; they'd already moved the driver.

    After more conversation, including giving the dispatcher the license plate numbers of both vehicles, the dispatcher asked if I could remain at the scene, and I agreed to do that. The dispatcher ended the call as the first fire/rescue truck arrived at the scene; a second arrived and blocked traffic a minute or two after that, and EMS arrived for the injured driver after another minute or two. Fire attended to the injured driver until the EMTs arrived, then managed to drive/push both damaged vehicles to the side of the road and cleaned up the debris enough to unblock traffic. Quite a while later, first one, then a second, tow truck arrived.

    Finally, after something like 45 minutes, police finally arrived to take witness reports. Another witness gave his statement to an officer, then I gave mine. I basically told him briefly what I wrote in the 4th and 5th paragraphs above (except the parts about the silent screaming and car A letting another car clear the intersection before starting to move; I didn't think of that at the time). He took my name and phone number. My son didn't give him a statement, because it would have been so similar to mine, but he gave him his name and phone number, and the officer said we were free to leave.

    We left via the other exit to the parking lot, bypassing where the tow truck was blocking the street, and went home. The frozen groceries were even still frozen. I was not quite frozen. It wasn't terribly cold (and the rain had stopped), but I sure would have appreciated another layer. I was dressed plenty warm enough to walk from the car to a store and back, but not really warm enough to stand around for the better part of an hour.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek Do you have dash-cam footage of the incident? That would be of interest to the cops (and maybe the DA too).

  • @dkf No, unfortunately. I've been planning to get one, but I haven't found any I like. According to one comparison I watched, they basically all use the same image sensors, and they're all potatoes in low light, even the most expensive ones, so I've never gotten around to actually buying one.

    After this, I might finally buy one. I might also start keeping a high-vis vest and some flares (or some other kind of emergency lights) in the car. OTOH, I've been driving for almost 50 years, and this was the first time I actually needed them.


    @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    high-vis vest

    Required in a big part of euro-comministan

  • @Luhmann said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:


    It's a good idea, but as an American, I'm highly resistant to good ideas being mandatory.


    Well, that explains it.


    @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    It's a good idea, but as an American, I'm highly resistant to good ideas being mandatory.

    Bringing us to forcing good ideas onto ignorant low lifes the people

  • And now for something totally different. I reported about th Salzbachtalbrücke in a different thread :arrows: - it was eventually blown away with 221 kg of Semtex 💥
    Now the southern bridge has been completed. Official opening will be on monday afternoon. But today it was Wiesbaden's busiest promenade:
    IMGP8356 - Kopie.JPG
    A couple of booths sold Bratwurst, snacks, or champagne.


    @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    It's a good idea, but as an American, I'm highly resistant to good ideas being mandatory.

    :spanner: 🛂

  • @BernieTheBernie said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    A couple of booths sold Bratwurst, snacks, or champagne.


  • Considered Harmful

    @TimeBandit No, it's a bridge 🍹

  • Fake News

    @BernieTheBernie said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    And now for something totally different. I reported about th Salzbachtalbrücke in a different thread :arrows: - it was eventually blown away with 221 kg of Semtex 💥
    Now the southern bridge has been completed. Official opening will be on monday afternoon. But today it was Wiesbaden's busiest promenade:
    IMGP8356 - Kopie.JPG
    A couple of booths sold Bratwurst, snacks, or champagne.

    So they weren't even blocking traffic? Seems this could have been posted in other topics.

  • Considered Harmful

  • :facepalm:

  • @TimeBandit Ouch! How many dead and how many years in hospital in total? Most of them got rolled over by the car.

  • Java Dev


    How about no.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @PleegWat yt-dlp is a wonderful thing.

  • ♿ (Parody)


  • c685755f-a6a7-4f14-ab24-5634fd5e7cd7-412460237_705550045096542_1164125741194239294_n.jpg

  • @PleegWat said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:


    How about no.

    I don't have an acct and it played fine.

    And: Idiots. Idiots everywhere...

  • @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I don't have an acct and it played fine.

    Once. You have to log in to play it again. Or reload the page; that works, too.

  • @HardwareGeek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I don't have an acct and it played fine.

    Once. You have to log in to play it again. Or reload the page; that works, too.

    Once was enough.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I'm probably going to be featured in some of the stuff posted here. Still learning to drive but not sure how I'm going to top: reversing out of my mother's driveway and backing into the neighbour's... far wall.

  • @DogsB said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I'm probably going to be featured in some of the stuff posted here. Still learning to drive but not sure how I'm going to top: reversing out of my mother's driveway and backing into the neighbour's... far wall.

    We all started somewhere. My first winter driving I put one car on it's side (icy roads, slow speed, slow turned started/ended - my turn continued another 180 until I hit the curb sideways) and another (van this time) in a ditch (got too far to side of 2 lane road with no curbs and slight (1") drop off, wheels dropped, got them back, again the ice took over so I was now pointing the correct direction in the other lane and moving backwards - until I slid off the edge of the road, fairly steep embankment, van started to roll but came back onto all 4 (whew!))

  • Java Dev

    @dcon said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:


    Reminds me of one time when I made an angry remark about an idiot driver and my mom's best friend went "Swear more, you can do better!" Her husband was apparently a highly sweary guy while driving. Based off my swearing increasing since then my driving expertise has only been going up.


    Someone in Prague tried to drift a tram early this morning


  • @blek How many people were on the tracks?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @DogsB said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    I'm probably going to be featured in some of the stuff posted here. Still learning to drive but not sure how I'm going to top: reversing out of my mother's driveway and backing into the neighbour's... far wall.

    Some inspiration for you:

  • @boomzilla inquiring minds want to know: did she get her permit or not? :half-trolleybus-l:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @TimeBandit it's Argentina so it doesn't matter. The DMV just got shut down. :tro-pop:

  • Fake News

  • Java Dev

    @blek said in Driving Anti-Patterns - Necro Edition:

    Someone in Prague tried to drift a tram early this morning



  • ♿ (Parody)


  • Java Dev

    @boomzilla Looks legit.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • Fake News


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