The Official Status Thread

  • @Weng said:

    Every. Singles. Fucking. One of them has signed it.

    OK, that kind of thing normally terrifies the customers I deal with. Are yours insurers or providers or what?

  • Status: Open source libraries! <- Hm, does this support enums?

    Map command line arguments to IList<string>, arrays, enum or standard scalar types.

    Says it does! What happens if you pass in a value not in the enum, is the entire CLI rejected? Hm. Can't find any documentation...

    The library source code contains a sample application that will clarify all told up to this moment. In this sample you'll not find how to use mutually exclusive options, please read this test source file (explore the code also looking at this folder).

    Oh, well, ok, I can just look at the sample project I guess...

    404 error.


    We're not only too lazy to write documentation, we're even too lazy to even bother to ensure our links work! Open source!

    EDIT: then when I do find the demo (by munging the broken link's URL) it turns out it doesn't even demonstrate Enums. WTF.

    Ok well I guess I just have to fucking EXPERIMENT to figure out how this stupid piece of shit works, without even considering how it's supposed to work, since God forbid you document that.

  • Garbage Person

    Mostly insurers. Some biotech. Some providers. An increasingly large number of integrated insurer-providers.

  • Huh, you must deal with different people in the insurers then I do. If a violation is going to be their fault they piss themselves, though maybe that is more having to talk to their legal department about getting your style of paperwork signed.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    It's not like I had much of a choice.

  • Garbage Person

    Some randomfuck manager isn't allowed to sign off on our form. Senior management only.

    Of course, I get the feeling that our sales guys (who serve as go betweens with the client) just forge it without ever mentioning it to the client.

  • @Weng said:

    Of course, I get the feeling that our sales guys (who serve as go betweens with the client) just forge it without ever mentioning it to the client.

    Oh man, when they get caught you have to post that to the Lounge, hopefully I'll be ranked back up to read it then.

  • Garbage Person

    When that happens I'm likely to be fired for shouting "I TOLD YOU SO!" about 7000 different security topics to everybody who ever told me "it'll be okay"

    Seriously. Weeks of repeating "I told you so!"

  • Ok, fuck it. If you pass an invalid enum value, this dumb broken library acts as if you haven't passed one at all. (WHO WOULD WANT THAT BEHAVIOR!!??!?!?!)

    So I'll setting it back to string, and I'll tryparse it manually. I told my boss and he agrees. Fuck you open source command line parser library thing.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    broken library acts as if you haven't passed one at all. (WHO WOULD WANT THAT BEHAVIOR!!??!?!?!)

    That's what I would have expected. Granted, I would also have expected it to shove the "unrecognized" arguments into an extras list, but meh.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    That's what I would have expected.

    I think it's a misinterpretation of the term "optional". See, the flag is optional, and I tell commandline parser that. But they interpret that as meaning, "well if it's not provided or it's gibberish, no big deal".

    But for me, that says, "it can either be not provided or it can be one of these enum values-- gibberish needs to be rejected". To me, that's the common-sense thing to do. But commandline parser being a lazy open source project either:

    • Has no way of communicating that intent, or
    • Has a way, but no documentation or examples demonstrating it

    So I set the flag back to optional string and have to write own my enum parser and error message, and blah. And any labor this library might have saved is down the sewer because it took longer to research how to do what I want than it took to just ignore it and do it my damned self.

    Like virtually every lazy open source library I've ever tried to use. (Or, in this case, been told to use by management.)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Jarry said:

    and what if a self driving car hits it?

    Why are you destroying American jobs with self-driving cars? Hire a poor black person for $0.50 per hour like God intended to drive your car. 🚎

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Pirate sites are great for Rifftrax, because people have taken the Riff and the movie, and already synched it up and added audio dodging.

    Even when I buy the Riff directly from them, I'll look for a "precompiled" trax from a pirate site, because it's way fucking easier than doing it myself.

    Also, they're pretty cool about the whole "we know what's going on" thing. At the end of each track, there's usually a 15 second thing like "Hey, if you enjoyed this and got it anywhere other than our site, think about going to and tossing some bux our way".

  • Yeah but that bugs me, because they put it on their VIDEO tracks too, not just the audio ones. So I'm watching a video I bought from them and didn't modify in any way, and I still get the anti-piracy nag.

    Also they started adding this dumb as shit cartoon intro. It's long as shit, not funny, and there's no easy way to skip it. It feels like it lasts forever.

    In short, they've been getting worse and more annoying to me over the years. I haven't bought a video from them in some time. The writing's gotten lazier too, but I'm not sure if that's them or me.

    Frankly, I liked the MST3K premise much better, when they were wrapped in the fictional robot persona they had a lot of material they could do that they can't now. (Like the robots innocently asking questions about weird stuff in human society. "Joel, what's up with the Pina Colada song?" Or pretending to be perfectly innocent about sex. And basically having a more child-like personality.)

    It's still a pretty good service for discovering movies I'd never heard of/seen before. For example, without Rifftrax I wouldn't know about The Apple. (A movie which is WAY more entertaining without their riffing, BTW. I did enjoy their joking about how the film CONSTANTLY reminds you it's the far-future year of 1994.) I also wouldn't have ever actually seen Cool As Ice and realized... it's really not that bad at all. Seriously. In some ways it's actually pretty innovative.

  • that's racist! you should hire a poor south american inmigrant

  • Status: Here's the import log after I ran the import with the forum already imported. I removed all the noisy "I'm skipping this topic because the forum it's in doesn't exist" lines.

    installing: git://
    [2016-02-17T04:59:26.205Z] current phase: groupsImportStart
    [2016-02-17T04:59:26.483Z] Importing 16 groups.
    [2016-02-17T04:59:26.553Z] Importing 16/16 groups (out of which 16 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T04:59:26.553Z] current phase: groupsImportDone (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T04:59:31.555Z] current phase: categoriesImportStart (time since previous phase: 5s)
    [2016-02-17T04:59:31.737Z] Importing 29 categories.
    [2016-02-17T04:59:31.797Z] Imported 29/29 categories (out of which 29 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T04:59:31.798Z] current phase: categoriesImportDone (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T04:59:32.331Z] current phase: usersImportStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T04:59:40.622Z] Importing 141236 users.
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.164Z] Imported 141236/141236 users (out of which 141236 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.165Z] current phase: usersImportDone (time since previous phase: 4m13s)
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.360Z] current phase: messagesImportStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    {"warn":"Current selected exporter does not implement getMessages function, skipping..."}
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.407Z] Importing 0 messages.
    {"warn":"Current selected exporter does not implement getMessages function, skipping..."}
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.408Z] current phase: messagesImportDone (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.408Z] Imported 0/0 messages
    [2016-02-17T05:03:46.410Z] current phase: topicsImportStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T05:04:29.101Z] Importing 13519 topics.
    [2016-02-17T05:05:48.160Z] Imported 9679/13519 topics (out of which 9679 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T05:05:48.161Z] current phase: topicsImportDone (time since previous phase: 2m1s)
    [2016-02-17T05:05:48.251Z] current phase: postsImportStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T05:05:48.160Z] Imported 9679/13519 topics (out of which 9679 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T05:05:48.161Z] current phase: topicsImportDone (time since previous phase: 2m1s)
    [2016-02-17T05:05:48.251Z] current phase: postsImportStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T08:23:12.117Z] Importing 626872 posts.
    [2016-02-17T12:12:52.681Z] current phase: postsImportDone (time since previous phase: 7h7m4s)
    [2016-02-17T12:12:52.682Z] Imported 570206/626872 posts (out of which 570206 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T12:12:52.841Z] current phase: votesImportStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T12:26:16.806Z] Importing 2627933 votes.
    [2016-02-17T16:26:52.116Z] Imported 2622572/2627933 votes (skipped 20 votes because they were self-voted.) (out of which 2622572 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T16:26:52.198Z] current phase: votesImportDone (time since previous phase: 4h13m59s)
    [2016-02-17T16:26:54.102Z] current phase: bookmarksImportStart (time since previous phase: 1s)
    [2016-02-17T16:27:23.800Z] Importing 19434 bookmarks.
    [2016-02-17T16:28:29.899Z] Imported 19304/19434 bookmarks (out of which 19304 were already imported at an earlier time)
    [2016-02-17T16:28:29.900Z] current phase: bookmarksImportDone (time since previous phase: 1m35s)
    [2016-02-17T16:28:30.036Z] current phase: fixCategoriesParentsAndAbilitiesStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T16:28:31.332Z] current phase: fixCategoriesParentsAndAbilitiesDone (time since previous phase: 1s)
    [2016-02-17T16:28:31.354Z] current phase: fixPostsToPidsStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:37:43.521Z] current phase: fixPostsToPidsDone (time since previous phase: 3h9m12s)
    [2016-02-17T19:37:43.521Z] current phase: fixGroupsOwnersStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:37:43.816Z] current phase: fixGroupsOwnersDone (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:37:43.816Z] current phase: relockingTopicsStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:37:52.274Z] current phase: relockingTopicsDone (time since previous phase: 8s)
    [2016-02-17T19:37:52.288Z] current phase: rebanAndMarkReadForUsersStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:41:49.698Z] current phase: rebanAndMarkReadForUsersDone (time since previous phase: 3m57s)
    [2016-02-17T19:41:49.698Z] current phase: fixTopicTimestampsStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:42:25.231Z] current phase: fixTopicTimestampsDone (time since previous phase: 35s)
    [2016-02-17T19:42:25.395Z] Config restored:{"maximumPostLength":2147483647,"maximumFileSize":2147483647,"profileImageDimension":128,"title":"NodeBB","allowGuestSearching":1,"minimumUsernameLength":1,"teaserPost":"last","showSiteTitle":1,"allowTopicsThumbnail":1,"maximumUsernameLength":2147483647,"postDelay":10,"registrationType":"normal","minimumPasswordLength":6,"initialPostDelay":10,"allowLocalLogin":1,"maximumSignatureLength":2147483647,"newbiePostDelay":120,"allowAccountDelete":1,"maximumAboutMeLength":2147483647,"newbiePostDelayThreshold":3,"allowFileUploads":1,"maximumProfileImageSize":2147483647,"minimumPostLength":8,"allowUserHomePage":1,"maximumCoverImageSize":2147483647,"minimumTagsPerTopic":0,"minimumTitleLength":3,"requireEmailConfirmation":0,"maximumTagsPerTopic":2147483647,"maximumTitleLength":2147483647,"profile:allowProfileImageUploads":1,"theme:type":"local","theme:id":"nodebb-theme-persona","theme:staticDir":"","theme:templates":"","theme:src":"","maximumChatMessageLength":2147483647,"trackIpPerPost":1,"allowGuestHandles":1,"reputation:disabled":0,"downvote:disabled":0}
    [2016-02-17T19:42:25.994Z] current phase: importerTeardownStart (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:42:25.994Z] current phase: importerTeardownDone (time since previous phase: 0s)
    [2016-02-17T19:42:25.994Z] current phase: importerComplete (time since previous phase: 0s)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Yeah but that bugs me, because they put it on their VIDEO tracks too, not just the audio ones. So I'm watching a video I bought from them and didn't modify in any way, and I still get the anti-piracy nag.

    And if you upload the VIDEO track to a pirate site, the message still applies to anyone who downloads it. That's why the message is at the end of the video (as not to nag at the start like an unskippable FBI warning). It's literally the last thing they say, so you can just stop the video and never even listen to it. Hell, it isn't even accusatory. They proceed it with "IF you got this track not from us". So since you got the track from them, the IF condition fails. The nag is not for you. You can ignore it.

    Unless you can think of a different way where they can say that anti-piracy nag only to people who pirate the video-- without involving DRM-- I'd love to hear how you would do that.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Also they started adding this dumb as shit cartoon intro. It's long as shit, not funny, and there's no easy way to skip it. It feels like it lasts forever.

    Meh. I find it amusing, and the song is catchy to me. I'll gladly call someone a Professional Comedy Professional. But seriously, "no easy way"? Okay, this is coming from me-- from Mr. "I don't know how shit works and hate learning UI". But you know VLC can easily fast-forward, right? You can hit the "+" key a few times and rev it up to 8x speed, then resume normal speed when you see the logo. Or use the RIGHT arrow key a few times to jump 2 minutes ahead. Or click the mouse at the ~2 minute mark on the timeline. How is any of that difficult? It isn't unskippable, like a DVD. It doesn't disable any control in your video player. The intro is the exact same length each time.

    @blakeyrat said:

    In short, they've been getting worse and more annoying to me over the years. I haven't bought a video from them in some time. The writing's gotten lazier too, but I'm not sure if that's them or me.

    I disagree. I've been watching some of the earlier riffs-- especially when it was just one person doing the whole riff (as opposed to the trio). The writing and delivery is vastly superior now that they have a couple hundred under their belt, and are working as a team.


  • So you need at least one volunteer, then? We can't possibly assume he meant something other than what he said after all, so only one should be needed.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    The nag is not for you. You can ignore it.

    Well since I don't have a magical video player from the heavens which magically stops the video at the right time, I still end up hearing it and it still bugs me.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Unless you can think of a different way where they can say that anti-piracy nag only to people who pirate the video-- without involving DRM-- I'd love to hear how you would do that.

    I don't care? It's their problem, not mine.

    But them nagging me about it has drastically reduced the amount of money they get from me. Which is, again, their problem, not mine.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Meh. I find it amusing, and the song is catchy to me.

    Once, maybe. The second time? No. Third time? Double-no. Fourth time: FUCK OFF!

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    But seriously, "no easy way"?

    Yes. I double-click the file, then go into the kitchen to start dinner or whatever and it plays the dumb song.

    Easy means it works without me having to do shit.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    I disagree. I've been watching some of the earlier riffs-- especially when it was just one person doing the whole riff (as opposed to the trio).

    I liked it when they did more guest stars. The one Lowtax did with Troll 2 was good.

  • Fuck. Work blocked reddit.

    At least I have my phone 😕

    Filed under: No, 💾 🐎, I'm not confused.

  • Status: "504 OK" and "You are not authorized to view the requested resource" when attempting to flag a post (apparently at the beginning of a cootiestorm).

    The post says it's flagged after a refresh, after the storm. I don't know if I trust it.

  • I can see the orange bubble.

  • You may also want to purge the edit histories of those posts, or ask someone who can to follow up (if you didn't already).

  • Did that. Also skimmed over the entire topic and removed the one near the beginning.

  • From the apple adding it thread it looks like both @ancarda and @royal_poet can do lojban well enough to help out in getting @blakeyrat to learn it.

  • Ah, I didn't flag for the early one because @abarker said he made it just for Mafia, and since that email address was also posted in the main game thread.

  • Oh, it was? Whoops.

  • BTW since I'm griping on this, if you're a comedy guy and you're trying to sell me on how funny your show is, you can follow two strategies:

    1. Have a funny show
    2. Hire a famous song-writer to write a 2-minute song about how funny you are, then hire another guy to animate it, then plop it at the beginning of everything you do

    Solution 1 has the benefit of not only convincing me that you have a funny show, but also not making me suspicious as to why you're so intent on reminding me that the show's supposed to be funny. Like, you wouldn't have the 2-minute song if you were actually funny, you only have it to convince suckers that you're funny.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Status: Fuck Adobe with the biggest, sharpest stick possible.

    At 3pm I'm asked to clone a laptop to a new one (super urgent) . The clone fails and I have to use the transfer wizard to get as much as possible that way and then reinstall the programs. Autocad works just fine, all the Adobe CC stuff is crashing on launch. Looks like it really doesn't like laptops with dual graphics. Their forums are filled with people with similar problems. The solutions suggested involve deleting files, reinstalling Windows and voodoo. This is just crap.

    It's now midnight and I still can't get the sodding things working.

    Thankfully the garage had a sale on rum. I was flanked by 3 police cars while parking though. Shift change or a sign from God not to drink too much maybe...

    Edit: At least our big boss stayed with me. As much as I hate being watched while working it was nice to have someone else to share the suffering with.

  • :belt_onion:

    I'd do this...

    Your form is too small, see http://pastebin/randomletters for a full description, kthxbai


    NOT something you want to see on your server first thing in the morning.

  • This is gonna take a while.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    👨 tech lead 👦 me 👴 project manager

    👨 We need to test it in mac!
    👦 It's already being used by the mac users for two weeks. They haven't started complaining yet.
    👨 Is it working on windows ten?
    👦 I tried it yesterday and it blew up.
    👨 Right then mark windows ten as unsupported.
    👦 Are you sure we shouldn't fix it?
    👨 We're not moving to windows ten any time soon.
    👴The entire office is moving to windows ten next week you idiots.
    👨 Right then. I'll be sick for the next two days.

  • FoxDev

    @cartman82 said:

    This is gonna take a while.

    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail\*.BPD
    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail\*.BAD


  • FoxDev

    @DogsB said:

    👨 Right then. I'll be sick for the next two days.

    ..... why are you tech lead again?


    @accalia said:

    why are you tech lead again?

    Because I have the biggest umbrella?

  • @accalia said:

    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail*.BPD
    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail*.BAD

    Some batch script that loops over files. cmd would explode if it tried to expand millions files that were somehow generated there.

    Still deleting, BTW. Freed 1.7GB. A LOT further to go, I expect to see at least 20GB freed by the time this is done.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Well since I don't have a magical video player from the heavens which magically stops the video at the right time, I still end up hearing it and it still bugs me.

    Do you have magical fingers that can magically press the "stop" button when your magical ears hear the magical end of the movie?

    @blakeyrat said:

    I don't care? It's their problem, not mine.

    But them nagging me about it has drastically reduced the amount of money they get from me. Which is, again, their problem, not mine.

    Why do you hate artists? Thief.

    Seriously, though, if I'm saying your being overly sensitive about some non-intrusive advertisement, you are going way overboard.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Yes. I double-click the file, then go into the kitchen to start dinner or whatever and it plays the dumb song.

    Easy means it works without me having to do shit.

    You had to go to their website, find a movie you wanted, go through a checkout process, and download a file. Just just have to do one more click to jump to the minute-and-a-half mark. Finish what you started.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Glad they got funded. I was tempted to toss some bux, but:

    1. There's no promise anywhere that episodes will be available in Canada. I've gotten screwed in the past with backing any sort of "tv/movie" project where they decide after the fact "🍁 distributor lolnope". Make the episodes, make them available, and I'll decide to pay.
    2. $450k per episode? WTF? I mean, not that they shouldn't take money being given to them but-- wow-- a staff of four, one camera guy, and an After Effects shadow filter? $450k? I dunno.

  • FoxDev

    @cartman82 said:

    cmd would explode if it tried to expand millions files that were somehow generated there.

    ah. right..... the GLOB is expanded by the shell not the program....

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @cartman82 said:

    @accalia said:
    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail*.BPD
    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail*.BAD

    Some batch script that loops over files. cmd would explode if it tried to expand millions files that were somehow generated there.

    Still deleting, BTW. Freed 1.7GB. A LOT further to go, I expect to see at least 20GB freed by the time this is done.


    • Windows Explorer
    • c:\intetpub\mailroot
    • Sort By Extension
    • Shift-select .BPD, shift-delete
    • Shift-select .BAD, shift-delete

    Fucking CLI losers.

  • FoxDev

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Fucking CLI losers.

    fine, if GLOBs won't work.....

    deltree /y c:\inetpub\mailroot

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cartman82 said:

    @accalia said:
    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail*.BPD
    del /q c:\inetpub\mailroot\badmail*.BAD

    Some batch script that loops over files. cmd would explode if it tried to expand millions files that were somehow generated there.

    Still deleting, BTW. Freed 1.7GB. A LOT further to go, I expect to see at least 20GB freed by the time this is done.

    I remember deleting over 500000 files from the command prompt with DEL /F /S /Q workspace > nul took a while but it did do it. IIRC it doesn't need to expand like RD does it should delete them as it finds them.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Windows Explorer
    Sort By Extension
    Shift-select .BPD, shift-delete
    Shift-select .BAD, shift-delete

    Fucking CLI losers.

    Gave up after 5 minutes trying to load the file list.

    Go back to playing with your icons boy, us men have work to do.

  • @cartman82 said:

    Some batch script that loops over files. cmd would explode if it tried to expand millions files that were somehow generated there.

    @accalia said:

    ah. right..... the GLOB is expanded by the shell not the program...

    cmd doesn't expand anything. Wildcard processing is done by the application on Windows.

  • @CatPlusPlus said:

    cmd doesn't expand anything. Wildcard processing is done by the application on Windows.

    TIL. It was a 1 minute google search + copy paste into the terminal.
    I guess the guy who posted that also comes from linux-y background.

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