The Official Status Thread

  • Status: Xenoverse 2 is pretty great.

    I beat it on Saturday morning, and completed almost all the time egg quests. As of last night, all I need to do is keep feeding Buu. Interested in seeing what happens there.

    Seems like your stat gain increases until you reach level 50, then starts decreasing rapidly again. An odd effect, but I maxed out my Ki super damage and life (With potential unlocked, that's 125!), so now it's just stamina.

    There seem to still be a billion parallel quests, but you get so much stuff for doing them! Except the best attack in the whole game is Giant Storm, and that's not very far in...

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    They're having a BLOWOUT sale!

    This deal is HOT! It's SMOKING! It's ON FIRE!



    My packet loss before and after I shut down my torrent client (which was only seeding, because I'm a good boy and want to help linux distributions out).

    What the hell? Could it be just the traffic load? Or what?

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Arantor said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: checked into 5* restaurant in Bath

    Didn't know that restaurants run git, or was it subversion?

    Mercurial. It's a seafood restaurant.

  • Status: Monday morning. Get to work. Turn on laptop. BSOD. "Thread stuck in device driver." Followed by "Working on updates 100% complete Don't turn off your computer" followed by "Restarting," followed by "Working on updates 0% complete..."

    It looks like it's going to be a productive day.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    Followed by "Working on updates 100% complete Don't turn off your computer"


  • Status: I feel kind of bad. One of the devs on my team changed some code from:

    var specificThing = new XElement("SpecificThing");
    specificThing.Add(new XElement("SomeValue", value_from_elsewhere));


    var allTheThings = new Dictionary<string, string>
      {@"Deep/path/to/specific/node", value_from_elsewhere},
      {@"Deep/path/Elsewhere/For/Some/Reason", different_value_from_elsewhere

    This marks the first time I've shouted at someone for their code.

  • @cartman82 If you saturate your upload channel, your system may fail to send the acks and it will interfere with your downloads too. If I limit my torrents to 80% of my line capacity I get higher speeds. Or your ISP just traffic shape the hell out of you when it detects a torrent.

  • @fbmac said in The Official Status Thread:

    If you saturate your upload channel, your system may fail to send the acks and it will interfere with your downloads too. If I limit my torrents to 80% of my line capacity I get higher speeds.


    @fbmac said in The Official Status Thread:

    Or your ISP just traffic shape the hell out of you when it detects a torrent.

    But why would they then waste a whole bunch of money sending repairmen to my address multiple times, replacing my modem, cables etc.

    Very strange.


    @cartman82 said in The Official Status Thread:

    why would they then waste

    Stupidity? It's an ISP after all

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Is someone fucking around with the site's fonts? It looks like TruType is off, but TrueType is on.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    As to why someone in Escalated Support never looked at your ticket / connection to determine you were torrent seeding and that might be causing your problem, I don't know. I would figure multiple service calls should be enough to trigger escalating the ticket to someone that doesn't work off the troubleshooting checklist.

    As to why your connection was having problems even with those limits set:

    • The limits are in KBytes, so they imply Internet capabilities of approximately 25Mbps download and 1.5Mbps upload.
    • Torrent connections are a bit "different" in how they interact with client side limiting like that. Specifically, some torrent clients are especially bad at sending aggressive heartbeat/discovery packets that are very small packets (often less than 50 bytes) but still need the full 22 byte overhead... and, on most typical networks actually require a full MTU's worth of transmission time, effectively turning them into 1500 (or 1522) byte packets -- most stock networking gear will not compress multiple small packets into a single outgoing packet.
    • Given that the world of torrent clients is almost aggressively anti-standard, there're always two or three torrent clients floating around that are way overly aggressive with requesting those small ACK packets from seeding peers, to "improve performance" by making sure they don't sit around waiting for dead peers. So, when you're seeding, if someone with a shitty client connects to your torrent, they effectively DOS you because they're bombing you with 50 byte packets that wind up getting treated by your networking equipment as though they were 1500 byte packets

    In general, the problem was very pronounced for the WISP I worked for, because (a) WiFi overhead is even nastier than IP overhead and (b) WiFi winds up with a very pronounced packets per second limit that is really more binding than raw bandwidth. I would expect that ADSL/Cable should be less susceptible to that, but if the network node you connect to is close to the oversubscription point, a similar sort of problem could occur.

    The only real fix for the issue, short of turning seeding off altogether, is to limit your seeding to about 3% of your upload. Which, basically, means turning it off altogether :/

  • @cartman82 I've had an internet connection go to shit because someone was running a bittorrent client. It had to do with the total number of connections it was opening... I think it was just overwhelming the cheap router. Reducing the total number of connections the bittorrent client was trying to make fixed that.

  • @Izzion, @anotherusername

    Thanks for the advice. I reduced the bandwidth and number of connections.

    I'll see if the packet-loss storm comes back, it usually takes a while for it to build up.

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    Woke up a bit early, then realised that we've just stopped using DST here so it turns out I've woken really early. On Sunday

    Ah yes. That weird time of year when everyone is changing DST. On different days... (this coming weekend for us)

  • @Mikael_Svahnberg said in The Official Status Thread:

    They (the police) should have made him stand on the corner. Then rounded up all the dogs in the neighborhood to come and do their business...

  • Garbage Person

    @accalia said in The Official Status Thread:

    almost done with phase one of "Accalia gets a full offsite backup<supTM"

    previously i havent bothered keeping a full backup of everything offsite, just the absolutely irreplaceable stuff because of expense.

    I just got crashplan (because it looks sharp, has a decent webinterface, and clients for windows and linux (something that a lot of other options lacked) and am now in the process of backing up 14TB of data from my local NAS to crashplan.

    current backup set is 4TB and is my /home directory on the NAS. that is 98% complete.

    next backup set i'm bringing online is the /backups share all my other PCs drop their backups to. that's another 4TB.

    then i will backup /plex at 6TB

    /downloads can remain un backed up offsite because anything still in there is not something i plan on keeping forever and, in fact have probably forgotten is even there.

    so yay! instead of only having about 2 gig of irreplaceable data backed up properly i'll have basically my entire network backed up properly!

    Wait. For $150/year? Does that say UNLIMITED for up to 10 seats?

    Well fuck. I'm going to need some more information on their crypto but assuming that checks out, I literally can't afford not to give them money.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Given that information (that the problem builds up over time), the issue is almost certainly @anotherusername's diagnosis - too many connections open. More specifically, too many connections built up and abandoned in a short amount of time, overwhelming the NAT table of the router.

    Ultimate fixes come down to improving the router so it can handle a larger NAT table, periodically rebooting it (say, every 30 minutes or so? 🚎), or drastically limiting number of connections. A bad client sending tons of heartbeat probes could still NAT-DOS you without running afoul of the lower connection limit, but I don't have any silver bullets for fixing that.

    Edit: fixed for UDP (connections just get abandoned, not torn down)

  • @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    Wait. For $150/year? Does that say UNLIMITED for up to 10 seats?

    Huh. Maybe I should look into that too... Answers the question about what to do about my Win Home Server (original - Win2003-based)

    Or, use the free version, back up to one computer, then only back that one up to the cloud (1 license == 60/yr). Of course, that makes restoring one of the indirect ones harder. Probably not worth saving 90/yr...

    Yeah, I need to put some thought into my home network setup...

  • @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Given that information (that the problem builds up over time), the issue is almost certainly @anotherusername's diagnosis - too many connections open. More specifically, too many connections built up and abandoned in a short amount of time, overwhelming the NAT table of the router.

    Ultimate fixes come down to improving the router so it can handle a larger NAT table, periodically rebooting it (say, every 30 minutes or so? ), or drastically limiting number of connections. A bad client sending tons of heartbeat probes could still NAT-DOS you without running afoul of the lower connection limit, but I don't have any silver bullets for fixing that.


    You think something here could help?


    Seems I can tell it which protocol to prefer (client is Tixati)

    I didn't know bt can run on either UDP or TCP. I really need to take some time and read up on the protocol, if I'm already going to pira- I mean help linux distribution channels.

    Ultimately, the solution would probably be to schedule my torrent client to be restarted every few hours. Better than messing with that POS modem.

  • area_can

    This spider web is absolutely spooktacular

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand


    If you can enforce TCP, it will probably cut down on the number of and effect of the crappy clients.

    Restarting the torrent client wouldn't resolve the UDP connection exhaustion problem -- the issue arises because the router creates a virtual connection to track things in the NAT table (to maintain consist port re-writing), but can't consistently tear them down, because UDP doesn't have a "goodbye" protocol. So you wind up with a trade off between aging inactive connections off too quickly (and dorking up things like SIP/RTP), versus aging them off too slowly and dorking up the connection table if you get flooded with a bunch of short connections.

  • @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    Restarting the torrent client wouldn't resolve the UDP connection exhaustion problem -- the issue arises because the router creates a virtual connection to track things in the NAT table (to maintain consist port re-writing), but can't consistently tear them down, because UDP doesn't have a "goodbye" protocol. So you wind up with a trade off between aging inactive connections off too quickly (and dorking up things like SIP/RTP), versus aging them off too slowly and dorking up the connection table if you get flooded with a bunch of short connections.

    But then why did it seem to help when I shut down the torrents earlier?

    I guess I can try waiting for it to get fucked again and do a test.

  • Garbage Person

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    Answers the question about what to do about my Win Home Server (original - Win2003-based)

    The answer to that one is easy.

    Throw it in the trash.

  • Garbage Person

    @bb36e said in The Official Status Thread:

    This spider web is absolutely spooktacular

    Every goddamn time I looked at my phone today I was like "HOW THE HELL DID I CRACK... GOD DAMMIT @ben_lubar!

  • @Weng it could've been worse:

    16:44 < created> BenLubar - why aren't the tdwtf forums teeming with spiders 
                     and bugs crawling all over them?
    16:44 < created> It's halloween, it is!
    16:54 < created>
    16:54 < created> Now that - that's a real halloween-enabled website
    16:54 < created> All bugs and spiders naturally move around constantly
    16:54 < created> Except the spiders stuck at the bottom - who knows what 
                     they're doing there

  • 🚽 Regular

    @ben_lubar To be fair, these forums kind of are crawling around with all sorts of bugs. ;)

  • Garbage Person

    My father runs halloween at my house because I hate children.

    Nonetheless, the old man likes to be the guy who gives out full size candy bars. Usually this means I end up eating full size candy bars for dinner until Thanksgiving, at which point I switch over to leftover turkey.

    Anyway, he's gone and set up out by the curb in an attempt to increase the number of kids that come by. (I'm at the end of a dead-end road, and the two houses between me and the last intersection are, respectively, vacant and full of weird people who you don't take candy from. Typically, we get the 3 groups of kids who live in the neighborhood and therefore know we're back here.)

    He stepped into the house to take a leak and went back and lo, trick or treaters had come and gone. And taken with them:

    • An entire gallon bucket of full size candy bars
    • A candle
    • An entire pumpkin

    Remarkably, he has spares of all 3.

  • @cartman82 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I really need to take some time and read up on the protocol, if I'm already going to pira- I mean help linux distribution channels.

    I use sites like RapidGator for all my pira- I mean Linux ISOs. Less likely for someone evil to get ahold of my IP that way.

    @cartman82 said in The Official Status Thread:

    But then why did it seem to help when I shut down the torrents earlier?

    As soon as the connections timed out and the router cleared out some space for new ones, your connection improved. It's not a really long timeout, just long enough that trying to create hundreds and hundreds of short-lived connections really quickly becomes problematic.

  • @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    Answers the question about what to do about my Win Home Server (original - Win2003-based)

    The answer to that one is easy.

    Throw it in the trash.

    It's (I have the Acer one) still working, so not yet. :)
    I've debated about making a headless win10 "server" out of it. The hardware's probably sub-par though...

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    After a time (generally 2-10 minutes in most default shitty routers), your existing UDP connections will time out of the router and free the space in the NAT table.

  • Status:
    Changed my settings to pagination again so I have a chance of tracking what's going on in mafia.
    Otherwise, it's just a jumbled mess of posts appearing and disappearing at random. (As opposed to a jumbled mess of posts appearing and disappearing at random but still constrained to their pages. Which is better).

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @CreatedToDislikeThis said in The Official Status Thread:

    what's going on in mafia.

    @CreatedToDislikeThis said in The Official Status Thread:

    a jumbled mess of posts appearing and disappearing at random

    Wait, since when are we allowed to modify posts in Mafia?

  • @Tsaukpaetra - you think that's a necessary condition for NodeBB shifting around its posts? How quaint.

  • FoxDev

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    Or, use the free version, back up to one computer, then only back that one up to the cloud (1 license == 60/yr). Of course, that makes restoring one of the indirect ones harder. Probably not worth saving 90/yr...

    given that crashplan explicitly does not support backing up whole computers, just your data, that's actually exactly what i do. i'm backing up my NAS. PCs bacup critical files to that and from there to the cloud.

    if i need to rebuild a PC it's just reinstall and copy back from the NAS

    if i get hit with a virus or cryptolocler or some shit, then i clean everything local and restore my NAS from offsite

    there are other solutions if you want restoreable images of PCs, but i didn't want that so i don't sweat it.

    my data's irreplaceable, my PCs aren't.

    @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    Wait. For $150/year? Does that say UNLIMITED for up to 10 seats?

    /me nods. yep.

    @Weng said in The Official Status Thread:

    Well fuck. I'm going to need some more information on their crypto but assuming that checks out, I literally can't afford not to give them money.

    basically for home it uses blowfish encryption. you need PRO at $10/month per device to get AES.

    with either one you either get encrypted with your account password, or a specific archive key, or to make sure they don't have your key (and make it the most annoying to restore ;-) ) a custom key that's never sent to them.

    so you should be able to find some combination that works for you.

  • FoxDev

    @accalia and of course there is the other option of backup encrypted versions of your backups that are encrypted with whatever it is you wnat to encrypt them with.

  • Considered Harmful

    Status: I keep thinking my phone screen is cracked but it's a spiderweb.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I keep thinking my phone screen is cracked but it's a spiderweb.

    Are you experiencing an OOM condition @error?

  • Status: Just finished implementing simple ballistic trajectory calculations (target and origin are both stationary) in my project. Conveniently, this is a fairly common problem, and there's a formula to calculate the pitch angle to fire a projectile of a given fixed velocity v across horizontal distance x and height difference y with vertical acceleration g.


    While that's all well and good, I was wondering about hitting moving targets, as some of the monsters in Serious Sam are known to do. If the target is moving, the underlying problem involves solving a quartic equation. While I'm sure that we all remember how simple the quadratic formula is, the quartic formula is just a little more complex:

    Yeah, what I have works well enough for the initial release. I think I'm going to put this on the back burner for now...

  • Garbage Person

    @accalia Blowfish is... Kind of a weird choice. Pretty fucking inexplicable given AES exists and the ethics that IMO should be involved in providing what is essentially a security product. To the point that it's kinda sketching me out.

    I'd almost have to set up an intermediate local backup server which RSA's the frig out of everything (Why should my backup server know the key used to decrypt my data?) which puts things back into the "That sounds too much like work" camp.

  • Considered Harmful


    It's coming along better than I expected.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Wow how things have progressed. Pocket PCs used to have their own screens (and touch interfaces). Now you better be toting around a TV or something!


  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Who is a cool bunny?


    Molly's a cool bunny.

  • Considered Harmful

    now has IRC-like slash commands.

    It wasn't a feature I'd originally planned, but it was the first thing I saw @Tsaukpaetra try.

    Edit: Another minor push, 5 minutes downtime. Fuck, how do I get that down?

  • :O accalia is dressed as a human dressed as accalia!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Played a round of CoD.


    Yep. I still suck at FPS. But at least I didn't suck as much as when I try to use a controller.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    But at least I didn't suck as much as when I try to use a controller.

    I've heard this from lots of people... that keyboard+mouse >> keyboard >> controller for FPS.

    The only non-console FPS I play is Doom II about once a year or so. I do just fine on keyboard alone. I suppose I should try keyboard and mouse one of these days just to see how different it feels.

  • Considered Harmful


    Guest, we hardly knew ye.

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:


    Guest, we hardly knew ye.

    Google still thinks your user account page is a soft 404.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: testing disorientation recovery rates at haunted 👻🏠.


    • strobing disrupts world position for minimum 21 seconds. Gyroscope calibration adversely affected until manual disable of sync to vision-based continuous correction service.
    • automated flashbang recovery routines failed, and crashed self-balance services. Service fallback to dead reckoning succeeded without complication.
    • low-light performance: within tolerance.
    • read ahead prediction mapping failed to anticipate 422 vertices (6 percent error rate).
    • potential enemy prediction service 31 correct, 9 incorrect, 172 unused.

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