The Official Status Thread

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: I don't remember how fast the Hotel WiFi was, but I really hope it's faster than 20kbps or problems are going to be had....

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I don't remember how fast the Hotel WiFi was, but I really hope it's faster than 20kbps or problems are going to be had....

    It would be a shame if everyone else were to fall off the WiFi...

    /Someone did this to us, it was extremely annoying.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @kazitor said in The Official Status Thread:

    It is yet to learn that few things are too tough for an appropriately applied pair of pliers.

    Those that are tougher than a pair of pliers are only rarely tougher than a plasma torch.

  • Status: One of my pupils is currently writing his final exam in Physics - for this kind of exam, all pupils in Germany get the same one.

    The tasks are eminently solvable but he's definitely not in a happy place. Broke down in tears, half-way through.

    While he's not one of my top pupils, he's bright enough for this. I suspect a mixture of having learned the wrong things and a subsequent panic attack due to recognizing that fact.

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: One of my pupils is currently writing his final exam in Physics - for this kind of exam, all pupils in Germany get the same one.

    The tasks are eminently solvable but he's definitely not in a happy place. Broke down in tears, half-way through.

    While he's not one of my top pupils, he's bright enough for this. I suspect a mixture of having learned the wrong things and a subsequent panic attack due to recognizing that fact.

    Those panic attacks are killer, and can hit even if you've prepared for the right things. I'd say that for my students, they're the leading cause of poor performance on assessments. Especially when they cause second-guessing oneself and going around in a spiral of self-doubt (which only increases the panic). Adrenaline and rational thought are not exactly comfortable coexisting in the same body at the same time.


    @Benjamin-Hall It's especially bad since it's self-reinforcing.
    I've once been to a PhD defense where the defendant had a total black out like this. She had some excellent results in her dissertation (as far as I could tell) but took about a year off between handing in her thesis and defending it, so probably didn't remember all details. They started with some harder questions to which I had no clue about the answer, but it seemed clear from her presentation that she should've been able to answer it if she'd been better prepared. Since your advisors normally don't want you to fail, they went on with progressively easier questions, but at some point she couldn't answer anything at all. In the end the questions were such that even I could answer them just from what I've known about her work from conversations over lunch. I was sitting there thinking "I know you know this!"
    Only time I saw a failed defense, and panic must have played a large part in it.

  • @kazitor said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: mouse middle click continues being occasionally unresponsive. Exterior shows no signs of screws or other ways in. Is it wise to point a vacuum cleaner at the scroll wheel in the hopes it picks up some bothersome piece of dust or similar?

    The last time I had this happen I used a plastic toothpick/floss thingy to clean things out as gently as I could and I got whatever was causing problems. The screws for this mouse are underneath the glide pads on the bottom, so I'd rather not take it apart unless absolutely necessary. I've been thinking about buying new pads, though, so at that time I could take the whole thing apart and give it a thorough cleaning.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra I tried to vacuum my keyboard when I cleaned the living room. I sucked off one key, but was easily findable in the bag at least. I think the WASD keys may be a bit more worn out than the other keys...

    Edit: I think it was the D that I sucked off, but I'm not fully sure.

    I have a fear of hoover bags. I'm always scared that the spiders I've hoovered up will come out and get their (justified) revenge. Someone else always has to empty them.

  • sekret PM club

    Played around with Elite: Dangerous again last night as another test of the new headset. Every time I play this game it kind of makes me wish I had a HOTAS setup, but then I only play it a couple times before switching over to some other game and not touching it for months.

    XBOX One controller works ALMOST well enough but doesn't have nearly enough buttons. Some of that I can mitigate with VoiceAttack...but it would be nice to be able to have the ability to rotate the ship without also turning it.

  • sekret PM club

    @e4tmyl33t Also, the fact that it kept crashing my graphics driver when I flew into a combat zone didn't help much at the end of the night.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Status: When a colleague complains that something has stopped working and all you can think to say is 'frankly, I'm astonished it ever worked. Why would you do that ?!'.


  • @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra I tried to vacuum my keyboard when I cleaned the living room. I sucked off one key, but was easily findable in the bag at least. I think the WASD keys may be a bit more worn out than the other keys...

    Edit: I think it was the D that I sucked off, but I'm not fully sure.

    I have a fear of hoover bags. I'm always scared that the spiders I've hoovered up will come out and get their (justified) revenge. Someone else always has to empty them.

    No need to worry, by the time you're emptying the vacuum bag, the spiders have already escaped and migrated en-masse into your mouth while you were sleeping.

  • @e4tmyl33t said in The Official Status Thread:

    XBOX One controller works ALMOST well enough but doesn't have nearly enough buttons. Some of that I can mitigate with VoiceAttack...but it would be nice to be able to have the ability to rotate the ship without also turning it.

    Before I got a HOTAS I used the xbone controller, and IIRC I had worked out some setup with button combinations that let me do all kinds of movement with just the controller.

    With the HOTAS and button combos, the only time I need to take my hands off the thing is to type in a name in the galaxy map. Or at least it was as of a few updates ago; I haven't played with the recent updates that have supposedly added a bunch of new stuff.

  • sekret PM club

    @hungrier You're not helping. I've already spent way too much on computer peripherals this month...

  • @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    Or at least it was as of a few updates ago; I haven't played with the recent updates that have supposedly added a bunch of new stuff.

    I should check in this weekend. I haven't touched the game since just before the Thargoid update.

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I don't remember how fast the Hotel WiFi was, but I really hope it's faster than 20kbps or problems are going to be had....

    I can't remember the last hotel I was at where the wifi was actually usable...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: I don't remember how fast the Hotel WiFi was, but I really hope it's faster than 20kbps or problems are going to be had....

    I can't remember the last hotel I was at where the wifi was actually usable...

    Yeah. Good thing is, once you've loaded in 100kb of stuff it's functional and all that's set to be cached. So then all I need to worry about are the API calls that use a few hundred bytes each...

  • Status: My first Flutter app is almost complete (just a couple of very small details left, all of them cosmetic).

    Now for submitting it to both stores. Thankfully I neither have any kind of complicated schemes nor in-app purchases going on - it's strictly a LOB app for my school.

  • Status: My colleagues reported about an LMS today called "Bettermarks" where you supposedly are able to create interactive math problems and have the pupils solve them.

    Signed up for a test account. First try didn't let me display any tasks because my account wasn't fully activated. I just tried it again ... and it doesn't work because they rely on fucking FLASH.

    Yeah, that will work great. :rolleyes:

    Not to mention that the reviews for the apps aren't exactly glowing.

    But what really gets my goat: The apps are actually really only fucking wrappers for the website. Last time I looked, neither iOS nor Android support Flash. So, how...?

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    where you supposedly are able to create interactive math problems and have the pupils solve them

    Sounds like WebWork 🤷🏻♂

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    But what really gets my goat: The apps are actually really only fucking wrappers for the website. Last time I looked, neither iOS nor Android support Flash. So, how...?

    Actually, there are versions of Flash you can embed in Android (not sure about iOS) in an app. It's just updates to that have long been discontinued and compatibility is likely 💩 since last I recall it ended on Android 4.2 or so.

  • @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    where you supposedly are able to create interactive math problems and have the pupils solve them

    Sounds like WebWork 🤷🏻♂

    I'm also not enamored by their lack of proper import tools. If you want to import pupils into your class, you have two choices:

    a) You type in everyone by hand (username & password) or
    b) you let them sign up themselves using their own email address, then you ask for their email address and type in that one to find and import them.

    GDPR kind of frown on b) and I'm not too keen on a).

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    If you want to import pupils into your class

    WebWork can be linked to LDAP/AD

    Warning: this thing is coded in Perl, with the worst Database structure I have ever worked with 🤢

  • @kazitor said in The Official Status Thread:

    few things are too tough for an appropriately applied pair of pliers.

    I've had some rusty nuts that would disagree.

    Filed under: QooC bait

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Those panic attacks are killer, and can hit even if you've prepared for the right things.

    In my freshman-level electronics class, we learned three techniques for analyzing DC circuits; one involved voltages around a loop, one involved currents in branches, and a hybrid technique. For the final, I only studied the hybrid technique, because it's applicable in both situations, and it's only one thing to remember. I walked into the exam, sat down, and started. All of a sudden, I realized that the only one thing I needed to remember, I couldn't remember. Totally blank. Nor could I remember the more fundamental techniques, either, because I hadn't studied them. I'm sure the resulting emotional state didn't help induce clarity of thought that might have resulted in remembering what I needed if I had just reasoned it out calmly.

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    import pupils

    I hear there are people in Mexico that will do that for a fee. They'll even pose as the parents. 🚎

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    remembering what I needed

    All I remember is something electrons want to go negative circles and additions and time.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    All I remember is something electrons want to go negative circles

    That's because Franklin fumbled it all those years ago. Electrons should actually be positive.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: convention got DDoSed for two hours. Poor little thing definitely did not have the bandwidth to handle it. Yay.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Apparently for some packages, it takes a whole week to cross from one state to another...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: git commit -m "Guess what? You can't build the code if you don't check it out!" 😆

  • 🚽 Regular

    @thegoryone said in The Official Status Thread:

    Time to get plod on them, car dealerships are a ripoff and want £275 to replace it.

    When I lived next door to a dive pub some arseholes smashed my car mirrors practically every other month. You can pick them up from a scrappy for 10 quid or so. It's just one bolt on the inside for your car after you unclip the inside trim.

  • @Cursorkeys said in The Official Status Thread:

    You can pick them up from a scrappy


  • Status: Tracing a db error generated deep within the bowels of JBPM. Apparently sometime between $previousVersion and $newVersion it decided that it needs to delete something after performing some kind of step. Except not only does the thing it wants to delete not exist, the table where it's supposed to be doesn't even exist. It's not in the upgrade script, and obviously we've never used it.

    Other issues I've had to deal with in this JBPM upgrade: sometime between versions, Sir John BPM decided that it wasn't enough to return false when x wasn't found, it should now throw an exception instead. Luckily, they made the exception behaviour optional, but unluckily, the built-in function that nobody ever cared about because it was all confined to some internal mechanism has it hardcoded to throw.

    TLDR: JBPM is the worst and I hate it.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @thegoryone said in The Official Status Thread:

    Ebay is weighing in about 150-180 so might give that a shot

    Outch, but yeah, the fitting is literally minutes so you save a little I guess.

    @thegoryone said in The Official Status Thread:

    Plod getting the offender.

    The pub had CCTV, I reported it once (and told them it kept happening) and the Police sent me a 'dealing with being a victim of crime' leaflet in the post a few weeks later. That was the extent of their involvement. Hope yours aren't a similar bunch of useless muppets.

  • @Cursorkeys said in The Official Status Thread:

    That was the extent of their involvement.

    You should have told them that he used a knife to break it 🚎

  • @TimeBandit Or that he tweeted about it and used a bad word

  • JBPM

    So apparently the db upgrade was several versions behind the old version, but for :raisins: it worked without it. Given what I've seen with the rest of JBPM, I'm assuming they had accidentally commented out the entire class and didn't realize it until $newversion

  • This codebase:

    var query = new StringBuilder();
    query.Append("SELECT * FROM");
    query.Append(" [");

    Also this codebase:

    var list = new List<string>();
    foreach (var frob in craggle)

  • @Magus Is there a particular reason why they felt the need to copy the perfectly fine List<string>craggle into a new List?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden Assuming it is actually a list and not some other IEnumerable. And that there's no hazards with modification order.

  • @Rhywden yes, and that reason is that I wrote this on my phone rather than scrubbing the real code.

  • @Magus for those that don't get what I'm on about, StringBuilder is actually less efficient than concatenation in the general case like that above, and should generally only be used when adding in a loop. Meanwhile adding to a list causes frequent resizes, and so it's recommended that you AddRange things in chunks or just make a new list from a collection of things instead of adding one by one.

    Adding to a list in a loop is just as bad as doing the same to a string.

    Strings also have interpolation now, so it's not even that bad to interpolate a bit and add three longish ones together.

  • @Magus Well, yes, that too. ;)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus said in The Official Status Thread:

    StringBuilder is actually less efficient than concatenation in the general case like that above

    Only because the compiler coalesces adjacent literals ahead of time. For the pieces that have to be done at runtime, the compiler delegates to a (hidden) StringBuilder, and that uses the amortised overallocation pattern to make the appending pretty efficient in practice.

  • @dkf yep. It's basically a case of, "this isn't Java. Don't try to do the compiler's job. It's better at it than you are."

  • Status: The gym I'm going to seems to have financial issues. Because otherwise I cannot explain the increasing amount of training machinery which is out of order. Last count were three treadmills, two steppers, three cross-trainers, two biceps thingies (different ones, though), both thingies for torso twists. Another treadmill just displays "Test mode" and yet another cross-trainer displays "please enter password". The drink dispenser is chronically out of syrup, regularly out of CO2 (to provide sparkling water) and today it seems that the cooling mechanism also failed because the "chilled" water was room temperature. Several of the electronic NFC lockers don't lock. The device in the locker room you can hold your wrist band to to display your locker number also is out of order.

    They're also at the more expensive end (they didn't have those problems when I joined up two years ago) and are a bit more inconveniently located than their competitors.

    They also didn't reply to my email of complaint despite having previously advertised "Complaints? Write us under..." on their announcement boards in the gym. Plus, where there were regularly three persons at the reception, now I'm always seeing only one.

    Oh, and several of those machines are broken for months now - the signs stating: "Machine out of order. Technician has been notified" now also have comments below them stating: "Technician out of order. Mortician has been notified".

  • @Rhywden said in The Official Status Thread:

    The drink dispenser is chronically out of syrup, regularly out of CO2 (to provide sparkling water) and today it seems that the cooling mechanism also failed because the "chilled" water was room temperature.

    Someone must be sabotaging the "keep em fat so they keep coming back" initiative

  • In addition to "Answer" and "Decline," I want a third option on my incoming phone call screen that is "Locate the operator of the robocaller network and give him a lava enema."

  • @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I want a third option on my incoming phone call screen that is "Locate the operator of the robocaller network and give him a lava enema."

    The best third option would be "Send SIT"

    Then your phone number would be marked as not valid 😇

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