The Official Status Thread

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    a guy that likes apples

    I liked that guy until I hit the level 50 (60?) personal story.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Then while I'm working I can also wash my sheets because who knows, maybe that'll work, I'm out of other ideas.

    Stop thinking and turn off the monitors. Seriously. You ruminate about the day rather than letting the brain relax, and the blue-ish light from monitors and other devices fuck up melatonin production, because it triggers "it's daytime" reactions.

    Find some 1/2 hour mp3-- try a guided relaxation or mindfulness one-- that will guide you through relaxing step by step. They're usually soft spoken, against soft music, and have you focus on every muscle individually and relax it. I have a couple good ones, if you want to shoot me a PM I'll send them when I get home.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @FrostCat said:


    Yes, Blakeyrat. Drink some water. It's magic.

    Fuck off with that shit.

    You can take sleeping pills. You'll go to sleep, but probably won't get REM so you'll still be tired.

    You can take melatonin pills, which don't work, but the placebo effect might knock you out.

    You can take homepathetic remedies, and sleep well knowing you're a huge sucker who just made someone else rich while contributing to setting back modern medicine by centuries.

    Warm milk might work. Go with 2% or higher. Warm skim and 1%, for some reason, doesn't work as well. Plus calcium for your growing body.

  • He makes a reappearance in the last mission of the expansion pack story if he was in your story previously.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Stop thinking and turn off the monitors.

    I got shit to do.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Seriously. You ruminate about the day rather than letting the brain relax,

    The part of the brain keeping me awake is not the part I can control. Obviously, or I'd have slept well last night.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    and the blue-ish light from monitors and other devices fuck up melatonin production, because it triggers "it's daytime" reactions.

    I tried using that dumb flux program but it doesn't work with OpenGL and DirectX video games. It's on my laptop though, where I don't game.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Find some 1/2 hour mp3-- try a guided relaxation or mindfulness one-- that will guide you through relaxing step by step. They're usually soft spoken, against soft music, and have you focus on every muscle individually and relax it.

    Sucks to your ASMR.

    Sucks to your ASMR – 11:52
    — retsupurae

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    You can take homepathetic remedies, and sleep well knowing you're a huge sucker who just made someone else rich while contributing to setting back modern medicine by centuries.

    OMG i can't count the number of times people kept telling us to give our baby "colic calm" homeopathic remedy. Snake oil sells and there's 4.1(6) suckers born every second.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    I got shit to do.

    Shut shit off at least an hour before bedtime. Cell phone, tablet, TV, everything. Do your shit now, but stop in enough time to get to sleep. That's one of the causes of insomnia-- you try to go from 60 to 0 instantly-- but your brain is still wound up, so you worry about not getting sleep, which keeps your brain wound, which makes you worry, etc, etc.

    @blakeyrat said:

    The part of the brain keeping me awake is not the part I can control. Obviously, or I'd have slept well last night.

    That's the entire point of all the relaxation / meditation / mindfulness exercises: to either take control. If you can't do it, that's what the guided exercises are for. This isn't brain scienc--- umm-- wait.

    @blakeyrat said:

    I tried using that dumb flux program but it doesn't work with OpenGL and DirectX video games. It's on my laptop though, where I don't game.

    See above point about shutting off the laptop. It doesn't matter if some dumb program is showing you different colors, it's the whole system that's fucking around with your brain chemistry. Stop looking at screens a good hour before bed.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Sucks to your ASMR.

    Thanks, Ben.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @NTW said:

    OMG i can't count the number of times people kept telling us to give our baby "colic calm" homeopathic remedy. Snake oil sells and there's 4.1(6) suckers born every second.

    What pisses me off the most is:

    1. Legitimate pharmacies selling this shit. One of my wife's co-workers used to work for a major pharmacy in Canada, until they started giving more and more shelf space to Homeopathetic shit. When she asked "why are we selling this junk when we KNOW it doesn't work", she was told out of one side of the mouth "it's to give customers choice", while the other side of the mouth said "massive profits".
    2. Health Canada has been taking huge bribes from homeopathetic lobby groups "giving customers choice", and greenlighting more and more of this shit. Even going so far as to endorse it, issue DINs to it-- but special DINs that don't require a burden of proof that it actually works. They literally just take the company's word for it. No, I am not joking. Marketplace (consumer investigation show that's been running 40+ years on the CBC) did this:

    ighton says it relieves kids’ fever, pain and inflammation, with no side effects and no dyes. It’s even licensed by Health Canada as safe and effective, a powerful stamp of approval that gives parents extra peace of mind.

    And yet, there is absolutely no scientific proof Nighton works as it has no active ingredients. In fact, Nighton is really nothing. We know: We made it up.

    So how can a fake, unproven product get a very real government licence to make powerful claims?

    They went to a public library, photocopied a page from some 100 year old Homeopathy book, and submitted that photocopy as proof their drug works. And they got a DIN.

    It's one thing to be parting fools and their money. It's another for a health regulatory body to allow a for-profit company to undermine the health of an entire country with straight-up lies and deception.

    Fuck the entire Homeopathy industry and anyone who supports it.

  • Garbage Person

    The last half hour before I go to bed is reserved for a shower. This allows mental shutdown to occur. I'll go to sleep with an audiobook on sleep timer. It's generally not engaging enough to hold active attention and is more just to keep me from thinking about other stuff.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @Rhywden said:

    @Cursorkeys said:
    If it is something purely mechanical like that (like @Tsaukpaetra said) is that because biological systems tend to always take the approach with the lowest optimal 'cost'?


    Yes, but there are a wide variety of factors that can be part of the costs and benefits of any approach. Also, I would be very skeptical of saying that it is something purely mechanical, because, like anything else in biology, it's usually a combination of factors. Cost to reproduce the mechanism is just one of a myriad of characteristics that determine how a biological system actually develops.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Stop looking at screens a good hour before bed.

    What do you do, just sit staring at a wall?

  • 🚽 Regular

    I'm very interested in that. Is there anything that's accessible for novices on the emergence of complicated systems in creatures? As a wild guess I would think that evolution of systems like this would be part practical (is this a simple(er) solution than any other and thus more likely to be stumbled on first) and partly this system that's happened to occur either helps or don't actively hurt the creature so it's staying?

    I really wish I'd studied Biology past GCSE. The bits I can understand are fascinating and mostly ass-backwards to an engineer.

  • Garbage Person

    End of day chores, hygiene tasks, preassemble breakfast, read an analog book, drink a beer and stare at the wall, I'm sure there's something you could tweak into that slot.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    It's one thing to be parting fools and their money. It's another for a health regulatory body to allow a for-profit company to undermine the health of an entire country with straight-up lies and deception.

    Its worse in the USA. Some horrible folks got together in 1897 to enshrine the "Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States" into law.

    And the law, to this day, explicitly calls out this "medical" text:

    A guide to the use of homeopathic drugs (including potencies, dosing, and other parameters) may be found by referring to the following texts: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, M.D., (3 volumes; Health Science Press) and A Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke, M.D. (Health Science Press). These references must be reviewed in conjunction with other available literature on these drug substances.

    This guy just was oodles of fun, apparently.

  • Garbage Person

    Oh, I have a friend who has serious major league insomnia problems.

    She got a little battery powered water fountain dealie and it sits on her dresser. Bizarrely, it works where other forms of white noise didn't.

    It is her most jealously guarded possession.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    He makes a reappearance in the last mission of the expansion pack story if he was in your story previously.

    Ah. I haven't gotten that far yet. I actually skipped most of the level 80 story to go to get my glider unlocked, and got my skin flayed repeatedly by those FUCKING pocket raptors. Now I'm off in the old world grinding mats to level tailoring to make legendary and/or ascended armor, because I haven't read guides to determine how to MAKE.MONEY.FAST so I could buy mats on Black Lion instead.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    I got shit to do.

    Then you shouldn't be trying to nap on company time, right?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    @Lorne_Kates said:
    Stop looking at screens a good hour before bed.

    What do you do, just sit staring at a wall?

    Upthread, a shower was mentioned. Or read a book-- physical, paper book. It's a good way to wind your brain down. Or some light exercise. Try different things, and see what works for you. Just make sure it isn't a screen. It's like wondering why you're jittery when you have a caffeinated drink right before bed.

    And hey, maybe sitting, thinking of nothing and staring at a wall is just what you need. {shrug} It isn't umpossible.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @NTW said:

    Its worse in the USA. Some horrible folks got together in 1897 to enshrine the "Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States" into law.

    I want to click 👎 on that law. =( 💔

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @Cursorkeys said:

    I'm very interested in that. Is there anything that's accessible for novices on the emergence of complicated systems in creatures?

    I'll see if I can dig up some notes or slides or something from a course I took a few semesters back that basically focused on this exact question and took a very intuitive approach to solving it, which I think would be great for novices.

    @Cursorkeys said:

    As a wild guess I would think that evolution of systems like this would be part practical (is this a simple(er) solution than any other and thus more likely to be stumbled on first) and partly this system that's happened to occur either helps or don't actively hurt the creature so it's staying?

    In general, that's usually how it works. Whatever is the least significant change from the current system is most likely to happen first, and if it either results in a net gain or, occasionally, no net change in fitness, yes.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    What do you do, just sit staring at a wall?

    You remember those things called books? Some people play Solitaire with an actual deck of cards. You could sit on a rocking chair on your porch and listen to the plaintive howls of the loonraccoons or alley cats. Some nerds buy huge Lego collections, and so on.

  • @Weng said:

    End of day chores,

    I do those on weekends.

    @Weng said:

    hygiene tasks,

    I do that in the morning.

    @Weng said:

    preassemble breakfast,

    I get that from a coffeeshop.

    @Weng said:

    read an analog book,

    I use a Kindle.

    @Weng said:

    drink a beer

    I already do that one.

    @Weng said:

    and stare at the wall,


  • @FrostCat said:

    Then you shouldn't be trying to nap on company time, right?

    I'm not.

    Also I never fucking asked for help. This is all assholes giving unsolicited advice, assholes who have been here long enough to know I hate unsolicited advice.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    I want to click 👎 on that law. =( 💔

    So does everyone who's aware that homeopathy is quackery. But it's a billion-dollar industry and they have lobbyists.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    I do those on weekends.

    @blakeyrat said:

    I do that in the morning.

    You could possibly change your schedule, Raymond.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    This is all assholes giving unsolicited advice, assholes who have been here long enough to know I hate unsolicited advice.

    Maybe if you bask in your rage long enough it'll help you sleep.

  • Garbage Person

    Backlight kindle or an epaper kindle?

    And the point is that experimentally rescheduling things could help.

    And if you really are drinking a beer just before bed, try skipping it. I know people who can't sleep after they've had one, despite all other functions appearing normal.

  • @Weng said:

    Backlight kindle or an epaper kindle?

    I now have both.

    I think I like the e-paper one better because it has the "free internet forever" deal attached to it and thus I can just highlight a sentence and hit "Tweet this" and it does it without nagging me about wifi.

    But I also don't like carrying two devices around when I could carry one.


    @Weng said:

    And the point is that experimentally rescheduling things could help.

    So could cleaning my sheets, and I'm half-done with that.

    @Weng said:

    And if you really are drinking a beer just before bed, try skipping it.

    Sure, and why not just stop breathing too.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    unsolicited advice.

    Y'all remember that conversation not two months ago about this, right? Wasn't the general consensus that if one is complaining, responses are inherently solicited?

    After all, nobody would solicit advice if there was no complaint, right?

  • Garbage Person

    @blakeyrat said:

    Also I never fucking asked for help. This is all assholes giving unsolicited advice, assholes who have been here long enough to know I hate unsolicited advice.

    Oh. I never saw the original post and therefore plead ignorance. Disregard.

  • Ok, you've been here longer than a week, so let me ask you a trivia question: do you think I give a shit what the "general consensus" is?

  • @FrostCat said:

    I actually skipped most of the level 80 story to go to get my glider unlocked

    You mean you played the first mission of the level 80 story? Because the second mission requires that you unlock your glider first.

    @FrostCat said:

    and got my skin flayed repeatedly by those FUCKING pocket raptors.

    You're supposed to drop some AOEs. The combat in the expansion pack is significantly less boring than the combat in the base game. You can actually die if you make the wrong tactical decision (like you did when you ran through a sea of hundreds of tiny dinosaurs).

    @FrostCat said:

    Now I'm off in the old world grinding mats to level tailoring to make legendary and/or ascended armor

    Well, good luck making legendary armor, because that requires completing the raids, which are expansion content. You also don't need ascended armor. I completed the entire HoT story on most of my characters already, and only one of them has any ascended items at all.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    do you think I give a shit what the "general consensus" is?

    From your prior response:

    @blakeyrat said:

    I'm responsible for what I do. I don't care about "American society".
    .... Probably? Why don't you just come out and say it instead of being all vague and indirect?

    Edit: Also, it's apparently not trivia if it's important to you enough to ask it....

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Why don't you just come out and say it

    He did end up saying it:

    @blakeyrat said:

    Also I never fucking asked for help. This is all assholes giving unsolicited advice, assholes who have been here long enough to know I hate unsolicited advice.


    @Weng said:

    reserved for a shower.

    An American Beauty kind of shower but then in the evening? That might work.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @aliceif said:

    He did end up saying it:

    He ended up saying

    @blakeyrat said:

    I give a shit what the "general consensus" is?

    from that? I'm sorry, I just don't see it...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Sure, and why not just stop breathing too.

    If only there were other times of day to get boozed up!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Wasn't the general consensus that if one is complaining, responses are inherently solicited?

    Corporal ❄, 573rd Exospecies Study Division thinks you should remember everything he does differently from hoo-mans^Wthe rest of us.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @FrostCat said:

    remember everything

    Compatibility flags indicate this directive to not be applicable to this unit.

    @FrostCat said:

    he does differently from hoo-mans^Wthe rest of us.
    Warning: Transmission corruption detected, extrapolation failed.

    @FrostCat said:

    Corporal ❄
    Message discarded, intended recipient does not exist at this endpoint.

  • # Install backported fix for
    curl | docker exec -i wtdwtf-nodebb git apply

    Filed under: :doing_it_wrong:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    You mean you played the first mission of the level 80 story?

    I did the first thing you can do on the level 80 story, then I went on to start HoT content, completed the first story, and got beaten up by a swarm of land piranhas. When I asked in chat if I should go back and complete the level 80 story, they said it wouldn't help and (basically that) I should craft some legendary armor. Now the green swirly thing says "Earn your Glider Basics Mastery to continue your story".

    I see I have a new experience bar and am now a Tempest instead of an Elementalist.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    The combat in the expansion pack is significantly less boring than the combat in the base game. You can actually die if you make the wrong tactical decision (like you did when you ran through a sea of hundreds of tiny dinosaurs).

    @ben_lubar said:

    Well, good luck making legendary armor, because that requires completing the raids, which are expansion content.

    Well, thanks for giving me more reasons not to try this game again!

    Meanwhile, my friend (playing as Kai, using the bowgun (which is basically a machine gun and plays like a third person shooter) instead of the bow (switches between short (fast, weak, autoaim, short range) and long (really slow, requires careful aim, but has a very long range) forms)) and I (playing as Fiona, who in my case uses a longsword (decent speed, short range, but short animations, with powerful kicks and some nice shield buffs) and a shield (can block almost any attack with perfect timing, but powerful ones cause knockback. Very much counter-attack based.) instead of a hammer (slow, most powerful weapon in the game, but long animations) and heavy shield (Blocks way better, and you don't get knocked back by powerful attacks)) did the first raid in Season 2 of Vindictus, a battle with a giant snake. It was quite fun, but he didn't drop anything useful. Still, this game got way better in the second season!

  • The screen went black before I was out of the airlock. Turns out the “L” in “LCD” stands for “Liquid.” I guess it either froze or boiled off. Maybe I’ll post a consumer review. “Brought product to surface of Mars. It stopped working. 0/10.
    ― Andy Weir, The Martian

  • *toot* *toot* thank mr skeltal four gud bones an calcium!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    You're supposed to drop some AOEs.

    I did! But my combat routine mainly expects to have left hand on 1-5 and my right hand on the mouse, and that leaves me with difficulty using my 6-0 abilities, and I haven't figured out a way to fight better yet, if that makes sense. It's entirely possible I'm interacting with the input devices in the wrong or at least a suboptimal way.

    @ben_lubar said:

    You can actually die if you make the wrong tactical decision (like you did when you ran through a sea of hundreds of tiny dinosaurs).

    Those little shits annoy the hell out of me. I was running dagger+warhorn, so I'd do something like drop wildfire and then glyph of storms, have good health, spit drake's breath, and all of a sudden I'm down. It worked a lot better in the base world.

    I will admit I probably only spent 10-15 minutes in the downed airship field before heading back to start crafting.

    @ben_lubar said:

    Well, good luck making legendary armor, because that requires completing the raids, which are expansion content.

    Ugh. Well, I also haven't gotten used to the higher tiers yet, my armor is all rare with a couple of exotic pieces. I thought that after exotic was legendary, and that was the pink stuff, and that I could get that in the base game?

    In any event I'm not quite sure what to do: improve my combat skill rotation, get better armor, grow an extra hand, or what.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Why don't you just come out and say it instead of being all vague and indirect?

    ...and miss an opportunity to harangue someone? YMBNH.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    @FrostCat said:
    Then you shouldn't be trying to nap on company time, right?

    I'm not.

    Also I never fucking asked for help. This is all assholes giving unsolicited advice, assholes who have been here long enough to know I hate unsolicited advice.

    Well, then, go fuck yourself and stop complaining, you crank-ass piece of shit.

  • I really need to convince more people to join me in my mmo. I mean, after all:

    Vindictus - Beokros Fiona Solo (Sword) – 53:14
    — DaphneTaffy

    Also, this person is an idiot. This is an 8-man raid. WHY would you solo that? It just takes forever!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Well, then, go fuck yourself

    Like I said, that's actually a decent solution to insomnia.

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