The Official Status Thread


    Better, but how about some 🍰?

  • FoxDev


  • + ❤

  • FoxDev

    i searched for epic cake and i got epic cake.

    I also think i should be concerned that when i create a new tab the #1 suggested site before i type anything in is GIS and the #2 is here...

  • @cartman82 said:

    3001+ cc : $2000 pickup truck is 6600 cc. My old truck was 4300cc and had virtually no power, we timed its 0 - 60 mph acceleration at something ridiculous like 21 seconds. I can't even imagine what a sub-2-liter would handle like.

  • Status: Wet. My pickup truck is slightly disassembled at a friend's house in another city due to a DIY fuel injector job that took much longer than expected. It was raining and I couldn't get ahold of anyone to give me a ride into work this morning, so I had to take my motorcycle. My gear is mostly waterproof but the zippers leak.

    Naturally my crotch zipper leaked the worst. I don't look like I rode a motorcycle in the rain, I look like I have serious bladder control problems.

  • Bah. On weekends, 1 hour is the time it takes me to get out of bed. Then I grab the tablet, get back in bed and browse the internet for 2 more hours before actually getting out of bed.

  • Status: Yet again without any actual work to do today. On the plus side, my boss knows this since he asked me and I told him that everything I should have is on hold (waiting for feedback or a go ahead or, for two things, a meeting this afternoon).

    Also, it's 15 minutes past the start time of a meeting that my boss and I were supposed to sit in on and give feedback regarding a project that our PM and junior dev are mostly handling, and yet, no actual meeting is happening.

    So far, the most notable thing I can say about today is, I walked to work in the rain.

  • Status: showered, shaved, breakfasted, consumed coffee, read the news, ready to face the day!

    *has absolutely nothing at all to do today*


    If any of you guys have leads for jobs in the Seattle/Everett area, let me in on them. I had 3 phone interviews last week, and zero call-backs so I'm feeling kind of lousy right now.

  • kills Dumbledore

    Handed in my notice today. Boss made an attempt to convince me to stay bit he recognised that I'd already made my mind up so didn't push too hard. New job starts in 4 weeks

    @blakeyrat sorry for the unfortunate timing after your post. I would suggest you go for my old job but the commute to England might be a bit of a killer

  • I just had a chat about that at a T1D event. A lot of mothers were frustrated that their kids left their pump at home sometimes, and I was trying to tell them that adults do the same thing. They didn't want to hear it, but I've learned that T1D parents these days don't really do anything but complain.

  • FoxDev

    status: On timeout from posting in the likes thread.

    hour one.... not so bad actually.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Status: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

    How is it possible I hang up on a phone interview thinking it's the best phone interview I've ever done in my life, and then the guy calls the contracting agency and tells them I was fucking terrible. Goddamned.

    Well it's 10:22 AM, not too early to hit the whiskey.

    I've found that to be assortative matching. It happened to me, but I realized during the interview that they were idiots and had no idea what they were doing. Recruiter said that they told him that I didn't understand a lot of the concepts that they were asking about, when I realized that they didn't.

  • Current status:

    Completely burned out from a long weekend camping in Arizona.
    Working from home today, about to take one of the pups to the vet for her foot (she's ok, just had a cut).
    Basically being swamped with the type of issues that make me want to give my immediate notice.

  • I interviewed once at a company where I know for sure (via a contact I knew who worked their full-time) that the reason I didn't get hired is because the SQL engineer who interviewed me was confused by a lot of concepts I brought up.

    And also I did a lot of "oh this problem is obviously to demonstrate a bad design, so you can fix it by doing X..." to what she thought were legit DB designs.

    I mean lesson learned on that one: if someone gives you the boot after an interview, it's just as likely they're the ones who are idiots and not you. But whatever.

  • Yes, you can't forget that interviews are a two-way street. You're also evaluating the company, so that you don't end up in the situation that you just left again.

  • It actually pissed me off, because she was 1 interviewer out of 5 and I loved the company and I had good friends who worked there.

  • One person out of five is more than enough to make your job suck.

  • Current status: pretty sure I'm about to quit my fucking job.

  • Do it. Misery loves company, and I'm miserable as fuck.

  • FoxDev

    well.... i'd love to have a [copulating] job, unless it insisted on being on top or was into kinky stuff....

    is your job into kinky stuff?

  • that would probably be a hell of a lot less painful

  • Status: racing Vegas and Audacity against each other.

    Challenge mode: The Vegas codec I'm using has no CUDA support so it's 100% CPU constrained. Audacity was coded by idiots so it only uses one of the 8 CPU threads.

    It's somewhat old code vs. dumb code!

  • FoxDev

    oh... ouch. in that case, assuming it's not too painful to bear continue to work and actively seek other jobs. of if you have sufficient safety net... well it won't be pretty but it might be better than the current job.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Misery loves company, and I'm miserable as fuck.

    Yes, but you were miserable when you had a job, too, so that doesn't explain it.

  • Status: Working around the blocking of NTP packets by the corporate router by using the router itself as a NTP server.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    If any of you guys have leads for jobs in the Seattle/Everett area, let me in on them. I had 3 phone interviews last week, and zero call-backs so I'm feeling kind of lousy right now.

    I wonder if you'd get more offers if you applied as "blakeyrat"...

  • kills Dumbledore

    Status: just used "if you could just XXX, that would be great" in a serious conversation.

    I feel like such a Lumberg

  • FoxDev

    Status: Day two of my self imposed exile from the likes thread: twitch not bad. shudder i can take this for days twitch i can.....

  • Status: Trying to talk a coworker through deploying a solution to QA (due to being asked questions) and finding out that they converted the solution (that I am also working on, different change) to a different type of project because of errors that they didn't tell anyone about.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @accalia said:

    Status: Day two of my self imposed exile from the likes thread: twitch not bad. shudder i can take this for days twitch i can.....

    Remember this: that thread is a barrier to 2^n badges.

  • FoxDev

    yep. that thread is. but i want to post there!

  • It's ok, @accalia. You'll be fine. Just remember, the walls in here are padded!


    Status: The customer is complaining about the date modified on a file my application sends to them; they are expecting it to be when they got it. I managed to deflect the question to Application 2 which transfers the files from my server to the customer's, but I'm starting to wonder about the wisdom of making computers usable by the type of person who would have 2 IT departments spending time researching this.

  • FoxDev

    @abarker said:

    the walls in here are padded!

    oh... are the nice men with the jacket that has sleeves that are way too long that wraps around and tied together for happy fun quite sit in the corner time here again? could you tell them that i'm perfectly fine and in no way freaking out and i'm sorry to have troubled them?

    oh, they didn't buy that? well it was worth a try......


  • Current status:

    Going through a few gigs of logs that are pretty much entirely a "This should never happen" message along with a whole bunch of other useless information to find the one thing that might potentially be useful.

  • FoxDev

    status.... scratch that. can you ask the nice men from the mental hospital to come back? Accalia does not want to deal with this steaming pile of [excrement] that has landed on her desk for her to sort out. She does not want to do it and has reverted to speaking in the third person.

    Accalia has also found this nice ring, it has letters on it that glow when Accalia holds it and it makes Accalia feel all warm inside when Accalia holds it.

    our precious! ours! you will not take it from us! <bark><bark><bark><bark><bark>

  • @accalia said:

    oh... are the nice men with the jacket that has sleeves that are way too long that wraps around and tied together for happy fun quite sit in the corner time here again? could you tell them that i'm perfectly fine and in no way freaking out and i'm sorry to have troubled them?

    Why did you think they would believe one of your neighbors?

  • Status: Feeling the urge to start tweeting.
    NO! Must ... resist....
    I know! I'll use this thread as substitute.

    Better now.


    Have a like ...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @chubertdev said:

    Going through a few gigs of logs that are pretty much entirely a "This should never happen" message along with a whole bunch of other useless information to find the one thing that might potentially be useful.

    One of my company's web apps does something like that. Every page request generates a pair of "connected to the database" and "disconnected from the database" messages[1], which drown out actual diagnostics and errors.

    [1] I understand why that happens but it's such a WTF I don't even want to talk about it. Let's just say it's licensing issues.

  • Watching a football match Serbia - Albania.

    • Our fans throw in torches.
    • Albanian fans send out a drone (!!?) with some piratey-looking flag hanging from it (probably OVK-related - Albanian-leaning terrorist/freedom-fighter group from Kosovo)
    • Our players catch the flag.
    • Albanian players rush in and violently take over the flag (to prevent him to tear it up?)
    • Fight between the players
    • Fight between the fans
    • Armored cops rush in and start beating everybody
    • Players run away from the field.

    Best game I've seen since the World Cup. Who says football is boring?

  • It's ironic that you point out that the most interesting aspects of the game are anything but the game itself.

  • @chubertdev said:

    It's ironic that you point out that the most interesting aspects of the game are anything but the game itself.


  • The job market seems cold as Hell (Michigan) right now.

    I'm sure that @blakeyrat would agree with me.

  • I've never been to Michigan.

  • Status: Nachos and homemade guac + homegrown jalepenos for lunch. Ran out of sour cream though, and too lazy to go to the store and get some.

    EDIT: also been going through the song of the day thread and playing at least 30-45 seconds of each one

  • @blakeyrat said:

    I've never been to Michigan.

    It's ok, you're not really missing out on anything.

  • Nacho idea: use Beanitos instead of corn chips. (Not recommended for those who can't stand Mexican-style beans, though.)

  • @blakeyrat said:

    EDIT: also been going through the song of the day thread and playing at least 30-45 seconds of each one

    Bravo! My rule: no posting a new song until I catch up. So far, I haven't had that "OMG THIS ROCKS" find, but I did get a few albums based on some videos in that thread.

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