The Official Status Thread

  • Could just be discoincidental discoloading?

  • Status: Disappointed that @aliceif's avatar is no longer Alice Mergatroid.

    Which reminds me of the puzzling fact that only one character from that series is confirmed to have ears. For some reason.

  • Status: Already ready for the weekend. Well, was ready for the weekend when I woke up this morning, and how today has fared has cemented my position. It's also pretty bad when your boss feels the same way.

    Also status: 99% sure I know exactly what @aliceif's avatar is from, but not sure what @Onyx's is beyond looking like it could be from a game from the Sega Master System.


    Status: wanted to do something fun with local CSS. Turns out Font Awesome doesn't have a single applicable icon. It has 47 fucking company logos, but not a single one I could use! Fuck.

  • What kind of icon do you need?


    Has to be a font thing otherwise it won't work. Probably. I can try, I guess?

    BRB, breaking stuff.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Onyx said:

    BRB, breaking stuff.

    Uh oh.


    Duckhorse was not hurt, don't worry. Results in CSS thread.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Onyx said:

    Duckhorse was not hurt, don't worry. Results in CSS thread.

    I saw. Good work.

  • I tried to click Aliceif's to make it more than "neutron-sized" and Discourse suddenly scrolled upwards about 200 posts for absolutely no reason.

    Now clicking the icon does nothing at all. EDIT: no wait it scrolled up again but this time there was a 30-second delay. Awesome.

    Whatever, it's some dumb anime I'm pretty sure.


    Yes, it's a long standing bug. Nobody fucking gets it.

    Also, if you clicked on her avatar and then check another user's usercard, it has the content from hers. Nobody fucking gets that either. There are a few more people who's usercards do that.

    It's fucking embarrassing is what that is.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    @blakeyrat said:
    @RaceProUK said:
    I wrote my friend in Mississippi

    What would a British person say?

    I wrote to my friend in Mississippi

    I agree on this one. I don't like omitting the "to".

    @Jaloopa said:

    Named after

    Prefer this one as well.

  • When did you move to Poland?

    Well, our prime minister isn't in jail. We've had a former vice-prime minister commit a somewhat suspect suicide, but the issue died down mostly because nobody could really figure out which party would have the motive, since they all had their dodgy dealings.

    Also our problem is not "there are two parties which only swap sides" (though it's also true), but "there are ten or so parties, and every single one of them, left to right, is a bunch of fucking insane delusional crackpots".

    Also, the election is on Sunday, and the biggest opposition party is already certain the election will be falsified and organizes "grassroots" commitees of people to watch over the election locations.


    @Maciejasjmj said:

    When did you move to Poland?

    Heh. Same story, different bunch of assholes, eh?

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Also, the election is on Sunday, and the biggest opposition party is already certain the election will be falsified and organizes "grassroots" commitees of people to watch over the election locations.

    Oooh. Should I get the aluminium foil ready? Are we in for another conspiracy thread already?

  • @Onyx said:

    Are we in for another conspiracy thread again?

    Get yourself a friggin' EUR-pallet. The ruling party's candidate is pretty much bound to win by the polls, though you won't find the similar sentiment on the Internet.

    I expect @Gaska to lose his shit, he's after that one independent Ayn Rand-style guy that everybody on the Internet loves, and then he gets 2%.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Onyx said:

    Should I get the [aluminium foil][1] ready?


  • Banned

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    the issue died down mostly because nobody could really figure out which party would have the motive

    It was obvious which one had the motive (he was supposed to publish some documents that would destroy some of the top politicians of that party) - it's just that it was better for everybody in parliament that the issue wasn't pursued any further.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Also our problem is not "there are two parties which only swap sides" (though it's also true), but "there are ten or so parties, and every single one of them, left to right, is a bunch of fucking insane delusional crackpots".

    Except there are only for parties now in parliament (there were five on elections, but the fifth one was actually just a branch of ruling party which was mostly merged back by now), and all of them are lefties.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Also, the election is on Sunday, and the biggest opposition party is already certain the election will be falsified and organizes "grassroots" commitees of people to watch over the election locations.

    It's hard to believe it won't be falsified, given how many election issues were raised to the court (1815 - almost two thousand), and how many of them were actually examined in the slightest by the court (0 - literally zero).

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    one independent Ayn Rand-style guy

    He's not Ayn Rand-style - he's against treating everyone like shit; quite the opposite. Also, I'm not losing my shit in the slightest, because it was obvious right from the start that Komorowski will win with Duda in second turn.

  • Garbage Person

    Status: USPS and I are no longer friends.

    Had a big Amazon order land today, including $400 in racecar parts for this weekend's race. I depart for the track in a few hours.

    What the postal service actually managed to deliver was a single envelope containing a plastic widget I absolutely didn't need. The $400 in essential car parts is missing, presumed misdelivered to crackhead neighbor. Because it's really fucking easy to put a big box full of heavy things in front of the wrong house.

    Now we get to spend shitloads of extra money and absurd amounts of time trying to buy this stuff at every auto parts store in 4 states.

  • FoxDev

    Status: Wondering why the BBC's election coverage has to stop every hour to report election news and pictures of dogs 😒


    It's to offset all the cats on the Internet.

  • FoxDev

    It's not just that though; it's the fact that I'm watching election coverage, so I don't need news about the election!


    It's elections all the way down. All the way.

  • Status #1: Eating marshmallowy cappuccino froth with a spoon

    Status #2: Asked my pod-mate why no-one is dressed down for Friday. Made his day as he thought it was Thursday

    Status #3: There is no more dress down Friday

  • FoxDev

  • :belt_onion:

    Status: I just watched the Person of Interest season 4 finale we DVR'd from Tuesday. Very, very impressed. Dat ending scene tho...

  • ###YES! Hats are finally getting the recognition they deserve!

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Here in Washington State (at lest some counties), we vote-by-mail. Much better.

    Yep because I totally want hundreds of USPS employees having access to my vote that doesn't actually matter at all.

  • FoxDev

    Status: Been up all through the night watching the future of my country be decided by about ⅔ of its voting population.

    Also, I now have a new MP.

    Also, there's talk of beginning the task of turning the UK into a federation.

    Also realising how broken our democracy actually is:

    As much as I despise UKIP, the fact they have only one seat and the SNP have 55 is just wrong…

  • It is even more wrong considering UKIP got twice as many votes...

  • Status Listening to the recordings from Thomas Edison's talking dolls:

    "Now I lay me down to sleep" was scary! You could easily fit that into any horror movie -- I can only imagine the trauma if a 19 century doll (that are nightmarish to begin with) started reciting that on my kids' bedside table.

  • FoxDev

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    "Now I lay me down to sleep" was scary!

    Damn, that was creepy! 😱

  • @RaceProUK said:


    And people here are pushing for the single-seat system because "that's fair" and "adds variety". Right, as we can see...

  • FoxDev

    If you want fairness and variety, really, you want some form of proportional representation

  • @Gaska said:

    It was obvious which one had the motive (he was supposed to publish some documents that would destroy some of the top politicians of that party) - it's just that it was better for everybody in parliament that the issue wasn't pursued any further.

    And yet people still accused the other party just because... they're evil, I guess.

    Unless you and me heard of some different documents regarding some different politicians, which just shows how much the case makes no sense.

    @Gaska said:

    Except there are only for parties now in parliament (there were five on elections, but the fifth one was actually just a branch of ruling party which was mostly merged back by now), and all of them are lefties.

    And there are several more outside, duh. That only the "lefties" were picked just shows the stupidity of democracy - if you take from one rich guy and give to ten poor, you win ten votes and lose one. Duh.

    @Gaska said:

    It's hard to believe it won't be falsified, given how many election issues were raised to the court (1815 - almost two thousand), and how many of them were actually examined in the slightest by the court (0 - literally zero).

    Out of which 95% is probably a horrible case of "my guy didn't win". The other 5% just got lost in information noise.

    @Gaska said:

    He's not Ayn Rand-style - he's against treating everyone like shit; quite the opposite.

    Opposite? Ayn Rand wasn't a misanthrope either, but firmly believed in the "everybody for themselves" rule. Just like Korwin.

    Since Kukiz stepped into the political scene, I don't even mind Korwin that much. At least about once in a year he has a point...


    Status: Nobody on meta.d cares for my bug report. Not even enough to post a WONTFIX_CBA. It's important to me, damn it discodevs!

  • @RaceProUK said:

    If you want fairness and variety, really, you want some form of proportional representation

    Which we have. But... I guess it's too complex? Or people believe there's a bigger chance they can sneak in some independent candidate if he's good in one electorial district, except it doesn't quite work this way.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RaceProUK said:

    the fact they have only one seat and the SNP have 55 is just wrong…

    The SNP seats are in Scotland and UKIP have 1 seat too many.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: I was just thinking on the way to work you don't usually see MPs getting drunk on election night.

  • If I understand the system you can only vote for SNP if you are registered in Scotland?

    If this is the case, what's to say that they would not have received even more seats otherwise.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    Seriously BBC?! :wtf:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    If I understand the system you can only vote for SNP if you are registered in Scotland?

    Yes. I'd rather give seats in England to the SNP than UKIP though.

  • FoxDev

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    If I understand the system you can only vote for SNP if you are registered in Scotland?

    Only because the SNP only run in Scottish constituencies; there's nothing stopping them running in the rest of the UK if they wanted
    @loopback0 said:
    Yes. I'd rather give seats in England to the SNP than UKIP though.

    Lesser of two evils 😄

  • TIL what an air conditioner looks like after not being cleaned for 12 years.

  • I was just wondering because of the following parallel:

    There is a region of Sweden that used to belong to Denmark (until 1666). Every year, the society "Friends of the handspike" (not sure about that translation; I mean the >1.20m iron versions you use to move rocks, rails, etc. with) convenes on the East-Denmark side and symbolically tries to loosen it from Sweden. Correspondingly, there are people who convene on the Swedish side and tries to loosen East-Denmark from the mainland.

    You already have the memory of a wall in place towards Scotland. If you can figure out a way for them to smuggle the higland malts to you, I guess many would indeed vote for SNP.


    Status: Discoproblems! I use the same templating engine in PHP and JS. This is all fine and dandy 99.9% of the time. I now need a way to check a length of an array in a template, but only the JS parser supports this... grumble.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    In the UK, that would mean voting Liberal Democrat.

    Well, seeing as they've just barely haven't even got into a double figure number of seats according to the most up-to-date site I can find, and are thought to have considerably less share of the vote than UKIP, that's a lot less true than it's been in the past. Outside of Scotland, I'm not sure if you can really say there is a single third option now.

    Oh, and does anyone know what result was predicted by the poll being referred to in

    Speaking at the start of the night, the Lib Dem election chief Lord Ashdown told the BBC: "If this exit poll is right I will publicly eat my hat."

    In more election results trivia, the telegraph is still reporting that 323 seats are required for a majority out of 650.

    [Edit: that graph I was looking at turns out to be the exit poll prediction, not current results]

    Status: had my very first (as driver rather than passenger) car accident on the way to work.

    Completely not my fault, but since the other party was a cyclist I still get the 'almost killed him' guilt (and the expense of fixing my paintwork, if I care about that, but I don't think I do). Not that there was seriously much danger at the speed involved but when he went over his handlebars and plastered himself over my bonnet I was sure I'd killed or seriously hurt him.

    He assured me he was fine, and rode off, I'm fine, my car is essentially fine. But yeah, great start to a Friday.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @CarrieVS said:

    Oh, and does anyone know what result was predicted by the poll being referred to in

    This one.

  • Aw, that's a shame. I was hoping it was something that had happened so we'd have the chance of trying to hold him to it.

  • Status Annoyed at the lack of support we have for our internal systems. There is a web portal we have to use to report grades, and I don't know how they managed to belgium the UI this badly. I think they sometimes have gone out of their way to make it as difficult as possible.

    For starters:

    • Get the tab order right so I can tab between the text boxes
    • Have decent default values in combo boxes. Do not add a default empty choice.
      • Even if I am the only examiner on a course I still have to actively select myself from a combo box.
      • When I have completed the report, there is only one place I can send it to, and yet I have to actively select it in a combo box.
    • Make the order of the buttons follow the work flow. I have to first save a list of results (scroll down, button is on the bottom right), in order to commit it (scroll up, button is the third one from the top)
    • Smart defaults: If I just reported the grades on the first assignment in a course, chances are that I might want to report the grades on the second assignment on the same course. Pre-filling that textbox for me would be helpful.

    I've complained about these exact things for five years now. The amount of response received is that they have now removed the e-mail address to the persons responsible for this system. :wtf:

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