The Official Status Thread

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    status: seems YouTube is doing a thing where you can follow timestamped comments along.



  • Notification Spam Recipient

    STAUS Glad to know that I'm not @abarker .

    ⚰ ☕

  • Banned

    Status: Got a spam call from Ukraine. Fucking hell that's low. No doubt there are less tech-savvy people out there who, unlike me, picked it up and had to pay international rates on top of premium call rates, because they saw "Ukraine" and thought someone needs help. I bet the scam itself was even worse.


    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    picked it up and had to pay international rates on top of premium call rates

    The whole concept of paying to receive an unknown call is ridiculous. :mlp_shrug:
    Although admittedly that's not as bad when you see who's calling.

  • Banned

    @topspin everything related to classic phone network is ridiculous. Starting with the inability of operators to combat spammers. This is such a bullshit I'm having a hard time sticking to Hanlon's razor. ID spoofing you say? VOIP you say? Out of network calls you say? FFS we have solved the problem of trusted origin for email. For EMAIL. The largest, the most simplistic, the most distributed network on Earth where anybody can join it anywhere at any moment completely for free. Thanks to various verification schemes, we can say for sure an email really came from the server it claims. And you're saying you cannot keep track which of your PAID CUSTOMERS made a fucking phone call!?

  • @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin everything related to classic phone network is ridiculous. Starting with the inability of operators to combat spammers. This is such a bullshit I'm having a hard time sticking to Hanlon's razor. ID spoofing you say? VOIP you say? Out of network calls you say? FFS we have solved the problem of trusted origin for email. For EMAIL. The largest, the most simplistic, the most distributed network on Earth where anybody can join it anywhere at any moment completely for free. Thanks to various verification schemes, we can say for sure an email really came from the server it claims. And you're saying you cannot keep track which of your PAID CUSTOMERS made a fucking phone call!?

    Telco is one big pile of shit mixed with NIH, topped with a generous sprinkling of no fucks given.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: What the fucking blazes is going on in that Keycloak system?

    So, it's able to publish a description of what groups a user is affiliated with (which I need in my application because that relates to quota management). But my app wasn't being actually delivered the information; turns out I had to ask for it with an extra scope that I hadn't put in when I set things up. Because of course I didn't know a damn thing about it as the set of scopes is really not at all documented well in our project docs (they're custom, which is why general Keycloak docs don't help; of course they fucking well are).

    But could I update my registration? Hell, no! That'd be far too easy. It would accept the PUT with the updated info, and respond with a new registration access key (Ugh! Configuring things by a series of one-time keys is just so easy to fuck up.) in a 200 response, but would it actually do anything with the update I asked it to apply? No! Shit would be exactly the same as it was before, with no sign that anything at all had happened!


    I ended up having to make a completely new registration with a new ID and now it all works. But I really don't see why it should be silently rejecting inputs; that's the absolute worst of the worst @mikeTheLiar of options as there's no way at all to debug the silly thing. Oh, and the UI is locked away from me because the permissions model of Keycloak itself is retarded; I think the UI assumes that only the system admin ever adds apps and makes no provision at all for app owners who are not the system admin and who ought to get a restricted UI. No, it's all done by a bunch of wretched code; the examples from our project docs are all based on fucking around with curl and jq (and don't actually explain what most of the fields do) and the examples from the Keycloak main docs are all based on a GUI client that I can't use.

    This shit's only cost me a few days, but I hate it so so so much that I think I might need to slack off for the rest of the day in order to calm down.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Carnage said in The Official Status Thread:

    Telco is one big pile of shit mixed with NIH, topped with a generous sprinkling of no fucks given.

    Unix did emerge from it. Possibly removing any remaining sanity with it.

  • Considered Harmful

    @dkf sounds very secure.

  • Status: First day of two weeks of working from home, which starts the weekend after getting and hooking up a PS5 and Elden Ring releasing.


    This is gonna be rough, all thanks to one project being dumped on my plate for March (if it weren't for that, the only real work I'd have is being available to respond to issues or questions).

  • Status: This morning I've had two calls from random US numbers (sent to voice mail, ofc) with a robot voice talking about suspicious purchases and international money transfers

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: This morning I've had two calls from random US numbers (sent to voice mail, ofc) with a robot voice talking about suspicious purchases and international money transfers

    Guess you shouldn’t have used your main phone number for those Javelins you gifted to Kyiv :tro-pop:

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    STATUS I've got a feeling that I'm going to become one of those cranks that sues everyone. I had two small claims courts victories last year, probably cost more to sue then the money I got back, and now ticket master is about to become my hat trick. 😠

  • Considered Harmful

    @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: This morning I've had two calls from random US numbers (sent to voice mail, ofc) with a robot voice talking about suspicious purchases and international money transfers

    Sorry about that, I needed a cutout. Did they happen to mention the weather?

  • Considered Harmful

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    STAUS Glad to know that I'm not @abarker .

    ⚰ ☕

    At least this small surety can be obtained, Mike.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    STATUS I've got a feeling that I'm going to become one of those cranks that sues everyone. I had two small claims courts victories last year, probably cost more to sue then the money I got back, and now ticket master is about to become my hat trick. 😠

    Hold! Return to neutral. You actually got a physical ticket for the first time in 3 years.


    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    @DogsB said in The Official Status Thread:

    STATUS I've got a feeling that I'm going to become one of those cranks that sues everyone. I had two small claims courts victories last year, probably cost more to sue then the money I got back, and now ticket master is about to become my hat trick. 😠

    Hold! Return to neutral. You actually got a physical ticket for the first time in 3 years.

    If the tickets I bought for July 2020, which got postponed to Sedecimber 2020 and then again to, um, Duodetrigintember 2020 will be postponed again, I'll get my money back or rip them a new one.

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    I think I might need to slack off for the rest of the day

  • Status: Rejoice with me! I have gotten one of the main classes of our application (sadly a bit of a god class currently, but we have tickets to fix that mostly) up to 81% test coverage (by statements). That's up from ~30% last week. And I hope they're actually meaningful tests.

    I still have a set of tests to write for this file, and there are other classes that are much worse...testing repository classes that do actual SQL isn't exactly easy...need to figure out how to do a proper integration test for those. And then there are the legacy classes we're moving away from in the next big refactoring...which are also mostly SQL/related data munging. So not really bothering to write tests for those. Unless I get really bored.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    testing repository classes that do actual SQL isn't exactly easy

    Temporary DB? Or are they hardwired to a DB that makes setting up such things a pain? (I use a temporary DB to test my repository-access classes, but I've probably made other tech choices that make that easy.)

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    testing repository classes that do actual SQL isn't exactly easy

    Temporary DB? Or are they hardwired to a DB that makes setting up such things a pain? (I use a temporary DB to test my repository-access classes, but I've probably made other tech choices that make that easy.)

    I could, but that'd mean setting all of that up in a way I don't have yet. And since we're on v.ancient of MySQL, I'd have to deal with all the ways the in-memory version differs from the real one. Plus roll-forward the entire database schema each test run and deal with truncating data or roll-forward the entire database schema per test. Which is gonna make this super slow.

    I'll wait for that until we are doing real integration tests. These are just unit tests right now.

    They're not hardwired to a database at all--that's actually fairly configurable (by passing in a different config, including the url/user/password. Thankfully.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Testing a new 1Tb flash drive.


    I think I broke it...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    I think I broke it...


  • Notification Spam Recipient



    @boomzilla said in Things that remind you of WDTWTF members:


    Status: I'm going to get stomach ulcers one of these days.

    I was just listening to the radio in my car. The radio host was talking about the news and mentioned that someone has spoken before "Abgeordneten und Abgeordnetinnen [des Parlaments]". If you're thinking "what the hell is this German shit he's talking about", well it roughly translates to English as if she said some person has spoken before "members and memberesses" of parliament.
    I was thoroughly confused, thinking surely that's not how that works. Surely, that is not a word! Or is it? That makes zero grammatical sense. Fuck, I'm going to have to look that up when I get out of the car.

    After the next song some listener apparently had called in and she corrected herself. Oops, she apparently messed up the gendering, and of course it's only "Abgeordnete", i.e. members.

    I'm slowly losing my mind with their constant abuse of the language, to the point where apparently I myself can't tell anymore when it's bullshit. At least she didn't put a fucking glottal stop in.
    Feels like gas-lighting.

  • @topspin Latin-derived languages only offer masculine and feminine (lingual) genders, and there there's been an unfortunate trend of stereotypical-male-gender-role professions having default masculine lingual gender, and stereotypical-female-gender-role professions sometimes (but not always) having default feminine lingual gender. While some traditional greetings include both genders, most of the language usage historically does not. Explicitly linguistically acknowledging cross-gender members of a profession is believed to be an important step in legitimizing them.

    Meanwhile, Germanic languages have masculine, feminine, and neuter, and much less of a connection between "this is the gender of the word" and "this is the gender of the people the word refers to." Which makes all this a bit of fährten¹ around.

    ¹ I wasn't able to find the link, but I remember a news story about how a politician blew up because another story used the phrase "Fahrte und Fährte", which he took to mean "(explicitly) male drivers and (explicitly) female drivers" and he went on a tear about how political correctness was running rampant and so on, until he was gently reminded to read the article again: it was "drivers (of either gender) and lanes."

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @TwelveBaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    Germanic languages have masculine, feminine, and neuter

    Sometimes even more; I know Swedish has two neuter genders.


    @TwelveBaud the whole push to use gender-differentiating nouns everywhere is based on false social premises, false linguistic premises, makes the language much harder to understand, while achieving the opposite of the stated goal.

    German nouns have 3 grammatical genders: masculine, feminine, neuter. Every noun is one of these genders, and as everyone learning German will complain about tell you, they are mostly meaningless. The sun is female, the moon is male, earth is female, a house is neuter, as are many other "things", but a table is male and a fork is female. Dogs are male and cats are female. Like "bitch", there are special words for female dogs and male cats, but in general when I talk about cats and dogs I don't talk about male or female ones only. "Die Drohne" is, as you might know, a strictly male worker bee, but its grammatical gender is female. A human is called "der Mensch", i.e. humans are male. Mind blown. It is thus quite obvious that grammatical gender (Genus) is not identical to biological sex (Sexus).

    Now, there are some nouns mostly relating to people, their jobs and occupation, where you can gender shift, i.e. add some form of inflection to change the genus so that it fits the sexus. E.g. "Polizist" (police officer) becomes "Polizistin" (female police officer). And people now want you to do that everywhere in the plural form when talking about a group of people, under the implicit and false pretense that if you don't do that, you are only talking about the male or female subgroup, excluding the other. Which is obvious nonsense on the face of it. German also has a concept of generic male, i.e. the plural form of such nouns has male gender by default, without relating to biological gender. Now, you may argue that in historical usage this mostly referred to men. But this is not a linguistic thing. If historically a group of police officers was mostly male, then that is what people referred to. This does not mean that, since this is no longer the case, we need to change our language and make it stupidly complicated everywhere just to be inclusive, it only means we need to stop interpreting a neutral sentence as male-only when we hear it. The "discriminating" part here is not on the speaker who uses a generic expression to refer to a generic group of people, but on the listener who wrongly thinks that this refers only to males. And lately, while you might argue that used to be an excusable mistake on the listener and failure to communicate by the speaker, I feel this is more of a willful misinterpretation against better knowledge.

    Using gender-differentiating language to be more inclusive when gender-neutral language is available is bringing in gender everywhere it doesn't belong. It is the opposite of what it should be. It is differentiating in the name of equalizing, which is obviously stupid. It is also used inconsistently, incorrectly, and normal people don't understand it. It actually disadvantages people with lower educational background, reading disorders, or foreign speakers. (Yes, this sounds like a convenient excuse argument I don't care about, like "wind turbines kill bird", but it is in fact true). It's simply a terrible idea.
    As far as I can tell, in English the push went into the opposite (and IMO correct) direction: Female professors demanded to be simply called professor, not professoress, because the latter sounded belittling. In German, when I say professors, I get shit for "not including" the female ones since I actually don't care about their gender.

    Bonus quiz: what does it mean if I say "die Gruppe besteht aus drei Schülerinnen und Schülern"? ("The group consist of three male pupils and female pupils", with strong indication that 3 is the total and not 3 each.) That doesn't even make sense.

    I'm sorry for trailing so far from Status, but my original post was about my status of being upset.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    my original post was about my status of being upset.

    Status: Upset. Today I was reminded that "Web-like mode" for File Explorer was a thing. Because asshole user apparently uses it like that.

    What the hell.

    This is also a user who unreasonably expects Windows Update to actually work such that his 5-year-old install of Windows 10 RS5 should have been auto-updated to 21H2 despite being off the corporate network and thus unable to reliably connect to the WSUS servers.... 😖

    Edit: This shit:


    Why?!?! Who does this?!!??!


    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Upset. Today I was reminded that "Web-like mode" for File Explorer was a thing.

    You mean that Win 98 "hover to select, click to double-click execute" shit? Awful.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Upset. Today I was reminded that "Web-like mode" for File Explorer was a thing.

    You mean that Win 98 "hover to select, click to double-click execute" shit? Awful.

    Yeah. I'm so pissed off I'm using the keyboard to do things instead of the mouse. :angry:

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    @TwelveBaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    Germanic languages have masculine, feminine, and neuter

    Sometimes even more; I know Swedish has two neuter genders.

    I think that if I were going to construct a language, like Esperanto or (shudder) Logjam, I would define the language such that linguistic gender === biological sex, always. Therefore, the following inflections would be needed:

    • Masculine singular, used for individual male humans and organisms
    • Masculine plural, used for groups consisting entirely of male humans or organisms
    • Feminine singular, used for individual female humans and organisms
    • Feminine plural, used for groups consisting exclusively of female humans or organisms
    • Neuter singular, used for individual inanimate objects
    • Neuter plural, used for groups of inanimate objects
    • Mixed Plural, used for groups (and only groups; never singular) that include, or may include, both male and female humans/organisms
    • Unknown/unspecified singular, used to refer to an individual human/organism of which the speaker does not know the sex/gender
    • Unknown/unspecified plural, when the composition of the group is unknown, probably isn't really necessary; mixed-plural could be used for that, but the system of inflection should be regular enough that the suffixes (or whatever forms the inflections) would make it possible and understandable.
    • Mixed singular would be possible and used for organisms, such as earthworms and flowers, that are hermaphroditic

    Or just dispense with grammatical gender entirely.


    Another Status: In youtube's thumbnail list is a pop science video with the clickbait-y title of "you've never seen colors this way before."
    Um, yeah, I'm sure we've had some pretty long-wided threads about more than I ever cared to know. 🐠

  • Disclaimer: I'm explaining ideas that other people hold as they have been explained to me. I'm not advocating for or against any of these positions.

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    German also has a concept of generic male, i.e. the plural form of such nouns has male gender by default, without relating to biological gender.

    This is at the crux of what people agitating for gender-differentiating nouns are trying to change. To them, generic male gender necessarily implies that female sex is second-class. Creating and using female gender inflections explicitly acknowledges female-sexed workers as equal to historically-the-default-gender male-sexed workers. If they were linguists and thinking properly, they'd be pushing to change generic male gender to generic neuter gender, since that's actually a potential thing in Germanic languages, and reserve male and female gender inflection for referring specifically to male and female sex. Sadly they are not; they're politicians and snowflakes taking cues from people who are upset about Romance languages not having a neuter gender -- the people to whom "Latinx" is a Good Thing, who mainly aren't actual Spanish speakers -- and trying to duplicate their efforts.

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    As far as I can tell, in English the push went into the opposite (and IMO correct) direction: Female professors demanded to be simply called professor, not professoress, because the latter sounded belittling.

    True in most cases, although the push generally tended to settle on new artificially-neutral terms like "police officer" for "policeman" and "policewoman", or "flight attendant" for "steward" and "stewardess".

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    "die Gruppe besteht aus drei Schülerinnen und Schülern"?

    The group consists of three students of nonspecific sex. Presumably at least one male and at least one female, but not necessarily.


    @TwelveBaud said in The Official Status Thread:

    Disclaimer: I'm explaining ideas that other people hold as they have been explained to me. I'm not advocating for or against any of these positions.

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    German also has a concept of generic male, i.e. the plural form of such nouns has male gender by default, without relating to biological gender.

    This is at the crux of what people agitating for gender-differentiating nouns are trying to change. To them, generic male gender necessarily implies that female sex is second-class. Creating and using female gender inflections explicitly acknowledges female-sexed workers as equal to historically-the-default-gender male-sexed workers.

    Yes, but as I have explained genus and sexus are generally independent, so this is wrong to start with. No sane person would say "Hunde und Hündinnen". Generic male isn't about sex and doesn't make females second-class, it makes sex a non-issue. I don't need to explicitly acknowledge that I have female coworkers. When talking about my coworkers, the implicit premise that I just mean male ones is quite clearly wrong.

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    "die Gruppe besteht aus drei Schülerinnen und Schülern"?

    The group consists of three students of nonspecific sex. Presumably at least one male and at least one female, but not necessarily.

    Obviously that's what it's supposed to mean, but ignoring the catch. When I use a generic, gender-neutral phrasing then it's a group of 3 pupils (thus plural form) of unspecified gender. If I specify gender, then it's a group with presumably at least two male and two female pupils, because otherwise they wouldn't both be plural. But that's impossible since it's only 3. Saying it's three students of nonspecific sex doesn't work because I have explicitly stated sex. Needlessly so, of course, because sex wasn't relevant. Explicitly differentiating sex and then pretending you didn't mean it is having your cake and eating it, too.
    In other words, stop explicitly dragging sex into sentences that are supposed to be neutral.

  • Considered Harmful

    Currently at the "anger" stage of Elden Ring. Next is bargaining.

  • Banned

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Next is bargainingbug abuse.

    Let's be honest.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Next is bargainingbug abuse.

    Let's be honest.

    Are there bugs to abuse? Teach me your secrets.


    There’s this really neat exploit, where you can close the game and do something interesting instead 🍹

  • @kazitor Apparently, someone disagrees. I know nothing about the game other than what I've read here, and I have no opinion about whether it is interesting, but I found your snark worthy of ⬆⛵.

  • Banned

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Next is bargainingbug abuse.

    Let's be honest.

    Are there bugs to abuse? Teach me your secrets.

    What's wrong with YT embeds? Wait, there was a forum update recently... I blame @DogsB.

  • @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    What's wrong with YT embeds? Wait, there was a forum update recently.

    I had that problem earlier. The embed showed up after 10 minutes or so. 🤷♂

  • Considered Harmful

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    I know nothing about the game

    Dark Souls but open world with a story by George R R Martin.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Next is bargainingbug abuse.

    Let's be honest.

    Are there bugs to abuse? Teach me your secrets.

    What's wrong with YT embeds? Wait, there was a forum update recently... I blame @DogsB.

    Very tempted. I feel like it would feel unearned. Though I guess just regular grinding is the same?

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    I know nothing about the game

    Dark Souls but open world with a story by George R R Martin.

    Ah. I don't know much about Dark Souls, either, but what I do know (play as cursed undead character) doesn't interest me.

  • Status: Frustrated.

    I've got an old UWP project on .NET Core[1] that currently stores its data in flat json files because I, at the time, wanted to allow other people to add their own data more easily. I was dumb then (and still am). Of course no one else will ever see it at this point, but it's actually pretty useful for me.

    So I thought it'd be a good personal project to update the sucker to use a "real" database (ok, sqlite). Which will make managing and editing those data files less buggy (since I won't have to hand-edit json files). And I figured I'd just add Entity Framework to play around with a proper ORM.

    Fail. Hard. First, UWP doesn't support anything beyond .Net Standard 2.0 (not 2.1...semver is hard) and can't be upgraded to support it. And modern EF only supports Standard 2.1 and beyond. So you have to first use an ancient version (3.1.X) of EF. And because Microsoft decided to be fun, there's no documentation for those old versions. EF 6 is the earliest I can find documentation for.

    Oh, well, installed it. Then went to create my migration and database (code first, since I already have model classes). And the tools failed, being unable to find core files. :facepalm: And I'm pretty sure it's totally borked.

    Looks like the next project will be rewriting the UI in something other than UWP and upgrading the underlying library project. I wonder how much I can reuse of the xaml....probably none. Which means all the commands and binding will need to be redone as well. And that was the annoying stuff to write.

    [1] it's a configurable NPC, settlement, and adventure location generator. So I can plug in the parameters (racial prevalence, naming conventions, etc) for my world and spit out proper settlements.


    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    I know nothing about the game

    Dark Souls but open world with a story by George R R Martin.

    Doesn’t he have, like, books to write?
    At the rate he’s going even Knuth has a higher chance to finish before his death. 🐠

  • Considered Harmful

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    use a "real" database (ok, sqlite)


    I haven't seen the complexity of your data model, but if I had to guess "not very" is a sufficient answer to that and I'd say you're now overengineering it.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Status Thread:

    I'd say you're now overengineering it.

    I disagree, and so does this completely impartial web page:

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    Next is bargainingbug abuse.

    Let's be honest.

    Are there bugs to abuse? Teach me your secrets.

    Na na na...
    Is heteropteraphilia just some kind of kink, or is it already defined as acrime?

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