The Official Status Thread

  • Fake News Appendicitis sucks. But on the other hand, it took me only ten hours to go from "shit, I need to go to urgent care" to waking up in a hospital bed after laproscopic surgery to remove my appendix. Now it's a matter of recovery and the bills...

  • Banned

    @lolwhat congratulations on successfully turning off and on again!

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Dealing with asshole developer that essentially said "Works for me! Fuck you!"

    Yes, thank you. But what I asked was what the end resulting changes would be. In the end it was two lines of code, but noooo, answering a simple question with Holding It Wrong is the correct and wise thing to do.

  • Banned

    Status: it's 3AM and I have an appointment to see a house for sale tomorrow morning. Goddamn I hate insomnia.

  • Considered Harmful

    Status: This must be the 6th time trying to finish Deadfire. Being stuck in the tentacles DLC isn't helping, but maybe this time.

    Alas, I've been spending too much time on TDWTF:


  • Status: Building and furnishing houses in Skyrim. Fast traveling back and forth to every nearby (and some not so nearby) blacksmith, buying all the iron and steel they have in their inventory. Making containers, then using console commands to move them to where they're actually useful for alchemy, enchanting and smithing items, instead of some other room where the game decided to put them. Somewhere in doing all this, I somehow managed to delete part of a floor. In the cellar. Where there is nothing but infinite gray void below. Oops.

    And the worst thing is that I managed to not notice until some time later. With all the fast traveling, as well as inside-outside-inside-outside-inside to forge hinges or fittings or grab quarried stone or whatever, then back inside to use it, the game was autosaving a lot. But it only keeps the three most recent auto saves. In all three the floor is already missing. And the last non-auto save I have is from before I did a lot of the furnishing.

  • Status: I survived moving all my stuff into the apartment. On the 3rd floor. And I only had help for a few of the big things, the remaining 30 or so things I carried up myself. After also moving them from storage containers into a truck. At least there I had a dolly.

    I'm amazed I didn't collapse. It might have helped if I'd have actually eaten breakfast this morning, but I so rarely do anymore.

    And PS, U-Haul is the most disorganized, incompetent logistics company I've ever had the displeasure of doing business with. Like...seriously.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Building and furnishing houses in Skyrim. Fast traveling back and forth to every nearby (and some not so nearby) blacksmith, buying all the iron and steel they have in their inventory. Making containers, then using console commands to move them to where they're actually useful for alchemy, enchanting and smithing items, instead of some other room where the game decided to put them. Somewhere in doing all this, I somehow managed to delete part of a floor. In the cellar. Where there is nothing but infinite gray void below. Oops.

    And the worst thing is that I managed to not notice until some time later. With all the fast traveling, as well as inside-outside-inside-outside-inside to forge hinges or fittings or grab quarried stone or whatever, then back inside to use it, the game was autosaving a lot. But it only keeps the three most recent auto saves. In all three the floor is already missing. And the last non-auto save I have is from before I did a lot of the furnishing.

    Ah, the dreaded Iron Fever strikes again...

  • Considered Harmful

    @Applied-Mediocrity I fucking killed a crystal dragon, a sky dragon, two acid dragons and an archmage, laid waste to some thousand year old bastard that created the gods themselves, then got curbstomped by a living god the size of a skyscraper, was revived by another god, made short work of a kraken, killed an undead dragon, a manifestation of the god of death, wasted another archmage (I'm keeping his skull in my backpack to remind of its humiliating defeat)... and I'm getting my ass handed to me by a spider swarm. What is this, Pathfinder? :angry: :angry: :angry:

  • Status: Battery pack #2 has now successfully been converted to a lithium ion pack. However, if I run it at full blast right away, it goes for a second then stops, but if I ramp it up slowly to full speed, it works just fine. The first battery pack, which I thought I didn't do as good a job on, doesn't have this behaviour.

  • Status: I now have my space heaterdesktop fully operational. Well, almost. The KVM switch I had and my new(er) motherboard...don't get along. That's ok, I needed a dual-monitor one anyway. Ordered.

    Other than kitchen stuff, I'm basically unpacked. Which feels nice.

  • Status: Playing The Fractured But Whole on Switch. It's a nice diversion from the hellscape of everyday life in Soviet Pennsylvanistan. I will be sad when it ends.

    Also, work laptop rebooted and Windows 10 managed to put the Outlook icon under the My Computer icon. How do you fuck something like that up just by rebooting? Looks like something didn't do the needful.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    The Fractured But Whole

    How is it? It's on my "purchased, but somehow never got around to it" list, but was also considered recently.


    In fact, let's make it a vote:

    ⛵ 🔼 Play either Fractured Butthole or Tyranny
    ⛵ 🔽 Stop wasting your life, you slacker, do something useful, dunno, a workout, trim that neckbeard, take Udemy course...

    As befits democratic elections, I will choose whatever outcome I want. But don't let that hold you back from exercising your rights. Because exercise is good for you 🚎

  • Status: For some reason I got on my work laptop today, and apparently Ebay is convinced that the thing I want most is a glossy poster of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, even more than a gold watch and a :tiny_paper: Winnipeg Police hat

    e: to be clear, these are Google ads for ebay. The actual ebay on my own computer knows my purchase history, and it offers me a bunch of cheap electronic crap from Shenzen

  • @Applied-Mediocrity Things I don't like about it so far are that A) it does an awful lot of loading for being on a Flash card and B) sometimes the audio/effects go out of sync.

    That and I'm getting really tired of fighting the Raisins girls on the street trying to level up so I can survive the fight with the Raisins girls in the restaurant. Earlier in the game, there were more fights with the 6th graders and minions of Chaos to break up the monotony.

  • Java Dev

    Status: Just realized Shadowlands will be released during my half-week off work. Yay for good timing!

  • Status: Engaging in silliness. Setting up the VirtualBox guest additions is taking forever, because each individual driver to be installed hangs for a minute before popping up the "YOU CAN'T CUT BACK ON FUNDINGINSTALL UNSIGNED DRIVERS! YOU WILL REGRET THIS! " dialog

  • Java Dev

    Status: Went for the usual monday burger. Was asked if I wanted to try their new patty, being more meat and 25% thicker than the regular meat, so I had something bigger and juicier to fill my mouth with!

  • status Well, crap. Booted up my X1 Carbon and "fan failed". I can get into the bios and run diagnostics. Yup. Fail. Service ticket just opened. At least I'm still under warranty. And there's no critical files on there (in case they re-image).

  • sekret PM club

    Status: Finally knuckled down and ordered the desk I've been contemplating buying for over a month now. Now I just need to completely rearrange the furniture in my living room to accommodate it!


  • Status: a coworker is back in the office for the first time since before the Apocalypse startedlock-down.

    When he booted up his workstation, I saw a literal puff of dust coming out of the back of his machine.

    Now he's sitting with an IT technician as apparently his machine is no longer recognised on the company network because it missed too many updates (don't ask me).

  • Status: This is going to suck.

    Wind pushed smoke from one of the wildfires down so heavily here I couldn't open the windows (because breathing is important). But that means that it's still over 80 degrees in the apartment, because no air conditioning. And I've got a full day of work, including lots of meetings I actually have to wear clothes for.

  • Status: Well, this is likely to be an unproductive day.

    On Thursday, we (the developers and our client) tried to schedule a call with a third party vendor for setting up their tool so we could continue development, said "Tuesday at 9am would work" for us. The go-between from the client sent it to the vendor on Thursday, as he was going to be out on Friday and today. Got to the office this morning (about 8:40) and still had no meeting invite, so I sent off an email to the vendor from that thread (which has two people from the vendor on it, one of whom who has apparently recovered from COVID-19).

    A minute after sending it, I get an "out of office" reply from one of the two people from the vendor. It is now 9:10am, and I've still yet to get any actual reply. Everything else I have to work on is waiting on others, and my boss is out of town today.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: This is going to suck.

    Wind pushed smoke from one of the wildfires down so heavily here I couldn't open the windows (because breathing is important). But that means that it's still over 80 degrees in the apartment, because no air conditioning. And I've got a full day of work, including lots of meetings I actually have to wear clothes for.

    Just a shirt. And keep the camera pointed up!

  • @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: This is going to suck.

    Wind pushed smoke from one of the wildfires down so heavily here I couldn't open the windows (because breathing is important). But that means that it's still over 80 degrees in the apartment, because no air conditioning. And I've got a full day of work, including lots of meetings I actually have to wear clothes for.

    Just a shirt. And keep the camera pointed up!

    That's the plan. It's the new mullet--work on top, party on the bottom.

  • @Benjamin-Hall Which is when someone will ring on your door and you will have to get up to see who it is...

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall Which is when someone will ring on your door and you will have to get up to see who it is...

    There is someone from maintenance supposed to be coming to fix (one of) the toilets...

  • @Benjamin-Hall Oooh, the "plumber is coming to inspect my pipes" scenario!

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall Which is when someone will ring on your door and you will have to get up to see who it is...

    Not a problem - they'll completely understand!


    status no stress


    wait what? Garmin you bunch of wankers ...

  • Bought bluetooth earbuds. Unboxed, paired. Left one works fine. Right one flashes blue LED rapidly, and will not turn off, or on, or pair, or charge, or do anything else regardless of how long I press the button.

    Only hope now is that it will run out of battery in 8 hours and do a hard reset.

  • Considered Harmful

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Bought bluetooth


    There's your problem.

  • Status: Speaking of plumbing...

    Almost everybody's been out of the office complex for half a year and maintenance still can't figure out what's wrong* with the plumbing. If only pipes had existed since Roman times and were a well understood technology...

    *ProTip: decades of neglect cause infrastructure to fail

  • @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Bought bluetooth earbuds. Unboxed, paired. Left one works fine. Right one flashes blue LED rapidly, and will not turn off, or on, or pair, or charge, or do anything else regardless of how long I press the button.

    Only hope now is that it will run out of battery in 8 hours and do a hard reset.

    5 hours later update: LED still going strong. blinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblinkblink

  • I finished the garden pond I've been working on for ... several weeks now. Honestly I forget - it feels like I've been digging and lining and filling and arranging rocks and sifting dirt and back-filling for most of my life. And I had all the materials sitting around for weeks before I started, and had been planning it for over a year before that.

    Well, it's not absolutely finished, but the only thing left to do is gradually lower the water hawthorn as it grows, which I just have to wait for and is a mere rounding error of effort.

    And I also have several heaps of dirt and one of turf left to deal with, but that's not part of the pond.

  • Status:

    In my 2.5 weeks as a professional developer so far, my time has been spent

    • 5% in meetings
    • 5% writing code to deal with tickets
    • 90% fighting docker to do the right thing.

    I hate docker. Not a burning passion at this point, but just a slow smolder of resentment and bitterness. This bodes well for the future.

  • Banned

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:


    In my 2.5 weeks as a professional developer so far, my time has been spent

    • 5% in meetings
    • 5% writing code to deal with tickets
    • 90% fighting docker to do the right thing.

    Sounds about right.


    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    5% in meetings

    Don't worry, some manager will pass along shortly to fix that for you

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    I hate INTERNALERROR so much right now…

  • Java Dev

    Status; A new version of a library we use has suddenly decided to create a helper thread. This works quite well in one of our own processes which creates and waits for child processes, since SIGCHLD ends up going to that helper thread.

  • :belt_onion:

    STATUS: Just uttered the words "Well I just enabled ipv6, that should hopefully fix everything"

  • Banned

    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status; A new version of a library we use has suddenly decided to create a helper thread. This works quite well in one of our own processes which creates and waits for child processes, since SIGCHLD ends up going to that helper thread.

    Was the "quite well" supposed to be sarcastic?

  • Banned

    Status: Writing a letter in MS Word. The first line is of course going to be the date - in my case, tomorrow's date. And as we all know, when saving, Word suggests filename based on the first line of the document.


  • Java Dev

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status; A new version of a library we use has suddenly decided to create a helper thread. This works quite well in one of our own processes which creates and waits for child processes, since SIGCHLD ends up going to that helper thread.

    Was the "quite well" supposed to be sarcastic?

    Why, yes it was!

  • Status: just got a text from my wife who's returning from a business trip by train tonight.

    "At the station, got an public announce of an "undetermined delay", the whole station erupted in nervous laughter..."

  • Banned

    Status: Reading a lot about guns, knowing I won't be able to buy one at least until next summer.

  • Status: Slowly working my way through this software update. I've started building some diagnostics into it that were sitting in a separate script file before. Right now it's just a pain to convert the records over to the new formats. The tests so far are sort of Mickey Mouse level. Once the records are all in the new system, it's anybody's guess if the complicated functionality is going to work or even make sense. I hope the changes I made don't introduce too many new problems.

    But, hey, it's still a programming project so I'd rather be doing this than writing e-mails and filing tickets!

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:


    In my 2.5 weeks as a professional developer so far, my time has been spent

    • 5% in meetings
    • 5% writing code to deal with tickets
    • 90% fighting docker to do the right thing.

    I hate docker. Not a burning passion at this point, but just a slow smolder of resentment and bitterness. This bodes well for the future.

    Just wait until you hit your first crunch time, or even death march. You'll wistfully remember the good old days of getting to spend 5% of your time doing actual work.

  • Fake News

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Reading a lot about guns, knowing I won't be able to buy one at least until next summer.

    :pendant: Not if you know the right people (not that I do!). Legally prohibited, of course, is another thing.


    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Reading a lot about guns, knowing I won't be able to buy one at least until next summer.


    Is the neighborhood really that bad?

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