• ♿ (Parody)

    Yeah, I can live with not guilty by reason of insanity, but that just means you need to be locked up in a hospital, not a prison.

  • @FrostCat said:

    If you kill three children

    As I read the article, she didn't. "Bystanders and officers pulled her and her children from the van." "Prosecutors, in turn, dropped three attempted murder counts..." (emphasis added).

    @boomzilla said:

    need to be locked up in a hospital, not a prison.

    Agreed, but "Wilkerson had a psychotic break during the incident." She's apparently considered mentally competent now.

    Wilkerson told the judge Friday that she would waive her right to a jury trial. She said she was mentally competent to make that decision and wasn't under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When the judge asked her whether she was thinking clearly, Wilkerson said, "Yes, I am."

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said:

    As I read the article, she didn't. "Bystanders and officers pulled her and her children from the van." "Prosecutors, in turn, dropped three attempted murder counts..." (emphasis added).

    Oh, I must have mixed her up with another case. There was a woman a few years back who DID drown her three children by driving her car into a lake.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @HardwareGeek said:

    Agreed, but "Wilkerson had a psychotic break during the incident." She's apparently considered mentally competent now.

    Ah, then she can fill out her term in prison.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ender said:

    I'm not sure which one is worse:

    That's easy. The liveleak one doesn't play at all for me, so it must be worse.

  • @dkf said:

    The liveleak one doesn't play at all for me, so it must be worse.

    Found an imgur version for you:
    (imgur doesn't onebox?)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    OK, that manages to be worse even when I can see it. 😃

  • @boomzilla said:

    Ah, then she can fill out her term in prison.

    Except that being psychotic at the time of the act means she cannot be held accountable for most crimes. Mens rea is a concept that comes from English common law. There must be criminal intent as well as action. A person who is not sane is one who fails "[t]he traditional test of insanity in criminal cases[, which] is whether the accused knew 'the difference between right and wrong.'" Thus, one who is not sane lacks the ability to form the mens rea necessary to be guilty of a crime. Because she is legally not guilty of a crime, AFAIK (IANAL) there is no grounds for sending her to prison.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    Because she is legally not guilty of a crime, AFAIK (IANAL) there is no grounds for sending her to prison.

    This is a very important qualifier as otherwise a fair number of bipolar people could end up in prison for their manic episodes.

  • I dunno; I'd go with crashing into the fence at the bottom being worse, myself. The liveleak one looked painful; @ender's looks to me like there must have been injuries.

  • @locallunatic said:

    a fair number of bipolar people could end up in prison for their manic episodes.

    And who would know this better than @locallunatic? ;)

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    @ender's looks to me like there must have been injuries.

    Having used that waterslide when it was open, I'd really like to know what they expected to happen.

  • I can only guess that they expected, without water to act as a lubricant, they'd be going slowly enough to come to a controlled stop at the bottom.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ender said:

    Having used that waterslide when it was open, I'd really like to know what they expected to happen.

    Was the fence there then?

  • @FrostCat said:

    Was the fence there then?

    I'm not into self-harm.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @HardwareGeek said:

    Mens rea is a concept that comes from English common law.

    Yeah, yeah, I know all that, but it's not as satisfying.

  • True, it feels like there should be some severe consequence of her action.

  • If you're into revenge porn. Vengeance and justice are not related.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said:

    True, it feels like there should be some severe consequence of her action.

    Those people who do illegal acts while not being sane enough to understand that they're a problem tend to end up in the loony bin a secure mental institution, or maybe taking some extremely powerful anti-psychotic drugs. They're definitely “severe consequences”.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Right, but the situation we were discussion was that the docs said that she was cured. Or it was a temporary thing and now she's OK. I'm highly skeptical. I'm thinking that either she wasn't insane and should be in prison or her cure has been greatly exaggerated.

    @another_sam said:

    If you're into revenge porn. Vengeance and justice are not related.

    No, either way, she's a danger, because she's too crazy to know right from wrong or she just doesn't give a shit.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    Right, but the situation we were discussion was that the docs said that she was cured. Or it was a temporary thing and now she's OK.

    If I read the article correctly, they're not going to let her go. She's going to spend time in an institution, just not prison. As far a I know, you don't get out of there until they decide you are Ok. Look at John Hinkley, who's been more or less locked away all this time. (Frankly I'm amazed they're letting him out on furloughs--either he's sane enough to be let go, or he needs to still be institutionalized 100% of the time. Furloughs are dangerous--just ask Michael Dukakis.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @FrostCat said:

    If I read the article correctly

    Damnit, now you made me RTFA.

    @FrostCat said:

    they're not going to let her go. She's going to spend time in an institution, just not prison.

    Looks like they haven't decided whether to put her in an institution or not:

    ...Circuit Judge Leah Case ordered a hearing next week to determine whether the woman should be involuntarily hospitalized for treatment or released with court supervision.

    At least they didn't leave the new kid with her. Who knows if her claims of abuse are true or not. Just nothing good about cases like this.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @FrostCat said:

    Frankly I'm amazed they're letting him out on furloughs

    It might depend on how long the body takes to decompose the antipsychotic medication (a highly variable thing, because of how liver biochemistry works). That's why you need specialist doctors involved in the decision.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dkf said:

    That's why you need specialist doctors involved in the decision.

    True. Or you could do the safe and somewhat cheaper thing and just not let him out. Dude did shoot with the intent to kill twofour people, and, while neither of them around around any more, who knows that he won't relapse and try to go after someone else. Maybe he'll decided to impress Jodie Foster again by shooting Obama, or the Pope, or something.

    Then again, since Jodie's married to a woman now (as I just discovered from Wikipedia) maybe not.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Jodie's married to a woman now

    That makes sense. Maybe that's why she acted so bad in Contact.

  • @another_sam said:

    If you're into revenge porn. Vengeance and justice are not related.

    Absolutely. Vengeance is actually a thing whereas justice is not.

  • FoxDev

    it appears to be an old 100baseT ethernet splitter/merger.

    basically 100baseT only uses (or can auto negotiate to only use, i forget which) 4 of the 8 conductors in the wire, the rest usually used for ground, but sometimes POE

    those cbles would take the TX/RX pairs form one plug and route them down the unused pairs until another plug undid the merging.

    allowed you to run two computers off of one cable so you didn't have to pay someone to fish an extra wire through your walls.

    they kind of fell out of fashion when 802.11 became popular as wifi doesn't need wires at all*

    (*except the ones going to the AP, and the power being applied to the client)

  • I've heard of two connections down one cable, but this is two cables with a shared plug.

  • FoxDev

    well yes. that's how they worked. a Y cable on both ends. that one in the patch board is probably there because that where the cables "split" again after going though the wall to the patch board but before going into the router.

    it looks like one of those plates that isn't actually a piece of electronics but a bunch of female sockets placed on the ends of cable runs to allow one to reroute LANs and things just by moving cables in the wiring closet.

    of course i *could* be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me, and i remember routing token ring networks with my father on take your daughter to work day.

  • @accalia said:

    it appears to be an old 100baseT ethernet splitter/merger.

    Correct, except it's not old - I put that in today, because there's only a single network drop in the room, but two separate networks are needed, and this is cheaper than getting a VLAN-capable switch (also, the devices are limited to 10/100 anyway, so there'd be no benefit in using a Gbit switch).

  • FoxDev

    i knew a thing!


    EDIT: also, i'm really not sure if that belongs in the evil ideas thread or not... certainly the next netadmin in that place will curse you if they find it unexpectedly....


    @mott555 said:

    two cables with a shared plug.

    That is kind of the idea ... I even remember pre-build blackbox break out thingies that you could use to run up to four devices over one cat5 cable.

    It also worked with POTS. Some high-end analog boards of Dialogic (when it was part of Intel) did that too because there simply wasn't enough room at the back of a pc for the amount of R11 jacks they tried to fit in. So they gave you some custom plugs where two normal phone analog phone cables turned into one jack. It was hell to trouble shoot. Generally those systems also required that you actually knew what number was assigned to which of the pairs of cable.

  • @accalia said:

    certainly the next netadmin in that place will curse you if they find it unexpectedly....

    Well, I was looking at the rack later, and found another similar connection (except that one used a splitter box - two cables on one side, one cable on the other that was connected to the patch panel).

  • FoxDev

    didn't say it wasnt useful sometimes, just that i wans't sure if it belonged in bad ideas or evil ideas

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    These people should have their citizenship stripped and be sent off to Russia or China or somewhere.

  • Yeah, been posted already:

    @abarker said:

    Oh, FFS:

    Newtown families sue Bushmaster AR-15 rifle maker and seller. Just a small excerpt:

    >The negligence and wrongful death lawsuit, filed Monday in Bridgeport Superior Court, asserts that the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle should not have been made publicly available because it is a military weapon unsuited for hunting or home defense.

    >"The AR-15 was specifically engineered for the United States Military to meet the needs of changing warfare," attorney Josh Koskoff said in a release. "In fact, one of the Army's specifications for the AR-15 was that it has the capability to penetrate a steel helmet."

    And a few counter points:

    • Any military grade firearm would actually work just fine for taking down large game. The goal in both cases is to kill your target. If it works for the military, it will work for hunting.
    • The version of the AR-15 sold to the public is not the same as the version sold to the military. The primary difference is that the version sold to the public is not capable of firing in fully automatic mode without modifications. The military version is fully automatic.
    • The ability of a gun to shoot through a steel helmet is not a primary capability of the firearm. It is a primary capability of the ammunition you used. If I used the proper ammunition, I could shoot through a steel helmet with a rifle that is marketed for hunting purposes.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @abarker said:

    Yeah, been posted already:

    Sure, on that thread, which I don't read.

    All your points are taken, except these hoplophobes don't actually care. They're dishonest that way; it's why they keep calling semiautos automatic.

  • @abarker said:

    - Any military grade firearm would actually work just fine for taking down large game. The goal in both cases is to kill your target. If it works for the military, it will work for hunting.

    Yeah -- I wouldn't be surprised if just about any rifle used for sniping wouldn't double as a mighty fine hunting rifle -- of course, you'd be taking some seriously big game with a M82...

    @abarker said:

    - The ability of a gun to shoot through a steel helmet is not a primary capability of the firearm. It is a primary capability of the ammunition you used. If I used the proper ammunition, I could shoot through a steel helmet with a rifle that is marketed for hunting purposes.

    Yep. I wouldn't be surprised if you could do that with a NATO 7.62mm load in your average hunting rifle chambered for .308/7.62mm -- the main issue would be the longevity of the gun when shooting a relatively hot load, but I wouldn't be surprised if most modern .308 rifles were really 7.62mm in disguise.

  • @tarunik said:

    .308 rifles were really 7.62mm in disguise.

    Mine almost certainly is ... though it wouldn't be much of a disguise.

    PTR 91K, If you're wondering.

  • @abarker said:

    - The version of the AR-15 sold to the public is not the same as the version sold to the military. The primary difference is that the version sold to the public is not capable of firing in fully automatic mode without modifications. The military version is fully automatic.

    Also -- pedantry:

    AFAIK: The M16 (original), M16A1, and M16A3 are semi/full, while the M16A2 and M16A4 are semi/burst. (Of course, the M4 carbine went back to semi/full -- it's a CQB weapon.)

  • @tarunik said:

    Also -- pedantry:

    AFAIK: The M16 (original), M16A1, and M16A3 are semi/full, while the M16A2 and M16A4 are semi/burst. (Of course, the M4 carbine went back to semi/full -- it's a CQB weapon.)

    Pedantry denied. Those are not AR-15s The M16 and the AR-15 are two different weapons. If you're trying to imply that I claimed that all military weapons are full-auto: I did no such thing. My point is not negated by the fact that some military models do not include a full-auto mode.

    edit: Corrected my lapse into ignorance. The M16 is the military version of the AR-15.

  • @abarker said:

    Pedantry denied. Those are not AR-15s The M16 and the AR-15 are two different weapons. If you're trying to imply that I claimed that all military weapons are full-auto: I did no such thing.

    Wait, the pistols, grenades, and mortars aren't all full-auto? If we don't have full-auto Tomahawk cruise missiles, then our military is definitely underfunded.

  • @boomzilla said:

    No, either way, she'swas a danger, because she'swas too crazy to know right from wrong or she just doesdidn't give a shit.

    That's how "temporary insanity" works. Wasn't competent when the crime was committed, may be competent now, may require medications to remain competent, may be committed for some time until those questions can be answered.

  • @chubertdev said:

    If we don't have full-auto Tomahawk cruise missiles, then our military is definitely underfunded.

    General: Fire a triple-burst of tomahawks at the target.
    Missile Technician (we'll say Sergeant): Firing.
    MTS: Ooops.
    G: What do you mean, "Ooops?"
    MTS: I had it in full auto mode. We just fired 10 missiles.
    G: Son, those are $1.59 million ordnance! You just wasted a hell of a lot of money!
    MTS: Yes, sir.
    G: Ah what the hell, we'll just say we bought another $11 million hammer.

  • @Bort said:

    Absolutely. Vengeance is actually a thing whereas justice is not.

    Your troll-fu is weak. Try to appear almost reasonable instead of off-the-wall insane, you'll get more bites.

  • Vengeance and justice are two parts of a Venn diagram.

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