Fat Girl

  • Part 1:


    Part 2:


    Diggin' it.

    Image URLs turn into images in your post, unless they're links-- then they don't. Discourse.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    ...Today I was in a shitty mood and I clicked a thread by Blakeyrat and I felt a little bit better. Holy crap, the end is nigh :)

    Seriously, nice find.

  • Too fucking long. TLDR: Fat people yell at strawmen.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    ...aand back out of this thread.

  • Waaay too much text in that cartoon, should be written in green ink as well.

    Maybe that character wouldn't be as angry if she lost a few pounds.


  • @cartman82 said:

    Too fucking long. TLDR: Fat people yell at strawmen.

    Only a moron or a shithead yells at anything else.

  • @CreatedToDislikeThis said:

    Only a moron or a shithead yells at anything else.

    <the joke requires all caps>

  • Garbage Person

    Fatty fatty fat fat. Faaaaat. (I'm talking about myself).

    Reminds me I should probably end my holiday season diet break at some point.

  • I'm overweight, but I don't want people coming up to me and saying "you look so healthy you should eat more food and get even less normal weight for your height".

    Am I doing it right?

  • Wait, that was meant to be taken at face value? Urk. I thought that was satire.

    Not getting into the whole "fat people are beautiful/ugly/subhuman/ubermensch" discussion, because it's way too early for another flamewar, but if your discussion tactic is "shout a lot of words and declare yourself a winner, coupled with imaginary physical beating", then wow have you failed your debate class.


    @Maciejasjmj said:

    because it's way too early for another flamewar,

    You have time, say next week?


    @ben_lubar said:

    you look so healthy you should eat more food and get even less normal weight for your height

    Well, no, but I'm perfectly healthy but am too thin for my height and get almost the same shit constantly.

    Other than dietary advice that is, because when I tell people what my diet consist of they usually shake their head and go away grumbling about how they would like to eat the same and remain thin / lose weight.

  • FoxDev

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    because it's way too early for another flamewar

    It's never too early for another flamewar ;)
    But it won't be with me; I'll leave the next one to others I think

  • @Onyx said:

    Well, no, but I'm perfectly healthy but am too thin for my height and get almost the same shit constantly.

    Other than dietary advice that is, because when I tell people what my diet consist of they usually shake their head and go away grumbling about how they would like to eat the same and remain thin / lose weight.

    I can be 100kg without being overweight on the BMI scale, the advantage of being 200cm tall ๐Ÿ˜„ I'm currently sitting at about 90kg and admit I eat too much junk food, though my wife makes nice vegetables so my overall diet isn't terrible. Last time I did a fitness test I came right on "average".

    Filed under: Another Tim Tam, please

  • ๐Ÿšฝ Regular

    @cartman82 said:

    Too fucking long. TLDR: Fat people yell at strawmen.
    Yeah, I'm glad the author was able to get all of that out of her chest, but from a reader point of view these comics could be slimmed quite a bit. (only slightly trolling)

  • Yeah, comic authors really should trim the fat off their comics.

  • The first one was OK, the second one was really disjointed and seemed to go on and on.

    I enjoyed the facial expressions of the people being 'tweaked' the best.

  • FoxDev

    i'm a fan of the art style shown here, but the content?

    the points are good, but i can't help feeling the delivery takes something away from their perceived validity.

  • FoxDev

    I find it gets to the point, then spends far too long ramming in down the throat. It almost becomes a parody of itself as a result.

  • FoxDev

    that was my point.

    would have been better in my opinion as a series of comics spread over a month or so. that way it's not so.... overwhelming?

    i mean the point made is valid, but....... yeah.

  • โ™ฟ (Parody)

    Sometimes you just get really mad about something.

  • FoxDev

    hmm...... I can't imaging any incident where i was ever that mad... -shifty glance left-

    -shifty glance right-

    -slink away slowly-

  • An old man once randomly walked up to me on the street and told me that I was too thin and should go eat something.

    I couldn't even begin to think of something to reply before he walked away. So yeah, I do understand how annoying or frustrating it can be to have everyone telling you what you should eat or not eat all the time.

    But still, being fat will make your life worse (in terms of health and attractiveness) whether society "shames" you or not, and there's no way around that, sorry.

  • FoxDev

    I've been told I should eat better. But then that is what mothers tell their offspring, isn't it? ๐Ÿ˜†

    In all seriousness, I've never been in a situation where my weight has been an issue, or even a subject of polite discussion. Unless, that is, I bring it up myself, but even then, after a few minutes, the topic's changed again anyway.

  • @anonymous234 said:

    But still, being fat will make your life worse (in terms of health and attractiveness) whether society "shames" you or not,

    That is not true.

  • But still, being fat will make your life worse (in terms of health and attractiveness) whether society "shames" you or not, and there's no way around that, sorry.

    Most people are below average. Fat people don't need the litany. Neither do bald people, or people with crooked noses, etc. Interestingly, bald or otherwise imperfect people don't tend to get "shamed" in public.

    Guess what: within certain boundaries (like always wearing clothes in public), how I look is none of your business. Whining about it means you are an ineffectual whiner, whining about things you can't change instead of improving yourself. Nobody likes a whiner.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    That is not true.

    Not strictly; it depends on why you're overweight, and on what chart you're comparing. If your excess weight is muscle, then no, it's not a health issue. If it's fat though, then it can be, depending on how much fat and whether you get good exercise or not.

  • I'm not overweight and my life sucks ass.

    If I were overweight and had fewer brain problems, my life would undoubtedly be better.

    The only thing that affects your quality of life is your own brain and the strange functionings going on inside it.

    EDIT: and if you're judgmental about over people (like the guy on the horse in the comic), you're a fucking asshole. You haven't walked a mile in that person's shoes. For all you know, the very fact that they are out in public and interacting with people is a major personal accomplishment.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @blakeyrat said:

    The only thing that affects your quality of life is your own brain and the strange functionings going on inside it.

    If you're unfit to the extent that walking down the road is a problem, that is a physical thing that would affect your quality of life. Being overweight, or even obese by BMI, doesn't necessarily mean you're that unfit of course

    @blakeyrat said:

    For all you know, the very fact that they are out in public and interacting with people is a major personal accomplishment

    QF Fucking T.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    if you're judgmental about over people (like the guy on the horse in the comic), you're a fucking asshole

    Having recently been on the receiving end ofโ€ฆ well, I won't go into it here (interested TL3s will be able to find what I'm on about)โ€ฆ I'm not normally a judgemental person, but I'm even less so now.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    and if you're judgmental about over people (like the guy on the horse in the comic), you're a fucking asshole. You haven't walked a mile in that person's shoes. For all you know, the very fact that they are out in public and interacting with people is a major personal accomplishment.

    No, no, no, no, no. Fuck it. Fuck it right there.

    Being socially disadvantaged does not magically grant you an exemption from any criticism. Not by a million lightyears. If you're fat, it doesn't grant you the right to have everyone close their eyes and cover their ears together with you. If you're depressed, it doesn't grant you the right to be an asshole. If you're gay, it doesn't mean nobody in your vicinity is allowed to find the idea of gay sex disgusting.

    I've been more or less fat for pretty much my whole life, and still am, but it doesn't mean nobody's allowed to point out to me that it's unhealthy, or that it's unattractive. Because that's what it is. And while I can kinda get people who can't get thinner, for most, including me, that's not the case. We're just lazy, and some of us are justifying that laziness by creating imaginary "fat-shamers" and "bullies" and basically saying "if you're not finding fat bodies just as good, healthy and attractive as skinny bodies, you're the enemy".

    And I've had my mental ups and downs for years too, but trust me, never, ever, ever did I even have the guts to think that entitles me to anything from anyone else. Quite the opposite in fact.

    And the guy on the horse is mostly right - except it's not about putting fingers in your ears, it's about putting fists in others' mouths.

  • Being socially disadvantaged does not magically grant you an exemption from any criticism.

    And when my body weight becomes an actual problem for you (i.e., one with substantive effects on your life, and not just my own), you are free to criticize without complaint. Until then, you're just a whiner asshole. A busybody, trying to tell people what to do, when it has nothing to do with you.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    Being socially disadvantaged does not magically grant you an exemption from any criticism.

    No; but people who criticize others are still assholes.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    If you're fat, it doesn't grant you the right to have everyone close their eyes and cover their ears together with you.

    It's none of their fucking business what your weight is, that's my point.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    If you're gay, it doesn't mean nobody in your vicinity is allowed to find the idea of gay sex disgusting.

    You can "find the idea" whatever you want, it's your own brain. Knock yourself out. It's like a personal theme park. What makes you into an asshole is when you say something about it to another person. Because it's none of your fucking business.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    If you're depressed, it doesn't grant you the right to be an asshole.

    How is that remotely similar to your other examples?

    Also I live in the US, where everybody has the right to be an asshole. It's in our Bill of Rights. Fuck you.

    To quote Ghostbusters II: "Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God-given right."

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    I've been more or less fat for pretty much my whole life, and still am, but it doesn't mean nobody's allowed to point out to me that it's unhealthy, or that it's unattractive.

    Of course they're allowed to. Why wouldn't they be? Remember that Bill of Rights thing a few sentences ago?

    But if they actually do it, they're assholes.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Because that's what it is.

    And it's only unhealthy if it is. It's only unattractive if it is. If it ain't, it ain't.

    If you think it's unhealthy, fine. If you think it's unattractive, also fine. It's your own brain, you can think whatever the hell you want. But that doesn't mean other people should be saying so to your face-- if they do, those people are assholes.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    And I've had my mental ups and downs for years too, but trust me, never, ever, ever did I even have the guts to think that entitles me to anything from anyone else.

    Look. You're not "entitled" to jack shit, ok? There's not like Thor God of Thunder crashing down lightning bolts to every Joe Sixpack on the street who makes a "hey fatso, have a donut" joke.

    That doesn't make Joe Sixpack not an asshole, though, and you certainly shouldn't be defending his asshole behavior.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    And the guy on the horse is mostly right - except it's not about putting fingers in your ears, it's about putting fists in others' mouths.

    Now you lost me entirely. Fat people are out there punching people? Is that the message? Huh?

  • @RaceProUK said:

    I've never been in a situation where my weight has been an issue, or even a subject of polite discussion. Unless, that is, I bring it up myself, but even then, after a few minutes, the topic's changed again anyway.

    Depression and self-loathing highlight the moments when people criticize you. It turns you into an angry person.

    If these people spent as much time actually being positive, rather than focused on convincing everything else that they are positive, then they'd be more happy.

    Honestly, which is more annoying?
    When idiots parrot something to cause you doubt, or when they parrot something obviously wrong.
    People don't spend so much time hating something that produces no doubt.
    (The moon is a lie).

  • @blakeyrat said:

    You can "find the idea" whatever you want, it's your own brain. Knock yourself out. It's like a personal theme park. What makes you into an asshole is when you say something about it to another person. Because it's none of your fucking business.

    I don't see the SJW telling Michelle Obama to shut up about food.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    "hey fatso, have a donut" joke.

    Yes, but saying that's equivalent to a doctor telling their patient to get more exercise, is wrong.

    And that's IN THE COMIC.

    10 years later
    "I have bad news. Your heart is trying its best, but it's starting to fail. I need to put you on a very strong blood pressure medicine if you want to live for another week"
    "OH MY.... why didn't anyone stop me."
    "I tried, like 10 years ago. Then you put me in a headlock for emotions YOU had when I told you fat is bad."

  • @xaade said:

    Yes, but saying that's equivalent to a doctor telling their patient to get more exercise, is wrong.

    I think it is wrong, unless asking whether you should get some exercise and lose weight was the entire purpose of the doctor's appointment...

    @xaade said:

    And that's IN THE COMIC.

    ... which she wasn't! She was asking the doctor about some growth on her elbow.

  • So, when you go in to get a catscan because of a slipped disk and they notice a cancerous growth....

    Well, it wasn't the purpose of the appointment.

    Obesity CAUSES health issues. Even some that appear totally unrelated.

    I can't wait until ACA starts pro-rating the market plans premiums based on weight classifications.

    Oh, you didn't know that was coming?

    Hint, I read the bill.

  • @xaade said:

    Obesity CAUSES health issues. Even some that appear totally unrelated.

    Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.


    A lot of "overweight" people are a lot healthier than skinny people.

    @xaade said:

    I can't wait until ACA starts pro-rating the market plans premiums based on weight classifications.

    Oh, you didn't know that was coming?

    Hint, I read the bill.

    Wow. You're like a superhero.

    EDIT: also you're full of shit. The bill provides for obesity awareness campaigns. It talks a bit about funding weight-loss programs as part of a health plan. Nothing about pro-rating premiums based on weight classification. Nor can I find anything about that on Google or Wikipedia.

  • FoxDev

    @xaade said:

    Obesity CAUSES health issues

    On the BMI scale, most rugby union players are overweight or obese. Which, of course, just goes to show how fucking useless the BMI is ๐Ÿ˜†

    The only true way to tell if someone is genuinely overweight is by measuring their body fat percentage; for guys, obesity is 25% or more, and for girls, 32%. Or thereabouts; exact figures are hard to some by, and every country has its own ideals.

  • @Maciejasjmj, @blakeyrat

    You guys are arguing against some imaginary society where random people on the street walk up and criticize you for being fat. In reality, that doesn't happen. No one really cares about your problems. They might make fun of you, which makes them assholes (in certain context). But they're not gonna act like the well-meaning strawmen in the comic.

    If you go to a doctor, however, you better hope he or she preach your ear off about health risks of being fat. Or doing drugs or smoking or whatever else unhealthy you're doing. That's sort of their job.

  • @cartman82 said:

    If you go to a doctor, however, you better hope he or she preach your ear off about health risks of being fat.

    Only if you're actually unhealthy, and only if it's due to your weight. Which isn't the case 90% of the time.

  • TL;DR: I have a problem with fat-shamers. Oh noes! You can see some fat! Grow a spine or get off my planet, you weak-minded cunt.

    Society has a real problem with fat right now (I don't know how long that's been going on). The sad part is, if only we discarded the moral component, it would be easier to resolve the health component. For those of you who fancy reading an essay, buckle up.

    As I understand it, the human body quite likes holding on to fat, and you pretty much have to traumatise it to lose weight. On the other hand, diet/exercise won't necessarily cause weight loss, but the individual will be healthy and hopefully never get type 2 diabetes (medical citation required). As I understand it, this is mostly likely to be skin fat as opposed to internal organ fat (e.g. pot belly... the medical citation requirements are really stacking up).

    As part of my tangential ranting, I find myself interested in the current position my wife is in. She reports a weight increase on a semi-regular basis. I cannot confirm or deny due to the lack of precise measurements I've been taking. I know that she eats properly and stands/walks a lot because she teaches, so she's not sedentary like I am (my diet is so rocky, it's almost (smirk) sedimentary! (wheeze)).

    If I were to take her claims at face-value however, and look for a probable cause, it would be very obvious to me (partly from evidence that I haven't explained) that a weight gain might be caused by stress. At this point the weight gain becomes a low-priority issue, in comparison to:

    • The probability of permanent genetic damage, which would affect the kids I plan to have with her in the future (she's aware of this fact).
    • The probability of mental disorder development (which has clearly already begun).
    • The probability that the above point will also hurt my potential future children.
    • The probability that the NHS will actually do shit to help her with depression, considering how much they did to help her with her back after she had an accident (i.e. fuck-all).

    I'm sure my wife could totally chill out, if they weren't making her work for 60 hours a week because by law she has to mark books like a robot, rather than using an actual fucking robot. Those things exist (although I doubt google will bring them up under 'actual fucking robot'). She earns what I earn (I work a civilised 40-hour week) for 50% more work, which more than negates the long holidays people talk about teachers having.

    Speaking of teaching, she ran out of sick days because an accident back in 2011 caused a flurry of poor handling by the NHS and the school, resulting in her problem actually getting worse. Eventually they gave her a steroid injection (start thinking of body builder jokes) which might have fixed the problem, or the school actually discussed with her what she needed instead of taking away her classroom and making her move heavy stuff around more because regulations or summat. It's hard to tell why she's been better, because these things both happened at the same time, around last September.

    Oh and her headteacher is a psychopathic cunt. He sat across the table from me and my wife around spring last year (I accompanied her because of her back) saying she had taken off so much time due to legitimate health issues which the NHS dragged their feet over fixing and the school made worse, that he might have to cut her wage or fire her because rules. I looked to her in an attempt to make sense of that, and naturally she didn't understand the flagrant dose of "we don't give a shit about you" either. He still runs that school, because quite honestly I don't know how to hide a body or do any political shit.

    I'm currently assisting in a plan to get her out in two years. The problem is that I have concerns about the amount of damage done in that time. At least once it's done, I'll be able to extend both of my middle fingers, (and my wife's) towards the brain-waster who runs the school and maybe even the government that's been performing cruel and unusual surgery on the health and education systems in a blatant attempt to divide, conquer and privatise so that the next party to get voted in looks bad. Bravo, you Tory twats. Who gives a shit about social evolution when you can earn a bit of money for yourself eh? Your coin is worth more if the other guy doesn't have one.

    None of which has anything to do with fat. I just fancied having a vent, so enjoy that.

  • Claims:

    1. High body weight highly correlates to, but does not necessarily cause, health problems. e.g. Rugby players are healthy but have high body weight

    2. High body fat causes health problems. e.g. people who eat poorly and/or are lazy have high body fat and are unhealthy

    3. Some people conflate (1) and (2).

    4. Unattractiveness is directly proportional to apparent unhealthiness.

    5. People who (3) and offer advice are jerks. e.g. most of the individuals in the comics

    6. Because of (3) and (4), some healthy, but heavy, people are unfairly judged as unattractive.

    7. People who are paid to analyze health problems and do not (3) are not jerks because they are doing their job. e.g. possibly the doctor in the comic

    8. People who deny (2) in regards to themselves or others are delusional. e.g. possibly the author of the comic


  • @Shoreline said:

    actual fucking robot

    Yeah, probably don't want one of these near a school...


  • When are we, as a society, going to come to terms with the fact that some people are just better than others?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @tar said:

    Yeah, probably don't want one of these near a school...

    I see what you did there...

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    No; but people who criticize others are still assholes.


  • Garbage Person

    Like me. I am superior. I am the player character. Y'all are NPCs at best.

  • NPCs that can kill you in your sleep.

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