Video game spotlight thread

  • So I played more, and beat the story on hard, and it upped the max stats and unlocked a new difficulty. I thought it was done. Then I beat it again and unlocked Prime mode, which is fairly hard straight away, and increased the max stats to over a hundred. I also now have a new level of tech crafting...

    This game.

  • Speaking of RE1, the 2014 remake of the first game is 25% off on Steam right now (so, it's $14.99) as part of a Resident Evil franchise pack. Other RE games on Steam are 4 (the last good one), 5, 6, Revelations 1, and Revelations 2.


    I may have mentioned this game before, but it's a procedurally generated (with a few rooms as exceptions) game where you have to find a way to escape a ship that has a monster (randomly selected from a set of 3 different monsters). Each escape route requires you to find 3-4 items.

    It's currently $8.99 on Steam during the Halloween sale... and had some new things added for Halloween.

    ##Costume Quest 1 and 2

    I haven't played Costume Quest 2 yet, but the first was a quirky turn-based RPG that involved Halloween costumes that give you super powers.

    It's currently $6.79 for both games, $1.99 for the first game, or $5.09 for the second game.

    (raw link because Discourse is breaking links on me after the first)

  • Everything that's wrong with steam:

    ##Gabe Newell Simulator##
    With this game your dreams can finally come true because you can play as Gabe Newell, the boss of Valve Corporation!


  • Wow, Cookie Cream hits close to home:

    Not even going to make some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke about this one.

    Don't buy it. It's another one of these "joke simulators xDDD" games that only bring hatred. hatred for the fact that these games get good reviews as jokes. They then rise to the top, and then youtubers will play them and laugh at literally nothing. Then they make money for half-assing a game.

    People say video games were better back then, and sometimes due to games like this I want to agree. There was no market for ♥♥♥♥ like this back then.

    There's no joke, no punchline, no anything. Don't buy this garbage. Why don't these joke games actually make a joke while making an actual enjoyable video game?

    Of course, my channel doesn't have any subscribers so it's not like I'm making games popular. Still, point taken.

  • @Jarry said:

    Everything that's wrong with steam:

    (for those Polish impaired, that's the Curator section)

  • Shadow Complex Remastered is currently free for PC.

    This game was an Xbox 360 game. It's extremely similar to a Metroid game. It's also really good.

    This remastered version will eventually be coming out on Xbox One and PS4, but neither version will be free, nor will the PC version come January.

  • We are currently doing some updates to the site. Sorry for the inconvenience, we should be back online shortly. Thank you for your patience.

    Your free games tips are bad and you should feel bad.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    >We are currently doing some updates to the site. Sorry for the inconvenience, we should be back online shortly. Thank you for your patience.

    Your free games tips are bad and you should feel bad.

    Well, not surprisingly, demand for a free game causes site issues.

    Incidentally, it does require a (free) Epic Games account to download the game as well as being required to install the Epic Games client... and the installer linked to from their site is the Epic Games client installer, not the actual game download (which you have to launch from the Epic Games client).

  • That sounds like not-free to me. That sounds like labor.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    That sounds like not-free to me. That sounds like labor.

    It's no different than downloading and installing Steam (or Origin) to get a free game on one of their platforms if you didn't already have an account there.

    Well, except those would already have the infrastructure in place to handle the demand.

  • #The Curse of Issyos

    A NES-like platformer.

    I personally have zero nostalgia for this period. Never had a console in my life. Got a PC in the early 90-es and never looked back.

    With that in mind, this is a neat little game. The controls are tight, enemies are interesting, smashing them with a spear is satisfying. There's a slight exploration factor as well, levels are not 100% linear. I even like the pixel art graphics, stupid CRT filter and everything.

    On the downside, I HATE the trappings of these "old-skool" we-dont-hold-your-hand games. Lives? Continues!? Timer!!? WTF dude! Just let me play your game, don't annoy me with this crap. Running out of time or continues is NOT fun. It's a leftover from the coin pusher arcades era that somehow just refuses to die.

    That said, the game is well made, and 100% free to download and play within minutes (they guy has a tip jar but otherwise doesn't charge anything). So I give it a recommendation.

  • Wew, Simon's Quest creators should sue the shit out of those guys.

  • @cartman82 said:

    That said, the game is well made, and 100% free to download and play within minutes (they guy has a tip jar but otherwise doesn't charge anything). So I give it a recommendation.

    Locomalito has a lot of fun free to play games. You should toss him a few bucks, he's a good guy.

    And try Gaurodan while you're at his site.

    He's also basically the ONLY developer who can make GameMaker games that don't suck ass. Like GameMaker should pay the guy because he's the only one who can use their development tool and end up with something worthwhile.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Locomalito has a lot of fun free to play games. You should toss him a few bucks, he's a good guy.

    I did. You get a link to his private area, with future project demos, artwork etc. Sweet.

    @blakeyrat said:

    He's also basically the ONLY developer who can make GameMaker games that don't suck ass. Like GameMaker should pay the guy because he's the only one who can use their development tool and end up with something worthwhile.

    That was a GameMaker game!?

    Holy shit.

  • @cartman82 said:

    That was a GameMaker game!?

    Holy shit.


  • @blakeyrat said:

    He's also basically the ONLY developer who can make GameMaker games that don't suck ass. Like GameMaker should pay the guy because he's the only one who can use their development tool and end up with something worthwhile.

    The Humble GameMaker bundle had one of his earlier games in it... l'Abbaye des Morts specifically.

    Not sure if/how much he made off of that, though.

    (The only other games of note in said bundle were Super Crate Box and Spelunky.)

  • It's kind of like Unity - very easy to hit the realms of mediocrity, very very hard to do something that doesn't look, act or feel like a Unity project at the end of it.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    He's also basically the ONLY developer who can make GameMaker games that don't suck ass.

    I would argue that the people who made Rivals of Aether also go in this category, but its a specific kind of fighting game, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of disagreement here.

    Anything that you buy because it looks awesome, and think plays awesome, and then :wtf: at the GameMaker splash screen is worthy. So yes, there are almost no games that qualify.

  • #Euro Truck Simulator 2

    "Hmm, I wonder what happens if I drive off this pier..."


    Filed under: discourse taught me not to pass up the opportunity to break things

  • Reminds of the time I tried Agricultural Simulator 2011. I got in my tractor and drove down the road, crashed into other cars (and watched them bounce with terrible physics and no sound), also went into some of the buildings only to discover not only were the buildings empty but they were almost entirely back-face culled, meaning the buildings mostly disappeared once I walked into them.

    The weird part about that was they had collision detection on the walls, you could only walk in through the 'door' and the door frame wasn't back-face culled...

  • It's like Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing!

  • Discosearch sucks, I have no idea if this was posted before.

    The Witness

    By Jonathan Blow, creator of Braid. A puzzle game inspired by Myst, with a beautiful art style.
    The Witness release date trailer – 01:23
    — Jonathan Blow

    Supposedly 30~40+ hours of gameplay and hundreds of puzzles. We'll find out for sure tomorrow.

  • I've heard of the game. But yes, there are a lot of reviews coming out for it that are generally positive.

    Of course, it costs $40 USD (plus applicable taxes) at launch.

    I may get it soon or I may wait on it to come down in price.

  • So, I did pick up The Witness and I've been playing it a bit.

    The game's puzzles consist entirely of line drawing puzzles, so be prepared for a lot of these.

    The game's puzzle types start out easily enough, with the goal to draw a line from start to finish.

    However, the game adds new mechanics to this to make it more complex.

    As you reach new areas of the game world, there are generally a set of 4-8 panels to teach you new game mechanics. They don't do this by outright telling you what a new symbol means, but rather by having you solve small puzzles and gradually increase the size of the puzzles.

    I'm not all that far in the game yet, so I can't say a lot more. However, I can say that it is possible to misunderstand some of the game's iconography. One new area added a Sun-shaped symbol... I thought this symbol needed to be touching a line in the completed puzzles.

    This worked for the first 8 puzzles of this type, when suddenly it stopped working on the 9th. I had to go back and look at previous puzzle solutions to figure out what it actually did.

    One last thing: You must have sound for this game. Some puzzles cannot be solved without sound. I made sure to tell one of my deaf friends this so she would know to skip it (or work with her husband on it).

  • A friend gifted this to me, and I have played 12 hours so far. I cannot recommend this game enough. It has no story or purpose, which is perfectly fine - they would only detract from the experience. Every few minutes I find something else amazing in this game and it continually impresses me. There is so much detail, and the puzzles are all so well crafted. The secrets are even more well crafted.

    This is looking to be my #1 game of 2016 unless Portal 3 comes out. Then it might be a tie.

  • Wow, I don't remember the last time I've seen such a hype for a game release. Especially for what looks like a puzzle with zero action or replayability.

  • I don't need action or replayability. If that's an issue for you, you won't like the game. Sorry.

  • @LB_ said:

    I don't need action or replayability. If that's an issue for you, you won't like the game. Sorry.

    I don't mind a linear puzzle game.

    I'm just saying, it's strange people are so hyped up for it. You don't see that often.

  • I think it was because Braid was such a critical success that there would be colossal hype for whatever he did next, but even this seems out of expected proportion.

  • I actually didn't notice much hype, I only found out about the game by chance because it was a top seller before it released. If you're talking about my hype, it's just my opinion based on my experience so far.

    Though I have noticed hype backlash, so there probably was hype I just never saw. The reviews for the game are going through the same issues as Antichamber - people who don't understand the game decide it must be all about trial and error, and review it based on that assumption.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    X-Com 2 is out for barely two weeks. I've clocked almost 60 hours and not beaten it yet. I've lost 12+ times. I did Ironman Impossible a few times on the last game but this game is kicking the ever lasting shit out of me. I think I'll have just have to bite the bullet and drop the ironman and the difficulty a bit. Learn the game a bit more and then tackle it properly again.

    Fucking rookies!

  • Enemy Unknown is one of those games where the AI suddenly rebeled against me and gave me an impossible to beat scenario over and over. Same thing happened to me in Shadows of Mordor.

    I complain to my friends about how the game is impossible, and they're always like, "psst, you wimp, it's not that hard", then I show them some of the gameplay it served me (fortunately for Enemy Unknown I have documentary evidence), and they're like, "oh, wow. That never happened to me."

    Yet another way that computers fucking hate me.

    Anyway, point is, I won't be buying XCOM 2, or Enemy Unknown 2, or whatever it's called until it gets real cheap.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    Enemy Unknown is one of those games where the AI suddenly rebeled against me and gave me an impossible to beat scenario over and over. Same thing happened to me in Shadows of Mordor.

    I complain to my friends about how the game is impossible, and they're always like, "psst, you wimp, it's not that hard", then I show them some of the gameplay it served me (fortunately for Enemy Unknown I have documentary evidence), and they're like, "oh, wow. That never happened to me."

    I don't fucking beleive them. Half the lets play community is "watch me get eaten by chrysalids". Getting fucked by two setapods spawning at once or rng fucking you over resulting in a flank shot missing and a quick switch to plan G was half the game.

    Love Episode 4 btw. Its always good to see the ai get fucked over.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Well I haven't rewatched the video myself, but IIRC the game revealed 4 or 5 groups of aliens in the same turn, of which 2 of them were types I'd never seen before.

    Making it worse, the camera was always pointed directly at a wall, so while the game was making a big deal about revealing this new and powerful type of alien I couldn't even SEE the damned thing or what ability it was doing.

    Did I mention the camera in Enemy Unknown was ASS? Because it was ASS. How do you fuck-up a camera in 2012 and ship the game anyway?

    @DogsB said:

    Love Episode 4 btw. Its always good to see the ai get fucked over.

    That is a very generous description. It's pure luck my squad wasn't vaporized.

    ... believe it or not, this conversation kind of makes me want to give it another try.

  • @blakeyrat said:


    Ah, yes.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Did I mention the camera in Enemy Unknown was ASS? Because it was ASS.

    Only started playing EU recently, and this is probably my second least favourite thing about it. It's especially annoying when the aliens are shooting at you, and the camera helpfully zooms out to the point where the squad member they're shooting at is just off the screen, where you can't see who it is or how much damage they take.

    My least favourite thing is the free aiming for grenades etc., otherwise known as "move a little bit over... NO NOT ALL THE WAY OFF THE SCREEN!"

  • ##Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1

    " ... I'm sorry for not talking you out of it" - anonymous.

    Mivexil: three minutes in, already insulting each other's breast size, this is gonna be good

    Mivexil: also, Phoenix Wright was an action game compared to this


    Mivexil: off to a good start

    Mivexil: oh hey, apparently there's a "skip absolutely everything" button
    Mivexil: I mean, I pressed something, and it just fast-forwarded through like 5 more minutes of talk
    Mivexil: not sure if I should be pissed or relieved

    Mivexil: also, I guess voice-acting anything but the first scene was out of budget
    Mivexil: same feeling, though

    Mivexil: well, I'm finally doing battles
    Mivexil: they're in 3D!
    Mivexil: but still turn-based, so that's kinda pointless

    Mivexil: you can run around and have to get close to the enemies to hit them
    Mivexil: but they just stand in place until it's their turn
    Mivexil: also, you can run diagonally, but can't stand diagonally
    Mivexil: so overall, 7 euro already well spent

    Mivexil: oh, yes
    Mivexil: I think it's a panty shot per battle

    Mivexil: okay, turns out the 3d perspective has a point
    Mivexil: to make sure you're unable to aim the attack at more than one enemy at once
    Mivexil: it kinda looks like you can, then you let go of the stick slightly and it snaps you back to cardinal directions

    Mivexil: well, there should be a new dungeon somewhere but there isn't, so screw that game for today
    Mivexil: review summary, it's not very good
    Mivexil: played worse though, I guess

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    Mivexil: okay, turns out the 3d perspective has a pointMivexil: to make sure you're unable to aim the attack at more than one enemy at onceMivexil: it kinda looks like you can, then you let go of the stick slightly and it snaps you back to cardinal directions

    This is the case, except the last point. I do it all the time. You have to! The trick is that the 'cardinal directions' are with respect to the camera, which you can rotate.

    To be fair, when I lost my save, I stopped playing the game. But I got their unrelated game, Fairy Fencer F, which is awesome. You lose the anthropomorphised console theme for a more generic fantasy-ish thing, but the gameplay is a little more fun.

  • Are you mivexil, or posting a friends messages?

    Why are their mouths open like that on the title screen? Creepy as fuck. Toothless, tongueless, maws. Is this a horror game? Are they like octopus-people?

  • @Magus said:

    The trick is that the 'cardinal directions' are with respect to the camera, which you can rotate.

    I guess... it's still terribly bloody annoying when you can seemingly aim at the enemy only if you're running towards it, and the moment you stop you lose your aim. Usually. Sometimes. I don't know. It looks like once in a while it'll let you stop as you're facing, but usually it'll reorient you.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Are you mivexil, or posting a friends messages?

    Yeah, that's my Steam nickname. Didn't bother to cut it out.

  • Stock not telepatic reminder.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    I guess... it's still terribly bloody annoying when you can seemingly aim at the enemy only if you're running towards it, and the moment you stop you lose your aim. Usually. Sometimes. I don't know. It looks like once in a while it'll let you stop as you're facing, but usually it'll reorient you.

    Why are you replying to the solution to that problem, yet acting as if it isn't there? Rotate the camera! But no, the real problem is that it's really hard to end on a diagonal, especially with a keyboard, since you're really likely to have a slight delay between releases, causing the direction to change. But you don't have to deal with that!

  • @Magus said:

    Why are you replying to the solution to that problem, yet acting as if it isn't there? Rotate the camera!

    I shouldn't need to! I don't know of any other game where the direction you're facing is important that would not simply let you stop exactly the way you're facing, regardless of where the camera points.

    Hell, I even checked a different game (Beat Hazard), and yes I can let go of the thumbstick and keep the direction I'm shooting at with zero problem. So they either botched interpreting the input and weighted it more towards the up/down/left/right directions (in a game where it's pretty important that you aim at the enemy), or it's a gameplay mechanic solely to piss you off.

  • You're expecting too much from a port of a Vita game.

  • I mean it's pretty silly in principle, since it's totally turn based, so it's not like aiming the attack is a difficulty factor. Either I can pull off that attack so that it hits two critters, or I can't, making me slowly maneuver the stick because there's just exaaaactly one position where it would work is just sadism.

  • Except that if you move the other stick a bit, you're instantly fine.

  • Now you have two sticks to precisely control, yay.

    Look, it's bad. It's just bad, other games pull it off much better either by having the camera follow your back or not screwing with your orientation at all, and either way it's pointless to have this kind of action-game mechanic in a turn-based RPG.

    It may piss you off less than it pisses me off, okay, maybe you get used to it - but those are objectively bad controls not worth of defending.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    @blakeyrat said:
    Are you mivexil, or posting a friends messages?

    Yeah, that's my Steam nickname. Didn't bother to cut it out.

    I keep wondering when Pfizer are going to send you the C&D notice; it sounds like something they'd make… 😄

  • I don't remember where that came from. Some fantasy name generator? Mangling sounds until they sound catchy enough?

    ...Look, naming things is hard. Just thank fuck I don't have any children.

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