🎂The cupcake thread of celebrations.

  • Galaxy?!
    Those are called "Dove" over here.

  • @aliceif said:


    Is "Dove Soap" and "Dove Chocolate" the same company?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    It looks like no

    Only a little sorry for the blakeyanswer

  • FoxDev

    LMGTFY is a blakey answer?

    daaang. cross that off my list of sites i'm allowing myself to link to.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Well, I meant it in the sense of what everyone answers to blakey like zomg why didn't you google that.

    You know what, it's Friday, it's after a holiday, and I didn't have nearly enough eggnog. I'm going home.

  • FoxDev

    /me scratches that site off the do not link list and adds it to a different list.

  • For @accalia to celebrate:

  • FoxDev

    for the record i'm not celebrating that.

  • @accalia said:

    for the record i'm not celebrating that.

    Fine. I will! and I invite @PJH, @mott555, and @Arantor to join in the festivities!

  • Celebrating:

    I haven't even reported 10 bugs there.

  • FoxDev

    huh.... maybe i should report more bugs... i've got to be close to that myself... i have reported a few bugs.

    also, maybe it's you need ten likes from the discourse team, but not necessarily on ten topics?

  • @aliceif said:

    I haven't even reported 10 bugs there.

    Shhh! Don't tell them!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    for the record i'm not celebrating that.

    That's OK, the rest of us will for you.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @aliceif said:

    I haven't even reported 10 bugs there.

    If you've reported 9, then you can report this one and retroactively earn the badge!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @aliceif said:

    I haven't even reported 10 bugs there.

    Probably a manual award, so not as precise as the text implies. Some of mine got moved to UX. 😦

  • @aliceif said:

    I haven't even reported 10 bugs there.


    Or is it Discounting™?

  • Just found another bug. Liking a post with L doesn't turn the heart red.

  • @chubertdev said:


    Or is it Discounting™?


  • 100 Definitions in the Discopædia!!!

    Congrats to @aliceif for the definition that put us over the top!

    @aliceif said:


    When something gets sanitized discoursistently and/or in a way that isn't sane.

  • I keep getting all the milestones there!

  • @aliceif said:

    I keep getting all the milestones there!

    Guess you just have good timing.

  • I'm celebrating that nobody has posted in this thread all year except me.

  • Fake News

    You are thinking about "Frist", not "all year".

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    reported 10 bugs

    Screenshots are a barrier to quoting, dammit

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @abarker said:

    100 Definitions in the Discopædia!!!

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @ben_lubar said:

    nobody has posted in this thread all year

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    I'm celebrating getting my ass back to work where I can have time to myself again XD

    I have banana bread, so banana cupcakes:

  • FoxDev

    I'm celebrating the kickoff of the 2015 First Robotics Competition

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @accalia said:

    2015 First Robotics Competition

  • I'm celebrating that I finally got a stack trace for the crash that happens 10+ hours into my program:

    #0  0xf3e2a003 in rb_dfmemory_read_int32 (self=4080137140, addr=833)
        at /home/ben/dfhack/plugins/ruby/ruby.cpp:647
    #1  0xf3d640dd in call_cfunc (argv=0xf3ce32a0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, 
        func=0xf3e29fe0 <rb_dfmemory_read_int32(VALUE, VALUE)>) at ../eval.c:5794
    #2  rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4080137140, 
        id=id@entry=11097, oid=11097, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=1, 
        argv=argv@entry=0xf3ce32a0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf331ef7c, 
        flags=0) at ../eval.c:5938
    #3  0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4080137140, mid=11097, 
        argc=argc@entry=1, argv=0xf3ce32a0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4034124220)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #4  0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4034124220, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #5  0xf3d5d48c in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4034124220, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3510
    #6  0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4034124220, 
        id=id@entry=13121, oid=13121, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf32f4a24, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #7  0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4034124220, 
        mid=13121, argc=argc@entry=0, argv=argv@entry=0x0, scope=scope@entry=2, 
        self=self@entry=4034124220) at ../eval.c:6186
    #8  0xf3d5d668 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4034124220, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3537
    #9  0xf3d5f3b7 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4034124220, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3701
    #10 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4034124220, 
        id=id@entry=12273, oid=12273, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf32f49d4, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #11 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4034124220, mid=12273, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4034124180)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #12 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4034124180, n=n@entry=0xf3314cd4)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #13 0xf3d62135 in rb_yield_0 (val=<optimized out>, val@entry=4034125200, 
        self=self@entry=4034124180, klass=4035357580, flags=3, avalue=2)
        at ../eval.c:5105
    #14 0xf3d62603 in proc_invoke (proc=4035357360, args=4034125200, 
        self=4034124180, klass=4035357580) at ../eval.c:8905
    #15 0xf3d63110 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4034124180, 
        id=id@entry=13361, oid=13361, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf086aa9c, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5972
    #16 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4034124180, mid=13361, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4079773060)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #17 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079773060, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #18 0xf3d5f676 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079773060, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3071
    #19 0xf3d5f888 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079773060, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3170
    #20 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4079773060, 
        id=id@entry=4001, oid=4001, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf32f2ae4, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #21 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4079773060, 
        mid=mid@entry=4001, argc=0, argv=argv@entry=0x0, scope=scope@entry=1, 
        self=self@entry=6) at ../eval.c:6186
    #22 0xf3d6466a in vafuncall (recv=recv@entry=4079773060, mid=mid@entry=4001, 
        n=<optimized out>, n@entry=0, ar=<optimized out>, ar@entry=0xf3ce53cc)
        at ../eval.c:6263
    #23 0xf3d646e7 in rb_funcall (recv=recv@entry=4079773060, mid=4001, 
        n=n@entry=0) at ../eval.c:6280
    #24 0xf3d4e185 in rb_each (obj=4079773060) at ../enum.c:60
    #25 0xf3d5a169 in rb_iterate (it_proc=it_proc@entry=0xf3d4e150 <rb_each>, 
        data1=data1@entry=4079773060, bl_proc=bl_proc@entry=0xf3d4e960 <find_i>, 
        data2=data2@entry=4090385800) at ../eval.c:5427
    #26 0xf3d4f400 in enum_find (argc=0, argv=0x0, obj=4079773060) at ../enum.c:243
    #27 0xf3d6410e in call_cfunc (argv=0x0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, func=0xf3d4f390 <enum_find>) at ../eval.c:5788
    #28 rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4079773060, 
        id=id@entry=3737, oid=3737, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf332f9f8, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5938
    #29 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4079773060, mid=3737, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4079777040)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #30 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079777040, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #31 0xf3d60dfc in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079777040, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3246
    #32 0xf3d5f49b in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079777040, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3407
    #33 0xf3d5f676 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4079777040, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3071
    #34 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4079777040, 
        id=id@entry=111681, oid=111681, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=1, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0xf3ce64a0, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf06ff4a0, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #35 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4079777040, mid=111681, 
        argc=argc@entry=1, argv=0xf3ce64a0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4032686780)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #36 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=n@entry=0xf063fee8)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #37 0xf3d62135 in rb_yield_0 (val=<optimized out>, val@entry=181, 
        self=4032686780, self@entry=0, klass=klass@entry=0, flags=flags@entry=0, 
        avalue=avalue@entry=0) at ../eval.c:5105
    #38 0xf3d6b265 in rb_yield (val=181) at ../eval.c:5189
    #39 0xf3dadbd3 in range_each (range=4077700920) at ../range.c:446
    #40 0xf3d640ed in call_cfunc (argv=0x0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, func=0xf3dada60 <range_each>)
        at ../eval.c:5791
    #41 rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4077700920, 
        id=id@entry=4001, oid=4001, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf3326bb4, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5938
    #42 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4077700920, mid=4001, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4032686780)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #43 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #44 0xf3d60dfc in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=n@entry=0xf063fb64)
        at ../eval.c:3246
    #45 0xf3d62135 in rb_yield_0 (val=<optimized out>, val@entry=99, 
        self=4032686780, self@entry=0, klass=klass@entry=0, flags=flags@entry=0, 
        avalue=avalue@entry=0) at ../eval.c:5105
    #46 0xf3d6b265 in rb_yield (val=99) at ../eval.c:5189
    #47 0xf3dadbd3 in range_each (range=4077701000) at ../range.c:446
    #48 0xf3d640ed in call_cfunc (argv=0x0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, func=0xf3dada60 <range_each>)
        at ../eval.c:5791
    #49 rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4077701000, 
        id=id@entry=4001, oid=4001, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf3326bb4, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5938
    #50 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4077701000, mid=4001, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4032686780)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #51 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #52 0xf3d60dfc in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=n@entry=0xf063fb28)
        at ../eval.c:3246
    #53 0xf3d62135 in rb_yield_0 (val=<optimized out>, val@entry=379, 
        self=4032686780, self@entry=0, klass=klass@entry=0, flags=flags@entry=0, 
        avalue=avalue@entry=0) at ../eval.c:5105
    #54 0xf3d6b265 in rb_yield (val=379) at ../eval.c:5189
    #55 0xf3dadbd3 in range_each (range=4077701080) at ../range.c:446
    #56 0xf3d640ed in call_cfunc (argv=0x0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, func=0xf3dada60 <range_each>)
        at ../eval.c:5791
    #57 rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4077701080, 
        id=id@entry=4001, oid=4001, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf3326bb4, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5938
    #58 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4077701080, mid=4001, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4032686780)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #59 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #60 0xf3d60dfc in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3246
    #61 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        id=id@entry=137169, oid=137169, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=1, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0xf3ce8530, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf05e02cc, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #62 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        mid=137169, argc=1, argv=0xf3ce8530, scope=scope@entry=1, 
        self=self@entry=4032686780) at ../eval.c:6186
    #63 0xf3d6001f in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3531
    #64 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        id=id@entry=137849, oid=137849, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=1, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0xf3ce8a30, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf05e02a4, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #65 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        mid=137849, argc=1, argv=0xf3ce8a30, scope=scope@entry=1, 
        self=self@entry=4032686780) at ../eval.c:6186
    #66 0xf3d6001f in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3531
    #67 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        id=id@entry=137857, oid=137857, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=1, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0xf3ce8f30, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf05e027c, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #68 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        mid=137857, argc=1, argv=0xf3ce8f30, scope=scope@entry=1, 
        self=self@entry=4032686780) at ../eval.c:6186
    #69 0xf3d6001f in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3531
    #70 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        id=id@entry=137417, oid=137417, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=1, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0xf3ce9450, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf05e0254, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #71 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        mid=137417, argc=1, argv=0xf3ce9450, scope=scope@entry=1, 
        self=self@entry=4032686780) at ../eval.c:6186
    #72 0xf3d6001f in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3531
    #73 0xf3d5f657 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:2985
    #74 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        id=id@entry=137001, oid=137001, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf05e009c, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #75 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686780, 
        mid=137001, argc=argc@entry=0, argv=argv@entry=0x0, scope=scope@entry=2, 
        self=self@entry=4032686780) at ../eval.c:6186
    #76 0xf3d5d668 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3537
    #77 0xf3d5f427 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4032686780, n=n@entry=0xf0678f90)
        at ../eval.c:3711
    #78 0xf3d62135 in rb_yield_0 (val=<optimized out>, val@entry=4077714300, 
        self=4032686780, self@entry=6, klass=0, flags=2, avalue=2)
        at ../eval.c:5105
    #79 0xf3d62603 in proc_invoke (proc=4031668100, args=4077714300, self=6, 
        klass=0) at ../eval.c:8905
    #80 0xf3d64137 in call_cfunc (argv=0x0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, func=0xf3d6b220 <rb_proc_call>)
        at ../eval.c:5785
    #81 rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4031668100, 
        id=id@entry=5521, oid=5521, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf3320bd8, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5938
    #82 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4031668100, mid=5521, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4031668080)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #83 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4031668080, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #84 0xf3d605a8 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4031668080, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3332
    #85 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4031668080, 
        id=id@entry=11673, oid=11673, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=3, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0xf3ceae20, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf3315bc0, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #86 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4031668080, mid=11673, 
        argc=argc@entry=3, argv=0xf3ceae20, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4080137140)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #87 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4080137140, n=n@entry=0xf331b2a0)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #88 0xf3d62135 in rb_yield_0 (val=<optimized out>, val@entry=4031668080, 
        self=4080137140, self@entry=0, klass=klass@entry=0, flags=flags@entry=0, 
        avalue=avalue@entry=0) at ../eval.c:5105
    #89 0xf3d6b265 in rb_yield (val=4031668080) at ../eval.c:5189
    #90 0xf3d3e699 in rb_ary_each (ary=4032686400) at ../array.c:1261
    #91 0xf3d640ed in call_cfunc (argv=0x0, argc=<optimized out>, 
        len=<optimized out>, recv=0, func=0xf3d3e660 <rb_ary_each>)
        at ../eval.c:5791
    #92 rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4032686400, 
        id=id@entry=4001, oid=4001, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, body@entry=0xf3328edc, flags=0)
        at ../eval.c:5938
    #93 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4032686400, mid=4001, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4080137140)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #94 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4080137140, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #95 0xf3d60dfc in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4080137140, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3246
    #96 0xf3d63621 in rb_call0 (klass=<optimized out>, recv=recv@entry=4080137140, 
        id=id@entry=11825, oid=11825, argc=<optimized out>, argc@entry=0, 
        argv=<optimized out>, argv@entry=0x0, body=<optimized out>, 
        body@entry=0xf3315a44, flags=0) at ../eval.c:6089
    #97 0xf3d6436e in rb_call (klass=<optimized out>, recv=4080137140, mid=11825, 
        argc=argc@entry=0, argv=0x0, scope=scope@entry=0, self=4080205360)
        at ../eval.c:6186
    #98 0xf3d5ff17 in rb_eval (self=self@entry=4080205360, n=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:3516
    #99 0xf3d61139 in eval_node (self=self@entry=4080205360, node=<optimized out>)
        at ../eval.c:1459
    #100 0xf3d6992e in eval (self=4080205360, src=4077714840, scope=scope@entry=4, 
        file=0xf3364059 "(eval)", file@entry=0x0, line=1, line@entry=0)
        at ../eval.c:6588
    #101 0xf3d69e27 in rb_eval_string (str=0xf3e30668 "DFHack.onupdate")
        at ../eval.c:1727
    #102 0xf3d5a671 in rb_protect (proc=proc@entry=0xf3d69dc0 <rb_eval_string>, 
        data=data@entry=4091741800, state=state@entry=0xf3cec158) at ../eval.c:5554
    #103 0xf3d5a6ad in rb_eval_string_protect (str=0xf3e30668 "DFHack.onupdate", 
        state=0xf3cec158) at ../eval.c:1738
    #104 0xf3e2c7e9 in df_rubythread (p=0x0)
        at /home/ben/dfhack/plugins/ruby/ruby.cpp:461
    #105 0xf3e2f861 in tthread::thread::wrapper_function (aArg=0xf449e2b0)
        at /home/ben/dfhack/depends/tthread/tinythread.cpp:169
    #106 0xf724df70 in start_thread (arg=0xf3cecb40) at pthread_create.c:312
    #107 0xf734f47e in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/clone.S:129

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @ben_lubar said:

    my program

    No idea what you're working on so I'll take a guess:

  • Celebrating another one of these, despite (or maybe because of) @accalia's stated opposition.

    Watch out, @HardwareGeek, I'm coming for you!

  • Banned

  • FoxDev

    i'm celebrating @sam working on adding badge reasons to manual badges!


  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @accalia said:

    badge reasons to manual badges

    @abarker said:

    another one of these

  • Here's a visual mock, please @everyone tell me why this is bad and horrible the greatest suggestion ever


  • FoxDev

    i'm celebrating the well deserved firing of an incopentent coworker.

    there was actually happy dancing when we got the news, and i wasn't the one that started the dance.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Take a few more things off and it will be awesome.

  • Continuing the discussion from The good ideas thread:

    @accalia said:


    get thee over to yonder celebration thread so that we might partake of cakes most tiny!

    I'm celebrating that some of my code is in use by one of the biggest Dota 2 websites.

  • FoxDev

    @Yamikuronue said:

    I had originally created a Price object that stored a dollar value and a cents value until my friend gently took me aside and slapped the Enterprise out of me. Then I went back and replaced it with simple Integer number of cents.

    that deserves more than a cupcake. that deserves a full cake!

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @shadowmod said:

    2nPosts % 50

    WITH exclusions AS ( /* Which categories to exclude from counters /
    SELECT user_id, id, topic_id, post_number
    FROM posts
    WHERE raw LIKE '%[Magic Exclusion UUID]%' AND
    user_id IN (
    SELECT gu.user_id
    FROM group_users gu
    WHERE group_id IN(
    SELECT g.id
    FROM groups g
    WHERE g.name IN ('admins')
    SELECT u.username, count(
    ) AS posts, log(2.0, count()) AS log2posts
    FROM badge_posts bp
    JOIN users u on u.id=bp.user_id AND u.username ILIKE $1::varchar
    WHERE topic_id NOT IN ( /
    Topics with less than 10 posts /
    SELECT topic_id
    FROM badge_posts
    GROUP BY topic_id
    HAVING count(topic_id) < 10
    ) AND topic_id NOT IN ( /
    Excluded topics /
    SELECT topic_id
    FROM exclusions
    ) AND u.username ILIKE $1::varchar
    GROUP BY u.username
    ORDER BY count(
    ) DESC
    LIMIT $2::int

    Backup Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:59:58 GMT

    [<img src="https://plot.ly/~shadowmod/42.svg" height="500" width="700" />](https://plot.ly/~shadowmod/42)</blockquote>
    Moved into 1st place in the 2^n post count.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @accalia said:

    actually happy dancing

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @boomzilla said:

    Moved into 1st place in the 2^n post count.

    Since you squashed the competition, have a squash cupcake:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @riking said:

    Here's a visual mock, please @everyone tell me why this is bad and horrible the greatest suggestion ever


    Because it's not what was asked for? 👿

    @boomzilla said:

    Take a few more things off and it will be awesome.

    Context, for the interested.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @PJH said:

    Context, for the interested.

    But (for my quip) also:


    ...and what the hell...


  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Is anyone celebrating the UI redesign? Or is that off topic? Not sure if I should cupcake.

  • Ok, now I'm hungry.

  • kinda morbid.

    Snow White visits Queen of Hearts?

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