The Official Status Thread

  • FoxDev

    Is there a word to describe someone who does nice things for others, only to make themselves look or feel good?

  • You could fit about three of them inside a space shuttle.

  • FoxDev

    **Status:**strong text


    i forgot how "awesome" parody songs are when they're bad

    and how freaking fantastic they can be wehn done well.....

  • I think someone should remake The Hobbit as a kaiju movie. See some other dragon comes down from space or something ("Left-Of-Middle-Earth" maybe) and the human/elf/whatever characters have to convince SMAUG to go defeat it, and also there's some hot chick who can kind of telepathically contact him and also Mothra, why not.

  • Status: I clicked the Customer Support button on my start menu and a man named "Francis B" ran a bunch of shell scripts on my computer and then rebooted. Anyway, Cortana works now.


    PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
    LOG:  database system was shut down at 2016-02-16 02:43:54 UTC
    LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    LOG:  received smart shutdown request
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher shutting down
    LOG:  shutting down
    LOG:  database system is shut down
    LOG:  database system was interrupted; last known up at 2016-02-15 20:33:29 UTC
    LOG:  database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in progress
    LOG:  redo starts at 8E2/B6078C8
    LOG:  record with zero length at 8E2/135EFF58
    LOG:  redo done at 8E2/135EFF10
    LOG:  last completed transaction was at log time 2016-02-15 20:33:36.98639+00
    LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled
    LOG:  autovacuum launcher started
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @ben_lubar said:

    Cortana works now.

    For certain definitions of "works". Perhaps I just don't have a real need for a PDA...

  • The only thing I use Cortana for is an alarm clock.

  • Notification Spam Recipient


    @Jarry: Not yet, I haven't written an API-grabber plugin yet.
    And he's gone.
    Yay for replying to IRC before reading the rest of the stream?
    Status: Online after not being at home.
    Status for Tsaukpaetra updated.
    Oh good, that's still working.
    I've been having issues with automatic reconnection during network connectivity changes.
    = sua("BenLubar", "Status", "Finished downloading what.thedailywtf")
    !status Jarry
    Last known Status for Jarry: Waiting for @Tsaukpaetra to integrate reporting into his bot.
    Lol It's fun being the admin of things sometimes.
    Too bad he's not here to witness my snark.

  • Status: don't reply/close tickets before morning coffee.

    1. Won't fix: not our problem
    2. Won't fix: client set those
    3. Won't fix: testing on wrong environment
    4. Cannot reproduce: already fixed
    5. Duplicate
    6. Duplicate
    7. Won't fix: device doing weird things

    All of that on 5 minutes. I feel productive!

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    BTW, I'm not a Tolkien fan-- when he says "as big as Smaug", how big is that? He can carry a shuttle? That's a big-ass dragon. A shuttle's like 2/3rds the size of a 747.

    Here's a dragon size chart comparing various dragons from various stories, along with a tasty, tasty human for scale.

    And here's a Middle Earth dragon size chart comparing Tolkien's dragons.

    Smaug would be nearly worthless for anything space-related. Ancalagon the Black, however, could damn near work as a space elevator.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    wtf is with the white space?

    STATUS Gathering data for test is proving more annoying than anticipated! I keep chanting "It'll be worth it in the end" to myself.

  • FoxDev

    Sstrong texttstrong textastrong texttstrong textustrong text**s:**strong text

    it's too fucking early in the morning for it to be early in the morning........

  • Fluffy?

    Ok the size chart is useless if all the dragons are in different poses, but whatever. No way that's big enough to lift a shuttle. Maybe it could lift a shuttle without engines (we know a 747 can do that), but no way an assembled one.

    Does Tolkien ever make an attempt to wave-away the square-cubed law? Because that Ancalagon thing is waaaaay ridonkulous, even by kaiju movie standards. It couldn't be a space elevator because it'd be instantly crushed by his own weight. Either that or he has the density of whip cream.

  • area_pol

    @blakeyrat said:

    Does Tolkien ever make an attempt to wave-away the square-cubed law? Because that Ancalagon thing is waaaaay ridonkulous, even by kaiju movie standards. It couldn't be a space elevator because it'd be instantly crushed by his own weight. Either that or he has the density of whip cream.

    Even Smaug (as seen in the film) would not be able to move, let alone fly, according to our physics. The book's world must follow different physics that ours (obviously, its a fantasy world after all), there are also other big species - the big elephants, balrog, ents etc.

    I like when the author considers what the physics of their world are the consequences they must have on the world and civilization. Unfortunately these series is not focused on that topic.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Adynathos said:

    I like when the author considers what the physics of their world are the consequences they must have on the world and civilization. Unfortunately these series is not focused on that topic.
    I use to like the way Terry Pratchett handled those questions. MAGIC!

    STATUS fucking hell noone has tested the product in windows 10. I see a lot of misfortune in my future...

  • @Adynathos said:

    Even Smaug (as seen in the film) would not be able to move, let alone fly, according to our physics.

    Fly certainly. Move? He's kind of borderline. We know there were dinosaurs not SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than he was. (Although it's kind of a mystery still how they moved. The "support their weight with swamps" theory I think we got going, but it's pretty problematic.)

    @Adynathos said:

    the big elephants, balrog, ents etc.

    None of those are too troublesome, I don't think. The elephants would instantly die if they fell down, but hey, that seems to be actually what they portray in the movie version at least.

    @Adynathos said:

    I like when the author considers what the physics of their world are the consequences they must have on the world and civilization. Unfortunately these series is not focused on that topic.

    I was just watching that episode of Farscape where they get shrunk down, and Sikozu gives a little speech about how it would be impossible-- either they removed molecules, in which cases their brains would no longer be able to function, or they shrunk molecules somehow, in which case their lungs wouldn't be able to process the (now much bigger) oxygen molecules.

    Then Rygel gives this great response that's basically the in-universe version of, "eh, weird stuff happens in sci-fi, might as well relax and cope with it."

    I kind of appreciate some acknowledgement that the author thought about the problem and then decided not to handwave it because the handwave would have sounded stupid.

    Sadly, I'm sure in 99% of these cases, the bad sci-fi/fantasy writers never even one think about the problem. But oh well.


    @ben_lubar said:

    If a process running at a lower priority than every other process on the system that is using 2.4% of system memory can cause cooties, I'm not sure what to believe anymore.


    @blakeyrat said:

    Argument nobody mentions: plastics are made from oil; glass only requires easily-available silicon and a heat source.

    Not to mention that glass can also be recycled.

    **Status:**strong text The guacamole thread is very entertaining now that I'm no longer personally involved. 🍿

  • @antiquarian said:

    Not to mention that glass can also be recycled.

    That is mentioned in the thread. That's what the comment I quoted is replying to.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    I kind of appreciate some acknowledgement that the author thought about the problem and then decided not to handwave it because the handwave would have sounded stupid.

    Sadly, I'm sure in 99% of these cases, the bad sci-fi/fantasy writers never even one think about the problem. But oh well.

    One of the discworld novels has dragons that came from another plane of existence. The only reason they could survive was the amount of magic in the atmosphere. One of the running gags in discworld is that shouldn't actually work or make sense but don't think too much about it.

  • Status: Left NodeBB importer running overnight. Right now it says State: Idle, by event: none | Phase: Progress: 947023/2627933, 36.0368015%

    I mean State: Idle, by event: none | Phase: Progress: 948841/2627933, 36.1059814%

    Going up pretty fast for an idle state...

  • FoxDev

    @ben_lubar said:

    Left NodeBB importer running overnight.

    @ben_lubar said:

    947023/2627933, 36.0368015%

    .... so what, that's a weekend of the forum locked down for the migration?

  • The imports of the posts and topics and users are all done. Plus it supports incremental imports, so you can tell it to import only posts made since a certain date or with an ID higher than a certain number.

    Basically the plan is:

    • Lock forum
    • Make backup
    • Unlock forum
    • Import
    • Lock forum
    • Make backup
    • Import anything since the first backup
    • Double-check permissions (the importer doesn't have any API for category permissions, but it does put TL3 users in a group, so the categories just need to be locked down a bit)
    • Switch to new forum

  • FoxDev

    @ben_lubar said:

    The imports of the posts and topics and users are all done.

    ..... then what's left that's almost 60% of the import?

  • The importer does each phase separately. It has almost 60% of whatever it has 2.6 million of remaining, not 60% of the total import.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @accalia said:

    @ben_lubar said:
    The imports of the posts and topics and users are all done.

    ..... then what's left that's almost 60% of the import?

    The super secret PM club?

  • PMs aren't implemented yet because of this ticket:

  • FoxDev

    @DogsB said:

    The super secret PM club?

    we have a lot of messages back and forth.... but not that many!

  • FoxDev

    @ben_lubar said:

    PMs aren't implemented yet because of this ticket:

    any progress on that? because the sooner we can move off of discourse the better.

    i mean yes we will still complain bitterly about the forum, but at least they will be new complaints and with lucky cooties will be a thing of the past.

  • I grepped the logs for importer\.phase and this was the last one:

    importer.phase { phase: 'votesImportStart',
      data: undefined,
      timestamp: 1455621921054 }

  • @DogsB said:

    One of the discworld novels has dragons that came from another plane of existence. The only reason they could survive was the amount of magic in the atmosphere. One of the running gags in discworld is that shouldn't actually work or make sense but don't think too much about it.

    In Strata, on the other hand, Pratchett does take pains to make the dragons and so forth work, although they're not on the same scale as Ancalagon et al. And they're constructs or intentionally designed creatures, with really extreme features. The dragon is radioactive, and the roc's bones are nothing more than tubes of pressurised gas. The dragon isn't used to launch rockets, though.

  • FoxDev

    @accalia said:

    with lucky cooties will be a thing of the past

    How could you? You've doomed us all!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    it has been expensive to call a specialist to reinstall a new one.

    I bolded the potentially problematic area. On older-style windows with real mullions, it's not particularly difficult to do this as long as you use a tiny bit of care. I've helped my dad fix these before I was ten. Newer-style windows with large glass panes may be a different matter--I haven't had to repair one ever. (I see someone pointed that out in the comments.)

    @blakeyrat said:

    glass only requires easily-available silicon and a heat source.

    One answer came close, pointing out that glass recycles easier/better than plastic.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    @antiquarian said:
    Not to mention that glass can also be recycled.

    That is mentioned in the thread. That's what the comment I quoted is replying to.

    I like how he steadfastly refuses to address the recycling issue.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    **Status:**strong text Someone from a vendor sent me an email asking a question. I replied and got an OoO auto-reply saying she was off for the holiday.

    Fake edit: Then she replied to me 5 minutes later.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    Zombie process?

    Zombie processes only take up an entry in the process table, but don't consume any other system resources like memory.

    They are processes that are terminated, but the operating system is waiting for the parent process to reap them (tell the OS "ok, I acknowledge my child process died, clean up its remains").

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @DogsB said:

    wtf is with the white space?

    Me no emoji-classing the img element so it looks different (those are responses from the bot, which has my name.)

    @FrostCat said:

    off for the holiday.
    Wot, no OoO Auto-Expiration?

  • State: Idle, by event: none | Phase: Progress: 1423776/2627933, 54.1785502%

    Status: What should I do while this runs? Video games? I'm gonna go with video games.

  • Only if the aren't dwarf fortress.

  • FoxDev

    Status: Waiting for builds to complete... bored...oh great, the build failed for raisins... start a new one... bored... yawning... hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways...

  • Status:

    👨 Oh noes report is missing data! Huge ticket!
    👦 Uh, looking at the ticket but nothing seems to be broken.
    👨 It's broken!
    👴 Has anyone called 🎃?
    👦 No.
    👴 Then do so.
    🎃 Nothing is missing from the report the dates are just out of order.
    👨 It's broken.
    🎃 Ah, one of the dates is sorted alphabetically descending for some raisin.
    👨 Something changed then!
    🎃 The two dates I see for last change here were mid 2013 and early 2014, you only see it after a year changes over. This isn't new.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Wot, no OoO Auto-Expiration?

    Apparently not.

  • FoxDev

    @RaceProUK said:

    Status: Waiting for builds to complete... bored...oh great, the build failed for raisins... start a new one... bored... yawning... hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways hate testing payment gateways...

    All work and no play makes @RaceProUK a dull girl. :-P

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @ben_lubar said:

    State: Idle, by event: none | Phase: Progress: 1423776/2627933, 54.1785502%

    At some point, it's going to be easier and faster to do this:

    1. Create a bot that knows both Discourse and NodeBB
    2. give it superadmin on Discourse
    3. give it superadmin + impersonate on NodeBB + modify post date
    4. have it spider Discourse for every topic and post, and screenscrape for raw
    5. have it repost those on NodeBB, impersonating and modifying dates as it goes

    Because it seems that's more possible than doing a backup of Discoruse.

    Heck, skipping the "bot" and having a load of Mechanical Turk workers do it via keyboard-interface would be faster.

    HECK, a magical wishing genie that can magically wish all the posts from Discourse to NodeBB would be more realistic than a Discourse backup.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Create a bot that knows both Discourse and NodeBB

    Ah, but does it know IRC? 🚎

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    status****strong text every goddamn winter, every goddamn place I've ever worked:

    👱 The servers are overheating in the server room!
    👨 The AC turned off! Why did it turn off?
    👱 OMG the AC stops working when the outside temp. falls below a certain threshold!
    👨 Open all the server-room doors! Set up fans!

    {sigh} Why cannot people just add a stand-alone AC unit, and tie some huge fans into the building's air exhaust to flush out the heat?

  • The Fourteen Delinquent Muppets told me yesterday that I was to go to London for an interview tomorrow. Arranged a mock interview today to prepare and all. The let me stew over it all day without telling me the time, place, or anything about travel arrangements. Ignored emails about it. Finally I talk to someone, really starting to panic over it, at almost five this afternoon, and apparently I'm not going after all and the person I spoke to seems astonished that I should have thought I was to go, since I wasn't included in the email that was sent out detailing the arrangements.

    Because of course I knew that an email had been sent out to the people who are going by magic and it's not as though they have a history of not keeping us informed about anything.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    Does Tolkien ever make an attempt to wave-away the square-cubed law?

    Not that I recall.@blakeyrat said:

    Because that Ancalagon thing is waaaaay ridonkulous, even by kaiju movie standards. It couldn't be a space elevator because it'd be instantly crushed by his own weight. Either that or he has the density of whip cream.

    The artist who drew the picture used in the size reference actually commented that he may have been drawn too small, since he was only about as big as the two mountains he was holding like armrests. When Earendil smote his ruin upon the mountainside like Gandalf defeating the Balrog, but with actual flying instead of fools flying, Ancalagon wrecked a mountain range with the force of his impact. So, Ancalagon is massive and has a density one would expect of a dragon. Somehow.

  • Here's what it looks like on the computer I left it open on:

    Backing up Discourse is easy if you just copy the entire database data folder and then export from that offline. (Yes, I had to export from a local postgres instance to another local postgres instance because Discourse's configuration doesn't work at all outside of Discourse's docker container abomination.)

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @CarrieVS said:

    Because of course I knew that an email had been sent out to the people who are going by magic and it's not as though they have a history of not keeping us informed about anything.

    "Didn't you read the email I didn't send you?!"

  • I don't recall if you've answered this before, but are you preserving images?

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