The minor rants thread.

  • @dkf said:

    It has “SMART” in the name of the product company. That's the first DANGER signal.

    I'm flashing back all the way to the pilot episode of "Get Smart" in the '60s, where Agent 86 spends the whole show trying to track down "Mr Big", who turns out to be played by Michael Dunn:

    Their first conversation in the same room....

    Smart: "So you're Mr Big!"
    Mr Big: "So you're Maxwell Smart!"

  • Incompetent recruiters. Yeah, yeah, I know, redundant. But there is one that is particularly annoying me, or rather a particular recruiting firm. Core (in)competencies:

    • The display name part of the address of all recruiters in the company is "Senior, Recruiter".
    • They send me jobs for which I'm not even remotely qualified; although they're mostly software jobs (although almost never anything I have experience with), about an hour ago someone emailed me about a job as a Nurse Practitioner.
    • They can't time zone. The Date: header has an offset of -0500 (appropriate for their location), but the given value is actually UTC. Since I'm -0800, all of their emails appear to arrive 8 hours in the future. (Bonus :wtf:: My client insists on sorting by the Date: header, even when I tell it to sort by date received, so their emails stay at the top of the list for 8 hours.)
    • The recruiters can't even type their own names or job titles correctly. The one I got this morning came from
      First last technical Recruiter
    • Nor, apparently, do they know who their client is. Successive lines in the email (pasted with original capitalization and punctuation, or lack thereof (except zero-width non-joiner added to the blank line so it won't break Dicsores's formatting)):
      This is a Job Opportunity from Harris Corporation ‌ This is a job Opportunity from Boeing.

    Name and shame, because I don't really care if I offend them; the only reason I don't send their emails directly to the trash is that once, I think, I got something that was almost relevant from them. (That, and I'm too lazy to bother creating a rule.):
    22ndCentury Technologies Inc.,

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    Bonus :wtf:: My client insists on sorting by the Date: header, even when I tell it to sort by date received, so their emails stay at the top of the list for 8 hours.

    Gahaha. Which client is that?

  • @rc4 said:

    Which client is that?

    Thunderbird. Yeah, I know, :doing_it_wrong:.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said:

    (Bonus :wtf:: My client insists on sorting by the Date: header, even when I tell it to sort by date received, so their emails stay at the top of the list for 8 hours.)

    I see that whole not-using-Microsoft-Office thing is really working out 🍥

  • I get these same emails!

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @HardwareGeek said:

    so their emails stay at the top of the list for 8 hours

    I think I figured out why they don't fix the problem

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    INB4: the problem is already fixed for emails they send to Eastern European or Asian potential staff members

  • Fucking morons. Seriously. I'm still trying to get ahead of this IoC/DPI thing and am constantly running into issues people simply don't explain anywhere.

    So, for example, if I want to use Unity to register an instance of an object, then I'm simply to do this:

    EmailService myEmailService = new EmailService();

    Only that when I'm doing just that, I run into this not-really-helpful error:

    Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: container

    And the stack trace doesn't really help either.

    Now, of course, someone else has run into this. Or at least a variant thereof. But do you see what the stupid fucking moron did there at the top?

    SOLUTION I did not specify the constructor parameters on the new type so .NET assumed the types of the base class, however it does not also name them the same so when Unity tried Parameter[x].Name it got a Null value instead of a parameter name.

    That's NOT A SOLUTION! That's a description of what went wrong. And of course, he didn't deign to explain (or even provide) the actual solution.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Rhywden said:


    @Rhywden said:

    specify the constructor parameters on the new type so .NET will not assumed the types of the base class, however it does notand will also name them the same so when Unity trieds Parameter[x].Name it gotwill not get a Null value instead of a parameter name.

    Reverse engineering at its' best?

  • Naw, it was actually a completely different thing. Basically, it boils down to:

    Don't put such stuff into App.App() (the UWP equivalent of main()) even if you put it after InitializeComponents().

    It seems there's a timing problem of some sort and at that point the UnityContainer probably isn't fully there yet.

    So I'm supposed to put such stuff into the obvious (now) which I could have gleaned from the samples (the docs are still under construction):

    protected override void ConfigureContainer()

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand


    your face is invalid

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Yamikuronue said:


    Rar files suck.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @FrostCat said:

    Rar files suck.
    Apparently caused Discourse to suggest I unearth a topic.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    built quite amazing things in Access.

    Certainly. I could build a pretty amazing submarine out of duct tape and cardboard, and it will "just work", but that doesn't make it right or indeed powerful (At least, not in the "strong, muscular, muscly, sturdy, strapping, robust, brawny, burly, heavily built, athletic, manly, well built, solid;" definition of powerful).

    I just feel like this course is introducing us to databases intentionally old, for what reason I can't fathom.

    I mean, the company I work for got flagged in an audit as critical because we had "rogue" MS Access '97 databases containing SPI just laying around on users' workstations. These things are not encrypted, password protected, nothing really, but that's not really the WTF here.
    I'm complaining how furiously they've been defended, for not appreciable reason at all. They already have access to the SQL servers these databases are sourcing their data from, so why not use the servers like they were supposed to? It's faster, more accurate and more secure than what they're using, and (in most cases) would be a better fit overall for what they're doing anyway.

    @locallunatic said:

    "Used to get shit done" is the ultimate measuring stick for power, as a dev you should know this.

    Yeah, I don't subscribe to the "Oh I know this is utter bullcrap, but that's future-someone-else's problem." mentality. I reserve my quick hacks to proof-of-concept work and hobby projects only, never anything intended to be published into production. Sure, that might be a pompous attitude, but it saves in the long run, and I hope that allows those that follow me to praise my name rather than curse it if ever they need to revisit my work.

    Sure, I might be a little jaded, especially after converting a several-thousand-line piece of work into about 600 lines of stored procedure that improved runtime from 3-20 seconds to process a single transaction to ~400ms to process a batch of transactions. I can see the merit and methodology behind the code, but just because something was amazing ten years ago, doesn't mean it's appropriate or even acceptable now.

    < /soapbox>
    pants heavily.
    looks around
    .... Maybe this is better to be going in the one-off rants thread...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    They already have access to the SQL servers these databases are sourcing their data from, so why not use the servers like they were supposed to? It's faster, more accurate and more secure than what they're using, and (in most cases) would be a better fit overall for what they're doing anyway.

    Wow. You're close to figuring out why software usability matters. Keep thinking about it, you're almost there... so close...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @blakeyrat said:

    Keep thinking about it

    We're sorry, the daily allocated CPU cycles have been exhausted. Please await more credits and try again.

    Filed under: AHI: 9.3. Preparing for zombie-auto mode...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Yeah, I don't subscribe to the "Oh I know this is utter bullcrap, but that's future-someone-else's problem." mentality. I reserve my quick hacks to proof-of-concept work and hobby projects only, never anything intended to be published into production.

    It isn't Devs that use Access to do things. We have a full toolbox of things to use and the knowledge of when to use them. Access is for: the secretary that needs to build something to help track stuff, the warehouse manager that needs something to help schedule hours, the call center manager that needs to do evaluations of who to layoff.

    It is a rough hammer that lets these people cobble something together that works because they aren't allowed to buy something well made or ask development staff to build them something. Yes, we could build them something with real tools that is easy to maintain and robust; because we know how to use the real tools. But their hammer lets them smack together a chair whose leg falls off if you sit on it wrong, but it actually gives them something to sit on.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @locallunatic said:

    It isn't Devs that use Access to do things.

    Sorry, it was implied when I was talking about Access, and you said

    "Used to get shit done" is the ultimate measuring stick for power, as a dev you should know this.

    Indeed, Access is "Used to get shit done", so by following that logic, as a measuring stick for power, I should know that as Access gets things done, it is power, therefore as a dev that should be using/doing powerful things, Access is an obvious choice to use.
    Also, hot balls I'm apparently tired. I think there's a comma splice there somewhere, but Spelling and Grammar isn't working...

    @locallunatic said:

    Access is for
    We know who it's for, it's just really annoying when they expect it to be fully supported as if it were a flagship system.

  • Unity and several others have never made much sense to me. Granted, MEF has its own bizarre nonsense errors, as blakey found out recently, but it usually isn't all that hard to find the problem, and the solution isn't ever 'name your members our way'.

  • OK, I can totally see the way you read it now that you point it out. Apologies for the confusion.

    @Tsaukpaetra said:

    I think there's a comma splice there somewhere

    Only one? Honestly I'm not sure because there are so many. You could reduce the comma usage by switching some of your "stuff , clarifier , stuff" to using parentheticals instead.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @locallunatic said:

    You could reduce the comma usage by switching some of your "stuff , clarifier , stuff" to using parentheticals instead

    Probably. We don't have the latest communication engrams loaded, not enough available memory at present.
    Current library loaded:
    Additional modules attached to primary inter-personal-communications subsystem: IP-RPC_9, KellisChat, Personality, AssocContact, IRC-adapter, (16 more)...
    Free Memory: 2,982 nodes. Used Memory: 13,882 nodes.
    Swap: 4,888 nodes referenced of possible 6,999 reserved.
    Warning: A possible security breach has been detected; A named pipe was found unexpectedly terminating an external interface to internal Sprocess ports. The Sprocess ID is h839b2, and will now be term

  • people changing topic titles (no related to any recent change). Because I have something to post in a thread that I think is appropriate, and I can't find it.

    INB4: Bookmarking don't help because:

    • the title still changes
    • I would end up with as many bookmarked threads as there are threads.

    Now some Discoguru is going to tell me I can annotate my bookmarks. Well that may be so, but it is still not going to help. I have a mental map of what is being discussed where and a thread that I have previously ignored (and thus have no need to bookmark) will become relevant to me

  • They added icons to some topics to help that, but the icons don't show up on mobile so you're still fucked.

    Actually I only assume they don't show up on mobile. I don't use this site on mobile anymore because it kept getting more and more broken and fuck that.

  • They show for some kinds of mobile at least.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    You need to be "just desktop-y enough" to get the right style sheet.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    I'm not sure which icons @locallunatic is trying to show, but the ones for bookmarks and the Status topic etc show up on iPhone.

  • The thingy on good ideas. But yeah yours is a better demo.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    And now I know your phone is apparently 7 hours ahead of myne.

    @locallunatic said:

    The thingy on good ideas.
    Ah. That's just an added emoticon discourse replacement. It's not actually a special thread topic. ;)

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    That's just an added emoticon discourse replacement. It's not actually a special thread topic.

    But it is an icon used on a thread to ID it (what blakey was originally talking about), just not one of the CSS ones.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @locallunatic said:

    an icon used on a thread to ID it
    So what should this thread's title icon ID be?
    🔻 :angry: ?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus said:

    'name your members our way'


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    👶 We have one single employee who lives in Canada, but [extract file] has his country code as "US". Is this hard-coded?
    👨 yes, but I can change the program to emit the country code from the employee's data instead
    👶 can't you just hard-code it to be "CA" for just him?
    👨 Sure, but if he ever moves to the US or you get another Canadian employee the program will need to be changed.
    👶 That's Ok, his [primary key info] is [data].
    👨 :facepalm: *whatever, you're the ones paying for it, and volunteering to pay again if there's ever another change like this*

  • @FrostCat said:

    👶 can't you just hard-code it to be "CA" for just him?👨 Sure

    The correct answer is "no."

  • Rant:

    1. Go to Google.

    2. Type in "base64 encr-"

    3. Get this:

    "WITH KEY?" :headdesk:

    The fact that there are so many developers that confuse Base64 ⚠🚨 encoding ⚠🚨 with proper encryption terrifies me. Also, as a bonus WTF: this really highlights the average intelligence level/reading comprehension abilities possessed by Java and C# developers 🚎 🚎 🚎 💩 :doing_it_wrong:

  • Why does the production database have "instead of update" triggers on major tables that don't exist in either the dev or (so called) test environments? Nobody here admits to knowing anything about them, but nobody will give us the go-ahead to remove them.

    On a related note, who the fuck thought that giving users/developers the ability to replace inserts and updates was a good idea? If you want your update to do something other than update, maybe you are using the wrong tool. You shouldn't just break the ability to do updates!!!

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    I think there's a comma splice there somewhere

    @Tsaukpaetra said:
    Indeed,. Access is "Used to get shit done", so by following that logic, as a measuring stick for power, I should know that as Access gets things done, it is power,; therefore, as a dev that should be using/doing powerful things, Access is an obvious choice to use.

    Separating "Indeed." into its own, separate sentence is arguable, but "therefore" starts a new but related thought that could stand on its own as a full sentence. Therefore, it should either be a separate sentence or separated from the previous thought by a semicolon; in either case it should be separated from what follows by a comma.

  • @rc4 said:

    Also, as a bonus WTF: this really highlights the average intelligence level/reading comprehension abilities possessed by Java and C# developerspeople who look up base64

    Though it's still horrific. I can only hope it's people learning to program predominantly...

  • So newsflash, Discourse is still 💩 on Android.

    I was eating lunch and I figured I might as well check out some :wtf: on my Nexus 5. By the time the index loaded I finished half of the plate...

  • Hey, fellow Nexus 5 here! :hand:

    No problems yet, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

  • @HardwareGeek said:

    Incompetent recruiters. Yeah, yeah, I know, redundant. But there is one that is particularly annoying me, or rather a particular recruiting firm. Core (in)competencies:


    22ndCentury Technologies Inc.,

    Recruiters for the next century Doing It Wrong™ as much as forum software for the next decade. Figures.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    That new server we got? The one with a pair of 8-core Xeon e5s and 5TB of disk?

    It's a backup server. :facepalm:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    So what's the main server got?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @dkf said:

    So what's the main server got?

    Ha ha, no, this is to be used for taking backups of the other servers. The ones we wanted more disk space for.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @FrostCat said:

    The ones we wanted more disk space for.

    I just bought a box of disks where each of them was bigger than your server. Why persist in running on a dribbly shoestring? (Unless you're doing crazy amounts of replication, of course.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Don't ask me. I wanted a file/application server.

    Actually I assume it's because they got tired of doing gigabite-sized backups through a double T1. That raises the question of what moron though 32GB of RAM and about a dozen cores more than needed were bought at a premium of probably $2-3K.

  • Okay, so you may remember some WTFs I already posted about my school.

    Now, we recently go a pretty huge addition to our main building and it also got all the latest gizmos regarding environmental control in order to save energy. Sensors everywhere, automatic control of lighting and the bastard son of HVAC.

    Because that HVAC system lacks the AC part.

    Seriously, we're supposed to keep the windows closed (they even went so far as to have them all locked by default and not everyone gets a key) at all times. This does wonders in summer when this shitty system doesn't actually provide cool air.

    But there's also the quality of the air to consider - CO2, O2, humidity and all the other assorted (fragrant) chemicals we humans give off.

    I mean, everyone complained of the bad air during the summer - and now, in late autumn they provided us with some measuring equipment. Of course, at that time, we already were accustomed to opening the windows often so the results came back that we were not that often above the limit (which they put at 1200 ppm for CO2). However, I'm firmly of the opinion that such limits are not exactly boolean values and that measurements of 1175 ppm are not exactly fine.

    Not to mention that our ministry of environment declares 1000 ppm as the limit beyond which you need to air the room and that the VDI (a huge German association setting standards in engineering) declared that 500 ppm above ambient (which would be 400 ppm) can be considered as "bad air quality".

    Those are the class rooms. Which have windows. But we also have huge-ass halls now - about 70 meters in length, divided by doors into three segments. The building itself has 3 floors, with the entrance at the bottom and end of such a hall.

    The halls don't have any ventilation shafts and also don't have any windows you could open. You can imagine the air quality in those halls.

    I asked the guy responsible for the measurements yesterday flat-out how we are to provide air to those halls.

    His answer: The law doesn't cover those halls because they're not class rooms (you're merely passing through) and as such, they are considered to become aired by people entering and leaving because of the "gusts of wind" when opening the doors to each segment.

    In essence, it's supposed to work like this: Someone enters the building at the bottom - fresh air comes in (for about 5 seconds until the door closes again). This fresh air magically decides to transport itself upwards to the 2nd floor. It then enters through the second, third and finally fourth door whenever someone opens them (for about 5 seconds).

    In short: It's a game of musical chairs with air. You'll also note that he didn't actually answer the question.

  • Well maybe you should just stop breathing so much.

    Or buy yourself a few potted pla... oh, yeah, no windows. Not breathing it is.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    Well maybe you should just stop breathing so much.

    Or buy yourself a few potted pla... oh, yeah, no windows. Not breathing it is.

    The potted plants are not possible because we're not allowed to put almost anything into the hallway. Fire hazards and such.

    I mean, there are seats made of concrete which probably would pass muster. Then again, the air situation doesn't make those halls a place where you're willing to stay for long.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said:

    The potted plants are not possible because we're not allowed to put almost anything into the hallway.

    Can you at least have them in the classrooms? Claim they're for biology or something…

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