Mashup Challenge $100,000 prize - WTF if Spectate Swamp wins?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I can quote 10 year old heated email discussions word for word.

    Big deal. You keep all your email in SSDS for "easy" recall.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    What recall.

    You're not recalling anything, you're just using some cheat notes.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    what a mind.

    Yours went to pot (literally) years ago. Or are you saying SSDS has a mind? You've solved the artificial intelligence problem? Why is it such a stupid mind that it can't blink and breathe at the same time without barfing all over itself?

    Oh, wait... I just figured out how you did it. You just used the Windows MCI (Mind Control Interface) to create your A.I. Probably something along the lines of "run brain iq 50" for a comment, right?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Geeks I feel sorry for having to deal with the technical mess

    Then stop dumping your crap all over forums. We wouldn't have to deal with your technical messes if you would only wear digital diapers and stay in your crib all day.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    For the nerds. Go outside and play.

    So geeks have to be the cleanup crew, but the nerds get to go outside and play? Discrimination... 


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Geeks I feel sorry for having to deal with the technical mess. For the nerds. Go outside and play.

    SSDS's much-vaunted 'search' does in a couple thousand lines what one person demonstrated with a single grep.   One line vs thousands...sounds like one of you had more time to spend outside while the other was trying to debug tangled code.  

    Then let's not forget the countless hours you've wasted in trying to promote that masterpiece of crap over the last few years.   You could have spent those hours outside and playing, or -- horrors -- learning a modern programming language and some decent coding skills. 

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    what a mind

    Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.</princessbride>


  • The other day I was reading [url=]these letters to serial killers[/url] and I was struck by how familiar the Charles Manson one looked. He even repeats words and includes random pictures.

  • SSDS - Alien Hunter

    Bright and shiny artifact. The most visible of all. (No slomo or Screen reshoot zooms needed here)

    The last 15 to 20 seconds is where the action happens. Right before I turn the camera off.

    I'm pretty sure this 2 minute clip was zoomed slightly into digital focus by mistake. I always have that feature turned off.

    You just get more Aliens if you have free time. SSDS frees time. Come on Swampies use some of that time pointing your camcorders to the clouds. Don't be scared of what you'll see. Ol Swampie has you covered with Stone power.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Bright and shiny artifact. The most visible of all. (No slomo or Screen reshoot zooms needed here)

    The last 15 to 20 seconds is where the action happens. Right before I turn the camera off.

    I'm pretty sure this 2 minute clip was zoomed slightly into digital focus by mistake. I always have that feature turned off.

    You just get more Aliens if you have free time. SSDS frees time. Come on Swampies use some of that time pointing your camcorders to the clouds. Don't be scared of what you'll see. Ol Swampie has you covered with Stone power.




    Pretty sure you're seeing things, Spectate. As usual, there is nothing there. I'm more scared at the fact that you believe your own bullshit, especially that you're a shaman. I mean, WHAT THE HELL, DUDE. Magical stones? Were you dropped on your head as a kid?

    I want that 2 minutes of my life back, thanks.

  • SSDS forever

    @HannahRochelle said:

    Pretty sure you're seeing things, Spectate. As usual, there is nothing there. I'm more scared at the fact that you believe your own bullshit, especially that you're a shaman. I mean, WHAT THE HELL, DUDE. Magical stones?
    You are wrong HannahRochSwamp. The Shiny flyer is there. Clean your screen. It comes in from the right side of the screen 2/3rd's the way up the screen. Then it passes behind the cloud and out the other side. I hope it's your screen not your eyes.

    Don't worry swampies we will be able to collaborate aliens with SSDS for at least 10 more years. XP will be around for quite some time and VB5 runs just fine on that. Covering every OS from Windows 95 on up. You just need to find a copy of VB5. I have one. Lucky Me.


  • @HannahRochelle said:

    I want that 2 minutes of my life back, thanks.


    Friendly reminder: This thread is so fubr that it's mostly unmoderated. You are here because you want those swampy things.

  • Alien Hotbed at SwampShack

    @ammoQ said:

    You are here because you want those swampy things.

    More alien video uploading to the net right now. 175Mb That takes 5 1/2 hours. Good thing I don't have to do anything. I'm fitting in here at LazyForum. If I had found the Agreeables forum. What could I possibly learn. Lucky again. Anyway this latest video is of a bright and shiny that goes behind a cloud. My cloud guy from another forum will check it out more closely. CloudySwamp.

    When hunting aliens I would suggest a HD format and Mpg like mine for general shooting. Both would be best but I'm a video nut. I should get a small HD file just to test on SSDS.  

    Question: Do you think the Tobacco Leaf Flyer looked over my shoulder into the viewfinder? Are they watching you? Watch them back with SSDS. Or Is it just here in Alien Central that these flyers exist.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    More alien video uploading to the net right now. 175Mb That takes 5 1/2 hours. Good thing I don't have to do anything. I'm fitting in here at LazyForum. If I had found the Agreeables forum. What could I possibly learn. Lucky again. Anyway this latest video is of a bright and shiny that goes behind a cloud. My cloud guy from another forum will check it out more closely. CloudySwamp.
    Spectate, you keep talking about respecting your elders and learning from them.  Would your parents approve of this behaviour right here?  Trolling forums with ridiculous nonsense just to make people mad?  You know very well the effect your ramblings has on everyone else.  You understand clearly that you are making people angry - you said so yourself, many times.

    What kind of values did your elders teach you, anyway?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    The last 15 to 20 seconds is where the action happens. Right before I turn the camera off.
    So why not just post the last 15 to 20 seconds then? This is the reason people say editing video is better than posting hours and hours of shit to the internet to display a few seconds of interest. (Obviously you aren't even posting a few seconds of interest but the general concept is the same.)

  • @spenk said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The last 15 to 20 seconds is where the action happens. Right before I turn the camera off.
    So why not just post the last 15 to 20 seconds then? This is the reason people say editing video is better than posting hours and hours of shit to the internet to display a few seconds of interest. (Obviously you aren't even posting a few seconds of interest but the general concept is the same.)

    Obviously you have a lot to learn. VIDEO EDITING == VIDEO LYING.  Stop trying to distort nature by using VIDEO CENSORSHIP tools.

    The only acceptable way to edit video is to shoot short 2-minute segments, then let people decide which segment they want to watch.  The only other acceptable way to edit video is to play it on your laptop and re-shoot the screen with your camcorder.  Remember, it's not "video editing", it's "timeline playback".

    But seriously, I think the reason he does it this way is he knows it's fucking annoying.  Right, Spectate?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Question: Do you think the Tobacco Leaf Flyer looked over my shoulder into the viewfinder? Are they watching you?


    It sure did. Just like those tv news announcers, they watch me all the time! I ask you: Why me? Aren't there enough other viewers they could watch??

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    More alien video uploading to the net right now. 175Mb
    Woo! Lucky us, we can watch another example of insect / plant / compression artifact / bird and attempt to do enough drugs to convince ourselves it is an alien!

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm fitting in here at LazyForum.
    Not that lazy, we are spending an awful lot of effort taking the piss. Most forums would have just banned you by now.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    My cloud guy from another forum
    That is just a baffling statement.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    When hunting aliens I would suggest a HD format and Mpg like mine for general shooting.
    Surely mpg would introduce compression artifacts and lower the quality. Wouldn't you really be better off with a format that doesn't have these problems...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

    Pretty sure you're seeing things, Spectate. As usual, there is nothing there. I'm more scared at the fact that you believe your own bullshit, especially that you're a shaman. I mean, WHAT THE HELL, DUDE. Magical stones?
    You are wrong HannahRochSwamp. The Shiny flyer is there. Clean your screen. It comes in from the right side of the screen 2/3rd's the way up the screen. Then it passes behind the cloud and out the other side. I hope it's your screen not your eyes.



    No, I saw that. But did you ever think that it might have been a jet? They're shiny and fast.

    Dont you dare insult my vision, old man.

  • So Cruel SSDS - But you are learning

    @CodeSimian said:

    But seriously, I think the reason he does it this way is he knows it's fucking annoying.  Right, Spectate?
    It's not easy being annoying. Sometimes I just don't have anything cruel to say. But look at your side of the argument. I wrote a search engine. none of you have but you argue. I have Medicine Stones (36 years) and spent 30 to 40 hours in 4 different libraries reading up about them. And you argue. I know of 3 DinoMummy sites and I brag and brag. And you mostly remain silent. I have video of Aliens or New LifeForms and you argue and diss the discovery. The WhiteCrow appearing in a Shawmans backyard would be considered a very important symbol. Do some research and come back with some more facts. (saves me time) find a copy of VB5 and you are good for 10 years of Jamming it (that'll make 20 years of SSDS). It's fun and simple. Soo simple.

    Yup I have some of you so mad that you remember everything I have said and throw it back at me . With a copy of VB5  and all that knowledge you would be ahead of my version of SSDS in no time. That's good enough reason to be annoying. I'll have to start using those smily faces symbols when I'm jee hawing. Keep being annoyed. Don't leave. You have come too far.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    @CodeSimian said:

    But seriously, I think the reason he does it this way is he knows it's fucking annoying.  Right, Spectate?
    It's not easy being annoying. Sometimes I just don't have anything cruel to say. But look at your side of the argument. I wrote a search engine. none of you have but you argue. I have Medicine Stones (36 years) and spent 30 to 40 hours in 4 different libraries reading up about them. And you argue. I know of 3 DinoMummy sites and I brag and brag. And you mostly remain silent. I have video of Aliens or New LifeForms and you argue and diss the discovery. The WhiteCrow appearing in a Shawmans backyard would be considered a very important symbol. Do some research and come back with some more facts. (saves me time) find a copy of VB5 and you are good for 10 years of Jamming it (that'll make 20 years of SSDS). It's fun and simple. Soo simple.

    Where is the proof of your medicine stones working? What is the symbolism regarding the "White Crow"? And your "Desktop Search" only works for you. Frankly that 36 years of your life may have been better spent learning to code properly. And knowing of "3 DinoMummy sites" doesn't mean squat.

    And considering that VB5 is pretty much obsolete and that people here have lives outside of the internet, good luck getting even ONE person to follow your advice. 

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'll have to start using those smily faces symbols when I'm jee hawing.

     I thought it was gee hawing, not jee hawing. You're slipping a bit there. Getting tired?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I wrote a search engine. none of you have but you argue.
    I don't have to be president of GM to see that a car with square wheels won't go very far.@SpectateSwamp said:
    I have Medicine Stones (36 years) and spent 30 to 40 hours in 4 different libraries reading up about them. And you argue.
    According to you, you have Medicine stones.  If I told you I had bigger medicine stones, would you believe me?  Also, it is pathetic that you only spent 40 hours (about 1 hour per year!) studying what you have described as the most powerful stones in the world.@SpectateSwamp said:
    I know of 3 DinoMummy sites and I brag and brag. And you mostly remain silent.
    Because nobody cares.@SpectateSwamp said:
    I have video of Aliens or New LifeForms and you argue and diss the discovery.
    First of all, nobody here believes those are aliens.  Secondly, it's hard to tell whether you really believe that.  Personally, I think deep down inside you realize those are not aliens.@SpectateSwamp said:
    The WhiteCrow appearing in a Shawmans backyard would be considered a very important symbol. Do some research and come back with some more facts.
    It's not even a "White Crow".   People have told you time and time again it is a HOODED CROW. 

    What on earth is this all about? Why is it referred to as 'white crow' as opposed to 'hooded crow' (which is clearly what it is)?
    How hard is for you to use the right words for things?@SpectateSwamp said:
    Do some research and come back with some more facts. (saves me time)
    Why should we do that?  Many people have explained that nobody cares about this stuff, except insofar as it annoys and amuses us.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Yup I have some of you so mad that you remember everything I have said and throw it back at me . With a copy of VB5  and all that knowledge you would be ahead of my version of SSDS in no time. That's good enough reason to be annoying. I'll have to start using those smily faces symbols when I'm jee hawing. Keep being annoyed. Don't leave. You have come too far.
    EXACTLY.  From the very start, you have admitted that you purposely make people angry because you think it will persuade us to help you with SSDS.  I already explained this to you: WE ARE NOT ANIMALS ON THE TRAPLINE, OKAY?  You can't "rile us up" and expect us to "accidentally" help you with SSDS. 

    Serious question: has any family member or friend ever advised you to get mental help?  If so, you would do well to follow their advice.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I wrote a search engine. none of you have

    So much for your "what a memory" claim. Obviously you've managed to supress memories of all the examples of other peoples' engines (including mine) that have been mentioned in this and other posts.

    Remember, just saying something doesn't make it true. Like this: You're going to drop dead 10 seconds after you read this sentence.

    In your world, you're now dead. In mine, it's just a few meaningless words on a computer screen and you keep on living (unfortunately?).


  • @HannahRochelle said:

     I thought it was gee hawing, not jee hawing. You're slipping a bit there. Getting tired?
    No, he just likes to change up his spelling from time to time for no reason.  Same with his grammar, punctuation, and overall level of offensively retarded foolishness.

  • @CodeSimian said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    I have Medicine Stones (36 years) and spent 30 to 40 hours in 4 different libraries reading up about them. And you argue.
    According to you, you have Medicine stones.  If I told you I had bigger medicine stones, would you believe me?  Also, it is pathetic that you only spent 40 hours (about 1 hour per year!)

    Well, about 39.99999999 of those hours were spent trying to install SSDS on one of the library computers, and building an index of the newspaper articles about him and his insane claims.

    0.000000005 hours were spent complaining to the librarians that SSDS didn't work and that he absolutely MUST be allowed to use a computer with a dvd drive in it so he can look through his search.txt. The remaining 0.000000005 hours were spent flying through the air and landing outside when security tossed him out on his hairy arse.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I wrote a search engine.
    No you didn't you wrote a single file search engine - something notepad can do better.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I have Medicine Stones (36 years) and spent 30 to 40 hours in 4 different libraries reading up about them

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I know of 3 DinoMummy sites and I brag and brag.
    Brag about what exactly?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I have video of Aliens or New LifeForms and you argue and diss the discovery.
    Leaf, insect or compression artifact - take your pick. Note alien isn't one of the choices available.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The WhiteCrow appearing in a Shawmans backyard would be considered a very important symbol. Do some research and come back with some more facts.
    Done my research and it is a Hooded Crow. Done more research and you are a moron.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    find a copy of VB5 and you are good for 10 years of Jamming it (that'll make 20 years of SSDS). It's fun and simple. Soo simple.
    I gave up on VB5 many years ago and moved onto VB6, which I have also left behind in favour of .Net, I have absolutely no reason to go back to VB5 and SSDS is definitely not going to convince me to go back.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    With a copy of VB5  and all that knowledge you would be ahead of my version of SSDS in no time.
    Nope, nobody cares enough. Including you - if you really cared you would have responded to the challenges put forth with something other than shitty videos of a monitor. You knew you couldn't win and didn't bother trying. You didn't even care enough about SSDS to bother posting a project to sourceforge so people could try and help. You certainly never bothered replying to any submitted bugs.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    The last 15 to 20 seconds is where the action happens. Right before I turn the camera off.
    That's why they call it the last 15-20 seconds.  It's always right before you turn the camera off.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Don't worry swampies we will be able to collaborate aliens with SSDS for at least 10 more years.
    We weren't worrying.  Are you sure that SSDS will still be necessary after 2012?  (Interestingly we recently past post 2012.  And before my posting it was on 2020.  Hindsight?)  [quote user="SpectateSwamp"]Question: Do you think the Tobacco Leaf Flyer looked over my shoulder into the viewfinder?[/quote]I don't think it did.  I did not realise that tobacco leaves had vision, nor that they understand cameras.  How could it be looking into the viewfinder while being recorded?@SpectateSwamp said:
    Are they watching you?
    Nope.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Or Is it just here in Alien Central that these flyers exist.
    That should be a question?  And yes, if by Alien Central you mean your pot-addled mind.@SpectateSwamp said:
    It's not easy being annoying. Sometimes I just don't have anything cruel to say.
    Why bother?@SpectateSwamp said:
    With a copy of VB5  and all that knowledge you would be ahead of my version of SSDS in no time. That's good enough reason to be annoying.
    Ahh, so you're doing it for our benefit.  How benelovent of you!@SpectateSwamp said:
    Keep being annoyed. Don't leave. You have come too far.
    Yes, we're way beyond VB5.  We've come too far to need SSDS.

  • @CodeSimian said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

     I thought it was gee hawing, not jee hawing. You're slipping a bit there. Getting tired?
    No, he just likes to change up his spelling from time to time for no reason.  Same with his grammar, punctuation, and overall level of offensively retarded foolishness.


    Oh, my mistake.

    And he seems to be having a little trouble making me a "swampie". "HannahRochSwamp", indeed.

  • Indeed!  At least he didn't get 'roach'.
    My name has never been Swampified :D

  • @Eternal Density said:

    Indeed!  At least he didn't get 'roach'.
    My name has never been Swampified :D


    Consider yourself lucky, EternalSwamp.



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I wrote a search engine.

    For the last time: YOU DID NOT. WRITE A SEARCH ENGINE!! YOU SPENT TEN YEARS. AND WASTED ELECTRICITY ON CODING SOMETHING. I COULD CODE IN A WEEK. WHEN I WAS 15! Look at GDS, Windows Search, Copernic, etc. These are search engines. Yours is just a normal text editor's "Search & Replace" function without the "Replace" function.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    none of you have

    Because it's unnecessary when we have all the great tools (NOT SSDS) around, like the above mentioned. Also, nobody here would consider it a great achievement to write a text editor's "Search & Replace" function without the "Replace". It would not even takes us a day to do it, and it would be way faster than yours.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I have video of Aliens or New LifeForms

    No you don't. It's just birds, planes, insects and leaves.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    and you argue and diss the discovery

    Mostly because it is not a discovery. We've all seen birds, planes, insects and leaves before. I've been to Nova Scotia some years ago and saw all of that. Of course, I don't know about western Canada, but I'd assume that if I can find them in eastern Canada, there'd be some birds, planes, insects and leaves in western Canada too. Also, we've seen compression artifacts before and know why they are there. I could explain it to you, but you wouldn't care, so: You have nothing. FAIL!

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    And you argue.

    Of course we argue. And we will continue to argue until you give us proof for all your claims, in particular:

    • That SSDS is the fastest "search engine" (I've proven otherwise giving you numbers, you refused to accept my numbers, but also refused to do a real-life comparison)
    • That the "medicine stones" really work (many people have offered you to curse them - they are all alive and happy! You wouldn't even have to make them sick: Just curse them to WANT to use SSDS, that would be a real miracle)
    • That you have filmed aliens (no, compression artifacts are NOT real life objects and no bird can see them, by the way)

    We argue, which means that we give proof for things we say. You just claim that your shit is true by saying it is true. And that is not how things work.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    You have come too far.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    More alien video uploading to the net right now. 175Mb That takes 5 1/2 hours. Good thing I don't have to do anything.

    Yeah, the bad thing is that the folks at the Internet Archive have to go buy new hard drives and shit. Ever considered things from their point of view? I guess not.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    When hunting aliens I would suggest a HD format and Mpg like mine for general shooting. Both would be best but I'm a video nut. I should get a small HD file just to test on SSDS.  

    I don't know how I should interpret "video nut" here: are you referring to yourself as "a video enthusiast" or "a person who uses batshit insane video production methods, such as using MPEG1 for HD format video"? Because last I checked, in the real world, almost no one uses MPEG1 for HD content (as the picture sizes increase, you need insane bit rates to get the amount of artefacts down) - MPEG2, maybe, MPEG4 or MPEG4-AVC (H.264) more definitely.

    And oh boy, would I ever love to see how SSDS fares on HD clips. Here's a short HD-quality video clip, let's see how SSDS handles that.

    By the way, if you're such an amazing keyboard guru who loathes extra keypresses, why do you have so many &nbsp;s in your text? You don't need to hold down shift with spacebar, you know...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Bright and shiny artifact. The most visible of all. (No slomo or Screen reshoot zooms needed here)


    It looked kind of dim and unshiny to me, but I will agree it was visible. 

    @SpectateSwamp said:


    The last 15 to 20 seconds is where the action happens. Right before I turn the camera off.


    You probably should have turned the camera off after the first 15 to 20 seconds.  And then rewound the tape and recorded something really interesting, like grass growing.  Or paint drying.

    You know, a long time ago they invented something called "video editing".  You might want to check it out.  It can be a lot of fun. And it can help to prevent your audience from being strangled by their own intestines in a desperate attempt to avoid going into a terminal coma.

    You recorded an airplane flying past?  And then you called it an alien?  Why, exactly?

    Did you know that if you were to get closer to your subject, you could get better detail?  The same effect can be achieved with a telephoto lens, but you'll need a much steadier hand than the one you have.  Tripods can be effective here.  Those are the things with three legs with cameras on top that you sometimes see professionals using to shoot video and still images.

    For recording airplanes, I recommend going to your nearest airport.  They'll have lots of bright shiny artifacts there.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    • I wrote a search engine.
    • I have Medicine Stones
    • I know of 3 DinoMummy sites
    • I have video
    • [I have] The WhiteCrow
    • [I am] a Shawmans
    • I have some of you so mad

    I have a penis, and it's much bigger than yours! (And a fucking life. I haven't even been in this thread for about a month). Seriously, stop bragging about your shit. Noone is impressed.

  • @stevekj said:

    You know, a long time ago they invented something called "video editing".  You might want to check it out. 

    Ah, young padawan, you have much to learn.

    You see, the whole point of Swampy's existence is to vehemently and utterly denounce video editing in any form whatsoever. He insists the only POSSIBLE way to 'edit' video is to play it back on a computer and use a camcorder to 'screen capture' the playback and only record the interesting bits. Hence all the comments about video artifacts and wobbly camera work.

    @stevekj said:

    Tripods can be effective here. 

    Swampy insists tripods are useless. After all, who could possibly ever want to have steady video? You can't get enough cloaked mothershi.... *ahem* video artifacts if the camera's held steady.

  • <font size="72" color="red">SPECTATE!!!!</font> (since you seem to like 72-point red font)
    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I wrote a search engine. none of you have but you argue.

    I wrote a search engine too. It's a .BAT file that took about 30 seconds to get working right, and it searches faster than SSDS. Here's the full source:

    @echo off
    find "%1" %2
    Yes, it uses the Windows "find" command to do the actual search, just like SSDS uses the Windows MCI interface to do the actual work of playing a video. @SpectateSwamp said:
    I have Medicine Stones (36 years) and spent 30 to 40 hours in 4 different libraries reading up about them.
    That's nothing. I have medicine pills. The only reading I had to do about them was the 30 seconds or so spent reading the label. Now when I don't feel so good, I take some of them and then I actually feel better. Sure you can "curse" cancer, but can you cure any actual diseases with your rocks? @SpectateSwamp said:
    I know of 3 DinoMummy sites and I brag and brag.
    From the pictures you've posted so far, what you have are fossils, not mummies. A fossil is when something's flesh is replaced with stone. A mummy has the actual original flesh dried and preserved. What you have is a FOSSIL. Not a MUMMY. Still pretty neat though -- just call it what it is, and learn to focus your camera next time. @SpectateSwamp said:
    I have video of Aliens or New LifeForms and you argue and diss the discovery.
    No, you have videos of INSECTS, LEAVES, PLANES, CLOUDS and BIRDS. They're pretty but hardly new lifeforms. Have you ever considered using binoculars to get a closer look at some of the slower "cloaked motherships" you see? @SpectateSwamp said:
    The WhiteCrow appearing in a Shawmans backyard would be considered a very important symbol.


    Get it through your thick skull, even if the bird is white, it still doesn't have "white" in its name. @SpectateSwamp said:
    I'll have to start using those smily faces symbols when I'm jee hawing.
    WTF do smilies have to do with anything in this post, this thread, this forum or your life? I can make them too... :) :) :) :-) ;) :-D

  • @joemck said:


    Quite simple, grasshopper:

    TagExceptions: 1348, Bytes: 67319, All Tags Bytes: 258565

    And by posting this, I'm adding another one.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    And you mostly remain silent.

    I read, laugh for a while, then go back to work. I'm willing to bet a lot of people do the same.

  • @joemck said:

    <font color="red" size="72">SPECTATE!!!!</font> (since you seem to like 72-point red font)

    You really don't learn well, do you? It's random large font scrolling text* that he likes. Your's is just large but neither random nor scrolling. No wonder he'll never read it!

    * possibly with arbitrary capitalization

     It is btw quite amusing what happens if you enter "Ta" into the tag field and then hit CTRL+A.. 

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    The WhiteCrow appearing in a Shawmans backyard would be considered a very important symbol.

    Oh yeah. You may not have considered this angle, but around here, hooded crows are pretty common. Every time I see one around here, I get depressed, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people get the same feeling. It's not even anywhere near the healthy, vibrant, massive, Earth-shattering angst you get from ravens; it's just pure paralysing melancholy, the perfect kind of for week-long brooding, that fills your skull like the common headache. Now, ravens would be ominous, portentous and full of symbolic significance; hooded crows, on the other hand, just evoke sadness, feelings of oldness, and for some reason, turn any day into a rainy day, even when it's not raining.

    Hooded crows are still better than magpies. At least hooded crows stir emotions. Magpies just steal your freaking spoons.

  • That was deep, Wolf.

    @WWWWolf said:

    At least hooded crows stir emotions. Magpies just steal your freaking spoons.


  • @HannahRochelle said:

    Consider yourself lucky, EternalSwamp.
    I read that, nodded to myself... then did a classic doubletake.  Hey!@HannahRochelle said:

  • The Final Trick - Capturing Aliens on video

    This is the 3rd and final try at uploading the LAST bright and shiny flyer. After that I'll upload the various flyer video action jpgs (to Flickr), for You swampies to check out. See the Cloaked mother ship more easily this way. Now you know all my tricks. (video aliens, repeat keys for pure speed, desktop search, flowcharting, medicine stone power, gifted dino mummy hunter...) Capturing your local aliens on video is something everybody can enjoy.

  • @AbbydonKrafts said:

    @joemck said:

    Quite simple, grasshopper:

    TagExceptions: 1348, Bytes: 67319, All Tags Bytes: 258565

    And by posting this, I'm adding another one.

    ...and another. The forum is Happy Happy Happy. About the number of Tags.

    I, too, have largely started just reading, rather than commenting on, the insanity in this thread. Swampy seems to have entirely lost his (admittedly already limited) ability to hold a conversation with anyone else, preferring instead to just post random crap up and fail to address anyone else's questions or concerns. The trolling's more pure, but less engaging.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    This is the 3rd and final try at uploading the LAST bright and shiny flyer. After that I'll upload the various flyer video action jpgs (to Flickr), for You swampies to check out. See the Cloaked mother ship more easily this way. Now you know all my tricks. (video aliens, repeat keys for pure speed, desktop search, flowcharting, medicine stone power, gifted dino mummy hunter...) Capturing your local aliens on video is something everybody can enjoy.
    This reminds me of the winter of 82-83 in those dreary Nebraska blizzards. LOTS of little white snowy flyers EVERYWHERE! It was an attack I tell you! However, I didn't need no stinking camera to capture these flyers.

  • @Balthazaar said:

    This reminds me of the winter of 82-83 in those dreary Nebraska blizzards. LOTS of little white snowy flyers EVERYWHERE! It was an attack I tell you! However, I didn't need no stinking camera to capture these flyers.

    I hope you didn't try to eat them: That's how they usually take control of humans.

  • @TDC said:

    I hope you didn't try to eat them: That's how they usually take control of humans.
    The white ones are harmless. It's the yellow buggers you need to worry about. :P

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    This is the 3rd and final try at uploading the LAST bright and shiny flyer. After that I'll upload the various flyer video action jpgs (to Flickr), for You swampies to check out. See the Cloaked mother ship more easily this way. Now you know all my tricks. (video aliens, repeat keys for pure speed, desktop search, flowcharting, medicine stone power, gifted dino mummy hunter...) Capturing your local aliens on video is something everybody can enjoy.


    Spectate swamp made perfect sense in the following posts:

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    This is the 3rd and final try at uploading the LAST bright and shiny flyer. After that I'll upload the various flyer video action jpgs (to Flickr), for You swampies to check out. See the Cloaked mother ship more easily this way.

    My screen has a speck of dirt on it that happened to end up in the blank space of this post by Swampy - for a minute I thought that the speck was supposed to be the flyer that he was posting. For half an instant I had the urge to take a screen capture and post it, but then I realized I'd have to make a 2 minute long screen reshoot, etc., and I didn't think it was worth the effort...

  • @Eternal Density said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

    Consider yourself lucky, EternalSwamp.
    I read that, nodded to myself... then did a classic doubletake.  Hey!@HannahRochelle said:


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Capturing your local aliens on video is something everybody can enjoy.

    Wait, what? If they're LOCAL aliens, they're not aliens at all. An alien by definition is:

    1.a resident born in or belonging to another country who has not acquired citizenship by naturalization (distinguished from citizen).
    2.a foreigner.
    3.a person who has been estranged or excluded.
    4.a creature from outer space; extraterrestrial.

    Epic failure. 


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    This is the 3rd and final try at uploading the LAST bright and shiny flyer.
    Planes are bright and shinym planes fly. Go figure.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    After that I'll upload the various flyer video action jpgs (to Flickr)
    Please don't. I use flickr and I would prefer to not share more than one internet site with you and your delusions,

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    See the Cloaked mother ship more easily
    Compression artifact, not cloaked alien. Learn the difference please.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Now you know all my tricks. (video aliens, repeat keys for pure speed, desktop search, flowcharting, medicine stone power, gifted dino mummy hunter...)
    Your only 'tricks' are talking shit and making up new terms for things. ie. mummy for fossil, desktop search for file search, white crow for hooded crow etc.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Capturing your local aliens on video is something everybody can enjoy.
    local alien? ffs this just gets worse.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    If they're LOCAL aliens, they're not aliens at all.
    Beat me to it :(  I was just gonna say that 'local alien' is an oxymoron, but you did a much better job.

    Now I'm trying to figure out if Spectate is intended as a noun, a verb, or as an adjective. 

  • @Eternal Density said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

    If they're LOCAL aliens, they're not aliens at all.
    Beat me to it :(  I was just gonna say that 'local alien' is an oxymoron, but you did a much better job.

    Now I'm trying to figure out if Spectate is intended as a noun, a verb, or as an adjective. 

    It was 5.30am when I posted, and I'd just woken up. I am amazed I was coherent.

    ...But then again, raping of the English language without a legit reason bugs the hell out of me. And I couldnt figure out which he meant it as.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    raping of the English language without a legit reason bugs the hell out of me.
    It doesn't sit right with me, and I usually respond by cryptically poking fun at it, which just confuses people.  IRL, I mean.  I hope I'm not becoming a Swampy.

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