🔥 Roman Lives Matter! Won't somebody think of poor Guido?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    : In the interests of posterity, the original subject of this topic was:

    ##[trigger warning] Generation ❄ doesn't get its way...

    </edit> <subedit: oh - my!/>

    ... comes up with new shopping list of demands.

    TLDR: At Oxford University, students snowflakes called for a statue of Rhodes to be removed from Oriel College (claiming it was racist to have it still standing.) They eventually got told to stop being so silly. Now the cry-bullies are throwing more toys out of the pram with 7 things they want:


    1. First, we want a reckoning. We want Oxford to acknowledge and confront its role in the ongoing physical and ideological violence of empire. This requires an apology and increased scholarships for black students from Southern Africa.

    2. Second, we want a commitment to recontextualising iconography celebrating figures of grave injustice. Murderous colonists and slaveholders belong in books and museums, not on the sides of buildings. This requires the removal and rehousing of statues and portraits, and the renaming of buildings.

    3. Third, we want a decolonised curriculum. We want to hear the voices suffocated into silence by a Eurocentric academy. We want to study different systems of knowledge and explore the work of people who deviate from the white Western canon that we are force-fed.

    4. We want representation for people of colour at all levels of the university. This requires, amongst other things, blind marked applications and implicit bias training for all academic staff.

    5. Fifth, we want an immediate end to the outright racism people of colour face on campus. We want effective recourse for students, academics and non–academic staff to deal with racist discrimination and harassment. This requires race workshops for all incoming student cohorts. This requires an effective system for students and staff to report incidents of racism, which acknowledges the intersectional way that oppression based on racism interacts with oppression based on class, gender, disability, and other grounds.

    6. Sixth, we want the University to take responsibility for the culture it perpetuates. We want the work of anti-racist students and staff to be recognised and institutionalised. This requires payment for our labour. This requires a specific sabbatical position for Race at the Oxford University Students Union and paid Tutor for Race positions at both college and university level.

    7. Seventh, we want the University and all related bodies to cease public smear campaigns, and private intimidation, of our movement and our members.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    From the Wikipedia article

    Writing in the The Daily Telegraph, Harry Mount described Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford as the product of a "a generation raised to believe that their feelings are all that matter,"


  • @PJH said:

    ...we want a decolonised curriculum. We want to hear the voices suffocated into silence by a Eurocentric academy...

    Surely the colonies are all outside Europe so 'decolonising' would make it more Eurocentric?

    I don't speak SJW, though, so maybe my inherent racism is showing again.

  • @PJH said:

    Third, we want a decolonised curriculum.

    "Decolonise your mind" is quickly becoming the new "wake up sheeple".

  • Would be nice if people here wouldn't lump gender-focusing SJWs together with race-focusing SJWs.

    The latter are much more toxic.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I think its time to pull out the Harry Flashman guide to life.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PJH said:

    Sixth, we want the University to take responsibility for the culture it perpetuates. We want the work of anti-racist students and staff to be recognised and institutionalised. This requires payment for our labour. This requires a specific sabbatical position for Race at the Oxford University Students Union and paid Tutor for Race positions at both college and university level.
    We want to shitpost and make you pay for the privilege? :wtf:

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @PJH said:

    Fifth, we want an immediate end to the outright racism people of colour face on campus.

    When they say this, who are they talking about? My knowledge of English culture is obviously limited but I always thought you didn't have the friction that exists in the US.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @PJH said:

    At Oxford University, students snowflakes called for a statue of Rhodes to be removed

    I was recently reading something about him, and how in his prize / scholarship, he specifically said that race / color shouldn't be a criterion. Supposedly, a few years after he died, a black guy won it. Some people protested, but the administrators stood firm.

    The article also said that a lot of the worst of the "white supremacy" of Rhodesia happened after he left or was done by him to keep the Boers happy. My knowledge of that history is pretty thin, so I have no idea how accurate that was.

    @PJH said:

    Third, we want a decolonised curriculum. We want to hear the voices suffocated into silence by a Eurocentric academy. We want to study different systems of knowledge and explore the work of people who deviate from the white Western canon that we are force-fed.

    So start your own school and see if you can get people to pay to go there?

    @PJH said:

    Sixth, we want the University to take responsibility for the culture it perpetuates.

    No they don't. That would mean expelling these wastes of water.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @aliceif said:

    The latter are much more toxic.

    O RLY? Cf "all PIV is rape".

  • @aliceif said:

    Would be nice if people here wouldn't lump gender-focusing SJWs together with race-focusing SJWs.

    The latter are much more toxic.

    Both are groups of horrible people ultimately doing a good cause nothing but disservice. What's the difference?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @FrostCat said:

    @PJH said:
    Fifth, we want an immediate end to the outright racism people of colour face on campus.

    When they say this, who are they talking about? My knowledge of English culture is obviously limited but I always thought you didn't have the friction that exists in the US.

    When US college students say the same thing, does anyone here know :wtf: they're talking about either?

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @PJH said:

    Seventh, we want the University and all related bodies to cease public smear campaigns

    Aren't they a body related to the University?

    Man, could you imagine if groups like these were to get their shit together and actually do good in the world-- like demanding the impeachment and arrest of Michigan Gov. Snyder, seizure of money gained from allowing poisoned water, and the restoration of a clean drinking supply to a city of hundreds of thousands of people.

    FFS, ❄, you're literally worse than Michael Moore.

  • @FrostCat said:

    "all PIV is rape".

    Those are TERFs, usually. Not SJWs.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    ultimately doing a good cause

    I'm not sure if I'd call whatever the race-SJWs seem to advocate a good cause.

    Exchange of cultural things is good. And shouldn't be demonized as "appropriation".

  • FoxDev

    @FrostCat said:

    @PJH said:
    Fifth, we want an immediate end to the outright racism people of colour face on campus.

    When they say this, who are they talking about? My knowledge of English culture is obviously limited but I always thought you didn't have the friction that exists in the US.

    It helps when a single street contains people from about 321605324598374783215787059231.5 different cultures ;)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Well, that's kind of what I meant.

  • @aliceif said:

    @Maciejasjmj said:
    ultimately doing a good cause

    I'm not sure if I'd call whatever the race-SJWs seem to advocate a good cause.

    Cultural exchange is good. And shouldn't be demonized as "appropriation".

    Racial equality is good, mutual respect and discovery of each other's culture is good, there are a lot of things under the "race/ethnicity" umbrella that could be improved. The problem with the SJWs is that they never seem to aim for anything important, and people end up unable to take anything race-related seriously because of how much noise over unimportant things is made.

  • @FrostCat said:

    When they say this, who are they talking about? My knowledge of English culture is obviously limited but I always thought you didn't have the friction that exists in the US.

    Well they got racism of course, but I always assumed it was against "pakis".

  • @boomzilla said:

    When US college students say the same thing, does anyone here know :wtf: they're talking about either?

    Usually it's "jumping to conclusions". I still remember that "noose" that one university found which was actually a discarded extension cord some prankster threw into a tree.

  • @aliceif said:

    "all PIV is rape".

    Those are TERFs, usually. Not SJWs.

    Do any of these acronyms get defined at any point? Those KERKs are wrong about FYD being SDHA unless WETWEG is TMKN.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:


    TERFs are basically feminists who don't include trans-women as women. HTH HAND

  • Yeah, right. Like I'm going to believe what Boomzilla thinks the acronym means.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @FrostCat said:

    @PJH said:
    Fifth, we want an immediate end to the outright racism people of colour face on campus.

    When they say this, who are they talking about? My knowledge of English culture is obviously limited but I always thought you didn't have the friction that exists in the US.

    On Campus? They're just shit-stirring by seeing things that aren't there. Like racism.

    This is all mountain/molehill territory being stirred up by some self-entitled idiots.

    Unfortunately The Authorities put too much credence into what they're saying instead of simply not indulging in their childishness.

    Most of the time anyway. I'm surprised the snowflakes were told No to removing the statue.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @PJH said:

    I'm surprised the snowflakes were told No to removing the statue.

    Snowflakes don't make donations to the college's endowment. The story said that they'd already lost--I forgot, maybe a million dollars--in donations and someone had threatened to cancel a big one.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @FrostCat said:

    The story said that they'd already lost--I forgot, maybe a million dollars--in donations and someone had threatened to cancel a big one.

    Oxford University’s statue of Cecil Rhodes is to stay in place after furious donors threatened to withdraw gifts and bequests worth more than £100 *($144)* million if it was taken down, The Daily Telegraph has learnt.

    The governing body of Oriel College, which owns the statue, has ruled out its removal after being warned that £1.5m ($2.15m) worth of donations have already been cancelled, and that it faces dire financial consequences if it bows to the Rhodes Must Fall student campaign.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Yup. A bunch of trust-fund babies aren't going to replace that. Here's hoping the people who said the statue stays discovered they liked their possibly-new-found courage and issue a response to this new set of petulant demands with a press conference that consists solely of 30 seconds of laughter and a mic drop.

  • Hilarious.

  • @tufty said:

    If they hired all the free plumbers, surely the cost would be zero?

    Hey, I'll lay pipe pro boner, if you know what I mean.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PJH said:

    some self-entitled idiots

    Remember when inserting members into dead pork was all we had to fear from self-entitled idiots?


  • @PJH said:

    First, we want a reckoning. We want Oxford to acknowledge and confront its role in the ongoing physical and ideological violence of empire. This requires an apology and increased scholarships for black students from Southern Africa.

    Ok, but I'm going to start rationing gender studies. Every scholarship from South Africa means one less gender studies slot.

    @PJH said:

    Second, we want a commitment to recontextualising iconography celebrating figures of grave injustice. Murderous colonists and slaveholders belong in books and museums, not on the sides of buildings. This requires the removal and rehousing of statues and portraits, and the renaming of buildings

    Ok, but we'll replace them all with a past minority SJW that happened to maintain a terrible personal life and objectified women.

    @PJH said:

    Third, we want a decolonised curriculum. We want to hear the voices suffocated into silence by a Eurocentric academy. We want to study different systems of knowledge and explore the work of people who deviate from the white Western canon that we are force-fed.

    You can't take colonization out of history. Sure, we can include voices of non-Eurocentric narrative, but unless you are a history major these will all be electives.

    @PJH said:

    We want representation for people of colour at all levels of the university. This requires, amongst other things, blind marked applications and implicit bias training for all academic staff.

    Yes, we will support blind-marked applications. Affirmative action Quotas are not just.

    @PJH said:

    This requires race workshops for all incoming student cohorts.


    @PJH said:

    We want effective recourse for students, academics and non–academic staff to deal with racist discrimination and harassment

    What you do outside of the classroom is to be reported to the police. We are not policing the free actions of our students.

    @PJH said:

    We want the work of anti-racist students and staff to be recognised and institutionalised

    So, you want to set up a board and personally define who is anti-racist, but you're really going to bully us into only electing people that follow your cult?

    @PJH said:

    This requires payment for our labour

    Ok, we'll remove the policy that dictates that minority students are unpaid and white students are paid.

    @PJH said:

    This requires a specific sabbatical position for Race at the Oxford University Students Union and paid Tutor for Race positions at both college and university level.

    Ok, but that excludes those two positions from being considered for the anti-racist achievements.

    @PJH said:

    Seventh, we want the University and all related bodies to cease public smear campaigns, and private intimidation

    Ok, we will strike everything above and no longer recognize your group.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Usually it's "jumping to conclusions". I still remember that "noose" that one university found which was actually a discarded extension cord some prankster threw into a tree.

    Just watched "Vantage Point" last night... While it did get a little tedious seeing the "same" story a dozen times, it was also rather interesting how different the story was from a different perspective.

  • @dcon said:

    Just watched "Vantage Point" last night... While it did get a little tedious seeing the "same" story a dozen times, it was also rather interesting how different the story was from a different perspective.

    I liked that film better when it was called Rashomon.

  • Or we could just sell Michigan to Canada. $12.99. Cash-in-hand.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or we could just sell Michigan to Canada. $12.99. Cash-in-hand.

    $12.99 CAD or USD?

  • Does anyone know what I quoted in the title?

  • Man, this reminds me of The Big U.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    59 posts were merged into an existing topic: Jeffing imminent - don't reply just yet, and title will change

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Anyone looking for the other train can find the wreckage over here:


  • ♿ (Parody)

    A post was merged into an existing topic: Now - about that dodgy Dihydrogen Monoxide...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    A post was merged into an existing topic: Now - about that dodgy Dihydrogen Monoxide...

  • The saddest part of this whole thing, is that most of these problems would be non-problems if the students acted like students and just worked for their degree.

    Didn't get invited to a racist sorority party? I wasn't aware that was part of your degree program.

    This is the most privileged group of people there are on the planet. Do not have to work a job, get paid to go to college. There is no reason they should be whining about missed opportunities.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or we could just sell Michigan to Canada. $12.99. Cash-in-hand.

    But then we'd have a weird number of states, so we'd probably need to split one in half. Or maybe we could trade for one of theirs.

  • @FrostCat said:

    But then we'd have a weird number of states, so we'd probably need to split one in half.

    Oh wait, that puts the count to 55...

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @loopback0 said:

    Writing in the The Daily Telegraph, Harry Mount described Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford as the product of a "a generation raised to believe that their feelings are all that matter,"

    Hmmmmmm, that reminds me of someone...

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @boomzilla said:

    When US college students say the same thing, does anyone here know :wtf: they're talking about either?

    No. No we do not. All we know is that they are fucking crybabies.

  • No, he's right. TERF = Trans-exclusionary radical feminist.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Apropos of something vaguely more related to this thread than the Jeffed one:

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @aliceif said:

    Those are TERFs, usually. Not SJWs.

    I can't keep all of these fucking acronyms and initialisms straight. Can't we all just lump them under "fucking assholes" and he done with it. Back in my day...

    Filed under: @boomzilla, where did you get your :belt_onion:? I think I need to get fitted for one. Also, I need some claymores for my lawn.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @aliceif said:

    Exchange of cultural things is good. And shouldn't be demonized as "appropriation".

    But it will be. FFS, yoga is now off limits, so nothing is safe.

    Can hot women of all cultures at least keep yoga pants? If they start labeling those as appropriation...there will be war.


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