The Official Status Thread

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @mott555 said:

    I don't know what I'd do with a honeybadger.

    I have a neighbor that I sincerely dislike. I would put it in her house while she is away to work.

  • @mott555 said:

    I'll do it for you.

    Don't even have to go that far.

    Just say Obama, and that's the joke.

    Even Democrats are figuring it out by now.

    But if you must.

    You go in and order the same burger you've always ordered, only to have a pickle delivered to your table. You pay a higher amount than 80% of the other customers, of which 75% get PAID to eat there.
    Someone tries to rob the store and ends up shot, which causes a riot to burn down half the store. The owner tells you that the robber could have been his son. The people that try to rescue people from the burning building are called racist.
    A Jew (I would say Muslim, but they seem to get their way) orders catering for his business, and pork burgers are forcibly included. Not only that, but he is required by law to pay the restaurant whether he orders there or not.
    Even though the restaurant is that bad, it is still better than the restaurant ISIS across the street. At ISIS customers are murdered if they don't pray the exact words on the sign. Women are kidnapped and made into sex slaves if they show up alone.
    Even though some soldiers successfully rescue the women from ISIS, the Obama owner apologizes to the ISIS owner for all the violence.

  • FoxDev

    two plus months to do a callback "joke"?

    wow.. now that's dedication.

  • Bay trail atoms make pretty good tablets. We're talking ~8", so it's not like you're really expected to be able to play Skyrim on the thing. Mine'll handle Blazblue just fine (But playing that with a touch screen?). Atom was horrible during the clover trail days.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    it's an ATOM processor. give it a miss.

    i3 is minimum if you want anything other than use IE to check your email once a week.

    The Haswell atoms are much better than the previous ones. AIUI they are the first major refresh of the design in a long time.

    Obviously they're not as powerful as an i3 or i5, but this particular one sports a quad-core.

    This would only be used for web browsing, facebook-type games, and so on.

  • Garbage Person

    Status: 200 Criticality 1 Severity 1 tickets. Entire application cluster suffering ephemeral port exhaustion. because someone turned off connection pooling in the connection string for the sql box several months before go live. We just hit critical volume...

    I'm surprised the DBAs didn't notice. 8x64000 short lived connections is a bit....

  • Status: The window tint is so dark it makes it look like it's night when it's raining in the middle of the day.

  • So a print server is screwed up, and I'm getting pulled into it. As a developer. I have near-zero experience with print servers, at least with what's involved. Trying to stay out of it, but that doesn't happen too often here.

  • Status: Awkward thing I didn't consider when starting a job in Dec: having to attend holiday party without knowing people's names.

    Also, again, some asshole has renamed this thread to something other than "the status thread' and it took ages to find. Stop being an asshole.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Also, again, some asshole has renamed this thread to something other than "the status thread' and it took ages to find. Stop being an asshole.

    You could try starring it. Makes it a hell of a lot easier to find. But then you'd have one less thing to bitch about.

  • @abarker said:

    You could try starring it. Makes it a hell of a lot easier to find. But then you'd have one less thing to bitch about.

    Why would he want that?

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    Also, again, some asshole has renamed this thread to something other than "the status thread' and it took ages to find. Stop being an asshole.

    .... sorry?

    i made sure it had "the" "Status" and "thread" in the title when i changed it though.... discosearch should have found it easily.

    not sure where the parenthetical remark came from. i'm choosing to blame @abarker for it rather than look up who actually added it.

  • @accalia said:

    not sure where the parenthetical remark came from. i'm choosing to blame @abarker for it rather than look up who actually added it.

    I do not resemble that remark.

  • FoxDev

    @abarker said:

    I do not resemble that remark.

    well i did say i was choosing to blame you over actually looking it up, no?

  • Indeed.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    having to attend holiday party without knowing people's names.

    Congratulations, you get to learn everybody's names and forget them 5 hours later.

    In other news:

    Status: Figured out how to probably do something in a non completely awful way.

  • I try

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Had a good chat with my new line manager today. He's a colleague of many years who's taken the jump up to management. I'm going to have to be nice to him for a while… ;)

    Oh, and I've finished buying non-food items for the giftpocalypse.

  • Today I learned my Windows user account has a limit on how many computers I can join to the domain. I found this out when working on setting up some new Windows installs of various versions and bitness for hardware testing. 😦

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: Amused that yet again I annoyed blakeyrat with the built-in DiscoFeatures.

    Also, I slept horribly again last night and my neck is killing me. Our pillows are worn out, yet not very old. It used to be that pillows lasted a long time, these were not cheap and are ~6 months old and completely shot. If you spend $35/pillow, it would be nice if it lasted a year or so. In the past I do not recall replacing pillows twice a year... Also, those kids need to get off my damned lawn.

    Just spent an hour on the phone with a client that calls me for advice and then always argues with me. He is wanting to virtualize all of his servers, but does not even know enough to be properly dangerous. I told him when he started this project that what he was wanting to do would not work. Now he is calling to find out why things are not working (I always follow up with an email, just in case I need to point out that I told them as much). This whole scenario might even make a good topic if anyone wants the details.

  • Somewhat minor WTF: today I learned that Git has a buffer size configuration that has to be manually set to the size of the largest repo on the server, otherwise HTTPS clones will fail when the repo exceeds about a gigabyte.

    Someone should invent virtual memory to prevent problems like this from happ-- oh.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    HTTPS clones

    why https clone? git:// is superior performance wise anyway and not that hard to set up.

    it takes copy pasting like six lines fo code into your SSH config and adding the correct user entries for SSH.

  • @accalia said:

    why https clone? git:// is superior performance wise anyway and not that hard to set up.

    And doesn't work with the best Git client on Windows.

    In any case, why shouldn't it work? If they're going to offer a feature (HTTPS protocol) is it that out-of-line for me to expect the feature to not suck-ass?

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    And doesn't work with the best Git client on Windows.

    ah... i was unaware of that. what client do you use on windows?

    @blakeyrat said:

    In any case, why shouldn't it work? If they're going to offer a feature (HTTPS protocol) is it that out-of-line for me to expect the feature to not suck-ass?

    given the state of discourse? arguably.

  • @Intercourse said:

    This whole scenario might even make a good topic if anyone wants the details.

    Sounds like a good sidebar ...

  • @accalia said:

    ah... i was unaware of that. what client do you use on windows?

    Visual Studio.

    And yes it's a minor WTF that VS doesn't support SSH, but the small team that manages it doesn't want to rewrite OpenSSH (or whatever the open source library thing is) from scratch.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    And yes it's a minor WTF that VS doesn't support SSH, but the small team that manages it doesn't want to rewrite OpenSSH (or whatever the open source library thing is) from scratch.

    hmm... really? because i am 99% sure that my VS2013 instance at home connects to git via ssh.... i'll check when i'm there next.

    maybe we use different plugins for VS or i suppose possibly that support was removed thanks to heartbleed and the fiasco that followed and now i can't use it via ssh.....

  • @accalia said:

    hmm... really? because i am 99% sure that my VS2013 instance at home connects to git via ssh....

    Maybe if you've installed a third-party plug-in. The built-in Git support only supports HTTPS.

    @accalia said:

    i suppose possibly that support was removed thanks to heartbleed and the fiasco that followed and now i can't use it via ssh.....

    IIRC it's a licensing issue. The SSH library that Git relies on has some retard license ("no link?" or something?) and can't be shipped with VS for some reason or another, and they don't have the resources to write a SSH library from scratch. At least, that used to be the reason.

  • Had one "New" topic. Click the New link, nothing there, but "Unread" shows 1 topic. Click Unread, nothing there.

    So I guess that I'm playing Discourse Whack-a-Mole.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    the best Git client on Windows

    @blakeyrat said:

    Visual Studio.


  • I was playing it earlier this morning for awhile. It finally stopped for me, I guess it just moved on to someone else.

  • Status: day 3 of job, doing actual work. Whee. The codebase ain't too bad.

    Status: also this place still uses Windows 7, and it's really pissing me off not being able to clone my taskbar across all monitors. So there's one negative.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Status: also this place still uses Windows 7, and it's really pissing me off not being able to clone my taskbar across all monitors. So there's one negative.

    The first world problems thread is over there ➡

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Status: also this place still uses Windows 7, and it's really pissing me off not being able to clone my taskbar across all monitors. So there's one negative.

    Depending on what this place sells or whatever, you might be able to get away with what I did: I said "our clients are going to be upgrading PCs and getting ones with Windows 8. We should really make sure it does before they ask." It took a while but I conned^Wtalked them into buying a copy for me.

  • FoxDev

    lucky you. we only make things for internal clients so there is a standard OS...

    i'm trying to nudge them away from laptops and towards the Surface3 for the next round of updates.

    maybe i'll get lucky.

  • We still have people on Windows XP, and it's by choice because they don't WANT to upgrade!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    lucky you. we only make things for internal clients so there is a standard OS...

    i'm trying to nudge them away from laptops and towards the Surface3 for the next round of updates.

    maybe i'll get lucky.

    One of the bosses at my company has a Surface 2.

    In my case, our company makes a traditional stand-alone application. Of course it's pretty Windows-version agnostic (I've seen it on Windows 2000 through 2008 R2, and I just haven't gotten around to putting it on Windows One Two yet.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    We still have people on Windows XP, and it's by choice because they don't WANT to upgrade!

    Your are cordially invited to slap them upside the head for me.

  • @mott555 said:

    We still have people on Windows XP, and it's by choice because they don't WANT to upgrade!

    Fine; as long as they don't bitch about it.

  • FoxDev

    status: Watch blakey, untercourse and attwood fight ove rmobile or get much needed sleep?

    why must decisions like this be so hard? FWP

  • Status: Just got my PS4 controller working on my PC and an XInput wrapper working. Soon (as in this weekend at the latest), I will end up playing through Dark Souls on PC (finally).

  • Status: bought "white elephant" gift for work party tomorrow. It's a decorative placard that reads, "it is what it is." PRETTY MOTIVATIONAL!

  • @ChaosTheEternal said:

    Status: Just got my PS4 controller working on my PC and an XInput wrapper working. Soon (as in this weekend at the latest), I will end up playing through Dark Souls on PC (finally).

    Guess how hard it is to get an Xbox controller working? Hint: zero. Zero hard.

  • @blakeyrat said:


    That's the number of Xbox controllers that:

    1. I have
    2. I care to have

  • How much was the time spent tinkering with Sony bullshit and "XInput wrappers" worth?

    I own Sony products. They're all unpleasant. Controllers are pretty simple, but I'm sure Sony found some way to make them unpleasant too. Maybe spikes that pop out?

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Guess how hard it is to get an Xbox controller working?

    I seem to recall it was kind of a pain in the ass what with the cutting and soldering and all...

    Oh, did you mean an Xbox 360 / Xbox One controller after MS stopped pretending they weren't using USB for those things?

  • @blakeyrat said:

    How much was the time spent tinkering with Sony bullshit and "XInput wrappers" worth?

    Considering the grand total time between "plugging in a Bluetooth dongle" and "having a working controller" was about 15 minutes, I'm fine with that time spent because it means I get to use a controller I already own and got at a decent price (under $40) and like the feel of, instead of having to spend extra money for a controller that I find uncomfortable, plus spending the money for a specific receiver that'll only ever work for just it.

    Also, there is no "Sony bullshit", the controller connects and installs on Windows as a standard DirectInput controller.

  • @ChaosTheEternal said:

    Also, there is no "Sony bullshit", the controller connects and installs on Windows as a standard DirectInput controller.

    Then what was the "XInput wrapper" for, exactly?

  • For games that don't support DirectInput, which doesn't make it "Sony bullshit" because if I wanted to use the Logitech controller I have, I'd have the same need.

  • Ah. Sony bullshit.

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