IIHS prejudiced against fat women because the fat dummy made for them won't help? I guess?

  • @Gaska said:

    You didn't read the whole article, did you?

    I sure did. It was some time ago, but I think I came to same conclusion as you have: that gendered pronouns in an ungendered language are trwtf. All I wanted to dispute was any implication that singular they was a recent thing.

    @Gaska said:

    I'm sure such place exists somewhere. But because I'm not blue-eyed blonde, I haven't really looked it up ever.

    Straw is light-colored, thus "straw man" must be some kind of dudebro.

  • Banned

    @Buddy said:

    All I wanted to dispute was any implication that singular they was a recent thing.

    Historically, "we" was singular pretty often too. Also, I was talking about widespread usage, which is the only meaningful way to categorize word as "real". And both my and your sources say it was widespread only in late 20th century.

    @Buddy said:

    Straw is light-colored, thus "straw man" must be some kind of dudebro.

    Nice non sequitur.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Jaime said:

    Forty years of telling them that being fat is deadly has done pretty much exactly the opposite.

    Yeah, but that's at least partly because the advice for not being fat encouraged the opposite.


    @Jaime said:

    Forty years of telling them that being fat is deadly has done pretty much exactly the opposite.

    @boomzilla said:

    Yeah, but that's at least partly because the advice for not being fat encouraged the opposite.

    To elaborate on that, for the last 20 years people were told that it's dietary fat that makes them fat and were offered low-fat processed food loaded with corn syrup as an alternative. In the early 90s it was common to see people buy low-fat cookies and eat the whole package at once. "It's low-fat so I can eat as much as I want!"

  • @antiquarian said:

    To elaborate on that, for the last 20 years people were told that it's dietary fat that makes them fat and were offered low-fat processed food loaded with corn syrup as an alternative.

    I agree with this, apart from the corn syrup bit. In terms of metabolism, there is negligible difference between corn syrup and sugar. In fact, the first thing that happens to sugar (glucose-fructose) when it comes in contact with saliva is that it turns into corn syrup (glucose and fructose, not chemically bonded).

  • I think the whole HFCS hate is people looking for a scapegoat instead of acknowledging that maybe they eat too much. It's far easier to claim some magic ingredient is making them sick and fat instead of re-arranging their 8-hour Pepsi-and-TV binge into something productive.

  • @mott555 said:

    I think the whole HFCS hate is people looking for a scapegoat instead of acknowledging that maybe they eat too much. It's far easier to claim some magic ingredient is making them sick and fat instead of re-arranging their 8-hour Pepsi-and-TV binge into something productive.

    Or maybe, just maybe, that they need to build themselves an "eat watch" so that they can actually get a handle on their calorie intake instead of using excess quantities of empty or low-value calories to satiate their emotional desires.

    But, apparently, that's far too hard for people to even comprehend...maybe I should write something for this! Take a database of calorie counts, a bit of moving average code, and a bit of control systems knowledge...

  • Banned

    Then those people will buy the clock, and when it says "don't eat now you just had third breakfast", they'll be like "fuck the clock, I'm hungry".

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @hungrier said:

    I agree with this, apart from the corn syrup bit. In terms of metabolism, there is negligible difference between corn syrup and sugar.

    Right...except that corn syrup wasn't replacing cane sugar in @antiquarian's explanation, but dietary fat. Low fat products seem to always contain more calories than the "regular" version due to this substitution.

  • @Gaska said:

    Then those people will buy the clock, and when it says "don't eat now you just had third breakfast", they'll be like "fuck the clock, I'm hungry".

    You have a point in that that's how many people behave. However, what they're saying is total B.S. They're not hungry, they have an emotional craving for food at that point.

    In fact, I wouldn't be surprised that for the amount of calorie-dense food most people put on their plates, they could get away with one square meal a day to go alongside a light breakfast and a noontime snack, which'd add up to Mott555's 1300-1400kcal/day. The second full meal would be reserved for those who have lousy fuel mileage, like me -- my body pretty well has refused to gain weight over the time I've been aware of it, save for when I was gaining muscle mass from lifting weights.

    @boomzilla said:

    Right...except that corn syrup wasn't replacing cane sugar in @antiquarian's explanation , but dietary fat. Low fat products seem to always contain more calories than the "regular" version due to this substitution.

    Which is really interesting, because fats themselves are quite calorie dense. Also -- HFCS has a different fructose/glucose ratio than cane sugar -- this works out in sugar's favor for the HFCS 55 used in soft drinks, but in HFCS's favor for the HFCS 42 used in other applications, as it's the fructose specifically that the HFCS attackers are attacking.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @tarunik said:

    Which is really interesting, because fats themselves are quite calorie dense.

    Yep. So obviously it's not a 1:1 replacement. Of course, even if it were 1:1 there would be differences in the way the body metabolizes them.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Gaska said:

    Then those people will buy the clock, and when it says "don't eat now you just had third breakfast", they'll be like "fuck the clock, I'm hungry".

    Did you ever see the section "Quitters, Inc" from the movie Cat's Eye?

  • @tarunik said:

    They're not hungry, they have an emotional craving for food at that point.

    I once did a weight loss program (I only needed to lose, maybe, 10 lbs. or so at the time) in which getting people to understand this difference was one of the key points. Some people, according to this program, satisfy their emotional cravings for food so often that they literally do not even know what actual, physical hunger feels like, much less how to distinguish between that and craving.

    There were two basic ideas behind the program: It doesn't matter (much) what you eat, as long as you only eat when you're (physically) hungry, and stop when you're no longer hungry (i.e., before you're stuffed). Satisfy the emotional cravings by a relationship with $deity (where $deity = ישוע מנצרת). I don't remember the name of the program, because it hasn't existed for quite a while; the organizations that promoted it dropped it like a hot potato when the woman that developed it and did all the videos suddenly rejected the orthodox view of $deity and went off on a wild tangent.

  • Banned

    @FrostCat said:

    Did you ever see the section "Quitters, Inc" from the movie Cat's Eye?

    Never heard of that movie. Probably because they translated the title to something like "All the things you want". I mean, they translated Dirty Dancing as "Spinning Sex", Die Hard as "Glass Trap", and Fight Club as "Underground Ring"...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    It's three separate stories tied together with a basic narrative. The Quitters, Inc. segment is about a guy who wants to quit smoking and hires a company to do it. The way they "help" you quit smoking is by threatening people around you. The main character, after a few instances of sneaking a few smokes and getting caught, has his wife's finger (IIRC; I haven't seen that movie in 20-30 years) cut off.

  • Banned

    While this worked with a smoker, I'm not sure it would help with obesity of people like that lady linked in the OP.

  • FoxDev

    @Gaska said:

    they translated Dirty Dancing as "Spinning Sex"


  • @FrostCat said:

    has his wife's finger (IIRC; I haven't seen that movie in 20-30 years) cut off.

    there's your weight loss!

  • @boomzilla said:


    As opposed to a naturally-aspirated shitwad?

    Filed under: pressurized hot air either way

  • @mott555 said:

    willpower of a retarded cat

    That's pretty offensive. To cats.

    Actually, cats rarely become fat even if the only thing they need to do to get food it go to their feeder and meow (or jump on the table and stare at them or something similarly simple). They apparently can tell whether they are actually hungry and don't eat when they are not even if there is a lot of food around.

  • Banned

    @Bulb said:

    Actually, cats rarely become fat even if the only thing they need to do to get food it go to their feeder and meow (or jump on the table and stare at them or something similarly simple). They apparently can tell whether they are actually hungry and don't eat when they are not even if there is a lot of food around.

    So my cat isn't really a cat? Because it eats everything in its sight, especially the things he's not supposed to eat. And gets significantly fatter when winter is coming.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Did you ever see the section "Quitters, Inc" from the movie Cat's Eye?

    Wasn't that a Stephen King story? I remember it was decent, but then again, most King is at least that.

    @Gaska said:

    I mean, they translated Dirty Dancing as "Spinning Sex", Die Hard as "Glass Trap", and Fight Club as "Underground Ring"...

    Don't forget "The Hangover" made into "The Vegas Hangover". Which was arguably a nice play of words, but bit them in the ass when the second one came out... and they made it into "The Vegas Hangover In Bangkok".

  • Mine do that too. All three of them. But they always loose the weight again in spring.

  • FoxDev

    @Bulb said:

    That's pretty offensive. To cats.

    Actually, cats rarely become fat even if the only thing they need to do to get food it go to their <abbr title="the human who “owns” them">feeder</abbr> and meow (or jump on the table and stare at them or something similarly simple). They apparently can tell whether they are actually hungry and don't eat when they are not even if there is a lot of food around.

    unless of course they were raised by a dog. they they pick up a dogs eating habits.

    Jake (a maine coon cat) and 6 of his littermates was found on the side of the road as a kitten (about 4 days the vet estimated) and was brought in to be fed and raised for adoption. after returning from the store with the supplies needed to feed 4 day old kittens we discovered the box we had put them in next to the radiator was empty.

    at four days these kittens were not going anywhere on their own. after about 30 seconds of searching we found all 7 of them in the Golden Retreiver's bed. she had adopted them.

    all 7 of them made it to adulthood and acted very much like a weird cross between a dog and a cat. most surprisingly they picked up a dog's way of tail wagging when happy, which is distinctly different from a cats way of wagging when you had better take your hand away or you're going to lose it. ;-)

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Don't forget "The Hangover" made into "The Vegas Hangover". Which was arguably a nice play of words, but bit them in the ass when the second one came out... and they made it into "The Vegas Hangover In Bangkok".

    WTF‽ The solution was obvious: "The Bangkok Hangover."

  • @Bulb said:

    Actually, cats rarely become fat even if the only thing they need to do to get food it go to their feeder and meow (or jump on the table and stare at them or something similarly simple). They apparently can tell whether they are actually hungry and don't eat when they are not even if there is a lot of food around.

    I've known more morbidly-obese cats than not.

  • Banned

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Vegas Hangover". Which was arguably a nice play of words, but bit them in the ass when the second one came out...

    Just like Die Hard/Szklana pułapka (Glass Trap). While this translation arguably matched what the original Die Hard movie was about, it didn't work with any of subsequent titles. Although it played nice with Spy Hard (they translated it to "Szklanką po łapkach" ("Paws [hit] with Glass"), which sounds almost the same but absurd and somewhat cute).

    @boomzilla said:

    WTF‽ The solution was obvious: "The Bangkok Hangover."

    Except that hangover in Polish is "kac", and the actual title of those movies are "Kac Vegas" and "Kac Vegas w Bangkoku" respectively.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Gaska said:

    Except that hangover in Polish is "kac", and the actual title of those movies are "Kac Vegas" and "Kac Vegas w Bangkoku" respectively.

    I knew it wasn't literally using the English, but I'll rephrase:

    WTF‽ The solution was obvious: "Kac Bangkoku"

  • @boomzilla said:

    WTF‽ The solution was obvious: "Kac Bangkoku"

    You miss the "Las Vegas"/"Kac Vegas" wordplay. Which wasn't very good to begin with, but still.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    You miss the "Las Vegas"/"Kac Vegas" wordplay.

    You're right. Is it the "a" in the middle of Las and Kac? I don't think I'd be missing it, Bob. Americans at least commonly refer to Las Vegas as simply Vegas, so maybe it's not as obvious to me for that reason, too.

    But then you would still have Kak / koku wordplay, which is at least as good (and way better for people familiar with English slang, of course).

  • @boomzilla said:


    Kac does not sound anything like "kak" - c is always t̪͡s̪ (or d̪͡z̪ if voiced) in Polish.

  • @mott555 said:

    I've known more morbidly-obese cats than not.

    Were they, by any chance, lone indoor cats with limited opportunities for climbing?

    A lone indoor cat absolutely needs some high places it can climb to and needs it's caretaker to play with it at least half an hour a day. Otherwise it gets bored, unhappy and that causes obesity. Which is, after all, quite like in humans. They treat unhappiness with eating (because eating is pleasant) and become obese.

    For cat the solution is easy. Have more than one, provide them some climbing trees all the way to the ceiling, preferably leading to some high shelf and if possible, let it sometimes go hunting outside. With humans it's harder.

  • Lone, no, not even close. My whole family is a bunch of crazy cat ladies. But they have generally been old (7+ years old) and lazy.

  • @mott555 said:

    crazy cat ladies. But they have generally been old (7+ years old)

    Carousel™ from Logan's Run, but on steroids.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Wasn't that a Stephen King story?


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ijij said:

    Carousel™ from Logan's Run, but on steroids.

    It's a bit mean to put a 7-year-old in Carousel.

  • @FrostCat said:

    It's a bit mean to put a 7-year-old in Carousel.

    Well, yes, it would be...

    I suppose I should have added a :( ...

    OTOH, if they become runners, they're small, wiley, and elusive.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Bulb said:

    For cat the solution is easy. Have more than one, provide them some climbing trees all the way to the ceiling, preferably leading to some high shelf and if possible, let it sometimes go hunting outside.

    Our cats are simply never allowed in the house (the furnishings wouldn't stand it). If the weather is particularly bad — a relatively rare thing in the UK — they might be given some extra shelter, but otherwise they've got to fend for themselves. We'll feed them regularly, but they're welcome to anything they can find for themselves.

    Even if it is occasionally a scavenged take-away pizza. No idea where they found that!

  • FoxDev

    @dkf said:

    If the weather is particularly bad — a relatively rare thing in the UK

    If bad weather is rare in the UK, then my avatar is Arnold Schwarzenegger 😛


    @RaceProUK said:

    then my avatar is Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Hi Arnie 👋

  • Java Dev

    Bad weather is a relative concept.

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