The Official Status Thread

  • @mott555 said:

    Given the progression to ridiculously large screens, I predict in a few more years people will be holding up 72" LED TV's to the sides of their faces to answer phone calls.

    We'll probably have our phone's implanted in our brains before it gets that far.

  • Status: Rednecking out on my Nosler reloading manual so I can choose a good load for this fall's deer season and reduce my bum-raping from ammunition prices. And the shoulder-raping that occurred because ammo prices went nuts and I could only find 175-grain cartridges last time I bought ammo...those were practically elephant gun bullets!

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    You gotta admit, compared to what we are calling him, a "T-Rex" is actually a pretty cool insult.
    It's not yet a raptor, so you gotta keep trying harder!

    Filed Under: Popular Party game: If you are the T-Rex, what is Jeff?

  • @Kuro said:

    Filed Under: Popular Party game: If you are the T-Rex, what is Jeff?

    Mid-afternoon snack, with any luck.

  • Honestly, if it were here, I wouldn't have been insulted by the t-rex thing. That's pretty tame for TDWTF. I would still be pissed by the way he implied I'm not a man, though. But this was on meta.d, were posts have been deleted for indirectly attacking an individual. And that's completely ignoring the fact that meta.d is their public face and he is one of their founders. All of that put together is what really pissed me off.

  • One rule for regular people, one rule for Jeff and many rules for TDWTF people.


    @Kuro said:

    You gotta admit, compared to what we are calling him, a "T-Rex" is actually a pretty cool insult.It's not yet a raptor, so you gotta keep trying harder!

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Spielberg for completely misrepresenting raptors in Jurassic Park, thus giving people the wrong picture of them for generations to come.
    I would also like to thank him for Minority Report. We calculated that the Earth now shifted it's orbit by approximately 1.7mm purely due to Phillip K. Dick spinning in his grave.

    Filed under: No, I will never let that one go

  • Installing Karabiner on my Mac, so OS X will treat caps lock as the escape key. Also, writing article in Macvim and frustrated I hadn't fixed my caps lock key sooner.

  • I actually didn't mind Minority Report. I haven't read the original short story, so I only have the Wikipedia page to go on, but from what I see there the major differences between book and movie are there because they wouldn't quite work in movies (eg. the book doesn't seem to have a happy ending, whereas the movie kinda does)

  • Going to sleep, because my weekend is halfway through sigh

  • @Kuro said:

    You gotta admit, compared to what we are calling him, a "T-Rex" is actually a pretty cool insult.

    But we are for the most part just stating facts! JDGI is not an insult, it's an observation of behaviour! Even calling him a conceited little mega-puppy would just be stating facts!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Arantor said:

    We already have the age of the phablet.

    Think I prefer Register's term for them.


  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    Dear Mr. @faoileag,

    I know that small trolling and completely ignoring facts are good tools to keep a conversation going. I also think the group you are in is probably the best group on this board.

    Still WTF are you even talking about?

    If JDGI was the only thing on this board that was said about Jeff, then yeah, you'd be right.
    If the worst insult we hurled at Jeff had been "puppy" then ... I dunno... T-Rex still sounds cooler so there is that.

    I can understand @abarker when he says that he was irritated to be "insulted" in that regulated forum of meta.discourse but really... if Jeff were to openly talk about users from this forum the same way we talk about him... boy oh boy.

    Note: At no point during this post do I say it is justified / injustified. I am merely:
    @faoileag said:

    for the most part just stating facts


    the guy who just wrote a reply to your reply wich was a reply towards my reply wich in turn was a reply towards somebody elses reply that replied to.... this is getting confusing!

    Filed Under: As some Somebody with the ability to search this ... "amazing" softare: What is the worst insult towards Jeff so far?

  • @abarker said:

    Honestly, if it were here, I wouldn't have been insulted by the t-rex thing. That's pretty tame for TDWTF. I would still be pissed by the way he implied I'm not a man, though.

    Don't take it personal - I must admit I found that line something like the icing of the cake of that post. Because, if he would be, he wouldn't need to make that statement himself.

    Margaret Thatcher once put it like that: "Having power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't". That statement is true for a lot of substitutes for "power".

    That sentence in my opinion is rather another sign that Jeff is deeply insecure. He would like to be and thinks of himself as an "alpha male", but when confronted with the horde of strong individuals this community is, he doesn't know what to do. He tries to fit in but doesn't manage.

    I think he's a rather sad character, actually. Wouldn't want to be him.

  • Status:

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

  • @PJH said:

    Think I prefer Register's term for them.


    No, no, a fondleslab is a tablet. A phablet is also one of El Reg's terms, which is for a device large enough to be a small tablet and small enough to be a large phone, i.e. something on the 6" sort of size.

  • @Kuro said:

    Dear Mr. @faoileag,

    I know that small trolling and completely ignoring facts are good tools to keep a conversation going.

    Wrong topic for that :-)

    Seriously, I know that JDGI is mild. I only started following the discussion about Discourse when they switched front-side comments to DC from CS, but I tried to keep track and read some older forum threads as well. Jeff was active in this forum at that time.

    As they say, it takes two to tango. One of the things that really got people mad was when Jeff publicly ridiculed work someone did on Discourse plain-out refusing integration.

    Some time later he used a very mean prison reference to state that "if you arrive new at a place, you have to assert your authority" to explain that behaviour.

    After that post at the latest, people were taking the gloves off. So basically, what Jeff is getting around here is what, from his behaviour, people think he deserves.

    This is still a rather friendly community. Even towards Jeff.

  • Status:

    Bootin' up some Vegas to do some video work.

    EDIT: BTW Sony, no matter how much you try and rename this product, everybody's going to call it Vegas forever, give up.

  • David the Gnome.

    Look around you. 
    There are many things to see, 
    that some would say 
    could never be. 
    These things I know. 
    It's true and I will tell you so. 
    They are there to see, 
    if you believe. 
    Trolls and wizards and fairy kings, 
    birds that talk and fish that sing. 
    And if your heart is true, 
    then you will find them too. 
    In every wish and dream and happy home, 
    you will find a kingdom of the Gnomes.

  • @Captain said:

    David the Gnome.

    I know I used to watch this but I was so young I don't actually remember anything of it.

  • If you decide to rewatch it, SKIP THE FINAL EPISODE. This is VITALLY IMPORTANT.

    David the Gnome - Intro – 01:03
    — Kaylee Ray

  • LOL, yes...

    A summary of what @blakeyrat is on about:

  • Also what was up with the birds and fish being able to talk, but Swift, his trusty fox steed/companion, wasn't? EDIT: oh wait, Wiki says that Swift ware voiced? Hm. Maybe my memory of pointless stupid things from the mid-80s isn't as sharp as it could be.

  • Back before Nickelodeon could afford to produce their own programming, they filled a lot of air-time with cartoons imported from other countries. In addition to David the Gnome, they also showed:

    Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea intro – 01:54
    — zilerap

    Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea

    The Mysterious Cities Of Gold Intro HD – 01:46
    — JD AVERY

    Mysterious Cities of Gold

    Basically, they were bring the European/Japanese concept of children's cartoons that were simultaneously well-plotted in advance and had a continuing story when the American market just had G.I. Joe. (Although to be fair, the well-remembered Exo-Squad was roughly contemporary and had a well-plotted continuing story.)

    It blew my little mind.

    It also didn't hurt that all three of these series are excellent. Especially Spartikus and the Sun Beneath the Sea, which had an animation budget of roughly $9.25, and yet every episode was so crammed with ideas so many ideas in that wacky French way where they just flat-out combine technology, magic, history, whatever in a big-ass mush of awesome. (For a grown-up version of this, see Immortel.) Tehrig was the best.

    Spartikus also had a pretty mind-blowing final episode, actually. But unlike David the Gnome it won't make you cry for a week.


    I don't know if it just me being behind the trends, but why the fuck does that splash screen look like it blew up all over the screen? Rectangles are passé now or something? Can we do a circle or something if we want to get fancy?

    Seriously, logos sticking out of some kind of a frame was borderline IMHO, this just looks like a mess.

  • Well I didn't write Vegas, so I can't answer your question.

    I can say that non-rectangular splash windows were a pretty common feature in software development about 5-6 years ago. Other than Vegas, the only other place you really see them is video games.

  • GW2 was released less than two years ago and its splash screen looks like this:

  • Status: nicely filled up with pasta bolognese, grated Parmesan and Chianti.

  • Status: Going to bed. Nothing happening here right now anyway.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    I can say that non-rectangular splash windows were a pretty common feature in software development about 5-6 years ago. Other than Vegas, the only other place you really see them is video games.

    It takes quite a bit of artistic effort to do them; most developers don't bother as they're more focussed on getting things working right for the screen that users spend most of their time looking at.

    OTOH, Microsoft does have non-rectangular splash screens, at least with Office 2011 on OSX. The look is very different, but it's non-rectangular: the splash screen is rectangular, but with rounded corners and the relevant tool logo being overlapped with the top edge. (I've just checked with Word and I'm pretty sure that Powerpoint and Excel do the same. I don't use the other programs in the suite, but would be surprised if they didn't. MS are quite good at getting the branding consistent.)


    Why are you posting that BELGIAN guy?

  • Massive headache, such a massive headache and I didn't even get to do anything fun to get it. I'm going to go find advil.

  • @Luhmann said:

    Why are you posting that BELGIAN guy?

    I feel it should be David Suchet as the detective with ze leetle grey cells instead.

  • Status: Windows Update stuck on "installing 1 of 1" so I have to post this from my chromebook.

  • Writing blog post. Laughing at how Manhattan project took 14 tons of silver from the US Treasury for wire, because copper was too scarce.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: full of nice rare rump steak and red wine.
    (Mmmm! Tasty carcinogens!)

  • Status: off to bed. Had my smiles and head-shaking moments at Discourse's expense, now for some sleep.

  • Status: Going through my collection of video games to log what I own. Currently found out two of the GBA games I own I can't find, and I don't want to have to rebuy them.

  • Wishing my seven year old iMac wasn't giving me kernel panics.

  • Status: New hardcore history is out. Goodbye the rest of the evening.

  • Waiting. Waiting for my shiny new dev machine to arrive. Waiting for a new 6 month-long project to actually kick off (it's mean to be today, but I've not been given any calendar events for it). Waiting for the technical director to get in (the project officer has already called in sick). Whole lot of waiting, today.

  • Current status: sourcing a window regulator for an E46 sedan. :angry:

  • Yeah, man! Yeah! Source the FUCK out of that window regulator! E46 sedan, boooyeee

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Woo! Drinking a bottle of wine is still fun.

  • Deployed some Python code at 8:30pm. Waiting to test an ASP .NET 4.0 Web.config change for the job that pays me money at 11pm.

  • Spent most of today setting my the new dev machine. What's been really fun is that while I migrate everything, my desk layout has resulted in me having to have the old keyboard+mouse in front of the monitor that's connected to the new dev machine, and the new keyboard+ mouse in front of the monitor connected to my old machine.

  • Because it's so difficult to just pick up one keyboard, slide the other over, then set it back down.

  • That in itself isn't difficult, but the resulting mess of tangling cables is something I want to avoid.

    Edit: The new PC is currently on my right, along with it's keyboard and mouse. Old PC on the left, with it's keyboard and mouse. Old PC outputs only DVI and VGA, and refuses to correctly identify the monitor on the VGA until after it's booted. New PC outputs only DVI and DisplayPort, and at the time I started migrating to the new PC, I didn't have a DisplayPort to DVI/VGA/HDMI adapter (those 3 being the only inputs my monitors have).
    The monitor connected by DVI to the old PC was the one on the left. And neither machine liked me trying to force them to switch monitors (the VGA and DisplayPort being the problem) without rebooting (something I want to avoid while shit is copying between them)

  • No KVM switch?

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