The future of the Trolleybus Garage

  • Considered Harmful

    @PleegWat said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:


    Deutschland if you're Dutch. 🍹


    @error said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    @GuyWhoKilledBear said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    If I cared what Dutch people thought, I'd look up what country they come from and make the appropriate ethnic stereotypes.

    They come from... err... um... They come from...

    It was a joke. I know they come from Pennsylvania.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    I hate how this image repeats over and over on this thread and the animations aren't in sync.

    But then part of me just wants to see the world burn.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @error said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    @error said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    I hate how this image repeats over and over on this thread and the animations aren't in sync.

    But then part of me just wants to see the world burn.

    That's from The Hobbit, not from The Goonies. Smh.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @error said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    @loopback0 said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    @DogsB said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    Which group is it?

    I know this is a holdover from :disco:🐎, where this role was just a :badger: awarded by the internetpointzzz, but the name does make it seem more exclusive and elitist (not that I care).

    It is definitely exclusive. Meant for people who are long(ish) term members who post. Which at least gives everyone a certain level of trust that they're part of the community. I've excluded lurkers from membership in the past because...who are these guys? No one knows.

    I think the obscurity of the name is not a bad thing, either. Someone pipes up and asks "What is the Lounge everyone is talking about?" and they usually apply and get in at that point. But again, that's usually only after they've been around for a while.

  • @mikehurley said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    @bobjanova said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    As someone who isn't in the Garage at the moment I have one main question, the answer to which will drive more feedback on these guidelines.

    Is it supposed to be an open, non politically correct but still respectful place to discuss controversial topics?
    Or is it supposed to be a firepit where people can play at being (or actually be) shouty and aggressive to other members?

    These guidelines look more about encouraging the second, which would mean this is not a site where the first can happen. If you want a place for the former (and some of the replies here suggest that some people definitely do) then it probably needs some level of moderation. Or the Salon should be made that place.

    Frequently threads or subthreads start as the first and morph into the second. When that happens, it seems like usually the originator or one of the early responders doubles down on something and it escalates from there. Other threads are immediately the second type. Sometimes they stay the first type. It's all over the place.

    And that's when I generally mute the thread then. Some are actually interesting to start, but many descend into the pit. Thank $deity for the mute option.

    edit: Now that I'm at the bottom of the thread - I meant "Ignoring", not mute. (Watch / Not Watching / Ignoring)

  • I haven't been in the Garage in a very long time, but here's my understanding of intended discourse in each:

    • In Other News Today: [Not the Bee] EU announces rules that all new vehicles must meet 67 MPG by 2030
    • General: I think General Motors is going to struggle to meet that goal.
    • Lounge: Well ♥♥♥♥. I just put tens of thousands of euro into biodiesel to cut back on the crude oil stuff, and that won't work in the new fuel systems they'll need.
    • Salon: Based on previous trends, I don't think the requirements are sustainable unless there's some new breakthrough in fuel technology. Also, going all-electric won't help because the grid can't handle that number of cars charging overnight. Not to mention large trucks won't have the endurance they need for the distance they travel.
    • Salon: Global climate change will cause major problems, such as flooding New York, London, and Beijing by 2100. Regulations such as these will reduce CO₂ emissions, which is the largest contributing factor to global climate change still within human control. Yes, it will cause many logistical problems, but we need to act quickly in order to make a difference; we can sort those other problems out later.
    • Garage: This ♥♥♥♥ again? You keep ♥♥♥♥ing saying you hate cars, we get it, but you don't want to SOLVE any of the problems your ideas CREATE. Also, that study you cited? It's trash, written by a liar who couldn't even keep his ♥♥♥♥ in his pants.
    • Garage: You self-centered pigs don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about the future of the planet! This generation's grandkids will have a hell of a mess to try to work through, and you're just making it worse! And everyone knows that photo was faked! I've got more studies where that came from, too!

  • @remi

    I have certainly been a culprit of the rapid posting. There are various reasons that it happens and I am not personally a fan of a rate limit.

    I try and keep edits to only typos and clarification, so I will often rapid fire post as I think of something else that I should of said in the previous post/posts. Sure, I could stop and think for a second before I post, but that would slow down the :wharrgarbl:

  • @Dragoon said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    something else that I should of said

    You shouldn't have said that! :angry::pendant:

    Filed under: Grammar N--i

  • @HardwareGeek

    Damnit, I forget the evil laugh in the tags this time :(

  • @Groaner said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    I could probably count on one hand the number of times I've swayed someone's opinion in the seven years I've been here.

    I changed my mind about a few stuff I've read on the garage, mostly about economics. I remember a lot of things people explained me there.

  • This post is deleted!

  • Why don't you just force every downvote to have a reply attached to count? Most people seem to have been doing that already but codifying it could reduce the effect of drive-by downvoting.

  • @Dragoon said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:


    I have certainly been a culprit of the rapid posting. There are various reasons that it happens and I am not personally a fan of a rate limit.

    TBH, I'm not really a fan either (I'm a human, not a ventilator). As with many technical measures, I don't really think it would work that well to limit what I see as abuses -- there are cases where someone might rapid-post without it being that much of an issue, and fewer but longer shit posts wouldn't be much better (what matters to me when reading a thread is the space on screen taken by posts, not whether that space is used by N or 2xN posts). Still, I am of the school of throwing ideas, even those I don't believe in, just to see if they bring a new light to an issue.

    I try and keep edits to only typos and clarification, so I will often rapid fire post as I think of something else that I should of said in the previous post/posts. Sure, I could stop and think for a second before I post, but that would slow down the :wharrgarbl:

    I guess that's part of the question, how much :wharrgarbl: do we want to keep? My opinion is that, unless it's a discussion I'm actively involved in (and even then...), :wharrgarbl: just annoys me, irregardless of whether I agree with it or not. But then again, that's just my view of the garage and clearly not the same for everyone (judging from this thread and others), and I can always ignore stuff (which is what I do, skipping most "discussions").

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @remi said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:

    @Dragoon said in The future of the Trolleybus Garage:


    I have certainly been a culprit of the rapid posting. There are various reasons that it happens and I am not personally a fan of a rate limit.

    TBH, I'm not really a fan either (I'm a human, not a ventilator). As with many technical measures, I don't really think it would work that well to limit what I see as abuses -- there are cases where someone might rapid-post without it being that much of an issue, and fewer but longer shit posts wouldn't be much better (what matters to me when reading a thread is the space on screen taken by posts, not whether that space is used by N or 2xN posts). Still, I am of the school of throwing ideas, even those I don't believe in, just to see if they bring a new light to an issue.

    I try and keep edits to only typos and clarification, so I will often rapid fire post as I think of something else that I should of said in the previous post/posts. Sure, I could stop and think for a second before I post, but that would slow down the :wharrgarbl:

    I guess that's part of the question, how much :wharrgarbl: do we want to keep? My opinion is that, unless it's a discussion I'm actively involved in (and even then...), :wharrgarbl: just annoys me, irregardless of whether I agree with it or not. But then again, that's just my view of the garage and clearly not the same for everyone (judging from this thread and others), and I can always ignore stuff (which is what I do, skipping most "discussions").

    Rapid posting only bothers me when it's done with giant walls of replies. It makes it a bit easy to get lost!
    Edit: But overall I don't see it as much of a problem.

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