The Official Status Thread

  • Status


    I've completed one of my lithium ion battery packs. So far it a) runs the tools quite well and b) hasn't overheated and blown up. I've left it on top of some bricks in the garage for a while just in case it does self immolate, but as of a couple hours of non-operation, it's still in one piece.

    e: still TBD: how well it'll charge, and how I'll know when it's done

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    It's done charging when it burns down your garage, ofc


    status messing with word ...


    or is word messing with me?


    for the curious types: the 'Learn More' link doesn't do anything

  • Status: Chrome is such a piece of shit. I'm tired of losing my tabs every other month. Are any of the browsers based on Chromium less retarded about this? Or do I need to go Pale Moon or something?


    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Chrome is such a piece of shit. I'm tired of losing my tabs every other month. Are any of the browsers based on Chromium less retarded about this? Or do I need to go Pale Moon or something?

    How about .... ? 🤔
    Or is there some Lorne-Kates objection to using anything newer than FF 23?

  • @topspin Because I'm mad right now and don't want anything to do with the main hipster browsers.

    BRB. Modifying my VS program that opens all tabs from history to open all tabs from a tab/session file that Chrome wrote but suddenly can't read because hur dur agile Egyptian brackets needful doing or whatever. Fucking garbage shovelware.

    Edit: Ugh, all I can find to parse this garbage format is Python scripts.

    Edit: This is not making any sort of positive case for me ever using Python for anything in the future. Seriously, how can people shit all over PHP and suggest Python with a straight face? If the white space rule wasn't enough, the language having no type declarations anywhere should be a ticket straight to Hell for its designers.

  • @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Chrome is such a piece of shit. I'm tired of losing my tabs every other month. Are any of the browsers based on Chromium less retarded about this? Or do I need to go Pale Moon or something?

    How about .... ? 🤔

    loses my Outlook tab about 10% of the time on ubuntu. (just has a blank page - the other dozen tabs all open properly)

  • status Something I ate between Sat afternoon and Sun morning really didn't like me.
    TMI: I think that was the last of it...

  • @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Edit: This is not making any sort of positive case for me ever using Python for anything in the future. Seriously, how can people shit all over PHP and suggest Python with a straight face? If the white space rule wasn't enough, the language having no type declarations anywhere should be a ticket straight to Hell for its designers.

    There are type hints at least. Well, there could be type hints...

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Seriously, how can people shit all over PHP and suggest Python with a straight face?

    I only use Python because that's what our users want and there's some good libraries (seriously; Python's got really excellent support for scientific work). Rewriting in something else would be possible… except then we'd have to do so much work that there's no chance of that. And we'd have to persuade all of our users to move to something else too.

    I notice that you've not found the really nasty bits in Python yet. There's some very great crazy hidden away under the covers…

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Chrome is such a piece of shit. I'm tired of losing my tabs every other month. Are any of the browsers based on Chromium less retarded about this? Or do I need to go Pale Moon or something?

    Edgemiun? :trollface:

    I use an tab management extension so losing tabs hasn't been a thing for me for years...

  • @dkf I don't want to clutter up the status threads with Python but I see a line like this:

    transition_type, has_post_data = struct.unpack("<2i",

    I read enough to figure out struct.unpack is a primitive BitConverter/Encoding lookalike and what the "<i" means (little endian signed integer) but the 2 and the 8 are throwing me off. The 8 suggests it's actually a long but I have no idea what the 2 is for. With the way extra commas are strewn about, I'm not sure if this is secret code for reading 2 ints into 2 variables with 1 call or what. (Edit: I do know commas between declarations is a shortcut in C-derived languages but I hate it and never use it.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dkf I don't want to clutter up the status threads with Python but I see a line like this:

    transition_type, has_post_data = struct.unpack("<2i",

    I read enough to figure out struct.unpack is a primitive BitConverter/Encoding lookalike and what the "<i" means (little endian signed integer) but the 2 and the 8 are throwing me off. The 8 suggests it's actually a long but I have no idea what the 2 is for. With the way extra commas are strewn about, I'm not sure if this is secret code for reading 2 ints into 2 variables with 1 call or what. (Edit: I do know commas between declarations is a shortcut in C-derived languages but I hate it and never use it.)

    I deal with that package quite a bit for moving data on and off our platforms. There's a saner way of writing that:

    HEADER = struct.Struct("<2i")  # or "<ii" if you prefer
    transition_type, has_post_data = HEADER.unpack(

    The creation of HEADER can be put somewhere like a class declaration so the cost is borne once up-front, and if you have to unpack or pack the same thing twice or more then you're definitely winning. You can also do things like building ways to hide this even more inside classes, but the ROI for that isn't very great as you need to bake in so many assumptions or do a vast amount of work.

    The insanity under the covers here? Variable length data. The people who maintain the struct package don't think you need to do that. :kermit_flail:

  • @dkf So I can't tell what's it's doing in either case. I guess transition_type is undefined and has_post_data gets one integer written over top of the other? It's a baffling syntax. Why wouldn't you just seek over the first to get to the second? Nowhere in the docs does it say what numbers in the format string are for.

    I'm thinking of just manually reading this tab file in Notepad++ and stripping out all of the control characters. Too bad they didn't just use SQLite like with the history file.


    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Chrome is such a piece of shit. I'm tired of losing my tabs every other month. Are any of the browsers based on Chromium less retarded about this? Or do I need to go Pale Moon or something?

    How about .... ? 🤔

    loses my Outlook tab about 10% of the time on ubuntu. (just has a blank page - the other dozen tabs all open properly)

    I have roughly nine thousand tabs open and never lost any of it.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Nowhere in the docs does it say what numbers in the format string are for.

    It most certainly does say what they are in the current version of the docs.

    A format character may be preceded by an integral repeat count. For example, the format string '4h' means exactly the same as 'hhhh'.

    And searching… yes, the same text appears in the outdated version you linked to.

  • @dkf But what does that mean? Does it grab the 4th integer or return 4 integers?

    Edit: OK, I did exactly what I didn't want to, I will go fight this barbarous language a little longer.

  • @Zenith That's called destructuring assignment, and it's a lot more common in scripting languages than typed languages. This call to unpack returns a tuple (lightweight array) of two values, and you have two variables to assign to; the first one goes in the first one and the second one in the second one.

    Edit: DKF's example from the docs returns a tuple of four two-byte integers. You could assign it to one variable and treat it like an array, or you could assign it to four variables, each receiving one int.

  • @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zenith said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Chrome is such a piece of shit. I'm tired of losing my tabs every other month. Are any of the browsers based on Chromium less retarded about this? Or do I need to go Pale Moon or something?

    How about .... ? 🤔

    loses my Outlook tab about 10% of the time on ubuntu. (just has a blank page - the other dozen tabs all open properly)

    I have roughly nine thousand tabs open and never lost any of it.

    I'm convinced it's because it's Outlook :half-trolling:
    (It's my first tab)

  • Banned

    Seller's response to Amazon review:

    We are very sorry that Viotek GFT27DB Monitor did not exceed your expectations!

    Cheeky bastards.

  • Status: Alright, I think that was a waste. I got a list of tabs that looks nothing like what I had open.

  • Banned

    Status: Tornado.

  • @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Tornado.

    There's a really good reason I left the mid-west!

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

  • Java Dev

    @izzion See, there's your problem. You made the mistake of playing WoW Classic when BfA is much superior.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: First non-test of the tornado sirens since I’ve moved into town. If this recurrs, I might need to get better seating for the bathroom.

  • Java Dev

    @izzion Also, that meme fails. WoW Classic with the remade Orgrimmar for Cataclysm and the wrong Sylvanas model? Clearly the person who made that is some uncultured idiot, as Sylvanas should have her original night elf model instead of her unique one.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    We're much too busy fawning over the job changes and new quest lines of the superior game to worry about getting the correct pictures for some inferior game.

  • @izzion How bout dem AST changes? WAR got some nice ones as well.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Both of those changes look like the devs had investigated a couple possible approaches to fix complaints, and instead of deciding between them, the PO said "shut them up for sure this time, ship them both!"

  • @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    TBD: how well it'll charge, and how I'll know when it's done

    Seems to be working ok so far, although I hadn't drained the battery very much before charging it. But charge back up it did, without heating up or anything. I plugged it in with a measuring device and it started off taking 600-some mA from the wall, then gradually ramped down to 50 mA over the course of maybe half an hour.

    Of course, the real test will be going from minimum charge back up to max, but so far it's looking very good

  • What I'd like to do is create a circuit that'll keep an LED lit up while it's charging and turn it off when it's done, but this is about the extent of my current idea:


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in The Official Status Thread:

    What I'd like to do is create a circuit that'll keep an LED lit up while it's charging and turn it off when it's done, but this is about the extent of my current idea:


    Google suggests something like this?

  • Java Dev

    @izzion said in The Official Status Thread:

    We're much too busy fawning over the job changes and new quest lines of the superior game to worry about getting the correct pictures for some inferior game.

    Yes, enjoy the influx of new players for your new content while WoW is in its end-of-expansion lull and weep when half the playerbase leaves for Shadowlands in a few months!

  • Considered Harmful

    Бляхамуха: Was writing my angry tirade in the minor rants thread when my PC (remote) shut down unexpectedly.

    Апдейт: Just a power failure. No, I don't have a UPS (:doing_it_wrong:).

    Briefly considered trying to cheat fate: I'll buy the UPS, but I won't connect it, just to see whether it happens again. On second thought, I don't think I'll come out a winner in that game.

  • Banned

    @Applied-Mediocrity chances are the draft was saved... at least most of it.

  • Banned

    Status: Some idiot is making an online demo of their product and invited like 1000 people across organization - by name, not by group - to watch it. Cue a classic email storm that's 50% "please don't do that again" and 50% "hey all, stop replying to all".

  • Status: Since Last Tabs was useless, I've been combing through my history for the ~200 tabs I had open when Chrome decided to force (another) plug-in corrupting update whether I wanted it right now or not. Down to 6200 entries out of the original 22500. Strange that so many of these entries are missing fields, like Chrome couldn't be bothered to do a full operation. Once I knock it down to maybe 1000 I'll hit a button to open all of those tabs and weed through them a little further.


    Status: It looks like about two weeks ago I gave in to the slightly annoying red warning in the jenkins server that appears every week and told it to go ahead and upgrade. Didn't immediately see any problems and forgot about it.

    Just realized that one of the nightly builds I set up as just an external job monitor for a cron job (don't exactly remember the details why I did this, but I think I wanted it to run even if Jenkins craps itself) doesn't work anymore. I mean, obviously the cron job still runs but Jenkins doesn't see it anymore and thus doesn't show if it fails. Some garbage error about "Error 403 No valid crumb was included in the request". I assume that has something to do with CSRF protection that I couldn't care less about. First google hit results in a 3 year old bug report that just so happened to have its last comments two weeks ago and then got closed (with what seems like a non-solution).

    So I'm thinking okay, fuck this shit, and click the "revert to $whatever-previous-version" button. Because that worked and I don't care about anything else. Jenkins restarts and aborts with pages of errors along the lines of


    That's what you call reverting to the last working version? Fuck you, you fucking fuck! 🍊 :angry:

  • Status: Getting used to the new chair and dual VESA mount. Will take adjustment.

    Also, it really helps if you pay attention to the direction of the VESA mount plates. Like USB A, I finally got it right on the third try (first was sideways, second was upside down).

  • Status: The last boss of Puppet's Bunker wasn't quite the creepiest thing I've ever seen. But certainly in the top 10.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Status: Both sad and glad that they allowed for yellow scrips to substitute for the beast tribe time-locked mat this time. Because now I feel a little pressure/motivation to grind it out this weekend >_>

  • Banned

    Status: I've had a weird bug that I didn't want to analyze. Instead I've done major refactoring that I wanted to do anyway. The bug is no more! 🎉

  • Status: Came home to discover the Internet was non-functional. After getting help pushing the washing machine back against the wall I was able to reach the server closet and narrow the problem to mechanical power disconnection. Returning the cable modem's transformer to its receptacle resulted in resumed Internet.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Finally managed to get the wasp out of the house that took up residence in my desk lamp last night.

  • Java Dev

    Status: Back at work after 8 weeks of summer vacation. Managed to not fall asleep during boss talking about the agenda for the first 1.5 weeks and the anti-COVID measurements in place. During the talking I managed to upgrade my work laptop to Mint 20 too. Also, the corridor outside my office was a total mess due to walls having been repainted giving me a morning obstacle course to get to my computer in the first place.

    Now lunch break, and on heating my leftover fish from yesterday the boss complained about the smell and making a remark that the fish must be unfit for consumption. My cooking feels insulted.


    Status: Went to the office to print, sign, and snail mail something. Haven't been there in awhile.

  • Apartment Search Status: I can tell that lots of these apartments were designed by people who
    a) don't cook.
    b) aren't around people who cook.

    Tiny kitchens walled off from the rest of the living space. Often by completely unnecessary (unless they're load bearing and don't show it) interior walls. Or tiny walk-through/galley kitchens with basically no counter space.

    I guess that a lot of it is catering to the college crowd, who frequently don't cook anything beyond re-heating take-home/delivery. Ugh.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Benjamin-Hall said in The Official Status Thread:

    Tiny kitchens walled off from the rest of the living space.

    That's not necessarily bad. It's very nice to not have the rest of the property smell like frying.

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