Bethesda dealing with Fallout

  • @HardwareGeek said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    with lots of mods that the publisher wouldn't approve of.

    Mass Effect 2 becomes so much more bearable with mods that disable the "hacking" minigame and restore ME1's weapon cooldown mechanic rather than the abominable "thermal clips" that were sold as an improvement but in reality were anything but.

  • @error said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @HardwareGeek said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @error Define "finished." I finished the main story line in Skyrim, but there are many other quest lines I have no interest in even starting (Dark Brotherhood, vampires, werewolves, etc.).

    The opposite. I did almost all the optional content and actively avoided the main questlines.

    I had a save file for skyrim at one point where i had learned all the dragon shouts without ever actually meeting a dragon to get a dragon soul from to unlock the shouts.....

    that was fun.

    I also could no longer go into breezehome without crashing my game because i had filled it with about a billion cheeses that i had stolen in my travels and the game crashed trying to deal with the physics of them being all scattered about...

    I finally ended that run when i managed to glitch out of bounds to the point were i was stuck in t-pose and even teleporting back to coc whiterun didn't un-t-pose me.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @HardwareGeek said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    with lots of mods that the publisher wouldn't approve of.

    Mass Effect 2 becomes so much more bearable with mods that disable the "hacking" minigame and restore ME1's weapon cooldown mechanic rather than the abominable "thermal clips" that were sold as an improvement but in reality were anything but.

    i didn't mind the thermal clips so much..... but that damn planet scanning minigame can DIAF (the hacking ones too)

  • @error said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    "Boost pack"s for single player games?

    cough Assassin's Creed

    Thankfully, you can just ignore that shit. I mean, it shouldn't exist in the first place, but it doesn't make the game any worse.

    And yes, I'm thankful for weird things these days. My standards have pretty much reached the bottom.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @dfdub Whose bottom tho?

  • @Mingan said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    Whose bottom tho?

    Ubisoft's, apparently.

    Maybe it's a good thing that they're no longer making Rayman games. So many possibilities to add microtransactions that would completely ruin the experience.

  • Banned


    This morning I woke up to messages about this ERECTban guy and his new hack. A player inventory hack, allowing people who use it to pretty much treat other players like a container and loot them.

    • Trades are not needed (they are only added [to a video the poster originally made] to show transfer took place)

    • You can do this hack within 200m of a player, and you don't need to see them

    • Pipboy is taken because it is technically an item

  • @ChaosTheEternal said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    This morning I woke up to messages about this ERECTban guy and his new hack. A player inventory hack, allowing people who use it to pretty much treat other players like a container and loot them.

    • Trades are not needed (they are only added [to a video the poster originally made] to show transfer took place)

    • You can do this hack within 200m of a player, and you don't need to see them

    • Pipboy is taken because it is technically an item

    everytime i see Fallout 76 in the news i always need new popcorn.

  • @hungrier

    But given Fallout 76's history with other major hacks and glitches, we have to wonder when the next serious breach will occur.

    I'm guessing they probably won't have to wait long for an answer.

  • @HardwareGeek said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:


    But given Fallout 76's history with other major hacks and glitches, we have to wonder when the next serious breach will occur.

    I'm guessing they probably won't have to wait long for an answer.

    a tenner will get you nine fifty that it'll happen between time of writing and time of publication.

  • Considered Harmful

    Dumpster fire relief!

    For every purchase they're going to send 1,000 Atoms to the people of Australia.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    For every purchase they're going to send 1,000 Atoms to the people of Australia.

    I will send them an entire mole for half the cost.

  • *cough* Bethesda *cough*

  • @levicki This is the first one (that I'm aware of) that's online/multiplayer only. Bethesda games have been notorious for being ultra-buggy and using a :wtf:-caliber engine for years, and so (to me) it's no surprise that their security/net code is utter crap as well.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    This is the first one (that I'm aware of) that's online/multiplayer only

    Fallout 76 isn't their first MMO. They did Elder Scrolls Online before that (by 4½ years) and, as best I can tell, that started on an MMO-based game engine.

  • @ChaosTheEternal that's not Bethesda. They farmed out the IP to zenimax for that one. It's a different engine entirely.

  • @Benjamin-Hall Zenimax is Bethesda. Or close enough as makes little-to-no difference.

  • @ChaosTheEternal said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    This is the first one (that I'm aware of) that's online/multiplayer only

    Fallout 76 isn't their first MMO. They did Elder Scrolls Online before that (by 4½ years) and, as best I can tell, that started on an MMO-based game engine.

    Bethesda didn't develop that one IIRC.... they licensed that one.... so it's not really a bethesda game. it's a Zenimax game with bethesda lipstick.

    edit: ..... damnit. y'all type too fast for us pawed vixens to keep up.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Benjamin-Hall Zenimax is Bethesda. Or close enough as makes little-to-no difference.

    I stand corrected (after reading the history a bit more carefully). I could have sworn that it was a farm-out job originally. That said, ESO has had (like most MMOs) its fair share of wacky validation code and bugs. So 🤷♂

  • Banned

    @Mason_Wheeler said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Benjamin-Hall Zenimax is Bethesda. Or close enough as makes little-to-no difference.

    Bethesda is one of many subsidiaries of Zenimax, and as is the norm in gamedev, each studio under Zenimax has near-total independence and freedom. Bethesda is the only Bethesda in Zenimax, no other studio in Zenimax does games on Bethesda's engine, not even Zenimax Online Studios that made ESO - they've made their own in-house engine from scratch.

  • Considered Harmful

    I'm sure a big part of the problem was they took an engine that was only ever intended for a singleplayer experience and retrofitted it to be an MMORPG.

  • Considered Harmful

    I'll never forget my first experience starting the game up on launch day. Some random teenager on voice chat was trying out his insult reel comedy routine on everyone building their characters.

  • Java Dev

    @error :trwtf: is voice chat enabled by default.

  • @levicki said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Atazhaia :wtf: is a teenager playing an M rated game (unless said teenager is 17+).

    well..... having listened to enough parents yelling at game store employees...... apparently Rated M is suitable for their six year old even though the game features full frontal nudity and gratuitous violence..... or at least it did when the employee was warning them about this fact, now that they have seen their child play it all of asudden the game is filth of the highest degreee and is not suitable for any one ahd should be banned outright. Then there's the husband hanging about browsing the nearby titles and looking distinctly unhappy as they were hoping to intercept the game before their wife found out about it for them to play instead of the kid.,...

    err.... i mean yeah the rating system is.... well apparently more of a guideline.... a guideline that only works if the parents are actually parenting which does not seem to be quite the universal that we were told it would be.

  • Considered Harmful

    @levicki said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Atazhaia :wtf: is a teenager playing an M rated game (unless said teenager is 17+).


  • Java Dev

    @Vixen I had to get my mom to be allowed to buy Grand Theft Auto (the original) as that was the only time the age rating was being actively enforced for a game I tried to buy growing up. Before we had an actual age rating standard, and just a few games would be slapped with an optional "15+" or "18+" sticker. Diablo was fine to buy, though, even though I was below the required age of 15 at the time. But GTA being 18+ proved not allowed.

  • @Atazhaia said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Vixen I had to get my mom to be allowed to buy Grand Theft Auto (the original) as that was the only time the age rating was being actively enforced for a game I tried to buy growing up. Before we had an actual age rating standard, and just a few games would be slapped with an optional "15+" or "18+" sticker. Diablo was fine to buy, though, even though I was below the required age of 15 at the time. But GTA being 18+ proved not allowed.

    i dislike numerical ages being used for ratings. i know 15 year olds that are far more mature and prepared for graphic games (both sex and violence) than some 21 and 42 year olds.

    on the other hand.... if the parents ain't going to parent and decide what they consider appropriate for their child.... then age restrictions would be the closest thing we'd have to a yard stick. "at age 15 the chils is expected to be this mature" and "at age 18 the child is expected to be this mature, which is the cutoff for being considered a child. except they still can't drink because their brain is still developing......."

  • @levicki said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    i know 15 year olds that are far more mature and prepared for graphic games (both sex and violence) than some 21 and 42 year olds.

    Hey, what about us 47 year olds? I feel left out...

    some of you are more mature than a 6 year old. Some of you ain't.

    and, no. i will not answer any question with the intent to determine which category i consider any individual.

  • @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Deadfast said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @MrL said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    Bethesda was treating players like bitches for ages. Morrowind was already lazy half-assed attempt at a game, and this was in 2002. Everything went downhill from there.

    You can be angry at them, but they are right. Gamers are dumb infantiles with no self esteem or long term memory. They will eat Bethesda's shit and ask for more.

    I mean, seriously, people still think that Skyrim is a good game.

    I always found it fascinating that every other game gets absolutely destroyed in reviews for being buggy but somehow until Fallout 76 Bethesda always got a pass.

    They, until fallout 76 had a detailed story, and a okay to decent (depending on the game) single player experience. and for you only pay once..... yeah they got away with a fair bit because of their previous games and fanbase, but when it turned full micro transaction, multiplayer with rampant and unchecked hackers AND bugs AND people being perma banned for accidentally finding glitches AND for being glitched by hackers AND.... well you get the idea......... that's another thing entirely.

    I could go on but.... If you like skyrim, neat! if you love oblivion, coolarino! if you drool for some fallout 4, go for it..... if you orgasm in pure fangirl delight for Fallout 76...... Come here.... it'll be okay... We'll get you deprogramed in no time.

    What I find interesting is how they hadn't really done any multiplayer games in the past and decide to start doing so with an MMO and basically do it all completely wrong.

  • @CodeJunkie said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Deadfast said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @MrL said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    Bethesda was treating players like bitches for ages. Morrowind was already lazy half-assed attempt at a game, and this was in 2002. Everything went downhill from there.

    You can be angry at them, but they are right. Gamers are dumb infantiles with no self esteem or long term memory. They will eat Bethesda's shit and ask for more.

    I mean, seriously, people still think that Skyrim is a good game.

    I always found it fascinating that every other game gets absolutely destroyed in reviews for being buggy but somehow until Fallout 76 Bethesda always got a pass.

    They, until fallout 76 had a detailed story, and a okay to decent (depending on the game) single player experience. and for you only pay once..... yeah they got away with a fair bit because of their previous games and fanbase, but when it turned full micro transaction, multiplayer with rampant and unchecked hackers AND bugs AND people being perma banned for accidentally finding glitches AND for being glitched by hackers AND.... well you get the idea......... that's another thing entirely.

    I could go on but.... If you like skyrim, neat! if you love oblivion, coolarino! if you drool for some fallout 4, go for it..... if you orgasm in pure fangirl delight for Fallout 76...... Come here.... it'll be okay... We'll get you deprogramed in no time.

    What I find interesting is how they hadn't really done any multiplayer games in the past and decide to start doing so with an MMO and basically do it all completely wrong.

    is that outcome at all surprising though?

    they took a singleplayer engine designed over ten years ago for games two to three console generations ago, patched mutliplayer into it and expected it to work......?!

    yeah..... this sort of stuff is exactly what we expected would happen. or at least what I expected would happen.

    shame too. because i liked the concept of 76. it had potential. they could have done so much great with it...... and..... this is what we got.

    I'm saddened. Not surprised mind you. there's a reason why when I die you'll find me steal beating my "NO PREORDERS. NO WAY. NO HOW. NO MATTER WHAT IS PROMISED" drum. Doesn't matter what the hype is, if the game doesn't live up to the hype and you preordered you fucked. if you didn't preorder then they don't have your money and if they fuck it up you don't spend your cash on shit.

  • @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    is that outcome at all surprising though?
    they took a singleplayer engine designed over ten years ago for games two to three console generations ago, patched mutliplayer into it and expected it to work......?!

    Not at all surprising and for all the reasons you mention. They had no business attempting such a thing without first learning how to develop MP games and then building a new game engine.

    EDIT: An engine designed for an MMO that is.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Deadfast said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    I always found it fascinating that every other game gets absolutely destroyed in reviews for being buggy but somehow until Fallout 76 Bethesda always got a pass.

    I played Fallout 4 from launch and don't remember it being buggy.

  • @loopback0 said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Deadfast said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    I always found it fascinating that every other game gets absolutely destroyed in reviews for being buggy but somehow until Fallout 76 Bethesda always got a pass.

    I played Fallout 4 from launch and don't remember it being buggy.

    overall FO4 was and is pretty decent. there's a lenghtly erata in the wiki full of things that can cause certain quest lines to break, but when you have tens of thousands of quests, marked and unmarked, in the game a couple of odd interactions can be expected. your average player will only encounter one or two of those in a playthrough and most of the time they'll either shrug and move on, or stumble on the way to unstick the quest manually (usually it's completing another quest you picked up first before the NPC will offer you teh dialogue choice needed to finish the original one)

    if you try for a 100% run (laughable given tens of thousands of quests) then they become more obvious, but you were always going to need to plan carefully to avois needed 50k hours to pull it off so.... you just plan around the erata,.....

  • @Vixen In general I stopped pre-ordering games at least a decade ago and will mostly only buy new games when they go on sale. Early access Steam games are out too.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @CodeJunkie I don't mind Early Access but I'll wait until I've seen other people play it a bit first.

  • @loopback0 said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @CodeJunkie I don't mind Early Access but I'll wait until I've seen other people play it a bit first.

    It just depends. There are way too many on there that have been "early access" for years with no hope of new development. You just have to be careful and make sure you do your research before buying one of these games.

  • Banned

    @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    but when you have tens of thousands of quests, marked and unmarked, in the game a couple of odd interactions can be expected

    When you don't have any process to detect these odd interactions, that is. If they just made the quests into proper state machines instead of a loose collection of global integer variables that can be read from and written to anywhere, they'd save thousands of man-hours on bug fixing.

  • @Gąska said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    but when you have tens of thousands of quests, marked and unmarked, in the game a couple of odd interactions can be expected

    When you don't have any process to detect these odd interactions, that is. If they just made the quests into proper state machines instead of a loose collection of global integer variables that can be read from and written to anywhere, they'd save thousands of man-hours on bug fixing.

    but if they did that they wouldn't be Bethesda

  • @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    if the parents are actually parenting which does not seem to be quite the universal that we were told it would be.


  • @levicki said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    us 47 year olds?

    Huh. I thought your :belt_onion: collection was bigger than that. You gripe about stuff like you're older than me.

  • @Vixen said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:


    Is it a steel drum? Is it stolen?

  • @CodeJunkie said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @Vixen In general I stopped pre-ordering games at least a decade ago and will mostly only buy new games when they go on sale. Early access Steam games are out too.

    Yeah, this is definitely the way to go. The last games I bought on launch were the Arkham sequels, so it's been five years. Arkham Knight (which I played on my underpowered computer while you couldn't buy it) shows why you should wait even for games you think will be great.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    @levicki This is the first one (that I'm aware of) that's online/multiplayer only. Bethesda games have been notorious for being ultra-buggy and using a :wtf:-caliber engine for years, and so (to me) it's no surprise that their security/net code is utter crap as well.

    Ironically GameBryo actually started off as an MMORPG engine so I think it is more likely down to the amount of hacks Bethesda had piled on top of it over the years.

  • @Gąska said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    Bethesda is the only Bethesda in Zenimax

    This is not correct. Things are actually even more complicated than that.

    ZeniMax directly owns Bethesda
    who are a publisher. They in turn own an in-house development studio called Bethesda Game Studios (BGS) which is what most people consider to be the "Bethesda".

    However, to make it even more complicated, while Fallout 76 was developed by BGS, it wasn't actually developed by the same people who normally make the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. Instead, it was developed by their subsidiary, Bethesda Game Studios Austin (formerly BattleCry Studios).

  • Banned

    @Deadfast said in Bethesda dealing with Fallout:

    They in turn own an in-house development studio called Bethesda Game Studios (BGS) which is what most people consider to be the "Bethesda".

    Myself included. As I said, there is only one Bethesda in Zenimax. No other subsidiary of theirs develops games using Bethesda's tech or Bethesda's methodology (if they did, we'd know from the hundreds of game-breaking bugs). Not counting additional work, because otherwise we'd have to count Doom as Bethesda's most polished game.

    However, to make it even more complicated, while Fallout 76 was developed by BGS, it wasn't actually developed by the same people who normally make the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series. Instead, it was developed by their subsidiary, Bethesda Game Studios Austin (formerly BattleCry Studios).

    Whether BGS Austin is separate from Bethesda isn't very clear, given they have no games of their own in development - it's all additional work on other studios' projects.

  • Do we have a thread like this about Blizzard? There's been some Warcraft 3 news recently (TLDR appears to be: they completely screwed over everyone)

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