😈 The Evil Ideas thread

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @_P_ said in Moar Cooties:

    Feature Request: WTDWTF as a blockchaingit so we can clone the forum, browse the threads and make posts locally, then commit changes. Then when the server is eventually up again, we can all push our changes and let @boomzilla resolve the 10000 merge conflict.

  • Considered Harmful

    Post a gif that has a common emoji as the first frame, followed by a long delay, then a jump scare.

  • Considered Harmful

    Seen here: the notification :badger: says [1], but there are no unread notifications to see when you click on it

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Seen here: the notification :badger: says [1], but there are no unread notifications to see when you click on it

    Already implemented. Welcome to the forums!

  • :belt_onion:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Seen here: the notification :badger: says [1], but there are no unread notifications to see when you click on it

    Are you blocking or ignoring someone? That happens to me (rarely, since it's only one person).

  • Considered Harmful

    @heterodox said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Seen here: the notification :badger: says [1], but there are no unread notifications to see when you click on it

    Are you blocking or ignoring someone? That happens to me (rarely).

    I left the Garage Mechanics group.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @heterodox said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Seen here: the notification :badger: says [1], but there are no unread notifications to see when you click on it

    Are you blocking or ignoring someone? That happens to me (rarely, since it's only one person).

    This happens to me all the time, and — while I'm not entirely sure if that's the case because I didn't take notes — it occasionaly shows higher numbers when I have more tabs open.

    It's gone as high as a 3 once; I've had a few rare 2s; 1s happen quite often.

  • Considered Harmful

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @heterodox said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Seen here: the notification :badger: says [1], but there are no unread notifications to see when you click on it

    Are you blocking or ignoring someone? That happens to me (rarely, since it's only one person).

    This happens to me all the time, and — while I'm not entirely sure if that's the case because I didn't take notes — it occasionaly shows higher numbers when I have more tabs open.

    It's gone as high as a 3 once; I've had a few rare 2s; 1s happen quite often.

    It's probably this, I regularly have many, many tabs open.

    Enough that mobile Chrome shows my tab count as ":D"

  • Considered Harmful

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

    I kind of actually want to do this. At least occasionally. Maybe 5% of the times it's asshole mode.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Post a gif that has a common emoji as the first frame, followed by a long delay, then a jump scare.

    Something I have done elsewhere: used an animated gif as my avatar which was a generally static face which very infrequently blinked.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Post a gif that has a common emoji as the first frame, followed by a long delay, then a jump scare.

    Something I have done elsewhere: use an animated gif as my avatar, where is a generally static face which very infrequently blinks.

    I used to link to a PHP script for my signature that generated random content and rendered it to an image.

  • @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

    You mean it's not doing that already? 🐠

  • Java Dev

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

    Interesting game theory question: Is such a game of hangman winnable?

    Well, interesting if you're interested in doing game theory research.

  • @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    s such a game of hangman winnable?

    Depends on how many letters there are in the word.

  • Considered Harmful

    @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

    Interesting game theory question: Is such a game of hangman winnable?

    Well, interesting if you're interested in doing game theory research.

    I actually expect the tree of words that fit the possible constraints would prune down rather quickly. The question is, which opening states are winnable? (Actually, that seems trivially solvable. I could write a program to answer that question for each word in the dictionary... Except it might not finish during this universe.)

  • Java Dev

    @Mason_Wheeler said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    s such a game of hangman winnable?

    Depends on how many letters there are in the word.

    Yeah, short words are way easier to get 6 strikes on. Longer words tend to have more distinct letters.

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

    Interesting game theory question: Is such a game of hangman winnable?

    Well, interesting if you're interested in doing game theory research.

    I actually expect the tree of words that fit the possible constraints would prune down rather quickly. The question is, which opening states are winnable? (Actually, that seems trivially solvable. I could write a program to answer that question for each word in the dictionary... Except it might not finish during this universe.)

    I gave it a few shots with my search program and short words, but the dictionary isn't suitable. My approach is to specify a number of letters, then keep saying the first most common letter isn't in the word. I'm consistently guessing vowels, with the end result being there are only abbreviations in the word list.

    With 11 letters however:

    Look for ..........., not using: 'AEIO'
    Found 2 matching words
    H: 1 (50%)
    R: 1 (50%)
    S: 1 (50%)
    F: 2 (100%)
    L: 2 (100%)
    N: 2 (100%)
    T: 2 (100%)
    U: 2 (100%)
    Y: 2 (100%)

    Since that has 1 bad guess left, you'd be able to fix it to a word. In the general case also, I think the question is which guess sequence should you use to force the game into a winnable path.

  • ♿ (Parody)


  • @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    🚎 mode for Hangman. Whenever somebody guesses a letter correctly, switch the word with another word that fits with the current board state but doesn't contain the new letter.

    You say, "switch the word with another word," but what you actually mean is that the game consists of a superposition of entangled words which collapses in exactly the worst possible way each time you guess.

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    s such a game of hangman winnable?

    Depends on how many letters there are in the word.

    And which words are in the game's database. The way to win would basically be a Venn diagram, where each circle is a letter, and the goal is to have 6 or fewer circles with exactly 1 word in the intersection. That would depend heavily on how big the game's dictionary is.

  • @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    I actually expect the tree of words that fit the possible constraints would prune down rather quickly. The question is, which opening states are winnable? (Actually, that seems trivially solvable. I could write a program to answer that question for each word in the dictionary... Except it might not finish during this universe.)

    The opening state of hangman is a number of blanks. The only variable that matters is the length of the word.

  • Java Dev

    @brie said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @Mason_Wheeler said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    s such a game of hangman winnable?

    Depends on how many letters there are in the word.

    And which words are in the game's database. The way to win would basically be a Venn diagram, where each circle is a letter, and the goal is to have 6 or fewer circles with exactly 1 word in the intersection. That would depend heavily on how big the game's dictionary is.

    It's a bit trickier than that. If there is a set of 6 letters where every possible word (of that length) contains at least one of the letters then the order in which you guess the letters matters.

  • @PleegWat Hmm, you're right. At some point, the game would have to reveal a correct letter, because every one of the remaining possible words contains it. At that point, it would have to choose which blank(s) to reveal as that letter (constrained, of course, to the set of words that it knows), and it would need to have some logic that dictates how it decides. In fitting with the theme, that logic should somehow be the most evil possible. It could, for example, try to maximize the number of words that could still fit, but that might not always result in the most difficult game.

    Also, the game might actually be harder if it lets you correctly guess a letter that takes it down a path that ultimately results in a wider field. Letting you guess the letters in order and always making your guesses wrong if it can would allow the player to guide the game into a local maximum that's easier to reach.

    Of course, it may be that a large enough dictionary would mean that you couldn't reach a local maximum fast enough anyway.

  • Java Dev

    @brie Some searching I did yesterday on hangman strategy considered 8, 10, or 13 wrong guesses. So probably our 6-part hangman is unusually hard.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @PleegWat said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @brie Some searching I did yesterday on hangman strategy considered 8, 10, or 13 wrong guesses. So probably our 6-part hangman is unusually hard.

    I support adding more limbs to the man!

  • @Tsaukpaetra Are they limbs, or tentacles?

  • Java Dev

    @brie As described there (and as I recall playing it) you had to draw the gallows as well as the man.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @brie said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Are they limbs, or tentacles?

    Filed under: Tentacles are limbs too!

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @brie said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Are they limbs, or tentacles?

    Filed under: Tentacles are limbs too!


  • Evil Idea: A trivia module for @error_bot that generates questions and answers using a Markov chain.

  • Considered Harmful

    I should sell lockout immunity for @error_bot.

    Edit: fucking @ popups

  • Considered Harmful

    Instead of points, you will slowly accrue error_bot bux.

  • @error What's the exchange rate between those and Shcrute bucks?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    error_bot bux

    The cryptocurrency thread is :arrows:

  • @dkf said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @error said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    error_bot bux

    The cryptocurrency thread is :arrows:

    dunno....... isn't the NASDAQ trading bitcoin futures now? error_bot Bux could be the next big thing now that bitcoin has gone mainstream.


    @Vixen said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    gone mainstream

    Right down the drain

  • @Luhmann said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @Vixen said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    gone mainstream

    Right down the drain

    Yes, I said that.

  • This "sugar information" advertisement.

    This would already be a total asshole advertisement by itself. Knowing that they were actively hiding how bad sugar is for you moves it into "actually evil" territory.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @anonymous234 said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    total asshole advertisement

    Butt it gives you that va-va-voom!

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @anonymous234 said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    total asshole advertisement

    Butt it gives you that va-va-voom!

    but i'm not allowed into the brothel anymore..... not after Miss Va-va-voom mistook me for her fur scarf.....

    It was in all the papers, much to my disgrace. AND I WAS THE ATTACKED ONE TOO! most unfair that I get punished just because i'm not human and she is.

  • Putting messages about how blind people suck in the alt text of random images.

  • @anonymous234 So essentially the inverse of


  • @anonymous234 said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    Putting messages about how blind people suck in the alt text of random images.

    <img src="a-thousand-words.jpg" alt="If you were sighted, you'd be seeing a picture right now, which as everyone knows are worth a thousand words. Since you're blind, a thousand words will have to do instead. So far, that was thirty-three words... wait, no, forty-three. Only nine hundred, fifty seven words to go. Nine hundred forty-eight. Nine hundred forty-four. Nine hundred forty. Nine hundred thirty-seven. Nine hundred thirty-three. Nine hundred twenty-nine. Nine hundred twenty-five. Nine hundred twenty-one. Nine hundred seventeen. Nine hundred fourteen. Nine hundred eleven. Nine hundred eight. Nine hundred five. Nine hundred two. Eight hundred ninety-nine. Eight hundred ninety-five. Eight hundred ninety-one. Eight hundred eighty-seven. Eight hundred eighty-three. Eight hundred seventy-nine. Eight hundred seventy-five. Eight hundred seventy-one. Eight hundred sixty-seven. Eight hundred sixty-three. Eight hundred fifty-nine. Eight hundred fifty-five. Eight hundred fifty-one. Eight hundred forty-seven. Eight hundred forty-three. Eight hundred thirty-nine. Eight hundred thirty-five. Eight hundred thirty-one. Eight hundred twenty-seven. Eight hundred twenty-three. Eight hundred nineteen. Eight hundred sixteen. Eight hundred thirteen. Eight hundred ten. Eight hundred seven. Eight hundred four. Eight hundred one. Seven hundred ninety-eight. Seven hundred ninety-four. Seven hundred ninety. Seven hundred eighty-seven. Seven hundred eighty-three. Seven hundred seventy-nine. Seven hundred seventy-five. Seven hundred seventy-one. Seven hundred sixty-seven. Seven hundred sixty-three. Seven hundred fifty-nine. Seven hundred fifty-five. Seven hundred fifty-one. Seven hundred forty-seven. Seven hundred forty-three. Seven hundred thirty-nine. Seven hundred thirty-five. Seven hundred thirty-one. Seven hundred twenty-seven. Seven hundred twenty-three. Seven hundred nineteen. Seven hundred sixteen. Seven hundred thirteen. Seven hundred ten. Seven hundred seven. Seven hundred four. Seven hundred one. Six hundred ninety-eight. Six hundred ninety-four. Six hundred ninety. Six hundred eighty-seven. Six hundred eighty-three. Six hundred seventy-nine. Six hundred seventy-five. Six hundred seventy-one. Six hundred sixty-seven. Six hundred sixty-three. Six hundred fifty-nine. Six hundred fifty-five. Six hundred fifty-one. Six hundred forty-seven. Six hundred forty-three. Six hundred thirty-nine. Six hundred thirty-five. Six hundred thirty-one. Six hundred twenty-seven. Six hundred twenty-three. Six hundred nineteen. Six hundred sixteen. Six hundred thirteen. Six hundred ten. Six hundred seven. Six hundred four. Six hundred one. Five hundred ninety-eight. Five hundred ninety-four. Five hundred ninety. Five hundred eighty-seven. Five hundred eighty-three. Five hundred seventy-nine. Five hundred seventy-five. Five hundred seventy-one. Five hundred sixty-seven. Five hundred sixty-three. Five hundred fifty-nine. Five hundred fifty-five. Five hundred fifty-one. Five hundred forty-seven. Five hundred forty-three. Five hundred thirty-nine. Five hundred thirty-five. Five hundred thirty-one. Five hundred twenty-seven. Five hundred twenty-three. Five hundred nineteen. Five hundred sixteen. Five hundred thirteen. Five hundred ten. Five hundred seven. Five hundred four. Five hundred one. Four hundred ninety-eight. Four hundred ninety-four. Four hundred ninety. Four hundred eighty-seven. Four hundred eighty-three. Four hundred seventy-nine. Four hundred seventy-five. Four hundred seventy-one. Four hundred sixty-seven. Four hundred sixty-three. Four hundred fifty-nine. Four hundred fifty-five. Four hundred fifty-one. Four hundred forty-seven. Four hundred forty-three. Four hundred thirty-nine. Four hundred thirty-five. Four hundred thirty-one. Four hundred twenty-seven. Four hundred twenty-three. Four hundred nineteen. Four hundred sixteen. Four hundred thirteen. Four hundred ten. Four hundred seven. Four hundred four. Four hundred one. Three hundred ninety-eight. Three hundred ninety-four. Three hundred ninety. Three hundred eighty-seven. Three hundred eighty-three. Three hundred seventy-nine. Three hundred seventy-five. Three hundred seventy-one. Three hundred sixty-seven. Three hundred sixty-three. Three hundred fifty-nine. Three hundred fifty-five. Three hundred fifty-one. Three hundred forty-seven. Three hundred forty-three. Three hundred thirty-nine. Three hundred thirty-five. Three hundred thirty-one. Three hundred twenty-seven. Three hundred twenty-three. Three hundred nineteen. Three hundred sixteen. Three hundred thirteen. Three hundred ten. Three hundred seven. Three hundred four. Three hundred one. Two hundred ninety-eight. Two hundred ninety-four. Two hundred ninety. Two hundred eighty-seven. Two hundred eighty-three. Two hundred seventy-nine. Two hundred seventy-five. Two hundred seventy-one. Two hundred sixty-seven. Two hundred sixty-three. Two hundred fifty-nine. Two hundred fifty-five. Two hundred fifty-one. Two hundred forty-seven. Two hundred forty-three. Two hundred thirty-nine. Two hundred thirty-five. Two hundred thirty-one. Two hundred twenty-seven. Two hundred twenty-three. Two hundred nineteen. Two hundred sixteen. Two hundred thirteen. Two hundred ten. Two hundred seven. Two hundred four. Two hundred one. One hundred ninety-eight. One hundred ninety-four. One hundred ninety. One hundred eighty-seven. One hundred eighty-three. One hundred seventy-nine. One hundred seventy-five. One hundred seventy-one. One hundred sixty-seven. One hundred sixty-three. One hundred fifty-nine. One hundred fifty-five. One hundred fifty-one. One hundred forty-seven. One hundred forty-three. One hundred thirty-nine. One hundred thirty-five. One hundred thirty-one. One hundred twenty-seven. One hundred twenty-three. One hundred nineteen. One hundred sixteen. One hundred thirteen. One hundred ten. One hundred seven. One hundred four. One hundred one. Ninety-eight. Ninety-six. Ninety-four. Ninety-two. Ninety. Eighty-nine. Eighty-seven. Eighty-five. Eighty-three. Eighty-one. Seventy-nine. Seventy-seven. Seventy-five. Seventy-three. Seventy-one. Sixty-nine. Sixty-seven. Sixty-five. Sixty-three. Sixty-one. Fifty-nine. Fifty-seven. Fifty-five. Fifty-three. Fifty-one. Forty-nine. Forty-seven. Forty-five. Forty-three. Forty-one. Thirty-nine. Thirty-seven. Thirty-five. Thirty-three. Thirty-one. Twenty-nine. Twenty-seven. Twenty-five. Twenty-three. Twenty-one. Nineteen. Eighteen. Seventeen. Sixteen. Fifteen. Fourteen. Thirteen. Twelve. Eleven. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. And... done!">

  • 🚽 Regular

    @brie I hope that was generated via script.

  • @Zecc But of course.

    var n = function (n) {
      var w = 'zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen'.split(' ');
      var z = [, , ...'twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety'.split(' ')];
      var h = Math.floor(n / 100), t = Math.floor(n / 10) % 10, d = n % 10;
      if (t == 1) { t = 0; d += 10; }
      return [...(h ? [w[h], 'hundred'] : []), ...(t ? [z[t]] : []), ...(d ? [w[d]] : [])].join(' ').replace(/ty /g, 'ty-');
    var t = `If you were sighted, you'd be seeing a picture right now, which as everyone knows are worth a thousand words. Since you're blind, a thousand words will have to do instead. So far, that was thirty-three words... wait, no, forty-three. Only nine hundred, fifty seven words to go.`, w = 1000 - t.match(/\w+/g).length;
    while (w > 2) {
      var s = n(w);
      t += ' ' + s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1) + '.';
      w -= s.match(/\w+/g).length;
    t += " And... done!";

    Ugly, but it got the job done.

  • @brie said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    var n = function (n)


  • @hungrier yeah, like I said, it's ugly. I get lazy when I'm coding directly into the script console. 🤷♂

  • Considered Harmful

    @Vixen said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    @anonymous234 said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    total asshole advertisement

    Butt it gives you that va-va-voom!

    but i'm not allowed into the brothel anymore..... not after Miss Va-va-voom mistook me for her fur scarf.....

    It was in all the papers, much to my disgrace. AND I WAS THE ATTACKED ONE TOO! most unfair that I get punished just because i'm not human and she is.


  • 🚽 Regular

    @brie said in 😈 The Evil Ideas thread:

    But of course.


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