The Official Status Thread

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    Unfortunately that's not the kind of number that's easily accessible on standard sales pages. Or is it? I can see the power usage of the CPU, the power output of the charger or docking station (and the battery size), but I can't even see the power output of the internal power supply, and no hint of how much of that is available to the CPU (or MB). Same for cooling, there is nothing at all about it.

    The power usage of the CPU is usually a good enough indicator, when listed. I assume that Dell won't fib the numbers for corporate customers. Higher watts means more performance, all other things being equal.

  • @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    @remi Just remember to check the rated wattage of that laptop before you order it. No, that's not a joke.

    The difference between a mobile workstation and an 8-core marketing joke is that one of them is capable of supplying more than 20W to the CPU continuously. You'll also want sufficient cooling to keep the clock rates up for longer than 3 seconds (F U ).

    You mean it is not OK for the distance between the CPU and the heatsink to be multiple centimeters?

    Depends on how many heatpipes they're connected by, I guess?

    One of my previous machines had the heatsink 10cm removed from the CPU (middle-to-middle; heatsink is... wide). But the 8 heatpipes between them kept the heat moving well enough to keep the 120W desktop CPU running.

  • @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    any case, I'm limited to the models that corporate IT has on offer (all Dell Precisions),

    Don't worry, they're good laptops.

    That's what I always heard about Precisions, and since they are the standard issue in the company I see a lot of people with them and have never heard unusual complaints (I mean, there's always someone who has an issue, but nothing really worrying overall). So yeah, I'm not too worried. Plus, again, free stuff etc.

    The only problem is that they're HEAVY AS HELL.

    I'm not too worried about that either, the one I currently have is also pretty heavy, it shouldn't be much worse. The only thing I dread is the weight of the charger. My current one is reasonably light but I've seen some other people with Dell chargers that look heavier than the laptop itself. I know there's a good reason for dedicated chargers for laptops, but still, it would be nice if they also supported standard USB charging: even if they took a full night to charge the battery instead of just a couple of hours, that would be helpful when travelling to avoid lugging around half a ton of chargers.

    @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    The power usage of the CPU is usually a good enough indicator, when listed. I assume that Dell won't fib the numbers for corporate customers. Higher watts means more performance, all other things being equal.

    I've got the specs of the CPU itself, no need to look at the wattage to know what it is. But I've got no way to know if the power supply will be good enough for the CPU, which was your original remark. I could say that one could expect a large company like Dell to not be totally moronic about their builds, but I've read TD:wtf: for long enough to not make that assumption blindly...

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    The power usage of the CPU is usually a good enough indicator, when listed. I assume that Dell won't fib the numbers for corporate customers. Higher watts means more performance, all other things being equal.

    I've got the specs of the CPU itself, no need to look at the wattage to know what it is. But I've got no way to know if the power supply will be good enough for the CPU, which was your original remark.

    Yes and no. In at least Apple Macbook Pro 2018, the PSU overheated and automatically clocked down the (otherwise beefy) CPU. If that happened to a Dell, it'd be all over the support forums. One time editing video or compiling anything will reveal such problems, if they exist. So a quick Googling will tell if your chosen model has issues.

    My original swipe was more against some "i7, 8-core" laptops that run those cores at around 1GHz and come with a 30W charger. And overheat after 10 minutes anyway, since they're completely fanless.

  • Banned

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    The only thing I dread is the weight of the charger

    And you should. It weighs almost as much as the laptop itself.

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    even if they took a full night to charge the battery instead of just a couple of hours, that would be helpful when travelling to avoid lugging around half a ton of chargers.

    You can make a miniature travel adapter yourself, actually:
    There's "universal" laptop adapters available in the shop. Choose one based on the wattage needed to charge the battery while the laptop is off. Buy a shorter AC cord for it. Chop the DC cord too, to a length that just reaches from a power socket to the floor.

    Half the wasted luggage space comes from the cord. Shorter cord means less space. You have to measure what the laptop actually draws from the wall when it's just charging, unless it's specified somewhere. Trying to charge with insufficiently sized power brick may trigger safety features in charger, laptop, or both.

  • @acrow That started like a nice trick, but then I realised you're basically saying that I can find another charger that will (hopefully) be lighter than the standard issue one, and simply reduce the cable length (which isn't so much of an issue for me, a neatly tied cable doesn't take that much space IMO and I'm more bothered by the weight of the charger itself). Which is a good idea, sure, but definitely not quite what I was hoping for. Also, that means that instead of getting rid of some chargers, I'll now have yet another charger to lug around and not forget at home when I need it at work and so on. What I really want is something that works with the ubiquitous USB chargers that can be found everywhere nowadays, but I guess the power draw of a laptop battery is too much for those tiny things.

  • @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    @remi Just remember to check the rated wattage of that laptop before you order it. No, that's not a joke.

    The difference between a mobile workstation and an 8-core marketing joke is that one of them is capable of supplying more than 20W to the CPU continuously. You'll also want sufficient cooling to keep the clock rates up for longer than 3 seconds (F U ).

    if the powerbrick for charging the laptop is bigger AND heavier than the laptop it might be a desktop replacement type "mobile workstation" laptop. Or you could be trying to charge your macbook air with a gold brick because it was expensive and the more expensive it is the better it is, right?

  • @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Don't worry, they're good laptops.

    The only problem is that they're HEAVY AS HELL. And on my unit specifically, the nipple mouse is broken and had to disable the driver for it or I had random mouse movements all the time. The touchpad doesn't always register either.

    That's what you call good? 😕

  • Status: well, it's almost 5:30pm, that was a productive day but it's bedtime now, good night everyone.

  • Banned

    @TimeBandit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    Don't worry, they're good laptops.

    The only problem is that they're HEAVY AS HELL. And on my unit specifically, the nipple mouse is broken and had to disable the driver for it or I had random mouse movements all the time. The touchpad doesn't always register either.

    That's what you call good? 😕

    I said, on my unit specifically. None of my colleagues has either of those mouse problems, and we all have the same model. I just had bad luck in the six sigma lottery 🤷♂ So the only common major problem is WEIGHT, and only having one major problem makes it one of the best in the market, as everything else has more problems than that.

  • @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    Trying to charge with insufficiently sized power brick may trigger safety features in charger, laptop, or both.

    I've experienced Dell laptops occasionally saying "I can't figure out what kind of charger this is. The battery may not charge correctly," even when using the genuine Dell charger that came with the laptop. I'd be leery of using 3rd-party chargers. They should work fine as long as the voltage is right, current capacity is at or above the stock charger, and the plug fits, but Dells seem to be finicky.

  • @Gąska said in The Official Status Thread:

    None of my colleagues has either of those mouse problems, and we all have the same model.

    IOW, the problem of your laptop is the owner :trollface:

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    Called my son; got him to read me the security code from the card (from two of them; not sure which is the right one). Site won't accept it.

    It turns out neither of them are the right card. They're both expired debit/credit cards I never got around to destroying. Still haven't found the right card. But he did send me a picture of the letter that the card came with, with the customer service number, so I can go through the lost card song and dance.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: We've been deleting test cases today. Specifically, 22 test files that looked (almost) precisely like this:

    import unittest
    class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
        @unittest.skip("Test not implemented yet")
        def test_something(self):
            self.assertEqual(True, False, "Test not implemented yet")
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Somehow, I don't think they'll be missed...

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: don't pee on your iPod!!!!

    It's now an iPeed.

  • @PleegWat said in The Official Status Thread:

    You mean it is not OK for the distance between the CPU and the heatsink to be multiple centimeters?

    That's why it's called a "lap"top!

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    I've experienced Dell laptops occasionally saying "I can't figure out what kind of charger this is. The battery may not charge correctly," even when using the genuine Dell charger that came with the laptop. I'd be leery of using 3rd-party chargers. They should work fine as long as the voltage is right, current capacity is at or above the stock charger, and the plug fits, but Dells seem to be finicky.

    A colleague had a computer (forget which brand) that charged via USB-C. When he compiled CEF, which took about 6 hours, his computer would run out of battery. Always nice when the brick can't keep up.

  • Java Dev

    Status: At spa. Ate awesome 7-course dinner. Then I had a massage. With warm, oily and firm rods pressing hard against my skin. My muscles are now ow. Also I was told I should work on my posture because shit posture has made my shoulders roll forward, which could cause muscle ow all over, as well as headaches. So, yeah, whenever I hold a lecture I need to make sure I stand tall and proud from now on.


    @Atazhaia said in The Official Status Thread:

    Also I was told I should work on my posture because shit posture has made my shoulders roll forward, which could cause muscle ow all over, as well as headaches.

    Someone drew a picture of me and uploaded it on the internet:


  • Status: My desktop PC is officially too old. My CMOS battery just died.

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    he did send me a picture of the letter that the card came with

    Did he use a wooden table?

  • @Deadfast said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: My desktop PC is officially too old. My CMOS battery just died.

    They're supposed to last at least ten years. So... yeah, maybe it's time for a new PC.

  • @Zerosquare said in The Official Status Thread:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    he did send me a picture of the letter that the card came with

    Did he use a wooden table?

    Maybe, but it's impossible to determine from the picture; not even the full sheet of paper is visible.

  • @Zerosquare said in The Official Status Thread:

    They're supposed to last at least ten years.

    Nah, about five. The PC is six years old.

  • Java Dev

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:


    Sometimes, I look around the office and my observations put the labels the other way around.

  • @Deadfast said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zerosquare said in The Official Status Thread:

    They're supposed to last at least ten years.

    Nah, about five. The PC is six years old.

    My source is this, which claims more than ten years:

    It also matches what I've observed in practice.
    Maybe whatever clock chip that's on your motherboard is more power-hungry, or the manufacturer used an alkaline battery (cheaper) instead of a lithium one.

  • @Zerosquare Your source isn't talking about a computer motherboard, it's talking about a homemade clock circuit. The clock circuit isn't the only thing that draws power on a motherboard, the BIOS memory does too.

    The battery also won't be drawn from when the board has standby power. Mine doesn't because I'm paranoid and just turn everything off with an easily accessible switch.

  • @Deadfast said in The Official Status Thread:

    The battery also won't be drawn from when the board has standby power.

    That's how it last ten years 🍹

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Error locating post to reply to re: Google mailing me something.

    Turns out, it was a Google Home Mini, my dad got for free because he's subscribed to Spotify. :mlp_shrug:

    Isn't sharing name and address with another person great?

  • @Deadfast said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Zerosquare Your source isn't talking about a computer motherboard, it's talking about a homemade clock circuit. The clock circuit isn't the only thing that draws power on a motherboard, the BIOS memory does too.

    The DS1307 chip that's mentioned also includes memory, and chips of that family have indeed been used in PCs. Anyways, what mainly drains the battery is the clock part, not the memory part (it uses CMOS SRAM, whose current draw is extremely small when you don't read or write it).

  • Considered Harmful

    OK, what the fuck happened while I was gone?

    Filed under: I could swear I've only been gone one week, but my post history says otherwise.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    OK, what the fuck happened while I was gone?


  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    you're basically saying that I can find another charger that will (hopefully) be lighter than the standard issue one

    Nothing hopeful about that one. The standard charger is big enough to power and charge. You only need half to wattage (and size) if you charge only when the laptop is off.

    What I really want is something that works with the ubiquitous USB chargers that can be found everywhere nowadays, but I guess the power draw of a laptop battery is too much for those tiny things.

    Why not do it the other way around? You can easily convert the laptop charger's output to USB. Just put one of these in between:
    That's a single-component switching regulator. Up to 30V in, 5V 1A output. ...Assuming you're not afraid of soldering that (and a suitable USB cable) to the laptop charger.

    No, I haven't done that myself. I just carry a 15cm USB cable. My laptop provides USB power even while off (as do most), so I just use that.

    but I guess the power draw of a laptop battery is too much for those tiny things

    No. The voltage is just too low. You'd have to boost the 5V up over the laptop's battery voltage. USB-C gives up to 20V now, but it's still extra components and a limiter to cell count.

    Added extra info on "most".

  • @Vixen said in The Official Status Thread:

    @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    @remi Just remember to check the rated wattage of that laptop before you order it. No, that's not a joke.

    The difference between a mobile workstation and an 8-core marketing joke is that one of them is capable of supplying more than 20W to the CPU continuously. You'll also want sufficient cooling to keep the clock rates up for longer than 3 seconds (F U ).

    if the powerbrick for charging the laptop is bigger AND heavier than the laptop it might be a desktop replacement type "mobile workstation" laptop. Or you could be trying to charge your macbook air with a gold brick because it was expensive and the more expensive it is the better it is, right?

    Oh, I don't use Apples myself. I just have to listen to complaints from people who do. And who still keep using them for some reason.

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    What I really want is something that works with the ubiquitous USB chargers that can be found everywhere nowadays, but I guess the power draw of a laptop battery is too much for those tiny things.

    what you want then is a laptop, and accessories, that are powered via USB-C then you just bring one USB-C charger and it charges everything.

    if you still need microUSB output they make USB-C female to MicroUSB-male adaptors for cheap. you could get one and attach it to the charger so you an plug it in when needed and when nit needed it stays connected on a string or something so it can't get lost.

  • @Vixen said in The Official Status Thread:

    what you want then is a laptop, and accessories, that are powered via USB-C

    He's choosing from a company catalogue. Unlikely to have those.

    USB-C female to MicroUSB-male adaptors

    Why use an adapter? Just get a USB-C -> Micro-B cable, and a charger with detachable cord. That way you can chain the laptop and phone if you need to charge both. Or just charge the phone if not.

  • @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    Why use an adapter? J

    because i was thinking that the chargers that come with laptops (and are therefore sized for them) tend to have their cable integral to them so you can't unplug it and replace with a different end.

    but yeah if that's an option for the charger you got. look into it too.

    @acrow said in The Official Status Thread:

    He's choosing from a company catalogue. Unlikely to have those.

    powering via USB-C is starting to become a thing for a lot of laptop manufactures.

    Lenovo has most of theirs powered by usb-c. Apple too, until they figure out how to make a proprietary version of the connector, Dell and HP business class laptops often can be powered via USB-C, even if they also have the barrel plug connector too.

    so could be done with catalogue

  • @error said in The Official Status Thread:

    OK, what the fuck happened while I was gone?

    As part of trying to resolve server cooties, Lubar Lubar'd the database and the last backup was from two weeks prior.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    Lubar Fubar.



    Status: In the never-ending saga with my now former ISP, I just realized that I have a 99.90€ charge from them on my account.

    What the hell is that for, I canceled their crap months ago. Calling their hotline, moron tells me it’s for not sending back their shitty-ass rental router. The one I can’t use for anything else anyway, because it’s branded and locked down. Really? I have been waiting for them to send me information on where to send that back to, or alternatively charging them for the costs of disposal.
    Listen here, you fuckers, you haven’t even sent me a written confirmation of my cancellation of service, even after I demanded that once in writing and twice on the phone, and I have also in writing revoked your SEPA direct debit mandate. You don’t even have legitimation to charge my account anymore. I’ll send back your shit router and have my bank cancel that charge. If you really have any other claims, you better start sending letters.

    Looks like it’s time to play hardball.


    Status: I fear online dating is absolutely hopeless. (Or, some people would rather point out that I am absolutely hopeless).
    I judge people by as much as their punctuation. Yes, really. Or things like "they sent a voice message. Ewwe."

    People are weird. Or I'm weird. Okay, yeah, it's definitely me.
    Maybe I'm just actively looking for excuses to not meet people when things get too real.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    Or things like "they sent a voice message. Ewwe."

    Hey, if a thicc sheep left me a voicemail, I wouldn't hesitate to call back!


    @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:

    @topspin said in The Official Status Thread:

    Or things like "they sent a voice message. Ewwe."

    Hey, if a thicc sheep left me a voicemail, I wouldn't hesitate to call back!

    See, that's why I come here. There's always people more weird than me. 🤗

  • Opera got a new icon in the address bar: its own version of a screen capture tool. Here I use all its features at once (except for Selfie):


  • status

    i need these. i need these right now. that's so awesome.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Vixen said in The Official Status Thread:


    i need these. i need these right now. that's so awesome.



  • Considered Harmful


    Imagine, the last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the Kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses.


    Filed under: If you believe such things

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in The Official Status Thread:


    Imagine, the last thing you know on God's green earth is the roar of the Kraken and the reeking odor of a thousand rotting corpses.


    Filed under: If you believe're into such things

    FTFY. No joke,

    I thought that was ejaculation until I saw the teeth...

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