The Official Status Thread

  • @Gribnit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Benjamin-Hall ...aliens?

    Teenagers, aliens, same difference.

    I meant it more in the "no plan survives first contract with the enemy" sense, though.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Benjamin-Hall Works well for aliens too. Maybe hold onto it.

  • :belt_onion:

    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'selianize' in '/root/selenium-ide/packages/selenium-ide/src/neo/IO'

    WHAT the fuck does that mean, you fucking JavaScript mong. I'm building a tag that has a release; I know it's supposed to build.

    I'm sure it's because I have version 0.12.1 instead of 0.12.2-beta5 of some dependency or whatever the fuck.

    No fucking clue what the fucking problem is. Fuck.

    (Also, fuck.)

    Edit: Checked the .travis.yml and discovered a build step missing from the documentation. Fucking of course.

  • :belt_onion:

    @ben_lubar said in The Official Status Thread:

    @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    Never before have I been so happy to see

    Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.9.58-xxxx-std-ipv6-64 x86_64)
     * Documentation:
     * Management:
     * Support:

    16.04? why?

    Because LTS and I wasn't the one who set up the server and I sure as hell am not gonna cause downtime to update the version.

  • @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    I sure as hell am not gonna cause downtime to update the version.

    So you're not willing to be a loose cannon?

  • :belt_onion:

    @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    I sure as hell am not gonna cause downtime to update the version.

    So you're not willing to be a loose cannon?

    What a punny observation

  • @dcon said in The Official Status Thread:

    @remi Something that was added recently: when you get a phone call, there's a 'block number' button right there. So now I can add the @#$#%$ marketer directly into my blacklist with a single tap!

    That is a nice thing indeed. I don't receive many such calls on my mobile because I try very hard not to give the number to anything that doesn't really need it, but of course as time goes it always leaks.

    Meanwhile, I've noticed that apparently Android 8 has entirely fucked up the lock screen. You used to be able to access the quick icons to e.g. turn wifi on/off, airplane mode, mobile data etc. all from the lock screen (from swiping from the top). That was convenient, of course, so now it's been removed πŸ‘Ώ

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    Meanwhile, I've noticed that apparently Android 8 has entirely fucked up the lock screen. You used to be able to access the quick icons to e.g. turn wifi on/off, airplane mode, mobile data etc. all from the lock screen (from swiping from the top). That was convenient, of course, so now it's been removed



    Filed under: YouTube says I should have someone else's poop inside me. πŸ˜–

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in The Official Status Thread:


    Just making sure, this is from the lock screen, right? When the phone is locked?

    If so, I guess that part has been fucked by the phone maker (Huawei) in which ever way they "customized" Android. But I'm generous, I can share the blame between different groups!

    (unless it happens to be hidden somewhere deep in the settings, and was changed for no good reason during the upgrade, in which case... no, still someone to blame for that fuck-up, but I guess it'll be a minor one if I find that setting)

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    Just making sure, this is from the lock screen, right? When the phone is locked?


    I can even start a screen recording on the lockscreen, apparently...

  • @Tsaukpaetra Well then, some of the blame goes to Huawei (or my phone provider, but AFAIK they don't do custom OS images, which is fine as far as I'm concerned!).

    That's fine, blame is an uncountable quantity, there is enough for everyone!

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    Meanwhile, I've noticed that apparently Android 8 has entirely fucked up the lock screen. You used to be able to access the quick icons to e.g. turn wifi on/off, airplane mode, mobile data etc. all from the lock screen (from swiping from the top). That was convenient, of course, so now it's been removed

    You gotta be kidding me. I use this feature quite often. Not sure why they had to remove it :(

    EDIT: Read the posts after that. Even more WTFy if the Phone manufacturer did that.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    the blame goes to Huawei

    According to This article, you are correct. Apparently theh decided they know security better than you.

    Edit: relevant quote:

    Some devices from manufacturers such as Samsung or Huawei prevent the user from toggling certain tiles while on the lock screen. For instance, Huawei devices running EMUI prevent the user from toggling location while on the lock screen unless they unlock the phone. But if the user has an airplane mode or WiFi tile, those can still be toggled which renders the location tile protection useless.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra Yeah, Samsung at least does this right. You can see the tiles, but certain security important ones like wifi or location will ask you to unlock the phone if you use them. However small ones like flashlight or blue light filter don't.

  • @Tsaukpaetra I came to the same conclusion after a bit of googling. Worst thing is, this seems to be somewhat random between people/devices, if that thread can be trusted.

    So now it's not only "fuck you Android", but also "fuck you Huawei". Since I haven't seen one new feature since I upgraded (OK, apparently you can blacklist more easily, which is something I don't do so useless for me), I'm really starting to regret it.

    Also, this goes to confirm my opinion that not only devices no longer belong to you, but that devs also don't give a shit about what people do. Therefore, I'm starting to wonder if not upgrading a device (phone, computer...), ever, wouldn't be the best solution. I'll upgrade when I buy a new one, every few years, and in the meantime, I'll just use whatever I have instead of having to worry after each upgrade about what it broke.

  • @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Yeah, Samsung at least does this right. You can see the tiles, but certain security important ones like wifi or location will ask you to unlock the phone if you use them. However small ones like flashlight or blue light filter don't.

    I don't really call that "doing it right". Wifi is one of the most useful ones to have on the lock screen, and I can't really see what harm there is in turning it on (or off) without your knowledge. Besides, if there was some cases where for some people it would be dangerous, why remove it entirely rather than have a setting for it? You can personalize what's in the quick settings, it wouldn't be hard to have some toggle in this personalization screen to tell which icons should or shouldn't be on the lock screen.

  • Banned

    The best part of my job is sitting vis a vis frontend developers, so we can get into endless flamewars about frontend vs. backend almost everyday.

  • :belt_onion:

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    So now it's not only "fuck you Android",

    Eh? By banners, do you mean notifications? Because if so, your messaging app is an idiot. I have stock Android and can get notifications on the lock screen, quick reply, the whole nine yards.

  • @heterodox No, I don't mean notifications, those are fine.

    My app (Mood) can show a preview of the message in a kind of floating rectangular box on top of the screen, above everything else. It stays on for a configurable length of time, has buttons for quick replies, and you can swipe it either right (to dismiss the preview) or left to access a full view of the conversation in a kind of floating window in the middle of the screen.

    Before, it could do that on the lock screen, which means I could have a text conversation without unlocking the phone at all. Now it can only do it when unlocked, which makes the feature half-useless because switching to the app itself is about as fast (not entirely useless because the floating reply window means I don't actually have to leave the app I'm in, which is nice for apps that reload everything at each context switch, which is about all of them).

    I cannot find any good snapshot of this thing, and of course it's anyone guess whether it's called a popup, notification, banner, alert, reminder or whatever jargon the devs came up with.

    (edit: the setting in the app itself calls them "notifications and quick reply on the lock screen" and now that I think of it, when this was working I was not getting regular notifications, only this custom thing. So it was a kind of notification, but much smarter and infinitely more useful than a regular one.)

  • Apparently they're called "head notifications", whatever that means, or at least these are the search terms that bring up similar pictures to this:

    So imagine this, but on the lock screen as well, with some quick replies instead of the dismiss/answer buttons (and something more extended to read the full conversation and reply, which looks kind of the same but is centred on the screen and is modal instead of just being a notification).

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Official Status Thread:

    @sloosecannon said in The Official Status Thread:

    I sure as hell am not gonna cause downtime to update the version.

    So you're not willing to be a loose cannon?

    I've never had an Ubuntu LTS release survive an upgrade to the next LTS release. That particular upgrade is less about loose cannons and more about willfully placing your head over the cannon barrel just before firing it.

  • :belt_onion:

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:


    So imagine this, but on the lock screen as well, with some quick replies instead of the dismiss/answer buttons (and something more extended to read the full conversation and reply, which looks kind of the same but is centred on the screen and is modal instead of just being a notification).

    So, the notifications API allows for "messaging style" quick reply and completely custom views, but it sounds like your messaging app uses an overlay window to accomplish that functionality. If so, yeah, overlay windows aren't allowed on top of the lock screen (so they can't steal PINs, patterns, etc. I presume).

    I'd think the messaging app should be able to move to the standard notifications API and not lose too much functionality but then my opinion doesn't mean much here as I wouldn't be the one doing the work. AIUI, the restriction doesn't apply to third-party lock screens so you could try that, though I don't know the security implications.

  • @heterodox Yeah, if they can accomplish the same using a standard notification on the lock screen, that's fine for me.

    But at the moment, it doesn't seem to be the case. Now on the lock screen I get the normal notification (OK, why not) but interacting with it in any way except dismissing it requires the pin (which is a pain since I mostly use finger print to unlock and means I need to hold the phone differently), and there is no way to reply quickly from the notification itself, without going to the app.

    What bothers me is that it was working before and the app setting clearly says this doesn't work because of Android 8. So fuck Android for having broken a useful feature.

  • :belt_onion:

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    So fuck Android for having broken a useful feature.

    I mean, do you really think overlay windows on the lock screen are a good idea? I can easily see malware drawing a transparent overlay to capture pattern/PIN, showing "wrong PIN" like normal, and then closing the window for the rest of the day/week so the user is none the wiser when their next entry works.

    On the other hand, I agree that if it really is a security vulnerability, it never should have been introduced into the framework in the first place, as fixing the vulnerability then causes a loss of backwards compatibility. 'Tis the life of a developer, I suppose.

  • @heterodox said in The Official Status Thread:

    AIUI, the restriction doesn't apply to third-party lock screens so you could try that, though I don't know the security implications.

    That's an interesting idea. I'm not familiar with those, any suggestion for a simple & nice one?

  • @heterodox I agree that it's a possible security risk, but don't tell me that Android engineers couldn't think of that when they implemented the feature in the first place. So somehow they thought it was OK at the time, but is no longer now?

    (Also the overlay that I could see was clearly different from the normal screen, which of course could just be the way the devs of my app did it, but could also be a limitation of the overlay thing itself, which would prevent most security issues related to "overlay imitating something else" -- basically just restrict the overlay to some fraction of the screen, force it to have a non-transparent background and add some visual effect to the rest of the screen should be enough to make it obvious you're dealing with an overlay. And then if you really want to be devious, you can imagine a regular app that at some point shows a screen that perfectly mimics your lock screen, letting you believe the phone locked itself, and getting your pin this way. Basically, malicious apps already have many ways to fuck with not-security-conscious users (aka "all users"), so I don't think this one was really that much worse.)

  • @mott555 said in The Official Status Thread:

    I've never had an Ubuntu LTS release survive an upgrade to the next LTS release.

    Same here. After multiple failed attempt, I switched to Debian stable and never looked back πŸ§˜β™‚

  • @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    Yeah, Samsung at least does this right.

    Oh Samsung does it right. Let's hear the details:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    You can see the tiles, but certain security important ones like wifi or location will ask you to unlock the phone if you use them. However small ones like flashlight or blue light filter don't.

    Ah! In Pie_Flavor's little tiny brain "does it right" means some of the icons just don't fucking work at all. Now we know.

  • @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    Since I haven't seen one new feature since I upgraded

    I last used Android at version 2.2 and my current phone is version 7.

    I've noticed NOTHING NEW.

    So this does not surprise me.

  • :belt_onion:

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    @heterodox I agree that it's a possible security risk, but don't tell me that Android engineers couldn't think of that when they implemented the feature in the first place. So somehow they thought it was OK at the time, but is no longer now?

    Here's how I envision the development process for this sort of thing going for Google:

    :phb:: "Oh my God, Facebook wants/has already done on iPhone this 'Facebook Heads' thing, everyone seems to like it, you need to get that working on our platform in the very next update or we'll fall behind and you'll be fired."
    πŸ‘¨πŸΌπŸ’»: "We should probably do a security review or some kind of design--"
    :phb:: "What part of fired didn't you understand?"

    [two months later]
    :phb:: "Oh my God, a security researcher said our implementation of this feature is insecure. You suck at developing. Fix it or we'll look like idiots when they disclose and you'll be fired."
    πŸ‘¨πŸΌπŸ’» πŸ”«

    [loosely based off real-world experiences] It's just the security-usability tradeoff as applied to the SDLC and combined with poor management.

    (Basically, malicious apps already have many ways to fuck with not-security-conscious users (aka "all users"), so I don't think this one was really that much worse.)

    Fair point. πŸ€·β™‚ But I'm guessing someone called them out either internally or externally. You have to fix vectors when they're identified, regardless of whether the "arms race" makes any solution's security imperfect.

  • @blakeyrat said in The Official Status Thread:

    I last used Android at version 2.2 and my current phone is version 7.

    I've noticed NOTHING NEW.

    So this does not surprise me.


    There was no new features introduced in Windows since 95. Even Windows 10 has the start menu and the control panel.

  • Status: just saw a Tesla car in real life for the first time ever.

    It had a Swiss license plate, of course. Those rich-ass bankers.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: Got my unit tests to pass. The coverage is pitiful but they still found a whole bunch of critical problems, so I guess that's OK…

  • Java Dev

    Status: Fun with jumbo frames and gre tunnels.

    In the dwarf fortress sense.

  • @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: just saw a Tesla car in real life for the first time ever.

    Does it look as good as it does on Youtube videos?

  • @dkf said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: Got my unit tests to pass. The coverage is pitiful but they still found a whole bunch of critical problems, so I guess that's OK…

    The places I've worked had zero fucking unit tests. They did not even have an empty project with <projectname>.tests for appearance's sake.

  • Where's the fitness thread around here?

    INB4 someone goes thread_not_found.

  • @stillwater No one cares how swole or hirsute you are. This is a concealed carry forum; none of us want to see your guns. No one cares about your particular regimen. If you want to track your body's decline and decay, make a thread in the lounge like @Tsaukpaetra did or @Yamikuronue flirted with or use a private diary like I do. If you want help, ask a doctor; we aren't able to give medical advice.

  • @TwelveBaud Jesus! I just wanted to post a link I saw on HN and wanted to know the relevant thread to post. Everyone seems so touchy lately. πŸ€”

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Well, that's the problem with concealed carry. When you can't tell what the other guy's packing, you have to assume the worst and react sharply to any sudden movements. 🍹

  • @stillwater It looked like a normal white car to be honest. I only identified it because of the logo and the electric engine noise.

    But to be fair I'm not exactly a car person.

  • @TwelveBaud This reads like copypasta but isn't.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    @heterodox I agree that it's a possible security risk, but don't tell me that Android engineers couldn't think of that when they implemented the feature in the first place. So somehow they thought it was OK at the time, but is no longer now?

    Why, yes, this happened before. See the issue of "battery stats" which allowed Apps to know what other apps were active for how long and why. Google thought it was a security risk and locked it down, breaking many third-party app management Apps in be process.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @stillwater said in The Official Status Thread:

    @anonymous234 said in The Official Status Thread:

    Status: just saw a Tesla car in real life for the first time ever.

    Does it look as good as it does on Youtube videos?

    They just look like a normal mid-range saloon really. The handles are a bit trick but that's about it.

    The performance though, my god! There's one that comes to my drag strip regularly and it absolutely smokes the much butthurt caused. Like Formula E it just doesn't sound right though.

  • :belt_onion:

    @stillwater said in The Official Status Thread:

    Where's the fitness thread around here?

    INB4 someone goes thread_not_found.

    Defunct, but existent:

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra I fully agree with being able to lock down the lock screen. I also agree with being able to unlock the lock screen. Given no choice, I would choose a fully locked down lock screen.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gribnit said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra I fully agree with being able to lock down the lock screen. I also agree with being able to unlock the lock screen. Given no choice, I would choose a fully locked down lock screen.

    But would you lock up a fully locked down lockscreen if you could unlock the choice to lock down your scream?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Tsaukpaetra Yes, by default, no, by default.

  • Considered Harmful

    @remi said in The Official Status Thread:

    @pie_flavor said in The Official Status Thread:

    @Tsaukpaetra Yeah, Samsung at least does this right. You can see the tiles, but certain security important ones like wifi or location will ask you to unlock the phone if you use them. However small ones like flashlight or blue light filter don't.

    I don't really call that "doing it right". Wifi is one of the most useful ones to have on the lock screen, and I can't really see what harm there is in turning it on (or off) without your knowledge. Besides, if there was some cases where for some people it would be dangerous, why remove it entirely rather than have a setting for it? You can personalize what's in the quick settings, it wouldn't be hard to have some toggle in this personalization screen to tell which icons should or shouldn't be on the lock screen.

    You can turn it off, but you can't turn it on because if you were trying to fake a trusted network's existence but snoop all the sent packets, you'll need to unlock the phone to do that. Besides, where's the harm in unlocking? I open the drawer, tap the wifi icon, thumb the thumbprint sensor, and sleep the phone again. That's like, a half second extra. Big whoop.

  • Status:

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