WTF Bites

  • Considered Harmful

    @anotherusername Date that it expires. Because that's something messages need to do.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @anotherusername Date that it expires. Because that's something messages need to do.

    I am an Oracle! I can think like them!

    Send help?

  • @tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    I am an Oracle! I can think like them!

    Send help?

  • @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    the nominal issue at hand is that a quarter of the playground of the school next door will be in shadows for about 2 hours per day.


  • @zerosquare As much as I think there should be more housing built, spreading work schedules out a little is also a very good idea.

    If everyone works the same hours, everyone will have to drive around the same hours, which means the roads will be at like 5x the capacity that they would otherwise have to handle.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @zerosquare As much as I think there should be more housing built, spreading work schedules out a little is also a very good idea.

    If everyone works the same hours, everyone will have to drive around the same hours, which means the roads will be at like 5x the capacity that they would otherwise have to handle.

    Can attest to this, arriving at eleven and leaving at seven there's basically no traffic. It's awesome.

  • @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    the nominal issue at hand is that a quarter of the playground of the school next door will be in shadows for about 2 hours per day

    The UK has an actual (but very vaguely defined) "right to light" law, and even it is nowhere near as strict as this.


    @tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    I am an Oracle! I can think like them!
    Send helpYellow Boxing gloves?


    @luhmann said in WTF Bites:

    @tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    I am an Oracle! I can think like them!
    Send helpYellow Boxing gloves?

    Yellow boxing gloves were IBM though.


    @onyx said in WTF Bites:

    Yellow boxing gloves were IBM though.

    Dammit, I confused lotus notes with oracle ...

    Allo Allo - what-a-mistaka-to-maka – 00:06
    — TowerGuy

  • @tsaukpaetra said in WTF Bites:

    @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @zerosquare As much as I think there should be more housing built, spreading work schedules out a little is also a very good idea.

    If everyone works the same hours, everyone will have to drive around the same hours, which means the roads will be at like 5x the capacity that they would otherwise have to handle.

    Can attest to this, arriving at eleven and leaving at seven there's basically no traffic. It's awesome.

    I do something similar, arriving around 9:40 and leaving around 6-6:30 pm. Keeps me out of the times when the main route out of my area is congested.

  • Java Dev

    I had to reset the password for my grocery store loyalty program login, as I hardly ever have to actually use it. The password I was certain I had used wasn't working, which was explained when I reset it. The so-called password is really a 6-digit PIN. Then why are they calling it a password?! Gah!


    Change password
    Pick six digits, at least three different. You cannot enter sequences like 123456 or use your social security number as password.

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    Pop quiz: Was this input manually input or automated?

    It's obviously primarily sorted by the third column, which appears to be date sent. I would guess that the fifth column would be date due or something similar?

    Edit: :hanzo:'d

  • @pie_flavor The ninth of thirtytember?

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @anotherusername Date that it expires. Because that's something messages need to do.

    A former workplace had a "1-day" expiration on Skype for Business conversations saved to Outlook. Because why would you ever need to refer to the bug discussion you had on Friday afternoon?

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    @zerosquare As much as I think there should be more housing built, spreading work schedules out a little is also a very good idea.

    If everyone works the same hours, everyone will have to drive around the same hours, which means the roads will be at like 5x the capacity that they would otherwise have to handle.

    Very true. But there's a pretty huge gap between that and his "fuck your health, fuck your family" mandatory scheme. And it's not the only alternative either ; plenty of jobs could benefit from more telecommuting, for example.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: why share a link when you can re-upload?

    64131_-_Dan_Tom_Dan_sunglasses_tom. png.jpeg.png

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @anotherusername Date that it expires. Because that's something messages need to do.

    The expiration might be for something in the content of the message, or maybe it's for an auto-mark-read timer so you don't have lots of emails overflowing your inbox? Maybe they plan on sending another related email by then, so this one doesn't need to stick around past that date?

  • @djls45 But why do some messages expire in 2 months, and others (with the same subject) expire in 3 months?

    (was that the original WTF? It was the one that I originally saw, that otherwise identical messages seem to alternate between 08/ and 09/ in that column.)

  • Considered Harmful

    @djls45 It may be sorted by the third column, but the fact that the messages are all identical and sent daily would imply that the fifth column goes in order too.

  • @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 But why do some messages expire in 2 months, and others (with the same subject) expire in 3 months?

    (was that the original WTF? It was the one that I originally saw, that otherwise identical messages seem to alternate between 08/ and 09/ in that column.)

    Difference between notices for summer stuff versus fall stuff?

  • @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @djls45 But why do some messages expire in 2 months, and others (with the same subject) expire in 3 months?

    (was that the original WTF? It was the one that I originally saw, that otherwise identical messages seem to alternate between 08/ and 09/ in that column.)

    Difference between notices for summer stuff versus fall stuff?

    No, because look at items #3 and #4. Both of them are titled "Fall 2018 Payment Reminder", but the one sent on 6/28 will expire on 9/28, and the other sent on 6/29 will expire on 8/29.

  • @anotherusername The summer reminders are being rolled into the fall reminders, with #3 being the last summer reminder?

    Edit: Maybe with the subject line being determined by the date and having switched sometime between 06/15/2018 (#9) and 06/27/2018 (#6)?

  • Considered Harmful

    @djls45 The summer payment was due June 15; the fall payment July 5.

  • Considered Harmful


  • :belt_onion:

    @scarlet_manuka said in WTF Bites:

    You're triggering me.

    I just got a notification last week that one of my service requests closed on MOS. I should have posted this SR in the I Hate Oracle Club a while back.

    Me: "We're having a problem with the security configuration of one of your products. We went to the trouble of recreating it in the latest version. We even tracked down what bug it is for you and good news, you've already released a patch! You only released it for Linux, though. Can you give us a Windows patch?"

    Four months. Count them, it took them FOUR MONTHS of "development work" for them to do this.

  • @heterodox Ah, MOS horror stories. I'd share, but (a) I don't really want to remember and (b) I don't want to get into trouble.

  • We have a requirement tracking system. It generates Word and PDF exports. The lane-breaking algorithm is somehow totally broken and totally fails to regard words. It produces pearls like:

    … application shall … and provide troubles
    The next line continues:
    hooting instructions for …

  • Banned

    Code review comment:

    Too much of non-needed refactors…


  • @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    provide troubles

    The next line continues:

    hooting instructions for …

    How many troubles could troubleshooters hoot if troubleshooters could hoot troubles?

  • Banned

    Pet peeve: when someone makes a configurable option out of something that cannot be configured. We're making an internal CLI tool that takes fixed number of arguments at fixed positions, one for each subtask (there's no option not to run all subtasks). A cow-orker integrated it with a build system of some project. He made a wrapper script which takes a list of subtasks to execute, transforms each task into an argument using hardcoded dictionary and specialized functions, and assembles those arguments into command line for our program, in the same order they appeared on task list. Everything works, as long as you only ever pass this one exact list of subtasks in this one exact order.

  • @gąska said in WTF Bites:

    Pet peeve: when someone makes a configurable option out of something that cannot be configured. We're making an internal CLI tool that takes fixed number of arguments at fixed positions, one for each subtask (there's no option not to run all subtasks). A cow-orker integrated it with a build system of some project. He made a wrapper script which takes a list of subtasks to execute, transforms each task into an argument using hardcoded dictionary and specialized functions, and assembles those arguments into command line for our program, in the same order they appeared on task list. Everything works, as long as you only ever pass this one exact list of subtasks in this one exact order.

    That definately sounds like a future bug report when someone tries to use it with a different list.

  • Banned

    @carnage I just hope it'll be filed to them and not us.

  • @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    @bulb said in WTF Bites:

    provide troubles

    The next line continues:

    hooting instructions for …

    How many troubles could troubleshooters hoot if troubleshooters could hoot troubles?

    (twitter employee): Damn, we need to get!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ixvedeusi said in WTF Bites:

    How many troubles could troubleshooters hoot if troubleshooters could hoot troubles?


  • Personal WTF of the day: So, our German tech magazine c't recently did a test about NVM SSDs. Read about it and decided to get a 1 TB one they deemed about on par with a Samsung EVO, albeit with a smaller price tag.

    Then I remembered that I don't have the required M.2 slot on my motherboard.

    No problem - simply also order a PCI-E 4x expansion card with an M.2 NVM slot.

    Today both arrived. Put the SSD in its slot and opened the side of my case. Whereupon I discovered an important detail:

    I have a small motherboard but a Geforce 1080 Ti. If you know something about those graphic cards you already recognized the problem: The bloody card covers both of my PCI-E slots.

    Not to worry, though, my adapter card wouldn't have fit in there anyway because those two are only PCI-E 1x slots.

    Jesus Christ. :headdesk:

  • Bird scooter company apparently has never studied Economics 101, completely fucks up it's "charger" program.

    Turns out the best way to make money as a charger is to grab a pickup truck and just hoard every scooter you see ever, holding them all day until they become eligible for charging that night, then redeeming the $5/charge on the scooters.

    Since the app doesn't update a scooter as "captured" until the person grabbing it actually checks in, it shows legit chargers dozens or hundreds of "ghost pings" where chargeable scooters used to be.

    Those $100 million in venture capital is sure going to a good purpose.

  • @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Personal WTF of the day: So, our German tech magazine c't recently did a test about NVM SSDs. Read about it and decided to get a 1 TB one they deemed about on par with a Samsung EVO, albeit with a smaller price tag.

    Then I remembered that I don't have the required M.2 slot on my motherboard.

    No problem - simply also order a PCI-E 4x expansion card with an M.2 NVM slot.

    Today both arrived. Put the SSD in its slot and opened the side of my case. Whereupon I discovered an important detail:

    I have a small motherboard but a Geforce 1080 Ti. If you know something about those graphic cards you already recognized the problem: The bloody card covers both of my PCI-E slots.

    Not to worry, though, my adapter card wouldn't have fit in there anyway because those two are only PCI-E 1x slots.

    Jesus Christ. :headdesk:

    Sounds like a good excuse to build a new machine!

  • 0_1530652123095_d71b7a30-12b5-4fa3-98aa-0b7423803fec-image.png
    Ah, yes, 3D icons are a real necessity for infographics.

  • @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    Sounds like a good excuse to build a new machine!


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    Then I remembered

    Proper planning prevents peruvian prostitutes perpetuating promiscuity permanently?

  • @anonymous234 said in WTF Bites:

    Ah, yes, 3D icons are a real necessity for infographics.

    Given Microsoft's love affair with flat design, this is even more WTFy.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    Bird scooter company apparently has never studied Economics 101, completely fucks up it's "charger" program.

    Turns out the best way to make money as a charger is to grab a pickup truck and just hoard every scooter you see ever, holding them all day until they become eligible for charging that night, then redeeming the $5/charge on the scooters.

    Since the app doesn't update a scooter as "captured" until the person grabbing it actually checks in, it shows legit chargers dozens or hundreds of "ghost pings" where chargeable scooters used to be.

    Those $100 million in venture capital is sure going to a good purpose.

    Jesus, even Lime isn't that dumb.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @rhywden said in WTF Bites:

    @dcon said in WTF Bites:

    Sounds like a good excuse to build a new machine!


    A six core i5? I guess that's Intel's answer to Ryzen then, should be a beast with that 1080.
    I'm still running a watercooled i5 2600k that's had the balls clocked out of it since day 1. I'm still performance-limited in games by my 980 Ti and not the CPU, I'd love a Threadripper for the multi-core SPICE performance though.

  • One of my consultant collegues at my current gig is currently having the joyful experience of getting a new architect for the system he's building. The last architect designed everything to be microservicey in order to have decent availability and degradation of services.

    And, apparently, the SLA accepts days of downtime... On an end customer facing webpage and accompanying services. Because how could that ever be wrong...

    There were reasons for the microservice approach for high availability and scalability, and the use of search engines. Previous projects have had problems with those exact things. But why learn something from past mistakes?
    And manglement seems to be made up of incompetents that can't call his bullshit, nor do they listen when others do.

    And as a bonus, the project is already nicely overdue, so spending a month or two to restructure everything into a monolith seems like a great idea.

    Ah well. I'm out of here as of this afternoon. And heading to the Swedish Enforcement Agency, so instead of corporate bullshit, i get government bureaucrazy. But well, at least is a fresh new hell instead of a stale old one. And the Z was intentional.

  • Considered Harmful

    @carnage I assume an actual job will beat this out of me at some point, but the way I view it, you're not there to write an app, you're there to write code. If manglement decides right after you've moved the chair from the southeast corner to the northwest corner that the chair really did fit better in the southeast, then you're not getting paid any less and they know damn well why you haven't gotten around to the table yet.
    Side note: I blue screened while writing this post.

  • @carnage said in WTF Bites:



  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    you're not there to write an app

    God damned right. I make systems, not apps. 🏆

  • Considered Harmful

    @carnage Same principle though. You're not getting paid any less for rewriting it as a monolith and as a bonus you've already got the feature set so it's probably easier than doing new things.

  • @pie_flavor said in WTF Bites:

    @carnage Same principle though. You're not getting paid any less for rewriting it as a monolith and as a bonus you've already got the feature set so it's probably easier than doing new things.

    Yeah, as a consultant I don't really care how the company deems it best to waste buckets money as long as I get paid. I do however point out the folly of their actions but if they persist, who am I to argue? I'm not on that particular project though, so I care even less.
    Doing stupid stuff for stupid reasons kills the joy of programming though.

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